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Bingham to Charles Osberg



Dear Osberg:

I have learned this morning of Mr. Weaver's death. It comes as a great shock to me although I had anticipated its happening for sometime as his condition last Fall when I saw 11feb1927him was, to say the least, dangerous.

I know you have been doing all the work for some time and hope you will continue to live there and do the necessary things in your line. Because of the increased responsibility which you are assuming and in consideration of the fine work you are doing, I am taking great pleasure in increasing your salary to $125.00 a month, with the assurance that if everything goes along as it has in the past, I will again increase it to the salary Mr. Weaver has been getting on January 1st next.

Very truly yours,

(signed) Harry Payne Bingham

Date Created

11 February 1927