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Edwin Bech.xml


Part of Marist College Land History: Edwin Bech Estate


Edwin Bech estate
Marist College
The Bech parcel refers to the Marist College campus section just south of the Waterworks
See note 1
Called Hickory Grove by previous owners, the Bechs renamed it
Rosenlund; it consisted of five parcels pieced together between 1863 and 1868.
See note
Brother Louis Zephiriny purchased it in his own name and then transferred it to the
Marist Brothers.
See note 3
The land extends south to the entrance plaza to the Mccann Athletic Center
Situated on the
Bech parcel are: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel, Greystone, Donnelly Hall, the Cannavino
Library, Sheahan Hall dormitory, Leo Hall Dormitory, the Champagnat Hall dormitory and
student center, the mid-rise dormitory, the Tenney Athletic complex, the Kieran Brennan
Gatehouse, and St. Peters Building and most of the Gartland Baseball field
The Bech parcel is bordered on the south by the Myers parcel which contains the Mccann
Athletic Center and on the north by the Barnard parcel.
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Owners before the Bech FamilY.
in the Hudson River Railroad Map of 1848
Abraham Van Anden
(1801 - 1854)
Jehiel and Phebe Smith
(1835 - 1857)
David EIY. Bartlet
t (1852-1860)
Bech FamilY. era
Edward Bech
(1812 - 1873)
Elizabeth McCartY. Bech
(1816 - 1900)
Rosenlund Estate
Detlef Lienau, architect
Gindra familY.
~ g e Albert Bech
(1856 - 1890)
DisQosition of Rosenlund
Brother Louis ZeQhirinY.
Marist Brothers era
Marist College 1961 to present
What was deeded to Marist Colleg.e.
Owners of Bech parcel

Marist College
Marist Brothers
Brother Louis Zephiriny
Nicholas Jungeblut & Wife
Pauline E B de Neuerdorff
Elizabeth McCarty Bech
Edward Bech
David Ely Bartlett
William & Thomas Davies
Jehiel & Phebe Smith
John Hustis
William Davies
Jacobus Palmatier
John Emmons
Abraham DeGraef
William Tietescoort
Peter U Ziele
Hermanse & Sanders
The list of owners is substantially accurate back to the original Hermanse & Sanders patent
Parcel descriptions were more localized in these deeds, and additions and changes may be
discovered. Most of the early landowners held land along the Hudson north of the Fallkill
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Owners before the Bech family
Landowners listed in the 1848 Hudson River Railroad map
owner list
The Hudson River Railroad Company filed a map with the county that listed each current
landowner and the length of land above high water and separately the length of land below
high water (if any) for each owner. This gives us a good benchmark as to the size of the
parcels held by the owners
The lengths can be measured from the south edge of the
Waterworks Road as it exists near the route nine highway (the bend in the road as it

approaches the railroad tracks came about after several parcels were taken to build or
enlarge the water works.) The owners, from north south were
Length of track
from north to south
in feet
Mrs. Sarah Van Anden (widow of Abraham van
Jahiel and Phebe Smith
William Davies
George F Tallman
The Tallman holding extended down to Hoffman Street. Its northern section became the
Henry D Myers lot,
acres of which was purchased by Marist College in
On August
16, 2012
I attempted to lay out the boundaries of the Van Anden, Smith and
Davies parcels. As rough estimates, the Van Anden lot reached from the Waterworks Road
south to the end of the Cannavino Library, but not to the Greystone building. The Smith
parcel ran to the south end of the Donnelly building. The Davies parcel ran at least to the
road turning off the main road to the Mccann parking lot. This is very rough reckoning, as
the east/west boundary lines of the parcels do not run parallel. However, it seems most likely
that the old house occupied by the Bechs until
and by David Bartlett before then was
located on the Davies parcel.
See note
Abraham Van Anden and family
The first deed of land directly to Abraham Van Anden is from Rhoda Dunning nee Van Kleeck
See note 5
Her father was Baltus Van Kleeck, who had moved down to Poughkeepsie
from Albany shortly after the award of the Hermanse and Sanders patent. He adopted the
surname Van Kleeck after his home town in the Netherlands, and is considered one of the
founders of modern Poughkeepsie. He held land mostly north of today's Main Street, and
willed several parcels in the Marist College area to his children, including Rhoda. Rhoda's first
marriage to Nathaniel Quimby ended in divorce. She later married a Dunning and relocated
to Newburgh. At that time she disposed of several parcels which had been willed to her by
her father. She sold a
acre parcel in the Town of Poughkeepsie to William Davies, who was
very active in real estate.
See note 6
To do this she needed the permission of her
former husband.
See note
William and Polly Davies then sold the acres to Abraham
Van Anden, who added pieces to his farm on several occasions.
See note 8
The deed to the Barnard parcel describes it as lying just above that of Van An den. Another
the Water Commissioners of the City of Poughkeepsie taking land for access to
the main highway described the land as from the Barnard property just along the Van Anden
boundary. This became the Waterworks Road familiar to us and still a major east-west link
within the Marist College holdings
Jehiel and Phebe Smith
Jehiel Smith purchased a farm from John Hustis in
Hustis had purchased the farm
from William Davies in
The railroad took land when the Smiths owned the farm. In

1857 Jehiel and Phebe sold the farm to William and Thomas Davies.
See note 9
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David Ely Bartlett (1806 - 1879)
The first school operated on Marist College land was not that operated by the Marist Brothers,
but a school for the deaf operated by David Ely Bartlett and his wife Fanny Pomeroy from
1852 to 1860. The Bartlett family lived in what became the Marist Brothers Novitiate building
on a site just across the road from the southern end of Tenney Stadium. The couple accepted
as students youngsters deemed not old enough to be admitted to schools for the deaf. David
contended that education for deaf children ought to begin much earlier than the 12 or 13
year standard in other schools for the deaf.
See note 10
David Ely Bartlett was born 29 Sept 1806 in Hartford CT. "For four years after
his graduation from Yale, he was an instructor in the American Asylum in
Hartford Ct. During twenty years, from 1832 to 1952, he taught with
distinction in the New York institution. During eight years, from 1852 to 1960
he conducted a private school for deaf mutes in Poughkeepsie, and, assisted
by his talented and devoted wife, laid the foundations broad and deep of the
mental and moral culture of some of the most distinguished deaf-mutes in the
land. This class of pupils no longer continuing in sufficient numbers to justify
the continuance of his school, he accepted the post of instructor in the
American Asylum then offered him, and for nineteen years, to the day of his
death, gave to that time-honored institution, the best fruits of his eminent
_ See note 11
David's father was Reverend Shubael Bartlett (2 April 1776- 6 June 1854) an 1800 graduate
of Yale His grandfather, John Bartlett, was deacon in the Congregational Church of Lebanon
CT, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Dr. Ely (that explains the Ely!) His grandfather traced
roots back to John Alden. One of his brothers, Shubael Fitch Bartlett (1811 - 1849) also
graduated from Yale and taught several years in a school for deaf mutes
He then turned to
medicine. At the time of the gold strike in California, he left the East to minister to those who
moved to California
Sadly he caught dysentery and died 12 October 1849 before he could
return to Connecticut.
Published histories of music education do not often recognize early instances
of music for handicapped students. Music for the hearing impaired is more
obscure than for most handicapping conditions because it is often regarded as
impractical. This study recognizes the early efforts of William Wolcott Turner
and David Ely Bartlett on behalf of music education for the deaf. In an 1848
article in the American Annals for the Deaf and Dumb, these two pioneers
showed that a hearing-impaired student could learn music and that sound
reasons existed to support such an endeavor. The research confirmed both
the authenticity and credibility of Turner and Bartlett's work, with biographical
information on the two authors and a critical analysis of the contents of their
article in light of subsequent research on music for the hearing impaired.
David Bartlett continues to be recognized for his innovative ideas and superb work in
educating the deaf.
See note 12
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The Bechs
Edvard and Elizabeth McCarty Bech owned the Bech parcel from their purchase to its sale to
Marist Brother Louis Zephiriny.
See note
Edvard Bech died in
and Elizabeth in
She left the estate to Pauline E Braem de
Neuerdorff, her granddaughter and the daughter of her son Henry Braem, who had died
before Elizabeth Bech. A study of the papers on file in the Surrogate's Court of Dutchess
County reveals that two of Elizabeth's daughters living in Europe and one Henry Braem's sons
contested the will, and it took until
to have the estate settled. The sale to Nicholas
Jungeblut was probably a mechanism to clarify the award to Pauline and to facilitate any sale
to a future bidder.
Edvard Bech ( 4 May 1812 - 1873)
See note
Edvard Bech was born 4 May
the son of a prosperous
Copenhagen merchant, Jergen Bech. The Bech family lived
south of Copenhagen, near the German border. The
territory was later absorbed into Germany. Edvard studied
for some years in Berlin. Edward immigrated to New York in
See note
While in New York Edward Bech became the Danish Consul
in New York. He lived in Manhattan.
See note
became a trader in wine and iron. Through his interest in
wine, he became acquainted with Michael Lienau, also in the
wine trade. The two gentlemen served together on several
boards and committees. Through his work with iron, he
became acquainted with Joseph Tuckerman; the men joined
together to acquire an iron foundry located at the foot of
Union Street in Poughkeepsie NY.
Joseph Tuckerman was the son of a New England
clergyman. He came to New York City and seemed to have
lived in the city permanently. He introduced Bech to the iron business and Bech joined with
Tuckerman on several joint ventures in the mid-Hudson area.
See note
On the death of his father Jergen Bech in
inherited money which he used to invest in the
Poughkeepsie Iron Company. Eventually he bought out
Tuckerman's share in the operation and purchased another
site along the Hudson River north of Hoffman Street and
just south of the Marist College property. The new site was
larger and provided greater capability to produce pig iron -
initially refined iron which would then be sold to other
foundries that would make specialized iron and steel using
more sophisticated refining and additives.
The Hudson shoreline became a favorite place for the iron
industry. Originally the furnaces were fueled by charcoal,
but with the completion of the Delaware and Hudson Canal,
the foundry switched to regular coal from Pennsylvania.

