ISSUE # 11.xml
Part of Marists All: Issue #11 November 1989
Newsletter # 11
ISSUE # 11
November 1989
FROM RICHARD LAPIETRA ('50): The last GMC Picnic, held on a rainy
September day in the cafeteria at Mount Saint Michael, prompts this note. The
day was gloomy, but the spirit of camaraderie within was palpable. Somehow,
the image of John Francis, baseball cap atop his head, busy and attentive about
everyone's needs and comfort, is the concrete expression of the love and
affection that was very much alive in that group of people.
Why did that bring back to me my own decision to leave the Brothers and my
sense, even now that I am married to Barbara, of feeling very much a part of the
Brothers. It is that feeling of being together in a place where I belonged that was
so alive that rainy September day, and that has always been a pervasive
sentiment of every GMC picnic since they began a score of years or so ago. Each
year the cast of characters changes a little bit. Some of the early participants
have not been around for a while, and each year there are new faces. But every
year there is that sense, "lord., it is good for us to be here." And now more
recently the same message, the same refrain is heard through a new medium. In
issue after issue of Marists All, our men speak from their hearts of their sense of
brotherhood, and of the meaning of Marist in their lives, then and today, And so
it happened that even as I was chatting and savoring the delectable victuals that
had been prepared by all the participants, my heart was experiencing these
powerful and wonderful feelings and my mind was reflecting on what this all
could mean. Then something clicked for me, and I could not keep from sharing
my thoughts with the group, and so, presuming on their patience, I climbed atop
one of the benches and asked them to listen. Afterward, Dave Kammer asked me
if I would share those thoughts with you.
What it came down to was that I kept asking myself what it was about the Marist
experience that created such a powerful bond. And what was it about the Marist
life we all shared that, different as we all are, generated such a common
response, the response that I have been hearing year after year at our GMC
picnics, the response that we all sense in our successive readings of Marists All.
The answer I come up with inevitably finds its way back to Champagnat. The
spirit and the fire of what he created explains for me how over the years such a
fine group of good men were drawn together and still find something unique in
one another's company. Further, those who have married seem to have found
women who express and generate a similar sense of feeling at home in the great
Marist community. In the Marist lexicon, family spirit is not just a pious phrase.
Champagnat somehow found a way to make it real for all of us. However we
might try to define or describe his spirit, his charism is so alive and vibrant today
in our common heritage and our common sense of brotherhood and family that
we can touch it. And we do. (12 Wilmot Terrace, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 12603;
FROM GUS NOLAN ('48): We had a GMC liturgy here at the Nolan's last night.
Excellent turnout, several monks for the first time. Esopus: Joe Maura and Jim
McKnight, back from the missions. Pksie: Donald Kelly and Joe Sacino. Joe Bel
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and Zig Rancourt also; they are old faithfuls. John Berchmans is beginning to
fail some ... will fall asleep any time, at table, at TV ... but not at Notre Dame
FROM BR. HUGH TURLEY ('54): I was really excited by the picnic, to see
familiar faces not seen for so long. Meeting up once again was a fantastic
experience. I was struck by how quickly and naturally we came together again
and drew upon a spirit we grew up with in our schools and were a part of in our
early years of teaching. It was wonderful. Thank you:
Quickly tracing my path: Thirteen years in the Biology Department at Marist
College and two years on the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Then in
response to the Institute's call to serve the poor, the Province started
communities and work in the dioceses of Jackson, Mississippi, and Oakland,
California, in 1981. I volunteered and was part of the Mississippi project for the
next eight years. At first I taught high school, then did refugee resettlement
work, and finally administered Catholic Charities for the diocese of Jackson.
Stability in 1987 at the St. Patrick's Cathedral celebration of our 100 years of
FMS presence in the USA; and now an appointment by Sean Sammon,
provincial, as Director of Development and Fund Raising for the Province.
(4200 West 115th Street, Chicago, Il. 60655)
FROM GENE ZIRKEL ('53): My wife Pat and I had a fantastic time at our first
GMC picnic at the Mount. Br. John Francis and the other Brothers were terrific
hosts. It was a rainy day, and we considered not driving all the way to the Bronx;
besides would there be anyone whom we would know? I am so glad we
attended, met so many old friends, and caught up on the latest news. My only
regret is that I learned that these great parties have been going on for ten years,
and we missed the first nine! (Six Brancatelli, West Islip,
N. Y. 11795; 516-669-0273)
PICNIC: A PLEASANT SUCCESS- Even though our 1989 GMC picnic day was
on a cloudy, damp, rainy weekend (with the #1and #2, Notre Dame/Michigan
football game in competition) a good number of friends gathered in the Mount
cafeteria. Many of the married folks were accompanied by their wives and
children. Present were:
Paul Bruneau '51, William Krueger '51, Dan Nolan '56, Jerry Callahan '62,
Richard Lapietra '50, Buddy Nolan '51, Richard Connelly '52, Manny Lopez '63,
Gus Nolan '48, Woodrow Duke '62, Ed McElroy '53, Frank Reilly '48, William
Doherty '61, John McGallogly '59, Bob Reynolds, Gene Donnelly '46, Frank
McNiff '51, Larry Sullivan '50, Ray Hamel '44, Frank Moran '50, John Wilcox
'58, David Kammer '42, Jim Murray '56, Bernard Woods '52, Gene Zirkel '53
Brothers who joined in conversations about old times were: From the Mount:
John Francis Colbert '44, Joe Cerin '26, Simeon Gerald '33, Pat Magee '43, Ken
Marino '47, Bob Leclerc '50, George Matthews '53, and Christopher Shannon
'60. Leonard Voegtle was with us, on his way from Rome to Brazil. Joe Belanger
and Ziggy Rancourt were down from the college. Hugh Turley came in from
Chicago. Nick Caffrey '57 was down from Boston. From other New York/ New
Jersey communities were:
Luke Reddington '51, Steve Martin Holstein '47, Declan Murray '51, Bill
Lavigne '50, and John Herrmann '59.
A TRIBUTE TO BR. KIERAN THOMAS BRENNAN ('35): Back in the sixties
when Kieran was provincial, his conferences were always brief. In a way, his
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whole life was marked by brevity. He was one to get things done and be on his
way. Now it seems he took to heart the words of Psalm 89: "But seventy years is
our life span, ten more perhaps for the strongest .." Until cancer finally got a
stronghold on his body, Kieran led a life full of energy, enthusiasm, good humor,
many interests. He was 71 going on 51. We wish God had given him at least
those extra ten years.
Early teaching years were in Savannah, St. Ann's Academy, Marist Prep, and
Cardinal Hayes. We knew him best as a teacher in the juniorate, as master of
scholastics, and as provincial. To whatever work he did, whatever position he
held, he brought the special Marist qualities of simplicity, humility, and modesty.
He was warm, gentle, kind, and wholesomely mischievous. As a teacher in the
juniorate he was notorious for spreading false rumors. John Colbert remembers
Kieran spreading the rumor that the Master was planning to let the juniors travel
by bus to attend the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game between the
Mount and Hayes! It was one of Kieran's many ways of stirring up community
interest and spirit. According to the monks at the Mount where Kieran last
served as guidance counselor, that mischievousness was one of the special
talents Kieran never discarded.
