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Part of Marist Brothers in Esopus: Emma C. Larson (1862-1943)


Emma C Larson (1862 - 1943)
Emma C Larson was a servant in the
Oliver Payne households. Listed as a
housekeeper, in many ways she was his
confidante, upon whom he relied for
advice and as an interface between
himself and others. This essay is based
on research about Emma Larson I
conducted in 2008, amplified by further
research in 2011.
Emma Larson FamilY..
Em ma's service for 1910 - 1917
Greenwood Plantation connection
Larson's life after's death
Emma C Larson last will
Emma C Larson estate
Emma C Larson burial
End notes
Emma Larson Family
During the years 1910 to 1917, Emma C Larson served Oliver
Hazard Payne as head housekeeper for his properties in New

York City, Esopus and Thomasville, Georgia. She is
representative of several workers whom Payne trusted deeply.
Beside Emma this would include Andrew Mason, Julian
Burroughs, Charles Osberg and Captain C. V. Scott commander
of of Payne's yacht the Aphrodite.
Emma is listed as Emma C Larson in the census records and
signed her name the same way. However in Oliver H Payne's
will she is listed as Emma Christina Larson. The surname Larson
and given name Emma is very common among Swedish origin
families, so she may have used the C to differentiate herself
from many others with the same name.
Emma's parents were Andrew Gustav Larson and wife Olivia.
Both were born in Sweden, Andrew in 1832, Olivia in 1839.
They migrated with their three oldest children to the United
States around 1868 (one census record says 1870). Their
Augusta Larson Turrell
Emma Christina Larson
Dec 1862
Jennie Larson Draminsky
March 1864 Sweden
Mary Larson Loveless
Otto Leonard Larson
Jessie Evangeline Larson
Feb 1879
Andrew G and Olivia Larson are found in the 1880 census in
Liberty Township, Pulaski, Missouri with their three youngest
children; Andrew is a farmer. The three oldest are gone,
Augusta to Lake, Cook County, Illinois where she is a servant
for the family of a master builder of railroad cars; Emma is a
servant in an orphanage with 98 children in Chicago, Illinois.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, Mary Larson Loveless
lives in Massachusetts with her husband Frederick; they have
been married two years and Frederick was born in England.
Soon after the turn of the century, Frederick becomes the
manager of Payne's Thomasville, Georgia estate.

Jenny Larson Draminsky is a widow living in Chicago with two
sons: Ernest born January 1884 in Missouri and Emil born April
1886 in Missouri. She has Jessie Larson living with her. Emma
Larson is now a servant in the townhouse of Oliver H Payne in
New York City.
By 1910, Jennie's children are gone, but Jennie's father Andrew,
age 77, is living with her, as is Jessie Larson. By 1920 Jennie
Draminsky, age 54 cleans houses, and Jessie Larson is a 40
year old stenographer. Living with them is Margaret Draminsky,
Jennie's daughter. Emma Larson is now the head housekeeper
for Oliver H Payne.By 1930 we find only Jennie Draminsky and
Jessie Larson living in the Chicago area.
Of the five of Emma's siblings, only Jessie Larson remained
alive by the time of Emma's death on 13 March 1943. Listed as
persons to be notified before settling the estate were Jessie
Evangeline Larson of Chicago, Private Virgil Leonard and Anders
Leonard, both of Corpus Christi, TX; Oliver Loveless in the
Merchant Marine with home base Fort Pierce FI and temporary
home 25 South Street, NYC; Margaret Draminsky, same
address as Jessie Larson; and William N Turrell, of Villa Park IL.
Greenwood Plantation connection
Frederick Loveless was born in England and emigrated to the
USA in 1890. He married Emma's younger sister Mary in
1898 and by early in the first decade of the 20th century
was the horticulturist for the Greenwood Plantation,
Thomasville, Georgia that Oliver Payne purchased in 1899.
in the essay section.) Frederick and Mary
are listed as living in Brookline MA, just outside of Boston in
the 1900 census.
It may be just coincidental that two sisters from Chicago
wind up working for Payne, one in New York City, the other
in Georgia. It is not known when Emma Larson began
working for Payne. perhaps she recommended her sister and

