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Marists All: Issue #70 November 2002


Part of Marists All: Issue #70 November 2002


Newsletter # 70
ISSUE # 70
November 2002
from VINCE POISELLA, EDITOR: I am so very much impressed - but not
surprised - by the vast network of those touched by the Marist Spirit, especially
by those who shared a segment of time in their youth -- at Esopus, Poughkeepsie,
or Tyngsboro. The more than five hundred names appearing on our mailing list
certainly include the canonical Marist Brothers who so admirably carry on the
work begun by Champagnat. But the influence engendered by the loose
relationship among the former Marists truly exists -- and has grown: from the
earliest annual reunion picnics at Mount St. Michael to the more recent Marist
Family Institute of Spirituality weekends held each July at Marist College. Add
to those expressions of Marist Spirit, the new Marist Heritage Project, the
Marist Family Laity movement, the linking of web sites in cyberspace, and the
ever faithful remnant of the Poughkeepsie area GMC, and we have something
very special.
As you read through this issue, please ponder those various segments. It appears
to me that through these United States other groups may arise, by virtue of
geographical proximity or relationship by group. Reading over John Scileppi's
contribution, I imagined throughout the land small groups cropping up to meet
together, to renew old acquaintance and to share what it means to reflect that
Marist Spirit in our world today. It is possible to sort for any interested reader of
Marists All a listing with regular and e-mail addresses by State or by region or
by group. Once the listing is received, an invitation can be made for the first
gathering. New GMC groups would spring forth. Think what St. Paul had to
endure to create early Christian churches throughout the Mediterranean. Think
what Champagnat had to do to create Marist communities throughout France.
All of that without technology! Any takers? I will be pleased to arrange that you
receive the specific listing that you need. Let me know!
from JOHN SCILEPPI '68: I joined the Poughkeepsie Greater Marist
Community (GMC) in 1973 when I came to teach at Marist College. The group
had formed perhaps a year earlier, and at the time it involved only those who
worked at the college. We still meet monthly at the home of one of the members
and have a prayer service and some socializing afterward. The brothers, former
brothers and their wives each take turns in preparing the prayer service. IÕm
amazed at how consistently we have held these monthly get-togethers over the
past thirty years! Individuals have come into and out of the group; some of us
have married and have introduced our spouses to the Marist Family, and some of
the original brothers (such as myself) have left the congregation but remain
connected to the Marists through these gatherings. For me, the GMC has been a
spiritual oasis and an opportunity for continuing to keep in contact with friends I
have admired for most of my adult life: folks like Richard and Barbara LaPietra,
Mo Bibeau, Gus and Liz Nolan, Joe Belanger, Andrew and Rosemary Molloy,
Richard Rancourt, Adrian and Betty Perreault, Brian and Kay Desilets, Kevin
and Donna Carolan, to name a few.

