84 May 2006.xml
Part of Marists All: Issue #84 May 2006
61 Golf View Drive, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087; 609-294-2148;
717 Washington Ave, Chappaqua, NY 10514; 914-238-8001;
rich a rd. foy_@verizon.net
65 Muirfield Court, Poughkeepsie NY 12603; 845 454 6116;
g usnola n@aol.com
476 La Playa, Edgewater, FL 32141; 386-426-6349;
click on email address to send email
Tclick on correspondent or topic to go to that item T
GregorY- Ballerina '57
Ernest Belanger '58
Leo BY-ron '57
George ConboY- '58
Don Edwards '57
Tom FaheY- '58
James Gargan '59
John Hart '62
Kate Hogan
Fr Edwin Keel S.M.
Rich KocheskY- '57
RaY- LandrY- '56
Bill MaloneY- '57
John Miller '57
Br. Don Nugent '59
Bernado Ortuoste '58
JoseRh Picciano '59
Msgr JoseRh Roth '56
Br Rene ROY- '60
John ScilleRRi '68
Br JoseRh DiBenedetto '59
Bob HOP-kins '52
ES0RUS Gathering
Marist FamilY
SRiritualitY- Weekend
Marist Picnic
Links to Marist Websites
From the editors:
Vince Poisella '58
David Kammer '42
The Greater Marist Family Spirituality Weekend
July 7, 8, 9, 2006
Plans are nearly complete for the
Twelfth Annual Greater Marist Spirituality Weekend to be held at Marist
College on the July 7-9 weekend.
The theme for the weekend is
Spirituality and Aging,
and as always, we will have a "Happy Gang"
social each evening. This year Br. Don Bisson, a Jungian Christian
spiritual director, will speak on the "Spiritual Tasks of Aging," and
Biblical scholar Martin Lang will present "The Life Journey with Jesus
According to Luke." We will also have a panel of our GMC members
who will discuss their own personal spirituality at this stage in their
There will be small group discussions and opportunities for
prayerful reflection and private meditation, activities suggested by last
year's participants. We will meet in the Henry Hudson room in the
building named for Br. Paul Ambrose, Fontaine Hall; and those staying
on campus will reside in the new (and more accessible) Upper Cedar
Costs this year have been lowered. Meals are $105 (Friday
dinner through Sunday lunch). A room (including linens and blankets)
for an individual is $65 for the two nights: with meals, $170. For
couples, $100 for the two nights: with meals, $310 per couple. As an
added incentive, those sending their deposits by June 15
get a $25
discount per person. Send $30 deposit to Maurice Bibeau, 4 Van Wert
Place, Hyde Park, NY 12538. Questions may be directed to me:
or (845) 575-3000 x2961.
I have good news that I wanted
to share with all. On March 21, 2006, at noon, the City of New York is
renaming the corner of Bank St. and Washington in the West Village at
Ptl Thomas J. Gargan Way. It was there on August 17
1947 that my
father was killed in the line of duty as a member of the NYPD. Any of
the B and b's who are in the area that day, I'd love to see. And over
the years, if your travels take you to that area of NYC, it will remain a
permanent memorial. (
JOHN HART ('62):
I'm currently professor of Christian
Ethics at Boston University School of Theology. This is my second year
in Boston. I "commute" from Montana where I've been teaching for
the past two decades. I teach in Boston during the regular academic
year and in Helena during the summer. My Marist B.A. in Spanish has
served me well. After teaching Spanish for a while, then working with
Albert Philip in south Texas among Chicano migrant workers, I went on
to grad school at Union Theological Seminary in New York where I
focused on Christian Ethics and Liberation Theology and was a teaching
assistant for Gustavo Gutierrez. I've been working on ecological issues
for the past quarter-century, serving as ghostwriter for a papal homily
(Iowa, 1979) and for regional Catholic bishops' statements (Midwest,
1980). I've also been working on human rights issues for indigenous
peoples through the International Indian Treaty Council, a non
governmental organization, through which I've met, and become
friends with, extraordinary spiritual leaders/healers ("medicine
men"/human rights activists). My latest book will be out in
September: Sacramental Commons: Christian Ecological Ethics
(Rowman & Littlefield).
I'll try to make the Marist College alumni weekend in the fall.
It's hard to believe it has been forty years since graduation! I'll try to
make the Esopus gathering next year. It's been a couple of years since
my brother Tom (Marist College, '65) and I drove up to visit both
places. He is now in New Jersey working for the diocese of Newark and
is married with two sons at Rutgers University. I've been in touch with
Jack and Gisela Broderick (in Connecticut) whose two sons are roughly
equivalent in age to our kids. Jack and I and Bob O'Handley (at MIT)
shared lunch in Boston last year. (
; 617-353-3032)
It is
wonderful to see all those names from the old days. Concerning my
time as a Marist Brother, I am very thankful to Almighty God and Our
Blessed Mother for granting me those wonderful days. I lost contact
with many of the Brothers when I served at the Marist Brothers School
in Kobe, Japan, for eleven years, 1963 through 1973. I remember the
days of "Jumpin' Joe Roth" and I guess these days are still with me in
many ways. Returning from Japan, I spent a year and a half in the
seminary and when I left I worked at Metropolitan Life Insurance in NY
and in Greenville, SC. Had a great career going there but yearned for
the service of the Lord and His Church in a closer way. Discerning my
vocation was not always easy, but thanks to God, things came
together, and with the help of my Jesuit spiritual director, I went to
Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, MA. I was ordained a
priest in my mom and dad's parish of Sacred Heart in Bayside, NY. My
priesthood has been in the diocese of Charleston, which encompasses
the entire State of South Carolina. Over the years I served at The
Citadel, the College of Charleston, the Medical University of South
Carolina, and Bishop England High School. I became a certified fire
fighter and in that career eventually became chaplain Emeritus for the
Fire Chiefs. I became State Chaplain of the state Firefighters
Association of South Carolina and still hold this position.
I remember the good days in Esopus, the wintry days of sledding
the hill near the mansion and the winters in Tyngsboro working in the
barn and putting up the buildings in Poughkeepsie. I think about the
wonderful Brothers who taught me and the wonderful Brothers in
training with me. I am especially grateful to those special Brothers:
Paul Ambrose, Kieran Brennan, Conan Vincent, Tarcisius, Cyril Robert,
etc. Recently, Frank Backus and his lovely wife passed through this
way and we had a marvelous day together. If any of you come to
Charleston, SC, please give me a call. God bless you all! You are all in
my daily Mass. Know that you are loved and thought of so very often.
(Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, 120 Broad Street, Charleston, SC
29401; 854-965-4998;
Greetings my
dear B/brothers in Christ and Marists All readers. First, you are going
to need to grab your bottle of whiteout to cover up the "Rev." that has
appeared with my name for the last sixteen years. It is with great
spiritual joy that I announce that I am returning to the Catholic
Church. Effective June 1
, I will reconfirm my belief (which I never
truly abandoned) in the Roman Catholic Church and receive the Body
and Blood of Christ.
If you read my article in the last issue of Marists All, you will
notice that there were some happenings in my life that I did not
personally and spiritually handle very well. After the death of my wife
in 1987 and trying to be a "Mr. Mom" to two wonderful daughters, I
suffered a nervous breakdown. At the time, sad to say, I felt the
absence of my parish. The United Methodist Church came to our aid
and offered us physical and spiritual presence. Before long, we found
ourselves attending worship at their church, and eventually they
approached me (because of my credentials) to apply for candidacy as a
licensed pastor. Of course, the most wonderful thing was meeting
Carol, who would become my future wife and the mother of my
For the last two years, I have been struggling with the question:
Jesus, what do you really want me to do? Of course, as a Marist, I
asked for Mary's intercession. I talked to many of my friends in the
priesthood for advice and guidance. Several months ago, everything
came together. I had a meeting with the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese
of Wheeling-Charleston who listened to my story and gave me more
advice and guidance.
Please keep me in your prayers as I make another turn in my
spiritual journey. (415 Alta Vista Avenue, Glen Dale, WV 26038-1427;
(sister-in-law to
(March 5) I spent the day yesterday with Mary and Bob and I can tell
you that Bob's remaining days at Spaulding Rehab are dwindling. He
eats, he walks, and he climbs. He walks up and down the stairs as part
of his daily physical therapy sessions.
Another huge step in his remarkable healing process is his eating
two meals a day. Although he still takes food in through the G-tube,
he eats a substantial breakfast and lunch the way the rest of us do, by
chewing and swallowing. Today, when I talked to Mary at the Rehab
Center, she and Bob were having breakfast in the sunroom. She said
that Bob was sitting up in a real, non-wheel chair for the first time.
We are all so thankful that there are all of you out there who
have contributed to Bob's support system. There is no doubt in my
mind that all of you combined have contributed enormously to Bob's
recovery. He loves the visits and the phone calls he gets from the
outside world. This support has motivated him to continue to bravely
face his present rehabilitation challenges, and, better yet, to make
plans for his future. Both he and Mary send you all their best love and
showers of hugs and kisses.
(May 8) He is walking a bit on his own now with lots of physical
therapy support. He still wears a back and neck brace to allow the
broken bones in the neck and back to fully mend. He expects to be rid
of these braces soon. Mary continues to be at his side night and day
attending to his medical and personal needs.
Good news regarding Bob's future employment. His principal at
Trinity High School has worked out a deal with him to work part time
for the 2006-2007 academic term. He will teach three classes a day,
five days a week: AP American History, economics, and a regular
American history class. Bob seems to be very happy with this
proposal. (
(to David Kammer): Hi,
David. I gave Bob (Hopkins) a call today as you gave us his phone
number. I had to be careful about the six-hour difference (from Spain),
but I lucked out and was able to speak briefly with him. I don't think
we know each other, but when I mentioned that I was little Joe's
youngest brother, he said that I sounded like him. It's all in the
genes! He did pass along the good news that he was now able to
swallow his food. He sounded in good spirits. I just wanted him to
know that there are people around the world thinking and praying for
him and his family. (
A lot of things have been going
on here over the past month and a half. The prostate bone cancer is
not going as well as it might. But the doctor said after I asked him last
week about what I should say to friends and family: "You are not in
imminent danger of dying." That's nice to know. Otherwise, things are
progressing in the spirit of the Lord. I am now singing with our church
choir and am sort of getting ready to do some solo work. Elaine and I
visited our son and his family several weeks ago. The kids, Theo,
almost three, and Jack, almost five, are precious. Even their
meltdowns are exciting. The Lord is good. Each day my faith and
spiritual life become more peaceful and powerful. Love, peace, and
friendship (
Dona Id .j. Edwa rds@snet.net
In Memoriam:
Brother Joseph Di Benedetto ('59)
Just wanted to let you know
that Joe D. passed away on Saturday morning (March 18). The cancer
he had been fighting for the past three months took a strong turn on
him, and he weakened very quickly here in the novitiate the end of last
week. By Friday night he was not able to stand or get up the stairs to
his room. On Saturday the local ambulance squad brought him down
the stairs for us and took him to Benedictine Hospital and to hospice
there. It was his hope to get to Lawrence for hospice near his family.
That was not to be. He died soon after arriving at hospice at
Benedictine. He died quietly and peacefully, simply slipping away
without regaining consciousness at around 11: 00 on Saturday.
Expressions of sympathy may be made in the form of contributions to
the Marist Brothers in Esopus. Cards and notes of sympathy to his
family may be sent here as well in my name.
(to John O'Connell) Thanks for
contacting me about our loss of Br. Joe. It was the late summer of '55
when we old timers welcomed Joe and his classmates as they joined us
as juniors in Esopus. Because we were in different provinces, after the
College I didn't run into Joe until recent years on my visits to Esopus.
My last memory of Joe was when he took some time from his
work with retreatants and ran over to Holy Rosary to greet us briefly
and welcome us all back to our former home. Joe was just one of
those guys that you can never forget, who was loved by all.
I remember when we drove the length of California last year with
several classmates visiting other former classmates around the state.
We called many of those whom we would see at the April reunion in
Esopus. We passed around the phone and each got a chance to greet
our Brother John Cherry for about an hour and talked about seeing him
in a few weeks at the reunion, but God had other plans and took John
home before we got to see him. And now Br. Joe was taken home just
before we would be seeing him at our next reunion.
In one of the e-mails I received concerning Br. Joe, it was
suggested that perhaps his friends could make a donation in his
memory to the Marist Brothers for the maintenance of Esopus. Br. Joe
worked his final years to maintain a beautiful retreat available to Marist
students and many others. I think that a generous contribution
according to our means is a wonderful suggestion, not only in memory
of Br. Joe, but also in memory of those Brothers whom we loved so
very much. As a matter of fact, it would be wonderful if each of us
brothers (small b) could remember the Marists in our will.