brother-in-law for the Thomasville job, or less likely, Mary
recommended Emma.
Oliver was Mary Larson Loveless's son and is listed in the
1920 census as a boarder in a house in Thomasville working
in a florist shop. I did not find Frederick in the 1920 census,
but he is listed in 1930 as living in Thomasville, occupation
as florist, but either flower shop or plantation as his place of
work. Mary Larson Loveless probably died sometime
between 1910 and 1930. Oliver and Fred Loveless are listed
in a Florida census of 1945 as living in Fort Pierce. Oliver
died in San Pedro CA in 1973
Service for Payne 1910 - 1917
Emma Larson moved to New York City on or slightly before
1900 to work as a housekeeper for Oliver Hazard Payne. She is
listed at the bottom of the list of servants in Payne's townhouse
on Fifth Avenue. Andrew Mason is listed as Payne's butler.
With the purchase of the Esopus estate, Andrew Mason was
named the manager of the estate and is listed with his family as
living in Esopus NY on the West Park Mountain Road, close to
widow Margaret Van Dewater. He must have acted as the clerk-
of-the-works for Payne during the heavy construction period of
1910-1911 which saw construction of the main house, the
greenhouse and related houses, the gatehouse, and the
garage/service area the Brothers now call the English Village.
During this time John Carrere must have been very active, as
he usually supervised the contractors and also was the chief
landscape designer for the Carrere
Hastings firm. Shortly the
Mason family moved into the former Pratt house on the
property, called the Superintendent's House when I lived there
in 1942-1945, and later named Holy Rosary Cottage by the
Marist Brothers.
By 1910, Emma was listed at the top of the servants list for the
New York City townhouse. She probably acted as head

housekeeper for Greenwood Plantation and soon the Esopus
Oliver H Payne also purchased an 800 acre tract on an island
near Newport Rhode Island, but I could find no record about
this, except for a NY Times article indicating he was considering
its purchase and a later article saying he was using it as a base
for his yachting travels near the US after war broke out in
More than a mere housekeeper, Emma served as an interface
between Payne and the other servants. It is believed that Payne
relied heavily on her judgment. When Andrew Mason died in
1913, Emma probably recommended Julian Burroughs for the
estate supervisor position. We have copies of
wrote to Julian Burroughs (some from New York City, others
from Greenwood Plantation) that show she worked closely with
Colonel Payne and followed his instructions, yet gently advised
Payne even in construction matters (at least for the boathouse
and dock area). Emma's letters show a fine grasp of English and
very clear handwriting.
Although Emma never married, she related well to children,
possibly from her experience working at the Chicago
orphanage. Elizabeth Burroughs Kelly gave high praise for
Emma during Elizabeth's stay in the superintendent's house. On
several occasions Emma took the Burroughs children shopping
in New York City and possibly acted as governess on several
trips the children took on the Aphrodite.
Larson's life after Payne's death
Emma was not kept on after Payne's death in 1917.
Elizabeth Burroughs Kelly stated that Payne left her millions
of dollars, that several advisers defrauded her. This is
doubtful, as the entire purchase of the Esopus properties
and construction of the buildings cost only $2 million.
However, Oliver Payne did leave her $50,000 in his will. In

terms of 1917 currency this bequest would amount to 20
times a workman's annual salary.
Emma used some or all of this legacy to purchase property
in Staatsburg, New York, north of Poughkeepsie.
The census records for 1920 and 1930 show Emma Larson
living in Staatsburg. In 1920 she had Dorothy Edna
Mason,the youngest Mason daughter as a ward. Dorothy's
mother Annie had died in 1915. By 1930 Emma lived alone.
Alice Mason married John Boyce Van Dewater in January
1917; John became a prominent attorney in Dutchess
County. The couple lived at 125 South Hamilton Street and
later at 22 Thornwood Drive. John died in 1968, but Alice
stayed on in Poughkeepsie until her death in 1984. The
couple had two sons, John Mason Van Dewater and Robert
Barclay Van Dewater. Robert joined his father to form the
prominent law firm Van Dewater
Van Dewater.
John Boyce Van Dewater grew up in Hyde Park and was very
familiar with the Staatsburg area. His mother was a Lasher,
whose family operated a meat market in Hyde Park which
continued into the 1970s. While in school, John would often
deliver orders for the Lasher market to the Vanderbilt and
Mills families, so he was very familiar with the Staatsburg
area. It seems likely that John may have been instrumental
in suggesting that Emma relocate there, as he married Alice
in January 1917, Emma left the Payne service later the same
year and purchased property in Staatsburg in September
1917. John B Van Dewater handled all Emma's subsequent
land transactions and took care of her estate and funeral
The first mention of Emma we can find in the Dutchess
County records is the sale by Mary Quick of Brooklyn NY to
Emma Larson of New York City on 11 September 1917 of 31
acres in Staatsburg, at the northern end of Hyde Park NY.
endnote one

