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Part of Marist Brothers in Esopus: Excerpts from Essay by Elizabeth Burroughs Kelly - 1978


from the memoirs of Elizabeth Burroughs-Kelly
transcribed by Bro James Sheldon circa July 16
In the Spring of 1913
my father was offered the position of
superintendent at the Colonel Payne estate
How did
it happen? This is the story: In 1909 Colonel Oliver Hazard
a Civil War veteran and a multi-millionaire from Ohio
bought two
adjoining estates at West Park
The one on the North had been for over half a
century the home of Colonel George W. Pratt's widow
who was now selling in
order to live in France with her daughter
the Countess de Gasquet James
The one on the South was being sold because George Neidlinger
who had
inherited his father's property
wanted to return to Germany to live. Both
estates had been owned by other millionaires
One of the owners had been
John Jacob Astor Ill
the richest man in the United States
Colonel Payne
who had America's most beautiful yacht
chose West
Park as the place for his summer home as it was on the Hudson so he could
use his yacht to travel back and forth to New York where he had a town house
Combining the two estates
he owned over six hundred acres and he
commenced at once building a mansion for himself but also for employees and
remodeling service building and making other improvements
Former owners
and notably Adam Neidlinger
had spent thousands on the grounds and
gardens. Payne did more
He had as his superintendent Andrew Mason
a Scotchman who had
been with him on the trip around the world on his yacht
Sometime in the early
spring of 1913
Mr. Mason was in an automobile accident in which his leg was
cut. The wound was not cared for properly and blood poisoning set in
the Colonel had his own doctor come up from New York
it was too late for the
doctor to save him
As soon as the news of Mr. Mason's death was known
there were many applications for the position.
My father did not apply
but he got the job
This was due indirectly to my
grandmother who
when she gave him the Victrola
gave him the means of
making contacts with people he had no other chance to know
One was Emma
C. Larson
who managed the Colonel's household and had been with him for
When the vacancy occurred she thought of my father
whom she had
come to know through buying a Victrola and records for the Colonel and she
recommended him
On April 24
my father went to New York to be interviewed by the Colonel
himself at his house at 852 Fifth Avenue
Writing of this in his memoirs my
father says
"I passed". On June 1
he began working for the Colonel and a
few weeks later
we moved to the superintendent's residence
a big and
beautifully furnished Federal Period house
which was our home for the next
five years
At Riverby
the year of 1913 began with the excitement of owning a car
remember the first time my father drove it with Glen Buck
who had come from

Detroit to show him how to operate it
my brother and I
My sister
who could
not go because she was sick at the time
remembers watching us start off. We
went up the highway to where it crosses Black Creek
The turn here in the
road is where
four years later
when my grandfather was showing Dr. Barrus
how to run his car
my sister turned the wheel the wrong way and sent the car
up the bank and it turned on top of them both
After that
she gave up trying to
My father was now the manager of Colonel Payne's estate with
employees under him in several different departments
In addition
he was the
architect for the Colonel and had the job of planning new buildings
a new
boathouse for the launch from the Colonel's yacht
the new poultry plant
and the big barns
All these were built of stone from quarries on the
estate. My father
in his memoirs
says that he was both busy and happy
he loved to build and design and put up beautiful stone buildings and now he
could do it without any thought about the cost.
