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the Mary and Brother Russell gallery page 1.xml


Part of Brother Cornelius Russell: Gallery Page 1


photos added after March 11
the Mary and Brother Russell gallery
click on any picture to see enlargement
John was born the son of Joseph and Genevieve Russell in the Bronx on 29
February 1920. Since his parents could save on birthday candles, cakes and gifts,
they decided to have two other children, Genevieve in 1923, and Mary four years
later. The family lived on Ryer Avenue in the Bronx in 1930.
John entered the United States Army at the beginning of World War II, and
saw service in the European theater, mostly in North Africa, where his unit checked
the weather and reported to the Air Force using codes from a manual. The soldiers
off duty had lots of time on their hands, and they engaged in a continuous bridge
game. As a result, John became a crackerjack bridge player, a pastime he pursued
his entire life. There was always controversy whether Jimmy Dixon or John Russell
was the better bridge player; it was the Brothers' version of who's greater, Mickey
Mantle or Willie Mays. A secondary pastime was guessing the weather, and John
was skilled at reading future weather from knowledge of the winds and cloud
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◄◄== Brother James
Kearney listens to one
of Mary's great

◄◄== The twenty-
one year old in a
pensive mood.
Brother Russell with
two long-time
friends: Brother
Joseph J.R. Bélanger
and Brother Donald
Kelly. All three taught
or are teaching at
Marist College ==►►

◄◄== Mary Russell is
the angel who
organized this party.
◄◄== Two of the
younger guests at the

photos added after March 11
Mary speaking to
Brother James
Kearney, with Brother
Russell hidden
between them.
Brothers Adams and
Sacino at end of
table. ==►►
The Russells in a
pleasant moment.

◄◄== The crowd
singing happy
birthday before the
cake is cut.
◄◄== Brother
Russell blowing out
the candles. he
managed to
extinguish twenty, but
needed a second
breath for the twenty-

photos added after March 11
The guest of honor
greets visitors from
his position at the
head table ==►►

Brothers James
Adams, Joseph Sacino
and Donald Kelly sat
at the other end of
the "head" table

most recent revision 1 March 2004
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