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Emma C Larson to Julian Burroughs correspondence January 14 1915



Dear Mr. Burroughs,

My devotion seems truly touching writing you this way every day. First I want to encourage you with the thought that we will have an early Spring. you may be able to lay the stone sooner than you think. The chimney seems all right to us. Again you must use your own judgment. The size of the building pitch of roof etc etc must be left to you. I think the grey green malt tiles for wainscoting will be the most attractive. Will the fact remains and still is that you will have to do in everything about the dock house as you think best. We can not help you because we do not know anything about architecture. You got Irma's house very nice and very good looking so no doubt you will get this even better.

Please Mr Burroughs do get the ice in. If we should have to buy ice all next Summer it would not be a joke. And you know you are the Superintendent and you will have to make the men and Mr. Conner realize it some day. Now don't you think it was wrong of you to let him take the two carpenters etc last year without saying a word to you. Please do assert yourself. And do not let him have the men and teams when you need them more. If he is not pleased tell him to appeal to the Colonel. In February there should be ice and I hope there may be. But whenever it comes take the law in your own hands and get it in. The weather here is fair and we are all well and happy. My best regards and wishes to you and yours.

Always faithfully

Emma Larson


Emma C Larson

Date Created

14 January 1915

