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36 August 1996.pdf


Part of Marists All: Issue #36 August 1996


August 1996
GMC PICNIC: looking forward to seeing many of you at the annual Greater
Marist Community picnic to be held again this year at Mt. St. Michael in the
Bronx, Nereid and Murdock Avenues, near the Mt. Vernon border, The gathering
will be on Saturday. September 21st, from noon to 5 p.m. Come with spouse and
children or come alone. Bring your own beverage and a pot-luck dish for a
shared meal. All Brothers are most welcome to join in. Thanks to the director
and community of the Mount for welcoming us. Next year we expect to revert to
the second Saturday after Labor Day, September 13th, as the date for the annual
GMC picnic. Do mark it!
September 21st
12 to 5
FROM BR. JOSEPH MAURA ('54): So greatly did I enjoy Bill Deschene's
recall of the great Peter Anthony in the May issue of Maris ts All that I am eager
to offer a few reminiscences of another member of the Tyngsboro Hall of Fame.
Although the real presence of Br. John Berchmans would be felt more
powerfully later during the Esopus years, it was in Tyngsboro that I first
experienced Berkie. It was 1953 and I was trying out as a postulant. Being a
New York Yankee fan, I immediately recognized Berkie as the Marist answer to
Casey Stengel ... often linguistically challenged, but always entertaining .. and
aware ... deeply aware of those he "managed."
Berkie had no difficulty gaining an intuitive knowledge of the inner man, even
though he could not always recall his outer name. Solution: Brother Prefect's
numbering system! As a postulant I was #15. This numerical transformation of
my identity had me imagining Berkie greeting my mother with the salutation:
"How are you, Mrs. 15?' #15 will do just fine with us'."
During the Esopus years I once remarked to John: "You have had more influence
on more Brothers than any person I know." This initiative in conversation was a
departure from our three favorite topics: (1) how Notre Dame had done in
football last year, (2) how Notre Dame would do this year, (3) how recruiting
was going for next year. John's response to my observation about his influence
had not a hint of feigned humility. "Yes, Joe, and I am the only Brother in the
province without a grammar school diploma. God is good."
The same day I read the May issue I came across this thought in the book The
Natural Denth in Man by Wilson Van Dusan, a clinical psychologist:" ...
inadequate boys could change radically with a few months of farm work under a
very patient and masculine man. A boy's adequacy is not in the rearrangement of
his internal psych, but in learning the pleasure of digging some trenches in the
ground." This insight not only brought Berkie to mind but helped me understand
why Marist formation, for all its faults, had such a lasting effect on all of us.

Although John would not have identified himself as such, he was a true "mentor"
years before that word was popularized.
At Cardinal Hayes High, I had been attracted to the FMS by the frequency and
volume of laughter surging out from the faculty lounge assigned to the Marist
Brothers. I found nothing to laugh about the day I arrived in Tyngsboro (that
would come later, thank God). I would have liked to "cast myself back into the
world" after the first few days but was too proud to return home so quickly.
For many ofus "spiritual direction" really took place while we were getting a
haircut from Berkie. Early on, I told John of my great moral dilema, i.e. each
week I delayed returning home I missed a Notre Dame football game on TV or
radio. (I had previously discerned that Yahweh was not calling me to the clerical
state, since in those pre-Vatican II days, one could not both hear confessions and
listen to N.D. on a Saturday afternoon). Fear not!. Shortly after the bell ending
Saturday's work period, Brother Prefect would supply this new postulant with a
semi-hysterical account of each Saturday's struggle between good and evil. The
USC game from the coast would have to wait until after great silence ended on
Sunday morning.
One evening I was called out of religious study, Brother Prefect had detected an
"emergency." It was an excuse to be able to supply me with a copy of the Notre
Dame season preview magazine! This incident was my first encounter with
Liberation Theology and transformed my conscience from what might easily be
called "scrupulous" to what the Christian Perfection book referred to as "seared."
Even if I had decided to return home, that one incident with Berkie would have
made me more Marist than 42 years of subsequent exhortations to Marist spirit.
The first month in Tyngsboro, John gave us an unforgettable example of the
humanity of the man and of the Marist Brothers. We were having an autumn
picnic. Parenthetically, I might mention that a long waited movie turned out to
be "The Life of Don Bosco" in Italian, with sub titles for those who could read
through the tears of disappointment. I digress! Back to the picnic: that
unforgettable example of humanity was John striding up and down the outdoor
basketball courts with a huge green lawn chair balanced on his chin. Years later I
found out that John was a devoted member of a "Manhattan" project that helped
put him in the right spirit for his performance, and would in the years ahead
provide some of the atomic energy that set him in motion.
