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Brief Memories (At Random).pdf


Part of Prayers and Work: Brief Memories (At Random)


Brief Memories (At Random)
• Inter-semester walk to Esopusa€"crossing the bridge, five cents
• Frank Xavier and his story telling around the evening campfire
• Lending our beehives and then picking up apples for our winter supplies
• Station wagon to New York to sell eggs and honey and returning loaded with bananas
• Chiropractor Dr. Dorland Eimeea€"coming to treat our old Brothers in the infirmary
• Annual blood type for service to St. Francis when needed
• Evening walks to the cemetery for a prayera€"Bro. Eli Justin and Brother Bonaventure
• Canadian Brothers to take care of the singing
• Our play and music programsa€"a€reGreat Scott, a thousand dollars the real stuffl a€
• Blasting of the shale rock by Mr. Casseta: a€reWatch out for the blasta€
• Our summer bungalows and the summer work crews
• Mike & Gus, the life of the party and the life of the work
• My secretary John Malachy: a€reNothing has been announced by the main officea€
• Absent-minded Brother coming out of the toilet with seat in hand; forgetting his book
• From the womb, to the tomb!!!
• St. Joseph and the blanket, when needed
• Our Mothera€™s Day celebrationsa€"program for parents
• College chapel ready for Cardinal Spellman visit
• The Poughkeepsie lady who stopped me to ask:
• "Are you not the one in charge of the Marist Brothers we see walking to town?"
• a€reYes, I am.a€
• a€reWell, how come they are always three by three?a€
• a€reThat is our rule.a€
• a€reWhy such a crazy rule? They are old enough.a€
• a€reWe need no explanation, we just do it. But I can tell you a good reason.a€
• a€rePlease do.a€
• a€reWell, in case of a stroke or accident, one runs for help and the other stays with the victim.a€
• a€reThat makes sense. Thank you.a€