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Part of Marists All: Issue #82 Thanksgiving 2005


Thanksgiving 2005
61 Golf View Drive, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087; 609-294-2148;
717 Washington Ave, Chappaqua, NY 10514; 914-238-8001;
Rich a rd.
65 Muirfield Court, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603; 845-454-6116;
476 La Playa, Edgewater, FL 32141; 386-426-6349;
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Br. Tim Bradv. '64
Dick Brannigan 'SO
Leo Bv.ron '57
Sallv. Connollv.
Br Hank Hammer '75
Br John Klein '66
Gus Nolan '48
Jack Redmond '51
Rob Schmid '68
Gene Zirkel '53
Hurricane Katrina and Marist US
LaY- Marists and the Gift of Charism
HistorY- of the GMC Picnic
Eugene ConnollY- '45 r. i. P-
Br Denis Hever '64 r. i. R.
Br Louis Richard '51 r.i.P-,.
GUS NOLAN ('48):
As a volunteer in the archives of the
Marist College Library, I have had the opportunity to interview dozens
of people who were at the college from its earliest years. It is most
surprising to find how many accounts are the same, and yet,
different. With this in mind, I thought it might be fitting to offer an
historical perspective of another Marist venture, the GMC picnic.
On Saturday, September 10
I arrived at Mt. St. Michael about
2: 00 pm, a little later than usual. It was a beautiful day in New York
City, and the wonderful turnout for the picnic was impressive. The
custom of bringing a dish to be shared by others worked very well.
The bees also arrived, as they usually do, but there were few reports of
being stung. How did this tradition develop? Here is my recollection!

I have a 1973 calendar that indicates a Sunday, September 16
Mass offered at noon in the Esopus chapel followed by a picnic in the
afternoon on the main lawn. Since I cannot verify anything further
back than that, I would suggest this date as the start of this tradition.
Because this event seemed a grand success, the Poughkeepsie GMC
group thought it would be good to continue. I believe every year since
that date, there has been some kind of a fall event, sometimes with a
spiritual focus; for example, Mass at the Brothers' residence in Cold
A Saturday afternoon picnic appeared to develop sometime in
the late 1970's. The site varied: Esopus, Marist College, Marist
Nicholas House in Cold Spring, Fahnestock State Park, FDR State Park
(Mohansic Lake), and finally, for the past many years, the "garth" at
Mount St. Michael (or the gym or Brothers' dining room when weather
was not cooperative).
The date for the picnic was set in the early years when many had
young families, and the opening of school had to be considered. So, it
was decided the second Saturday after Labor Day would be
appropriate. This year it was changed again since the original rationale
had faded, and the opening of the school year was no longer a serious
factor. Information about the date has more recently been
disseminated through
Marists All.
The picnic seemed to just happen over the last decade principally
because of the warm and generous welcome extended by the Marist
Brothers at Mt. St. Michael, to whom we are most grateful. The picnic
has served as a great opportunity to touch base with old friends.
Anyone wishing to add another event at another time and place is
welcome to do so!
By the way, here is a listing of those attending this year's picnic:
Br. Jim Adams, Br. Joe Belanger, Br. Brice Byczynski, Br. Charles
Marcellin, Mo Bibeau, Br. Nick Caffrey, Br. James Devine, Br. Luke
Driscoll, Rich Foy, Jim Friel, Br. James Gaffney, Br. Scotty Hughes, Br.
John (from Scotland), Br. Des Kelly, Mike Kelly and wife, Br. Gus
Landry, Marty and Ann Lang, Gil Levesque and wife, Ludwig, Joe
McMahon, Charles and Claire McNiff, Gus Nolan, Adrian and Betty
Perreault, Vince and Jane Poisella, Frank and Johanna Reilly, Br.
Cornelius Russell, Br. Jim Ryan, John Scileppi, Don Schmidt, Barney
and Anne Sheridan, John Sugrue and wife, Ed and Valerie Towsley, Br.
Valerian, John and Sue Wilcox.
(Apologies for not knowing names of all
the wives. Editor)
Br. HANK HAMMER ('75): (Br. Hank, assistant provincial
of the Province of the United States, sent the following item to the
Rome-based Marist web site:
dated September
, 2005.)
Hurricane Katrina and Marist USA: Br. Steve Synan had just
moved from Kenner, Louisiana to one of the Marist communities in
Chicago one week before Hurricane Katrina hit. He returned to
Louisiana two days after the storm to collect some things he had left at
a friend's house. Because Steven's friend lives about twenty miles

