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Marist College Land History: Evolution of the Poughkeepsie Property


Part of Marist College Land History: Evolution of the Poughkeepsie Property


college evolution

Evolution of the Poughkeepsie property from a
Marist Brothers' provincial house
to a four year college
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Preliminary history of the Marist Brothers
Saint Marcellin Champagnat (1789 - 1840)
Brothers come to Canada and the United States. (1885 - 1886)
Viewing the outside controls in the Brothers' lives.
Logical concepts for the Poughkeepsie campus
Move to junior college status (1920 - 1930)
Chaotic planning period (1938 - 1943)
Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine (1943 - 1958)
Linus Richard Foy (1958 - 1979)
Preliminary history of the Marist Brothers
The Marist Brothers were founded in 1817 in southern
France, an area which had been neglected since before the
French Revolution. In particular the educational system was

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almost nonexistent for rural areas. Elementary education
was not mandatory for French boys and girls until 1870.
Saint Marcellin Champagnat (1789 - 1840)
Father (now Saint) Marcellin Champagnat was among a
group of priests who attended the seminary at Lyons and
determined to band together for mutual support, even
though they would be assigned to different parishes in the
Lyons diocese. Later they organized and referred to
themselves as Marists, in honor of Mary the mother of
Jesus. Since Champagnat was reared in rural area, he was
assigned to Lavalla, a small parish on the hills southwest of
the city of Lyons. A determining moment in his life was when
he was asked to give the last rites of the Church to a sixteen
year old boy who had never heard of God. Champagnat
pleaded with the Marist group to institute educational
programs; their response was that they were already
overburdened with routine parish duties. His fellow priests
suggested that if he considered education to be so
important, he ought to found a teaching group himself.
Champagnat was a delayed student, which he discovered
when he was placed in classes with city boys five or six
years younger than himself. All his life he carried high
esteem for education for all, believing that without some
education, growth in spiritual and religious life would be
stunted or non-existent. So he founded the Brothers himself
on January 2, 1817.
The number of Brothers grew quickly; they taught in schools
established in cooperation with local parishes or local civic
officials. There were no standards or credentials required for
teaching. During the long summers from Pentecost until the
end of the harvest season (about September 29, the feast of

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Saint Michael) the students were needed on the farms.
During that time the young brothers returned to the main
house where they studied the subjects they were expected
to teach, including religion.
By 1870 elementary education became compulsory. Soon
the state instituted standards for teachers. For three
decades only the school principal was required to hold a
teaching certificate, called a brevet.
see note one
principal in turn could certify the teaching competency of
those in his/her school. By the turn of the century the state
had insisted that every teacher have the brevet. It also
insisted that religious may not wear the religious habit in
any school sponsored by a civic entity. It was part of the
uneasy relationship between the church and state. Rather
than agree to these conditions, there was an exodus of
religious teachers to other countries, beginning in the mid
1880s and reaching its height after 1903.
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Brothers come to Canada and the United States. (1885 - 1886)
The Brothers came to the United States and taught in
Lewiston ME in 1986, one year after their arrival in Canada,
where the authorities saw a neat convergence for Brothers
from a rural area in France to teach in the elementary
schools throughout rural, French-speaking Canada. (For
background, see Brother
Leonard Voegtle
's book on the
history of the Canadian and United States provinces.
note two
) The Brothers settled in New York City in 1892 to
teach in the French oriented St. Jean Baptiste parish
elementary school which extended from the first through
sixth grades. Soon they were asked to open a boarding
school which accepted seventh and eighth grade pupils. This
was termed an academy. Meanwhile Brothers from the