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In later deeds, Ms Emma Larson
appears listed as a grantee of land
from respectively Julia Radcliffe and
Phillip Radcliffe. All three of the
Radcliffe deeds apply to the same
parcel, consisting of 130± acres and
also rights to collect wood from a
parcel which must be accessed via the
Kendricks property. The wood is for
personal use and not to be sold
commercially. (See
endnote two
further information about Radcliffe properties.)
The 1891 map in the county records shows the Quick
property to be like a square in the lower left corner of a 2 x
2 square design, with the Radcliffe property making up the
other three squares. The deeds place the parcel(s) east of
the Albany Post Road. The road leading into Staatsburg may
have been the original Post Road, replaced later by a newer
section of Route 9 The 1929 sale to the County of Dutchess
(liber 496 p 299 15 May 1929) took about half acre from the
west side of her property for the State Road 5135 - 0.069
acres and 0.416 acres east of the original Hyde Park-
Staatsburg road for $4,100.00. John Van Dewater is her
attorney. A 1935 map in the County Records Room places
her property just east of the new Albany Post Road, and just
north of where the original Hyde Park Staatsburg road
rejoins the new Albany Post Road.
In 1929 Emma sold the homestead of William H Radcliffe to
Ethel Francke, The latter is to assume the mortgage of
$13,000. (liber 500 p 308 1 July 1929) The sale includes
woods accessible via a right of way over land owned by
William H Kendricks. She also grants a mortgage to Ethel
Francke for $16,000 on 9 October 1929 (book of mortgages
liber 373 p 119) secured by the Radcliffe parcel(s) totaling
125.69± acres

The mortgage books in the county records note that the
mortgage Francke to Larson was satisfied. The note is dated
2 June 1934. I assume Francke defaulted on the mortgage
and Larson took back the property. No record of this found.
On 27 March 1933, Emma C Larson leased the Radcliffe farm
to Norman Van Wagner (liber 672, p 287,27 March 1933) for
one year 1 April 1933 to 31 March 1934. The lease is
interesting because it describes the buildings and animals
and equipment on the property and arranges that the same
be returned to Larson in equal condition at the end of the
lease period.
On 2 June 1934, Emma C. Larson sells the remaining portion
of the Radcliffe parcel to Raymond B Hamilton and his wife
Jeanette of Roslyn Heights (liber 538 p 387 2 June 1934).
The sale entails 106± acres, as the woods were sold
previously to the Staatsburg Water Company. The sale is
subject to an agreement with Norman Van Wagner who had
leased the farm from Emma for at least another year. There
is another deed (liber 672, p 285 -12 May 1934) Emma C
Larson to Raymond B Hamilton indicating the sale of the
property was for $15,250.
In 1936, Emma C Larson granted a right of way to Central
Hudson Gas & Electric Company and the Red Hook
Telephone Company (liber 554, p 533) permitting the
placement of telephone and power poles and running of lines
across her property.
In the same year, Emma Larson borrowed $2000 from the
estate of Sarah J Smith for which Fallkill National Bank and
Thomas S Smith were trustees. (mortgage liber 406 p 515
26 June 1936). The mortgage is marked as 'satisfied' on 23
Aug 1943, probably paid as proceeds from the Larson

Emma retained the former Mary Quick property for her own
use until her death on 13 March 1943. Her long time
attorney, John Van Dewater, was named executor of the will.
On 21 August 1943 the Larson parcel was sold by John Van
Dewater to Clinton D Brown of 115 East 89th Street, New
York City for $11,000 (21 Aug 1943 liber 610, page 55,.
Another deed Larson to Brown was executed (8 Feb 1944,
liber 614 page 85) for the same parcel but with a modern
Subsequent parcel activity: Clinton B Brown held the
property until his death. Meanwhile, he deeded the property
to himself and his wife Erzsebet D Brown (31 October 1955,
liber 904 page 164), possibly to ensure that his wife inherit
the property upon his death.
In 1965, the widow Erzsebet Brown aka Elizabeth Brown
now living in Washington DC sold the property to Morris
Canter and his wife Helen E Canter, both of 2 Barclay Street,
New York City.
Emma C Larson last will
Emma C Larson died 13 March 1943. (See
endnote three
Of the five of Emma's siblings, only Jessie Larson remained
alive by the time of Emma's death on 13 March 1943. Listed as
persons to be notified before settling the estate were
Evangeline Larson of Chicago, Private Virgil Leonard and Anders
Leonard, both of Corpus Christi, TX; Oliver Loveless in the
Merchant Marine with home base Fort Pierce FI and temporary
home 25 South Street, NYC; Margaret
Draminsky, same
address as Jessie Larson; and
William N Turrell, of Villa Park IL.
Emma C Larson died 13 March 1943. She had executed a will 1
December 1932, naming
John Van Dewater
, a Poughkeepsie