Newsletter # 70
Over the years, some GMC members have retired and moved out of the area.
They have not been replaced by other members of the college staff. But others -
such as Ed and Valerie Towsley - have joined our group. They share our
common Marist heritage. Perhaps there are others living in the Dutchess County
area who would like to participate in our GMC. We meet the first Friday of most
months at 8 p.m. If interested, please contact me ( or
any of the folks mentioned above for information on future months' gatherings.
If you don't live in the Dutchess County area but want to start a similar GMC
'chapter', consider expressing your interest in the next Marists All and hopefully,
others in your neighborhood might share your interest. The Marist Spirit we
have all experienced may be leading us in forming this type of community.
On a different note: having resigned as head of the graduate program in
psychology at Marist, leaving the administrative work to others but still
teaching full time, I have published a book on community psychology. While
writing the book, I was thinking of ways to encourage more individuals to
become trained caregivers for the homebound elderly. As the baby-boomers age,
more and more people will need assistance in order to remain in their own
homes. I came up with an idea for a volunteer self-insurance program for
caregiving. The volunteers would be recruited, trained and placed in the homes
of individuals needing basic care such as companionship and shopping. The
volunteers could then bank the hours served to be used when they themselves
need similar help. If you are interested in learning more of this plan, and perhaps
to fine-tune it, I started a web site with a discussion forum at Feel free to add a comment there. This
could become an interesting and needed apostolic activity. (One River Road,
Hyde Park, NY 12538-1323; 845-229-6277)
from PATRICK KEILTY ('65): In the fall of 2000, before Anne and I retired
from the Howard County Schools in Maryland, we applied to the Department of
Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) to teach overseas to children of military
personnel. After a year of waiting, with nothing happening, Anne and I moved to
Florida, built a new house in Sarasota, with each of us teaching in Bradenton for
the Manatee County Schools. Looking around for a guidance position for a
couple of months, there was not much action. But on August 13, two things
happened: I was hired by Florida to work for the Department of Children and
Families as a Protective Services Counselor, and DoDDS called to offer me a job
at Bamberg High School on the Army base in Bamberg, Germany. After one day
of talking it over with Anne, she and I agreed this was an opportunity not to be
missed. I arrived in Bamberg on Friday afternoon, August 23. Having missed the
three days of meetings for teachers, I met the staff at a beer garden near the
school! I've taught here now for seven days -- two seventh grade math classes
and one Algebra I. The remainder of the day I am a guidance counselor. Our
school is small -- 300 kids in grades 7 through 12. I live on the Base in the hotel.
My car was shipped last Wednesday and my furniture and other things will be
shipped on September 12. The Government pays for the shipping, ample housing
allowance, and a very good salary. So far, I love it. The only problem is Anne
stayed in Florida. Anne had already started her school year when the call came.
We hope that within the next school year Anne will be hired by DoDDS and
we'll be together again. Anne's flying into Munich for Christmas and I'll be back
in Florida for spring break. After thirty years of wedded bliss, we are together in
our decision, although we miss each other very much. (279th BSB, Unit 27535,
General Delivery, APO, AE 09139-7535; 011-49-1609-340-0351;

Newsletter # 70
from BR. DENIS HEVER ('64): As you may know from reading the
newspapers, the baby Marist District of West Africa has been hit with a number
of difficulties. The ongoing situation in Liberia does not seem to improve. The
Esopus province withdrew from Liberia and ceded the administration of the
mission to the General Council as of last July. A new property was bought by the
West African district and a school was to be built in Bouake, Ivory Coast, where
there is intense fighting going on at this time. I had been asked to speak to the
District Council as it met in Bouake around April 10, shortly before falling sick
in Monrovia on April 21st. I do not even know if the school had officially
opened for the school year before life turned upside down in Bouake. Please
pray for our Brothers and the people there. (1241 Kennedy Blvd, Bayonne, NJ
07002; 201-437-4115)
from MARTY CURTIN ('65): My Mom, Helen Curtin, died August 27th. She
had been sick most of the summer. I think she hung on partly because she was
worried about my brother Dennis, who was in need of a kidney transplant. He
had surgery July 16th. I was the donor, and so far, so good. Both of us are doing
well. I was out of the hospital three days after the surgery, walked a couple of
miles twice a day, and have been fine since. The surgeons at Stony Brook
Medical Center had originally scheduled the surgery for July 30th. When the
surgeons reported having a conflict on the 30th (golf outing, I thought), we
chose the 16th. I had originally wanted the 30th since I had tickets for Yanks vs
Boston on the 19th. The Yanks probably missed me and lost. A couple of my
children were able to attend and learned some things about the subways of New
York. (206 N. Knight Ave. Endwell NY 13760;
from RAPHAEL MARTIN ('52): Eulogy for Dominick Cavallaro (Dominic
Thomas, '51) I have been a privileged friend of Dominick Cavallaro for fifty
years. Both of us went to Bishop Dubois High School. We were taught by the
Marist Brothers and eventually became Marists ourselves, thanks to the
recruiting abilities of tassel-swinging Br. Aidan Francis. While with the Marists,
Dom and I taught together, prayed together, laughed together, and shared deeply
personal thoughts together.
When we were teaching at Mount St. Michael back in the late '60's, I asked
Dom: "What text are you going to use for your senior religion class?" He said:
"Two - the New Testament and Bernard Haring's The Law of Love." He
continued: "If the kids leave here not knowing Christ, we're missing the boat as
religion teachers." That response touched me at a deep level. Over the years I've
come to realize that Dom was truly a person in love with the Lord. He always
spoke from the Christ-center in his heart. Those who have experienced his talk
on Antioch weekends certainly know this.
In the early '60's Dom and I had gone as Marist missionaries to Japan. What a
joy it was being in a new culture and learning nuances of a new but very difficult
language. A few years after our return from Japan, Dom and I talked about going
into the Peace Corps as Marist Brothers. We wanted to go as a Marist team to
teach in Afghanistan. About the time when the Peace Corps was ready to
confirm our choice, Dom and I were being moved in other directions. Dom had
fallen in love with Annie, the woman who was to become the joy of his heart
and the love of his life. As Dom drove me in his second-hand Mercedes to his
parents' place on Bruckner Boulevard for the best pasta in the world, all he could
talk about was his love for Annie and his thoughts of marrying her. That summer
Dom and Annie worked in the Bronx's inner city. That was the turning point in

