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Group photos of Marist Brothers-Final Profession 1950



Brothers making final profession in Summer 1950 at Tyngsboro MA. Thirty day retreats were conducted only every three years. This group made their thirty day retreat in Summer 1949.

front row l-to-r: Bros Peter Maurice (Peter Renaud), Lawrence Michael (Jean-Paul Leclair), Kieran Matthew (Eugene Connolly), Retreat Master, Bro Thomas Austin (O'Donnell), Provincial; Bro Ignatius Anthony (John Nevin), Andrew Benedict (Francis White), Alphonse Louis (Aimé Dubois)

middle row: Bros Clement Patrick (John McTiernan), Bernard Aloysius (Bernard Garrett), Robert Frederick (Robert LaFleur), Thomas Aquinas (Gerard Gelinas), Donald Martin ( Francis Thompson), Robert Baptist (Robert Goetze)

back row: Bros John Francis (John Colbert), Roch Anthony ( Anthony Rotunno), Edward Francis (Edward Vollmer), Henry Felix (Henri Boucher), Reginald Theodore (Robert LaFlamme), Raymond Arthur (Raymond Hamel) , Adolph Leo (Adolph LaBonté)


David Kammer discovered this photo on the Marist Rome Web site.

Date Created

Summer 1950