attorney as her executor.
Sole person to receive proceeds of her estate was her sister,
Jessie Evangeline Larson, who lived at 815 1/2 Lake Street, Oak
Park, Illinois.
Besides Jessie Larson, the attorney tried to contact any other
persons who might have an interest in the estate, namely
nephews and nieces, as Emma's other siblings had all died
before 13 March 1943. These included
Virgil and Anders Leonard, sons of Emma's deceased brother
Otto Leonard Larson. Notices were sent to the address 1500
15th St, Corpus Christi, TX. Virgil was in the Army, and a notice
was also sent to his military address.
Oliver F Loveless, son of Emma's deceased sister Mary L
Loveless. Oliver was in the Merchant Marine. Notices sent c/o
Fred Loveless, RFD #2, Fort Pierce FL and also to Box 1855, 25
South Street, NYC
Margaret Draminsky, daughter and only issue of Jennie L
Draminsky, Emma's deceased sister. Notice sent to 815 1/2
Lake Street, Oak Park IL
William N Turrell, son and only issue of Augusta L Terrell,
Emma's sister who predeceased her, sent to 613 South Street,
Villa Park IL
Emma C Larson estate
real estate consisted of a parcel of land 26 acres
along the West Side of Albany Post road in Staatsburg. She
lived in a 9 room stone house 125 years old. There was a 5
room frame cottage, as well as a frame barn and frame
garage. The assessed value was $11,000 but the appraiser
reduced his estimate to $10,000 because the buildings were
run down.

furniture was appraised at $3,332.55. Little of the
furniture was better than nominal value. She had many
lithographs and paintings, none of substantial value.
The property was
mortgaged to Fallkill National Bank for
$2,000. At the time of her death she owed interest at 5% of
Emma had other debts, the most notable of which were:
Ingeborg Hornslatte $150
Estate of
W W Fuller
$675 interest
Webster Kipp note for $300
Margaret O'Neil $500
Erika Westerberg $1000
Carla Bresson loan $2200
Victoria Home for Aged $700
After attorney fees
other fees, Jessie Evangeline Larson
received $2,994.77
Funeral arrangements in Hyde Park paid to Schoonmaker for
$727 .10 and Chicago funeral expenses $190.88
After a service in St. Margaret's Church in Staatsburg, on
March 19, Emma was buried in Oak Park, Illinois (See
endnote four
Notices were placed in Poughkeepsie newspapers ($20. 72)
and Rhinebeck Gazette ($16. 71 )
To settle the Emma Larson estate, John Van Dewater was
able to sell the Quick parcel for $11,000 in 1944 to Clinton
Brown (liber 610 p 55 and liber 614 p 85, the latter deed
reflecting a more modern survey)
Emma Larson burial

The arrangements for funeral service and
burial were handled by John B
Vandewater, husband of Alice Mary
Mason. After a funeral service at Saint
Margaret's Church in Staatsburgh, the
remains were sent to Chicago for burial in
the cemetery at Oak Park, II. Photos of
the g ravesite were ta ken by Billy King, a
cousin of Richard Foy in Fall 2008.
The ornate celtic cross may have been
the gift of Oliver H Payne, as Emma's
father, Andrew Gustav, died in 1913. I
believe Payne also paid for the Andrew
Mason Celtic Cross in Woodlawn
Cemetery, Bronx NY. Click on the Celtic
Cross to see the individual monuments.
End notes
Endnote one. Deed for Mary Quick parcel
found in Liber 399 Page 446, 11
September 1917. Mary Quick of Brooklyn
NY grantor, Emma Larson of New York
City grantee. A 31 ±acre plot of land bordered on the north and
east by the lands of William Dinsmore and the Radcliffe heirs
and on the south by lands of William Dinsmore. Previous sales,
in decreasing chronological order were:
• A. Judson Briggs to Mary Quick (liber 331 page 2 December
1, 1903)
• City National Bank and Judson Taylor to A Judson Briggs
(liber 190 page 322 June 10,1878);
• Judge Joseph F. Barnard and wife Emily to City National
Bank (liber 190 page 175 November 13 1875, recorded June

