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“…(Lawrence) had revived their enthusiasm, and by tact, eloquence and personal daring had united these wild tribesmen and built up an irregular army, and made himself virtual ruler of the desert. Every single one of these men regarded himself as a general so you can imagine what kind of a time Lawrence had in Arabia. He gave each man in his army from 50 to 100 rounds of ammunition every day, and they always shot it off whether they were fighting or not. When these men would go into battle they would simply take off their headdress, wrap it about their waists and charge in bald-headed with Lawrence leading them. He was shot six times during the campaign but never serious enough to keep him out of action, and these Bedouin regarded him as a sort of supernatural being — someone sent down from Heaven to free them from the Turks.”

-Lowell Thomas
“With Lawrence in Arabia” (1919)

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