Almost any dirt contains some iron, but the trick is to find enough iron to justify the refining
process. Bech obtained most of his iron from beds in Beekman and Fishkill, in southeast
Dutchess County.
See note
The regular means of transportation was by ox cart
(oftentimes by plank roads during rainy weather, as railroad transportation was not available.
See note
Bech purchased some land in Fishkill and Beekman, and purchased ore
rights in other properties.
See note
See note
Bech also invested in ore
deposits around Lake Champlain, which were transported by barge through the Champlain
Canal (opened in
about the same time as the Erie Canal.) The Champlain ore was
reputed to be the purest in the world, comparable to that found in Sweden.
One advantage of concentrating on pig iron was that the furnaces could be operated year
round, and the pig iron stored on site. Sales of pig iron might be concentrated in some
seasons of the year
But the Iron Works could maintain a constant workforce and keep its
furnaces busy the whole year.
Edward Bech decided to relocate from New York City to
Poughkeepsie. He purchased a house on Market Street, just
opposite the current Court House and moved his family
there. The house was convenient to supervise the operation
at the original Union Street landing.
See note
After he decided to move the major foundry to the Hoffman
Street site, he purchased a nearby estate called
Grove" which had been the farm of Abraham Van
See note 23
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Elizabeth McCarty Bech ( 1816-1890)
Edward Bech's wife goes by different names in documents.
She usually used the name Elizabeth McCarty Bech in
purchases and sales of property and applications for
passports, etc. V. A. Buechele indicates her maiden name
was Charlotte Hossack and that she was born in
same year as Edward Bech. Her passport application in
she states she was born in New York City
The census record for
indicates she is six years
younger than Edward Bech, and the Braem family listing
says she was born
The statistics don't jibe,
but these records are consistent enough to place her slightly
younger than Edward.
See note
We have no knowledge why Elizabeth used that name
instead of Charlotte nor where the McCarty name comes
from .. There was a Bavarian Princess Elizabeth Charlotte of
(1662 - 1722)
but I could find no other connection
to the names. Elizabeth was married previously to Rudolph
Gothard Sighart Braem (born
in NYC) and bore him two sons:, Henri Monod Braem and
Frederick August Braem.
See note 25
Henri does not seem to have lived with the
Bechs in Poughkeepsie, but his name appears later
Henri M Braem had two daughters
Pauline Emily, who inherited the Bech estate in Poughkeepsie and Josephine Elizabeth, who is
a beneficiary in the Elizabeth McCarty Bech will.

Another unusual aspect of the Bech marriage is that several
purchases to add land to the original Clegg/Bech purchase
were concluded under the name of Elizabeth McCarty Bech.
Normally the purchases were made by the male partner in
the marriage. Perhaps Elizabeth had resources of her
See note
After purchasing Hickory
Grove, Edward Bech
renamed it Rosenlund and
set about to develop an
estate in the grand
manner of so many others,
including Locust Grove
(Samuel F B Morse),
Woodcliffe (John Flack
Winslow) and Springside
(Matthew Vassar). To design this he turned to a young
Danish architect, Detlef Lienau, the younger brother of Bech's wine trading friend, Michael
Michael worked in Manhattan, but decided to live in Jersey City. His brother Detlef
immigrated to New York in 1848
See note
Michael Lienau commissioned his
younger brother to build a home in Jersey City
Detlef was somewhat conservative in style,
preferring to design stone houses rather than the wood homes becoming prevalent in the
early Victorian age.
Edward and Elizabeth Bech's son, Edward Michael Bech died
in 1862
His father commissioned Detlef Lienau to design a
mausoleum for the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery, which
later became the final resting place for Edward and
Elizabeth, their son George A Bech and his wife Mary
Stevens Strong Bech (1855-1880) who died in childbirth.
Also buried in the mausoleum are George and Mary's son
Edward Henri Peter Bech, as well as Elizabeth's mother
Margaret Hossack
See note 28
The architect designed a general plan for the estate. Three major buildings were constructed
before any work started on the main residence. The Bech's stayed in their house in Market
Street, and after 1863 occupied the former Van Anden/Bartlett house at the southern end of
the property
Detlef designed a gatehouse, a gardener's cottage, a carriage house and a
The first two buildings are essentially the same as first designed, (except for
electricity and plumbing). The carriage house (now called Greystone) was designed with the
ground floor as a blacksmith's shop, the main floor as the carriage room, and an upper floor
as a storage room for hay. Early photos show a large wooden building just west of the
carriage house, probably used as workshop and housing for employees. The stable was
designed as a similar stone building just north of and below the hill from the carriage house.
However, photos indicate that it was constructed as a wooden building. Presumably the
northern part of the property was designed to be the working farm, with the eventual main
house at the southern section
The Bechs moved from 57 Market Street into the Bartlett house shortly after the purchase of
the property in 1863.
See note 29
A group photo of the family was posed in front of
the Bartlett building, which shows a single tower at the northern end of the front fac;ade. A
similar tower was added at the southern end soon to accommodate the Bech family.

Edmund Platt indicated that the local iron industry went through a contraction caused by the
"failure of Edward Bech" which caused him to take in partners. This statement is
questionable; it may have been Bech's intention to take in partners all along. Early on he
had hired Albert E Tower as his superintendent. Unlike Bech who discovered iron
manufacture as a result of his trading experience, Albert Tower worked in several different
foundries in the East Coast, and was more proficient in the nuts and bolts of manufacturing
pig iron
Bech did suffer reverses during the Panic of '57; he had invested heavily in the Cunard Line
which went into bankruptcy. The notes by Viggo Bech Rambusch in the Bech Collection in the
Marist College Library archives indicate that Edward managed to pay off all his creditors
within eight months of his reverses.
is also noted in the Bech Collection files that Bech, his
wife Elizabeth and their children spent almost a full year in Denmark around 1957-1958. He
may have enlisted the financial support of relatives in Germany and Denmark. There is later
correspondence under the signature of Henri Monad Braem concerning stock owned by
relatives in the Port Henry Iron Company, which company remained very profitable during the
Albert Tower joined the operation possessing considerable assets from his prior work. The
county records show at least twenty real estate purchases or leases between 1856 and
Edward Bech's death in 1873
Not all these were from Bech, but they are related to the
industry and include purchases and leases.
In 1875, after Edward Bech's death, Elizabeth McCarty Bech, acting as executrix of Edwa
will so
d his half of the company to the Poughkeepsie Iron Works. At the same time Albert
Tower sold his half of the company to the Poughkeepsie Iron Works
Tower was the major
stockholder in the Iron Works.
See note 30
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Detlef Lienau, architect (1818-1887)
Although Detlef Lienau was one of the founders of the American Institute of Architects, he
had been all but forgotten until recent publication of Ellen Weill Kramer
s 1956 doctoral
He was born in Utersen, thirty miles north of Hamburg in the Duchy of Holstein, which
was then nominally a Danish holding
He was educated largely in Germany
He completed his
work at the local trade school in 1837 and did a three
year apprenticeship under master
carpenters in Berlin. This was followed by apprenticeships in Hamburg and Munich
provided a thorough grounding in the design and construction of buildings of stone and wood
common in northern Germany
By May 1842, Lienau was in Paris, studying in the atelier of Henri
Labrouste from 1842 through 1846. Labrouste was a graduate of
the Ecole des Beaux Arts, but broke away from the rigid
adherence to classical forms emphasized by the Ecole. He
attracted students who were willing to experiment and try new
things. After five years Detlef was able to sign his name "Lienau,
archte" He took employment with the Paris- to-Lyons
See note 31
The railroads were proving receptive to new
ideas and new materials available to construction. Detlef may
also have spent some time in England. He decided to come to America. Detlef Lienau's first
commission came from his brother Michael, to design a cottage for the Lienau family in
Jersey City. More important, Michael introduced Detlef to a wide variety of individuals who
were in positions to commission architectural work.