• Catherine Mallory to Joseph
Barnard (liber 68 page 133
December 10,1872);
• James Mulford to William Mallory (liber 108 page 185 April
26, 1854 recorded December 1, 1856)
Endnote two. Three deeds from Radcliffe descendents clarify the
sale of 120 acres to Emma Larson:
• Julia L. Radcliffe and Marion L. Asher Remington Radcliffe
and Maude Radcliffe, town of Hyde Park to Emma Larson,
town of Hyde Park (liber 405 page 86 March 12, 1919)
Property borders that of William H. Kendricks
• Phillip Radcliffe, town of Rhinebeck to Emma Larson, town of
Hyde Park liber 405 page 85 March 29,1919) Homestead of
William H. Radcliffe
• Julia L. Radcliffe and Marion L. Asher Remington Radcliffe
and Maude Radcliffe, town of Hyde Park to Emma Larson,
town of Hyde Park (liber 405 page 255)
The Radcliffe family had extensive holdings in the Hyde Park
&Clinton vicinity going back to before 1800. William Radcliffe
extended his holdings by the purchase of small parcels.
• 1873 liber 173 page 407 Conrad Ackert grantor to William H
Radcliffe grantee 4 ± acres for $250.00
• 29 Feb 1836 liber 58 page 254 Michael Fletcher grantor to
Conrad Ackert grantee 4 acres 35 perches.
• 1882 liber 211 page 276 William Jaycox & Emma his wife
grantor to William H Radcliff estate grantee 2 acres 24
Endnote three Poughkeepsie Journal death notice, published
Tuesday 16 March 1943. Retrieved from the Adriance Library
collection in 2008 along Bancroft Road but now on Market
Street, Poughkeepsie NY. There seems not to have been an
obituary, just a short death notice

Endnote four Episcopal Church in Staatsburg. The first church
was constructed about 1854 and located in the center of
Staatsburg. (It is now the Staatsburg Library.) St. Margaret, its
successor, is an impressive little church located just south of the
current Dinsmore Golf Course. Built in 1892 by the Livingston-
Mills family, it is a place of safekeeping for two 12th century
stained glass windows brought from the Chartres region in
France, as well as one from the Tiffany studios. At the church, I
met and spoke with Jean White, a native of Staatsburg. She
showed me the exact location of the Larson properties. As a
youngster, she heard it referred to as "Miss Larson's Home".
She also remembered hearing of several families of persons
who had worked on the Payne Estate in Esopus and later came
to work on Miss Larson's property.
Endnote five. WW Fuller is probably Williamson Fuller, an
attorney in Payne's firm who acted as the 'straw man' in the
purchase of the two properties in Esopus which constitute the
Payne estate.
The Vandewater family has several generations of lawyers
based in Poughkeepsie. Alice Mason, the eldest daughter of
Andrew Mason, married John Boyce Van Dewater in January
1917. Rich a rd Foy served with John's son and junior partner,
Robert B VanDeWater on the board of the Dutchess Bank
Trust Company during the decade of the 1970s.
Census records:
1880_MO_Pulaski_ Liberty_Andrew Larson family
1880_IL_cook_lake_Augusta Larson
1880_IL_cook_chicago_Emma Larson
1900_NY _manhattan_Payne OH
1900_MA_norfolk_brookline_loveless fred
1900_IL_cook chicago_Jennie Draminsky
1910_IL_cook proviso_Jennie Draminsky
Andrew Larson
1910_IL_cook_chicago_margaret & emil draminsky
1910_GA_thomas_militia district_fred loveless
1910_NY_manhattan_Emma C Larson
1920_IL_cook_river forest_Jessie Larson
Jennie Draminsky
1920_IL_cook_chicago_ William Turrell
1920_GA_thomas_militia district 637_Loveless family
1920_NY _dutchess_staatsburg_Emma C Larson
1930_IL_cook_chicago_ Jessie Larson
Jennie Draminsky

1930_GA_thomas_thomasville_Loveless Fred
Loveless Oliver
1930_IL_cook_chicago_Emil Draminsky
1930_NY_dutchess_hyde park_staatsburg_Emma C Larson
1945_Florida census_ Oliver and Fred Loveless
most recent revision: 3 April 2009
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