With the coming of winter John would be out on the ice cleaning snow so that
we could play hockey during the p.m. recreation. On one memorable occasion
John chose the property dump truck, plow attached, to clear the ice of a heavy
snowfall. Sadly Berkie, the truck, and the plow all went through the ice. With
that, John dashed back to the novitiate building and burst into the Master's office
announcing in his distinctive Canuck dialect that he needed the help of several
novices. He was informed: "The Venerable Founder would not have taken the
truck onto the ice." John's response is left to the imagination of all who knew
In June we headed north to prepare Camp Marist for its opening. All work,
including the construction of the original camp chapel, was placed under the
protection of John's beloved Holy Souls. For me, the jury was out on this one,
that is, until Roger McKeon (Br. Eugene Andrew) fell from the chapel roof
during the morning work period and penetrated the chapel floor up to his waist.
He walked away without the proverbial scratch; in gratitude to the Souls the

work period was shortened by fifteen minutes, thus occured the second
miraculous event of the morning.
So many other things could be written here by many other former juniors,
postulants, novices, and Brothers ... but these are written that you may recall and
share in the Abundant Life who while among us was known as Berkie. (3000
S.W. 87th Avenue, Miami, Fl. 33165; 305-221-0834, ext 27)
FROM RICK BAUER ('64) and DON HAUGHEY ('62) We wrote this
combined letter back in February and we finally got around to typing it in May
and mailing it in June! February 10, 1996, outside Austin, Texas, on the Bauer
Ranchito. It's 82 degrees, but we were recently humbled with snow that lasted
two whole hours, so we can identify with our northern brethern.
Both of us are still in education, plus a few side activities. Rick raises hay, kids,
cattle, chickens, cats, and dogs. Don is raising a pup and is painting. Rick is
married to Ann Neely Bauer; their two children are Allison, 13, and Jackson,.17.
Rick teaches math at Manor Middle School, and Ann is an elementary school
principal in .Austin. Don is single. His puppy is Finn McCool, a five month old
Dalmatian. Don teaches art full time at Porter Middle School in Austin, and
watercolor painting part time at St. Edward's University. He is also a
professional artist currently having an art show in the city of Austin.
While having our own little Marist get-together recently, we decided to pen this
message, sitting at the stock pond, throwing pellets to the catfish, and downing a
couple of cervezas. So what is going on in central Texas, you might ask. Well,
for fun we travel the back roads, play pool in little country town honky tonks,
and meet the locals. Rick, being a native Texan, communicates real well, while
Don, being a B.I.C., is slow to open his mouth; anyone of the Bronx will
understand. We try to get together at least once a month to go for our drive
around central Texas. Sometimes Rick's wife comes along to see where we really
There is a song that epitomizes our trips; it is called "Lukenbach, Texas." It talks
about meeting Willie, Waylon, and the boys, pitching horseshoes, laying back
and enjoying country air and good Texas barbecue; everybody is somebody in
Lukenbach, Texas! On one of our famous adventures we traveled to Rick's
brother's farm in LaFeria to pick up a bull calf. There we were, Rick, his son
Jackson, and Don hauling a bull calf in a Nissan pickup truck across Texas,
about seven hours of rocking and rolling.We sure know how to have fun. After
this adventure, we discovered the pure joy of sowing wild oats on Rick's ranch,
and watching the oats and hay grow. Sounds like a winner of an experience,
doesn't it? We just thought we would give you a little taste of Texan life and let
you know that if you are ever in the Lone Star State, maybe we could get
together. If time allows, you could join us at a Lexington cattle auction, at a
honky tonk barbecue place, or we could just throw a few pellets at catfish. It's
good for the soul.