Newsletter # 70
their lives. Marriage would be down the road a piece! On a day in June Dom and
Annie pledged fidelity to one another. I was privileged to be the best man.
Just a thought of a personal nature, offered to highlight Dom's compassionate
understanding. When we were teaching at Mount St. Michael, I was struggling
with whether or not I would stay connected with the Marist community. I felt
that I would betray a vocation if I were to leave. Not only that, I was struggling
with my identity as a gay man and had no one to talk to about this deeply
disquieting issue. I had to tell someone about what was tearing me apart. After
much deliberation I decided to share it with the person I trusted most. Dom
listened, was never judgmental, spoke so positively of God's love for me,
showed so much compassion. He embraced me and told me that whatever I was,
nothing would stand in the way of his friendship and acceptance of me. What a
loving affirmation! I felt weights dropping from my shoulders at that moment.
Dom held my trust. It was truly a graced moment and has remained so over these
many years!
A few months ago I visited Dom, Annie, and Esther, Dom's mother, after
returning from studies in Italy. Dom sensed his time was going to be shorter than
he had hoped. During my three-day visit, Dom and I drove up to a Byzantine
Catholic retreat house in New Hampshire. He told me how great a place it was,
and how he loved the times when he could be with the Lord on retreat. His
priorities were in high order! Well, Dom, you are now with the Lord making an
endless retreat. As I look back on your life lived with love and integrity, I thank
you for being among us and touching all of our lives the way you did. (1116
Running Springs #5, Walnut Creek, CA 94595; 925-287-1287)
(Dom Cavallaro died in late September after major by-pass surgery. He is
survived by his wife Annie, son Joey, his mother Esther and his sister Rosalie.
Their home has been at 171 Winchester Road, Northfield, Massachusetts 01360;
from RICHARD COUTO ('60): I am now a faculty member of the Antioch
University PhD Program in Leadership and Change. We have four intensive
residencies during the year at Antioch campuses across the country. One
residency is a week and the other three are three-day weekends. The rest of the
time I work from home. I see Ron Diss several times a week. He is very well
regarded in the K-12 education system of the state and the Appalachian portion
of Virginia. I would be grateful if you mentioned my new book, out in August,
To Give Their Gifts: Community, Health, and Democracy. In the introduction to
my last one, I mentioned Mike Kieran and by inference the gratitude I have for
the Marist Brothers of Central Catholic who influenced me for life with a love of
learning, planted seeds of confidence in me, and taught me to make communities
out of classrooms. I am neither as Marist nor Catholic as I used to be, but I
remain a firm believer in the unity of humankind and our responsibility for one
another. That goes back to the lessons I acquired about the Mystical Body of
Christ and the communion of saints, and in the classroom.
On another note, few people have influenced me so much that I can remember in
every detail our association. Dom Cavallaro was one of those people. I was
starting ninth grade in Room 28, and for first period every day, Dom bounded in
with humor and complete dedication. He remains a model for me in my
teaching. (Antioch University, 2424 Trefoil Way, Richmond, VA 23235; 804-

