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ISSUE # 1.xml


Part of Marists All: Issue #1 May 1987


Newsletter # 1
May 1987
Choose a title:
MARISTS NEAR AND FAR ........Marist at Heart....... Brothers & Marist
First..... MARISTS ALL
Your newsletter, recently circulated, comes as a pleasant surprise, reminding me
of warmly felt and strongly held ties with my Marist past. Since I am still very
much a "Marist at heart" as you put it, I would be delighted to receive the sort of
newsletter that you describe.
Some of us go back to the years when we had religious names which were not
necessarily identical to our family names. Mine, for example, was Brother James
Martin; some people may remember me by that name rather than as Charlie
Scott. As a matter of fact, David Kammer, I do not know you--at least by that
name. Perhaps you too had a religious name, one that I might more readily
recognize. (Editor's note: You're not the only one, Charlie; try Br. David Ottmar.)
My days with the Marists go from 1947 to 1953: 2 years in the Juniorate at
Esopus, 2 years in the Novitiate at Tyngsboro, 2 years at the Scholasticate at
what is now Marist College in Poughkeepsie. They were six years of much
happiness and wonderful memory. Now, thirty-four years later, my memories are
still strong and I feel as close to several of my classmates as I ever did. They are,
for me, among the best and closest friends. Ken Voegtle (Br. Leonard Alphonse)
and I still correspond a couple of times a year, though we have not seen each
other for over thirty years. I am still in touch with Bill Powers (Br. David
William) and with Matt Callanan (Br. Matthew Michael) and with Pat Tyrell (Br.
Patrick Francis). Had a wonderful visit with Pat and Br. John Benedict in the
house at Kumamoto when I was on a lecture tour in Japan in 1981. Matt has
been here to visit us in Madison several times.
For your info: I am professor of English, specializing in linguistics, at the
University of Wisconsin, and have been here since 1963. I am director of the
department's Program in English as a Second Language, and regularly teach
courses in the structure and history of the English language. Since receiving my
M.A. from New York University in 1958, my work has included several
overseas experiences: Afghanistan, Japan, India, Poland, and China. 1987 will
be a domestic year: our big trip will be east at the end of May to celebrate our
30th wedding anniversary on Cape Cod, to attend second son's graduation from
Harvard Law School, and to visit friends and relatives in the New England, New
York, New Jersey area. First son is an Air Force captain flying flight lead in an
F-16 fighter squadron based in Germany. Two daughters, both living in
Milwaukee, are in public relations/entertainment booking business-for different
agencies. My wife is box office manager of the Madison Civic Center. "All the

Newsletter # 1
world's a stage..." Does anyone know where Jeptha Lanning and Richard Tinker
are now? To them, more than anyone we owe Shakespearian performances at
Marist College. Charlie's home address: (4737 Lafayette Drive, Madison, Wi.
SHORT QUOTES: "I would be most grateful to hear about the Brothers. I
received far more than I ever gave." Bill Gilligan
"Marists at heart' what a great name for our newsletter!"
Gene Zirkel "Thanks for reaching out." Pat McMahon
FROM BR. PAUL AMBROSE: I am off for some bit of vacation with my sister
in Florida, but I saw your circular letter just before leaving; it will be posted so
that the monks interested may send items and keep in touch.
What you heard is correct. I will be leaving for Africa, for western Africa where
our three monks started out this past September. Br. Norbert Cote is leaving the
U.S. on February 15th for the same place and will be in Monrovia, Liberia, on
the 17th. I am told that Br. Pat McNulty will also be going in September to help
out in the school. We are taking over both the elementary and the secondary
school which has been quite neglected. I will leave on August 29th, the day after
my 74th birthday, but I will make a stop in Rome and a few days also in Pakistan
where I was supposed to go originally. But I do expect to be in Liberia by the
20th at the latest. I am going to help the Bishop of Cape Palmas who needs an
Administrator; he was left short-handed when the Holy See took his
Administrator and made him Bishop of a new diocese north of Monrovia.
Monrovia is the capital of Liberia, and Cape Palmas is on the coast 350 miles
away. Twenty miles north of Cape Palmas is Pleebo, where the monks are. It has
no electricity, the water has to be boiled; there was no furniture for the school,
and a 4-wheel drive vehicle is needed for transportation. The roads are all dirt,
and become nearly impassable during the rainy season from May to October ...
no postal or banking services in the area. It is a long trek of 350 miles to the
capital for shopping and for postal and banking needs. In a few words: this is a
FROM JOE McMORROW in northern ALBERTA, CANADA: I was very
pleased to get your letter. I think of you often and thank God for knowing you. If
there are any members of the Marist Family living further north than I, please let
me know; otherwise, I'm pretty sure the honor is mine. I'm married with three
children and am very happy in my family and in my work. I'm the religious
education coordinator for a Catholic school district here. Canada was a good
choice for me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I look forward to the
newsletter. I'm very grateful for having been a Brother; although it's nearly 20
years since I left, I still feel very close to the monks. I recommend Chuck
Luttrell and Jack Kelly for your list of addresses.
SHORT QUOTES: "I appreciate your interest and caring concern for all FMS. I
wish you every blessing and great success on the Greater Marist Newsletter." Br.
Dennis Dunne, provincial of Pksie province, recently succeeded by Br. Sean
"I would love to get a newsletter." Frank Casey

