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Brother Cornelius Russell: Gallery Page 3


Part of Brother Cornelius Russell: Gallery Page 3


photos added after March 11
the Mary and Brother Russell gallery
click on any picture to see enlargement
About 1960, an opening occurred on the Marist College faculty. Richard Foy,
then President, asked the Provincial to send John, who was teaching at the high
school in Augusta, Georgia. Brother came to Marist and stayed there for the
remainder of his teaching career. Foy guessed that Russell would relate very well to
evening school students, who themselves were older than typical college students,
and who had to combine work, family and academics. Foy also was starting majors
in business administration and accounting.
A major thrust at Marist College is to place students into working internships
with businesses outside the college grounds. Recognizing Brother's unique
diplomatic skills, Jack Kelly, Chairman of the division, asked him to teach less
courses and supervise the interns, visiting their places of work, and handling any
problems or misunderstandings which might have arisen between the employer and
student. He did this for the last decade at Marist.
After retiring from the College, Brother Russell moved into Marist Brothers
retirement community in Florida. But he was a New York City boy; he returned to
the East Village several years ago, where he lives at the Cabrini Center on 5th
Street, close to where his sister Mary lives on 14th Street. (Genevieve died in
In October 2003, Brother Russell was named a Heritage Professor at Marist
College in recognition of his long service to the college and its students.
You can reach Brother C J Russell at 542 East Fifth Street, New York NY 10009
or phone him at 646 654 0537
go to Russell Gallery page


◄◄== Brother
Cornelius John
Russell, Heritage
Professor of Business
and Accounting at
Marist College.

◄◄== Louise Kelly,
wife of John Kelly,
long-time head of the
Business Division at
Marist College.
Brother Joseph J. R.
Bélanger, Heritage
professor emeritus of
French at Marist
College. ==►►
Jack and Louise Kelly,
who came from south
Jersey to attend the
party. Jack and
Brother Russell
worked together for
many years at
Marist. Jack is
Heritage Professor of
Business and
Economics at Marist

photos added after March 11
◄◄== Mary and John
Russell in a quiet
moment during the
party. Mary organized
the entire affair.

◄◄== Brother Donald
Kelly (far right) teaches
math at Marist College in
Poughkeepsie NY

Brother James Adams is
the Provincial Liason with
Retired Brothers ==►►

◄◄== This building
along 23rd Street is a
good example of the
architecture in vogue
during the late 19th and
early 20th century

The tower of the Met
Life Building marks
the spot where Mary
and Genevieve spent
so many of their
working years ==►►
It's impossible to pass
by the flatiron
building without
trying to capture it on
film ==►►

◄◄== A blind woman
works with her
German Shepherd on
the sidewalk along
23rd Street
◄◄== Blame the
photos on Richard Foy,
who is just getting used
to his Christmas present
of a digital camera.
If you can supply info,
especially names for
picture captions, please
send it to him at

photos added after March 11
717 Washington Ave
Chappaqua NY 10514
914 238 8001
Thank you …

most recent revision 2 March 2004
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