north of New Orleans, his home and Steve's belongings were safe. The
same was not true for Steve's flooded former neighborhood in Kenner.
Steve said that what wasn't destroyed would be uninhabitable. In an
email to me, Steve said, "I just cannot find the right words to tell you
how horrible this is. I cannot believe what I am seeing."
Like much of America, Marist USA is responding to the Katrina
crisis in a variety of ways. The school year is just beginning in the
States, but already hurricane relief has provided a focus and energy for
Marist Educators and Marist Youth. All our US Marist schools have
already begun efforts to raise substantial funds and to collect supplies
to aid the hurricane victims. As I write this, Christopher Columbus
High School (Miami, Florida), St. Brendan High School (Miami, Florida),
Our Lady of Lourdes High School (Poughkeepsie, New York), and Marist
High School (Chicago, Illinois) have already enrolled hurricane victims
free of charge. Msgr. Pace High School (Miami, Florida), Guadalupe
Regional Middle School (Brownsville, Texas), and Marist High School
(Bayonne, New Jersey) will all be accepting hurricane victims in the
days ahead. All our other US Marist schools have expressed an eager
willingness to help in any way they can.
As Marist USA and the international Marist world reach out to
Katrina's victims, we know that the encouragement of Marcellin to
"make Jesus Christ known and loved" will be lived out and acted upon
once again as it was after 9/11 and after the December 2004 tsunami.
We have no other choice, for anything less would not be Marist.
(Recognizing the spirit of giving, we thank Jerry Byrne ('60), Br.
John Ma/ich('55), Joe Gal/agher('61), Joe Hores ('49), and Dick
Branigan('50) for their monetary assistance in continuing
Marists All.
When I read
Marists All,
I feel
continuity in my head and in my heart an assurance that our early
common experiences are not all lost on our individual paths.
Something was sewn into our pockets. We find it is still there through
the years when we have had to reach for some tonic to carry us over a
bad place, a sorrow, or a temptation. This newsletter reminds us that
good men need other good men to remind them that the spiritual slice
of our pie charts needs sustenance and recognition. There is a thread
of brotherhood connecting me to the other contributors of this
newsletter: a phantom community, some might say. I say it is real!
While we tell about our lives and loves and career moves in this
open forum and are blessed with willing ears to listen, allow me to ask
a favor. Anyone, young or old, must have thoughts, even if
confoundedly metaphysical, about this subject, even if only
recommending a source, a book. The question is this: when we die,
all our earthly awareness mechanisms are left behind. I wonder if
someone could enlighten me on whether or not the soul has an
awareness mechanism of its own. I would appreciate anyone who can
shed light on the patently unknowable and share it with me. I am
looking for a fruitful dialog on this matter. (1814 Fairview Street,
Oshkosh, WI 54901;

Thanks to Dick Branigan for his
prodding me to write a little something for
Marists All.
I have been
retired for two years. I had worked for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in
Brooklyn as a training specialist for the staff there for twelve years. I
enjoyed the work and loved the people. It was different working with
adults after twenty-some years of teaching teenagers. I putter around
the house, cook the evening meal for my lovely wife Barbara, and do
some volunteer work for my parish. Barbara will be retiring next year.
A month ago I had the pleasure and honor of celebrating the
fiftieth anniversary of my graduation from Marist College. Who could
imagine that it has been that long? The fond and happy memories of
my years at Marist in the company of all the wonderful men who had
come together to serve God and His people and live in community
remains with me. We live now somewhat differently; but nevertheless,
the Marist spirit still lives on. Marist College has changed dramatically
since those days. It is a credit to all those who have come after us and
to the academic world. We began the construction and reconstruction
of the campus in our early years with limited or no skills, and now it is
a magnificent institute of higher learning. Gerry Cox, Br. Gregory
DelaNoy, Frank McNiff, Tom Murphy, "Buddy" Nolan, Br. Bobby
Reddington were there with me for reunion celebrations of the class of
'55. The college gave us a gala remembrance. Mike Kelly and John
Carolyn from the class of '54 were also there. Ziggy Rancourt played
the piano and we sang some of the oldies of yesteryear. Ad multos
annos! (
In Memoriam
(The following excerpts have been taken from testimonials
about two recently deceased beloved Marist Brothers. Even those of us
who did not know them personally will notice within these words the
attributes they both shared with others we have known. More
complete reflections appear on the
Marists All
website.Click here for
Brother Louis Richard
or for
Brother Denis Hever
BR. TIM BRADY ('64):
Br. Louis Richard, helping quietly,
never intruding, always careful not to hurt. Long before we used the
words "least favored" as part of our daily vocabulary, Louis knew who
they were. It was his beloved "7-A"! We had two classes at the time,
and the "A" classes were the "least favored." While other teachers
sought to avoid them, Louis asked for them, not only for his regular
class, but also for his religion class and his homeroom. I saw what he
did for them; it was remarkable. He never yelled at them or did
anything threatening. Looking back, I can see that he achieved this
using the simplest plan possible; he loved them, and they loved him
back. Even if they didn't think they could learn, he knew that they
could and never let them think that they couldn't.... Br. Louis was
totally faithful to his work, not because of the dust and dirt, but
because he did it for us. There was nothing that anyone ever asked
him to do that was too much for him. Louis brought the same quality
of faithfulness to everything he did. His prayer life, his work at school,
his work around the house, in all these he was like Mary, his model,
who went about doing good quietly.... What St. Marcellin Champagnat
wanted the Brothers to be known for was quite simple. "Have the

