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Prayers and Work: That Notre Dame Spirit


Part of Prayers and Work: That Notre Dame Spirit


That Notre Dame Spirit
All of the schools even had the same colors. There was a strong spiritual tie of sincere Christian spirit that
assured success. The Brothers lived frugally and were thoroughly dedicated. The schools competed against one
another, and no matter what happened to one, it affected all the others because of the close Marist spirit that
Much of the Marist College spirit had also prevailed. Bro. Renato Crux, who had trained at Marist, left a deep
impression on all of the Marist Filipinos, student alumni, and parents. It was always a pleasure to visit there and
to live that spirit. I shall ever be grateful for the honorary degree granted to me by our college at Marbel. One of
the first Filipino Provincials had trained at Marist as had a number of others and were as at home there as they
had been at home with us here. It was not so much that some were Filipino and others American; all were
Champagnat Marists. And in the little cemetery in Cotabato they all lay side by side awaiting the last call of the
Lord to “come, great and simple friends, and enter into the joy of your Lord.†That was the last call for
Renato recently, as it will be for the present Brother Ted as Provincial. How can one ever forget the long car
rides to go to visit one house after the other, to arrive tired, maybe, but very much at home? Also to find family
who were concerned for one's health, and who desired to help other members of the same family the globe over.
The Champagnat spirit has never worn off. It is still alive, the same concern for the poor that will, in time, move
mountains. These Jubilee heroes, Little Brothers of Mary; Champagnat’s heroes, making his convictions and
his predictions a reality!