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The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Chapter 6 Footnotes


Part of The Historical Growth and Development of the Marist Brothers in the United States: Chapter 6 Footnote


Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 29 (Oct. 1938), p. 9. St. Ann's Academy House Annals.
Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
Loc. cit.
The High School Regents Charter from the University of the State of New York was obtained in 1913.
Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 33 (Nov. 1942), p. 85.
St. Ann's Academy Account Books.
At the request of Cardinal Spellman, students from this Academy were chosen to constitute the St.
Patrick's Cathedral Choir from 1948 until 1957.
Archbishop MOlloy High School HOuse Annals.
J. Jehin de Prume, Les Canadiens-Francais a New York, p. 16.
10. St. Ann's Academy House Annals.
11. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 28 (May 1938), p. 6.
12. Ibid., p. 9.
13. Loc. cit.
14. Supervisor of Marist Schools Archives.
15. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
16. Mount Saint Michael House Annals.
17. Loc. cit.
18. Loc. cit.
19. Mount St. Michael Brochure, 1960.
20. Of this number two hundred are resident students.
21. Language labs were installed during the summer of 1961 for use during the 1961-62 scholastic year.
22. Mount St. Michael House Annals.
23. St. Helena High School House Annals.
24. Loc. cit.
After a visit of His Eminence Cardinal Spellman in 1950 a Cardinal Hayes High School annex was opened
in the present Boys' Department.
26. Loc. cit.
27. Loc. cit.
28. Marist High School House Annals.
29. See p.
30. Loc. cit.
31. Loc. cit.
32. Loc. cit.
33. Marist College Archives.
34. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 28 (March 1938), p. 6.
35. See Appendix C., p.
36. Marist College Archives.
37. Marist Provincialate Archives.
38. Marist Provincial House Annals.
39. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
40. Marist College House Annals.

41. In 1961 this building along with the original scholasticate buildings were named Lelievre Hall. This was
done to honor the former Provincial, Brother Paul Stratonic, who directed the first moves to erect a four
year college.
42. Marist College Archives.
Brother Nilus Vincent was presented the Miami Window Fenestration award for his work in the study-hall-
dining room building. This structure along with the dormitory and chapel buildings were named Fontaine
Hall in 1961. This was to honor the director of the expansion program at the College, Rev. Brother Paul
44. "College Prepares Another First," Maristella, Vol. 1. (Dec. 1960), p. 1.
45. Loc. cit.
46. Marist College Archives.
47. Marist College House Annals.
48. The College became a member of the National Catholic Educational Association at this time.
49. Loc. cit.
50. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961. Marist College Archives.
51. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961. Marist Preparatory House Annals.
52. See Appendix C.
53. Marist Preparatory House Annals.
54. Loc, cit.
Several Esopus Province Juniors were also sent along to study at the Poughkeepsie Province Juniorate
(Marist Hall) in September 1960.
56. Marist Provincialate House Annals.
57. Loc. cit.
58. Loc. cit.
59. Our Lady of Lourdes High School House Annals
60. Loc. cit.
61. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 35 (Dec. 1944), p. 122.
62. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
63. In 1952 the town took over the camp. Since that time the brothers have been employed by the town.
64. Marist College Archives.
65. In honor of the much revered late Brother Nicholas Mary, Supervisor of Marist Schools, 1956-1957.
66. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
67. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 49. (Nov. 1959), p. 3.
68. Loc. cit.
69. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 30 (December 1939), p. 6.
70. The enrollment varied from 200 t 400 during these years.
71. Ibid., p. 11
Brother Nicholas Mary, the first director of the Augusta Boys' Catholic died one week before he was due
to represent the Provincial at the dedication ceremonies.
73. The school was built from bricks from Fort Brownsville of the Mexican War fame.
74. Brother Angelus Gabriel, The History of the Christian Brothers. 1845-1945, p. 218.
75. St. Joseph Academy House Annals.
76. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 51 (Jan. 1959), pp. 76-79.
77. Marist Provincialate Archives.
78. Marist High School Archives.
79. "New Gymnasium, Construction," The Log, Vol. 2 (Jan. 1960), p.1.