Newsletter # 1
"Glad to hear the newsletter is coming to birth, and with such strong FMS
support." Br. Leonard Voegtle
"Hope my wordy response is enough indication of my excitement; thank you so
much for the initiative." Vinny Andiorio
"The letter will be a treat for all of us that grew up together in Christ, to be
concerned about the distressed and to rejoice with one another.".... Dom
FROM PAT KEILTY: I entered the Esopus Novitiate in 1964 under Peter Hilary,
and then Eugene, attended the college until '68 when I was sent out a year early
to teach English at St. Helena's, a blue blood from Molloy teaching in the Bronx
under the landing of LaGuardia; the first year was hell. By the end of the third
year I had grown to love the place, the kids, the teachers, and especially the
Brothers. Nonetheless, I left the Brothers in '71, returned to Long Island and
taught at Holy Trinity in Hicksville. While there I married Anne Lundy, a former
Sister of Charity and a colleague in the English Department. In '74 we moved to
Suffolk County and I switched to Kings Park High School for all the reasons that
many others switch from parochial to public schools.
In '76 Anne, I, and our newborn daughter, Justine, moved to Columbia,
Maryland, a planned city in need of experienced teachers, and also the home of
Tom and Nora Hunt. Anne and I have been very happy here; secure jobs, a good
school system, a family oriented town, and good friends. A few years ago I got a
second Masters from Johns Hopkkns University, in guidance counseling; and I
took additional credits in math (my initial choice of a major while at Marist) and
I currently teach geometry and algebra at Hammond High School here in
Columbia. Anne and I, along with Justine, now 11, and our second daughter
Erin, almost 8, spend most of our summers at the beach near Cape May. This
summer, we are planning a trip to Ireland. Following are addresses of Tom Kelly,
Bob Sweeney, John Sheehan, Tom Hunt, and Pat Murphy
FROM VINNY POISELLA: You can tell those who remember, that Vince
Poisella (formerly Br. Vincent Jude) is alive and 47 in Hopatcong, N. J. My
home, my work, and my church are here.
I share the ups and downs with my wife, Jane, and three children: Mark (14),
Eric (12), and Anne (10). I am currently coordinator of the guidance program at
Hopatcong High School. Jane is junior library assistant at the Sussex County
Library working on her Media Specialist Certification in a high school librarian
program. I am a lector and catechist at St. Jude's in Hopatcong, and in spare
moments (when not chauffeuring my kids to soccer, track, ballet, gymnastics,
basketball, CCD, and other local events) I coach track, counsel pregnant
adolescents, do adult career counseling, serve on the local juvenile conference
committee, all volunteer work. The big bucks aren't in the social services. I do
get a pay check for my two graduate courses I teach for Jersey City State
College. I am now a nationally certified counselor.
The only ex-monk I see on a regular basis is John Brady (Br. Michael Daniel). I
bump into someone now and again who revives old (and precious) memories,
and I exchange greeting cards at Christmas with a few. I am still very much a
Marist, am proud to be associated, although thinly, with such a fine group of
dedicated men. My involvement would be greater but for family obligations. I
have never regretted the strong basis for life that I developed in my twelve

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Marist years. I laud your efforts to keep in touch. Len Voegtle, who must
correspond with thousands of Marists around the world, writes me occasional
news, he being much more faithful than I. Take what you want from this, even if
it's only my age and phone number: (201) 298-5477.
FROM BROTHER MICHAEL LARATONDA: It was a pleasant surprise to hear
about a larger newsletter about all Marists. After leaving Union Catholic in
Scotch Plains in 1983, I took several courses in Spirituality at the Graduate
Theological Union at Berkeley (my first time to the West Coast). In January of
'84 I west to Fribourg, to experience an excellent time of renewal in the Second
Novitiate. While there I found myself moved in the direction of ministry with the
sick and the dying. On my return I did Hospital ministry Training at St. Mary's
Hospital in San Francisco. Now I am Director of Chaplaincy Services at Mercy
Retirement and Care Center, Oakland, Cal. The new area of ministering is both
challenging and rewarding.
FROM GENE ZIRKEL: I don't know where to begin; it's been 20 years since I
left the Brothers and so much has happened. I'm the former Louis Francis. I am
now married and have a 16 year old son. I live in West Islip, and am professor of
math and computer science at Nassau Community College, where I am also the
Catholic Chaplain. I earned a second Master's degree at New York Tech,
majoring in Computer Science. I am busy writing my third book. This one is
"Turbo Pascal," the first two text books were in Statistics. I am active in the
Dozenal Society of America, a non-profit educational organization that spreads
the advantages of dozens, inches, etc. For many years I have been active in a
Secular Fraternity in the spirit of Charles de Foucauld. As a result I spend much
time working with the poor, especially at my parish, Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal in Wyandanch.
Gallagher, Br. William Mielke, Marty Lang, Anthony Miserandino, Frank
McNiff, Bill Gilberg, Donald Mulcare, Ed Kelly, Br. Joe Belanger, John Wilcox,
Br. Sean Sammon, Maurice Bibeau, Bill Shannon, John Collies, Adrian Perrault,
Jack Kelly, Br. John Mulligan, Ed Cashin, Bill Reger, Charlie Kennedy, Gus
Nolan, Bill Karges, Br. Bonaventure Cocco, Manny Lopez, Ronald Mulholland,
Richard LaPietra ...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Thanks sincerely for the overwhelming response. We all have
reason to be pleased and proud of the unanimous praise of the Marist Brothers
and of the Marist life from which we have benefitted and to which we have
contributed; praise and gratitude are evident in all of the correspondence. This
newsletter has taken a form different from that which had been anticipated;
clearly it is dependent on the type of your responses; and of course, that is just
fine. Keep in mind, though: WE CANNOT CONTINUE LONG WITHOUT
NEWS AND ADDRESSES. What is mundane to you may be quite interesting to
others. So let's hear from you! Write to David Kammer, 107 Woodland Drive,
Harwinton, Ct., 06791 ... or to Gus Nolan at Marist College. Thanks again to
Gus and to the Greater Marist Movement for helping with this newsletter and for
the printing and the mailing from Marist College.