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Canadian province came south through Maine and New
England, especially to service French-speaking immigrants
drawn from Canada to working in the mills of Massachusetts.
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Viewing the outside controls in the Brothers' lives.
While the Brothers were members of a religious institute,
there were two patterns influencing their activity, one
religious, the other civil.
The religious overlay was set by the Canon Law of the
Catholic Church which applied to all religious institutes. This
required that to join the Brothers a candidate must spend
spend a full year in religious study (called the Novitiate)
before official acceptance to the institute.
see note three
The candidate would not be allowed to make vows
(promises) before the age of seventeen, and final vows
before the age of 21.
The civil overlay was set by the authority supervising the
school system. This authority might specify the rules for
operating a school; a key rule might be the requirements for
a person to teach at the given academic level. Early in the
twentieth century, this requirement was satisfied by taking
and passing several examinations, which resulted in a
teaching certificate. Eventually this requirement evolved to
a minimum of a bachelor's degree with an additional core of
courses in teaching.
Since the supervising authority in Canada was different than
that in the United States, the Brothers had to pattern their
preparation for teaching on the requirements of the
educational authority in that region or state.

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Logical concepts for the Poughkeepsie campus.
In the descriptions which follow, it is useful to think of four
logical functions on the Poughkeepsie campus:
Provincial house. This was the original use of the campus.
It included provincial administration, working brothers, the
infirmary, and eventually the Brothers' cemetery. Located in
the MacPherson house on the property north of the water
works road, the provincial house included a large chapel and
dining facilities. Logically it concerned itself with recruiting
and training candidates for the Marist Brothers.
see note four
Scholasticate. This was set up post novitiate studies.
Originally in the scholasticate the Brothers prepared for
taking exams that qualified them to receive teaching
certificates. In addition Brothers arriving from France or
Canada took lessons in English there. By 1930 studies at the
scholasticate included college level courses. What was called
Marist Training School and eventually evolved to a bachelor's
degree college program.
Novitiate. The two year period of religious training prior to
taking temporary or permanent vows. For many years the
Novitiate was located in the Bech house at the southern end
of the campus.
Juniorate. This was a high school for young men who might
be interested in becoming Marist Brothers. In the early
years, most Brothers taught in elementary schools. This left
a gap between when youngsters were taught by the
Brothers and when they were old enough to enter the
Novitiate. To fill this gap, the Brothers established a
secondary school, known as a juniorate, which admitted only

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young men who might be interested in becoming
see note five
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Move to junior college status (1920 - 1930)
By the beginning of the 1920 decade, the need for
certification was changing. Fewer Brothers were coming to
the United States from France or Canada, so the need to
concentrate on speaking English was reduced. Meanwhile,
the trend in the United States was towards teacher
colleges that focused on teaching methods rather than
academic content.
see note six
For Brothers, the road to a bachelor's degree was long. He
would teach and take courses part time. To achieve a
bachelors degree might take eight or ten years of part time
study -- all while teaching full time.
Arrangements were made with Fordham University to
provide courses in Poughkeepsie which would be credited
towards a degree at Fordham. This was formalized with the
approval of Marist Training School by charter from the
Regents of the State of New York. The scholasticate then
moved to a full two years of study; agreement with
Fordham facilitated transfer of these credits towards a
bachelor degree. Usually the Brother would teach in a New
York City school while taking the courses at Fordham.
Completion of the customary final two years of study would
stretch out to four or five years and summers.
see note seven
The leader in this move towards a two year college was
spearheaded by the Provincial, Brother Legotianus (family
name Leo Brouillet), a brilliant self-taught person who
developed expertise in electricity and radio. Earlier he had