The architect of the Colonel's mansion
Thomas Hastings of Carrere and
Hastings of New York
had not supposed the Colonel would let anyone else be
the architect for his buildings and had only scorn for my father
who had no
professional training
The new buildings for which my father was the architect
pleased the Colonel very much
My father
in turn
had scorn for Hastings
who in planning the Colonel's
had built it around an open court with a fountain in the center and walls
with beautiful murals
He did not however make any provision for removing the
snow that would accumulate in the winter. It all had to be carried out in
wheelbarrows over the marble floor of the hall. He put on the mansion a roof of
red tiles set in tar which in hot weather ran down the stone work of the walls
and had to be scraped off
Hastings showed poor judgment in choosing
imported limestone for the house. It is not suited for this climate and has
weathered badly
My father now had a Packard car for himself and his family to use and
his own chauffeur
and we had a beautiful home with many comforts and no
financial worries
At Riverby
making ends meet had meant plenty of labor for
my father
Now he had the leisure to enjoy his fine collection of records of
classical music and
in season
go trout fishing with his chauffeur
and my mother would take trips to New York to hear the grand opera at the
Metropolitan Opera House where they were privileged to use the Colonel's
In buying two estates
the Colonel had acquired two mansions. The one
built by the Astors in 1851 with twenty-three rooms he replaced with a larger
one of his own
The other
the Pratt house
is where we lived and we loved it. I
have not been able to learn when and by whom it was built. It was probably
constructed in the early 1800's or before that. Colonel Pratt bought it from the
Pelis of Esopus in 1859 and the Pelis bought it in 1827 - the earliest deed that
I could find - from a Scotch man with the name of John Johnson Cameron
I like to assume that the Scotchman with a middle name of one of my own
Scottish ancestors was the builder for the entrance suggested a Scottish
It had a wooden door arched at the top and small side windows with
iron lattice grilles as in a castle and an outside grille door
a heavy iron lattice

always left open for it was just ornamental.
Like Riverby and several other nineteenth century houses at West Park
it was built on the side of a bank so that the lowest floor had the bank on one
side and only the three other sides had windows
The kitchen was placed here
because with a wood-burning stove
it could become very hot. The dining room
was placed above it away from the kitchen odors and the heat. A dumb-waiter
carried the food upstairs. When we moved in
the house had been renovated
so the kitchen was now upstairs and the basement had been made into a
laundry. The main entrance was under a porte-cochere. My brother and I
sometimes climbed out of a window and sat on top of it. I remember reading
some of Treasure Island to him there
This big house
over a hundred years old
had been built for a wealthy
family that entertained house guests and had several servants look after them
but we made it our home
Our comfortable living room was the front room
which was both the entrance hall and lounge with two rooms opening off it at
the right. One of these was the drawing room and the other was now our
dining room
The dining room may have been a library originally. To the rear
was the room my father used as his office
in which he had placed the desk of
John Jacob Astor brought over from the other house
at the back of the
house on this floor
was the former dining room
This was now the kitchen
was large room and had a big bay window looking north over the fields to the
woods along the river. Next to the kitchen
there was a sizeable pantry
there were stairs going down to the laundry and up to the next floor which the
servants used to go to their quarters.
On the third floor were three bedrooms and a bathroom
with storage
Our maid
had one of these rooms and my sister and I took
another for a playroom and kept our dolls and our doll houses there
second floor had five bedrooms with baths and big closets.
Because of the period in which the house was built
it had special features
such as fireplaces and with mantels typical of the Adam style of architecture
That in the dining room was decorated with a linen fold wood carving
All of the
rooms on the first floor had hinged wooden shutters on the inside that could be
closed to keep out the cold air
and the glass doors in the dining room that
opened out on the lawn had inside wood shutters too
Though there had been some changes when the house was wired for
electricity and the walls and floors were refinished
the stairs had not been
touched and the newel posts still had the original acorn-shaped tops
stairs had a landing that made a balcony where my sister and I acted out
scenes from plays that we made up
One could see the balcony from the living
Some of the furnishings in the house such as the Astor desk were from
the other house
From that house also were the rather ornate bed and bureau
in one of our guest rooms
the big comfortable leather covered chairs in our
living room
mantel piece items such as the pair of marble busts in the dining
and all of furnishings of the drawing room
This elegant room looked as
it had at an earlier period with heavy silk drapes and rosewood chairs and a
sofa covered in pan velvet (some gold and some blue)
and a Steinway grand
It also had beautiful wine glasses
a punch bowl and other imported

glass in a glass case
and some exquisite Dresden China that may have been
Neidlinger heirlooms
The pieces marked "Waldorf' we knew to be Astor's
but we were not
sure of the others
Some of it may have belonged to the Neid lingers
Neidlinger was a very rich man
the recognized leader of the malting industry
in this country
and his brother
the inventor of the flat-sided sewing machine
was a millionaire too
Between the Astor and the Neidlinger owners
there had been another owner
Alexander Holland
president of the National
Express company
and some of these furnishings may have been Holland's
The fact that among these items we found in the Pratt house was a book about
the history of the National Express Company
which was obviously his
to confirm this
My mother now had no chores such as cleaning and filling the kerosene
The estate had two big diesel engines that supplied all the buildings
with electricity
Before Colonel Payne
there had been at West Park some
estate owners with gas-generating plants. The Neidlingers had one and so did
Frank Seely
the West Parker who had the tally-ho
He was a millionaire who
was known as the Soda Water King before he sold out to Canada Dry
electricity was replacing gaslight.
