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Marist Brothers in Esopus: Mighty Aphrodite


Part of Marist Brothers in Esopus: Mighty Aphrodite


Oliver Hazard Payn'e West Park Legacy apohrodite by donna stuart.htm
Mighty Aphrodite
The world's most luxurious private yacht— christened on the Kennebec—
was called into service during World War I, and never returned to her
former glory.
by Donna Stuart
site under construction April 2009
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This is a reprint of an article published in Portland Magazine in 2008. Donna Stuart,
the researcher and author, and Colin Sargent, editor of Portland Magazine, have
both graciously given permission to reprint the article. The text is the same and
published in the magazine, but I have substituted available photos for the montages
featured in the magazine.
View further information about Portland Maine in website,

Steam Yacht Aphrodite
during peacetime
USS Aphrodite on patrol duty
during World War I
It was two o'clock on a cold winter afternoon, the first of December
1898, when Miss Vivie Scott smashed the bottle of champagne against the
motor yacht's stem. "I christen you Aphrodite," she said, watching the ship
her father was to captain slip into the frigid waters of the Kennebec River.
The yacht's name caused a stir among those who were watching that day at
Bath Iron Works: Why would a 59-year old reclusive bachelor, one of the
partners in Standard Oil, name his new motor yacht after the Greek goddess
of love?
And why had he kept the name a secret until the launch? Was it a
reflection of Colonel Oliver Hazzard Payne’s intense desire for privacy? Or
was it simply the expression of his love for the open water and sailing, a love
that began during his boyhood and grew during vacations in Connecticut and
crew races at Yale?
It didn't matter. The secret of her name was out, and the 300-foot
Aphrodite, the largest steam yacht that had ever been built in the US, was
acclaimed as a "sea palace”. Designing her had been a challenge for Charles
Ridgely Hanscom, BIW's Superintendent of Hulls, who had to combine a
powerful steel hull — -which would make her capable of cruising the world —

Oliver Hazard Payn'e West Park Legacy apohrodite by donna stuart.htm
with the elegant lines and speed of a sailing ship. The February 1898 edition
of Marine Engineering proclaimed, "The yacht is a graceful, hand some
'shippy' boat. Though a powerful vessel, she has not that heavy appearance
which seems to be characteristic of many modern full-powered steam
It would be up to McKim, Mead, and White's Stanford White, one of the
country's foremost — and later infamous — architects (he was portrayed by
Norman Mailer in Ragtime), to design the luxurious interior appointments,
including the suite of three staterooms for Payne and four for his guests.
There were no large reception rooms on Aphrodite; instead, there was
an expansive deck with more than six feet between the rail and the
deckhouse, providing a clear view from bow to stern, though this resulted in
reduced space for the steel deckhouse and the mahogany-paneled quarters
There was, however, an extra large dining saloon in the forward part of
the deck house, enabling Payne and his guests to dine amid magnificent sea
Aphrodite's launch was breathlessly covered in The New York Times,
which continued to chronicle her travels for more than a decade — from her
arrival in New York on March 29, 1899, when she "steamed up the North
River and anchored off Forty-second Street" to her annual trips to Europe
and the Mediterranean.
The snowy-hulled yacht became a frequent sight further up the river at
West Park, where Colonel Payne had an 8oo-acre country estate with nearly
a mile of riverfront.
Elizabeth Burroughs-Kelly, daughter of the estate's manager, Julian
Burroughs, was just eleven when, in August 1914, she was invited for the
first time to go on a cruise on the Aphrodite to Newport.
"I had my own stateroom with a bed — not a bunk — and my own
bathroom with salt water ,as well as hot and cold," she later said when
dictating her memoirs. "At Newport, there were other yachts in the harbor,
but the Aphrodite was the largest of them all. It was the 'Queen of the
Yachts,' and when we were out in the launch we could see how she towered
above them all. She had graceful lines with that clipper bow on which there
was a figurehead of the goddess for whom she was named.”
Julian Burroughs recalled quite a different cruise. "It had been a custom
for the Colonel to take all the people on the place for a day's pic nic on the
Aphrodite. We would go off down the river and there were sandwiches and
drinks for everyone, a privilege that, I'm sorry to say, was outrageously
abused, so much that some of the Italian quarry men drank so much beer
that they got sick and tracked up the fine rugs and carpets. After that there
were no more outings for the workmen."
The Burroughs family did enjoy many more
cruises aboard Aphrodite. During a 1916 cruise to
Newport, Elizabeth's sister saw "the Colonel's own
dining room, which had walls of carved teakwood. On
the table were pink roses, linen, crystal, and the
Aphrodite's own Minton China. Two stewards in white
coats were standing ready to serve a meal. When
Elizabeth asked, "What is the Colonel going to have to eat?" the steward
replied, "Cream of Wheat" — modest dining for a man of such extraordinary