Sadly, we will not see Joe at this reunion, but we can celebrate
the life of a good man that we all loved. We share the sorrow that his
family and Brothers must all feel, and we rejoice knowing that Joe rests
in peace. (.gconboy_l@cox.net)
TOM FAHEY ('58):
I remember Joe D. as a wisp of a
young man with a cheerful smile and fun humor. We were at table for
a while in 1955 at the prep, and at one meal Joe was laughing so
loudly, Br. Master rang his bell, or gong (or whatever he used), and
glared at our table. We all broke up! Little Joe D. had his napkin over
his face and head down for laughing so hard. Br. Joe Damian finally
smiled, and we all calmed down. Keep the laughs up, Joe D. I miss
you. Thanks so much for your cheerful spirit. It will be with us
always. (
DAVID KAMMER ('42): As most of you know, Gus Nolan
and I have been involved with Marists All from its beginning. We are
pleased and grateful to have Vince Poisel/a manage the editorial work;
he is doing a great job. As we moved from typewriter to the electronic
age, Rich Foy did a yeoman's job in creating a Marists All web site. He
has kept it up to date and in top condition. Early on, Jack Noone
moved all of our past issues onto the site. That took much time and
effort; we are very grateful to Jack.
All of us who are still active in the publication are getting older. I
am pushing 85. We need people to step up to assume what we do.
Gus is still caring for the printing and mailing of each new issue from
Poughkeepsie. I keep track of our postal mailing list and send labeled
envelopes along to Gus. I also keep track of our e-mail address book
and notify our people about the appearance of each new issue on the
web site. I shepherd the donations and pay the bills.
We are asking if there are younger people out there who might
take on some of the work. We are looking for interns who might work
with us for an issue or two and then fully take on some of the tasks.
Vince will continue to coordinate, revise, edit, and publish the four
issues each year. But he also will need a backup. If the four of us,
including Rich Foy, with his computer expertise, each had an intern, we
would feel relieved that this effort will not end when the day comes we
cannot continue this work. With electronic communications more
advanced than in 1988 when we began, moving some of the tasks over
to other interested parties will not be difficult. We need those who
may step forward who believe that what we do has value and would
like to see our efforts continue. Please consider getting in touch with
I want to take this opportunity to thank some of our readers for
supporting us financially. Most recently, they are: Mo Bibeau ('50),
Bob Hopkins ('52), John Miller ('57), Jack Redmond ('51), and Tom
Simmons ('63). Our financial resources are a little under $1000. Most
expenses involve those who still would like to receive a hard copy of
each issue. Electronic copies do not cost us anything!
Esopus Gathering
Our readers have been following the reconnecting of Marists and
former Marists (Big B and small b Brothers) as John O'Connell ('58)
began to compile a directory of those who experienced training
together in the mid to late 1950's at Esopus and Tyngsboro. He made
an effort, helped by the gifted memory of George Conboy ('58), to
contact everyone who went through those halls fifty years ago. The
inspiration that motivated this initiative was the quiet death of Vinnie
Hall. Oke wanted to be assured that another of our brothers would
not die without our awareness. He first brought people together to be
with Bill Reffett during that last year or two before he was taken by
lung cancer. From then he has not stopped, despite back and prostate
problems. And so, out of this effort began the April gathering at
Esopus. This year the weekend was scheduled for April 21-23. The
following electronic communications involve regrets by those who could
not make it and the responses concerning a weekend well spent. Greg
Ballerina, who flew in from California, took pictures. Those of you who
would like to see these former juniors, postulants, and novices fifty
years later might want to check out Greg's website for photos:
h ttQ.: /Iba llerinoQ.hotoart. blog�Q.ot.
I really appreciate the
thoughtfulness behind the "multi-signed" Esopus birthday card you all
sent me from the Gatherers last year: a bunch of born-again
"youngsters" recalling humorous/athletic/spiritual flashbacks. While
visualizing the faces/personalities/deeds of the participants, I couldn
help reflecting on their/our parents, brothers, sisters ... truly generous
parents/families. Now we
re older than their/our parents were then,
visiting us at Esopus. We are rather true adults/elders now, jocks no
more. "See how they love one another!" and "See how they enjoy
each other!"(10005 NE Shaver St., Portland, OR 97220; 503-252-8469;
wkma loney_@msm.com
Sorry, Oke, I won't be able to
attend the get-together. My grandson, almost two, is visiting that
weekend, and I never miss an opportunity to visit with the little guy.
He's taken a particular affection for "Grandpa" and the feeling is
mutual. By the way, I love what you guys are doing in reconnecting
old friendships. Keep up the good work. (30 Brunswick Ave.,
Bloomsbury, NJ 08804-3008; 908-479-4374;
kochesky_@world net. att. net
Only my inability to bi-locate keeps
me away from the Esopus gathering. I did get to Joe D's funeral. I
hope to make it to Esopus next year. Thanks for all you do. Take care!
(6 Appletree Lane, N. Reading, MA 01864-2803; 978-664-2248;
BR. RENE ROY ('60):
Close but no cigar. That week I will
be in Newburgh, NY
with Br. Jim Halliday, a teacher from CCHS, and
ten students. We'll be working with Habitat for Humanity. The 21
our last day, and that night we'll be going to a Yankee game at the
Stadium. We leave for MA early Saturday morning. I'm driving one of
the vans, so I can't stay behind. I'll take a rain check on next year.
Have a good time, and thanks for organizing this.
I can't make it physically
to Esopus, but I'm with you all in spirit. As you know, I passed out on
the sofa and my wife Edith couldn't communicate with me. She had to
call 911. They took me to the emergency room where I remained
unresponsive. I remained in an unconscious state for two days.
Fortunately, things turned for the better, and I awoke after two days
and found it strange to see the line-up of Edith, my daughter and son
in -law, my sister, a niece, and a priest. When I saw the priest, I
realized I might be in some kind of trouble. Without much ado he
administered the Last Rites. I felt much better and wondered what the
fuss was about. Edith said she was happy to hear my voice and
narrated the events of the previous two days. The diagnosis was viral
meningitis, the cause of the temporary loss of memory. They gave me
antibiotics for fourteen straight days. I'm now at home and doing
some physical therapy. I attended the first and third gatherings in
Esopus and plan to attend again in the future. May you have a good
reunion and develop a closer relationship like those in the Prep,
Tyngsboro, and Poughkeepsie. (
Bernie Ortuoste@yahoo.com
John Michael Collins
and I had a more than pleasant dinner in the first week of March at the
Cafe Loup in Manhattan. We are born on the very same day and year.