The first major project was for Mr. M. Schiff, a Frenchman from
New Orleans. The house was located at Fifth Avenue and Tenth
Street, just across from the newly constructed Ascension
See note 32
(Detlef also designed the burial vault for M
Schiff in Greenwood Cemetery). Lienau designed a Mansard roof
for the Schiff house, and produced detailed drawings to show the
carpenters how to construct the roof. This is the first known use
of the Mansard roof in the United States.
~ I
Lienau went on to design private
residences (notably the Lockwood Mansion in Norwalk CT, the
largest private residence he designed), apartment houses,
industrial buildings and row houses, He did not insist on a
specific style, but adapted the design to the function and
site. However, his first love was the German/Danish brick and
stone style rather than the Victorian wooden structures coming
into vogue during the third quarter of the 19th century.
His last project was to
design the row of four houses at 48-54 West 82nd
Street, built for members of the Lienau and Williams
family. Up to this time Lienau had lived in Jersey
He moved into No. 48 of the houses on West 82nd
Within a few months, he died of typhoid fever on
August 29, 1887
_ -.
Edward Bech died in Stuggart, Germany on 9 July 1873,
~ ~
from consumption. He may have traveled to Europe to
escape the atmosphere of the furnaces
A search of
travel, passport applications and ship manifests show that he and the family traveled often to
Europe, sometimes together, more often separately. At the time of his death he was
President of the Port Henry Iron Company of Lake Champlain and senior member of the firm
of Edward Bech & Co of New York City
The Port Henry firm continued in existence until the
1890s, and the Edward Bech trading firm was in existence until the death of George A Bech in
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The Gindra Family
Rosenlund was noted for its beautiful gardens and landscaping. This was in large measure
the work of David Gindra (1832 - 1908), the head gardener and a prominent member of the
Dutchess Horticultural Society
David arrived in New York from Bremen Germany on 5 July
The passenger list describes him as 21 years old and a 'minor'
The 1860 census for
Roxbury MA shows him working for and living with the family of Martin Trautman, florist.
1870 David Gindra was living in Poughkeepsie, with his wife Bertha (also born in Germany)
and three children Conrad, age 9 (born in Massachusetts) David, age 6, and Paul, age 3
(both born in New York).
See note 33
David Gindra's obituary indicated that he spent 45 years on the
Bech estate.
He was often called out of town to consult with
men of wealth having beautiful places because of his original
ideas in arranging flowers. His sons Conrad (1861 - 1933) and
Paul (1867 - 1929) worked on the Bech estate with their father,
and they learned the business well

Conrad purchased the Fricker greenhouses along Main Street in the
and his wife Margaret built a home on Spoor Avenue off Hooker Ave
Cora remained on Delafield. Both boys were florists and landscapers.

~ ~
' '
See note 34
The author of the Annals of St Ann's Hermitage described the Bech property after the
purchase by the Marist Brothers (page 11): "Having been abandoned for several years, its
looks were not prepossessing. However, when we strolled along its wide roads we could see
beautiful groves, a large number of trees of various species, and several varieties of plants
growing here and there. We could also see remains of spacious greenhouses in different
places, some indication of what the property must have been at one time."
The southern section of the estate, close to the main house, seems to have been reserved for
a garden and the northern section for a farm. When I lived in the main house 1945-1947,
there were vestiges of beautiful plantings, which we mistakenly attributed to the rural
backgrounds of the Brothers from Canada and France. In retrospect, the Brothers built on
the base developed by the Gindras. The 1880 farm census reported 20 acres tilled, 40 acres
woodland, 15 acres mown for hay, and eight horses on the property. It also reported three
milking cows which provided 300 pounds of butter each year and 25 chickens which produced
150 dozen eggs.
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George Albert Bech (1856-1890)
owner list
George Albert Bech was 17 when his father Edward Bech died in 1873. His two older sisters
had married and were living overseas in Austria. His older brother, Edward Micvael Hossack
Bech (1851-1962) had died and was buried in the family mausoleum in Poughkeepsie Rural
Cemetery (designed by Detlef Lienau). George married Mary Stevens Strong 17 April 1879
at Trinity Church, NYC. Mary died in childbirth for their son Edward Henri Peter Bech who is
also buried in the Mausoleum. He appears in the 1880 census with his mother Elizabeth, a
ladies maid, a cook, a coachman, and the Gindra family.
On July 29, 1886 a new steel steam yacht, the Dagmar, was successfully launched at
Newburg. It was built for Mr. George A Bech of Poughkeepsie. The launch was watched by,
among others, Mr. Bech and Mr. Newbold of Poughkeepsie, from the deck of the Marina,
another steam yacht owned by George A Bech.
See note 38
The Dagmar was to be
schooner rigged, of overall length 121; length at the water line 98 feet. A subsequent article
in the New York Times described a 16 mile trial trip run at reduced speed.
See note 39
On board passengers included F. Newbold, Conrad Gindra and Paul Gindra. The following
Saturday Mr. Bech was to take a party of friends on an Eastern cruise, going first to Mount
See note 40
On 15 December 1881 George Bech paid $38,000 for 372 acres lying across route nine.
See note
He may have added farmland to the Rosenlund estate. The land was
available in 1905 when Brother Louis Zephriny acted for the Marist
See note 42
George Bech remarried on 17 Feb 1887 to Julia May of Baltimore. The wedding
announcement in the New York Times described George Bech as formerly of Poughkeepsie,
but now of New York, where he is a well-known club man. The bride was attended by the
Misses Braems, of New York." These were Pauline and Josephine, both whom later
married and lived overseas. Among those Poughkeepsie citizens present at the wedding from
Poughkeepsie were his mother, Elizabeth Bech, Mr.& Mrs. Henri Braem, Mr. Newbold, Mr.
Newbold, and Mr. & Mrs. R. Roosevelt. George was very friendly with the Newbolds and Henri
Braem was George's half-brother, both having Elizabeth Bech as their mother

George Bech and his wife Julia resided at Rosenlund, but
wintered in the Baltimore/Washington area, bringing Elizabeth
Bech with them to avoid the very cold winters in the Hudson
Valley. They were preparing to return to Rosenlund 17 April
1890 when George was struck with apoplexy (probably a stroke)
and died at his Washington residence. The funeral was held 19
April at Holy Comforter church, where the Bechs had been
parishioners and George had given generous support, with burial
in the Bech vault in Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery.
George died intestate, which complicated settlement, as persons of interest resided mostly in
Europe. His wife Julia handled the estate, which exclusive of real estate amounted to
$98,660. One half was awarded to his widow, and one eighth to each of: his mother
Elizabeth Bech, his half-brother Henri Braem, his sister Sophie of Denmark and his sister
Marie of Stuttgart, Germany. Newspaper accounts indicate that he had inherited a private
fortune of considerable proportions. Although he must have been the principal support of
Rosenlund, the estate was in Elizabeth Bech's name.
George Bech also owned property in Stock bridge MA, of which Julia took possession; The
Stockbridge property was called Edgehill.
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Disposition of Rosenlund
After George Bech died, Julia May Bech married William Babcock and moved away from
Elizabeth Bech lived alone there until her death on 29 may 1900. She had been
in failing health for several years.
Elizabeth left a will which she made in her own handwriting in
1886, and added two codicils, one after the death of her son
George in 1890 and the other after the death of her son Henri
Monad Braem in February 1900
Her estate was not extremely
large, with personal property less than $25,000; her only real
estate was Rosenlund. When her husband died, he left an estate
worth $1.3 million, giving one third to his son George Albert
Bech, and 1/9 each to his daughters. The remaining third he left
in trust for his wife Elizabeth from which she received annually
about $25,000.
Her obituary notes that much of this annual receipt had been used for
objects of charity
Like her son, Elizabeth Bech was buried in the Bech vault in Poughkeepsie
Rural cemetery with the funeral service from Holy Comforter church, which church received
$1,000 in her will.
See note 35
The most important asset, Rosenlund, Elizabeth left to her granddaughter, Pauline Braem Von
Nauerdorff, a resident of Vienna, Austria. Since most of the persons of interest for the will
lived in Europe, there was delay in settling the estate
was only in 1905 that Pauline von
Nauerdorff transferred the estate to Nicholas Jungeblut of Minnesota
See note 36
This was probably a legal device to simplify sale of the estate, since
Pauline had no intention of leaving her residence in Vienna
Brother Louis Zephiriny purchased Rosenlund property from Jungeblut, using a mortgage to
his sister Louise Merrillan, and immediately transferred both the MacPherson parcel and the
Bech parcel to the Marist Brothers.
See note 37