As an artesian well supplied the estate buildings with water
there were no
more water problems for us either for the time being
No more carrying a pail
up from the spring with water for cooking and drinking
No more hand pump by
the kitchen sink and no more out house.
We had various services
a man to look after our furnace
another man
to come twice a week to polish the brass and the floors
and mail delivery
telephones both for the estate and for the outside
and bounty from the estate
such as vegetables
and ice from the estate pond for our
We were kept supplied with fresh flowers too from the greenhouse
and the big flower gardens
My mother now had a home where she could
entertain her friends and my father had a life he enjoyed and we children on
this big estate of a multimillionaire had more opportunities for outdoor play
There were driveways on the estate where my sister and my brother could ride
their bicycles in safety
My brother's bicycle had been a gift from Colonel
who had the same birth date as he. Another year
he gave him a magic
lantern and slides that entertained us all. On these driveways
we coasted in
winter with mother sometimes coasting with us
On the estate ice pond we
went skating for we learned to skate there and it was only a short walk from
our house
There were gardens
a large formal flower garden and the rock garden
and the greenhouse with tropical plants as well as flowers
My sister and I
spent much time in the gardens
There were so many flowers always in bloom
and all had the best of care
The trees did too
There were several well-pruned
trees near our house to climb
I remember that I was sitting up in my favorite
tree the day in 1917 when war was declared and I heard the bells ringing
across the river at Hyde Park.
There were several special treats for us such as riding on top of the hay
wagon down to the big stone barn my father built for the Colonel
where we
slide off into the hay. The farm buildings were on the part of the estate that was

west of the highway
Besides the cows
there were pigs and sheep
In the late
we would walk down to the barn to see the new lambs
There were
teams of work horses
but there were also five carriage horses
Their stable
was one of the buildings in a quadrangle on the Pratt side of the estate
garage for the Colonel's Pierce Arrow and Crane Simplex as well as our
Packard were also kept on this quadrangle
My sister loved to go to the stable
to look at the horses and she would be privileged to ride beside the driver who
went to the post office to get the mail for the estate
Much of the estate east of the highway was a well cared-for park with
flower beds
and paths
There was a lovely walk that one
could take on a path that Mr
Neidlinger had made at the edge of the woods
along the river shore
South of the estate at West Park
the river front was
mostly a scramble over rocks
Riverby has a beach but owns only one hundred and fifty feet of water
front. The Colonel's estate had ten times that. Along the path here and there
were stone beaches
At the south end was the Colonel's boathouse
a dock
and a summerhouse with a view down the river to Crum Elbow
The Pratt dock at the north end was used for coal
and coal barges
would be tied up there. A crane on the dock with a bucket would unload them
dumping the coal into a metal cart which was on a trolley to take it to a pit a
few hundred feet away for storage. We would go down to the dock watch
unloading and I have a picture of us riding on a cart.
Sometimes in summer when the tides were right
we children would take
our bathing suits and bath towels and go down by the river to play in the water
by the dock
When my grandfather's friend Henry Ford sent my brother a fishing rod
he and my sister went to the dock to fish
The first time
my sister remembers
he caught an eel and they were unable to get it off the hook
They walked back
to the house with the eel dangling from the rod.
Near the Pratt dock
there had once been a house but the Pratts
would have known its history
were gone and we were not able to find out
anything about it. The foundations showed that it had been a fairly large
house. There was a mystery about it and mysteries make such places very
My sister and I had played there
We would invent stories about
the people who lived there
Lilac bushes grew around the foundations and in
May were masses of fragrant lavender bloom
We used -to pick some and take
home with us though we did not pick the other flowers
Every year
the Colonel had a Christmas party for his employees
In the big carriage house (which was one of the buildings in the
quadrangle) there would be a handsomely decorated tree
Under this tree
there was a present for each one of the children with his or her name on it. in
the adjoining harness room
an ornamental room
there would be cake and lots
of cookies for everyone
Some of the children lived in the cottages the Colonel had built on the
northernmost part of the estate
This was sometimes called the "English
Others lived in the Village of Esopus or in West Park
These were

good times for West Park and Esopus because the Colonel's estate gave
employment to local people.