Newsletter # 70
from Padre William Sears ('52): As the poet said, "The tide recedes, but leaves
behind bright seashells..." Everyone who writes for Marists All brings back
such pleasant memories to me. Everything I've learned in and with the "Little
Brothers of Mary" has stood me in good stead through forty years of my
priesthood. (1745 Padre Lane, Englewood, FL 34223; 941-474-5217)
from RAY BLANCHARD ('47): Rosemarie and I spent about ten weeks
working for Habitat for Humanity in Los Cuci. We helped build four houses.
Lots of local volunteers came from the University, which has courses that
require community service. The local courts also send some people who require
community service. On some days, in fact, we carevanners {sic} -- about sixteen
in RVs -- were asked not to work so the "locals" could get their time in! I
encourage anyone to look into Habitat for Humanity and put a few hours in now
and then. No skill required for the most part! Meet a lot of very interesting
people, too. (1201 Jerry Avenue; Durand, WI 54736-1726; 412-625-9209)
from JACK CRAVEN ('48): I am still punching the nine-to-five clock as
Director of Education Ministries for the Diocese of Boise. However, I must
admit that, at 74, the time is approaching when I will retire - again! Somehow
the "love of work" ethic impressed on us as postulants, novices and scholastics
has not been washed away by the years. I retain a lasting sense of gratitude to Br.
Henry Charles and Br. Paul Ambrose, among others, for this and other habits
that linger. (3202 Wagon Wheel Road, Boise, Idaho 83702)
from BRENDAN HAGGERTY ('50): I just received information about Larry
Keogh and Dom Cavallaro upon my return home from double bypass cardiac
surgery. I found great consolation in the fact that my operation was on Saturday
so that if it was my time, I would join the long list of Saturday decedents. I am
still very much feeling the Marist attachment. All went well for me. Evy says
that God must want to maintain a quiet house up there for now. (3210 Crest
Avenue, Cheverly MD 20785-1107; 301-772-1613;
from VINCE POISELLA ('58): I knew Larry Keogh only through the annual
Marist Family Institute of Spirituality. What seemed most to consume the life of
Larry Keogh was his desire to serve: his family, his parish community, his
students, the clients of his counseling, former Brothers and their spouses, and
indeed, all who crossed his path. His role as deacon was merely the latest choice
in a life devoted to others. Inspired by a desire that the Marist Spirit be a vehicle
for serving, he (along with Hugh Turley and Denis Dunne) organized the first
retreat-reunion at Marist College - soon to enter its ninth year -- known now as
the Marist Family Institute of Spirituality. Larry and his wife Jan served this
community of Brothers, former Brothers, wives, widows, and friends as they
gathered together each summer to pray, share, and celebrate the Marist Spirit
together. His demeanor, although externally calm, belied the passion within. His
soothing and caring words comforted those around him. His keen perceptions of
others reflected his own longing for virtue, feeling that he himself fell short of
his own ideals. The fire in those bright Irish eyes erupted in disappointment on
occasion, as he wondered why life could not be better for all. One
disappointment he showed each July at Marist College was that the makeshift
weekend community didn't expand in action to spread the Marist Spirit
throughout the land! He stepped back, waiting for the process to evolve, like the
true counselor that he was. Larry Keogh will be sorely missed by this modest
community formed each July. And yet, this was only a page in the many chapters
of the book of service in a life inspired by the Marist Spirit.

