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The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Chapter 5 The Expansion Period, 1953-Present


Part of The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Chapter 5 The Expansion Period, 1953-Present


Chapter V - The Expansion Period, 1953-
For the past seven and one half years the development and growth of the Province continued to be characterized
by an increase of brothers and schools. This increase therefore enabled new schools to be opened in New York,
New Jersey, Texas, Florida and in the mission areas of the Philippine Islands and Japan. Because the government
of such a large group of brothers became difficult for one man, provincial visitors were appointed to assist the
Provincial. Finally in 1959 the General Council of the Institute divided the United States Province into two
autonomous provinces. Since that time two Provincials generally have confined the development of their
respective province to geographical areas: in New York and New England for the Poughkeepsie Province; and
New York, New Jersey and the South for the Esopus Province.
This expansion period occurred at a time when the majority of the schools, whether provincial, diocesan or
parochial, underwent remodeling, construction changes, and expansion of facilities. In spite of the increase of
personnel during this period, it became necessary in some schools to hire a number of lay teachers, or to
withdraw the brothers from schools such as Marmion Military Academy in Aurora, Illinois.
Significant progress was also made in the mission territories during this period. In 1953 there were three high
schools, conducted by fourteen brothers in the Philippines; today there are twenty-nine professed brothers in six
high schools, three colleges, and a novitiate. The original mission schools have been replaced by sturdier
buildings constructed by the brothers during their summers and leisure time. On September 12, 1960 this
mission territory was given its autonomy as a Marist district. In addition a second Marist mission territory was
added in 1957 to the Province of the United States. A small English speaking high school in Kobe, Japan was
assigned to this province by the General Council. That year the first group of three American missionaries left
for Japan. A second school was under study at Kumamoto since 1959 and was opened two years later.
Since the division of the United States Province in 1959 the mission territories have been administered
separately by each of the two new provinces, the Philippines mission by the Esopus Marists until September
1960, and the Japanese mission by the Poughkeepsie brothers.
Other missions received brothers during these years. In 1954 two brothers travelled to South Africa to teach in
schools in the Province of South Africa. In 1960 Brother Paul Ambrose, Assistant General for the American and
Chinese Provinces, convinced the American Provincials of the extreme need for help in the Far East. In answer
to his appeal four American brothers have left. for Hong Kong and Sarawak, respectively.(1.)
During the expansion period the professional advancement of the brothers was furthered by the inauguration of
the Marist Educational Conferences in 1955. The stimulus which these conferences has added to the brothers'
professional growth has been evident in the number of projects undertaken in programming; in the addition of
more degreed men to the faculties, and in the number of grants and honorary degrees awarded to the brothers.
Other noteworthy events occurring in this period include the dedication of several school buildings, special
observance of the Marian year, and above all the beatification of the Founder of the Institute on May 29, 1955.
Finally the convocation of the Fifteenth General Chapter of the Institute in 1958 brought important changes in
the regular observance which modernized customs and rules, and in the personnel of the General Council at the
Mother House.