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108 November 2012.pdf


Part of Marists All: Final Issue #108 November 2012


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newsletter #108
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Vince Poisella: 61 Golf View Drive, Little Egg Harbor, NJ
8087; 609-294-2148;
i:2oisel la vi ncent@Y-a hoo. com
Rich Foy: 24 Prestwick Court, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603;
845-454-139 3;
rich a rd.
Gus Nolan: 65 Muirfield Court, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603;
g usnola
David Kammer: 476 La Playa, Edgewater, FL 32141;
ka m merl@cfl. rr. com
Rob Schmid: 1013 Hollywood Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60016;
Marists All Transition
Le mot serait "adieu". If life
could be summed up in one word, the word would be "good-
It is with a certain sadness that I begin this last printed issue
of Marists All. For, in one sense, it is "goodbye." This
publication spans twenty-five years, melded by a Marist Spirit
unique in its tradition, anchored by Marcellin Champagnat's
vision, blessed by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the
example of Mary, our Ordinary Resource.
The stories told by and about the Marist Brothers themselves,
the former Marist Brothers, the families and friends of the
Marists, and the members of the wider Marist Family have
inspired our readers over those years.
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There have been many kind responses by Marists All readers
about the 107 issues over these twenty-five years that kept
alive the influence of the Marist Spirit and the influence of
Marcellin Champagnat in our hearts. The Marists All team is
very appreciative of your kind words.
Although the print issue of Marists All has come to an end with
this epilogue, Rich Foy ('46) is keeping alive the Marists All
website for an indefinite time. All back issues and many
features related to our Marist world may still be found there
and reread. (The web site address appears in our logo above.)
Rob Schmid ('68),
crucial to our Marists All team, is keeping
alive our email list to inform readers of special events or
untimely deaths.
In these next pages I have offered our readers the various
means to stay connected within the Marist world. Please save
it as a reference for future contacts.
Vision Exchange
Our faithful readers and contributors may want to continue
communicating with this special Marist family. With the kind
assistance of Joe McMahon
new format is now
available to all readers of Marists All to continue
communication with each other through the modern
conveniences of the Internet. Please become acquainted with
it. Here is the procedure for access to the site:
The first step is to click on:
On the home page the invitation is bold and clear.
Click on:<
.Join Vision Exchange today!
Then sign on with an ID and password. The administrator of
the site will receive your application and approve it. You will
receive an email confirmation.
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If you are signing on for the first time, click
(If you are a member, then just log in with your ID and
Then click on Groups in the header.
Then click on All Groups: categories will pop up.
Then click on to Special Groups: religious will pop up.
Then click onto Religious: MaristsAII will pop up.
• As a member of the Marists All group, you will now be in a
position to write to all the others in our group, the same
way you did when you sent something to Marists All.
• You may also respond to anyone in our group who has
previously written something, post reflections of past
experiences, or update our readers on events in your life.
• As a member of the Marists All group, you may begin a
dialog on a topic of interest to our group or respond to
someone who has already begun the dialogue.
• I especially appeal to those listed in .John O'Connell's
Directory who were in training in the mid-fifties to
the early sixties to use this site for communication
purposes: <
Please take note that only those who have become members of
the Vision Exchange site and been approved have access to the
Marists All section of the site.
Marist Young Adult Program
The Marist Young Adult Program continues to keep Marcellin's
dream alive by inviting interested young adults between the
ages of 18 and 30 to further explore their Christian faith.
Through spiritual, social, and service activities, both online and
in person, young adults can experience an alive and vibrant
faith rooted in the Marist tradition.
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Marist Young Adult Program is proud to launch its mobile app.
The Marist Young Adult app is a condensed version of our
current website. It includes a "Prayer Wall " where users can
submit prayer requests, a "Videos" section for viewing our
seasonal retreats, a "What's Happening" section for updated
news and events, and a "Prayer of the Day." The app is free
and is available in Apple, Android, and Blackberry platforms.
The app is also available for the iPad.
Although the app is being sponsored by the Marist Young Adult
it is not just for young adults. News from the
Marist Brothers website is also available through the app, and
anyone is invited to submit a prayer. In addition, the "Prayer
of the Day" is a good way for anyone to keep a spiritual focus.
To download the app, visit the app store for your phone type,
or click on the DOWNLOAD icon on the website homepage for
the Marist Young Adult Program,
Clicking on the DOWNLOAD icon will give you a dropdown
menu of the phone platforms, and clicking on the icon for your
type of phone will take you directly to where you can download
the icon.
