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The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: The Reorganization Period, 1911-1931


Part of The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Chapter 3 The Reorganization Period, 1911-1931


Chapter III - The Reorganization Period, 1911-1031
During these twenty years, 1911-1931 the United States Province experienced important changes in its schools,
its houses of studies and as well as in its geographical features. There were four Provincials who succeeded in
their program to consolidate the young Province. For this purpose a second academy in New York City said a
New England Juniorate were established. Another important feature of this reorganization period was a better
program of professional training. To that end funds were voted to purchase the necessary equipment for the
library and laboratories in Poughkeepsie, to renovate and expand the training houses, and to establish a
recognized junior college in Poughkeepsie.
Furthermore two small New York and five Canadian communities were closed in favor of more promising
schools, training centers and seven high school departments. Moreover, at the end of this period, every Marist
faculty had its separate community residence.(1.)
Numerically, the period showed an increase of sixty-three brothers even though a similar number of brothers
were lost to the Province through deaths, transfers to French and Canadian provinces, and through a number of
One major project that did not materialize was the building of a provincial house in Poughkeepsie, New York. In
1913 and again in 1917 other needs caused the allocations of funds for that purpose to other projects.
This period also saw an increase in the transfer of local and provincial administrative posts from the missionary
French and other European brothers to the first generation of American brothers.
A significant event which altered the course of history in the United States Province was the economic
depression which followed the crash of the stock market in 1929.