Hope the gathering in Esopus may fulfill all the good hopes which
attend its coming. Two weeks from today I'll be about to board the
plane for Kuala Lumpur. Warmest regards, fraternal affection, and all
that! (718-789-3683;
My first Esopus
gathering was a wonderful experience of creating new friendships,
visiting familiar buildings and fields, and enjoying nostalgic Marist Prep
memories. I walked to the river, down the same paths, seeing the
same rocks and slate that were sentinels more than fifty years past.
Who knows how long they were there before that? I visited the fields
where we played softball, baseball, and football and where we also had
the exciting bonfire before the Thanksgiving Army/Navy football game.
The handball courts and horseshoe pits are gone. Inside the Prep
buildings, the kitchen and dining room appear not to have changed.
The same tile, the same kitchen equipment, the same kitchen aroma.
The chapel loft is gone. Other common rooms still retain their
distinctive character. Holy Rosary is a faint memory for me. It was
just a place to paint Army/Navy signs on white sheets, to store the
hand-made torches we used and to gather the "team" before parading
around the bond fire. I can only imagine what the house could look
like if fully restored.
Thank you all for the weekend experience. Perhaps we are
developing a contemporary critical mass of Marists, a different "image
of a brother." Each one of us in our social and spiritual interaction with
others plays forward the generous, loving, caring, and inspiring Marist
spirit. Add to that our humanity and common sense, and we have the
small 'b' brothers. I truly appreciate who you are, and I trust we
created new friendships.
As for me, knowing that I have lived more years than I have left,
I'm doing all I can to move forward and create the future I want.
Toward that goal, I am creating a new career and new possibilities,
developing my passion for photography and electronic art, presenting a
view of the world as I see it and experience it. Nature shows me a
world that is diverse and compatible. In Nature, there is no judgment,
no jealousy, no hatred. Nature seeks balance, harmony and order. I
realize that who I am is the possibility of financially and creatively
succeeding as a photographer, teacher and digital artist, marketing and
selling my photography and digital art online and offline. I'll find my
audience and they will find me.
Who I am is the possibility of being authentic, committed, and
courageous, the possibility of passionately risking everything and
gaining everything. Each day I make a contribution to my life and
those with whom I come into contact. I am at peace, in harmony and
alignment with God. (3212 Sage Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028; 760-451-
LEO BYRON ('57):
I attended my first Esopus Gathering
of the B/b's. I was not sure what to expect; I had left Tyngsboro in '57
part way through my postulant year, after spending my junior and
senior years at the Prep. I arrived Friday at mid-day and, as there was
no one around, I took a walk through the old place. It was empty.
Gone were the chapel and the library and the vitality of us. "Us," was,
after all, over fifty years ago. I walked over to the cemetery where
there had been only a few graves when I was last there, and now there
are over two hundred. Gazing at the names on the headstones gave
me a feeling of nostalgia and some sadness; there in front of me were
some giants in my life: mentors, confidants, and friends. Can we
forget Br. Joseph Damian or Br. Pius Victor or Br. Stephen Urban? If
there was someone who was going to be immortal, he was the guy.
They could all be remembered because they were all so special. Then
there were names there and in our hearts, like Lacroix, Reul,
Pochintesta, Joe Di, Reffelt. Hey, these guys were ... us!
Now there is a new life at the old Prep, a contemporary, vital one
for families and young people who need to get away and hear a new
message and have a new feeling. I say God bless, and I pray that the
Blessed Mother smile on that wonderful place of memories and provide
Br. Don Nugent and his volunteers with resources to carry on.
Reunions are usually a particular class year getting together, but
with us it is, as Oke puts it, "a gathering." We look at the guys before
us and behind us as one group. I think that is because we shared
something special: a desire to serve God in some way and a desire to
help kids and other people and even make this planet a better place for
our having been here. Meeting my B/b brothers on Friday and
Saturday was quite a thrill. Why, I even recognized four of you! No, it
was not early Alzheimers; it was just Nature playing her game.
Although it seems like just a few years ago, it was almost half a
It was amazing to have such a comfort level with everyone. It
was as if we had been seeing each other on a regular basis through the
years. There was such an open, friendly air as we talked and caught
up on the past years and what is going on today. There were three of
us who left during the training years. There were three of you who are
still big B's. I was amazed and awed at how long the rest of you had
been big B's. It was just as amazing what your former big B's were still
doing: teaching, counseling, forming or supporting help groups, raising
I was interested in why people left and about their re-entry into
the lay world, and of ... girls. I think the town of Esopus must have
wondered where all the laughing was coming from. That should have
been videotaped! It was a great weekend, with many fond memories,
reflections; but above all, lots of good humor and plain old belly
laughs. (
(March 19) Fellow Marists,
greetings from storm-ravaged New Orleans: The water has long since
been pumped away, but the city has a long way to go to recovery.
Large swaths of the city are still uninhabitable. Trailer parks, or
individual trailers near some ruined homes, are sprouting up all over.
Most businesses and public services lack sufficient employees to
operate at full capacity. After the hiatus of Mardi Gras, the grim and
challenging work of rebuilding lives and the city goes on. It will be
years, if ever, before the area returns to anything like what it was, and
there is still a long, long way to go before anyone's life here can feel
like "normal." So the greatest plea in the hearts of the people here is
"Please, don't forget us!"
I find our people in good spirits. It has been hard, and the shock
of the disaster has not entirely worn off, and recovery has clearly been
draining physically and emotionally, but they are hanging in there and
slowly getting their houses, their lives, and their parish back in
functioning order. I have asked our Marists in Slidell how best to use
money sent by our Marist Laity. They asked that it be put into their
parish's rebuilding fund. They feel that the "resurrection" of their
parish as a spiritual center for their lives and the life of their
community is a vital need. To those groups who sent funds, I repeat
my thanks to you and on behalf of the Slidell Marist Laity.