Over the years we have had many Marist visitors pass through to see us. Always
a good excuse for our Marist get-together. Usually the visitors are impressed
with our interests. Leonard Voegtle, Woody Duke, John Allen, Pat Forsyth,
Kevin Buckley, Jack.Broderick, Bill Lavigne, and Albert. Phillip have stopped
by. And Don had the opportunity to meet Charlie Kelly in Austin. Maybe in our
next letter we will tell you about the attack turkey, the painted churches, and the
Monor cafe. We know ya'll will be waiting to hear these great stories. We both

enjoy receiving Marists All. Thanks for keeping us in mind. Right now we are in
a severe draught with no relief in sight. Send rain! The catfish are throwing
pellets at us! (Rick: Route 2, Box 77-H, Manor, Texas; 512-272-5619) (Don:
8200 Beaver Brook lane, Austin, Texas, 78748; 512-282-5942;
M S M,Bronx:
BR. ANTHONY IAZZETTI ('62) has been appointed to a second three year term
as President of Mt. St. Michael. Anthony has been cited for excellence in
developing the role of President at the Mount, creating a professional and
competent school board, and recruiting students in the New York and the lower
Westchester region.
BR. JAMES KEARNEY (149) is the Principal. Champagnat Hall will be a more
"senior friendly" community with the addition of an elevator and the renovation
of existing shower/bath facilities. Funds raised through the Province
Development will provide the construction begun last June.
MARIST HIGH, Chicago Br. Patrick McNamara, the Province Leadership
Team, and the Board of Directors of Marist High announced the appointment of
BR. RICHARD SHARPE ('66) as the first President at Marist for a three year
term. Richard completed his long tenure as Vice-principal at St. Elizabeth High
in Oakland, California.
BR. JOHN CUMMINGS ('67) has been appointed interim principal for the
upcoming school year. John has completed his PhD in education at the
University of San Francisco.
BR. LUKE PEARSON ('56) is the new Assistant Principal at Marist. Luke has
just completed his term as Dean of Studies at the Marist Asian Centre, Manila,
BR. KEVIN MORAN ('53) has been invited to join the administrative staff at the
Marist Asian Centre, Manila, a Marist Brothers formation house. Kevin will
report in the spring of 1997. He completes many years of service as Dean of
Students at Marist High, Chicago.
BR. JOSEPH SACINO ('73) has been appointed inter-province Provincial
Treasurer, effective January, 1998. Joe has served as Finance Officer at St. Agnes
Boys High, Manhattan, during the past year. Beginning this summer he will
pursue additional studies in finance and accounting at New York U.
BR. THOMAS SIMMONS ('63). Replaces Joe at St. Agnes. Tom completes a
term as Transportation Director and Bingo Manager at Mount St. Michael
BR. THOMAS LONG ('79) and BR. PETER GUADALUPE ('68) will join the
administration and faculty at St. Joseph's Academy, Brownsville, Texas, for the
upcoming academic year.Tom will serve as Assistant Principal to the newly
appointed Principal, BR. JOHN VENTURELLA ('81 ).
BR. HANK HAMMIER ('7 5) has been welcomed by the United States provinces
as the new Director of Contact and Recruitment for the two provinces. Hank will
join BR. MICHAEL SHEERIN ('74) in this ministry.

BR. RICHARD RANCOURT ('48) inspires Red Foxes! Sitting quietly at the
end. of the' bench of the Marist College basketball team, Brother Richard
Rancourt often goes unnoticed at Marist games., Not so in the locker room
before a game, where his presence and voice is second only to the coach.
Rancourt is in his second year as the Red Foxes' team chaplain and his pregame
prayers have not only brought the team some luck and inspiration, but he has
brought the school back to its roots. In keeping with the Marist Brothers'
tradition of teaching, Rancourt is educating the players about the sport of
life.And he does it in less than two minutes every game day. (Poughkeepsie
Journal, 2-14-96)
WE ACKNOWLEDGE the Province Newsnotes for most of the above.
FROM BR. JOSEPH BELANGER ('43): I am fortunate to be accepted to teach
English in China during the 1996-97 academic year. I feel I still have several
years of vitality left!
The Provincial Office circulated a flyer from the U. S. Catholic China Bureau
asking for teachers of English who would also be Christian witnesses. The
Bureau processes applications and sends all dossiers to Hong Kong to an agency
run by the Columban Fathers; they in turn deal with the Beijing government,
which makes all university appointments. I will be teaching basic English at a
teachers' college in Xiamen, which is on the coast of China directly opposite
Taiwan. Xiamen has a population of two to three million; it is located at 24
degrees latitude, the same as the tip of Florida.
