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Part of Marist College Land History: The Newbold Parcel Called Fern Tor


The Newbold parcel called Fern Tor
Marist College
The Newbold parcel is a 13 acre parcel at
the north end of Marist College located
between Route Nine and the Hudson River
extending to the former Hudson River State
Hospital grounds now called Quiet Cove. It
begins just north of the Winslow parcel,
along a stone wall visible from the south.
see note
college maintains the property as an arboretum.
Existing structures are the former Newbold
carriage house, the caretaker's house close
to route nine, and the Reilly house (built in
1947 and still on Reilly heirs property).
There are several former carriage trails
through the property. The original
gardener's cottage facing route nine is on a four acre site once
owned by the Newbolds, but now owned by someone other
than Marist College.
Read the entire essay,or
click on item below to go directly to that section.
Owner List
Owners before the Newbold FamilY..
Newbold FamilY..
Rhinelander FamilY..
Edith Newbold Jones
Fern Tor residents
Owners after the Newbolds
Charles Chlanda
Dr. George T C WaY..

Marist Colleg~(l 997 - ).
Marist College
George Way
Charles Chlanda
Marist College
Charles Chlanda
Charles Chlanda
Mary & William

Charles Chlanda
Charles Chlanda
Newbold family
Helen Kent
Hannah and Cyrus
John Pelis farm
Owners before the Newbold Family
The parcel now in Marist ownership was
once part of a 166 acre farm operated by
John Pells. The farm straddled the
Poughkeepsie-to-Hyde Park highway, with
about 20 acres lying between the highway
and the railroad bordering the Hudson River.
see note 2
1855, after John Pells' death, the heirs sold the parcel to
Hannah and Cyrus Mason, who financed the purchase by a
see note 3
The Masons soon transferred the twenty
acres of the 166 acre parcel lying between the highway and
railroad to William and Helen Kent.
see note 4
To do this the
Masons needed to obtain a release from their own mortgage.
see note 5
Soon after purchasing the parcel, William Kent died. He and
Helen Kent had arranged a separate mortgage for the
property. The mortgage banks holding the mortgage forced a
sale of the property at public auction. Thomas Newbold

acquired the property with the high bid of
see note
The Pell families had extensive holdings in the Hyde Park area
and it is difficult to trace back via the deeds when or how John
Pells acquired the farm.
Newbold-Rhinelander background
Both the Newbold and Rhinelander
families were in the United State long
before the Revolutionary War. The men
were listed in the census records as
occupation gentleman or lawyer and the
women were listed as keeping house. In
New York City persons of this level relied
on income from real estate they owned, banking, shipping and
trading. Lifestyles consisted of socializing with a limited circle
of friendly families and visiting Europe. Place of business was
usually lower Manhattan. By the first part of the eighteenth
century, housing was mainly above Canal Street, moving
slowly north of Washington Square along Fifth Avenue, up to
Chelsea, then further north to as far as 42nd street. The
houses were usually brownstone, 20' along the street and 60'
back from the street. This was an outgrowth of the sense of
democracy developed after the Revolutionary War, that all were
equal and ought to have equal housing. But lacking official
titles, the dominant economic group created its own social
The interior of the house might have opulent furnishings, but
outwardly each house looked like its neighbors. Given this
cramped living, it became natural for the wealthy families to
develop estates outside New York City in New Jersey, Long
Island and upstate New York. Our interest lies in the Dutchess
County which saw many estates established.
see note

Edith Wharton pointed out that this closed society did not
accept those who operated retail shops to their inner
rel e.
see note 8
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Newbold family
The branch of the Newbold family which concerns us can be
traced back to Handsworth, York, England. Michael Newbould
(the "u" was dropped in succeeding generations) operated a
farm there, but managed to acquire enough money to
purchase land in New Jersey, near Bordentown NJ, directly
across current day Levittown, and north of Philadelphia. He
brought most of his thirteen children to the New World and
settled on an island in the Delaware River, once called Biddle
Island but changed by Michael to Newbold's Island, which
name it retains today.
see note 9
The direct line from Michael to Thomas Haines is known:
• I Michael Newbould (1623 - 1692) married Ann???. He
died in Burlington County NJ
• II Michael Newbold(York England bap 3 Oct 1667 died
Burlington NJ 1 Dec 1721 ) married 24 Feb 1697 Rachel
• III Thomas Newbold (born Burlington NJ 26 Feb 1701-02 -
died Sept 1741) married (1724) Edith Coate (Sometshire
England 12 Nov 1705 - )
• IV Caleb Newbold( NJ 27 Mar 1731 - died Burlington NJ
March 1786) married 1754 or 1755) Sarah Haines
• V Thomas Newbold ( NJ 1773 - Philadelphia PA 1815)
married (NYC 1812) Catherine LeRoy (NJ 1790 - died Paris
France 1835)