Kieran spent some of his finest hours as master of scholastics. Who could ever
forget Kieran shaking his head in bewilderment when scholastics mentioned the
latest developments in philosophy and in theology? Fortunately Kieran had
gained many insights from his readings, especially of Shakespeare; and through
his marvelous common sense and intuition he had a great understanding of
human nature. Thus, he knew well his job as master of scholastics,
Kieran became provincial in March of 1965, just a few months before Vatican II
held its final December 8th session. He inherited the winds of change. By no
means were the days ahead smooth sailing. Kieran guided the province through
those very disturbing and turbulent years of radical change in religious life.
Luckily, he could read the signs of the times, even though he sometimes neither
liked what he read nor was he always convinced of what he read. With his
council's advice, he decided what was best for the province in those times. In
1969, the Brothers affirmed their trust and confidence in his leadership by re-
electing him provincial.
Despite his pain and weakened condition a few weeks before he died, Kieran
insisted on attending a three day provincial assembly of Brothers in Riverdale.
His presence was a sign of hope for the future of Marist life. Kieran was a
special link between our Marist past and our Marist future. He was totally
Marist. In so many ways, he reached out to all of us. (Thanks to Br. Richard
FROM BR. JOHN McDONNELL ('59): A hearty, heartfelt THANK YOU for
Marists All. In addition to evoking happy memories of good men, it encourages
me when I read all the good that f.m.s, and former f.m.s, are accomplishing. As
for myself, I've enjoyed working on our second novitiate staff here in Rome
these past two semesters. Since our next session does not start until January, I'll
be working in Nigeria. Ghana, and Liberia during the fall. Our group of '59 had
its 30th anniversary reunion in Bayonne this past August 16th, thanks to Br. John
Herrmann. Hope all of you enjoy the GMC picnic at the Mount. New address:
Fratelli Maristi delle Scuole, Piazza M, (Champagnat, 2 - Cas, Post, 10259, 1 -
00144,. - Roma, Italia).
Newsletter # 11
FROM JIM (Paul. Francis) FRIEL ('56): Last week I had the privilege of
attending Terry McMahon's funeral. It was a very special shared marist family
experience; you had to be there to capture the profound sentiment of Marist
camaraderie. Who Terry was, the man he had become, a man of profound
Christian life, was captured in the homily by Tom Murphy. Hopefully Tom's
beautiful words will be shared through the pages of the newsletter.
The Marist Brothers poured out for Terry's funeral Mass; many of them I hadn't
seen since the '50's. In a way, you could say it was "pay-back" time. Terry had
visited Kieran, and had just been to Kieran's funeral. When word went out that
another Marist had fallen, the troops rallied, and Terry went home with a fine
escort to tunes of glory from the assembled and from the diaspora- the priest's
tribute to Murphy's homily to Dan Nolan's reading of the Gospel: "If you have
not charity ..." Terry surely had charity, so I guess he fulfilled his contract with
the Gospel.
My wife Kate and I knew Terry back in the old days when I lived in Woodside
and Astoria after leaving the Brothers in 1963, and we were still dating. In fact,
Terry was one of the first people from my brotherhood days whom Kate met. He
was always warm, expansive, genuine. We used to dine occasionally at Villa
Violette in Woodside. Terry was also supportive of Metro-Mac, the first alumni
chapter outside of Poughkeepsie. There's much to remember of Terry from the
old days, but for now I say in his favorite language, Ave atque vale!
On a biographical note, Kate and I got married in 1976, having gotten engaged at
Marist College during a homecoming weekend. After residing in Centerport,
Long Island, for a time, we lived in Greenwich Village for nine years. In the city
we regularly saw Marist Brothers at St. Joseph's Church. Declan, Leo Shea,
Lennie. Recently we moved to Northport, Long Island, in the shadow of the Tom
and Marianne Byrne's clan. I've been at the State University of New York since
1970, teaching philosophy and some English. A group of us did philosophy at
Fordham: Ed Donahue, Rich Rancourt, George McGuire, with Joe McMahon
getting his PhD from St. John's. I do a lot of writing and publishing. Poetry,
satire, philosophy and the like. My wife is also a published poet and a painter.
Her business interest is fashion design and right now, handpainted ties. We're
getting up a Christmas catalog. Speaking of Metro-Mac, so many people took
part in it that an article has to be written about it later. (20 Vail Street, Northport,
N. Y. 11768; 516-757-7506)
FROM BR. WILLIAM LEVIGNE ('50): Greetings from the Garden State. Can't
tell you how many people I run into who appreciate Marists All. The most recent
two were former monks from my group: Charlie Scott and Pat Donaghy. I met
the former at an ordination of a good friend of mine in Milwaukee. Charlie met
me at the airport, and we shared a couple of hours together before he drove me
to the Cathedral. We talked about the possibility of a group reunion next year,
our 40th. We still need the addresses of: G. Donaldson, J. Fitzpatrick, R.
McAneney, B. Provencher, W. Troescher, and W. Walsh.
I've just finished a Brothers' Institute at Seton Hall, and now plan to spend some
time with Mom in Massachusetts. She is still well and able enough to live alone.
We celebrated her 93rd several weeks ago.(Marist Brothers, Raritan Road,
Roselle, N. J. 07203)
ST. AGNES HIGH SCHOOL from Br. Thomas Potenza ('73): There are two
significant "Marist Events" this year, and I thought your readers would like to
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know about them. The first event involves St. Agnes High School. Brother Tom
Schady ('75) is the present principal and I am the Assistant. Bob Conte, who was
a novice in 1977, serves as Dean of Discipline. The 44th Street building where
so many of you went to school or served as monks under Leo Hy, Cyril Robert,
Wilfrid, Pat Magee, Ziggy Rancourt, and others, is nearly a hundred years old
and looks every day of it.
Over the past summer the entire operation of St. Agnes moved--lock, stock and
barrel--to a building on East 33rd Street, the former site of Immaculate High
School, which was closed last June. Our new 33rd Street site is also an old
building, but the environment of the Kips Bay area is much more pleasant. At
four stories we're the tallest building on our side of the street, and there is plenty
of light and cross ventilartion with a drastic reduction in the chaos, noise
pollution, and truck fumes that marked our place in the Grand Central Station
area. The official plan (barring church politics, zoning laws, etc.) is to develop
the 44th Street property; whatever future structure rises there is supposed to
include a brand new St. Agnes Boys High School. No doubt, that is a long, long
way down the pike. For now, the move to the new neighborhood seems quite
satisfactory. If you're in the area, stop by to take a look for yourself.
CHAMPAGNAT YEAR: The second event: as
you are, no doubt, aware, the present year marks
the bicentennial of Marcellin Champnat's birth.
Tom Schady and I, along with Brs. Pat O'Reilly,
Rich Carey, and Michael Sheerin, have been asked
by the American provinces to coordinate this
commemoration. Budget and circumstances in no
way allow us to duplicate the great celebrations of
1986, when the American provinces celebrated our
centenary in this country, so this time we are
encouraging a series of "grass roots" celebrations.
Local schools and communities will mark the year
by focusing on themes based on the charisms of
the Founder, such as love of work, devotion to
Mary, compassion for the poor, etc.