My main reason for applying was to help the Church in China. Church relations
with the government have greatly improved since the death of Mao in 197 4 and
of the leadership of Deng Xiao Ping in 1979. One third of the Bishops of the
China Patriotic Association have already signed allegiance with Rome, and
another third are in allegiance but have not yet signed so as not to exascerbate
relations with Beijing. My secondary reason for signing up, of course, is to
experience first hand what everybody says is the number one country of the next
century, to experience the past and present greatness of this huge country.
I will earn a full time salary teaching four small classes of 12 to 15 university
students, and will be living in a fully furnished campus apartment. I understand
that there will be a solid group of us for excellent mutual help and sharing. The
academic year in China approximates the American scholastic year. I'll be back
in the summer. If the year goes well. I have the option of renewing the contract. I
do still have varied commitments at Marist College.
I will have the opportunity to get to know our Chinese Brothers better. The
history of the Marist presence in the Far East is long and glorious. The Marist
Brothers arrived in Australia in 1871, New Zealand in 1877, China in 1891, Sri
Ianka in 1911, the Philippines in 1948. The communist takeover in China
dispersed Brothers to Singapore (1949), Malaysia (1949), Japan (1951), Hong
Kong (1951), Papua New Guinea (1959), and Taiwan (1963.). Later, Marist
Brothers went to Pakistan (1967), South Korea (1971), and India (1974).
Close to 150 Marist Brothers are buried in China. Most died natural deaths, but
at least nine were killed during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900-1906, and several
others died as a result of the communist takeover, the most prominent of whom
is Brother Joche Albert who on April 21, 1951, was publicly executed for

"treason" with 24 others of the Legion of Mary whom he had baptized and
formed in Christianity.
We currently have only a half dozen elderly Brothers still in mainland China, in
Shanghai. I hope to visit them during the year. The Province of China has 36
Brothers in the diaspora, almost all Chinese, half of whom are under 60 years of
I will be leaving the States on Friday, August the 21st, or on Saturday, August
24th, so as to cope with jet lag and the loss of a day at the international date line.
Orientation is scheduled for August 28-30 in Hong Kong. I hope to stay in touch,
but I don't know what e-mail possibilities will be. Please pray for me, and join
me in prayer for the Church in China. (Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
12601; jlr.
NOTE: Br. Fabian Mayor ('57) has also been accepted to teach in China. He will
be in Guanghou, the old city of Canton.
FROM ED (Martin Jude) CASTINE ('50): As usual Marists All was joyfully
received and read from one end to the other. Bill Deschene's letter brought back
many pleasant and treasured memories of Tyngsboro. Br. Peter Anthony, Br. Paul
Acyndinus, Br. Henry Bassus. Br. Peter was a great friend of the "chefs," as he
always called us. He taught us a number of things in the kitchen, like making
jelly rolls and succeeding with a good pie crust. Br. Henry showed us how to
make a potato dish that we named "Bassus Potatoes," I still make it from time to
time. I recall how much kidding Br. Peter took when he brought a pair of snow
shoes back from a vacation in Canada. That winter we really got snowed in and
Pete had the last word, going to his wood shop every day, you guessed it, on his
snow shoes!
Maureen and I are retired now and will leave the teaching to younger
generations. Perhaps their style and youthful dedication is more appropriate to
the present generation and to those to come. We have purchased a 25 foot travel
trailer and plan to go to some camping spots in Florida and to do some traveling
around the U.S. as well. We are preparing for a trip to Texas to visit old friends
and places we have enjoyed in past years. Hopefully the hurricane season will
not be a deterrent. We are planning a trip to the New York/New Jersey area for
late this summer, probably the last part of August. On the way we are going to
stop in Virginia to visit Kinuko and Rick Jambor. It was Rick who informed us
that Matt Callanan was quite ill in Miami. We were able to visit with Matt on
two occasions in the fall and winter before he died. I had not seen Matt since
sometime in the seventies. Maureen and I were deeply touched and enriched by
the visits,
During the trip to the east coast we plan to remain long enough to be at the
(GMC picnic. that is something we have wanted to do for many years. My only
problem is to find my way to Mount St. Michael's from Long Island, as I usually
get lost in the Bronx. Any helpful suggestions? We also hope to get to Esopus
and to Marist College. The last time I saw Marist College was in 1968, so I'm
sure much of it will be unfamiliar. Many thanks and plaudits to our editors of
Marists All for the great job they do. their work and dedication to this
publication is very sincerely appreciated, (2856 Cambridge Rd,, Lantana, Fl.