Newsletter # 70
(Larry Keogh died on Saturday, October 26, after a setback while recovering
from serious colon surgery undergone the week before. Larry is survived by his
wife Jan and his three adult sons, Stephen, Christopher, and David. The Keoghs
have been residing at 17125 West 145th Street, Lockport, Illinois 60441-2295;; 815-838-1570)
from BR. CHARLES FILIATRAUT ('55): In Memoriam: Br. Gregory Avina
('43) died October 11th at the Marist Brothers retirement home in Miami. He
was a member of the Esopus province. Gregory was a native of Guadalajara,
Mexico. He earned his B.A. in 1953 at St. Mary's University, San Antonio,
Texas. He taught or lived in Laredo, Brownsville, Singapore, Rome, Molloy,
Esopus, Roselle, and Miami. His favorite assignment was teaching in Singapore.
He was director at Maris Stella High School there. He was fluent in five
languages, including Mandarin. For a few years he served as secretary to the
Superior General, his classmate, Br. Basilio Rueda. Gregory was 76 years of age
and was a Marist for 60 years. We pray for his eternal happiness.
from JACK DUGGAN ('52): So sorry to hear about Larry Keogh's death.
During the first three years of the Marist Family Institute of Spirituality I
enjoyed working with him in planning those retreats. Larry's enthusiasm and
passion for things Marist will always remain with us. He and Jan made a
formidable couple on our retreats, for each one knew and accepted the other's
strengths and shortcomings. Many of us are the richer for having met Larry on
life's short journey. (P.O. Box 758, Westbury NY 11590; 516-997-6547;
from DAN ST. JACQUES ('52): We have not had a good past few weeks. Too
many of our associates are passing away. Larry Keogh was in the class ahead of
me. He was a good type, quite intelligent and willing to help others. I for one
needed quite a bit of help, and Larry was always there for me. Without a doubt,
he has earned his spot in heaven. We were taught that if one had a devotion to
the Blessed Mother, heaven would be ours the Saturday after we died.
I knew Dominick Cavallaro well. I believe he was at Esopus with me. We went
on to Tyngsboro and thence to Poughkeepsie. I believe that the first taste of
Italian food that many of us had was when his family visited in Tyngsboro and
brought in pizza. Dominick had a great gift of laughter.
I well know the pain and danger of bypass surgery, having gone through it three
years ago -- four arteries and two valves. The operation was a 'success' per the
doctors, but the problems that developed after led to another seven days stay in
the hospital and medication to this date. This past January I was in the hospital
for a tune up. I alerted the staff in Poughkeepsie that I was going in for surgery
and asked for their prayers. Perhaps it might be a good idea if we would suggest
that our Marist friends notify Poughkeepsie if they are going for hospital
treatment. (106 Sackville Road, Garden City, NY 11530; 516-747-4610;
from JOHN O'CONNELL ('58): A bunch of us in the class of '58 -- Mike
(Dom) Apostoli, Br. Ernie Beland, George Conboy, Pete Kuveke, Pat Murphy,
Bill Reffelt, Russ Therriault and Vince Poisella - have recently connected. This
renewed interest may be a function of our growing older or a new sense of
realizing what's important! Either way, we'd like to reconnect with more of our
"brothers" from the good old days in Esopus in '57, or in Tyngsboro in '58 or '59.
We'd like the readers of Marists All to help us "jump start" our outreach by e-