• VI Thomas Haines Newbold (Westchester NY, 24 Sept
1814 -died Hyde Park NY 21 Mar 1869) married (NYC 23
Apr 1846) Mary Elizabeth Rhinelander(NYC 12 Dec
1826 -
died Hyde Park NY 4 June 1897)
Thomas Haines Newbold was one of three children of
Thomas and Catherine LeRoy Newbold. His grandfather
Caleb fathered eleven children, which helps to explain how
widespread the Newbold name became.
Our Thomas Haines Newbold had two siblings. His older
brother Herman LeRoy Newbold was named after his
mother's family, Herman being the name of Catherine
LeRoy's father. Thomas' younger sister was Hannah Cornell
Newbold who married William Henry Morris. It was
common to include the surnames of wives in the family as
middle names, as we shall see when we look at the children
of Thomas Haines Newbold and Mary Elizabeth
see note
Rhinelander family
The Rhinelander family came from Obverwesel on Rhine,
which was then a part of France.
I Philip Jacob Rhinelander arrived in New York in 1686,
emigrating to New Rochelle, NY where he died in 1737.
II His son Bernard Rhinelander had three sons, but the
one which interests us is
III William Rhinelander born in New Rochelle in 1718
who married Magdalen Renaud, also of New Rochelle.
This William Rhinelander moved to New York City where
he died 1777. His son was born in New York, and the
trail becomes more definite starting with

IV William Rhinelander( NY 1753 - 1825)
married 1785 Mary Elizabeth Robat (1755 - 1837) He
was his father's partner, investing in city realty. In 1790
he purchased the Cuyler sugar house in New York, which
had been used as a British prison during the revolution.
This couple had six children, of whom we mention three:
Va Eliza Lucille Rhinelander married General Horatio
Gates Stevens, son of Major General Ebenezer Stevens.
a hero of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
Vb William Christopher Rhinelander (1790 - 1878) lived
in the vicinity of Washington Square. He was very
successful in real estate. One of his purchases extended
from Fifth Avenue to the East River. His daughter Mary
married Lespinard Stewart of another real estate family.
The Stewarts came to America with a grant from King
George II of a substantial Manhattan tract below Canal
Street. They later purchased another tract stretching
from Canal Street to Twenty-Third Street.
Ve Frederick William Rhinelander (1798 - 1836)
married Mary Lucretia Ann Stevens(l 798-1877) twelfth
and last child of Major General Ebenezer Stevens. Of
their four children, we are interested in two:
Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander (1824 - 1901)
who in 1843 married George Frederic Jones( 1821-
Mary Elizabeth Rhinelander (1826 - 1897) who
in 1846 married
Thomas Haines Newbold (1814 -
see note
Mary and Lucretia's father was not noted for his financial
acumen, preferring books and literature. He died when the
girls were ten and eight, and his estate was held in trust by
Mary Lucretia's brother-in-law. The arrangement worked

poorly for the family but quite nicely for the brother-in-law.
The family spent most of their time at the house General
Ebenezer Stevens had built in Astoria NY overlooking the
Hell Gate, a narrow and treacherous connection between
the East River and Long Island Sound.
see note 12
All her life Lucretia Stevens remembered her "coming out"
into society. She wore a homemade gown of white tarlatan
and her mother's old white satin slippers. Having larger
feet, the slippers caused her great pain during the dancing.
After she married, she became a clothes-a-holic, importing
most of her clothes from Paris, which she had discovered on
her honeymoon.
see note 13
see note 14
George Jones lived with his parents in Manhattan around east
81st Street on the East River. His parents disapproved of his
courting Lucretia, so he was denied ownership of a sailboat
which was common among the young men in his area. He
circumvented this maneuver by using a rowboat, employing
one oar as a mast and a bed quilt as a sail. In any event, the
couple married when George was 21 and Lucretia 19. The
couple set up housekeeping in Grammercy Park.
The couple had three children, Frederic, born 1846 and Henry
called Harry in 1850. The third child was a girl, born in 1862,
named Edith Newbold. Although the Jones lived west of Fifth
Avenue around east 25th street, and attended Calvary
Episcopal Church on 28th Street, Edith was baptized in Grace
Church, considered the society church on Tenth Street and
see note
Edith's godparents were Thomas and
Mary Rhinelander Newbold.
In Edith's autobiography, A Backward Glance, she tells this
story about her mother:
"Once when I was a small child, my mother's younger sister, Aunt Mary
Newbold, asked me, with edifying interest : "What would you like to be when
you grow up?" and on my replying in all good faith, and with a dutiful air: "The