world say of the Little Brothers of Mary, what they said of the first
Christians: See how they love one another." The thing that stands out
most in my mind, the one thing I will always remember about Louis, is
that he exemplified this wish of Fr. Champagnat like few other Brothers
I have known. (
Br. Denis Hever was a very good
and loving man who remained faithful to his vocation, his family, his
Marist Brothers, and his friends. Borrowing the words of Br. Sean
Sammon, Denis was truly a "marvelous companion." Whether as
teacher, Formation Director, Director of Religious Education, or Hospital
Chaplain, Denis was loving, non-judgmental, and genuinely interested
in the other person. Yesterday we found a copy of his Masters Degree
thesis that he wrote in 1976. It was entitled, "Self-Acceptance: The
Basis for Authentic Response to Life." This is really how Denis lived his
life. He knew who he was, and he remained the same for everyone
and accepted everyone just the way they were. As one brother
remarked, "Denis was a user-friendly person."
Throughout his ministry Denis had a sensitive heart for those in
need. Br. Danny Taylor, one of the Liberian Brothers, wrote expressing
his sorrow at the loss of Denis. He described Denis as " ... a humble
servant, a brother and a friend to many, most especially the crippled
and the needy. They are going to miss him, especially his deep
understanding and listening skills .... "
In the conclusion of his dissertation, Denis wrote about trust and
self-acceptance as being essential to living a fulfilled life. "Lack of
self-acceptance, he wrote, is permeated with a coldness, a fear, and a
self-preoccupation. It is like a person who hugs himself tightly in the
winter and comes to feel only his own chill. It is self-enveloping but
not self-sustaining. Trust, on the other hand, is characterized by an
openness that is sensed as joyful, warm, outward, calm, and unifying."
In reality, I believe that Denis was describing himself: the joyful, warm,
outward, calm and unifying Brother. (
(Br. Louis Richard was buried in Esopus on Saturday, November
. Br. Denis Hever was buried in Esopus on Tuesday, November
This may be an appropriate time and place to remind our readers about
the cemetery at Esopus. The Province Newsletter reports that, through
the kindness of a benefactor, the Brothers were able to make
improvements to the crucifixion monument at the cemetery. The
monument was repaired and recoated with a durable finish that will
last for years. In addition, the statue of Father Champagnat, having
stood at the north end of the cemetery, is being repaired and will be
relocated to a more prominent spot when it is returned.
Secondly, we received a thought from ROB SCHMID ('68)
that may evoke
serious response. He
"While visiting Esopus, I noticed that there was not one single
flower (live, paper or plastic) to be seen. Was it because it was July, or
because it was a low priority? Or is this being done already? If not,
maybe the Marist Laity could send flowers to the cemetery at various
times throughout the year. Maybe it is the feminine influence in my life
that brought this idea to mind. How many of us took up gardening

