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Bingham to Charles Osberg



Dear Osberg,

I did not answer your first letter as there was nothing definite to say and there isn't now.

As you know I have for years been trying to sell West Park without success. Because of the heavy taxes, and bad business I am now trying really hard to get rid of it and undoubtedly will in the next few months find someone to take.

If an individual buys it probably he would give you a job on the place. If a ??? gets it, it is more than likely that they would not keep you on. You will hear more as anything develops.

In the meantime you better keep looking around in case the worst happens. You may rest assured that I will not turn you loose without giving you some help for the immediate future.

I would advise against your trying in N.Y. for a job. Conditions there are almost hopeless. I will send you a recommendation as soon as I return to N.Y. area next ???

Harry Payne Bingham

Date Created

21 October 1932