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Brother Zephiriny. 1907-1909.xml


Part of The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Brother Zephiriny, 1907-1909


Brother Zephiriny. 1907-1909
Brother Zephiriny's administration like those of his two predecessors, covered a two year period (1901-1909)
during which he carried out the established policies of expansion and professional advancement.(31.) An early
pioneer in New York City, this talented and energetic man highlighted his administration by his interest in that
Brother Zephiriny was born Rene' Martin on July 1 , 1861 at Lyons France. He entered the Institute at Notre
Dame de 1'Hermitage Novitiate in 1876. Five years later he was assigned to teach at the school at St. Etienne
(1881-1888) and at the brothers' Normal School at St. Chamond (1881-1891) in France. In 1891 Brother
Zephiriny was chosen to found the first Marist school in New York City. In preparation for this assignment he
was sent to London to study English. The following year he was on his way to New York City to establish the
community at St. Jean Baptiste School, and to become soon after the founder of St. Ann's Academy.(32.)
In 1904 he left St. Ann's Academy for a new assignment at Iberville, where he directed a school from 1905 until
his appointment as provincial two years later. It was at this time that he was commissioned to locate a suitable
site for an American house of studies which became known as St. Ann's Hermitage in Poughkeepsie, New York.
As head of the Marist Brothers in North Americas Brother Zephiriny stressed the importance of expanding in the
New York area. In Poughkeepsie, for instance he arranged the purchase of the Beck property, adjacent to the
juniorate property, in order to establish an American novitiate. This was in 1908, the year when the first
candidates entered what became known as St. min's Hermitage Novitiate. In spite of a serious shortage of
manpower, he sent three brothers to St. Peter's Grammar School in Poughkeepsie. His interest in Marist
expansion in the United States also led to the acquisition of permanent site for Camp St. Ann's (St. Ann's
Academy summer camp) at Isle LaMotte, Vermont on Lake Champlain.
In order to improve the teachers training program Brother Zephiriny divided the Commission of Studies into two
groups. Brother Joseph Emeric was appointed director of studies for the New York area and supervisor of
schools. For the Canadian area Brother Pierre Gonzales held similar positions. The work dome by both
organizers proved invaluable for Brothers seeking accreditation from the various state agencies.(34.)
At the end of Brother Zephiriny's two year administrations he returned to New York States where he edited the
"American Catholic Hymnal at the Poughkeepsie novitiate. In 1911 he was assigned to sub-master of this
Novitiate. He served in that capacity for some years with the exception of 1913 when the Superior General
delegated him to make the canonical visitation of the South African Marist communities. In 1920 he became
master of novices a position he held until his health gave way three years later. Until his sudden death on
December 299 1927 he lived in semi-retirement at St. Ann's Hermitage.