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Hermanse & Sanders Patent.pdf


Part of Marist College Land History: Hermanse & Sanders Patent Early Deeds


Sanders Patent
Early deeds
In 1686 a patent was granted to Mynert Hermanse and John
Sanders for land along the Hudson River in the Dutchess County
area. It was described as beginning at where the Fallkill Creek
enters the Hudson ( creek entrances were considered permanent
landmarks) and moving directly east to the Wappingers Creek,
which had turned north from where we think of Wappingers.
The northern boundary was where the Indian makes his tent
along the Hudson (now called Quiet Cove and better recognized
as the former Navy Boathouse during the Poughkeepsie Regatta
times) The line extended due east till it reached Wappingers
Creek. It essentially separates the current town of Hyde Park
from the town of Poughkeepsie.
To place the patent in perspective, look at a sketch of nearby
Hint: to magnify the map, press ctrl &
to shirnk press ctrl & "-

When the Hudson River was owned by the Dutch, there were
few permanent settlements other than New York, Staten Island,
Kingston, and Albany. They were used as areas to purchase
furs from the Indians. When the British took over the area, the
emphasis shifted to settling with a view for population
immigration from Europe. The patent was a grant of land to
individuals with the expectations that the grantees would assist
in bringing in permanent populations to settle the area.
Some of the patents were granted by the King of England
himself, such as those granted to the Livingstons and Pells. This
group of grantees tried to continue the pattern of holding the
land and granting leases to others or hiring others to work the
land. this eventually led to settlers on the Hudson River being
excluded from the westward migration along the Mohawk River
and Erie Canal, where land was available for purchase by
independent individuals.

This chart of the actual land included in the Hermanse
Sanders patent shows that the northern border became the
Town of Clinton (later the Town of Hyde Park). The southern
border was a straight line up from the mouth of Fallkill Creek
(near Mount Carmel Church). The Fallkill dips south as it moves
eastward, then bends back and eventually moves north behind
the present St. Peter's Cemetery on Salt Point Turnpike road in

the town of Poughkeepsie. Variations in the course of creeks
and the direct east line led to many disputes between
neighboring patentees.
The western border of the patent was the Hudson River, and the
eastern border was the Wappingers Creek which flows southerly
through the town of Poughkeepsie before it turns westward in
the direction of Wappingers Falls.
The current Marist College property extends south along the
Hudson from the boundary line marked Town of Clinton to a line
approximately even with the S in Hudsons or the S in Sanders.
Since these map diagrams were made prior to the railroad
running along the Hudson, allowances ought to be made for
changes to the original lands which became Marist College.
I attempted unsuccessfully to locate the actual wording of the
original Hermanse and Sanders patent. The closest I could find
it its description in
Smith, Philip Henry, 1842-. General Historv. of Duchess County_;_
From 1609 to 1876, Inclusive. Pawling, N.Y.: The author, 1877
pages 333-336
This book has been digitized by Google and is available
in ebook form at the Marist College Library. Kathryn Silberger,
Automation Resource Librarian, was helpful in introducing me to
the world and marvels of ebooks.
We append a copy of an ancient deed on file in the County
Clerk's office in Poughkeepsie.
This Indenture made in the city of New York on the Ninth day of
September,in the Ninth year of her majesties Reigne 1710,
between Myndert Harmense of Duchess County in the Province
of New York, planter,and Helena his wife, of the one part, and
Leonard Lewis, of New York,merchant of the other part.
Whereas Col. Peter Schuyler of the city of Albany by Certain