A 90 page booklet of prayers, reflections, and activities for communities and
apostolates is being delivered to each Brother. Special (Champagnat banners and
posters will be sent to coordinators in each place.) A new Champagnat logo is
We will gather the Brothers for a dual province celebration during the Christmas
break. And big plans are being made for a Youth Symposium at the Mount in
April. Our aim is to make Father Champagnat better known and appreciated.
Your own devotion to the Founder and to things Marist certainly contributes to
our goal, and we are grateful. (Marist Brothers, 156 East 38th Street, New York
City, 10016;212-889-1176)
FROM EUGENE (Kieran Matthew) CONNOLLY ('41): Your last issue shocked
us with the news of Br. Cletus Richard's death. We had been waiting for him to
visit us at our summer home in New Hampshire, as he had been doing each of
the past couple of years on his trip north. John Curry's warm and wonderful
piece about Cletus and about his own experiences was a gift to us.
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When Br. Peter Louis (Trot) died several years ago, I wrote an article about him,
which was printed in one of the province publications. A former Brother
suggested that Marists All might be interested in doing something with it, for
those who did not have access to the community publication. It is enclosed, but
it's long. Please feel free to use it in any way you wish ... (19 Bayberry Road,
Danvers, Ma. 01923; 617-774-8158)
Remembering "TROT": [Peter Louis ('24)]: The news came north to us from
Florida on a cold, early winter New England evening. The Marist voice from
Miami was filled with love and sadness. It spoke of the last days, of the courage,
the wit, the steadfastness, the prayer, the fidelity to medical orders, the
resignation .... and the bishop who left Trot's hospital bedside on Thanksgiving
Day, comforted and inspired.
As he had to, Trot loved in his way, and his way was a joy for the rest of us. He
is remembered ... remembered at nine years of age, waiting at the door of his
twin sister's school, holding the rope of a sled he had covered with blankets for
her warmth, and remembered a few years later, wiping the tears from her eyes as
he tried to explain why she could not leave for the Brothers with him. And he is
remembered leaving on the desk of a young Brother who had borrowed a
cigarette from him, two packages of Raleighs from his allotment, coupons
included. He is remembered handing visiting mothers of two young Brothers
shoe boxes filled with sandwiches, cookies, and fruit, bound with twisted coat
hangers for handles, as they boarded the train from Wheeling to New York.
Remembered Saturday after Saturday standing behind a kitchen chair cutting the
hair of every Marist head that appeared. Remembered stopping to talk or joke
with a Brother he suspected of being lonesome or blue; preparing exquisite food
and drink for special community parties; saying the perfect defusing word to
cool an argument between colleagues; bringing the community to life and
together at breakfast by saying something that even the sleepiest and most
resolutely taciturn could not resist responding to; scrupulously preparing
extraordinarily detailed and organized notes for his classes; volunteering to take
the place of Brothers for whatever they became unable to do;.making his
Brothers and his friends aware by a wink, a smile,or an expression in his warm,
soft eyes that they were special; comforting and inspiring those who came to
comfort and inspire him; and in his final days preparing a calendar of the
birthdays of all the Brothers so that each celebrant could receive congratulatory
wishes from the Marist family; throughout working for the well-being and
salvation of others, and doing it with grace for sixty years.
Gone is the man we remember. Gone is the man who well understood pain and
joy and love, and how to blend them into a life of grace and gracefulness. Gone
is the spirit of Trot, the spirit that warmed our days; gone, theologians tell us, to
become more of what he was becoming. (Thanks to Gene Connolly '44)
FROM REV. WILLIAM FADROWSKI ('63): After graduating from Marist
High School in Bayonne in 1962, I entered the Esopus novitiate and took the
habit in 1963. After two years at Marist College, I was sent to Union Catholic in
Scotch Plains from 1966 to 1972. During that time I received an M.A. in
guidance from Seton Hall University. From 1972 to 1980 I was at Marist High in
Bayonne as guidance counselor and chairperson of the Religious Education
I served as Assistant Superintendent of Schools in the Archdiocese of Newark
from 1980 to 1985. I began studies for the priesthood in September of 1985, and
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was ordained in November of 1987. Since January, 1988, I have been at Queen
of Peace parish in North Arlington, New Jersey. It is a large blue collar parish
with about 4000 families. There are four priests on the parish staff. We're kept
very busy with weddings, funerals, sacramental preparation. The parish runs a
coed high school with, over a thousand students. The Lasalle Christian monks
and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Pa., are in the high school; we also
have an elementary school with over five hundred students. North Arlington is
just west of Jersey City and east of Newark; the Meadowlands Sports Complex
is just a few miles to the south. A number of former students from Marist
Bayonne live in the parish. I hope the Marists All news letter continues to be a
link among all of us.(10 Franklin Place, North Arlington, N. J. 07032; 201-997-
FROM ED (George Abel) MILES ('55): I thought I wrote once before, but with
all the moving we have done I don't know if I ever sent the letter ... so here goes.
When I left the Mount in 1959, I got drafted. Luckily I got into the Marines. (I
didn't want to give up the discipline!) When I got out, I went to work and teach
in a reformatory, Lincoln Hall. Then I lucked out, got a National Science
Foundation grant at Syracuse, and got an M.S. The next 27 years I taught,
coached, and then went on permanent leave last September from Ardsley High
School, Ardsley, N. Y.
About four years ago I realized I was going to have three kids starting college at
the same time ... on teacher's pay! Well, insolvency breeds initiative; my wife
Andy (Andrina) and I set out subdividing our property in Westchester. It was a
long haul, but we succeeded and learned a lot from our mistakes. That led to
three other subdivisions around the state, and by that time it was fun.
Then I got a strange type of arthritis and was told I needed a different climate.
We tried Arizona, two days, too hot: Now we love California after six months
here. We miss our family and friends, but if they were smart, they'd retire out
here too. It is the best climate, and it isn't that expensive. We bought a 1300
square foot condo across the street from the ocean for 85K. We are going to live
here till our three kids also decide to come to California.
What I really would like to to is to hook up with anyone who wants to work to
help Des Kelly's mission in Pakistan. There are a lot of needy people, but
Brother Thomas is the person who fulfills needs. If you have started something
already and need somebody to get it going in the West, just let me know. Call
Saturday or Sunday (619 431-7045) and we'll send the saved dough to Des.
That's it! DOUGH FOR DES; (7369 Alicante Road, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009)
ZIMBABWE MARIST NEWSLETTER I have been on the mailing list of
Marists All from Francis Gudyanga since the first issue. However, the last issue I
received was that of May, 1988. I was in England then. I came back home to
Zimbabwe at the end of January this year and am now a lecturer in the
Department of Metallurgy at the University of Zimbabwe. Would it be possible
to get copies of Marists All issues from #6 onwards. I would appreciate it very
much, for I have found them to be very inspiring and interesting reading. Here in
Zimbabwe we have launched a similar newsletter, and have enclosed a copy. We
have named our newsletter.Once a Marist ... Always a Marist. I hope to be able
to send you a copy of every issue as they come out. Greetings to all Marists.