Newsletter # 70
mailing us at We'd like to plan a weekend this
coming Spring, near an airport! So, if you were ever in the class of '58,
immediately ahead of us or behind us, please drop us a note. (15 High Street,
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538)
from J. DAVID KAMMER ('42):
As I Recall... My Years at Marist Training School, 1943-1945
(written for the Marist College Heritage Project):
Commonly referred to as "the Scholasticate", Marist Training School educated
young Marist Brothers and prepared them for teaching in the schools of the
Marist Brothers of the Schools. It was somewhat like the normal schools of an
earlier era, more like today's junior colleges. After completion of two years of
studies (interspersed with prayer and much manual work) student Brothers
moved on to teach and to finish their bachelor degrees part-time, mostly at
Fordham University in New York City.
Marist Training School was located on the Marist Brothers' property along the
Hudson River in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was south of the city's waterworks
road. North of that road was St. Ann's Hermitage, an elephantine wooden
structure that housed the headquarters of the American province of the Marist
Brothers, as well as facilities for retired Brothers, and -- up to the short era we
are describing -- a "Juniorate" where high school level aspirants were educated.
In the summer of 1943, after completing his Master's Degree at Catholic
University, Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine was assigned to Marist Training
School. At thirty years of age he took over as "headmaster" for the 1943-44
scholastic year. He also served as guidance counselor, spiritual director, and
professor ... as well as the designator of chores.
At first Brother Paul's staff at the Scholasticate consisted only of two professors:
Brother Francis Xavier and Brother Leo Hyacinth. Leo taught chemistry,
physiology, and French. Frank did the history and math. Paul covered English
literature and English composition. Brother Emile Nestor came in for economics
and Brother Philip Joseph for introductory French.
College courses were centered at the historical Greystone building and at a
wooden structure about twenty feet to the west of Greystone: it was the Marian
building of those times. There were three classrooms: the center hall of the
Marian building (serving also as study hall and oratory), the middle floor of
Greystone, and the basement of Greystone. The top floor of Greystone was the
library. There was no librarian. Library chores were handled as an "employment"
by one of the students, called scholastics.
In the Marian building to the left/south of the main hall was a washroom, and
beyond that was the "pullman" where there were fourteen bedrooms, seven on
each side of a center walkway. The rooms were divided by walls but fronted by
curtains. These rooms were occupied by second year scholastics. First year
scholastics slept at the Hermitage in dormitories recently vacated when the
juniors went off to establish the new St. Joseph Juniorate in Esopus, New York,
on the west side of the Hudson north of Poughkeepsie. In earlier years
scholastics also roomed at the Gate House and at St. Peter's.

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To the right rear of the main hall at Marian was the office and bedroom for
Brother Paul Ambrose, who was usually addressed as Brother Master. Right
forward was a storeroom soon to become a sitting room for visiting parents.
Above the main hall and pullman were an attic clothing storeroom and the tailor
shop run by Brother Frederick Charles. The basement of Marian, in addition to
the furnace room, housed the laundry run in 1943-44 by Brother Conan Vincent
Dineen. Nearby was a carpentry shop headed by Brother Altin.
South of Marian were two narrow wooden structures referred to as
"bungalows", one serving as a basketball court and the other as
auditorium/storage area -- both also used as sleeping quarters for summer
retreatants. Beyond these bungalows was a shale-surfaced field used for
recreation football, baseball, flag game....
To the rear/west of Marian was a one-vehicle wooden garage used for a dump
truck; the only other two vehicles on the property, an auto and a truck with a
rack body, were garaged near the Hermitage.
Of course, the college education of the Brothers was motivated by Christianity
and by the goal of Christian education of youth. The chapel at the Hermitage
accommodated everyone on the property. On the north side of the Hermitage
was a grotto of the Blessed Virgin, and over at the Scholasticate winding through
a wooded area beyond the shale ball field were Stations of the Cross, ending at a
grotto with a statue of Jesus in Agony and another of Mary holding the dead
Jesus. Nearby, atop a rather high mound, was a fifteen-foot crucifix approached
by terraced stairs.
A highly motivated work ethic prevailed in all aspects of life on the property.
There was reliance on basic talent and devotedness. There was a farm with dairy
cows and pigs and chickens, along with hayfields and cornfields. There were
gardens and orchards. And there were in-house cooks and tailors. Groves were
cleared. Rocky obstacles were quarried. This atmosphere of economy and
industry carried over to college administration and studies and influenced great
progress in the field of education that eventually led to a full four-year college.
The scholastics assembled in the chapel at the Hermitage for morning prayer and
Mass. Other prayer sessions and religious study were held in the study
hall/oratory at Marian, occasionally in the pine grove during hot weather. For
meals the scholastics walked from the Greystone/Marian area, past Brother
Abelus's garden and greenhouse, crossed the water- works road, went down the
short sloping hill between cow pastures, and circled the swimming pool to reach
the refectory at the Hermitage.
It wasn't long before Brother Paul and Brother Francis Xavier began envisioning
improvements. By Paul's second year at Marist Training School, 1944-45, the
pullman area had given way to a large, bright study hall/classroom with an
elegant statue of our Blessed Mother in one corner. The tailor shop became a
biology lab. Brother Paul Ernest and Brother Adrian August joined the faculty.
Brother Arthur Xavier was brought in to organize and develop the library. At
that time a wooden addition to St. Peter's housed the office/bedroom quarters of
the faculty. On the basement floor of that addition was a printing shop where
Brother Tarsicius produced materials for college courses that soon surpassed
printing for the administration of the Marist province.