best-dressed woman in New York." She uttered the horrified cry: 'Oh, don't say
that, darling!' to which I could only rejoin in wonder: "But, auntie, you know
Mamma is."
see note 16
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Edith Newbold Jones
After the Civil War, many affluent families of Manhattan found
it cheaper to rent their homes and country estates and move
to Europe. The Jones family followed this pattern. So Edith
Newbold Jones spent two thirds of her first twelve years in
Europe, where she learned French, German and Italian. She
became a great reader, and had a photographic memory of
places she had visited which show up in her descriptions of
fictional places in her later writings, as well as a keen memory
for dialogue patterns. Her mother stressed proper English
which she used in all her writings.
A young lady who preferred art and books to planning social
events was considered unusual. Her mother Lucretia rushed
her debut in unsuccessful hopes of correcting this abnormality.
Eventually she was married to Edward Robbins Wharton of
Boston at age 23. Readers will recognize her as Edith
Wharton, first woman winner of the Pulitzer Prize for her 1920
novel The Age of Innocence.
Younger readers may remember class assignments for her
short novel Ethan Frame, but I believe a more representative
example would be The House of Mirth, which like The Age of
Innocence described the difficult transition of closed society of
the older rich who were being overwhelmed by the influx of
wealthier nouveau riche, such as Vanderbilt, Rockefeller,
Thomas Fortune Ryan, James Duke and Oliver Hazzard
see note 17
Edith's marriage to Teddy Wharton is best described as
unsuccessful. She left the United States for France in 1911
and divorced Teddy in 1913. Her two older brothers also died

in France, Frederic in 1918 and Henry in 1922. Her mother
Lucretia had moved to France in 1898 to be near her two
sons. Lucretia died in 1901, having been in a coma for her last
year ..
Edith Wharton also died at her house Pavillion Columbe, France
of a stroke on 11 Aug 1937 and was buried in the Cimitiere des
Gonards in Versailles.. She willed her notes and research
notes and correspondence to Yale University, which had
awarded her an honorary degree in 1923, on condition that the
works would not be available to researchers for thirty years.
Since the files were opened in 1968 there has been a great
revival of analysis of her literary work and as well as viewing
her as the "modern woman".
Although I was unable to find any written evidence of Edith's
visit to Fern Tor, several sources remark Mary Rhinelander
Newbold was her favorite aunt. She probably visited her more
often when both families lived in New York City Chelsea
district, near Madison Square.
Another source indicates that when the New York opening of
the drama The House of Mirth received poor reviews, the upset
Edith traveled to Poughkeepsie to stay for a few days with
Thomas Newbold (the son of Thomas Haines and Mary
Newbold) who had decided to make his permanent home in
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Fern Tor residents
Thomas Haines Newbold was no stranger to Dutchess County.
His passport application indicated that he was born in
Westchester County. His older brother, Herman LeRoy Newbold
is listed in the 1850 census as living on a farm in Westchester
see note 1s
Previous census records place the

Newbold family at 12 West 28th Street, the Chelsea area of
New York City that housed many of the Newbold and
Rhinelander families.
But the 1860 federal census places the Newbold family in
Dutchess County in the Mattewan area. near Beacon NY.
see note
After the purchase of Fern Tor the couple
maintained their New York City Chelsea residence as their
primary home, and Fern Tor became their country home,
available during the summers and occasional visits.
see note
I could find no photograph of the main house on Fern Tor.
had been told by college representatives that the main house
had never been built. However on a visit to Mary Reilly in
2007 she led me out of her house and brought me to the
foundations of the main house, and pointed out how the
carriage trails wound below the house then turned up to the
level of the house.
see note
Whoever came to the conclusion that the main house was
never built probably mixed it up with the non-construction of
the Bech house. The Newbold carriage house still exists,
although modified and enlarged by Dr. George Way. There are
two other substantial houses, the gardener's house and the
year-round property supervisor's house. The former is located
on the parcel retained by Charles Chlanda and later sold to Ted
Vaniciotis. Behind this house, is the remainder of the windmill
used to pump water to the street height to for the flowers and
shrubs. The supervisor's house was sold by Chlanda to private
parties and is the first parcel purchased by Marist College.
see note
Thomas Haines Newbold was born in Westchester County
NY on 24 September 1814. His primary family residence was
on West 28th Street in New York City, just west of Fifth
Avenue. The census records list him as 'gentleman' in the
occupation column. He traveled to Europe on several
occasions (both of his daughters were born in Europe). He

died in Poughkeepsie 21 November 1869 and was buried in the
family section of Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn NY.
Mary Rhinelander Newbold was born in New York City 12
December 1826. Her father died when she was about ten
years old, and her mother, Mary Lucretia Ann Stevens, raised
her family in New York, living mostly on the property owned by
General Stevens called "the Mount" in Astoria NY along the Hell
Gate opposite Wards Island a narrow passageway to Long
Island Sound. She lived in New York City at 12 West 28th
Street but stayed often at Fern Tor where she died 4 June
1897. She is buried with her husband in Greenwood Cemetery.
Thomas and Mary Newbold had four children: Catherine
Augusta Newbold, Frederic Rhinelander Newbold, Thomas
Newbold, and Edith Newbold.
Catherine Augusta Newbold was born in France 27 March
1847. Since Thomas and Mary were married 23 April 1846, it
is safe to assume that the newly married couple did the grand
tour of Europe, a customary practice for the affluent of New
York City. Catherine did not marry. Catherine died in New
York City 23 January 1921. In Federal Census records, she is
listed several times at Fern Tor with her brother Frederic and
her sister Edith. At the time of her death, she owned
properties or held mortgages on several properties in New York
City, including one-third the mortgage on 109 East 72nd Street
east of Park Avenue, property along First Avenue near 92nd
Street and a 3/16 interest on property at 115 Liberty Street.
see note
Frederic Rhinelander Newbold was born in New York City
1 December 1853. On 29 June 1882 he married Maud Spencer
Ledyard of Washington DC. The marriage did not work out, and
ended in divorce 1892. Maud moved to London to live with her
mother Matilda Cass Ledyard. When Matilda died, she left
$500,000 to Maud, who returned to the USA. Maud died in Los
Angeles in 1947.