Our Christmas
gifts from the Colonel were under our own tree
Larson would pick them out for us
There would be beautiful dolls and other
toys from the best known toy shops in New York and pretty clothes from Fifth
Avenue shops too
It all seems like a dream now
When my sister and I were
there would be platinum or gold pins from Tiffany
One of my gifts from
the Colonel was a Tiffany bracelet of scarab-like stones
One year the Colonel gave my mother a pin in the shape of a bowknot
all diamonds. He remembered that he had never seen her wearing any
My mother won his admiration and in his Will, he left her the same
legacy as he did my father.
We children were somewhat shy and awed by older people
especially in a setting of such grandeur as the Colonel's
a magnificent house
with butlers and other servants
but the Colonel would draw us out and get us
to talk to him
He knew that my sister loved her Yorkshire Terrier
and he
would ask her about her little dog
He gave my brother a pedigreed Sealyham
from the kennels of his nephew Payne Whitney so Bunty would have another
dog for company. He would find out what our interests were and talk to us
about them
We always enjoyed going over to the Mansion
"The Big House" as
everyone called it. We would visit with him in the library and have a chance to
look about for there might be some new art treasure from the Duveen Galleries
in New York to see and there were all the other treasures to look at again. It
was the most luxurious of all the millionaires' homes in the Hudson Valley and
had a wealth of art surpassing all of the others combined
The art collection is all scattered now
I known that one of his Turner
"Juliet and Her Nurse" is now in Argentina
where it was taken by a
woman who bought it in 1980 for $6.4 Million
It was one of the Turners in the
southeast room of the Mansion that had walls paneled in ebony with gold
The Colonel willed to his nephew Harry Payne Whitney a painting
called "Les Demoiselles de Village"
This painting was by Courbet and hung in
the long drawing room
It is now in the City Art Gallery in Leeds
other big painting in that room
"Venus and Adonis" by Rubens
is in the
Metropolitan in New York as are the tapestries. I wonder where one would now
see the Hudon Bust
the other Turners
the Della Robbia Madonna and Child
and the Exquisite Ming porcelains which
when we lived at Colonel Payne's
we had become familiar with
Because I began going away to school our
second year at the Colonel's
my sister was there more often than I but I
remember all this well. It meant so much to me
The Colonel's yacht
the Aphrodite
the largest steam yacht at the time
and the most beautiful
became a familiar sight on the Hudson during those
My family had many cruises on it. Some were short and others were
longer. My family would usually take the short cruises while my sister and I
were lucky enough to be invited for longer ones
The first time we were invited
to accompany the Colonel on the yacht
the Poughkeepsie college boat races
were being run
My father and mother were not sure whether or not the
invitation included the children and did not take us
When the Colonel learned

that we were not on board
be dispatched his speed launch to come and get
us. We were brought to the launch by the Colonel's limousine
The yacht
with a clipper bow
three masts
and a fan stern
was 350
feet long and had a crew of fifty to sixty. It was a luxuriously comfortable boat.
The Colonel had his own quarters and had privacy for himself when he wanted
it. He always took some of his household staff with him and there were
staterooms for them and guests
He also had a combined lounge and dining
room for their use
At Riverby
my grandfather must have often seen the Aphrodite pass by for he
loved to watch the boats on the river. Once in a while
my grandfather would
come and visit us but we lived our own lives now.
In the spring of 1914
when Henry Ford was visiting my grandfather at
they had dinner with us
I can see Henry Ford sitting in our dining
room but I cannot recall anything he said. Perhaps he did not say anything
worth recalling
While at the table
he looked at his watch
I remember this
because his watch was one that I had never encountered before. It was flat
and rimmed with sapphires
(Twice the Colonel called on my grandfather at
Riverby as my grandfather reports in his journal without comment.)
I was eleven years old when I was invited for the first time to go on a
cruise on the Aphrodite to Newport
I had my own stateroom with a bed (not a
bunk) and my own bathroom with salt water as well as hot and cold. I felt very
grown up
I knew the date was early August in 1914 as I remember seeing in
the ship's lounge a New York Times with headlines about the assassination
which brought about the outbreak of World War I.