From RICH FOY ('46): Although Marists All will cease regular
operation, there are other resources that may interest Marists
A decade ago
Brian Desilets ('45) led a group of us in
describing the relationship of the Marist Brothers to Marist
College. It received the name Marist Heritage Project. Since
then, it has become a valuable and permanent part of the
Marist College archives even though one might have to drill
down to reach it:
academics > library > official library
site> archives> special projects> Marist Heritage Project.
I have been working on a project to describe many of those
who lived on the Marist College campus before it became the
college campus. While still a work in progress, a good deal of
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it is ready and includes historical matters that relate to the
Marist Brothers. You can find it at
httQ: //academ ic2. ma rist. ed u/foy /ma ristla nd
. Because of its
webpage format, it is capable of continuous updating. Any
ideas, photos, tidbits, and trivia you send me will be given
ca refu I consideration for inclusion.
Within the next year, I will be relocating from Poughkeepsie to
Red Hook, NY, and Flanders, NJ. Starting in 2013 contact me at
cell 914 329 4121 and email While in
Red Hook, NY, I intend to review the work I started ten years
ago on the history of the Esopus property. The current version
is located at
Updating info is welcome.
I understand that several readers are working on a history of
the Cold Spring property. I encourage them to share their work
for inclusion in the history of Marist College, even if only
peripheral. Hopefully, it can be included with the archival
history of the college.
Several Marists All readers have suggested the possibility of a
section on the history of Tyngsboro, which was registered as a
branch of Marist College when it was a novitiate. I'm not the
one to write up the Tyngsboro history but I am willing to help
out if others are willing to assume leadership.
I believe that it is a good idea
to encourage our readers to stay au courant with the work of
the Marist Brothers, first by frequenting the Marist Rome web
site at,
wherein there is a wealth of
information about current Marist activity around the world.
Secondly, news of the American province deserves our
attention. I believe our typical readers would more likely go to
the province web site at
than to the
"mobile app."
And if you haven't lately checked out the Marist College web
site at
, take a look at the magnificent new
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Hancock Building and see the beautiful lighted underpass to
the campus east side of Route 9.
GUS NOLAN ('48):
I feel compelled to add a note in
this final edition of Marists All to express my gratitude to all
those who participated in supporting Marists All. There would
be no such publication as Marists All were it not for the
contributions in copy and money offered by our readers, well
over five hundred. This, by itself, is an amazing story. Surely
the Holy Spirit wanted this to happen.
I blush with a little shame when I think of the plaque I
received in 2011 acknowledging twenty-five years of
involvement with the publication. I recall with fondness the
endless runs David ('42) and Judy Kammer made to Marist
College in Poughkeepsie in the early years to pick up the
printed copies and then fold, stuff, and mail them; not to
mention all the editing David and Judy did to put in proper
form all that was sent to them: and that without a computer,
but rather with a little old typewriter.
Subsequently, Vince ('58) and Jane Poisella picked up the
challenge and carried on for more than ten years doing the
editing and making some of the important judgment calls that
were necessary. I believe that Dave was retired when he did
this. But Vince had a number of other things to deal with
when he took on the editor's role. I am still in awe over the
dedicated Marist Spirit in these two.
I have not mentioned Linus Foy ('46), who has worked
ceaselessly dealing with the technical aspects of putting the
publication on line. But in a sense, the work he has done for
Marists All
pales in the face of his major work in retirement
researching and writing about the history of the properties that
now compose the Marist College campus. In time we will all be
able to read about this amazing story.
Bob Schmid ('68) has made a unique contribution to the
distribution of our publication in bringing our newsletter to
many readers on-line. His contribution has immensely reduced
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our mailing expenses which has always been our biggest
costs and so kept our operation functional.
From CHRISTINE COLOMBAN: The United States Marist laity
has been updated. You may now
listen to the 35th presentation of Fr. Edwin Keel called "Our
Only Model." It can be found under "Spirituality," "Exploring
the Marist Way," or copy this link:
httQ: //www. ma ristla itY.. com/ExQlori ngtheMa ristWaY.. htm
From The Spiritual Testament of Marcellin
Champagnat Keep ever alive among you the charity of
Christ. Love one another as Jesus Christ has loved you. Be of
one heart and one mind. Have the world say of the Little
Brothers of Mary, what they said of the first Christians: "See
how they love one another! " Ad lesum per Mariam!
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First publication 12 November 2012
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