Frederic founded the New York Horticultural Society. On
several occasions he invited members of the society to
Poughkeepsie (using the Hudson River Day Liners), then
transported them to Fern Tor where they might look out of the
main house to view the four mile expanse of the Hudson River.
Frederick took annual vacations to Bermuda during the 1920s.
He died at his summer cottage in Beverly Farms MA 30 June
1931. He left his estate to Edith, who was still alive. In the
event Edith did not survive him his share of 14 East 93rd
Street would have gone to his niece Mary Newbold Morgan.
Frederic is buried in the family plot in Greenwood Cemetery,
Brooklyn NY
see note
Edith Newbold was also born in France 18 August 1856. She
also did not marry, and is listed with her brother Frederic and
sister Catherine in census records for Fern Tor. She died 3
April 1934. She left her entire estate to Frederic if he survived
her. He did not. She left her share of Fern Tor to her nephew,
Thomas Jefferson Newbold, and her real estate at 14 East 93rd
St in New York City to her niece Mary Newbold Morgan. The
remainder went in equal shares to T. Jefferson Newbold and
her nieces Mary Newbold Morgan and Julia Appleton Cross.
Edith is buried in the family plot in Greenwood Cemetery,
Brooklyn NY.
Thomas Newbold (1849-1929) is the only child of Thomas
Haines and Mary Newbold to have children. Born 19 May 1849
he is listed in the 1880 census as a lawyer living with his
mother and siblings at Fern Tor together with his new wife
Sarah Lawrence Coolidge whom he married in Boston MA on 2
June 1880. The Boston record of marriages lists Sarah's
parents as T. Jefferson and Hetty Coolidge of Somerset
see note
Thomas and Sarah Newbold had three children: Mary Edith
Newbold(1883-1969), Thomas Jefferson Newbold(1886-1936)

and Julia Appleton Newbold (1891 - 1972)
Thomas and Sarah had a town house in
New York City, but also purchased a
country home in Hyde Park, known as
Bellefield, and another place in Maine.
see note 26
Bellefield did not look like it does today in its location between
Franklin Roosevelt's home and Route 9. Thomas commissioned
McKim, Mead and White to renovate the building and Beatrix
Farrand to design the garden.
see note 27
For several years Thomas Newbold was a State Senator and
after leaving the Senate sat on the state medical board. He
died in New York City 11 November 1929.
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Mary Edith Newbold (1883 - 1969) grew up in Manhattan
and Hyde Park. She met and married William Gerald Dare
Morgan (1879 - 1948). William (usually called Gerald) was the
son of William (1838 - 1887) and Angelica ( 1846 - 1933)
Morgan who lived at 26 Washington Square North in New York
City, a few houses west of the Rhinelanders. His father was in
the shipping business. His mother was Angelica Livingston
Hoyt; she was born in the Ogden Mills building in Staatsburg
but her main residence was Washington Square.
see note 2s
Gerald Morgan traveled to France in 1916 as a war
correspondent and wrote for several journals after the war.
Mary Edith Newbold married Gerald Morgan in Hyde Park 3
June 1916. They had two children, Gerald Morgan Jr (1923 -
2011) who lived in Midlothian VA and Thomas Newbold
Morgan (1928 - 1995) who lived in the house at 14 East 93rd

Mary inherited the house at 14 East 93rd
Hill after Edith Newbold's death, but Geral
better known for inheriting Bellefield now
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Service property; the building is now used for Park Service
offices. In 1973, It was transferred to the National Park service
by Mary and Gerald's older son, Gerald Jr. Mary and Gerald
Morgan are buried in the Morgan vault in Saint James
Cemetery in Hyde Park. Both their sons were active in musical
Thomas Jefferson Newbold(1886 - 1938) married
Katherine Hubbard (1891 - 1978) in Boston MA in 1914. The
couple remained in the Boston area for several years, with T J
engaged in banking in the 1920 census. The 1930 census
places the family in Santa Clara, Franklin, NY a small town
between Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake in upstate New York,
and T J is listed as a president of an electric company. Thomas
and Katherine had five children: Thomas Jefferson Newbold Jr
(1914 - 1916) who died in Saranac Lake, Thomas M Newbold
(1915 - 2007) who died in Sacramento CA, Katherine Newbold
Lowe (1917 - 2005 ), Sarah H Newbold Krashmer (1922 -
and Herman LeRoy Newbold (1924 - 2010). After Thomas
Jefferson Newbold died, his widow and children returned to
Massachusetts with address at 119 Marlboro Street, Boston
see note 28a
Katherine Hubbard later moved to
Waltham MA and died there in 1978.
Julia Applegate Newbold Cross (1891 - 1972) married
William Redmond Cross (1874 - 1960). The couple maintained
a townhouse in New York City, but their main residence was in
Bernardsville NJ, an affluent suburb which surfaced in recent
years as the homes of Mike Tyson and Whitney Houston. After
their marriage in 1913, Julia and William had five children:
Emily Redmond Cross (10 Feb 1914-
?? ???),
Richard James
Cross (1915 - 2003), William Redmond Cross (1917 - 2002),
Thomas Newbold Cross (1920 - 1996), and Mary Newbold