Newsletter # 70
There is no doubt at this early time, that Brother Paul began consulting with
Doctor Schroeder, having an eye to Albany and to accreditation for a full four-
year college. By the end of Paul's fourth scholastic year as headmaster he had
become president of Marian College, empowered to grant bachelor degrees to
four young Brothers. (476 La Playa, Edgewater, FL 32141; 386-426-6349;
from GENE ZIRKEL ('53): The Second Marist Family Laity Conference has
been scheduled for Thursday through Sunday, April 15-18, 2004, in the Boston
area. All associated with the Marists are invited. Our first conference brought
people together from all over the USA, Hawaii, and England. For info, contact:
Ann Brown, 10610 East Hercules.Sun Lakes AZ85248, cell: 831-234-8680;
home: 480-802-3742.
(The following contribution by GENE ZIRKEL is an abbreviated version of a
presentation given by Gene at the Marist Family Institute of Spirituality in July
In recent years the four Marist congregations have been working together in
various ministries. These efforts have their roots among the founding Marists. A
Marist Father once asked me, "Is there such a thing as a Marist spirituality, or are
there four Marist spiritualities?" I couldn't answer him because I knew so little
about the other three Marist congregations. Lately, as a result of working on a
committee serving all lay Marists, I have learned much about the intertwined
history of the five branches of the Marist family, about their founders and their
early members, and about this spirit.
I knew that four Marist congregations existed. But I knew nothing about a
Marist laity. I was not aware that from the very beginning, the Marists
foresaw "a society comprising three, then four, and later, five branches."
I knew that St. Marcellin was a Marist Father. But I knew nothing about
how important a role he played in the development of the Marist Fathers.
I knew that originally twelve men signed a pledge at Fourviere to create
the Mariists. But I did not know that Fr. Champagnat was the number two
man after Jean-Claude Colin, the first superior of the Fathers. Before they
received approval from Rome, they were a diocesan group. When the
diocese was split in two, Marcellin became what we would call the
provincial in one diocese, while Father Colin headed the other one.
I knew that originally the Brothers were a part of the Society of Mary. But
I did not know that there were plans for one all-encompassing society with
several branches, and that it was Rome that divided the group into separate
Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, founder of the Marist Sisters, along with Colin and
Champagnat, met often. They originally thought that the Marists would be one
congregation with many branches. From the beginning one of the branches was
to be the Marist laity. Although the Vatican balked at the thought of such a huge
society, the Marists still desired a "confraternity of men and women of every
status and from every country... a vast association including sinners and the
unborn." This confraternity was not to be a rigidly structured branch. It "could
assume many forms, and, where appropriate, might be given another name."
Thus, the lay branch of the Marist Family came first. Later, one-by-one, the four
vowed branches -- the fathers, sisters, brothers, and finally the missionary sisters
-- were separately approved.

