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The Don Eckert Photos
The Don Eckert Photos
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Donald Eckert spent his first 3 years of high school at Marist
High in Bayonne NJ where Brother Leo Sylvius was Principal.
Then he spent his senior year of high school at Esopus,
graduating in June 1959. Brother Stephen Urban was the
Master. He was in the first class of Novices who lived in the
mansion (before that it was a home for retired brothers.) and
went to classes at Marian College in Poughkeepsie. In fact, he
drove the school bus. He left the novitiate that winter.
"I have always cherished my time at Esopus and am grateful
for the excellent education that the good brothers gave me.
So I was elated to discover the Marist Brothers - Esopus web
site where I must have spent more than an hour looking
through the photo galleries and reading the text. They
brought back so many fond memories.
"I took many pictures while at Esopus and I wonder if you
might be interested in adding any pictures to the Esopus web
site. My pictures include: the graduating class of 1959, the
basketball team, buildings, grounds, events, students, and
some of the brothers. I also have some printed programs for
some events. Please let me know if any of these would be of
value to the site."

Don has sent about 90 photos to Rich Foy for consideration for
inclusion in the Esopus web site, now located at

but eventually to be placed on the Marist College web site in
the archive section.
Many of the photos are of interest because they depict the
property as it was in 1958-1959. Others are of more local

The Don Eckert Photos
interest to readers who are Marist Brothers or were students
in Esopus during that period.
It makes little sense to post photos of individuals unless we
can identify them. So I am asking readers to look at the
pictures and help me with names. Please look at the photos.
If you can help with names, then contact me at
Richard Foy
24 Prestwick Court
Poughkeepsie NY 12603-4936
845 454 1923
If you have photos you think might be of interest, I would
appreciate receiving them. I usually scan the photo and
return the print to the donor. In Don's case, he scanned them
and sent only the jpegs. Less work for me, and more security
for him — he knew the photos wouldn't get lost in the mail.
Other correspondents bring their prints to Staples or Wal-Mart
or Office Depot and make copies, then send the copies to me.

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Revised opening page 24 February 2013.
Still to be recoded: the seven pages of photos... but they are visible now, just in a clunkier