(P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe)
Editor 's Note: The mailing list of the Zimbabwe newsletter includes the name of
at least one person we know, Isidore Sabeta. Izzy did his studies as a young
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Brother at Marist College around 1970. He is now chief chemist at Lever
Brothers in Harare, Zimbabwe. His address: % Lever Bros. 2 Stiring Road,
Harare, Zimbabwe.
FROM PAKISTAN: Br. Thomas Kelly ('53): Over the summer we started
construction of the buildings needed to accommodate classes K to 10. The
construction industry in Pakistan is.very labor intensive with a minimal use of
any type of machinery. Building foundations are dug by hand, concrete is
prepared by the age-old process, and the carrying of bricks and mortar is done by
ladies balancing the heavy loads on their heads. The women balance a small
board on their heads and then manage to pile 24 bricks on the board in an
amazing feat of strength, dexterity, and poise. The bricks weigh five pounds
each, so a file of 24 bricks weighs about 120 pounds. How they walk so easily
along narrow walls and rickety planks makes them a wonder to behold. They put
in a full day's work carrying bricks and concrete, and during their breaks in the
hottest part of the afternoon they go to the canal to wash the family laundry.
This summer the newspapers warned that there was an outbreak of meningitis,
but it was simply cases of measles. Parents treated the children by bundling them
in warm blankets, giving them hot herbal fluids and making them inhale smoke
from a herbal fire. When the children developed diarrhea, the parents cut off all
fluids. The children were not dying from measles; they were dying of
dehydration brought on by folk remedies. We managed to get many children to a
local hospital where they were put on intravenous feeding to get fluids back into
their bodies. We hope we will be able to educate these poor people to enhance
their survival skills.
Throughout June the mercury continued to climb well over the hundred mark. I
escaped the worst of the heat by heading for the States where I was able to visit
with many of the students and teachers where I taught at St. Elizabeth High in
Oakland; then I caught up with family and friends in Washington and New York.
The time spent in the States was very profitable as it allowed me to attend a
convocation with 120 other Marist Brothers and gave me the opportunity of
thanking many of those who have been of immeasurable help over the past two
years. There is no plaque attesting to the loving help we have received. The
school that is being built and the youngsters who are recipients of your
generosity will always stand as a monument to your caring and sharing.
(Sargodha Catholic School, Box 110, Sargodha, Pakistan)
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA: Just three years after the mining town of
Johannesburg sprang up, the first three Brothers arrived to establish what was the
first boys' high school in the city. Now there are three very fine high schools, all
"open schools", racially mixed; in addition there are two Brothers working in
Soweto, the vast African township of more than two million on the outskirts of
the city.
The centenary of the presence and mission of the Marist Brothers was celebrated
on June 6th by a Mass attended by the Cardinal, other bishops and priests, and
the two thousand boys and girls attending the schools; there were also hundreds
of other guests, parents, Religious, and civic dignitaries. A liturgical drama
depicted the history of the development of the Marist colleges from whites-only
boys' schools into the co-educational and racially mixed schools of today.
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The reception following the Mass was held on the site of the first school, where
now stands a hugh hotel called the MARISTON, a direct reference to the
previous Marist occupation of that property, and a significant tribute to the vital
role the Marist Brothers have played in the city.
KOBE, JAPAN: The Marist Brothers' International School here recently
captured the attention of many newspapers in Japan when they held a model
meeting of the United Nations among their students, who in fact include twenty
one different nationalities; this type of project was seen as unusual among the
normally bookbound Japanese students.
NOTRE DAME DE L'HERMITACE, FRANCE: On the 13th and 14th of May
more than two thousand young people from France and from all over Europe
gathered in the valley of the Hermitage to celebrate Pentecost with Marcellin
Champagnat on the occasion of his 200th birthday. Words of welcome to each
young person: "You too are called like Marcellin to create something new in
your own life and around you. May Marcellin help you to respond generously to
whatever God expects of you."
MEXICO CITY: Brother J. Gabriel Ibanez (whom we believe made his novitiate
with us in Poughkeepsie from 1942 to 1944) is the Director General of a unique
project geared to promote literacy among poor children in Mexico. The project is
called "The National Patronage for Literacy and Education Extension." It has a
fourteen-member Board of Directors, almost all of whom are former students of
the Marist Brothers, plus three Brothers, including Br. Basilio Rueda, Superior
General from 1967 to 1985.
LEBANON: The battles began in Lebanon fourteen years ago. Our Marist
schools in Champville and Jbeil-Anchid have not suffered too much damage so
far, despite the shells which have fallen on the property. There have been no
classes since the 13th of March; they could reopen this September, but more
likely it will be January. No one has escaped the economic crisis that this
situation has created for the teachers, many of whom find themselves compelled
to emigrate. There are presently nineteen Brothers still trying to keep alive the
charism of Champagnat in this land of suffering.
FROM JOHN ROCHE ('52): Thank you for including me on the Marists All
mailing list. It is nice hearing from so many people I haven't been in contact with
in over twenty years. Each issue is more enjoyable than the last. Since I left
Marist in 1965, I taught at Stepinac High School for a half year, and then
decided to move south seeking the warmer climate that I had gotten use to as a
Brother at Columbus High. I was fortunate to find a job teaching math in Miami
at Coral Gables Senior High School. Although I enjoyed my position there, I
was happy to return to Christopher Columbus High in 1973. It was refreshing to
be back teaching in a Marist environment.
My wife Bettye and I were married in 1968. She is an elementary school teacher
working in the local school system. Like me, she enjoys her profession. Bettye
does my Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc. In fact, she wrote most of this
letter. She's terrific. Currently my time outside of teaching is mostly taken up
with gardening, yard work, simple home repairs, square and round dancing,
clogging, and now we are taking ballroom dancing lessons. Keeps me busy and
out of mischief. Bettye enjoys the same leisure time activities. Would love to
visit with any of you if you are down our way. Give us a call and plan to drop in.
(9740 S.W. 100th Avenue, Miami., Fl. 33176; 305-271-3876)
Newsletter # 11
DECEASED: We understand that Ken Connell ('58) has died. We have no
details. May all our deceased friends rest in peace.
MAIL UNDELIVERED: Some people have apparently moved. If you know the
correct address of any of the following people, please send same along to us;
they were receiving the earlier issues of the newsletter. Frank Callahan '59, Ron
Gagnon '67, James Long '62, Tom Corcoran '75, Gerard Geoffroy '68, Sean
Mahoney '57, Tim Falkenstein '48, Robert Grady '53, Joe McMorrow '63,
Raphael Ferncord '34, John Harty '52, John Mullins '55, Dennis Freaney '62,
John Kinch '59, John Warren '60
BUSINESS UP-DATE: You will notice that in this issue we have fewer first time
correspondents than ever, only seven. We certainly appreciate those who keep us
updated on things of mutual interest, but what can we do to activate the pens,
typewriters, or word processors of those who have not yet shared their news with
us? COME HOLY SPIRIT; There is an urgency in this matter. After paying the
expenses of this issue #11, we will have enough funds for two more issues; yet
we have received only two checks in the last three months ... not yet an urgency.