33462-3815; 561-642-0335)

FROM HELEN (Mrs. Pat) TOBIN: Yesterday I returned from the Second
Annual GMC Retreat at Marist College. As soon as I received notice about the
retreat/reunion and saw that Br. Luke Driscoll was on the team, I knew that I had
to sign up. Br. Luke was always one of Pat's favorite people and I hadn't seen
him in seven or eight years. In addition, there were Br. Hugh Turley and Br. Pat
Tyrell, of whom Pat spoke many times.
The spirituality of the weekend was uplifting. Just meeting so many of the men
with whom Pat had spent such an important part of his life and learning all the
nice things they had to say about him was good therapy. The Brothers and the
other retreatants welcomed me with love and kindness, in true Marist tradition.
It was at least thirty long years since I had been at Marist College. The campus is
so beautiful and the facilities are just wonderful. Jan and Larry Keogh did a
marvelous job of setting up the whole weekend. I don't see how they could have
done better. I am so very happy that I was able to be a part of it. My love and
prayers to all who were there. (3 Brookwood Road, Towaco, New Jersey, 07082-
Letter to friends ofMARIST FOREIGN MISSIONS (adapted)
As I mentioned in a previous communication, I have asked Brother Provincial to
name someone to take over the mission work that I have been doing for twenty
years. After returning from Rome in 1976, and after selling Tyngsboro and then
getting the retired Brothers established in Leeds Terrace, I started this mission
work partly to keep busy but mainly to help the missions which have always
been close to my heart, especially so after having spent a few years in Liberia
with our Brothers there.
Brother Provincial has asked Br. Patrick Tyrell to take over this Marist Foreign
Mission work, for he himself was in our mission in Japan for the better part of
his life. I will continue quietly on the sidelines to do what I can for the missions
and to be available in any emergency.
The lord has been especially good to the missions this year. We received $10,849
from benefactors and $98,500 from Foundations. I must mention some of the
places and purposes we have helped to alleviate. Our former pupils of Liberia,
refugees of that war, are suffering in Ghana and in the Ivory Coast; I sent money
to Father Wright to help take care of some of the worst cases. Help was sent to
Nigeria for the catechists to our lepers there. Help also went to Br. Hanz Shubert
in North Kenya for a small vocational school there. Foundations helped
Kidapawan, and Br. Crispin Betita in Dadiangas, and our work with wayward
boys in India.And they helped with a residence for our Marists at Holy Cross
College in Sri Lanka. Of course, help went to Rwanda; more will be needed
there. Then we always give help to various missionaries passing through the
United States.
It has been a special privilege to work with so many dedicated friends. I cannot
thank our benefactors enough. Please join us in thanking the Lord for making all
this possible and for continuing the Founder's care and solicitude for foreign
missions. (Marist College, Kieran Gate House, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 12601; 914-

FROM BR. PAT TYRELL ('49):1 have been asked to take over Br. Paul
Ambrose's work of helping the Marist Foreign Missions. Paul has done an
unbelievable job collecting over a million dollars for our Marist missions. We
missionaries in Japan were the recipients of some of his help in the early days
before Japan took off economically; through experience I can vouch for how
much that helped us through very trying times.
I have accepted this job with a certain reservation, as I truly believe that Paul
will be an impossible act to follow, yet the work is too important to let go; I find
myself playing the fool where angels fear to dance.
Although Paul has written everyone on his list, I take the liberty of writing to
confirm my taking responsibility for this very important work. As I write, we
have requests from places in the Marist world I have never heard of, do not
know how to pronounce, and would not attempt to spell without an address in
front ofme. Most of these missionaries are not asking for 'big bucks", but it is
quite evident that with small amounts big things are being done. I assure you of a
continued remembrance in our prayer and I ask you to remember our men in the
missions that they may have the spiritual strength to face the daunting challenges
before them. (156 East 38th Street, New York, N. Y. 10016)
On May 18th Marist College awarded Doctorates of Human letters to:
BR. AUGUSTINE LANDRY ('50) Director at Kobe, Japan, and to:
BR. PATRICK TYRELL ('49) a province development officer.
Gus and Pat were cited for their significant work on the original building
projects at Marist College. Both Brothers were recognized as well for their work
in the Marist educational mission in Japan.
Dr. Dennis Murray, Marist College President, conferred the degrees. Br, Paul
Ambrose, President Emeritus, and Br. Anthony Iazzetti, Marist Board Member,
assisted by placing doctoral hoods on the Brothers.