after being introduced (shoved?) into earth beautification at the
suggestion of our wives?"
And finally, please note that Rich Foy has
created a website backdrop concerning the Esopus property. You may
access it through
www. ecommerce. marist. edu/fo'>(leso{
. Editor)
Through his vocation as a teacher,
which began with the Marist Brothers, my late husband, Eugene F.
Connolly ('44) enriched the minds and hearts of students, colleagues,
and strangers alike.... During the end stages of his terminal illness,
when I could no longer experience his companionship, his insight, and
most especially, his glorious voice, I found some comfort in
rediscovering that voice in his writings. For months I scoured desks,
bureaus, boxes, computer files, anything that might hold the precious
words and thoughts. Speeches, published articles, personal tributes,
and journal entries - I compiled and arranged into what I hoped would
be a lasting gift for our family and dear friends.... Counselors tell us
that "scrapbooking" helps us deal with grief. For me, this scrapbook of
Gene's writings is one baby step toward acceptance and healing. For
all of us, this book gives voice once again to the master teacher who
reaches out and inspires us to live well and "Do good."
(An excerpt
from the Preface of this newly published book appears on the next
page. Anyone wishing to purchase a copy should contact Sally. Editor)
My husband Gene had intended to write a personal memoir for
his family. We loved his many stories about his childhood in Lawrence,
Massachusetts; his Catholic school years with the nuns and Brothers;
and his years as a Marist Brother. We marveled at the tributes he
created for family members, friends, and colleagues, often on a
moment's notice. And we were stunned by his ability to relate - not
read - these tributes and later recreate them in writing, almost
Gene rose from a simple boyhood in Lawrence, to spend his
professional career as an educator. He began teaching (as Br. Kieran
Matthew, FMS) in high schools run by the Marist Brothers in New York,
West Virginia, and Illinois. He continued as a management trainer for
Western Electric in North Andover, Massachusetts, and for thirty-seven
years taught at Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill,
Massachusetts. "The good doctor," as he was sometimes referred to,
became the "teachingest teacher" and most beloved professor at
Northern Essex ....
With an interest in all things spiritual, Gene's focus throughout
his life remained steady. Scholarship and spirituality were realities for
him. He professed his love for God and his recognition of the Divine
purpose in all creation. He endeavored to live out the good life, to find
meaning, and to contribute his talents. Like Muriel Rukheyser, Gene
believed that the universe is made not of atoms, but of stories. This is
Gene's story, the part we can recreate from his writings. (Title: A Boy
from Lawrence: The Collected Writings of Eugene F. Connolly; Editor:
Sally A. Connolly; ISBN: 0-9772653-0-7; 978-774-8158;
I entered Marist Prep in 1955 from CCHS in
Lawrence. After graduation I spent my postulant year at the novitiate

in Tyngsboro. The short time I spent studying to be a Marist Brother
had a profound effect on me for the rest of my life. I was always
frustrated in not being able to keep in touch with my "fellow brothers."
I also would have liked to be in touch with the dedicated men that were
my teachers and mentors, the professed Brothers who were leading
I still reflect on those days at "the Prep." I remember Br. Joseph
Damian, Master of Juniors, whose stare at dinner was called "the Burn"
if you were not behaving just right. Br . Joseph Abel was a fine teacher
who exuded class and quality with a tender benevolence toward some
of us who were not gifted with the highest of intellects. Br. John Bosco
occasionally looked at us with quiet exasperation but patiently showed
the way, whether it was at work or in class. Br. Stephen Urban had a
quality and spirituality that emanated from his smile and his eyes. He
had a magnificent singing voice and directed some great plays,
including Oklahoma and Stalag 17. He was always there for some soft
words of guidance; Brother John Berchmans introduced us to
gymnastics, tumbling, pommel horse and springboard. He could also
skate the lights out and make circles around us.
The names of some of the juniors have also stayed with me:
Marcel Gregoire, excellent piano player, and with Dickie Ballerina, really
made great music, banging out duets; and Tom Maloney, jock
extraordinaire, who was all business when it came time for football or
basketball. On the two Thanksgivings at the Prep we were on the
Army team. John Bantz, Frank Bachus and Alan Doerr were usually on
the Navy team. I remember Tom Fahey sliding into second base and
breaking his leg and the Brother who told him to "walk it off." Robert
Gaudet, nicknamed "Rosie," played on the basketball team when we
ran the score up to 100 points. I also remember John Wilcox and his
record player; and Bill Collins, who took no grief from anyone when he
played center on our basketball team. John Roule and Frank
Handibode playing awesome ping pong against each other. Vinnie Hall,
the tall slim redhead. Bill Reffelt, tall, blonde basketball player.
George Fontana, another excellent basketball player. On the other
hand, my only claim to fame was never losing a 100 hard dash while at
the Prep. Hailing from the Lawrence area, Bill Lambert and I were
kidded about our "ahhs" instead of our "R's." We also had some of the
juniors believing that the Merrimac River was bigger than the Hudson.
Ronnie Pasquariello had the most infectious laugh and had an
expression on his face with his mouth wide open when he was
surprised or confused that absolutely cracked me up. Tom
Golembiewski, carrying a full class load, was teaching himself Spanish
on the side and was still pulling high marks. Ray Landry was a quiet
sort, but he could throw a slider that completely baffled hitters, and he
had a half-court shot that beat my team in a game. Afterward, I
remember asking if it was a lucky shot, or could he do it again. He
sank three more. John McArdle, George Bagnell, Mike Sugrue, George
Conboy, Ronnie Pochintesta, Larry Whartenby, Owen Lafferty, Stud
Claffey from Georgia, George Febles, George Pimental. I could go on
and on with names.
Looking back, I think that the athletics were essential to
providing a healthy distraction. Although other schools have that,