We really enjoy receiving mail: Write to David Kammer, 107 Woodland Drive,
Harwinton, CT. 06791, or Gus Nolan, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Newsletter # 11
ISSUE # 11
November 1989
FROM RICHARD LAPIETRA ('50): The last GMC Picnic, held on a rainy
September day in the cafeteria at Mount Saint Michael, prompts this note. The
day was gloomy, but the spirit of camaraderie within was palpable. Somehow,
the image of John Francis, baseball cap atop his head, busy and attentive about
everyone's needs and comfort, is the concrete expression of the love and
affection that was very much alive in that group of people.
Why did that bring back to me my own decision to leave the Brothers and my
sense, even now that I am married to Barbara, of feeling very much a part of the
Brothers. It is that feeling of being together in a place where I belonged that was
so alive that rainy September day, and that has always been a pervasive
sentiment of every GMC picnic since they began a score of years or so ago. Each
year the cast of characters changes a little bit. Some of the early participants
have not been around for a while, and each year there are new faces. But every
year there is that sense, "lord., it is good for us to be here." And now more
recently the same message, the same refrain is heard through a new medium. In
issue after issue of Marists All, our men speak from their hearts of their sense of
brotherhood, and of the meaning of Marist in their lives, then and today, And so
it happened that even as I was chatting and savoring the delectable victuals that
had been prepared by all the participants, my heart was experiencing these
powerful and wonderful feelings and my mind was reflecting on what this all
could mean. Then something clicked for me, and I could not keep from sharing
my thoughts with the group, and so, presuming on their patience, I climbed atop
one of the benches and asked them to listen. Afterward, Dave Kammer asked me
if I would share those thoughts with you.
What it came down to was that I kept asking myself what it was about the Marist
experience that created such a powerful bond. And what was it about the Marist
life we all shared that, different as we all are, generated such a common
response, the response that I have been hearing year after year at our GMC
picnics, the response that we all sense in our successive readings of Marists All.
The answer I come up with inevitably finds its way back to Champagnat. The
spirit and the fire of what he created explains for me how over the years such a
fine group of good men were drawn together and still find something unique in
one another's company. Further, those who have married seem to have found
women who express and generate a similar sense of feeling at home in the great
Marist community. In the Marist lexicon, family spirit is not just a pious phrase.
Champagnat somehow found a way to make it real for all of us. However we
might try to define or describe his spirit, his charism is so alive and vibrant today
in our common heritage and our common sense of brotherhood and family that
we can touch it. And we do. (12 Wilmot Terrace, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 12603;
FROM GUS NOLAN ('48): We had a GMC liturgy here at the Nolan's last night.
Excellent turnout, several monks for the first time. Esopus: Joe Maura and Jim
McKnight, back from the missions. Pksie: Donald Kelly and Joe Sacino. Joe Bel
Newsletter # 11
and Zig Rancourt also; they are old faithfuls. John Berchmans is beginning to
fail some ... will fall asleep any time, at table, at TV ... but not at Notre Dame
FROM BR. HUGH TURLEY ('54): I was really excited by the picnic, to see
familiar faces not seen for so long. Meeting up once again was a fantastic
experience. I was struck by how quickly and naturally we came together again
and drew upon a spirit we grew up with in our schools and were a part of in our
early years of teaching. It was wonderful. Thank you:
Quickly tracing my path: Thirteen years in the Biology Department at Marist
College and two years on the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Then in
response to the Institute's call to serve the poor, the Province started
communities and work in the dioceses of Jackson, Mississippi, and Oakland,
California, in 1981. I volunteered and was part of the Mississippi project for the
next eight years. At first I taught high school, then did refugee resettlement
work, and finally administered Catholic Charities for the diocese of Jackson.
Stability in 1987 at the St. Patrick's Cathedral celebration of our 100 years of
FMS presence in the USA; and now an appointment by Sean Sammon,
provincial, as Director of Development and Fund Raising for the Province.
(4200 West 115th Street, Chicago, Il. 60655)
FROM GENE ZIRKEL ('53): My wife Pat and I had a fantastic time at our first
GMC picnic at the Mount. Br. John Francis and the other Brothers were terrific
hosts. It was a rainy day, and we considered not driving all the way to the Bronx;
besides would there be anyone whom we would know? I am so glad we
attended, met so many old friends, and caught up on the latest news. My only
regret is that I learned that these great parties have been going on for ten years,
and we missed the first nine! (Six Brancatelli, West Islip,
N. Y. 11795; 516-669-0273)
PICNIC: A PLEASANT SUCCESS- Even though our 1989 GMC picnic day was
on a cloudy, damp, rainy weekend (with the #1and #2, Notre Dame/Michigan
football game in competition) a good number of friends gathered in the Mount
cafeteria. Many of the married folks were accompanied by their wives and
children. Present were:
Paul Bruneau '51, William Krueger '51, Dan Nolan '56, Jerry Callahan '62,
Richard Lapietra '50, Buddy Nolan '51, Richard Connelly '52, Manny Lopez '63,
Gus Nolan '48, Woodrow Duke '62, Ed McElroy '53, Frank Reilly '48, William
Doherty '61, John McGallogly '59, Bob Reynolds, Gene Donnelly '46, Frank
McNiff '51, Larry Sullivan '50, Ray Hamel '44, Frank Moran '50, John Wilcox
'58, David Kammer '42, Jim Murray '56, Bernard Woods '52, Gene Zirkel '53
Brothers who joined in conversations about old times were: From the Mount:
John Francis Colbert '44, Joe Cerin '26, Simeon Gerald '33, Pat Magee '43, Ken
Marino '47, Bob Leclerc '50, George Matthews '53, and Christopher Shannon
'60. Leonard Voegtle was with us, on his way from Rome to Brazil. Joe Belanger
and Ziggy Rancourt were down from the college. Hugh Turley came in from
Chicago. Nick Caffrey '57 was down from Boston. From other New York/ New
Jersey communities were:
Luke Reddington '51, Steve Martin Holstein '47, Declan Murray '51, Bill
Lavigne '50, and John Herrmann '59.
A TRIBUTE TO BR. KIERAN THOMAS BRENNAN ('35): Back in the sixties
when Kieran was provincial, his conferences were always brief. In a way, his
Newsletter # 11
whole life was marked by brevity. He was one to get things done and be on his
way. Now it seems he took to heart the words of Psalm 89: "But seventy years is
our life span, ten more perhaps for the strongest .." Until cancer finally got a
stronghold on his body, Kieran led a life full of energy, enthusiasm, good humor,
many interests. He was 71 going on 51. We wish God had given him at least
those extra ten years.
Early teaching years were in Savannah, St. Ann's Academy, Marist Prep, and
Cardinal Hayes. We knew him best as a teacher in the juniorate, as master of
scholastics, and as provincial. To whatever work he did, whatever position he
held, he brought the special Marist qualities of simplicity, humility, and modesty.
He was warm, gentle, kind, and wholesomely mischievous. As a teacher in the
juniorate he was notorious for spreading false rumors. John Colbert remembers
Kieran spreading the rumor that the Master was planning to let the juniors travel
by bus to attend the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game between the
Mount and Hayes! It was one of Kieran's many ways of stirring up community
interest and spirit. According to the monks at the Mount where Kieran last
served as guidance counselor, that mischievousness was one of the special
talents Kieran never discarded.