Cross (1925 -
??) ..
The first four children were born in New
York City, and the last in Massachusetts.
Mary Riley indicated to me that the grandchildren used to be
taken for carriage rides along the trails of Fern Tor.
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Owners after the Newbold Family
The Newbold family sold Fern Tor parcel
to Charles Chlanda Jr (1907-1976), an
executive with Central Hudson Gas
see note 29
see note 30
latter used his knowledge of available
parcels in Dutchess County to acquire
several the parcels as personal
investments. In the case of Fern Tor, it seems he wished to
live on a part of the land.
Chlanda set out five parcels in the south
part of Fern Tor for development as private
homes. He sold the center parcel to William
and Mary Reilly. The Reillys had lived on
Bridge Street in the City of Poughkeepsie.
They built a house on their Fern Tor parcel, and Mary lived in
the house until her death in December 2010. The parcel and
house remains with the heirs of the Reillys.
see note 31
Chlanda abandoned his plan for the other
four parcels and took them off the market.
There was a stone house on the Fern Tor
used for the caretaker of the property when
the Newbolds were in their New York City
homes. Chlanda quickly sold this to Joseph
see note 32
The Bennetts sold in 1955 to James E
Hawkins, who sold the house and land in 1963 to Henry
Fischbach. The Fischbachs sold the house to Marist College in

1990. Currently it is occupied by Brother Donald Kelly, who
teaches at Marist College.
see note 33
Chlanda partitioned four acres at the
northeast corner for his personal use. This
encompasses a large house which was the
gardener's cottage and the remnants of a
windmill which was used in pre electricity
days to pump water from a pond below to the level of the
gardener's house. Chlanda lived in the gardener's cottage.
In 1995 Chlanda's son who lived in
Massachusetts sold this parcel to Theodore
Vanikiotis of Lagrangeville NY. I am told that
Ted thought of the parcel for a diner (he
owns, among others, the Palace Diner on
Washington Street). However, the parcel
lacks easily developable parking for a diner. So it remains in
Vanikiotis ownership. Currently he rents the building to Marist
College students.
see note 34
The remainder of the parcel, about 13
acres, remained in Chandla's name until he
sold it to Doctor George T. C. Way in
see note 35
Doctor Way was a well-
known obstetrician in the Poughkeepsie
medical community. Shortly after the
purchase, Dr. Way divided the parcel into
two parts, placing the two acres under the main house in his
wife's name.
see note 36
With their two adopted children, the couple
moved into the Newbold carriage house,
which they renovated extensively, including
adding a three car carport, a swimming
pool, and additions to the back of the
carriage house to provide more office space. Dr. Way utilized

many of the foundation stones from the original Newbold
house. He also constructed a large shed within the footprint
area of the Newbold main house.
Margaret Way died May 1983. Dr. Way later married Dee
Stewart Way and transferred both sections of the parcel to
see note 37
Dee Stuart was a horsewoman, and they
constructed a stable just north of and below the level of the
carriage house.
Horsemen and horsewomen could make use of the extensive
trails developed during the Newbold ownership.
After the couple retired to Stuart FL, they sold their property in
1997 to Marist College.
see note 38
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Marist College (1997 to the present)
The Newbold parcel begins just north of
the Winslow parcel. When one drives
from the Winslow area, the drive is uphill
to a plain which is the highest elevation
on the Marist campus west of Route 9.
The terrain slopes quickly downward and then undulates until it
meets the property of the former Hudson River State Hospital,
now a park called Quiet Cove.
see note 39
The Vanikiotis
property maintains the level of route nine, which fact makes
possible combinations of the two properties difficult.
It is likely that the suggestion to develop the site as an
arboretum may have come from Franny Reese, a long time
trustee and environmentalist.
see note 40
About 2000 she
led a group of Trustees (myself included) on a tour of the
property. I was able to view an osprey nest on the property.
Marist college students enjoy walking the land along the trails
and near the two Hudson River lookout spots. A walking path

