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British soldiers marching up hill and soldier patrolling on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem.

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“One of the most important battles of all modern times was fought around the Holy City. The Turkish Commander of Palestine and Syria sent word down from Damascus that the Holy City was to be defended to the last man! The Turks had spent three years blasting trenches out of the solid rock in these hills around the Holy City, and they thought that their positions were so strong that it would be impossible for Allenby, with all the Allied Armies, to ever drive them out. The strongest point they held was one of these hills called Neby Samwil, three miles from Jerusalem where the Prophet Samuel was buried. General Bulfin sent his infantry against this hill. They were the men form the counties of England and from India of the 74th & 75th Divisions. They charged at it many times after a great battle drove the Turks off the summit. But the Turks made many counter attacks and recaptured it, and in the place of the 74th & 75th was taken by the Lowlanders, and their place finally taken by the Londoners.”

-Lowell Thomas
“With Allenby in Palestine” (1919)

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