college evolution
spearheaded the development of hydroelectric power using a
dam on the stream flowing from the Winslow property. When
his term ceased as Provincial, he taught mathematics and
physics in secondary schools, including the future Marist
Preparatory in Esopus NY.
The Leo Dorm is named in his honor for his foresight to
establish a two year college in 1930.
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Chaotic planning period (1938 - 1943)
By 1938 three factors predominated the planning and
activity at the Poughkeepsie campus. 1) The Marist superiors
in Europe were insistent that something be done to remove
the residents from the Provincial House (MacPherson
mansion) and Novitiate (Bech house), both wooden houses
which the superiors, accustomed to stone houses considered
firetraps; 2) The combined properties were considered too
crowded to accommodate the functions cited in a previous
and 3) there was growing dissatisfaction with the
system of two years college at Poughkeepsie and a long
period of part time course work at Fordham, where not all
desired courses were given at times convenient to those
teaching full time.
Recently the Marist College archives received a set of
blueprints dated January 30, 1939 for a proposed provincial
house to be located in the central campus near the current
Greystone building.
see note eight
This led me to a review
of the minutes of the Provincial Council of the Marist
Brothers, that show a dizzying array of possibilities and
plans for the scholasticate.

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The first mentioned option (in 1938) was to transfer the
scholasticate to the Washington DC area, close to Catholic
see note nine
The possibility of a move of college
level studies to Washington DC was mentioned again in
At the same time Brothers in the United States petitioned
the Central Administration for permission to construct a new
provincial house, citing as one reason for acting then was
the health of the Superior General who visited in 1927 and
on several occasions encouraged the local authorities to
replace the old wooden building serving as a Provincial
House; it had been the MacPherson mansion.
see note ten
The novices and postulants were overcrowded in the
Novitiate (located in the former Bech house). This was
alleviated by construction of a small bungalow near the
Novitiate called St. Mary's. Later it saw use as a dormitory
for lay students, housing for a small group of brothers of
another order (the Lammenais Brothers) who eventually
transferred to Walsh College in Ohio, but St. Mary's is most
remembered for housing brothers who returned to
Poughkeepsie to work on the projects during the
see note eleven
On November 11, 1941 a cablegram from the General
Administration in Europe notified the Brothers in the United
States that permission to go on with the construction of a
new Provincial House is postponed until more opportune
times. The Second World War had been raging in Europe for
two years; it was less than a month before the United States
entered the war with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The
Provincial Council took stock of local current conditions and
devised a plan of action at its meeting of January 31,
see note twelve
The next two meetings of the
Provincial Council related to plans drawn up by the Brother

college evolution
Provincial. The majority opinion of the members was
dissatisfaction with the prospect of building new wooden
buildings or adding to existing wooden
see note thirteen
In February 1942, a real estate agent in Poughkeepsie
alerted the Brothers that the former Raymond Riordan
School in Ulster County (on North Chokidee Road, off route
299) was available.

see note fourteen
Several members of
the Provincial Council besides the Brother Provincial visited
the property and quickly decided to apply to the diocese for
permission to purchase the property, using the Provincial
House construction fund if need be to effect the purchase.
By secret vote, the Council was unanimously in favor of
purchasing the property. A second secret vote of the Marist
Brothers Corporation was taken (consisting of the same
individuals) and the vote was also unanimous. Brother
Provincial announced that he would apply immediately to the
General Administration, seeking the necessary permission
and stating that it was our intention to move the the
present St. Ann's Juniorate to this new location.
Shortly after these meetings, Brother Provincial met with
Bishop McIntyre and another person associated with the
archdiocese to visit the Riordan property. The archdiocesan
representatives asked him to visit another property
seventeen miles west of Kingston which had come into the
archdiocese possession. The three acknowledged that that
property would not suit the Brothers' needs. They then
visited the Riordan School. Bishop McIntyre was not
impressed, citing the run down condition of the buildings
and their all wood construction, but he indicted he would
present the Brothers' request to the next diocesan meeting.
There was some delay in learning the results of this

