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History of the Marist Scholasticate: Homepage


Part of History of the Marist Scholasticate: Homepage


Introduction to Scholastics Data Summary
History of the Marist Scholasticate
at what is now called Marist College
1909 - 1963
A project undertaken by Brother Joseph J. R. Belanger
based on previous work by Brother Leonard Voegtle
and Adrian Perreault
The Essay gives a chronological list of Brothers
who held responsible positions in the Province,
as well as a list of young men who took the Religious Habit each year.
The listing by religious and family names allows the reader to
search for individual names by using the ctrl-F instruction.

Chronology 1909 - 1963
Centenary Lecture 2 March 2005

Names by religous name and by family name
most recent edition : 25 May 2007