May you continue to share a compassionate solidarity with your
fellow Marists who have suffered so much loss. Hold them in your
hearts in prayer. Pray that they, and all of us, may truly experience
new life in Christ during this time. (1706 Jackson Avenue, New
Orleans, LA 70113-1510; 504-524-5192;
Those who are so inclined and would like to explore the
Marist world beyond
Marists All
may wish to delve into the following
Marist International
Marist USA
Esopus Retreat House newsletter84. html
Marist Australia
The Spring 2006 issue of the
Today's Marist Brother,
the US Province
Newsletter highlights the current use of the Esopus property. If you
haven't received a copy, contact Brother Hugh Turley or Brother
Timothy Brady at
return to
toR of Rage •
home Rag.e
61 Golf View Drive, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087; 609-294-2148;
717 Washington Ave, Chappaqua, NY 10514; 914-238-8001;
rich a rd. foy_@verizon.net
65 Muirfield Court, Poughkeepsie NY 12603; 845 454 6116;
g usnola n@aol.com
476 La Playa, Edgewater, FL 32141; 386-426-6349;
click on email address to send email
Tclick on correspondent or topic to go to that item T
GregorY- Ballerina '57
Ernest Belanger '58
Leo BY-ron '57
George ConboY- '58
Don Edwards '57
Tom FaheY- '58
James Gargan '59
John Hart '62
Kate Hogan
Fr Edwin Keel S.M.
Rich KocheskY- '57
RaY- LandrY- '56
Bill MaloneY- '57
John Miller '57
Br. Don Nugent '59
Bernado Ortuoste '58
JoseRh Picciano '59
Msgr JoseRh Roth '56
Br Rene ROY- '60
John ScilleRRi '68
Br JoseRh DiBenedetto '59
Bob HOP-kins '52
ES0RUS Gathering
Marist FamilY
SRiritualitY- Weekend
Marist Picnic
Links to Marist Websites
From the editors:
Vince Poisella '58
David Kammer '42
The Greater Marist Family Spirituality Weekend
July 7, 8, 9, 2006
Plans are nearly complete for the
Twelfth Annual Greater Marist Spirituality Weekend to be held at Marist
College on the July 7-9 weekend.
The theme for the weekend is
Spirituality and Aging,
and as always, we will have a "Happy Gang"
social each evening. This year Br. Don Bisson, a Jungian Christian
spiritual director, will speak on the "Spiritual Tasks of Aging," and
Biblical scholar Martin Lang will present "The Life Journey with Jesus
According to Luke." We will also have a panel of our GMC members
who will discuss their own personal spirituality at this stage in their
There will be small group discussions and opportunities for
prayerful reflection and private meditation, activities suggested by last
year's participants. We will meet in the Henry Hudson room in the
building named for Br. Paul Ambrose, Fontaine Hall; and those staying
on campus will reside in the new (and more accessible) Upper Cedar
Costs this year have been lowered. Meals are $105 (Friday
dinner through Sunday lunch). A room (including linens and blankets)
for an individual is $65 for the two nights: with meals, $170. For
couples, $100 for the two nights: with meals, $310 per couple. As an
added incentive, those sending their deposits by June 15
get a $25
discount per person. Send $30 deposit to Maurice Bibeau, 4 Van Wert
Place, Hyde Park, NY 12538. Questions may be directed to me:
or (845) 575-3000 x2961.
I have good news that I wanted
to share with all. On March 21, 2006, at noon, the City of New York is
renaming the corner of Bank St. and Washington in the West Village at
Ptl Thomas J. Gargan Way. It was there on August 17
1947 that my
father was killed in the line of duty as a member of the NYPD. Any of
the B and b's who are in the area that day, I'd love to see. And over
the years, if your travels take you to that area of NYC, it will remain a
permanent memorial. (
JOHN HART ('62):
I'm currently professor of Christian
Ethics at Boston University School of Theology. This is my second year
in Boston. I "commute" from Montana where I've been teaching for
the past two decades. I teach in Boston during the regular academic
year and in Helena during the summer. My Marist B.A. in Spanish has
served me well. After teaching Spanish for a while, then working with
Albert Philip in south Texas among Chicano migrant workers, I went on
to grad school at Union Theological Seminary in New York where I
focused on Christian Ethics and Liberation Theology and was a teaching
assistant for Gustavo Gutierrez. I've been working on ecological issues
for the past quarter-century, serving as ghostwriter for a papal homily
(Iowa, 1979) and for regional Catholic bishops' statements (Midwest,
1980). I've also been working on human rights issues for indigenous
peoples through the International Indian Treaty Council, a non
governmental organization, through which I've met, and become
friends with, extraordinary spiritual leaders/healers ("medicine
men"/human rights activists). My latest book will be out in
September: Sacramental Commons: Christian Ecological Ethics
(Rowman & Littlefield).
I'll try to make the Marist College alumni weekend in the fall.
It's hard to believe it has been forty years since graduation! I'll try to
make the Esopus gathering next year. It's been a couple of years since
my brother Tom (Marist College, '65) and I drove up to visit both
places. He is now in New Jersey working for the diocese of Newark and
is married with two sons at Rutgers University. I've been in touch with
Jack and Gisela Broderick (in Connecticut) whose two sons are roughly
equivalent in age to our kids. Jack and I and Bob O'Handley (at MIT)
shared lunch in Boston last year. (
; 617-353-3032)
It is
wonderful to see all those names from the old days. Concerning my
time as a Marist Brother, I am very thankful to Almighty God and Our
Blessed Mother for granting me those wonderful days. I lost contact
with many of the Brothers when I served at the Marist Brothers School
in Kobe, Japan, for eleven years, 1963 through 1973. I remember the
days of "Jumpin' Joe Roth" and I guess these days are still with me in
many ways. Returning from Japan, I spent a year and a half in the
seminary and when I left I worked at Metropolitan Life Insurance in NY
and in Greenville, SC. Had a great career going there but yearned for
the service of the Lord and His Church in a closer way. Discerning my
vocation was not always easy, but thanks to God, things came
together, and with the help of my Jesuit spiritual director, I went to
Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, MA. I was ordained a
priest in my mom and dad's parish of Sacred Heart in Bayside, NY. My
priesthood has been in the diocese of Charleston, which encompasses
the entire State of South Carolina. Over the years I served at The
Citadel, the College of Charleston, the Medical University of South
Carolina, and Bishop England High School. I became a certified fire
fighter and in that career eventually became chaplain Emeritus for the
Fire Chiefs. I became State Chaplain of the state Firefighters
Association of South Carolina and still hold this position.
I remember the good days in Esopus, the wintry days of sledding
the hill near the mansion and the winters in Tyngsboro working in the
barn and putting up the buildings in Poughkeepsie. I think about the
wonderful Brothers who taught me and the wonderful Brothers in
training with me. I am especially grateful to those special Brothers:
Paul Ambrose, Kieran Brennan, Conan Vincent, Tarcisius, Cyril Robert,
etc. Recently, Frank Backus and his lovely wife passed through this
way and we had a marvelous day together. If any of you come to
Charleston, SC, please give me a call. God bless you all! You are all in
my daily Mass. Know that you are loved and thought of so very often.
(Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, 120 Broad Street, Charleston, SC
29401; 854-965-4998;
Greetings my
dear B/brothers in Christ and Marists All readers. First, you are going
to need to grab your bottle of whiteout to cover up the "Rev." that has
appeared with my name for the last sixteen years. It is with great
spiritual joy that I announce that I am returning to the Catholic
Church. Effective June 1
, I will reconfirm my belief (which I never
truly abandoned) in the Roman Catholic Church and receive the Body
and Blood of Christ.
If you read my article in the last issue of Marists All, you will
notice that there were some happenings in my life that I did not
personally and spiritually handle very well. After the death of my wife
in 1987 and trying to be a "Mr. Mom" to two wonderful daughters, I
suffered a nervous breakdown. At the time, sad to say, I felt the
absence of my parish. The United Methodist Church came to our aid
and offered us physical and spiritual presence. Before long, we found
ourselves attending worship at their church, and eventually they
approached me (because of my credentials) to apply for candidacy as a
licensed pastor. Of course, the most wonderful thing was meeting
Carol, who would become my future wife and the mother of my
For the last two years, I have been struggling with the question:
Jesus, what do you really want me to do? Of course, as a Marist, I
asked for Mary's intercession. I talked to many of my friends in the
priesthood for advice and guidance. Several months ago, everything
came together. I had a meeting with the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese
of Wheeling-Charleston who listened to my story and gave me more
advice and guidance.
Please keep me in your prayers as I make another turn in my
spiritual journey. (415 Alta Vista Avenue, Glen Dale, WV 26038-1427;
(sister-in-law to
(March 5) I spent the day yesterday with Mary and Bob and I can tell
you that Bob's remaining days at Spaulding Rehab are dwindling. He
eats, he walks, and he climbs. He walks up and down the stairs as part
of his daily physical therapy sessions.
Another huge step in his remarkable healing process is his eating
two meals a day. Although he still takes food in through the G-tube,
he eats a substantial breakfast and lunch the way the rest of us do, by
chewing and swallowing. Today, when I talked to Mary at the Rehab
Center, she and Bob were having breakfast in the sunroom. She said
that Bob was sitting up in a real, non-wheel chair for the first time.
We are all so thankful that there are all of you out there who
have contributed to Bob's support system. There is no doubt in my
mind that all of you combined have contributed enormously to Bob's
recovery. He loves the visits and the phone calls he gets from the
outside world. This support has motivated him to continue to bravely
face his present rehabilitation challenges, and, better yet, to make
plans for his future. Both he and Mary send you all their best love and
showers of hugs and kisses.
(May 8) He is walking a bit on his own now with lots of physical
therapy support. He still wears a back and neck brace to allow the
broken bones in the neck and back to fully mend. He expects to be rid
of these braces soon. Mary continues to be at his side night and day
attending to his medical and personal needs.
Good news regarding Bob's future employment. His principal at
Trinity High School has worked out a deal with him to work part time
for the 2006-2007 academic term. He will teach three classes a day,
five days a week: AP American History, economics, and a regular
American history class. Bob seems to be very happy with this
proposal. (
(to David Kammer): Hi,
David. I gave Bob (Hopkins) a call today as you gave us his phone
number. I had to be careful about the six-hour difference (from Spain),
but I lucked out and was able to speak briefly with him. I don't think
we know each other, but when I mentioned that I was little Joe's
youngest brother, he said that I sounded like him. It's all in the
genes! He did pass along the good news that he was now able to
swallow his food. He sounded in good spirits. I just wanted him to
know that there are people around the world thinking and praying for
him and his family. (
A lot of things have been going
on here over the past month and a half. The prostate bone cancer is
not going as well as it might. But the doctor said after I asked him last
week about what I should say to friends and family: "You are not in
imminent danger of dying." That's nice to know. Otherwise, things are
progressing in the spirit of the Lord. I am now singing with our church
choir and am sort of getting ready to do some solo work. Elaine and I
visited our son and his family several weeks ago. The kids, Theo,
almost three, and Jack, almost five, are precious. Even their
meltdowns are exciting. The Lord is good. Each day my faith and
spiritual life become more peaceful and powerful. Love, peace, and
friendship (
Dona Id .j. Edwa rds@snet.net
In Memoriam:
Brother Joseph Di Benedetto ('59)
Just wanted to let you know
that Joe D. passed away on Saturday morning (March 18). The cancer
he had been fighting for the past three months took a strong turn on
him, and he weakened very quickly here in the novitiate the end of last
week. By Friday night he was not able to stand or get up the stairs to
his room. On Saturday the local ambulance squad brought him down
the stairs for us and took him to Benedictine Hospital and to hospice
there. It was his hope to get to Lawrence for hospice near his family.
That was not to be. He died soon after arriving at hospice at
Benedictine. He died quietly and peacefully, simply slipping away
without regaining consciousness at around 11: 00 on Saturday.
Expressions of sympathy may be made in the form of contributions to
the Marist Brothers in Esopus. Cards and notes of sympathy to his
family may be sent here as well in my name.
(to John O'Connell) Thanks for
contacting me about our loss of Br. Joe. It was the late summer of '55
when we old timers welcomed Joe and his classmates as they joined us
as juniors in Esopus. Because we were in different provinces, after the
College I didn't run into Joe until recent years on my visits to Esopus.
My last memory of Joe was when he took some time from his
work with retreatants and ran over to Holy Rosary to greet us briefly
and welcome us all back to our former home. Joe was just one of
those guys that you can never forget, who was loved by all.
I remember when we drove the length of California last year with
several classmates visiting other former classmates around the state.
We called many of those whom we would see at the April reunion in
Esopus. We passed around the phone and each got a chance to greet
our Brother John Cherry for about an hour and talked about seeing him
in a few weeks at the reunion, but God had other plans and took John
home before we got to see him. And now Br. Joe was taken home just
before we would be seeing him at our next reunion.
In one of the e-mails I received concerning Br. Joe, it was
suggested that perhaps his friends could make a donation in his
memory to the Marist Brothers for the maintenance of Esopus. Br. Joe
worked his final years to maintain a beautiful retreat available to Marist
students and many others. I think that a generous contribution
according to our means is a wonderful suggestion, not only in memory
of Br. Joe, but also in memory of those Brothers whom we loved so
very much. As a matter of fact, it would be wonderful if each of us
brothers (small b) could remember the Marists in our will.