college evolution
Meanwhile, Monsignor Connolly, Pastor of St. Peter's Church
in Poughkeepsie suggested that they look at the Payne
estate in Esopus.
see note fifteen
All who viewed the
property were enthusiastic, as the buildings were fireproof
and of stone.
Things moved quickly after the Provincial Council meeting of
June 5, 1942. The Diocese gave its approval. The deed
transferring the Esopus property to the Marist Brothers was
signed August 1, 1942 and recorded in the Ulster County
records August 21, 1942. The Episcopal Diocese may have
given the Brothers the right of prior entry, as some Brothers
remembered working there during the month of July. My
brother Peter Joseph Foy and I arrived at Marist Preparatory
on September 23, 1942 as juniors
With the departure of the Juniors for their new home in
Esopus, it was thought advisable that transformations be
made in their old dormitories to accommodate the
scholastics. This freed up the residential area in the wooden
building next to the Greystone building for academic use
(save for the lower floor which was the laundry for the
Poughkeepsie and Esopus groups).
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Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine (1943 - 1958)
Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine, having completed his
masters degree in English at Catholic University (he
previously earned a Library Science degree at Villanova) was
assigned to Poughkeepsie as the master of scholastics.
The thrust towards a bachelor degree granting college in the
scholasticate was noted in the minutes of the provincial
Council dated October 2, 1943:

college evolution
#8 It has long been the wish and the desire that we have a full four year
college course for our young Brothers in the scholasticate where we would issue
our own bachelor degrees. Bro. Provincial suggests that we start working on this
However, the location of such a college was not yet definite.
At the council meeting held November 1943, Brother Paul
Ambrose was given permission to seek affiliation with the
Catholic University of America. Brother Emile Nestor, the
supervisor of Marist schools, worried that progress in this
direction might entail heavy financial obligation. however,
he is not averse to allow Brother Paul to proceed with his
plan because we shall learn definitely just how we stand
scholastically with an institution of the type of the Catholic
University of America.
The application process went through Doctor Roy Deferrari,
Secretary of the University. Originally religious institutes
were encouraged to locate close to Catholic University, but
the thinking evolved to encourage religious institutes to
establish bachelor level colleges locally and send future
teachers at these colleges to Catholic University for graduate
work at the masters and doctoral level. Dr. Deferrari was a
strong supporter of this policy and assisted many religious
congregations to establish their own college. Mount Saint
Mary of Newburgh NY was one of these, and as we shall see
so was Marian/Marist. After his visit to the college he sent
his report to Brother Assistant General, which led to an
extended discussion of future direction at the council
meeting of April 3, 1944. Again the question of location
arose, and several council members favored moving the
scholasticate to the Tyngsboro MA location. Brother
Assistant opposed this as is evident in the minutes of that
see note sixteen
With location settled, Brother Paul Ambrose set about
seeking approval from the Board of Regents of the State of

college evolution
New York. He succeeded in obtaining a temporary charter in
1946 that stated the purpose of Marian College "the
education of Brothers on the college level". It was usual for
a temporary charter to last five years. In the Marian College
situation, a permanent charter was obtained in only four.
But this charter stated its purpose "education on the college
level". Even at this early state Brother Paul Ambrose
Fontaine had the vision of a far more comprehensive level.
Brother Paul spearheaded a program to build more
permanent buildings, beginning with the red brick
gymnasium which was later transformed to a dormitory. But
his notable construction projects were the Seat of Wisdom
Chapel (1953), the student brothers study hall and dining
facilities (1956), the student brothers dormitory (1957), a
small Adrian Lounge serving as a campus center for the first
lay students to enroll at Marian College, and began
construction of Donnelly Hall, a major academic building.
He secured the approval of the Brothers' Provincial Council
to accept lay students (he did not need approval of the
Board of Regents since he had secured it at the time of the
permanent charter. He established a lay advisory board
comprised of community leaders of several faiths, one of
whom later became a Trustee and benefactor and advisor to
Marian/Marist presidents and headed the McCann
Foundation. He was John J Gartland Jr.
In Fall 1958 Brother was elected an Assistant General for the
Marist Brothers Congregation. But he had also been in
discussion with officials at IBM who were interested in
having its employees in Kingston and Poughkeepsie obtain
access to college courses oriented to their employment.
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Linus Richard Foy (1958 - 1979)