At New York
the yacht anchored off the Columbia Yacht club and we
went ashore in the launch
Miss Larson took me to lunch at the then
fashionable Claremont on Riverside Drive where
I remember
we had cream
of corn soup which was a revelation to me as I had not known that anything so
delicious could be made out of corn
While In New York
we stopped at the
Colonel's house at 852 Fifth Avenue where all the furniture was covered with
dust cloths in the summer
We also went to Duveen's at 726 Fifth Avenue as
the Colonel
through Miss Larson
kept in touch with what Duveen's had for
sale and we looked at some paintings
On the decks there were comfortable chairs
and reclining in one was
pleasant way to spend time
In the lounge
there were magazines to read and
there was a writing desk with Aphrodite note paper
I had not reached the age
when I did much letter writing so I did not bother with these things much
It was
much more fun to stay outside and watch all there was to see.
At Newport
there were other yachts in the harbor but the Aphrodite was
the largest of them all. It was the "Queen of the Yachts" and when we were out
in the launch we could see how she towered above them all. She had graceful
lines with that clipper bow on which there was a figurehead of the goddess for
whom she was named
I went ashore with Miss Larson in the launch and we saw something of
Newport and she took me shopping with her. At that age I was collecting
Kewpie dolls and she bought me one for my collection
My sister and I enjoyed

being with her for she understood little girls
As I did not keep a diary in those days
I cannot say long it was before
we were sailing up the Hudson on our return and once more seeing the
Highlands and the Poughkeepsie Bridge. The launch in which we came ashore
on brought us into the boathouse my father built for the Colonel with the
peacock gate that my father designed
In winter
the yacht would be put up until Spring and the Colonel would
return to his estate in Thomasville
leaving my father in charge here
with money to run the place at West Park
He had complete confidence in my
father's ability and judgment. My father did have to cope with petty jealousies
and disagreements among the employees
It was not all smooth going
but my
father had a personality which could handle such problems and he was highly
In the summer of 1915
my sister (now 10) and I were both invited to got
to Newport on a leisurely cruise on the Colonel's yacht and the youngest
daughter of Andrew Mason was also invited. She was older than we were and
we looked up to her in admiration. In New York
Miss Larson took my sister
and I shopping on Fifth Avenue where she bought us pretty slippers at
dresses at DeVinna
and dresses at Grande Maison de Blanc
For us
this was a big adventure.
We liked to go on the bridge of the yacht where the charts were
sister remembers asking someone who came to read them, "Where are we
now?" and being told
"Off Point Judith
" She also remembers seeing the
Colonel's own dining room, which had walls of carved teakwood
On the table
were pink roses
and the Aphrodite's own Minton China. Two
stewards in white coats were standing ready to serve a meal. She asked one
"What is the Colonel going to have to eat?"
The reply was
"Cream of wheat."
At Newport
we had a cruise about the harbor in the speed launch
a sailor standing with folded arms in the stern
We also had a ride in a
limousine along the shoreline to see the summer homes of the other
The harbor had many other boats and other yachts anchored there so
when the sunset gun rang out across the water
we saw all these vessels drop
their flags simultaneously
This was an exciting moment that we would never
see at West Park
For my twelfth birthday
Miss Larson had a white birthday cake made for
me at the Big House which was sent over to our house
It was beautifully
decorated and made me very happy. She did other thoughtful things for us
children such as giving us big chocolate candy eggs at Easter
In 1916
I entered Kingston High School that fall even though in meant
studying during the summer
I would shut myself up every morning in our east
This room
with the Japanese grass wallpaper and the ornate
bedroom set
was the one we did not use except when having house guests
My sister and I did have another cruise on the beautiful Aphrodite to
Newport so my summer was not all study
When we were in Newport

Larson learned that there was to be musical entertainment at the summer
theater so she arranged to have my sister and I go with the two Scandinavian
girls from the Big House staff who were on the yacht with us. The little outdoor
theater was bedecked with artificial flowers as a festive setting for the dancing
and singing
I remember the words of one of the songs which reflected the
mood of 1916
The first line was "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier
One Saturday evening, there was to be a dance in the carriage house
for some of the Colonel's household staff and some of the officers and
stewards from the yacht. My mother let me go
It was my first dance
The big carriage house was used as a hall for such occasions
Here was
held the lovely wedding reception the Colonel had for one of his officers from
the yacht and an English girl from the household staff
He name was Annie
Payne and we were all invited
The carriage house was also used for movie
entertainment for his estate employees
and movies were shown on Saturday
we saw Westerns with Tom Mix and William S
Hart and other
films with early female stars such as Dorothy Dalton And Marguerite Clark
was all free.