BR. PATRICK MAGEE ('43) Marist Board Member and one of the first four
graduates of the college, was also present and recognized.
( from the Province N ewsnotes)
FROM GENE (Louis Francis) ZIRKEL ('53): The arrival of Marists All was the
occasion of good news and bad news. After missing last year's picnic, I marked
my calendar a year in advance. Now the date has been changed and once again I
am unable to attend. I am also unable to take part in the Poughkeepsie
retreat/reunion in July, as I will be in Selma, Alabama, volunteering with the
Edmundite Fathers.
On the bright side, I was thrilled to hear all the news from my friends.Bill
Deschene's reminiscenses about Peter Anthony were wonderful. I entered the
novitiate later than most, and was not into playing games. John Berchmanns
allowed me to work with Pete in the carpenter shop during recreations. Pete was
a wonderful teacher and model. At times he could hardly walk, yet he never gave
into the pain, continuing to turn out those wooden presses for our clothing, as
well as other items. He taught me the value of perseverence in spite of adversity.
Later when I spent several summers working in Tyngsboro, Pete was driving the
truck through the hay field on one occasion while I was in the back stacking

bales of hay that others tossed up. Pete was going too fast for those on the
ground, so we banged on the roof of the cab, yelling for him to stop, but he kept
on going. Someone said in an ordinary tone of voice, "He's deaf," and Pete
yelled back, "I heard that."
At a pig slaughtering Pete was asking "Where's the pig?" which was standing
right in front of him, when suddenly there appeared a rat; firing his rifle Pete got
him right between the eyes'.
The article about Dr. Schroeder reminded me that I was almost the first one to
teach a coed at Marist College. I spent seven years there teaching summer
school, and one year I was asked ifl would mind if Mrs. Schroeder would take
my course. I welcomed her, but at the last minute she decided not to attend. I
was disappointed. Incidentally, the letter from Betty Perreault was beautiful, a
great tribute to a wonderful group of people.
I have just finished my sabbatical year. I spent the time writing a book,
Ha1212iness is my: Decision. It deals with the ideas I teach in my personal growth
seminars, such as goal setting and goal achievement through positive self talk,
and imprinting affirmation by means of visualization. It is due out in December.
By the way, I look forward to getting a copy of Lenny's book!
I plan to teach one more year at Nassau Community College and then I will
retire to the dozens of other activities I am involved in. Keep up the wonderful
work you are doing for us with this newsletter. Spread the faith! (Six Brancatelli,
Westlslip, N. Y. 11795; 516-669-0273)
FROM BR. JOSEPH MATTHEWS ('65): Recently Gus Nolan asked me to put
together an article on the move of Lourdes High School in Poughkeepsie from
North Hamilton to Boardman Road, When the Marist Brothers returned to
Lourdes in 1993, Br. Leo Shea, as President, encouraged the New York
Archdiocese to look into relocating, as there was no future at the present site,
and many costly repairs. Many months of studying the situation were followed
by further months of negotiating with IBM for the Boardman site, In December,
1995, the Archdiocese announced that it was purchasing the IBM building and
that the Mccann Foundation was funding the necessary demolition and
reconstruction to reconfigure the building as a school.
The 181,000 square foot building has three sections. The south wing has four
floors and a basement; it will house twenty classrooms, three science labs, a
computer lab, and twelve offices. The west wing has one floor and a basement.
The basement contains areas for mechanicals, maintenance, loading dock,
athletic storage, weight room, and lockers. The other floor has a physical
education area with locker rooms, bookstore, nurse's office, two chem labs,
auditorium seating 210, cafeteria, kitchen, library, and faculty lounge. The north
wing has three floors, The first floor contains two art rooms, a band room with
practice areas, and a guidance area. There will also be offices for faculty
departments, alumni, development, athletic director, district superintendent, and
for the President. As there is no gym facility at Boardman, a capital campaign to
build a gym-auditorium complex and playing fields will begin soon,
The enrollment for the coming school year will be around 675, which is up from
350 in June of 1993. The projection for enrollment for '97-'98 is 800, and for '98-
'99 is 925. The faculty, administration, and staff for '96-'97 will be 53 in number,
with nine Marist Brothers and two Dominican Sisters.

When Br. Leo Shea left in June of '95 to join the administration of the Esopus
province, I took over many of his responsibilities, The most exciting part has
been working with the architects and engineers on the design and reconstruction.