college evolution
While still a Marist Brother, Linus Richard Foy was named
President of Marian College in November 1958 at age 28. He
had been teaching secondary school at St. Ann's Academy
and Cardinal Hayes High School, both in New York City. He
used the first few months to communicate with other
presidents, many of whom were most gracious to lend
advice to a tyro.
But he faced immediate problems and made influential
decisions which cast a permanent characteristic on the
fledging college.
≥ An evening division opened in Fall 1959, oriented towards
IBM but accepting any qualified male students.
≥ Brother Paul's vision was a college of 600 lay students, all
commuters. Officials at Marian convinced Foy that an
entering class of 150 commuter students each year was not
feasible. A resident class of a dozen students was recruited
for Fall 1959 with residence at the Kings Court Hotel. When
that proved dissatisfying to both college and hotel, they
moved on campus to St. Mary's Dormitory, then to
temporary rooms in Donnelly Hall, while the college secured
HHFA funding for Sheahan Hall, Leo Hall, and then NYS
Dormitory Authority funding for the Champagnat complex
≥ Establishment of athletic programs, first of which was
collegiate crew. Funds were raised for the Martin boathouse.
≥ Transfer of ownership of the buildings and land from the
Marist Brothers Corporation to a separate education
corporation: Marist College. This was done in two stages,
the first in 1961 and the last in 1969.
≥ Creation of a broader based Board of Trustees (1964)
which might still include Brothers but by 1968 was

college evolution
composed of a majority of lay Trustees, male and female.
≥ Establishment of master degree programs
≥ Admission of women to evening and quickly all day
programs in 1967
By the time Foy left the presidency in 1979 the student body
numbered 2000.
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Note 1 In the French educational system, brevet meant a letter of
authorization to teach. Brevet is derived from the french bref or letter. The
brevet was usually awarded upon successful completion of several
examinations. In military jargon, brevet is a temporary increase in rank
without an increase of salary. Oliver Hazard Payne was a brevet Brigadier
General which meant he could use the title General; in practice he chose to
retain his regular rank of Colonel.
Note 2 Brother Leonard A. Voegtle, Go to the Land I Will Show You, The
Marist Brothers in the United States. New York, © The Marist Press, 1995
Note 3 Canon Law also requires a time prior to Novitiate of six months
called postulantcy. The Brothers' practice was to require two years
Novitiate, the first year being postulancy and the second year the official
Novitiate year. This paralleled the rhythm of the school year.
Note 4 When Brothers' apostolate extends into another country, efforts are
made to recruit candidates from that country. The Brothers in the United
States experienced little success in this respect because teen age
candidates were sent into French speaking Canada near the city of Quebec
for their secondary school and novitiate. The authorities recognized that it
was imperative to establish a recruiting and training system which served
the United States separately. Since Brothers coming to Canada often landed
at New York City first, a natural location for a central house would be along
the Hudson River, with the railroad stretching from New York City to
Note 5 The juniorate was called Saint Ann's Hermitage, and included a final
year at the Novitiate during the Postulant year. The first three years were
organized separately. The division servicing young men from families who
spoke French in the home was set up in Tyngsboro MA; the division