The estate was in some ways a self-sufficient community
an exception
being in the matter of church services
Some of the staff went to the nearby
Episcopal Church
The Colonel had this church wired for electricity and a new
house built for the sexton
He himself did not attend services there as did his
predecessors Mr
and Mrs
John Jacob Astor and their son
the later Viscount
and owner of Hever castle.
Several of the staff were Roman Catholics and went to the Church in
Esopus so I am sometimes asked whether we ever saw Mother Cabrini, the
first American citizen ever to be canonized as she was in West Park
intermittently during those years. The answer is yes
She came to the estate to
solicit funds both at the Big House and at our house
Mother gave her money
and served her tea
Both my sister
now eleven
and my brother
were going to the
West Park school
but my brother only went for the morning
Peterson brought
them home for lunch
At the end of the school day
my sister would walk home
from school. Minka
the Colonel's German Shepherd
would be watching for
her inside the gate for which my father made the design to be cast in iron as
he did for the big gate the boathouse
He also designed the plaque for the
fireplace in the cottage of the poultry plant manager
a building he planned. It
was a scene from the Nibelungenlied
the Queen Brunhilde on her shield
surrounded by flames.
We had one more Christmas with lovely gifts for us children from the
Colonel. Mother got a big fancy box of Millard's chocolates and father got a
case of champagne.
In Washington during these days
the Senate and the House passed a
Declaration of War
We did not know what a war would mean to us
immediate concern was that in trying to learn how to drive
While learning
Barrus turned the Ford upside down on top of my sister and grandfather. She
and my grandfather escaped serious injury but were anxious for a time

There is this entry in my grandfather's Journal for June 28
:"Colonel Payne is buried today. Peace to his ashes
" We stayed on the estate
for nearly a year longer but there were some changes right away and
employees commenced leaving
Harry Payne Bingham
a son of Colonel
Payne's sister Mary
inherited the 645 acre estate at West Park along with two
million dollars
This being war time now
he was in service with the rank of
captain in the Field Artillery
and was at the estate only intermittently. His wife
Harriette and their two children moved into the Big House to live
My sister
remembers that they brought a children's brown pony and a pony cart and
"nouveau riche" as she was
immediately wanted to show her
importance by making changes. My father
who tried to please her
says in his
memoirs that she even wanted to change the driveway with its old trees and
cobblestone gutters. In the Big House
those of the Household staff who
remained were distressed because
as they told my father
she did not know
the value of anything
Some of her changes were having the silk curtains of
the long drawing room
which had been made especially for it
dyed and
having the gold tracery of the gold and ebony room removed with chemicals
and the ebony painted a putty color
The new year
began with very cold weather and bad news for us.
Captain Bingham was making changes and cutting down expenditures and my
father lost his job and would have to find something else to do
We had until
April 1 to move
This bad news came at a time when my father was already
faced with other problems since now
because of the death of his mother
had to keep up the Riverby buildings. My grandfather had deeded Riverby to
my grandmother in 1892
We said goodbye to the Pratt house and moved in to
Riverby and began to make it our home
Editor's Note
1) The "Grandfather" in these pages is the famous author John Burroughs. His
summer house
is a National Historic Landmark
2) Riverby is not far from this property. It is south on 9W at the spot where
Park Lane meets 9W. There is a large house on the property but
at the time of
this writing, it had not yet been determined if that house was the original
The house is now apparently owned by a doctor
3) The "Doctor Barrus" was Clara Barrus
a doctor who came to treat John
Burroughs and stayed with the Burroughs family for 30 years
She became
Burroughs' Boswell and published many books about him
Sheldon 1992
most recent revision
November 25
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