leads from the Gartland commons near
the Gartland athletic complex onto some
of the trails developed by the Newbolds.
The Way house - formerly the Newbold
carriage house - is now used for
academic and administrative purposes.
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1861 liber 120 page 3 Bankruptcy action vs. estate of William Kent to Thomas
H Newbold. This describes a twenty acre parcel, but 4 acres at the northeast corner
were sold by Charles Chlanda III to Theodore Vanikiotis in 1995. See 1995 liber 1970
page 309.
Note 2. The railroad went through lands north of Poughkeepsie from and after 1849.
See deed liber 89 page 94 dated 24 April 1849 John Pells dec'd per executors to Hudson
River RR Co
Note 3. 16 July 1855 liber 195 page 19 Estate of John Pells to Hannah and Cyrus
Note 4. 28 September 1859 liber 114 page 509 Cyrus and Hannah Mason to William
and Helen Kent
Note 5. 16 July 1855 John Pells
ors to Cyrus and Hannah P Mason
11 July 1855 Simon Pells
ors to Cyrus and Hannah P Mason
Note 6. 20 August 1861 liber 120 page 3 Estate of William Kent (by referee) to Thomas
Note 7. Examples are Locust Grove established by Samuel F B Morse, an estate by
James Winslow along Beechwood Avenue, Wood Cliff, the Crosby estate situated on
current Marist College Property later purchased by John F Winslow, Boardman estate
south of Vassar College, part of which was purchased by IBM. Local businessmen
followed suit, a prime example being Matthew Vassar who established Springside.
Note 8. Edith Wharton,
A Backward Glance, Scribner's Sons ©1933 reprinted 1964
385 pp.
See page 11 Edith's family on both father's and mother's side seem all to
have belonged to the same prosperous class of merchants, bankers and lawyers.
a society from which all dealers in retail business were excluded as a matter of course."
Note 9. The name Newbold is a conjunction of new and bold.
means an occupant of
a new stone house.

Note 10. The Newbold genealogy is derived mainly from Genealogical and Memorial
History of the State of New Jersey edited by Francis Barley Lee available on the internet
courtesy of Google. Search for Thomas Haines Newbold.
A more complete listing: of the Newbold family section of interest will be available at
the Marist College Library Archives after this work is complete.
Note 11. I developed a more complete listing of the Rhinelander family which will be
available at the Marist College library archives after this work is complete.
Note 12. General Stevens originally called his house/estate Mount Buonaparte. Stevens
originally liked Napoleon because he restored order to France after the turmoil of the
French Revolution, but the General became disenchanted with Napoleon when the latter
dropped the 'u' from his name, and incensed when Napoleon crowned himself Emperor,
as Stevens was a firm supporter of democratic government and saw the Emperor event
leading away from democracy. He dropped the name Buonaparte from the estate and
called it only The Mount. In later years, Edith Wharton used that name for the home she
built in Lenox MA.
Note 13. This is one interpretation of the expression "keeping up with the Jones", but it
appeared in print only in 1914. The more common understanding was the example of
two of George Jones' grand-aunts Mary Mason Jones built her house very far north at
57th Street and Fifth Avenue, then considered the boondocks, and faced it with white
marble rather than the common brownstone.. One pundit said she would wait for the
rest of society to catch up with her. She did. She later added houses between 57th and
58th Street along Fifth Avenue. Earlier in her life she had built a home in south
Manhattan which included a bathtub and indoor plumbing ... both first for New York City.
he other grandaunt, Elizabeth Schermerhorn Jones built a county home in Rhinecliff NY
with 24 rooms in gothic style. Originally named "Rhinecliffe" it was changed to
"Wyndclyffe". While still standing, it is in disrepair, and has received a protective fence
around it from its current owner. Such a fate seems to be common with the many
elaborate mansions built along the Hudson River in the nineteenth century. A later owner
called it Linden Grove. The 1860 census for Wyndclyffe shows Elizabeth Jones and her
nine servants.
Note 14. The story is told that George Jones always carried a $1,000 bill in his pocket,
as Lucretia was an impulse buyer, and credit cards did not exist in that era.
Note 15. Broadway veers left around Tenth Street to cross Fifth Avenue near Madison
Square. When I walked back to the Astor Place subway station from courses at New
York University in the 1950s, the Grace Church became visible directly north of
Broadway, as it stood at the bend of the road. Designed in French Gothic Revival style,
it was the first major commission of James Renwick Jr., who designed among other
churches Saint Patrick's Cathedral at Fifth Avenue and 49th Street in Manhattan.
Note 16. Edith Newbold, A Backward Glance, New York Charles Scribner's Sons,
copyright 1934 published 1885 385pp. Quotation on page 20.
Note 17 Having grown up in upper-class pre-World War one society, Wharton became
one of its most astute critics, in such works as The House of Mirth and The Age of