college evolution
servicing young men from English speaking families was set up at
Note 6 In the first four decades of the twentieth century, it was normal for
those preparing to be teachers to attend teachers colleges sometimes
called normal schools. The teachers colleges closest t Poughkeepsie were
at New Paltz and Albany. the state had established over two dozen such
colleges with principal mission training of elementary and secondary school
During Nelson Rockefeller's time as Governor, New York State decided to
institute a public higher education system modeled on that of California. In
California two institutions were considered academically superior, UCLA in
Los Angeles and University of California in Berkeley. Admission to these
institutions was highly competitive. The second range of colleges allowed
graduates of community colleges to enroll for bachelor degrees. Any high
school graduate had the right to attend a community college.
For geographic and political reasons, New York selected four institutions to
be considered top rank: Albany in the city of Albany, Stoney Brook on Long
Island, Binghamton on the southern tier, and Buffalo at the west. To match
the regular university model of California quickly, the state converted the
teacher colleges to regular liberal arts institutions, and built many others to
distribute them geographically. New Paltz was such a teacher college which
converted to liberal arts in the early 1960's. Every county had the right to
establish a two year community college, funded partially by the state,
partially by the county, and partially by modest tuition fees. Dutchess
Community College was established in the late 1950s.
Note 7 There were exceptional routes to teaching than the stereotype
route described here. A good example would be my Foy family. Of the
nine siblings who emigrated from Ireland from 1900 ff, none acquired
bachelors degrees. Their children did not receive degrees until the GI Bill
after World War II provided the opportunity. But one member of the family,
Mary Foy Mullin, a widow with three children was the exception. Her oldest
daughter, Josephine Mullin (1902 - 2002) graduated from a teachers
college at age 19 and taught for many years in the New York City school
system. Later she spent two years in Pakistan teaching teachers how to
teach reading. The second daughter, Margaret Mullin (1910 -2001)
attended Hunter College, which then was very competitive, graduating with
teaching certificate and bachelors degree again at age 19. She was not
hired because the authorities told her that holders of bachelors degrees
must be 21 years old. She spent a year at Columbia University earning a
masters degree in mathematics. then reapplied to teach; she pointed out
that the age restriction applied only to bachelor degrees. So at age 20 she
began teaching at Walton High School in the Bronx. The youngest
daughter, Mary Frances (1912--1992) worked her way towards a doctorate

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at Bryn Mawr on scholarship. She married before completing her thesis
and did not teach. Instead she raised six children. Her husband George
Gillen had a law degree and a doctorate in history and taught at a high
school for boys in the Bronx NY until his retirement.
Note 8 The blueprints were from designs by architects James W. O'Connor
and James F. Delany with offices at 162 East 37th Street in New York
City. (This is only one block away from the residence of Brothers who
taught at Saint Agnes High School - 156 East 38th Street.) A Brother who
was stationed in Esopus but whose name is not recorded, found the
blueprints among designs related to the Esopus property; he realized they
were designed for the Poughkeepsie property and gave them to the Marist
College Archives in Fall 2012.
Note 9 Excerpt of minutes of the Provincial Council meeting held April 2,
1938 page 104 & 105 Item #3. Another report to Grugliasco (ed note the
Central Headquarters of the Brothers near Turin, Italy) Requests permission
for the transfer of our scholasticate to Sandy Point, Maryland, eighteen
miles from the Catholic University in Washington DC on a 100 acre piece of
land with very substantial buildings which could take care of some 100
students with little or no alterations. The price asked is $10,000, but we
could rent the place for two years with option to buy after that time.
Meeting held August 23, 1939 page 133 There is offered for sale at a
distance of about a mile from the Catholic University in Washington D.C. a
property belonging to the Sisters & Servants of Mary of Omaha, Nebraska;
a 17 acre property, comprising a 10 room building with private chapel. The
property is situated partly in Maryland and partly in the Federal District.
Note 10 Excerpt of minutes of the Provincial Council meeting held
September 30, 1939 page 134 & 135 item #3 If Rev. Brother Assistant
General's reaction to the idea is favorable, we shall petition the General
Administration for permission now to build our Provincial House when the
following conditions are filled: a) The Chapel Fund reaches $100,000 b)
one-third of the caisse commune reaches at least $20,000 c) We are
allowed to keep all of our caisse commune for five years beginning when b)
is fulfilled. Permission to build for $250,000 up to $300,000 if cash allows
it. This would be a cash proposition, pay as you go project. There would
be no borrowing.
The motive that prompts us to obtain such a permission now is the fact that
our Very Rev. Bro. Superior General is perfectly aware of our situation,
having been here in 1927, and has often manifested the wish that we
replace without delay our flimsy wooden houses serving the purpose of a
provincial house by a fireproof structure The Very Reverend is getting old,
and in case of an early demise we would miss a powerful advocate to carry
our plans through.