80. Report made by Brother Benedict Henry on July 14, 1961.
81. "New Boys' High School in N. Dade," The Voice, (Miami, Florida), June 30, 1961.
82. "Cuban Exiles Study," The Register, (Denver, Colorado), July 13, 1961, p. 2.
83. Champagnat Hall House Annals.
84. Marist College Archives.
85. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 28 (April 1938), p.6.
86. Loc. cit.
87. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 30 (Jan. 1940), p. 7.
88. Loc. cit.
89. In 1892 the enrollment added to 718 boys, in 1929, 500, then in 1949, 260.
90. Ibid., Vol. 32 (Oct. 1941), p. 9.
91. Ibid., Vol. 32 (Jan. 1942), p. 9.
92. Ibid., p. 10.
93. Report made on January 2, 1961; St. Joseph H.S., Lowell.
94. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 31 (Oct. 1940), p. 13.
95. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
In 1936 six brothers were withdrawn from St. Anne's. In 1948 two others were assigned elsewhere leaving
a faculty of four brothers for the next two years.
97. Bulletin of Studies, Vol 31 (March 1941), p. 7.
98. The Central Catholic H.S. Men's Club and Women's Club have replaced them.
99. This brother has been assigned here since the beginning.
The new wooden structure was built under the supervision of Brother Paul Acyndinus from nearby
In 1960 two students were sent to France to continue their high school studies. The exchange program for
students will soon include (1962) two other students to study in Mexio.
102. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 32 (March 1942), p. 6.
103. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961
104. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 32 (April 1942), p. 10.
105. Ibid., p. 11.
106. St. Joseph Novitiate House Annals.
107. Loc. cit.
The Juniorate was blessed on October 24, 1924 by Rev. Father A. Rabel, S.M., Provincial of the Marist
Fathers: Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 32 (April 1942), p. 10.
109. Marist Provincialate Archives.
110. At the end of the canonical year forty-seven postulants were received as novices.
111. Bulletin of Studies, op. cit., Vol. 33 (Jan. 1943), p. 164.
112. The rental of one hundred dollars was paid to the local Catholic and Protestant Churches of Auburn.
113. Off the majestic Late Ossipee.
Bishop Matthew Brandy of Manchester dedicated is edifice in the summer of 1958. The two chaplains
who had been part of the faculty since the beginning, Father Edward Kovachs (now of New York) and
Father J. Deno, assisted.
115. Bulletin of Studies, Vol 29 (Jan. 1939), p. 10.
116. B. J. Colliers and Sons, Corp., Colliers World Atlas and Gazatteer, p. 67
117. Report made by Brother Henry Charles, member of the first community (1910-1913), July 23, 1960.
118. Centennial Book of the Marist Brothers, 1817-1917, Book I. p. 105.

119. Provincial Council Deliberations, 1911-1961.
120. Bulletin of Studies, Vol 29 (March, 1939), pp. 6-7.
121. Ibid., Vol. 51 (Nov. 1960), p.5.
122. Consultors: Brothers Louis Omer, Maurus James, Henry Joseph, Herman Edwin, Bursar, Denis Coleman.
123. Marist Provincialate Archives.
Thirty-six converts have been credited to the work of the brothers. In addition twenty-nine seminarians
and twenty-one Marists are a product of this apostolate.
Ten of these units are earned in military training or in physical training. The meets mentioned consists of a
sports program and of cultural activities such as music and forensics. The crowds these activities draw
help to spread the Faith and to influence lapsed Catholics into returned to their obligations.
126. "Mission News," Newsletter, Marist Brothers, Vol. 1 (Nov. 1959), p. 2.
127. Program: Dedication of Notre Dame of Dadiangas, Nov. 27, 1959.
128. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 51 (Nov. 1960), p. 101.
129. Loc. cit.
130. Bulletin of Studies, Vol. 50 (June 1960), p. 53.
131. Marist Provincialata Archives: Roman indult no, 18471/59.
Unfortunately a fire which swept one-third of the city, ruined the school in October 1960. A
redevelopment program is presently under way to ready the school for May 1961.
The Columban Fathers donated the land and a sum of money to the Marist Brothers in order to build the
projected high school.
134. "Kumamoto Mission," Newsletter, Vol. 1 (Jan. 1960), p.3.
135. Bulletin de L'institut, Vol. 22 (Dec 1959), p. 83.