Oliver Hazard Payn'e West Park Legacy apohrodite by donna stuart.htm
means that he was able to give more than $8 million to Cornell University
during his lifetime.
By 1917, with failing health, Payne decided to join other American
millionaires who were lending their yachts to the US Navy for the war effort.
Stripped of her luxurious interiors, her hull painted gunmetal gray, Aphrodite
was fitted for service as a seagoing patrol boat at Brooklyn Navy Yard. While
Payne had sailed her with a crew of between 55 and 60, she would now carry
a crew of 128 officers and men, along with four 3-inch rapid firers, two
machine guns, a Y-gun, and a large number of depth charges. No longer a
wealthy man’s most prized possession, she was the USS Aphrodite, a United
States man-of-war.
On June 14, 1917, USS Aphrodite sailed from New York Harbor. Payne
would not live to see her return; on June 27, one day before the convoy
reached France, he died, leaving an estate that The New YorkTimes
estimated at $90 million. Three thousand miles away, Aphrodite and the
other yachts w'ere assigned to patrol and convoy duty on the Bay of Biscay;
they were the first units of the yacht squadrons that became known as the
Suicide Fleet
Aprodite and her crew served gallantly, led by Captain Frederick C.
Billard, later Rear Admiral and Commandant of the U.s. Coast Guard. When
Billard was awarded the Navy Cross, his citation read, "for distinguished
service in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the USS
Aphrodite, engaged in the important, exacting, and hazardous duty of
transporting and escorting troops and supplies through waters infested with
enemy submarines and mines."
A few days after the Armistice, with Billard at the
helm, Aphrodite left Brest, first for England, then for
Germany. Repaired after sustaining significant
damage from an enemy mine when passing by the
German island fortress of Helgoland, she was the first
American ship to pass through the Kiel Canal, the 61-
mile-Iong canal that links the North Sea at
Brunsbűttel to the Baltic Sea at Kiel-Holtenau.
In 1919, Aphrodite steamed home to her new owner, Colonel Oliver
Payne's favorite nephew, Payne Whitney, who'd received the bulk of his
uncle's estate. When the battle-scarred ship reached Brooklyn, she was
decommissioned and her fighting equipment removed. Her buff-colored
smokestack was painted with two gold chevrons — indicating her overseas
service for her country — and on her bridge, a tablet was installed that
contained a brief summation of her wartime activities. Sadly, she couldn't be
returned to her original glory; the interior finishings so carefully removed
two years earlier had been destroyed when the Long Island warehouse in
which they'd been stored burned.
In 1928, following the death of Payne Whitney Aphrodite was sold to a
Greek firm that used her for inter-island transport in the eastern
Mediterranean. A draftsman who'd worked on her in 1899 captured the only
known picture of Aphrodite after her purchase; it shows her war—won
chevrons still her smokestack. It's believed that she was still in service in the
1930s, but then she disappeared, an ignominious end for the glorious Maine-
built ship once hailed as "America's most beautiful yacht." Mighty Aphrodite
sailed through life as a party boat, a warship, and at last sighting, a
transport for hire. If you see her, tell her we love her and ask her to write

Oliver Hazard Payn'e West Park Legacy apohrodite by donna stuart.htm
Click here
for more photos and information about the Aphrodite.

most recent revision: 4 April 2009. Still under construction
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