Kieran spent some of his finest hours as master of scholastics. Who could ever
forget Kieran shaking his head in bewilderment when scholastics mentioned the
latest developments in philosophy and in theology? Fortunately Kieran had
gained many insights from his readings, especially of Shakespeare; and through
his marvelous common sense and intuition he had a great understanding of
human nature. Thus, he knew well his job as master of scholastics,
Kieran became provincial in March of 1965, just a few months before Vatican II
held its final December 8th session. He inherited the winds of change. By no
means were the days ahead smooth sailing. Kieran guided the province through
those very disturbing and turbulent years of radical change in religious life.
Luckily, he could read the signs of the times, even though he sometimes neither
liked what he read nor was he always convinced of what he read. With his
council's advice, he decided what was best for the province in those times. In
1969, the Brothers affirmed their trust and confidence in his leadership by re-
electing him provincial.
Despite his pain and weakened condition a few weeks before he died, Kieran
insisted on attending a three day provincial assembly of Brothers in Riverdale.
His presence was a sign of hope for the future of Marist life. Kieran was a
special link between our Marist past and our Marist future. He was totally
Marist. In so many ways, he reached out to all of us. (Thanks to Br. Richard
FROM BR. JOHN McDONNELL ('59): A hearty, heartfelt THANK YOU for
Marists All. In addition to evoking happy memories of good men, it encourages
me when I read all the good that f.m.s, and former f.m.s, are accomplishing. As
for myself, I've enjoyed working on our second novitiate staff here in Rome
these past two semesters. Since our next session does not start until January, I'll
be working in Nigeria. Ghana, and Liberia during the fall. Our group of '59 had
its 30th anniversary reunion in Bayonne this past August 16th, thanks to Br. John
Herrmann. Hope all of you enjoy the GMC picnic at the Mount. New address:
Fratelli Maristi delle Scuole, Piazza M, (Champagnat, 2 - Cas, Post, 10259, 1 -
00144,. - Roma, Italia).
Newsletter # 11
FROM JIM (Paul. Francis) FRIEL ('56): Last week I had the privilege of
attending Terry McMahon's funeral. It was a very special shared marist family
experience; you had to be there to capture the profound sentiment of Marist
camaraderie. Who Terry was, the man he had become, a man of profound
Christian life, was captured in the homily by Tom Murphy. Hopefully Tom's
beautiful words will be shared through the pages of the newsletter.
The Marist Brothers poured out for Terry's funeral Mass; many of them I hadn't
seen since the '50's. In a way, you could say it was "pay-back" time. Terry had
visited Kieran, and had just been to Kieran's funeral. When word went out that
another Marist had fallen, the troops rallied, and Terry went home with a fine
escort to tunes of glory from the assembled and from the diaspora- the priest's
tribute to Murphy's homily to Dan Nolan's reading of the Gospel: "If you have
not charity ..." Terry surely had charity, so I guess he fulfilled his contract with
the Gospel.
My wife Kate and I knew Terry back in the old days when I lived in Woodside
and Astoria after leaving the Brothers in 1963, and we were still dating. In fact,
Terry was one of the first people from my brotherhood days whom Kate met. He
was always warm, expansive, genuine. We used to dine occasionally at Villa
Violette in Woodside. Terry was also supportive of Metro-Mac, the first alumni
chapter outside of Poughkeepsie. There's much to remember of Terry from the
old days, but for now I say in his favorite language, Ave atque vale!
On a biographical note, Kate and I got married in 1976, having gotten engaged at
Marist College during a homecoming weekend. After residing in Centerport,
Long Island, for a time, we lived in Greenwich Village for nine years. In the city
we regularly saw Marist Brothers at St. Joseph's Church. Declan, Leo Shea,
Lennie. Recently we moved to Northport, Long Island, in the shadow of the Tom
and Marianne Byrne's clan. I've been at the State University of New York since
1970, teaching philosophy and some English. A group of us did philosophy at
Fordham: Ed Donahue, Rich Rancourt, George McGuire, with Joe McMahon
getting his PhD from St. John's. I do a lot of writing and publishing. Poetry,
satire, philosophy and the like. My wife is also a published poet and a painter.
Her business interest is fashion design and right now, handpainted ties. We're
getting up a Christmas catalog. Speaking of Metro-Mac, so many people took
part in it that an article has to be written about it later. (20 Vail Street, Northport,
N. Y. 11768; 516-757-7506)
FROM BR. WILLIAM LEVIGNE ('50): Greetings from the Garden State. Can't
tell you how many people I run into who appreciate Marists All. The most recent
two were former monks from my group: Charlie Scott and Pat Donaghy. I met
the former at an ordination of a good friend of mine in Milwaukee. Charlie met
me at the airport, and we shared a couple of hours together before he drove me
to the Cathedral. We talked about the possibility of a group reunion next year,
our 40th. We still need the addresses of: G. Donaldson, J. Fitzpatrick, R.
McAneney, B. Provencher, W. Troescher, and W. Walsh.
I've just finished a Brothers' Institute at Seton Hall, and now plan to spend some
time with Mom in Massachusetts. She is still well and able enough to live alone.
We celebrated her 93rd several weeks ago.(Marist Brothers, Raritan Road,
Roselle, N. J. 07203)
ST. AGNES HIGH SCHOOL from Br. Thomas Potenza ('73): There are two
significant "Marist Events" this year, and I thought your readers would like to
Newsletter # 11
know about them. The first event involves St. Agnes High School. Brother Tom
Schady ('75) is the present principal and I am the Assistant. Bob Conte, who was
a novice in 1977, serves as Dean of Discipline. The 44th Street building where
so many of you went to school or served as monks under Leo Hy, Cyril Robert,
Wilfrid, Pat Magee, Ziggy Rancourt, and others, is nearly a hundred years old
and looks every day of it.
Over the past summer the entire operation of St. Agnes moved--lock, stock and
barrel--to a building on East 33rd Street, the former site of Immaculate High
School, which was closed last June. Our new 33rd Street site is also an old
building, but the environment of the Kips Bay area is much more pleasant. At
four stories we're the tallest building on our side of the street, and there is plenty
of light and cross ventilartion with a drastic reduction in the chaos, noise
pollution, and truck fumes that marked our place in the Grand Central Station
area. The official plan (barring church politics, zoning laws, etc.) is to develop
the 44th Street property; whatever future structure rises there is supposed to
include a brand new St. Agnes Boys High School. No doubt, that is a long, long
way down the pike. For now, the move to the new neighborhood seems quite
satisfactory. If you're in the area, stop by to take a look for yourself.
CHAMPAGNAT YEAR: The second event: as
you are, no doubt, aware, the present year marks
the bicentennial of Marcellin Champnat's birth.
Tom Schady and I, along with Brs. Pat O'Reilly,
Rich Carey, and Michael Sheerin, have been asked
by the American provinces to coordinate this
commemoration. Budget and circumstances in no
way allow us to duplicate the great celebrations of
1986, when the American provinces celebrated our
centenary in this country, so this time we are
encouraging a series of "grass roots" celebrations.
Local schools and communities will mark the year
by focusing on themes based on the charisms of
the Founder, such as love of work, devotion to
Mary, compassion for the poor, etc.