Rosenlund remained in the Bech family for 37 years. The
only longer owner before Marist College was the Marist
Brothers, to which we turn now. But before we move there,
we cite Brother Louis Zephiriny, who owned the MacPherson
estate for three years and the Bech estate for one day!
Brother Louis Zephiriny (1861 - 1927)
Fran<;ois Adophe Louis Brochier was born in Lyons, Francs in
1861. He entered the Marist Brothers, completing his
Novitiate in 1878. He spent one year as a cook, then as
auxiliary teacher from 1879-1888, at the termination of
which he had completed his Brevet comp/et which
authorized him to teach any primary grades. His superiors
recognized his administrative ability and planned to send
him to North America for service with the United States and
Canadian Brothers. But first they sent him to England for a
year to learn English.
See note 48
When he arrived in New York City, he joined the Brothers community at St. Jean Baptiste,
who were teaching at the St. Jean grammar school. The pastor asked the Brothers to begin a
boarding school and Zephiriny started St. Ann's Academy along 76th Street in 1892.
See note 49
In 1904 the Provincial asked Zephiriny to explore possibilities along the Hudson River, and he
found the MacPherson and Bech estates. He later became provincial of the province, a
position he had to resign due to failing health. He returned to Poughkeepsie to teach in the
Novitiate and give some college courses under the aegis of Fordham University, then lived in
the infirmary until his death.
What distinguished Brother Zephiriny was his ability to make contacts with influential people.
He made contacts with Cuodert Brothers, then at its zenith as a firm specializing in
international law. The firm catered to large corporations and affluent individuals, yet
assigned Mr. Murray to work with Zephiriny on what might be considered miniscule affairs
such as land purchases in Poughkeepsie, and a mortgage for $26,000 to Zephiriny's sister's
estate (Frederic Coudert, founder of the firm agreed to act as trustee). Later the firm
represented the Brothers in an action against William Knauss who operated a slaughter house
whose effluent was affecting the wells on the Poughkeepsie properties. Zephiriny managed
to meet with President Theodore Roosevelt when customs held up delivery of a statue of the
Blessed Mother destined for St. Ann's Hermitage.
See note 50
Zephiriny also was
acquainted with the US heads of the Redemptorist Fathers and the Jesuits, the latter being
helpful in establishing the Poughkeepsie operation.
Zephiriny loved literature. He wrote poetry in English and French, and authored hymns -
both lyrics and melodies.
Although he did not live to see the establishment of Marist Training School or Marist College,
he deserves to be remembered as a vital component of the development of both institutions.
The Marist Brothers era (1908 - 1961)
Rosenlund had been a beautiful estate in its prime, but it lost the support of George Bech in
1890 and Elizabeth Bech had limited funds to maintain the property in its original condition.
She was ailing the last five years before she died. After her death, the determination of
ownership of Pauline Van Nauerdorff was not settled until court action in 1905. David Gindra

and his wife lived in the Rosenlund gatehouse until his death in 1908. When the Brothers
acquired the estate in mid-1908 they found it overgrown, but under the overgrowth they
discovered excellent plantings and also several greenhouses. The writer of the Annals of St.
Ann's Hermitage concluded that Rosenlund was in much better shape than the MacPherson
estate which the Brothers had purchased in 1905.
The Rosenlund purchase enabled the Brothers to expand their activity into some well-defined
areas. The southern zone containing the Bech house became the Novitiate and the northern
area, including Greystone, the gardener's cottage and the gate house developed into the
Scholasticate or post Novitiate training center. The Barnard/MacPherson property remained
the Juniorate, Provincial House, and farm center.
See note 51
The first phase of Marist Brothers' ownership may be considered the years from 1908 to
1920, which were used to develop both the MacPherson and Bech properties for use as
training centers for the Brothers. The second phase 1920 to 1942 would be characterized by
development of college
courses under the aegis of Marist Training School supported by
Fordham University. The third phase would be transition into a bachelor degree granting
college, a transition spearheaded by Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine.
See note 52
To develop the Bech House for Novitiate use, modifications had
to be made. The Postulants and novices moved
on 25
September 1908. The dormitories and classrooms were ready,
but not until December was the heating system satisfactory. A
small room on the second floor served as a chapel, with Mass
once weekly; the other days the faculty and students walked to
the Juniorate in the MacPherson building for religious services.
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By June 14, 1909 a steam laundry had been installed on
the ground floor of what is now Greystone.
See note 53
Heating system for the carriage house (now Greystone) and
wooden neighbor was installed (those buildings were used for
carriage house and hay storage during the Bech ownership). The
tailor shop was moved from the gatehouse to the central building
and the gatehouse prepared for residence by five brothers who
were to teach at St. Peter's School.
In September 1909 an outdoor Calvary group was put up on the
small hill en route to the Novitiate. On September 19, Brother Charles Camille died age only
23 years. A new cemetery was established at the then south end of the property, and
Brothers were buried there until 1953.
Brothers returning to Poughkeepsie for summer courses were housed in tents below
Central (Greystone and its wooden neighbor). They were tormented by mosquitos. Drainage
was placed in various places. A lake behind Central disappeared and other swampy places
elsewhere were drained.
On July 26, 1910 a statue of St. Ann, gift of Mrs. L. F. Foley was blessed and put up near the
entrance to the Juniorate (MacPherson property)
In September the Brothers from St. Peter's moved from the gatehouse to the larger
gardener's house, known today as St. Peters. An addition had been made to provide for a
kitchen, so that Brothers from St. Peter's no longer had to get to the Juniorate for their
In November the English Scholasticate, then in New York at Saint Ann's Academy, was
transferred to Poughkeepsie and lodged in the Central area.

In March North American province is split into Canadian
province and United States province. The US provincial house is
in the MacPherson house.
By April, Brother Legontianus (after whom Leo Dormitory is
named) and Aloysius Mary install a telephone system which links
all the houses on both properties. The town telephone which had
been at the Novitiate moved to Central.
In spring, extensive work was undertaken to drain the Juniorate lake. A 12-inch conduit
starts at the lake, crosses the neighboring field, crosses the water works road, and empties
at the end into the southwest part of the city water basin.
In May Brother carpenters, helped by the Scholastics, build two bungalows to lodge the
Brothers coming for summer courses. Tents are deemed impractical and abandoned.
Bungalows are 72 feet long by 27feet wide and 15 feet high. They were located on what is
the mall between Donnelly and Champagnat.
The New York Central Railroad Company, needing land to
add tracks, buys about 6 acres of land along the two properties
for"$20,000 and has two iron bridges built for us, one at the
Novitiate and the other at the Juniorate. The railroad builds the
underpass under the railroad. The Brothers agree not to allow
anyone to cross the tracks except through the tunnel or via the
During the summer a dam for hydroelectric power was
built across the brook in the field below the Juniorate. This wall created a waterfall which
was to generate power. A 65 foot deep artesian well was dug nearby.
In December Brothers Legotianus and Joseph Cesidius come to spend a few days preparing
plans for the installation of electricity in the Juniorate. In the Fall the Brothers in charge of
the farm build a silo near the stables with special hollow bricks.
Work on enlarging the Juniorate starts by the second week of October. This is the box-
structure west of the original building, to house kitchen, small dormitory, dining room for
the Juniors.
During the summer vacation work starts to build a vegetable cellar
(caveau) next to the
Juniorate barn. Blasting prepares the place, which is all rock. The caveau is complete by
August Several Brothers start the wiring to electrify the entire Juniorate.
September. Foundations for enlarging the Novitiate are completed.
October. New roof on the Novitiate is finished.
November. Electric lighting system functions in the Juniorate.
Fall. Replace the water conduits from the Juniorate to Central, about 2000 feet. Work done by
Scholastics, Novices & Juniors.
September. Brothers add 10 feet to the silo; it now measures 30 feet x 10 feet.
July under direction of Bro Legotianus Brothers work on the cement basin to receive
the water from the stream coming from the Winslow property.
October Brothers Carpenters add to the east side of the barn and make it accessible for
December. An automobile garage started in November is completed.