what they didn't have and what made our experiences so very special
was the common goal to be Marist Brothers and the deep spiritual bond
that we all shared. The life changes at the Novitiate, deeper religious
studies, being fitted for our first cassocks, canning fruits and
vegetables for our winter meals and treats, and the conga line of snow
plow shovels we used to clear the meadow of snow so we could get out
and skate: these are the memories.
After leaving, I served in the US Army, received a BS in industrial
engineering from Northeastern University, a Master's in business from
Boston University. I worked at Polaroid, Harvard Medical School, and
Brigham and Women's Hospital. Winter weekends I ski downhill,
snowshoe, and do a little winter climbing. Summers are passed
bicycling, hiking in mountains around the world. I am married to a
lovely woman who has put up with me all these years.
My renewed contact came about when I saw Alan Doerr's name
in a recent article in the Central Catholic newsletter. I contacted him
and he put me on to
Marists All.
He has "made my day." (20 Valley
Road, Boxford, MA 01921;
What follows is an adaptation of a
wonderful report by Anne Dooley concerning the laity associated with
the Marist Brothers in Australia and New Zealand. Many of her words
resonated within me as applicable to the laity connected with any of
the four vowed branches of the Marist family. With her gracious
permission I have generalized her paper, making changes such as
replacing references to "Champagnat" with "founders" and "Brothers"
with "vowed Marists." I offer these thoughts, not as a finished product,
but rather as a jumping off place, something to get us thinking.
Lay Marists and the "Gift of Charism"
The development of Marist Partnership is about giving birth to
something new, and we are all invited into this process. This is not
necessarily the easy road: it is painful and time- consuming, with a
largely unknown outcome. Marist Partnership has been a phenomenon
for years. Are we now ready to consider, more deeply, ways of
belonging and naming and claiming our vocation as Lay Marists? I
hesitate to use the word "vocation" as it has connotations of religious
life and priesthood that do not resonate with the call of Lay people.
However, it is important that the role of Lay people in the Church, as
demonstrated in their ministry, as well as their personal need for
formation and spirituality, is acknowledged as a call or vocation.
Rather than this being a "narrowing down" or constrictive direction, it
only affirms what has been occurring in people's lives and experiences
over the years and, indeed, may be a liberating move. I mean
liberating in that, if we are clear about our focus and direction
personally, and in our ministry or work, then our energies can be
channeled, rather than displaced in different directions.
Our Baptism calls us not only to be members of the Church, but
also to minister in the Church. Our work is our ministry. If our life,
work and study come out of deeply held spiritual values and care and
love for those we journey alongside, then that is ministry! Over time

we come to recognize our personal talents and gifts. Hopefully, we find
places in the community where we can contribute and where our
talents and gifts are of service to others and a means of growth for
It is important to take this experience of gift a little further when
we are reflecting on Marist Partnership, for some will identify within
themselves a resonance with their own personal gift and the [Marist]
charism. A charism is a gift from God to us as individuals, both Lay
and Religious. It is something that lies deeply within us. It is through
relationships, hearing the stories of the founder[s], and the people who
follow, as well as ministering alongside others who incarnate the
charism, that some of us come to see its gradual blossoming and
flowering in our lives. A charism cannot be imposed, only awakened.
It is not for us to take or grasp at, but for us to say "yes" to -- it may
be likened to a spiritual "annunciation." We say our "yes" to God by
allowing the charism we discover we are gifted with to grow within us.
{These thoughts concerning Lay Marists will continue in the next issue.
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