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Part of Prayers and Work: Last Survey-Pakistan


We were asked by the Church in the early ’60s to start this mission. It was a great sacrifice to ask this of a
very small Province, but it proved to be the right move, and Sri Lanka has become a center for the training of all
Pakistani young candidates as well as the first young candidates of India. Our success in Pakistan stems from the
death of Brother Bernard, the Spanish Brother who had come as a missionary to Sri Lanka and was asked to go
to help out in Pakistan. He had a strong influence on the people who all loved him. We had now started with our
school for the poor of Peshawar, for that is what our Founder would have done. We have a school in Peshawar
and later opened in Sargodah another school for the poor children of the country.
What has enabled us to succeed and to get vocations in both places was our sincere dedication to the training of
youth for which we provided a youth hostel. The hostel became a center for vocations as well and graduated one
of the highest-ranking Catholics in the country who is in charge of Caritas, the organization of the Church to
help out the poor. The young candidates who come out of Pakistan go to train first in Sri Lanka and then go for
their college work at our Asian Center for the training of young candidates.