Fall. Novitiate surrounds are embellished by planting trees,
improving the roads.
Note especially the splendid Calvary group of Christ, the Blessed
Virgin, St. Joseph and St. Mary Magdalene, gift of Mrs. Dowd
First pickaxe put to foundations of enlargement of the
Juniorate. New part will include a large refectory, an enlargement
of the chapel, a study hall for use of the Brothers in the Provincial House, rooms for the
Brothers, an infirmary, a dormitory for the Juniors, etc.
August. In order to intensify recruiting among the French Canadian population of New
England, a Juniorate is to be opened on some 200 acres in Tyngsboro. The Tyngsboro
Juniorate becomes operational in 1924.
During course of the year Brothers Carpenters, Jos
Anthyme, Altin & Abelus, put up the
walls and installed the roof of the Poughkeepsie Juniorate extension: 100 feet long, 28 wide
and 4 stories high.
In the course of the summer, Stations of the Cross are
erected in the Novitiate woods
The stations in reinforced cement
are made by Bro Paul Acyndinus and the Novices also put them
up. The bas reliefs in terra cotta are imported from France
Shortly afterwards, Brother Paul Acyndinus, helped by the
Novices, starts and completes a wall in reinforced cement along
Delafield Street. Work is done during the good months of 1922
and 1923
See note 54
As soon as the good weather comes, Bro
Paul Acyndinus,
and the Novices begins to build a grotto where a statue of Our
Lady of Sorrows is placed and in an adjoining recess behind the
grotto, a group representing Our Lord in agony.
See note
Two handball courts put up on Juniorate p
September. Brothers receive a gift of $939.94 from Mrs. Durnin, who lived on Delafield
Street opposite our property
An equal amount is bequeathed to Sacred heart Orphanage
(Cabrini in West Park)
See note 56
December Brother Zephiriny falls unconscious in his room. His death was sudden.
Funeral held January 2nd, with Dr. Charles Mccambridge, Mr. John Mccann and Sisters from
St. Francis Hospital present
Mccann is the senior partner of Corbally
Mccann and the
older brother of James Mccann who established the Mccann foundation Corbally
became Corbally, Gartland & Mccann after Jack Gartland, great friend of the Brothers, joined
the firm.
Bech carriage house is renovated. Estimated cost
Bro Paul Acyndinus will do electric work
Dutton Lumber Company purchases 150 x 100 feet along the
river front for $10,000
Plumber's shop under Scholasticate dormitory is changed into a
laundry, another building to house furnace which has to supply
hot water to the laundry and heat the three stories of the new
laboratories and library at the Scholasticate.
Cost for work in the Scholasticate comes to $30,000 for
construction and $10,000 for furnishings. It is defrayed by sales of 600 more feet of the

riverfront on the Hudson for $50,000. Brothers still retain about 180 feet of waterfront.
Final certification by the Regents of the University of the State of New York of the
Scholasticate in Poughkeepsie as a Junior College under the name of
Marist Training School.
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main Rag-=e-
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owner list
October Bro Altin enlarged and modified the old chicken coop behind the barn into a
pigpen capable of holding 25 to 30 pigs.
To help pollinate our numerous fruit trees, bought four
beehives. Brother Marie Petrus will be the beekeeper.
City of Poughkeepsie agrees to allow Brothers to pay city
Previously they were paying double rate, as they were
considered outside the city
1941 - 1943.
The Saint
Mary's bungalow added next to
the Novitiate and the bee house/cannery built in this time
David Kammer was in the novitiate during this
period and he distinctly remembers the scholastics carrying
the curved sections of the WoodCliff roller coaster from the
WoodCliff park to the back of the Novitiate (the Bech
See note 57
Another impression of J David Kammer, a novice and
scholastic in the early 1940s
When I was in the novitiate and scholasticate, Brother Abelus had a greenhouse
and a garden bordering the south side of the water works road across from St
And beyond, between the Marian Building and the water works road, at the
top of the ridge and over the hill there were cherry trees
Earlier in Wheeling when
I showed interest in the Brothers, Gabe Vincent came to my home with a film
showing the Poughkeepsie property; the idealism that came through was
highlighted, then and now in my memory, by the scene of blooming cherry trees
before a bright blue cloudless sky!
The decade of the 1930s was a depression time, and the first half of the 1940s was war time,
so little major construction was undertaken during these fifteen years
But there was one
major change of direction. In September 1943, Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine, who had just
completed his master's degree in English at Catholic University of America (previously he
received a master's degree in library science from Villanova University) was appointed to be
the Master of Scholastics with a mandate to implement the transition from a two year college
to a bachelor degree college
He leads the college until Fall 1958.
A red brick gymnasium near the Greystone building is
constructed, using professional bricklayers, but Brothers to dig
foundations, pour the floors, and complete the roofing (after a
crane placed the supporting arches)
The gym area is 100 x 60
feet, but is flanked on three sides with one story annexes 20 x 100
on the long side and 30 x 60 on the west side. This provides space
for a laundry to service the three communities on the campus as well as the students and
faculty at Marist Preparatory in Esopus NY. The print shop, which had been housed in the
ground floor of the St. Peter's addition, is relocated to a 20 x 50 space, another becomes a

carpenter shop, and the southern wing provides garage space for three automobiles and a
changing room and mud room for athletics. Installation for a laundry in the west wing of the
gym frees space to move the chemistry laboratory to the nearby wooden Marian building,
which in turn free space for a rapidly expanding library in Greystone.
Brother Paul Fontaine managed to secure the services of Brother Nilus Vincent
Donnelly, who had recently completed a construction program at Central Catholic High School
in Lawrence Massachusetts .. With a masters in physics, Brother Nil us was officially appointed
to teach physics, but by the end of the year had switched to be the principal operator of a
project to move the college function away from the old MacPherson house to be entirely on
the Bech portion of the Brothers' land.
See note 58
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel. Brother Paul
hoped to have a chapel complete in time for the Marian Year
(1954). He and Brother Nilus and the architect agreed on a
circular chapel because the chapel in the old MacPherson house
was a long narrow room with very few persons near the altar.
See note 59
See note 60
The chapel had seven clerestory windows of unusual shape: 24
feet long by 2 feet high. At first they were closed with glass block, but several years after
opening, Brother Nilus devised an interesting way to fill the windows. He used the services of
Rita Hunt Traulsen, a professional New York City model to photograph her in poses
representing the Blessed Virgin, then inserted a different pose together with a biblical
statement about Mary in each window
The method was similar to that used in Grand Central
Station panoramas. The arrangement lasted ten years, but the photos and quotations faded.
They were replaced around 1961 with abstract mosaics designed by Evelyn Fisher of the art
department Later the present stained glass was installed.
The heating was by radiant heating in the floor, using pipes laid
under the cement floor. The lighting was controlled by a single
rotary switch, using low power. The design and implementation
of the lighting was by a Chinese Marist Brother, a student at the
See note
The next building to be
constructed by the Brothers was a
combination dining room , kitchen
and study area for the student brothers. This was built west of
the chapel with an interesting fac;ade facing the Hudson River.
was basically of poured concrete, with a Timber Structures roof
over the main open area, but poured concrete for the other
sections. Later it was given the name Fontaine Building. This
building was demolished to prepare the site for the Cannavino Library which opened in 1999.
The MacPherson dormitory building was considered a dangerous
building. During its final years, several students were detailed each night to keep watch in the
three separate rooms to alert the sleeping students in case of fire. A three story dormitory
building for the student Brothers was constructed adjacent to the Fontaine building.
McPherson building burned in 1957. The newer dormitory was demolished along with the
combination dining room, kitchen and study (which had been converted into the college
library) to ready the site for the Cannavino Library which opened in 1999.
See note 62

The library and classroom and lab
facilities were still located in
Greystone and the adjacent wooden
Marian building. By this time
Brother Paul Fontaine had received
permission to open the college to lay
students. Two more buildings were
1957 Adrian Hall was a one story rectangular building designed
as a student center for lay students and as a reception area for
family visiting the student Brothers on weekends.
was erected
quickly and served its purpose until other facilities became
available. Then
became the computer center (an IBM 1401
was the first computer installed) and business office. It was
demolished in 2000 to unify the mall space between Champagnat
and Donnelly buildings.
1958- 1962 Work began on a
90,000 square foot building which would become the academic
backbone of the growing college - Donnelly Hall. It was the final
major project to be completed by the Brothers themselves.
Circular in design, and adaptable in the interior space, it served
many functions. Before Sheahan and Leo dormitories were
completed, it housed up to 80 resident
students and a full
service kitchen and cafeteria. When complete, the library was moved from Greystone to the
four level area facing west (and Adrian Hall), Biology, chemistry and physics labs have been
in this building since its opening. When the library was moved to the former student brothers
dining/study and dormitory building, the space was taken over by the growing computer
See note 63
1959 The first residential lay students were housed at the
Kings Court Hotel on Cannon Street in downtown
Poughkeepsie. When that arrangement proved
unsatisfactory, they were relocated to the Saint Mary's
dormitory addition near the former Novitiate for the spring
1960 semester. Dormitory rooms were then set up in the
Donnelly building during the design and construction of the
first permanent dormitory, Sheehan Hall. The dormitory
was originally planned for a location just off Delafield Street
near the south entrance. When the soil was found
unsuitable for permanent foundations, the new dormitory
was relocated to an area near the railroad tracks, with views overlooking the Hudson
See note 64
Marist College 1961 to present
Background of the first decade. Although Marist College took title to the Bech property in
1961, the perception of Marist College owning the parcel was not generally recognized until
the end of the decade. An explanation of this evolution is in order.
When Linus Richard Foy was named President of (then) Marian College in late 1958, the plan
was to develop a commuter only college. Brother Paul Ambrose Fontaine, his predecessor as
President, envisioned a commuting college which would be staffed almost entirely with Marist
Brothers. The tuition generated by the 600 lay students would be sufficient to pay the