Newsletter # 70
Today, all four congregations are returning to their roots and are becoming more
aware of the existence of the Marist laity.
And so, I believe that there is only one Marist Spirit. In their final words and
testaments Champagnat, Jeanne-Marie Chavoin and Colin wanted Marists to be
of "one heart and one soul." They each felt chosen by Mary and honored to bear
her name; they were completely confident of success because they were doing
Mary's work; they were obedient to authority; they were patient; they were
tenacious; they were devoted to Mary; they worked hidden and unknown; they
were inclusive; they had a strong missionary spirit; they were apostolic.
This history impacts on all of us! (Six Brancatelli Ct, West Islip, NY 11795-
2502; 631-669-0273;

CONGRATULATIONS, Senior Jubilarians!
Br. Luke Driscoll
Br. Aquinas Richard
Br. Simeon Gerald
Br. Julian Roy
Br. Stephen Minogue
Br. Matthew Snowden
Br. Gregory Avina
(ded 11 Oct 2002)
Br. Stephen Wang
Br. Joseph Belanger
Br. Francis Farrell
Br. Gerard Cormier
Br. Daniel Grogan
Br. Patrick Magee
Br. Thomas Kelly
Br. Philip Degagne
Br. James Maher
Br. Robert McGovern
Br. George Matthews
Br. Philip Ouellette
Br. Kevin Moran
Br. Richard Rancourt
Br. Francis Newbeck

Br. Kevin O'Neill

CONGRATULATIONS, Junior Jubilarians!

Newsletter # 70
Br. Ernest Beland
Br. Eugene Birmingham
Br. Herbert Baker
Br. Donald Bisson
Br. Kenneth Curtin
Br. Br.uce Byczynski
Br. John Dunning
Br. Peter Guadalupe
Br. Roy George
Br. James Halliday
Br. Thomas Simmons
Br. John Murray
Br. Joseph Yoshida
Br. Donnell Neary
Br. Francis Zaglauer
Br. Robert Andrews

Br. Joseph Sacino
from Richard Foy '46 While I was working on the Marist Heritage Project for
the college with Brian Desilets and Jack Noone, I renewed my interest in the
story of the Esopus property. Since June 2001 I have been working off and on
on this, mostly for my own enjoyment. As the work developed, it gravitated
more towards pictures rather than prose, so that viewing it from a web server
using a slow telephone line became impractical. I have developed a First Edition
on a CD, and would be happy to share this with any of you who would like
memories of Esopus. If you would like a copy, let me know and I'll mail one to
you. I am asking for $3.00 to cover the cost of duplication and mailing. Contact
me at (717 Washington Ave, Chappaqua, New York; 914 238 8001;
For the next edition I am looking for photos and snapshots taken in Esopus,
especially photos which include people. I am also looking for reflections from
those who experienced juniorate, novitiate, scholasticate, summer camps, and
retreat house. All entries are welcome, be they long or short.
from the EDITOR: I would like to express my appreciation for those of you who
sent written contributions to be included in these past two issues. You have made
my new job so much lighter. I would also like to express appreciation to those
who have sent monetary contributions over the last few months to offset expenses
in the printing and the mailing portion of this project: Mo Bibeau, Padre William
Sears, Helen Tobin, Jack Craven, John Ryan, Casimir Podlaski, and Br. Robert
McGovern. Previously, in the spirit of "doing good quietly," there was a tradition
of silence regarding these contributions. On the other hand, I feel that you are
all still doing good quietly. I'm the one making the noise (gratefully)!
One other thought. I request that those sending written contributions to me via e-
mail, kindly indicate in the Subject area, Marists All. I normally delete suspected
junk mail without opening it if I do not recognize the name of the sender. Our
Marist contributions come from far and wide. Some who are strangers to me
may send something that I may inadvertently delete to avoid a possible computer

Newsletter # 70
virus. Mention of Marists All in the Subject box alerts me to the friendly contents
of the message. Thank you!
Editor: Vincent Poisella ('58), 24 Brooklyn Mt Rd, Hopatcong, NJ 07843; 973-