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Henry Duane Myers.pdf


Part of Marist College Land History: Henry Duane Myers Obituary


Henry Duane Myers

and his wife Susan
Obituary notice of Henry D Myers

Dropping Dead While at Work

Published in the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, 24 January 1887
This community was startled on Saturday morning by learning that one of its old and well-known citizens, Mr. Henry
D. Myers, had dropped dead while superintending the gathering of ice on the river. he had done on the river about
half past six and was talking to Mr. Abram Smith when he suddenly fell, and without a word ceased to breathe. He
was at once carried to his home, medical assistance was called, and every effort was made to resuscitate him, but in
vain. Life had fled. The cause of death was heart disease, to which it is said he had been subject.
Mr. Myers was born in this city in 1816, and was therefore
in his seventy-first year. He has always lived here, and
although he never held any public office, except that of
Trustee of the village, he was known to everybody and
highly respected by all. He is said to have begun the
grocery business before he became of age, and continued
it for nearly forty years, all the time at the same stand, on
the north side of Main street, just east of the Poughkeepsie
hotel. As a business man he had a high reputation for
strict austerity and he was successful at gathering a
moderate fortune.
For many years he has been employed as a surveyor in and
about this city, and we presume more property lines have
been run and marked out by him that by any other man
About twenty-five years ago he went into the ice business,
and since retiring from his grocery this has been his
principal occupation. As stated above, he was giving
directions for the harvesting of the crop of ice when death
overtook him.
Mr. Myers has filled several positions of trust in this city.
He was the leader in establishing a Universalist Church
here and has always had almost entire control of its
finances. When the old society was compelled to sell the
church in Cannon street, now St. Mary's Catholic, he
invested the proceeds and in his hands they so
accumulated that in due time he was able to purchase the
present church in Lafayette Place and revive the
organization on a firm basis He was also a Trustee of the
Savings Bank and a Director of the Fallkill National Bank,
and Vice President of both institutions. He leaves a wife,
son and daughter.
N.B. Henry D Myers was the surveyor for the 372 acre of land of purchased by George A Bech in 1880 which became
the district of Fairview.

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most recent revision September 11, 2012