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Excerpt of minutes of the Provincial Council meeting held November 25,
1939 page 136 #2 After having received a favorable opinion from both
the Very Rev. Bro Superior General, and Rev. Bro. Assistant General, we
decide to petition the General Counsel for permission to keep the 1/3 of the
common fund for the year 1939-1940, and start work on the proposed
Provincial House in a small way.
Excerpt of minutes of the Provincial Council meeting held May 11,
1940 page 140 #3. Through the influence of Mr. O'Connell of New York
City it was stated that we could secure a compressor to be used on the
location where the new Provincial House is to be erected. The cost, about
$400, is considered as a great possible saving during the excavation work
This compressor was still in use when the Brothers built the red gymnasium
close to Greystone (now the Marian Dormitory) in 1947-1951.
Note 11 Excerpt of minutes of the Provincial Council meeting of August 24,
1941 page 13 Item #2 What began as an informal discussion about
providing dormitory space for the novitiate developed into a definite
program as follows.
a) To build a dormitory with a basement approximately 60 ft x 30ft,
this dormitory to be built of wood and well insulated. A small furnace in the
basement would take care of the radiators to be installed.
b) The cost, estimated to be around $5,000, will be borne by the
Provincial House, and in case of a deficit at the end of the year the matter
is to be adjusted by the Provincial Council.
This building was constructed adjacent to the Novitiate in the former Bech
house and was named St. Mary's Dormitory. The Council minutes of June
5, 1942 indicate the final price of the building:
#6 In the Provincial Council meeting of August 24, 1941, it was decided
to build an extension to our Novitiate in order to accommodate the increase
in applications. The estimated cost of $5,000 was to be borne by the
Community at the Hermitage. if unable to do this their deficit was to be
covered by the Province. Brother Provincial Econome will be requested to
reimburse Brother Ernest, Treasurer, with $4393.56 to cover the deficit
entailed by this project
Note 12 Meeting held January 31, 1942 page 22 & 23 Item #1 the
increase in size of the various communities residing at the Mother House in
Poughkeepsie, necessitates immediate transformation of the Chapel in
order to accommodate all our young men in training. In addition the
sleeping quarters of the scholasticate must be enlarged to care for the
increased number of Scholastics ... The present set-up of living in
different buildings scattered throughout the property has outlived its
temporary usefulness. It has been the intention of Brother Provincial to
discuss these problems with Reverend Brother Assistant previous to the
latter's departure for Canada. However, the sudden death of Brother

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Assistant leaves the situation unsolved. The following, therefore, has been
unanimously agreed upon:
a) Enlarge the present seating capacity of the Chapel by proper
b) Build an extension to the Scholasticate dormitory arranging for
gymnasium facilities at the same time
c) Raze the actual bungalows, retaining material that may be of use in
the new construction.
d) Brother Provincial will draw up plans of possible alterations in the
Chapel; also sketches of the extension to be added to the scholasticate.
These will be discussed and gone over with Brother Director General and
Master of Novices who happen to be on place to offer advice.
e) Brother Provincial and his advisers will decide whether of not it is
desirable to secure the services of outside help, or at least a capable
Note 13 Meeting of February 21, 1942 pages 24 to 27 Item #1 Bro.
Provincial sent to each councilor for personal study a detailed copy of plans
for the construction of an addition to the present scholasticate building.
This procedure had been agreed upon at our last meeting. Accompanying
these sketches for the extension of the scholasticate sleeping quarters was
a tentative estimate of the cost of the project, including a low figure on
labor. It was understood that it would be necessary to secure outside
labor. Roughly, the expense would amount to $45,000. Incidentally this
figure does not include the cost of alterations necessary to enlarge the
seating capacity of the Chapel.
General consensus of opinion leaned to the side that the undertaking was
not worth the amount of money involved. It would be just a continuation
of the building policy in Poughkeepsie, of erecting structures of light
destructible material and let the future look after itself. It seems
exasperating that for the past twenty-five years we have been forced to a
"hammer and nail" process of building to accommodate the growing needs
of St. Ann's Hermitage. The Council is unanimous in opinion that we give
serious consideration to moving one of our training groups from the
Hermitage thus easing the congestion of the present living quarters.
Note 14 Raymond Riordan School described in the Council minutes of 21
February 1942.
Raymond Riordan School, on the west shore of the Hudson River across
from Poughkeepsie at a distance of seven miles from the Hermitage.
Within its boundaries is a lake three-quarters of a mile long and half a mile
wide. Situated not far from the lake is the main building, substantial in
construction and containing: reception rooms, living rooms that could be
made available for dormitory purposes, classrooms or private living rooms.
Close to the shore of the lake is a very spacious gymnasium approximately