expenses of the college which would include about 120 student brothers. The faculty Brothers
would not take salary but contribute their services. Additional revenue generated would be
used to support other schools the Brothers operated in the US.
This was the case for some secondary schools the Brothers owned, notably Mount St. Michael
Academy in the Bronx and Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens. Most of the other
schools in the province were owned by a diocese or parish; the Brothers teaching in the
schools were provided housing and a modest salary sufficient to cover their living expenses
but not sufficient to defray the cost of any graduate education.
Early in 1959, Foy met with Brother John Malachy Hoffman, the registrar and admissions
officer, and Brother Daniel Kirk, a teacher of psychology at Marist since 1954. They had
conducted a survey of Catholic grammar schools within a fifty mile radius of Poughkeepsie.
Hoffman and Kirk argued that the flow of potential students from these schools would not be
sufficient to reach the target of 600 lay students. Based on these results, Foy authorized
recruiting a small group of resident students to enter in the Fall of 1959. Ten such students
were recruited. Since there were no residential provisions on campus, they were housed in
the Kings Court Motel on Cannon Street. This arrangement proved unworkable, and the
students were moved to a small bungalow named St. Mary's adjacent to the former Bech
house, with the oldest of the ten students appointed resident advisor.
Planning began immediately for permanent on campus housing with the first dormitory to be
financed through the Housing and Home Finance Agency, which had been financing
dormitories in many other colleges. The HHFA was reluctant to finance a building on land
owned by a religious order.
President Foy argued with the Provincial Council of the Marist Brothers that was also the
Board of Trustees of the College that it would be unwise for the religious order to mortgage
its property. Should this or any other ventures of the college fail, all the schools owned by the
Brothers would be at risk. He argued for the undertaking to be done by the separate
educational corporation. In addition he argued for growth of the college to at least 1500
students, a more diverse faculty, and that any revenues generated by the college would have
to be applied to college related expenses, especially faculty and administrative salaries.
So the Brothers agreed to transfer the Bech property to the Marist College educational
At the time, this was was seen as a technical move, because the Board of Trustees of Marist
College were the same individuals of the Provincial Council of the Marist Brothers religious
By 1964 the Board of Trustees of Marist College included laymen and laywomen, with their
number gradually increasing so that by summer of 1968 the lay members of the Board
outnumbered the Brother members. It was only then that the Brothers in the province
realized that the college was an independent entity.
During the next two decades, the move to separate the college from the Brothers corporation
was ported to the secondary schools which were owned by the Brothers as well as to the
Esopus property deeded to separate corporations.
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owner list
What was deeded to Marist College. The transfer of title included the acres south of the
Water Works road as well as all the buildings located on the property. This included three
historic buildings: Greystone, St. Peter's, and the Gatehouse, all constructed during the Bech

ownership. It also included the Bech house, a wood frame
building used as the Bech residence and converted to a
Novitiate by the Brothers. There were two smaller buildings,
a rectangular two story dormitory named St Mary's, and a
combination bee house and cannery. These were
constructed by the Brothers, who used curved beams from
the Woodcliff roller coaster for the roof of the bee
house/cannery. More significant buildings constructed by the
Brothers themselves included the Marian gymnasium (11,800 sq ft built 1946-1947),Our
Lady of Seat of Wisdom Chapel (built by the Brothers in 1952-1953), the Brothers study and
dining building, located just west of the Chapel and lat er the college library (built by the
Brothers 1954-1956), the Brothers dormitory adjacent to the study and dining building later
used as a lay student dormitory and then faculty offices (built by the Brothers 1956-1957),
Adrian Hall, a rectangular one story building which became the site of the business office,
admissions, and the first computer (built by the Brothers 1957), and Donnelly Hall, (90,000
sq ft built by the Brothers in 1958-1961), the Marian building, a wood frame structure next to
Greystone that housed classrooms and laboratories.
This concludes the review of previous ownership of the Bech property now owned by Marist
How to access an endnote.
you see a word highlighted, click on it to move to
the note connected to the word. In some cases, you will see a highlighted
direction to move to an endnote #x. Click on this to move to endnote x. To return
to your spot in the basic essay, click the left arrow in the upper left corner of your
Note 1. Deed 30 April 1863 liber 123 page 645 Thomas Clegg
Ellen his wife to
Edward Bech.
Note2. Subsequent purchases: 14 June 1864 liber 118 page 221 Thomas
Davies to Elizabeth M C Bech
12 June 1864 liber 128 page 202 William C Emmett to Elizabeth M C Bech
14 june1864 liber 128 page 221 Thomas Davies & others to Elizabeth M C Bech
7 Feb 1867 liber 139 page 252 James
Harriet Weeks to Elizabeth M C Bech
30 nov 1868 liber 158 page 464 Robert N Palmer to Elizabeth M C Bech.
Note 3. Deed 27 August 1908 liber 358 page 452 Nicholaus Jungeblut & wife to
Louis Zephiriny
Deed 27 August 1908 liber 358 page 454 Louis Zephiriny to Marist Brothers
Note 4. Copy of the map furnished by the Hudson River Railroad Company to the
County can be located in the Records Office of the County Clerk, County office
building, Market Street, second floor. The copy is on a roll of paper about 24 feet
long, but may be rolled out along one of the long tables. Individual parcels are
given numbers. Some parcels have two numbers, one for the land above high
water, the other for land below high water.

Note 5. Deed 20 July 1801 liber 100 page 636 Rhoda Dunning to Abraham
Note 6. Deed 25 Jan 1808 liber 20 page 201 Rhoda Van Kleeck to William Davies
Note 7. Agreement 25 Jan 1808 Nathaniel Quimby to William Davies
Note 8. Deed 23 Aug 1808 liber 100 page 637 William
Polly Davies to Abraham
Deed 3 June 1812 liber 100 page 639 William
Polly Davies to Abraham
Note 9. See deeds 23 August 1805 liber 20 page 402 William Davies to John
13 April 1835 liber 55 page 201 John Hustis to Jehiel Smith
27 December 1848 liber 88 page 237 Jehiel and Phebe Smith to Hudson River
Railroad Co
8 June 1857 liber 109 page 450 Jehiel and Phebe Smith to William and Thomas
Jehiel is a biblical name meaning
lives". It is used eleven times in the Old
Testament. Phebe is a Greek work for bright or radiant. Phebe was popular
woman's name in the nineteenth century.
Note 10. Information for this paragraph taken from Keep, John R. , David Ely
Bartlett Teachers of the deaf
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. Vol.25 No.
Januarv. 1880
1-2age 53-67
Ke,.ep also noted:
is one thing to which, in justice to Mr. Bartletts memory,
some reference should be made. In attempting to carry out his experiment of
teaching young deaf-mutes at Poughkeepsie, he unhappily involved himself in
debts from which he could never afterwards extricate himself, though he made
most heroic efforts to do so. He contrived to pay the interest and to lessen the
principal by a small amount each year, and this was all that he could do.
he had
any pang in his last sickness, it was that he must leave this world without the
pleasure of seeing debts discharged."
Note 11. Quoted from an article authored by Darrow, Alice-Ann; Heller, Georg.e....N..
Early Advocates of Music Education for the Hearing Impaired: William Wolcott
Turner and David Ely Bartlett. Published in Journal of Research in Music Education,
v33 n4 p269-79 Win 1985
Note 12. The following are excerpts from the masters thesis by Julie Fix,
Washington University School of Medicine, Program in Audiology and
Communication Sciences May 16, 2008
In the United States, the establishment of formal music education for the deaf can
be traced to Lowell Mason's inclusion of music in Boston public schools in 1837
(Darrow & Heller, 1985). Eleven years later, in 1848, William Wolcott Turner and
David Ely Bartlett wrote an article in the American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb

(today known as the American Annals of the Deaf) advocating music instruction for
children who are deaf and hard of hearing. In this article, which according to
Darrow and Heller ( 1985) is likely the first statement in print of a rationale and
methodology for teaching music to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing,
Bartlett describes teaching a young deaf girl to play the piano by focusing on
rhythmic instruction using tactile stimulation and visual information (Darrow, 1985;
Darrow & Heller, 1985, Hummel, 1971).
Bartlett's work with this young girl may be one of the earliest case study reports on
music for children who are deaf and hard of hearing, but many other schools and
institutions were also beginning to recognize the value of music in their curricula
around this same time during the nineteenth century (Darrow, 1985). Solomon
( 1980) notes that many schools for the deaf at this time were teaching subjects
that acted as precursors to speech development. A program
description from the Kindergarten and Primary School for Hearing and Deaf
Children in Washington D.C. dated 1883. The enjoyment and personal satisfaction
derived from participation in music activities have been documented since the
advent of music programs for individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. In
1848, David Ely Bartlett heavily emphasized the pleasure that can be derived from
music in his rationale for teaching music to the deaf and hard of hearing; he
described music as a means of intellectual gratification and cultivation (Darrow &
Heller, 1985).
Note 13. The transition deeds Bech to Zephiriny are by descendants of the Bechs
or representatives of the descendents.
Deed 20 Sept 1905 liber 343 page 238 Pauline E B de Neuerdorff to Nicholaus
Jungeblut. Deed 27 Aug 1908 liber 358 page 452 Nicholaus and Gertrud
Jungeblut to Louis Zephiriny. Pauline E B de Neuerddorff was Elizaberth Bech's
granddaughter, and Nicholaus Jungeblut was either a trusted relative or friend
chosen to act on her behalf.
Note 14. The information which follows on Edward Bech follows closely the
account by V. A. Buechele Edvard {Edward) Bech, 1812-1873, Poughkeepsie
Ironmaster a description of the Bech mausoleum in the Poughkeepsie Rural
Cemetery. Available on the Internet.
Note 15. From this time forward, we will use Edward instead of the original
Note 16. Bech petition for naturalization shows he became a citizen of the United
States 9 June 1854, while he was living at Mansion House, Chambers Street,
Note 17. One source indicated Tuckerman had a country home near Newburgh,
but I have not been able to verify this.
Note 18. Edmund Platt's History of the City of Poughkeepsie, page 143
1853 Edward Bech had become interested and on April 2nd we read that
Tuckerman & Bech are building a second furnace capable of producing 20 tons of