Note 18. See 1850_NY _Westchester census record for Herman LeRoy Newbold.
Note 19. See 1860 NY _Dutchess_Mattewan Newbold census record. The cell for real
estate is blank, leading us to believe that this was a rental property. Mattewan had
several pleasant locations overlooking the Hudson River. The census record lists the four
Newbold children, but indicates they all were born in New York. Catherine and Edith
were born in France. The record also lists five servants with the Newbold family.
Note 20. A
is a large, free-standing residual mass (rock outcrop) that rises abruptly
from the surrounding smooth and gentle slopes of a rounded hill summit or ridge crest.
In the South West of England, where the term originated, it is also a word used for the
hills themselves. The lowland around the tor often had many ferns. The only reference
to Fern Tor I could find via Google was for a site in South West England, but there were
similar tors in Yorkshire, the origin of the Newbold families that emigrated to the United
States. The Hudson river property resembles a tor, rising from the level ground of the
Winslow and Barnard lands and dropping quickly beyond the initial hill (which is the
highest point of Marist College west of route Nine). The vegetation north of the tor is
marshy with a pond which supports ferns. If a viewer today imagines the hill without
the tall trees and with the Newbold main stone house, there is a resemblance to a tor.
Or perhaps they called it Fern Tor after what they remembered of Yorkshire.
Note 21. Mary Reilly also pointed to a spot on the Winslow parcel and told me she had
watched Vincent Costanzi demolish the Winslow main house. The Costanzis were
neighbors to the Reillys on North Bridge Street in Poughkeepsie.
Note 22. See the following deeds:
1946 liber 650 page 259 Charles Chlanda to Joseph and Carmen Bennett
1955 liber 897 page 529 John Bennett to James E Hawkins
1955 liber 899 page er20 James E Hawkins to James E and Virginia Hawkins
1967 liber 1109 page 763 James E and Virginia Hawkins to Henry and Julia Fischbach
1990 liber 1821 page 841 Henry and Julia Fischbach to Marist College.
Note 23. 115 Liberty Street is just below the World Trade Center in Manhattan. In June
2012, the apartment building across the street at 114 Liberty listed an eleven room
condo apartment for sale at six million dollars, with monthly common charges of $2150
and monthly real estate taxes of $2848.
contained six bedrooms and six full baths.
But in Catherine's time 115 Liberty was more likely have been a commercial site.
Note 24. 14 East 93rd Street in New York City lies in the Carnegie Hill Historical District
developed late in the 19th century after Andrew Carnegie built his residence at Fifth
Avenue and 91st Street.
is considered a very fashionable residential district. Many of
the homes built in the late 19th century and early 20th century have become schools or
museums. The district consists of the area north of 86th Street and south of 96th
street, stretching from Fifth Avenue to Third Avenue.
Note 25. Thomas Jefferson Coolidge (1831 - 1920) was a US diplomat who served as
United States Minister to France from 1892 to 1893, succeeding Whitelaw Reid, during
the administration of President Benjamin Harrison.(1889-1893). He married Mehitabel
(Hetty) Appleton(1831-1901). He was also President of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa
Fe Railroad companies. The census record for Sarah Coolidge shows the Coolidges living

with William Applerton, whose real estate was listed at $434,000 and personal wealth at
$325.000, while Thomas Jefferson Coolidge had personal wealth estimated at only
$30,000. T Jefferson Coolidge's father, Joseph Coolidge, visited Thomas Jefferson at
Monticello, met, proposed to and married Jefferson's granddaughter Ellen Wayles
Randolph in Jefferson's home at Monticello. . This explains the introduction of the
homas Jefferson names to the distinctly English Newbold line.
Note 26. See deeds: 28 Apr 1885 liber 221 page 114 Archibald and Anne C Rogers to
homas Newbold. This was a purchase of 15 acres out of the southeast corner of land
owned by Rogers and north of the land owned by John Roosevelt. The sale was clarified
in a deed 1 Sept 1886 liber 227 page 208 Charles Broom and Cornelia Broom to Thomas
Newbold, that gave Newbold clear title to a small section of the Rogers purchase that
had been designated as a sepulcher in 1772 by a Broom ancestor .. A later deed 9 July
1890 liber 251 page 269 added 4+ acres west of the original purchase. The county
map dated 1891 shows the Newbold parcel cut from the southeast corner of the Rogers
estate and north of the property of James Roosevelt. This map is available in the county
records office on Market Street.
Note 27. Beatrix Jones Farrand (1872-1959) was the only daughter of Edith Wharton's
brother Frederic Jones and his first wife Minnie Cadwalader Rawle. Beatrix became a
landscape designer operating out of her mother's home on Eleventh Street in New York
City. In 1912, she designed the walled residential garden Bellefield for Mr. and Mrs.
homas Newbold in Hyde Park, New York. In addition to being the earliest extant
example of her residential designs, this exquisite walled garden, now restored, is the
only known pairing of works by the two most famous designers of that era--Farrand and
the architects McKim, Mead
White. Her first notable work was to design the plantings
around the National Cathedral in Washington DC. She received the commission from J.
Pierpont Morgan to design the Morgan Library grounds in New York City, and continued
as a consultant for thirty years (1913-1943).
Her most notable work was at the
Dumbarton Oaks estate in the Georgetown district of Washington, D.C.
McKim, Mead and White started with a 1795 house then added wings to both the north
and south sides, each wing as large as the original house.
is uncertain who the main
architect was, as McKim died in 1909 and Stanford White in 1906. A likely architect
within the firm would be Charles Lewis Bowman who was with the firm until 1922 and
designed many country homes in the Hudson River valley.
Note 28 The 1935 map in the Dutchess County Records Office shows parcels belong to
L Hoyt and A Morgan just north of the Margaret Lewis Norrie property in Staatsburg,
New York. The parcel transfer to Angelica may have been part of the original Hoyt
parcel willed to her. There is no record of a transfer to A. Morgan grantee in the deeds
Angelica Hoyt (1846-1933) was born in the Livingston house in Staatsburg NY that
became the country home of Ogden L Mills and is now a historic site. She married
William Dare Morgan(1838-1887) who engaged in the shipping business. The couple's
New York City home was at 26 Washington Square North. Their eldest child, Margaret
Lewis Morgan (1870 - 1927) married A Gordon Norrie of Staatsburg (1868-1927) The
couple had one son, Louis G Norrie, who was killed in an auto accident shortly after he
graduated from Princeton. Gordon Norrie was active in banking. During World War I he