A 90 page booklet of prayers, reflections, and activities for communities and
apostolates is being delivered to each Brother. Special (Champagnat banners and
posters will be sent to coordinators in each place.) A new Champagnat logo is
We will gather the Brothers for a dual province celebration during the Christmas
break. And big plans are being made for a Youth Symposium at the Mount in
April. Our aim is to make Father Champagnat better known and appreciated.
Your own devotion to the Founder and to things Marist certainly contributes to
our goal, and we are grateful. (Marist Brothers, 156 East 38th Street, New York
City, 10016;212-889-1176)
FROM EUGENE (Kieran Matthew) CONNOLLY ('41): Your last issue shocked
us with the news of Br. Cletus Richard's death. We had been waiting for him to
visit us at our summer home in New Hampshire, as he had been doing each of
the past couple of years on his trip north. John Curry's warm and wonderful
piece about Cletus and about his own experiences was a gift to us.
Newsletter # 11
When Br. Peter Louis (Trot) died several years ago, I wrote an article about him,
which was printed in one of the province publications. A former Brother
suggested that Marists All might be interested in doing something with it, for
those who did not have access to the community publication. It is enclosed, but
it's long. Please feel free to use it in any way you wish ... (19 Bayberry Road,
Danvers, Ma. 01923; 617-774-8158)
Remembering "TROT": [Peter Louis ('24)]: The news came north to us from
Florida on a cold, early winter New England evening. The Marist voice from
Miami was filled with love and sadness. It spoke of the last days, of the courage,
the wit, the steadfastness, the prayer, the fidelity to medical orders, the
resignation .... and the bishop who left Trot's hospital bedside on Thanksgiving
Day, comforted and inspired.
As he had to, Trot loved in his way, and his way was a joy for the rest of us. He
is remembered ... remembered at nine years of age, waiting at the door of his
twin sister's school, holding the rope of a sled he had covered with blankets for
her warmth, and remembered a few years later, wiping the tears from her eyes as
he tried to explain why she could not leave for the Brothers with him. And he is
remembered leaving on the desk of a young Brother who had borrowed a
cigarette from him, two packages of Raleighs from his allotment, coupons
included. He is remembered handing visiting mothers of two young Brothers
shoe boxes filled with sandwiches, cookies, and fruit, bound with twisted coat
hangers for handles, as they boarded the train from Wheeling to New York.
Remembered Saturday after Saturday standing behind a kitchen chair cutting the
hair of every Marist head that appeared. Remembered stopping to talk or joke
with a Brother he suspected of being lonesome or blue; preparing exquisite food
and drink for special community parties; saying the perfect defusing word to
cool an argument between colleagues; bringing the community to life and
together at breakfast by saying something that even the sleepiest and most
resolutely taciturn could not resist responding to; scrupulously preparing
extraordinarily detailed and organized notes for his classes; volunteering to take
the place of Brothers for whatever they became unable to do;.making his
Brothers and his friends aware by a wink, a smile,or an expression in his warm,
soft eyes that they were special; comforting and inspiring those who came to
comfort and inspire him; and in his final days preparing a calendar of the
birthdays of all the Brothers so that each celebrant could receive congratulatory
wishes from the Marist family; throughout working for the well-being and
salvation of others, and doing it with grace for sixty years.
Gone is the man we remember. Gone is the man who well understood pain and
joy and love, and how to blend them into a life of grace and gracefulness. Gone
is the spirit of Trot, the spirit that warmed our days; gone, theologians tell us, to
become more of what he was becoming. (Thanks to Gene Connolly '44)
FROM REV. WILLIAM FADROWSKI ('63): After graduating from Marist
High School in Bayonne in 1962, I entered the Esopus novitiate and took the
habit in 1963. After two years at Marist College, I was sent to Union Catholic in
Scotch Plains from 1966 to 1972. During that time I received an M.A. in
guidance from Seton Hall University. From 1972 to 1980 I was at Marist High in
Bayonne as guidance counselor and chairperson of the Religious Education
I served as Assistant Superintendent of Schools in the Archdiocese of Newark
from 1980 to 1985. I began studies for the priesthood in September of 1985, and
Newsletter # 11
was ordained in November of 1987. Since January, 1988, I have been at Queen
of Peace parish in North Arlington, New Jersey. It is a large blue collar parish
with about 4000 families. There are four priests on the parish staff. We're kept
very busy with weddings, funerals, sacramental preparation. The parish runs a
coed high school with, over a thousand students. The Lasalle Christian monks
and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Pa., are in the high school; we also
have an elementary school with over five hundred students. North Arlington is
just west of Jersey City and east of Newark; the Meadowlands Sports Complex
is just a few miles to the south. A number of former students from Marist
Bayonne live in the parish. I hope the Marists All news letter continues to be a
link among all of us.(10 Franklin Place, North Arlington, N. J. 07032; 201-997-
FROM ED (George Abel) MILES ('55): I thought I wrote once before, but with
all the moving we have done I don't know if I ever sent the letter ... so here goes.
When I left the Mount in 1959, I got drafted. Luckily I got into the Marines. (I
didn't want to give up the discipline!) When I got out, I went to work and teach
in a reformatory, Lincoln Hall. Then I lucked out, got a National Science
Foundation grant at Syracuse, and got an M.S. The next 27 years I taught,
coached, and then went on permanent leave last September from Ardsley High
School, Ardsley, N. Y.
About four years ago I realized I was going to have three kids starting college at
the same time ... on teacher's pay! Well, insolvency breeds initiative; my wife
Andy (Andrina) and I set out subdividing our property in Westchester. It was a
long haul, but we succeeded and learned a lot from our mistakes. That led to
three other subdivisions around the state, and by that time it was fun.
Then I got a strange type of arthritis and was told I needed a different climate.
We tried Arizona, two days, too hot: Now we love California after six months
here. We miss our family and friends, but if they were smart, they'd retire out
here too. It is the best climate, and it isn't that expensive. We bought a 1300
square foot condo across the street from the ocean for 85K. We are going to live
here till our three kids also decide to come to California.
What I really would like to to is to hook up with anyone who wants to work to
help Des Kelly's mission in Pakistan. There are a lot of needy people, but
Brother Thomas is the person who fulfills needs. If you have started something
already and need somebody to get it going in the West, just let me know. Call
Saturday or Sunday (619 431-7045) and we'll send the saved dough to Des.
That's it! DOUGH FOR DES; (7369 Alicante Road, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009)
ZIMBABWE MARIST NEWSLETTER I have been on the mailing list of
Marists All from Francis Gudyanga since the first issue. However, the last issue I
received was that of May, 1988. I was in England then. I came back home to
Zimbabwe at the end of January this year and am now a lecturer in the
Department of Metallurgy at the University of Zimbabwe. Would it be possible
to get copies of Marists All issues from #6 onwards. I would appreciate it very
much, for I have found them to be very inspiring and interesting reading. Here in
Zimbabwe we have launched a similar newsletter, and have enclosed a copy. We
have named our newsletter.Once a Marist ... Always a Marist. I hope to be able
to send you a copy of every issue as they come out. Greetings to all Marists.
