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Bingham to Charles Osberg



Mr. Charles Osberg
Ulster County
New York

Dear Osberg:

You will have heard by this time that I have given West Park to the Episcopal Church. This has become necessary for me to do due to the depression and the heavy taxes. I have written the people to ask them when it will be necessary for you to vacate your house and will let you know as soon as I hear but I do not think it will be before May. I have told them that it would be foolish of them not to keep you for quite sometime as you are thoroughly familiar with all the electrical and mechanical details of the place. They are inclined to agree with me so that I think probably they will keep you for sometime - certainly until Mrs. Osberg has again regained her strength.

In your last letter you spoke of the possibility of your
coming to New York to try to find a job there. I should think this would be inadvisable as there is probably no place in the country at the present time where there is so much unemployment in all trades.

I will give you to take with you all of your furniture and whatever tools, etc., you can use, which are not screwed down. I will continue your present salary for a year from March 1st inclusive. At the expiration of that period we will discuss this matter again.

I am more than sorry that conditions have made it necessary for me to get rid of the place and sincerely hope that you can relocate yourself happily.

Very truly yours,

(signed) Harry Payne Bingham

Date Created

7 February 1933