Sadly, we will not see Joe at this reunion, but we can celebrate
the life of a good man that we all loved. We share the sorrow that his
family and Brothers must all feel, and we rejoice knowing that Joe rests
in peace. (.gconboy_l@cox.net)
TOM FAHEY ('58):
I remember Joe D. as a wisp of a
young man with a cheerful smile and fun humor. We were at table for
a while in 1955 at the prep, and at one meal Joe was laughing so
loudly, Br. Master rang his bell, or gong (or whatever he used), and
glared at our table. We all broke up! Little Joe D. had his napkin over
his face and head down for laughing so hard. Br. Joe Damian finally
smiled, and we all calmed down. Keep the laughs up, Joe D. I miss
you. Thanks so much for your cheerful spirit. It will be with us
always. (
DAVID KAMMER ('42): As most of you know, Gus Nolan
and I have been involved with Marists All from its beginning. We are
pleased and grateful to have Vince Poisel/a manage the editorial work;
he is doing a great job. As we moved from typewriter to the electronic
age, Rich Foy did a yeoman's job in creating a Marists All web site. He
has kept it up to date and in top condition. Early on, Jack Noone
moved all of our past issues onto the site. That took much time and
effort; we are very grateful to Jack.
All of us who are still active in the publication are getting older. I
am pushing 85. We need people to step up to assume what we do.
Gus is still caring for the printing and mailing of each new issue from
Poughkeepsie. I keep track of our postal mailing list and send labeled
envelopes along to Gus. I also keep track of our e-mail address book
and notify our people about the appearance of each new issue on the
web site. I shepherd the donations and pay the bills.
We are asking if there are younger people out there who might
take on some of the work. We are looking for interns who might work
with us for an issue or two and then fully take on some of the tasks.
Vince will continue to coordinate, revise, edit, and publish the four
issues each year. But he also will need a backup. If the four of us,
including Rich Foy, with his computer expertise, each had an intern, we
would feel relieved that this effort will not end when the day comes we
cannot continue this work. With electronic communications more
advanced than in 1988 when we began, moving some of the tasks over
to other interested parties will not be difficult. We need those who
may step forward who believe that what we do has value and would
like to see our efforts continue. Please consider getting in touch with
I want to take this opportunity to thank some of our readers for
supporting us financially. Most recently, they are: Mo Bibeau ('50),
Bob Hopkins ('52), John Miller ('57), Jack Redmond ('51), and Tom
Simmons ('63). Our financial resources are a little under $1000. Most
expenses involve those who still would like to receive a hard copy of
each issue. Electronic copies do not cost us anything!
Esopus Gathering
Our readers have been following the reconnecting of Marists and
former Marists (Big B and small b Brothers) as John O'Connell ('58)
began to compile a directory of those who experienced training
together in the mid to late 1950's at Esopus and Tyngsboro. He made
an effort, helped by the gifted memory of George Conboy ('58), to
contact everyone who went through those halls fifty years ago. The
inspiration that motivated this initiative was the quiet death of Vinnie
Hall. Oke wanted to be assured that another of our brothers would
not die without our awareness. He first brought people together to be
with Bill Reffett during that last year or two before he was taken by
lung cancer. From then he has not stopped, despite back and prostate
problems. And so, out of this effort began the April gathering at
Esopus. This year the weekend was scheduled for April 21-23. The
following electronic communications involve regrets by those who could
not make it and the responses concerning a weekend well spent. Greg
Ballerina, who flew in from California, took pictures. Those of you who
would like to see these former juniors, postulants, and novices fifty
years later might want to check out Greg's website for photos:
h ttQ.: /Iba llerinoQ.hotoart. blog�Q.ot.
I really appreciate the
thoughtfulness behind the "multi-signed" Esopus birthday card you all
sent me from the Gatherers last year: a bunch of born-again
"youngsters" recalling humorous/athletic/spiritual flashbacks. While
visualizing the faces/personalities/deeds of the participants, I couldn
help reflecting on their/our parents, brothers, sisters ... truly generous
parents/families. Now we
re older than their/our parents were then,
visiting us at Esopus. We are rather true adults/elders now, jocks no
more. "See how they love one another!" and "See how they enjoy
each other!"(10005 NE Shaver St., Portland, OR 97220; 503-252-8469;
wkma loney_@msm.com
Sorry, Oke, I won't be able to
attend the get-together. My grandson, almost two, is visiting that
weekend, and I never miss an opportunity to visit with the little guy.
He's taken a particular affection for "Grandpa" and the feeling is
mutual. By the way, I love what you guys are doing in reconnecting
old friendships. Keep up the good work. (30 Brunswick Ave.,
Bloomsbury, NJ 08804-3008; 908-479-4374;
kochesky_@world net. att. net
Only my inability to bi-locate keeps
me away from the Esopus gathering. I did get to Joe D's funeral. I
hope to make it to Esopus next year. Thanks for all you do. Take care!
(6 Appletree Lane, N. Reading, MA 01864-2803; 978-664-2248;
BR. RENE ROY ('60):
Close but no cigar. That week I will
be in Newburgh, NY
with Br. Jim Halliday, a teacher from CCHS, and
ten students. We'll be working with Habitat for Humanity. The 21
our last day, and that night we'll be going to a Yankee game at the
Stadium. We leave for MA early Saturday morning. I'm driving one of
the vans, so I can't stay behind. I'll take a rain check on next year.
Have a good time, and thanks for organizing this.
I can't make it physically
to Esopus, but I'm with you all in spirit. As you know, I passed out on
the sofa and my wife Edith couldn't communicate with me. She had to
call 911. They took me to the emergency room where I remained
unresponsive. I remained in an unconscious state for two days.
Fortunately, things turned for the better, and I awoke after two days
and found it strange to see the line-up of Edith, my daughter and son
in -law, my sister, a niece, and a priest. When I saw the priest, I
realized I might be in some kind of trouble. Without much ado he
administered the Last Rites. I felt much better and wondered what the
fuss was about. Edith said she was happy to hear my voice and
narrated the events of the previous two days. The diagnosis was viral
meningitis, the cause of the temporary loss of memory. They gave me
antibiotics for fourteen straight days. I'm now at home and doing
some physical therapy. I attended the first and third gatherings in
Esopus and plan to attend again in the future. May you have a good
reunion and develop a closer relationship like those in the Prep,
Tyngsboro, and Poughkeepsie. (
Bernie Ortuoste@yahoo.com
John Michael Collins
and I had a more than pleasant dinner in the first week of March at the
Cafe Loup in Manhattan. We are born on the very same day and year.