(P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe)
Editor 's Note: The mailing list of the Zimbabwe newsletter includes the name of
at least one person we know, Isidore Sabeta. Izzy did his studies as a young
Newsletter # 11
Brother at Marist College around 1970. He is now chief chemist at Lever
Brothers in Harare, Zimbabwe. His address: % Lever Bros. 2 Stiring Road,
Harare, Zimbabwe.
FROM PAKISTAN: Br. Thomas Kelly ('53): Over the summer we started
construction of the buildings needed to accommodate classes K to 10. The
construction industry in Pakistan is.very labor intensive with a minimal use of
any type of machinery. Building foundations are dug by hand, concrete is
prepared by the age-old process, and the carrying of bricks and mortar is done by
ladies balancing the heavy loads on their heads. The women balance a small
board on their heads and then manage to pile 24 bricks on the board in an
amazing feat of strength, dexterity, and poise. The bricks weigh five pounds
each, so a file of 24 bricks weighs about 120 pounds. How they walk so easily
along narrow walls and rickety planks makes them a wonder to behold. They put
in a full day's work carrying bricks and concrete, and during their breaks in the
hottest part of the afternoon they go to the canal to wash the family laundry.
This summer the newspapers warned that there was an outbreak of meningitis,
but it was simply cases of measles. Parents treated the children by bundling them
in warm blankets, giving them hot herbal fluids and making them inhale smoke
from a herbal fire. When the children developed diarrhea, the parents cut off all
fluids. The children were not dying from measles; they were dying of
dehydration brought on by folk remedies. We managed to get many children to a
local hospital where they were put on intravenous feeding to get fluids back into
their bodies. We hope we will be able to educate these poor people to enhance
their survival skills.
Throughout June the mercury continued to climb well over the hundred mark. I
escaped the worst of the heat by heading for the States where I was able to visit
with many of the students and teachers where I taught at St. Elizabeth High in
Oakland; then I caught up with family and friends in Washington and New York.
The time spent in the States was very profitable as it allowed me to attend a
convocation with 120 other Marist Brothers and gave me the opportunity of
thanking many of those who have been of immeasurable help over the past two
years. There is no plaque attesting to the loving help we have received. The
school that is being built and the youngsters who are recipients of your
generosity will always stand as a monument to your caring and sharing.
(Sargodha Catholic School, Box 110, Sargodha, Pakistan)
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA: Just three years after the mining town of
Johannesburg sprang up, the first three Brothers arrived to establish what was the
first boys' high school in the city. Now there are three very fine high schools, all
"open schools", racially mixed; in addition there are two Brothers working in
Soweto, the vast African township of more than two million on the outskirts of
the city.
The centenary of the presence and mission of the Marist Brothers was celebrated
on June 6th by a Mass attended by the Cardinal, other bishops and priests, and
the two thousand boys and girls attending the schools; there were also hundreds
of other guests, parents, Religious, and civic dignitaries. A liturgical drama
depicted the history of the development of the Marist colleges from whites-only
boys' schools into the co-educational and racially mixed schools of today.
Newsletter # 11
The reception following the Mass was held on the site of the first school, where
now stands a hugh hotel called the MARISTON, a direct reference to the
previous Marist occupation of that property, and a significant tribute to the vital
role the Marist Brothers have played in the city.
KOBE, JAPAN: The Marist Brothers' International School here recently
captured the attention of many newspapers in Japan when they held a model
meeting of the United Nations among their students, who in fact include twenty
one different nationalities; this type of project was seen as unusual among the
normally bookbound Japanese students.
NOTRE DAME DE L'HERMITACE, FRANCE: On the 13th and 14th of May
more than two thousand young people from France and from all over Europe
gathered in the valley of the Hermitage to celebrate Pentecost with Marcellin
Champagnat on the occasion of his 200th birthday. Words of welcome to each
young person: "You too are called like Marcellin to create something new in
your own life and around you. May Marcellin help you to respond generously to
whatever God expects of you."
MEXICO CITY: Brother J. Gabriel Ibanez (whom we believe made his novitiate
with us in Poughkeepsie from 1942 to 1944) is the Director General of a unique
project geared to promote literacy among poor children in Mexico. The project is
called "The National Patronage for Literacy and Education Extension." It has a
fourteen-member Board of Directors, almost all of whom are former students of
the Marist Brothers, plus three Brothers, including Br. Basilio Rueda, Superior
General from 1967 to 1985.
LEBANON: The battles began in Lebanon fourteen years ago. Our Marist
schools in Champville and Jbeil-Anchid have not suffered too much damage so
far, despite the shells which have fallen on the property. There have been no
classes since the 13th of March; they could reopen this September, but more
likely it will be January. No one has escaped the economic crisis that this
situation has created for the teachers, many of whom find themselves compelled
to emigrate. There are presently nineteen Brothers still trying to keep alive the
charism of Champagnat in this land of suffering.
FROM JOHN ROCHE ('52): Thank you for including me on the Marists All
mailing list. It is nice hearing from so many people I haven't been in contact with
in over twenty years. Each issue is more enjoyable than the last. Since I left
Marist in 1965, I taught at Stepinac High School for a half year, and then
decided to move south seeking the warmer climate that I had gotten use to as a
Brother at Columbus High. I was fortunate to find a job teaching math in Miami
at Coral Gables Senior High School. Although I enjoyed my position there, I
was happy to return to Christopher Columbus High in 1973. It was refreshing to
be back teaching in a Marist environment.
My wife Bettye and I were married in 1968. She is an elementary school teacher
working in the local school system. Like me, she enjoys her profession. Bettye
does my Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc. In fact, she wrote most of this
letter. She's terrific. Currently my time outside of teaching is mostly taken up
with gardening, yard work, simple home repairs, square and round dancing,
clogging, and now we are taking ballroom dancing lessons. Keeps me busy and
out of mischief. Bettye enjoys the same leisure time activities. Would love to
visit with any of you if you are down our way. Give us a call and plan to drop in.
(9740 S.W. 100th Avenue, Miami., Fl. 33176; 305-271-3876)
Newsletter # 11
DECEASED: We understand that Ken Connell ('58) has died. We have no
details. May all our deceased friends rest in peace.
MAIL UNDELIVERED: Some people have apparently moved. If you know the
correct address of any of the following people, please send same along to us;
they were receiving the earlier issues of the newsletter. Frank Callahan '59, Ron
Gagnon '67, James Long '62, Tom Corcoran '75, Gerard Geoffroy '68, Sean
Mahoney '57, Tim Falkenstein '48, Robert Grady '53, Joe McMorrow '63,
Raphael Ferncord '34, John Harty '52, John Mullins '55, Dennis Freaney '62,
John Kinch '59, John Warren '60
BUSINESS UP-DATE: You will notice that in this issue we have fewer first time
correspondents than ever, only seven. We certainly appreciate those who keep us
updated on things of mutual interest, but what can we do to activate the pens,
typewriters, or word processors of those who have not yet shared their news with
us? COME HOLY SPIRIT; There is an urgency in this matter. After paying the
expenses of this issue #11, we will have enough funds for two more issues; yet
we have received only two checks in the last three months ... not yet an urgency.
We really enjoy receiving mail: Write to David Kammer, 107 Woodland Drive,
Harwinton, CT. 06791, or Gus Nolan, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.