college evolution
one hundred and forty five feet, adjoining which is another large hall about
half the size of the gymnasium. Scattered within a radius of one hundred
feet of the main building are ten to twelve well built and well equipped
cottages. Stored away in a small boathouse are ten rowboats and eight
canoes, all in good condition. The asking price for the above property is
$55,000, of which $29,000 consists of a mortgage on the property.
Note 15 Meeting of Friday June 5, 1942 page 37 & 38 Bro. Provincial Bro.
Henry Charles, Bro. Louis Omer and Brother Anicetus visited the Whitney-
Payne estate on the west shore of the Hudson river about five miles north
of Highland. Mr. Reynolds, an agent in close connection with the Chancery
Office, informed Brother Provincial that the property was for sale and the
deeds held by the Board of Trustees of the Episcopal Diocese of New York
Satisfied with the location and the arrangements in the buildings, Brother
Provincial decided to have the two other councilors inspect the place.
Brother Joseph Damian and Brother Linus William in company with the
Provincial, Director General, Brother Andrew Treasurer of Mt. St. Michael,
and Mr. Hanley, a building inspector for the City of New York, visited the
place. A very thorough investigation revealed that the buildings are in
good condition. All are fireproof, being of stone construction. The roof of
the main building is built of Spanish red tile, while those of the other
buildings are finished in flat slate. The grounds are very spacious. Though
not properly kept at present, they have not at all been neglected. All those
who visited the location are of the opinion that in it are the most
substantial buildings we've come across so far, and quite in keeping with
our needs. The members of the Council are unanimous in favor of
acquiring the property with the restriction the purchase be kept around the
$50,000 mark.

Note 16 Excerpts of minutes of meeting of Provincial Council held
Thursday, April 13, 1944 page 90
#1 through a detailed report submitted by Bro. Paul Ambrose about a
month previous to this meeting, every member present had been fully
informed of the problem we faced.
The pivotal point of the whole discussion seemed to revolve around the
problem of location for the scholasticate. It was felt by the members of the
Council that location in Poughkeepsie was not suitable for the following
1. accommodations offered by the buildings were entirely inadequate for a
four year college course.
2. a four year scholasticate in Poughkeepsie would mean keeping our
young men in training at this place for a period of six years.
3. rigidity of New York State Education Department in granting charters to

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small colleges
4. The possibility of moving to Massachusetts gives a feeling of assurance
that a college charter could easily be obtained in that state.
Brother Assistant quickly took up the issue of location. He could not, he
said, give his approval to the plan of the Provincial Council to move the
Scholasticate to Tyngsboro, Mass. for the following reasons:
1. It has been the experience of the higher superiors and the expressed
with of his predecessors to try to maintain two Juniorates in order to
furnish necessary candidates for the Novitiate.
2. the appointments of the Juniorate building at Tyngsboro were to his
mind very unsatisfactory to lodge eighty men and inadequate to set up a
library, laboratories, lecture rooms. etc.
He strongly urged that we keep to the original plan to erect a Provincial
House in Poughkeepsie.

Most recent revision and spell check July 21, 2013