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Marist College History: Donnelly Hall 2


Part of Marist College History: Donnelly Hall 2


9/8/21, 12:31 PM
Donnelly Page Two

Donnelly Hall

Inside finishing work on Donnelly coincided with Marian College, as it
was then called, accepting eight resident lay students. A section of
Donnelly was modified as a dormitory for these students. For the next
10 years, Donnelly was the main classroom building on the campus.
In 1985 modification such as enclosing and absorbing the ramp
surrounding the building and enlarging the exterior classrooms took
The plaque in the main entrance of Donnelly commemorates the Marist
Brothers' great achievement:
Donnelly Hall rededicated this twelfth day of October Nineteen Hundred
and Ninety-one
"With deepest gratitude to the Marist Brothers who
through the vision of their faith and by the labor of
their hands constructed this landmark building on
the Marist College campus, 1957-1962, under the
inspiring leadership of Brother Nilus Vincent
Donnelly, FMS, for whom this structure is named."
"Orare et laborare"

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last updated on June 10, 2004

9/8/21, 12:53 PM
Acknowledgment Page
Project Directors
Dr. Brian Henry Desilets

Dr. Linus Richard Foy

John Patrick Noone
From the beginning, Marist Heritage has been a collaborative effort.
We appreciate the contributions of the Marist Brothers and the Marists All
community, who by supplying information and personal memories, have given vitality,
scope and depth to this project
Under the guidance and direction of Dr. Brian Henry Desilets, the initial web pages
were designed and created by the following Marist College students: Michele van
Brero (Hermitage, St. Peter's, Kieran Gate House, Greystone, Marist Brothers
Builders, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel).....Tage Haun (Bech Homestead, Marian,
Donnelly).....Fang Fang Xu (Boat House, Byrne House, Kirk House).....Courtney Gutt
(Bech Family History).....Vij lyer (Cemetery).....Rahkee Chopra (Fontaine Hall).
All the final Marist Heritage web pages were either created, revised, rewritten
and/or reshaped by John Patrick Noone, who is solely responsible for any errors
contained therein.
We thank Richard Branigan for proofreading the Marist Heritage web pages.
We recognize the contributions of our consultants: John Ansley for his input on the
format and contents of the various web pages. Also Victor VanCarpels for his
frequent consultations and guidance in the graphics included in this CD. His
patience and dedication while working with us made the overall results more
We are grateful to Barbara McMullen for the use of the Ecommerce facility at Marist
We are indebted to the McCann Foundation which provided the funds necessary to make
this project a reality.
John Patrick Noone, editor

November 15, 2002
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Acknowledgment Page