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Part of The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: The Origins of the Marist Brothers


Chapter I - The Origin of the Marist Brothers
The founder of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools was born on May 20, 1789, at Le Rosey, a
hamlet in the township of Marlhes in southeastern France. On the following day he was baptized Marcellin
Joseph Benedict Champagnat at the parish church of Marlhes. His biographer, jean Baptistse relates a series of
incidents which marked him as an child of destiny.
She (his mother) was fully confirmed in this presentiment (of future sanctity) by a sign which she looked upon
as supernatural. Several times, as the child lay in the cradle, she saw a bright flame, hovering round his head,
diffuse itself about the apartment . . . she felt that Heaven, in its mercy, had designs upon her child, to be made
known in its own good time, and that it was her duty to correspond with its intentions to the best of her power,
by bringing him up in more than ordinary virtue and piety.(1.)
The training which young Marcellin received at home instilled in him a noble sense of justice, of piety and of
charity. His mother and his aunt, a nun in hiding, were his childhood teachers. They prepared him for his first
communion, which he received at the age of eleven. The ceremony was performed in secrecy since the priest
was in hiding from the French government.
His formal education began in 1804 at the age of fifteen. The revolution had disrupted the educational system of
the times, so that it was only after Napoleon I became ruler of France that Mercellin Champagnat was able to
make use of the educational opportunities that were then made available.(2.) In 1803 Napoleon's uncle, Cardinal
Fesch, was appointed archbishop of Lyons. This prelate directed his clergy to seek out young men for the
priesthood, in order to fill the depleted ranks of the clergy. Young Mercellin Champagnat was one of these who
was thus approached.
Father Courbon, a professor at the diocesan seminary, was the instrument God used to introduce this destined
young man to the call of the ministry. On a visit to the Champagnat family at LeRosey he told Marcellin: "My
child, you must study Latin and become a priest, . . . it is God's will." (3.) This significant mandate pleased the
shy Marcellin, but his parents, with the best of intentions, tried to deter him because of his limited learning and
of his disinclination to study. To their objections he replied: "My resolution is taken, I can now think of nothing
but study." (4.) Secretly admiring his determination, they allowed him to follow the priest's suggestion.
This determination was a characteristic which spelled success in the life of Marcellin Champagnat. He traveled
to nearby Saint Sauveur to study Latin under his brother-in-law, Mr. Arnaud, the schoolmaster there. Although
he did not succeed too well, he nonetheless entered the minor seminary at Verrieres the following year. At first
his deficiencies cause him great hardship. But with consistent effort he reached the standard demanded by the
seminary authorities, and was even advanced to higher classes, where he distinguished himself in the Latin
studies.(5.) Recognizing his qualities of leadership, his superiors appointed him prefect, a position which he
filled with efficiency.
During this period of his life, young Marcellin strengthened his habits of piety and order, which later helped him
to organize a congregation of men. A year before he was transferred to the mayor seminary at Lyons, he became
acquainted with two new seminarians who were to become close associates in the ministry, and who helped him
implement his future ideas. These were Jean Claude Colin, co-founder with Blessed Champagnat of the Society
of Mary, and Jean Marie Vianney, the Cure D'Ars and Patron of Parish priests.(6.)
On November 1, 1813 these three seminarians entered the Grand Seminaire of Lyons, where they studied for
three years. They were serious students, who during recreations often spoke of establishing a congregation of
priests dedicated to their ideal, the Blessed Virgin. In 1816 Jean Colin, Marcellin Champagnat and others
presented their views and future plans to their superior, Father Challeton. This holy priest approved their ideas,
and brought them to the famed Marian shrine of Lyons, Notre Dame de Fourvieres, where they dedicated
themselves to the purpose of founding the Society of Mary. Later this superior, who became Vicar General of
Lyons, joined the Society of Mary.(7.)

One recommendation that Marcellin Champagnat often propounded to his fellow seminarians was the inclusion
of teaching brothers in the Society of Mary. But they were adverse to this proposition. In fact one of them told
him: "Eh bien, chargez vous des freres, c'est vous qui en avez eu l'idee." These words he kept in mind.
On July 22, 1816 Marcellin Champagnat was ordained by Bishop Dubourg, Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana.
The Bishop was the representative of Cardinal Fesch. The young priest returned to Notre Dame de Fourvieres, a
few days later, to consecrate his life and ministry to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Father Champagnat was twenty-six when he was named curate in the parish of LaYalle, a hamlet situated on the
slope of Mont Pilat in the Loire, where he was to serve as assistant to Father Rebaud. The pariah included two
thousand souls, most of whom lacked any formal education and who were scattered in the mountainous area. As
the newly ordained priest studied the situation, he became determined to do his utmost to teach these people the
fundamentals of the Faith, and so to change their ways. His ingenuity in preaching soon effected results. The
children became well instructed in the catechism, and their parents guided back to the Faith. In an unpublished
dissertation on Blessed Champagnat, Brother Albert Hamel stated:
Father Champagnat had been in the parish only a short time, when it was entirely reformed. Faith was revived;
the sacraments were frequented; devotions were attended; family prayers were again recited; in fact, a complete
transformation took place. The work started in the pulpit, and was completed in the confessional.(8.)