spent a year with the Red Cross as Director of Military Affairs of the army, with
headquarters in Milan, Italy. Mrs. Norrie was noted for her activities among women
voters. She died at her home at 153 East 61st Street on 15 August 1927 after a four
month illness. Sadly, her husband died ten days later. The couple is buried in the
churchyard of St. James Episcopal Church in Hyde Park NY.
Ruth Morgan (1879 - 1933) did not marry, and lived many years with her mother. She
developed the National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, and fought for
suffrage. She was active with the Red Cross during World War I, In New York City she
served for many years as the president of the Colony Club. She is buried in Hyde Park.
Note 28a. Thomas J Newbold's family took a trip to Bermuda in 1940. Their addresses
are all listed as 119 Marlboro Street, Boston MA, so they must have returned to MA from
Santa Clara after the father died .. The ship manifest lists dates of birth for each of the
children. Sarah (Sallie) Newbold was born 23 March 1922.
Note 29. recorded in 1946 but dated 15 Oct 1945 liber 649 page 380 Mary N. Morgan
ors to Charles Chlanda Jr
Note 30. By the social security death index, Charles Chlanda was born 26 December
1907 and died 30 April 1976. A retired coworker described him as "gracious and
entrepreneurial". He worked in the marketing division of Central Hudson.
Note 31. By the social security death index: William T Reilly was born 25 October 1911
and died in Poughkeepsie 24 September 1997. Mary H Reilly was born 28 January 1919
and died in her house 17 December 2010
Note 32 See deed 16 November 1946 liber 650 page 259 Charles Chlanda Jr to Joseph
Carmen Bennett.
Note 33. 1 September 1955 liber 897 page 529 John L Bennett to James E Hawkins
17 September 1955 liber 899 page 420 James E Hawkins to James E & Virginia
18 September 1963 liber 1109 page 763 James E & Virginia Hawkins to Henry &
Julia Fischbach
9 August 1990 liber 1871 page 849 Henry & Julia Fischbach to Marist College.
Note 34. See deed 3 November 1995 liber 1970 page 309 Charles Chlanda III to
heodore Vanikiotis
Note 35. See deed 28 March 1974 liber 1633 page 295 Charles Chlanda Jr to Carr
Note 36. See deeds: 1975 1 November 1975 liber 1400 page 667 Carr Enterprises to
Margaret A Way and. 1975 1 November 1975 liber 1418 page 635 Carr Enterprises to
George T C Way

Note 37. See deeds 17 February 1986 liber 1706 page 173 George T C Way to Dee
Stewart Way; and 1986 17 February 1986 liber 1706 page 603 George TC Way to Dee
Stewart Way
Note 38. See deed: 1 December 1997 liber 2002 page 438 #9062 Dee Stewart Way to
Marist College.
Note 39. There is an underpass under the railroad tracks marked 1912, which was the
same year as the underpass provided by the railroad to the Marist Brothers. The river
section of Quiet Cove contains the former Navy Boathouse as well as a newer boat
house housing some high school rowing equipment.
Note 40. Social Security Death Index: Frances S Reese born 16 November 1917, died
2 July 2003. Franny is best known for successfully leading the opposition to a reservoir
proposed by Consolidated Edison behind Storm King Mountain along the Hudson River.
he suit set the precedent that concerned citizens have standing to sue for
environmental protection. Frances Reese was a trustee of Marist College from 10
September 1984 until her death 2 July 2003.
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Research on this project was conducted from January 2008 through August 2012 by
Richard Foy, assisted by student assistants Paul Contarino and Kayla Benefield.
Most recent revision and spell check October 21, 2013

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