iron per day, or 4 times more than the present one. Albert E Tower was the
f l
Note 19. Platt, op cit page 143. "The only plank road constructed in the
immediate neighborhood was that leading to New Hackensack and Stormville. ...
became successful because of continuous use by the teams bringing iron ore to the
furnace at the foot of Union Street. The planks extended into town as far as
Hamilton Street.
f l
Note 20. See deeds and leases registered in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office
related to ore beds:
10 June 1861 liber 94 page 527 Joseph Tuckerman --+Edward Bech
10 June 1861 liber 94 page 528 Joseph Tuckerman --+Edward Bech
9 March 1854 liber 102 page 584 Joseph Tuckerman --+Edward Bech
9 March 1854 liber 102 page 263 Joseph Tuckerman --+Edward Bech
4 March 1854 liber 102 page 1 Joseph Tuckerman --+Edward Bech
30 Apr 1854 liber 105 page 237 Daniel Delaney & ors ----+ Edward Bech
21 April 1855 liber 128 page 313 Daniel Delaney & ors --+Edward Bech
Note 21. After Elizabeth Bech's death, her estate still held ownership in parcels in
Northern New York State near Plattsburgh and Lake Champlain. This would be a
convenient site for iron ore which might be transported to Poughkeepsie via Lake
Champlain and the newly constructed Champlain Canal and Hudson River. See
records in Surrogate's Court, Market Street, Poughkeepsie NY
Note 22. The US Census for 1860 shows the Bech family living in Poughkeepsie
with Edward Bech age 48, his wife Elizabeth age 42, daughter Marie E age 14,
daughter Sophie age 12, son Edward age 10 and son George A age 8. The Marist
archives has a daguerreotype of a Market Street scene which shows a large
greenhouse identified as belonging to Bech, but not his house.
Note 23. Deed 1 March 1854 liber 101 page 2 VanAnden heirs----+ David Bartlett
Deed 21 Dec 1860 liber 117 page 681 David E Bartlett ----+ Thomas Clegg
Deed 3 April 1863 liber 123 page 645 Thomas and Ellen Clegg ----+ Edward Bech
Note 24. Some sources indicate that she was the daughter of David Hosack (1769-
1835) a renowned physician and horticulturist who operated the Elgin Botanical
Garden on the site of what was to become Rockefeller Center. The Garden was
neglected and sold to Columbia University, where David Hosack taught. Columbia
still owns the land beneath Rockefeller Center and collects rent from the owners of
the buildings.
Note 25. Rudolph Braem and Charlotte Elizabeth McCarty Hosssack were married
15 June 1835. They had two children: Henri Monod Braem (born NYC 19 April 1836
- died Vienna Austria 12 Feb 1900) and Frederick August Braem (born NYC 26 Nov
1837 - Palermo 10 Jan 1857)

Note 26. Parcels purchased directly by Elizabeth McCarty Bech
12 June 1864 liber 128 page 202 William C Emmett---+ Elizabeth McCarty Bech
14 June 1864 liber 118 page 221 Thomas Davies---+ Elizabeth McCarty Bech
14 June 1864 liber 130 page 221 Thomas Davies- Elizabeth McCarty Bech
7 Feb 1867 liber 139 page 252 James and Harriet Weeks -
Elizabeth McCarty
30 Nov 1868 liber 158 page 464 Robert N Palmer--+ Elizabeth McCarty Bech
Note 27. Ellen Weill Kramer
The Domestic Architecture of Detlef Lienau, a
Conservative Victorian pp 58s-59. Detlef Lienau arrived in New York from
Amsterdam in autumn 1848. He received permission to leave Amsterdam from the
Dutch authorities on 24 October 1848 and departed 12 November 1848 on a
smaller cargo vessel chartered by his brother Michael rather than the larger faster
ships he might afford. He may have been commissioned to look after the cargo
(wine) which was destined for Adams, Lienau & Co. The ship arrived 26 December
Note 28. Virginia A. Buechele in her description of the Bech Mausoleum indicates
her belief that Detlef Lienau designed the mausoleum. Ellen Weill Kramer states
that in 1851, Detlef designed the vault in Greenwood Cemetery for Mr. M. Shiff,
who was one of his first major clients in the New York City (the "Shiff House at
Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street. The Marist Library archives of Bech files contains
copies of Lienau"s drawings of the Poughkeepsie vault.
Note 29. The parcel along Market Street was sold 1 Jan 1863 to James H Weeks.
138 page 239
Note 30. See 1875 liber 180 page 248 Elizabeth McCarty Bech to Poughkeepsie
Iron Works
See also 1875 liber 180 page 278 Albert Tower to Poughkeepsie Iron Works
Check grantors' names on each deed.
Note 31. Chemin de Fer de Paris
Note 32. The Ascension Church in West Park, Esopus was named after the church
at Fifth Ave and 10th Street because the principal donor attended that church.
Note 33. There is no record of David Gindra Junior after the 1870 census, so I
presume he did not survive past childhood.
Note 34. David Gindra and his wife Bertha lived in the gatehouse. The writer of
the Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage 1904-1914 describes him as the florist and
keeper. He probably exercised the latter function particularly in the years 1900-
1908 after Elizabeth Bech died. David had been in failing health for some years,
and died in his son's house along Delafield Street. He was buried from the Church
of the Nativity (the
German Catholic church). After his death, his wife Bertha went
to live with her son Conrad.
Note 35. Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, June 3, 1900

Note 36. See deed 20 Sept 1905 liber 343 page 238 Pauline E B Neuerforff to
Nicholas Jungeblut
Note 37.
The transactions were engineered by John Murray of Coudert Brothers,
then the preeminent legal firm for international matters. See deed 27 Aug 1908
liber 358 page 452 Nicholas Jungeblut to Louis Zepheriny and deed 27 August
1908 liber 358 page 454 Louis Zepheriny to the Marist Brothers. The Marist
Brothers did not have the financial resources to purchase Rosenlund. Brother Louis
Zephiriny had an inheritance in France which by canon law was to remain dormant
while he was a Brother and would revert to him or his heirs when he died or left
the order. He secured permission to use part of this patrimony. It was secured by
a mortgage of $26,500 Marist Brothers to Zephiriny's sister, Louise Merrillan. The
trustee of this mortgage was none other than Frederick Coudert, founder and
senior partner of the law firm!
Note 38. A New Steel Steam Yacht, the Dagmar, New York Times, July 29, 1886.
Note 39. The Dagmar's Trial Trip, New York Times, August 11, 1986
Note 40. Mount Desert is an island off the coast of Maine
It included Bar
Harbor, a popular summer location for the affluent, and Acadia National Park
Note 41. See deed 15 dee 1881 liber 207 page 281 Estate of William R Davies to
George A Bech
Note 42. A legend among the Marist Brothers is that Brother Zephiriny notified his
superiors in France that the 372 acre property was available for purchase at a very
reasonable price. The superiors could see no use for so large a tract. Brother
Zephiriny replied that the Jesuits had purchased 1000 acres in Hyde Park.
superiors still turned him down. We are still looking for any correspondence which
might validate this legend, both in the Brothers' archives in Esopus New York and
the central archives in Rome, Italy. The legend does not appear in the Annals of
St. Ann's Hermitage 1904-1934.
Note 43.
George Bech obituary in the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, Friday April 18,
A second obituary in the Sunday Courier, April 20, 1890 includes a line
sketch of George A Bech.
Note 44.
Inventory of the Stockbridge farm included 20 cows, 2 bulls, 25 sheep,
22 lambs and 6 hogs.
Note 45
The land east of the Hyde Park Road was sold 15 May 1907 to Christian
Bahret for $18,850 by court order. There must have been a long civil case of
Pauline E Von Nauerdorff
Marie Elizabeth Countess Vanlinden, Carl Von Linden,
her husband, Sophia Marguerite Von Oxholm, Charles Von Oxholm, her husband,
Josephine E Von Pauer, Leon Von Pauer, her husband, Julia M Babcock, William
Babcock, George Von Nauerdorff (Pauline's husband) Emily M F Braem (widow of
Henry M Braem),Emily M F Braem and William Bridge, executors of the will of Henri
M Braem. The judge seems to have resolved and terminated this civil lawsuit by