Meanwhile, Brother Don Neary ('68) has been appointed President of Lourdes
High and Duchess Educational Park for a three year term. Br. Larry Lavalee
('74) continues as the Principal.
My two years at Lourdes will end in July when I will move to do the finances at
St. Joseph's Academy in Brownsville. Since I left my 1966 novitiate year in
Tyngsboro, I have been on faculty at St. Joseph's in Trumbull, faculty and
administration at St. Joseph's in Laredo, faculty at St. Augustine, Laredo, faculty
and administration at Marisin Public High School, Laredo, Sangre de Cristo
Renewal Program, administration at St. Joseph's in Brownsville, administration
at Bishop Carroll in Ebensburg .. Pennsylvania, faculty and administration at
Good Counsel in Neward, faculty at Coleman in Kingston, and administration
here at Lourdes.
I have enjoyed reading the letters from men who were in Tyngsboro and in
various communities with me. They have brought back many memories. As of
July 13th my address will be 101 St. Joseph Drive, Brownsville, Texas, 78520.
The largest construction project of the summer is the ten million dollar building
of an academic center and new Brothers' residence at Marist Brothers
International School in Kobe, Japan. The new four story academic building and
school entrance is being retrofitted for protection against future earthquakes.
( from the Province N ewsnotes)
FROM JOE (Joel Gilmary) STRANG ('53): Enjoyed the article on Br. Peter
Anthony by my classmate Bill Deschene. Thanks for the good memories in
Marists All. I am visiting exotic places (now in Jordan) while teaching aboard a
U. S. Navy amphibious assult vessel. In many ways the sailors remind me of our
monks: dedicated, hardworking, and in uniform.I often compare lifestyles with
my students. (P.O. Box 857, Pacific Grove, Ca. 93950)
FROM PAT GALLAGHER ('53): This September it will be fifty years since I
first met David Kammer, an editor of this newsletter; I was his student in the
fifth grade at St, Ann's Academy. Last April I passed my 60th milestone. Mary
took me to Yosemite, to a place I hadn't seen before. It was so magnificent at that
time of year, still. snow under the trees. In time I'll slow down a bit, but I'm still
jogging the mountain roads, and working at the skills I learned in Esopus,
Tyngsboro, and Poughkeepsie: cutting down trees, clearing land, and building
stone walls.
In late March we went to England to see a friend who had a brain tumor. A
number of times he had asked to see us, and thinking that chances of his beating
the disease were slight, we cashed in our frequent flyer coupons and went. He
and his wife, with their wonderful. attitudes toward whatever was coming, taught
us a lot about living and treasuring time together. While in England, we stopped
to see the most magnificent of cathedrals, Canterbury. I remembered my college
Chaucer as we wended our way down that road and through the old streets of the

Some time ago I was a panelist at a conference in Savannah. When I was
introduced to my co-panelist, he laughed and said, "Hi, Brother Pat." The last
time I had seen Bob Hoffman (Roselle .. '65) was 29 years ago when he was a
plebe at West Point. Bob became a lieutenant, went to Nam, stayed in the
Rangers, and before retiring was heading up the Ranger Fourth Battalion. He has
an M.A. in Sports Physiology and is now working for a company promoting
police physical fitness. So now our paths cross on the circuit. what a wonderful
credit he is to the Brothers and to Roselle.
We'd love to host any of you driving along 1-81 (Exit 114) or the Blue Ridge
Parkway (milepost 155). (The Wild Geese Inn, P.O. Box 60, Indian Valley, Va.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Wonderful stories of the "monkery," hopefully never to be
lost. The story of Pete Anthony by Bill Deschene, the story of Berkie by Joe
Maura, marvelous! There are so many more stories that make the rounds by
word of mouth at jubilee celebrations, at "blowouts," at reunions. Let's hope we
can convert some of those stories to writing that they may never suffer
diminishment, that they be a record and remembrance of a rich Marist culture.
Who will write about Francis Xavier, Henry Charles, Big Ben, John Pat, Leo Hy,
Wally, Sarge, Herbie Daniel, Bimbo ... We don't have to wait for the passing of
many of the good gays to tell their stories. And we need to broaden the record of
our culture by including your experiences and your ongoing story!
Write soon to Gus Nolan, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York, 12601, or to
David Kammer (August) R.R. 2, Box 3300, Oakland, Maine, 04963 (September)
476 LaPlaya, Edgewater, Florida, 32141