Hope the gathering in Esopus may fulfill all the good hopes which
attend its coming. Two weeks from today I'll be about to board the
plane for Kuala Lumpur. Warmest regards, fraternal affection, and all
that! (718-789-3683;
My first Esopus
gathering was a wonderful experience of creating new friendships,
visiting familiar buildings and fields, and enjoying nostalgic Marist Prep
memories. I walked to the river, down the same paths, seeing the
same rocks and slate that were sentinels more than fifty years past.
Who knows how long they were there before that? I visited the fields
where we played softball, baseball, and football and where we also had
the exciting bonfire before the Thanksgiving Army/Navy football game.
The handball courts and horseshoe pits are gone. Inside the Prep
buildings, the kitchen and dining room appear not to have changed.
The same tile, the same kitchen equipment, the same kitchen aroma.
The chapel loft is gone. Other common rooms still retain their
distinctive character. Holy Rosary is a faint memory for me. It was
just a place to paint Army/Navy signs on white sheets, to store the
hand-made torches we used and to gather the "team" before parading
around the bond fire. I can only imagine what the house could look
like if fully restored.
Thank you all for the weekend experience. Perhaps we are
developing a contemporary critical mass of Marists, a different "image
of a brother." Each one of us in our social and spiritual interaction with
others plays forward the generous, loving, caring, and inspiring Marist
spirit. Add to that our humanity and common sense, and we have the
small 'b' brothers. I truly appreciate who you are, and I trust we
created new friendships.
As for me, knowing that I have lived more years than I have left,
I'm doing all I can to move forward and create the future I want.
Toward that goal, I am creating a new career and new possibilities,
developing my passion for photography and electronic art, presenting a
view of the world as I see it and experience it. Nature shows me a
world that is diverse and compatible. In Nature, there is no judgment,
no jealousy, no hatred. Nature seeks balance, harmony and order. I
realize that who I am is the possibility of financially and creatively
succeeding as a photographer, teacher and digital artist, marketing and
selling my photography and digital art online and offline. I'll find my
audience and they will find me.
Who I am is the possibility of being authentic, committed, and
courageous, the possibility of passionately risking everything and
gaining everything. Each day I make a contribution to my life and
those with whom I come into contact. I am at peace, in harmony and
alignment with God. (3212 Sage Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028; 760-451-
LEO BYRON ('57):
I attended my first Esopus Gathering
of the B/b's. I was not sure what to expect; I had left Tyngsboro in '57
part way through my postulant year, after spending my junior and
senior years at the Prep. I arrived Friday at mid-day and, as there was
no one around, I took a walk through the old place. It was empty.
Gone were the chapel and the library and the vitality of us. "Us," was,
after all, over fifty years ago. I walked over to the cemetery where
there had been only a few graves when I was last there, and now there
are over two hundred. Gazing at the names on the headstones gave
me a feeling of nostalgia and some sadness; there in front of me were
some giants in my life: mentors, confidants, and friends. Can we
forget Br. Joseph Damian or Br. Pius Victor or Br. Stephen Urban? If
there was someone who was going to be immortal, he was the guy.
They could all be remembered because they were all so special. Then
there were names there and in our hearts, like Lacroix, Reul,
Pochintesta, Joe Di, Reffelt. Hey, these guys were ... us!
Now there is a new life at the old Prep, a contemporary, vital one
for families and young people who need to get away and hear a new
message and have a new feeling. I say God bless, and I pray that the
Blessed Mother smile on that wonderful place of memories and provide
Br. Don Nugent and his volunteers with resources to carry on.
Reunions are usually a particular class year getting together, but
with us it is, as Oke puts it, "a gathering." We look at the guys before
us and behind us as one group. I think that is because we shared
something special: a desire to serve God in some way and a desire to
help kids and other people and even make this planet a better place for
our having been here. Meeting my B/b brothers on Friday and
Saturday was quite a thrill. Why, I even recognized four of you! No, it
was not early Alzheimers; it was just Nature playing her game.
Although it seems like just a few years ago, it was almost half a
It was amazing to have such a comfort level with everyone. It
was as if we had been seeing each other on a regular basis through the
years. There was such an open, friendly air as we talked and caught
up on the past years and what is going on today. There were three of
us who left during the training years. There were three of you who are
still big B's. I was amazed and awed at how long the rest of you had
been big B's. It was just as amazing what your former big B's were still
doing: teaching, counseling, forming or supporting help groups, raising
I was interested in why people left and about their re-entry into
the lay world, and of ... girls. I think the town of Esopus must have
wondered where all the laughing was coming from. That should have
been videotaped! It was a great weekend, with many fond memories,
reflections; but above all, lots of good humor and plain old belly
laughs. (
(March 19) Fellow Marists,
greetings from storm-ravaged New Orleans: The water has long since
been pumped away, but the city has a long way to go to recovery.
Large swaths of the city are still uninhabitable. Trailer parks, or
individual trailers near some ruined homes, are sprouting up all over.
Most businesses and public services lack sufficient employees to
operate at full capacity. After the hiatus of Mardi Gras, the grim and
challenging work of rebuilding lives and the city goes on. It will be
years, if ever, before the area returns to anything like what it was, and
there is still a long, long way to go before anyone's life here can feel
like "normal." So the greatest plea in the hearts of the people here is
"Please, don't forget us!"
I find our people in good spirits. It has been hard, and the shock
of the disaster has not entirely worn off, and recovery has clearly been
draining physically and emotionally, but they are hanging in there and
slowly getting their houses, their lives, and their parish back in
functioning order. I have asked our Marists in Slidell how best to use
money sent by our Marist Laity. They asked that it be put into their
parish's rebuilding fund. They feel that the "resurrection" of their
parish as a spiritual center for their lives and the life of their
community is a vital need. To those groups who sent funds, I repeat
my thanks to you and on behalf of the Slidell Marist Laity.
May you continue to share a compassionate solidarity with your
fellow Marists who have suffered so much loss. Hold them in your
hearts in prayer. Pray that they, and all of us, may truly experience
new life in Christ during this time. (1706 Jackson Avenue, New
Orleans, LA 70113-1510; 504-524-5192;
Those who are so inclined and would like to explore the
Marist world beyond
Marists All
may wish to delve into the following
Marist International
Marist USA
Esopus Retreat House newsletter84. html
Marist Australia
The Spring 2006 issue of the
Today's Marist Brother,
the US Province
Newsletter highlights the current use of the Esopus property. If you
haven't received a copy, contact Brother Hugh Turley or Brother
Timothy Brady at
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