ordering the sale of the property. See deed 15 May 1907 liber 354 page 182
referee to Cristian F Bahret .. -
Note 46.
The inventory of George Bech assets with the surrogate was done in
large part by David Gindra. It consisted of listing of many farm articles and the
following livestock: 4 work horses, 33 cows, 4 horses (probably riding and
carriage horses) one horse, 4 colts, 17 heifers, 2 bulls and lots of hens and
chickens, 3 ice boats, one sailing yacht, and one steam yacht named Halcyon. Not
listed were either of the yachts cited above, the Dagmar and the Marina.
Presumably they were sold earlier. Ice boating was a popular sport of the wealthy,
and George Bech is named in several articles with the Newbolds, Rogers and
Roosevelts, all prominent fans of ice boating.
Note 47. Leaving money in trust to female family members was common in the
nineteenth century, reflecting a male belief that men engaged in business and
handled family finances with women relegated to the role of homemaker and
raisers of the children. Upon her death, any remaining money in the trust would
be shared by the trustees. An unusual item about the purchase of Rosenlund was
that Edward Bech made the first purchase of land, but Elizabeth made the next five
purchases in her name. She may have used funds from her first marriage. The
customary pattern was for the man to purchase the property in his name. At the
time of sale the wife would agree to the sale, thereby ceding her dowry rights to
the property. By the time of Elizabeth's death, the entire property was in her
Note 48. See the obituary by Brother Joseph J R Belanger in the website
Look in the obituary section.
Note 49
Saint Ann's Academy was relocated to Queens NY in 1957 and renamed
Archbishop Molloy High School.
Note 50.
The meeting with President Roosevelt is mentioned in Brother Leonard
Voegtle Go to the Land I Will Show You, page 98
Note 51.
The Novitiate was a two year program for aspirants to the Brotherhood
The first year was called the Postulant year, at the end of which the candidates
received the cassock. The Novice year was a full year of religious training which
ended by the Novice taking temporary vows and being considered a Brother.
Temporary vows were taken for five years, after which the Brother took permanent
or perpetual vows. This pattern was similar to that of other religious orders and
congregations. The Juniorate was a preparatory period for those interested in
becoming Brothers but too young to enter the Novitiate. It became a bridge
between the years the young men were taught by the Brothers and entry to the
Novitiate, keeping them in contact with the Brothers. This was especially
important when most Brothers' schools were elementary schools and the official
age for entering the Novitiate was sixteen. As Brothers moved into teaching
secondary schools and recruiting from secondary schools, the Juniorates were
eventually phased out.

Note 52. The principal resources for these phases are Annals of St. Ann's
Hermitage 1904-1934
translated from the French by Bro Joseph LR Belanger
published by Marist College Press 2002, and Memories of 75 Years by Brother Nilus
Vincent Donnelly (1911 - 1990) The Annals was a handwritten diary written in
French, probably by several authors. Most of the writing centers on religious
matters, but there are important benchmarks for changes to the property.
include Brother Nilus' recollections of his days as a trainee (1922 to
1927) as well as his work during the expansion of the college 1952 - 1990. Copies
of both documents are available in the Marist College archives.
Note 53.
Donnelly Memories of 75 Years, p 5 There were machines for washing,
but the laundry was hung out on a forest of lines to dry.
Note 54.
Donnelly Memories of 75 Years, p 7 "Brother Paul built this over several
years with hand-cast concrete blocks. I know because as a Novice I was assigned
to work for an hour a day making them in iron molds, four each. It is Ironic that it
was I who demolished this wall in 1966!
The wall around the cemetery was built
the same way and embellished with colored glass mosaics
Novices were
sometimes assigned to go to the city dump and pick up discarded colored bottles
which they brought back and broke into usable sized pieces for the mosaics."
Donnelly Memories of 76 Years,p 6
Paul Acyndinus constructed
the white stone grotto with a form of quartz that may be found in several places on
the west side of the Hudson.
Note 56.
Edward F and Mary M Durnin were attendants at the Hudson River State
Hospital, Edward born in Ireland 1853, Mary born in Maryland 1869 .. They lived
on the hospital grounds for several years. After her husband died, she lived along
Delafield Street.
Note 57. In July 2012 Joe David Kammer emailed me:
can assure you of the
correct date for St. Mary's. My group arrived as postulants in August of 1941 with
the addition of 42 aspirants to 17 novices for a total of 59. The authorities began
building St. Mary's in September of 1941. The dormitory could not handle the total,
so the faculty resorted to using one of the two wooden bungalows near the
Scholasticate. They sent some novices and some postulants to sleep there
overnight, probably with Brother Aidan Francis as the overseer; he was the
youngest of the Novitiate faculty. As the weeks went by those guys in the
bungalows began to freeze. I believe it was only in November that St. Mary's could
be used as a dorm."
beehouse/cannery was built during my time in the novitiate, but definitely not
in 1941, so it had to be in 1942; remotely possible, in the early part of '43. I
remember the assignment of pulling bent nails from the beams. We even
straightened them for second use! It was war time."
Note 58. At first Brother Nilus lived in Lawrence MA to finish up some details of
the construction for Central Catholic High School. "Brother Paul Ambrose set my
teaching schedule so that all classes were on one day." Donnelly, Memories of 75
years, p 25.

Note 59. To be accurate, the chapel is octagonal, not circular. This was probably
a decision because the brothers' labor might not be skilled enough to construct
circular walls. Likewise, the architect designed a ceiling of cast concrete dome in
concrete .The outer reaches of the chapel are in concrete, but the center is made
of a wood roof by a western manufacturer, Timber Structures. The architect also
designed a steeple of bronze and much too expensive. Nilus designed a simple one
of aluminum tubes which you see today.
Note 60 Several years ago Martin Lang, a Marist graduate (class of 1951) and
then head of the Religious Studies Division of Fairfield University encountered
several professors from the Yale Divinity School at a conference. They remarked
that the octagonal concept for churches dates back to the early Christian era, and
admired the design of the Marist chapel. I don't know if Marty told them that he
had helped build that chapel when he was a student at Marist! The following
notes are taken from the MaristsAII issue #78 November 2004:
During the fiftieth anniversary celebration, Marty Lang mentioned to me that when
he had lunch in the dining room of the Yale Divinity School, a professor heard that
he was from Marist College. The professor complimented him on the outstanding
example of an octagonal church. Marty asked me if Nilus had designed it that way,
or if the architect knew of the religious significance of the octagonal shape.
I began some research on the octagon shape. A person named Fowler wrote a
book in 1853 recommending building octagonal houses, and it was re-published by
Dover Books in 1973. He started a craze of octagonal house building. I remember
seeing one in Vermont on the way to our house in Poultney. Fowler's book
recommended octagonal chapels, but only so that the congregation could see each
other and come and leave without disturbing the preacher who would be located
along the face opposite the door. He gave no reference to any religious meaning for
the octagon
I contacted Marty Lang again, and he sent me this information via e-mail: "Very
innocent and embarrassed at the Yale dinner table, I was not able to tell the
professor why Nilus had built an octagonal chapel. I thought maybe Nilus did some
homework on this and knew about early Christian churches. I still don't know
where the plans came from, but it was a stroke of genius. The first octagonal
church was built by the Byzantine Christians in Capernaum over the reputed house
of Peter. A Christian woman pilgrim named Egeria wrote about this church in her
diary toward the end of the fourth century. Scholars tend to think this site did start
out as Peter's house, very close to the Sea of Galilee. It went from a simple house
to a house church, then to the octagonal building. The octagon was a purposeful
symbol, but I don't know why. The church of the Holy Apostles built by the
Byzantines on Mt. Sion at the Upper Room was also octagonal. The octagonal
church marked very special locations for the early Christians. The remains of the
Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives also appear to be octagonal.
"Interestingly, when I {edi note Lang} first started going to Jerusalem in 1980,
there were only rough outlines of the foundation of the octagonal church in
Capernaum. Now the Franciscans have built an octagonal church, very liturgical

and artistic, over the original site. Why the octagonal shape? Still a mystery to
Maybe Nilus did know the religious significance. His curiosity extended in many
directions. But maybe not. ..
Note 61.
See Brother Nilus Donnelly Memories of 75 Years, pp. 26-28 Available in
the Marist Library archives.
Note 62.
See Brother Nilus Donnelly Memories of 75 Years, pp. 28-28 Available in
the Marist Library archives.
With a dwindling number of candidates to the Marist Brothers, two
smaller building were constructed in 1968 north of the water works road, to house
64 student Brothers. Later they were used for student housing, and in 2009 were
razed to make room for the Hancock Center. They were named after Brother
Joseph Gregory Marchessault, professor of physics and Brother Francis Xavier
Benoit, teacher of history and philosophy. The latter brother directed the
construction of the Marian Gym in 1947-1950
Note 64.
See deed 20 April 1960 liber 1055 page 396 Marist Brothers to Marist
Most recent revision and spelApril 4, 2014
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