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Brother Zepheriny Brochier.xml


Part of Marist All: Brother Zepheriny Brochier Obituary


Eulogy for Brother Zepheriny Brouchier

(September 21, 1861 - December 29, 1927)
author: Brother Joseph L R Belanger, 7 November 2002, taken from various
François Adophe Louis Brochier was born in the city of Lyons, France, in 1861. His
parents, Louis and Reine (Fuzier) Brochier, were devout Catholics, as were the
majority of people in this conservative region of France, and they were happy to
see him embrace the vocation of a Marist Brother. St. Marcellin Champagnat had
founded these "Little Brothers of Mary" on 2 January 1817 at LaValla, some 45
kms SSW of Lyons. They were well known and loved in the region. Louis entered
Postulancy in October 1876 and received the Marist Habit on 2 February 1877.
After the Novitiate in 1878 Louis was appointed cook, as was usual in those days.
After that year, from 1879 to 1881 he was "enseignant auxiliaire," (any unspecified
school function helping the educational process: prefect, proctor, substitute,
econome...) in Quintenas, and from 1881 to 1888 "auxiliaire" again at V albenoite,
both in the diocese of Lyons. Presumably these positions gave him some
opportunity to cultivate himself and do personal study. He loved literature. The
"auxiliaire" appointments completed, he was named teacher at the Hermitage,
headquarters of the Marist Brothers. At this time, he had acquired the "brevet
complet" or "superieur" which certified him to teach all the classes in the primary.
This was short-lived. His outstanding talent designated him for administrative work
in the new Province of North America, recently founded in Iberville, Canada, in
1885 by Brother Cesidius.
After a year of intensive study of English in London, England, Bro. Zepheriny came
to the New World to become the founder of the Brothers' new school in New York
City. He had an ardent devotion to "la Bonne Sainte Anne" and after naming the
new school in her honor, he acquired a bronze statue of St. Ann teaching the
Virgin Mary and placed it in an outdoor niche overlooking Lexington Avenue and
77th Street. Such protective placements were common in his native France. In
many places a statue of Notre Dame would be erected with the Latin phrase:
"Posuernnt me custodiam, " " they have placed me as guardian." Zepheriny's
energy and competence laid a solid base and made the Academy one of the
premier schools of the city. He also gave the school its nickname, "the beehive,"
and wrote its motto, Non Scholae sed Vitae, " "Not for school but for life." When St.
Ann's Academy became Archbishop Molloy High School in Qeens NYC in 1957
and the old school was sold and tom down, the statue of St. Ann and the Virgin
Mary followed the students to Molloy where it still stands after more than 100
An English-language school had been opened in Lewiston ME in 1886, followed
by others in Manchester NH (1890), NYC (1892), and Lowell and Lawrence MA
(1892). Many boys from these schools were drawn to religious life by these
beloved teachers. At first they were sent to Iberville for training, but this soon
proved impractical and a formation center was sought in the United States. The
Provincial at that time, Brother Cesidius, entrusted this project to Bro. Zepheriny,
who, in 1904, had become Vice- Provincial and "Visitor" or Superintendent of the
Marist schools in North America. With the advice of the Jesuit Fathers at St.

Eulogy for Brother Zepheriny Brouchier
Andrew's in Hyde Park and the financial help of his sister in France he bought the
MacPherson Estate in the town of Poughkeepsie on 28 February 1905. Again, he
immediately renamed the property St. Ann's Hermitage in honor of his favorite
patron saint. In 1907 he was appointed Provincial of the North American province.
Under his direction St. Ann's Novitiate was opened in 1908, the Brothers started
teaching at St. Peter's in Poughkeepsie, and Camp St. Ann on Isle LaMotte VT
was bought. Bro. Zepheriny developed serious heart problems which forced him to
resign the Provincialate after two years for reasons of health. He then returned to
Poughkeepsie as teacher.
When the separate English-language Province of St. Ann was established in 1911,
he opted to remain in the United States. He became Master of Novices in 1919,
but his heart problems re-surfaced in 1923 and he had to spend his remaining
years in the infirmary. He died there on Thursday 29 December 1927. Two days
before he died he composed his poem "Farewell," on the Marist cemetery in
Poughkeepsie. He was buried on the feast of the founding of the Institute, 2
January 1928. Among the many mourners was a Mr. John McCann of
Bro. Zepheriny's outstanding abilities as administrator and teacher were softened
by a genuine humility and a sincere love for students and confreres, especially his
former Postulants and Novices, who continued to seek his advice and prayers until
he died.