Deed made under his hand and scale bearing Date the Thirtyeth
Day of August in the year of our Lord 1699, did grant, bargaine
and Sell unto Robert Sanders and the said Myndert Harmense
their heirs and assigns for ever all that certain tract or parcell of
Land scituate Lying and being on the east side of the Hudson
River in Duchess County at a certain place called the Long
Reach slanting over against Juffrows Hook at a place called the
Rust Plaats, from thence Eastward into the woods to a creek.
Called by the Indians Pictawiikquasick, known by the christians
Jan Casperses Creek, Northward to a Water Fall where the saw
mill belonging to Myndert Hermanse aforesaid stands upon, and
so southward alongst the Hudsons River aforesaid to the said
Rust Plaats with all and singular its appurtenances, being part
of the Lands granted to the said Peter Schuyler by Coll. Thomas
Dongan, Late Gov. of this Province by patent dated the Second
Day of June 1688,
* * * * *
and whereas the said Thomas
Dongan, by patent bearing date the twenty-fourth day of
October 1686 did grant unto the said Robert Sanders and
Myndert Harmse a certain tract of land containing twelve
thousand whereas the said Robert Sanders has since deceased,
and thereby the said Myndert Harmense as survivor is
become solely vested in the premises, now this Indenture
witnesseth that the said Myndert Harmense, by and with the
consent of Helena his wife, by these presents sell unto the said
Leonard Lewis for and in ye consideration of 140 Lbs lawful
money of New York all those two tracts and Parcells of Land
scituate Lying and being in the county aforesaid, and part of the
above-mentioned premises, the one beginning on the South
side of a certain Pond on the Partition Line of Baltus Van Kleeck
with a west Line to the Water side, and so along the water side
to the land of John Kips to the Northward of the Creek
having Water Falls and so east along John Kips Land to the
Hill unto the Pine Trees, and thence southerly to the east of
the Pond to the place where it began, with the whole creek and
all the waterfalls thereof as well without as within the
boundaries aforesaid as also one other tract beginning on the
north side of a Piece of meadow that lyes by the River side and

runs easterly along the meadow and marsh to the Sprout called
the first Sprout which makes the bounds on the south side of
Peter Viele and Runns along the said Sprout Easterly unto the
most Easterly Part of the first Sprouts Plain, and thence East
North East to the Creek Having Waterfalls, and so along the
said Creek Southward to the Land of John Kips, and so by the
said Land Westerly to Hudsons River, and so along the River
Northerly to the meadow where it began, with privilege
of Cutting Wood and Timber in the woods, to make hay in
all the meadows and outdrift for Cattle and Horses in
all the Lands not cultivated of the said Myndert Harmense,
and together with all and singular the woods, underwoods.
Trees, Timber, Pastures, Feedings, Marshes, Meadows, Swamps,
Stones, Quarries, Mines, Mincralls (Royall Mines Excepted)
Pools, Ponds, Springs, Waters, Watercourses, Rivers, Rivoletts
and the only privilege of erecting a Mill or Mills on the Great
Creek aforesaid, without stoppage of stream or water.
* * *
Have and to hold the above bargained and hereby to be granted
Two Tracts of Land, Creek and all others the Privileges,
Comodities and Appurtenances before mentioned unto him the
said Leonard Lewis his heirs and assigns forever.
Myndert Harmense.
Co. Rec. Deeds, Book A. p. 251.
Another grant of land is recorded by which the relict of acres to
be taken in one entire piece out of the lands hereafter
mentioned, that is to say out of a certain Parcell of
Land scituate in Duchess County aforesaid called Minnesinck on
the East side of Hudsons River to the North of the Land of
Soveryn Alias called the Bakers with Arrable Lands, Woodlands
and Marshes with the creek called Wynagkee with Tree Tones,
Range and outdrift for cattle and the fall of waters called
Pendanick Reen, and another marsh lying to the north of the fall
of waters called Wareskeehin as in and by the said Patent
relation thereto may fully and at large appear, and Robert
Sanders convey to pieter u ziele of Duchess Co., " provided the

said pieter u ziele, his heirs or assignees pay yearly and every
year halfe a Bushel of good winter wheat when demanded, to
commence from ye fifth day of September 1700 for quitt Rent
unto the said Myndert Harmense and Thomas Sanders or their
heirs or assignees. In testimony whereof the said Myndert
Harmense and Helena his wife Elsie Sanders and Thomas
Sanders have hereunto sett their hands and seales
att pagkeepsing this 8th day of June 1708.
A true copy recorded and examined, per me, Henry
Vanderburgh, Clerk, March the nth Ano 1721*
return to
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Drafted 21 january 2011
Description of the deeds mentioning the patent added 25 February 2013.
Most recent revision, proofing and spell check June 14, 2013