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Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1915

January. The 1st brings the traditional gathering for New Year wishes. Brother Provincial says a few kind words and gives us all some advice.

On the 6th the Juniors give a bit of entertainment in which the young performers put all their know how to please the audience.

February. On the 27th we are visited by BB. Joseph-Wenceslas and Léon-Alphonse coming from Italy and on their way to Canada.

In 1910 Bro. Léon-Alphonse, then E. Ellard coming from the Juniorate of Lévis, Canada, had left with our Austin O'Donnell for the International Juniorate in Grugliasco, accompanied by Rev. Brother Stratonique, Superior General.

April. On the 10th Brother Bassus, cook, takes possession of his new kitchen.

On the 18th the Juniors provide more entertainment on the occasion of the feastday of St. Anicetus, patron of Brother Director General.

May. On the 13th, Ascension Day, our good and intelligent Brother Pierre-Raphael, Principal of St. Peter's School, not feeling well for a few days now, is taken to St. Francis Hospital.

On the 17th the sickness, typhoid pneumonia, having gotten worse, he is given the Last Rites.

On the 19th at 5 a.m. he returns his beautiful soul to God after having been able to see his brother, Bro. Marie-Saintin who had arrived the night before from Canada.

The body of our regretted deceased was brought from the hospital and laid in our parlor turned into a funeral chapel. He was visited by many people from the parish where he was well liked and was doing much good for the children. He always had outstanding success with his students and was a model Principal.

On the 21st at 6 a.m. Requiem Mass in the Community Chapel, and at 9 a.m. the casket is transferred to St. Peter's Church with the Community attending. There a second Requiem Mass is sung.

Rev. Father Sheahan, pastor of the parish and celebrant, gave a moving allocution on the dear deceased, who is brought back to be interred in the Community cemetery. Rev. Father Dillon was there to say the final prayers.

June. Death of Bro. Namase. The 2nd of this month Brother Provincial, accompanied by Bro. John Casimir, brings back the mortal remains of our dear Bro. Namase, who died in Manchester on May 31.

At 11 a.m. after a final absolution our regretted Deceased goes to sleep in peace next to Bro. Pierre-Raphael.

These are two excellent Brothers and 2 good teachers who are taken from us in a few days. They have gone to add to the Marist family in heaven.

On the 20th 8 Juniors received the sacrament of Confirmation in St. Peter's Church, given by Bishop J.P. Hayes, Auxiliary Bishop of His Eminence Cardinal Farley.

Brother Provincial having been promised a visit by the Bishop for that evening, the welcome preparations are made, but we are disappointed. His Grandeur, having been obliged to go to some rural parishes, came by only at 9 p.m., when the Community was going to bed. His secretary came in to express His Grandeur's regrets.

August. On the 11th of this month a statue of the Sacred Heart is put up in the Juniorate yard. Bro. M. Florentius made the pedestal for it in cement.

September. On the 5th, announcement of the results of the June compositions; 9 Juniors receive their 1st diploma.

On the 7th, studies take up again with spirit.

December. On the 14th a rumor goes around, all too true, that one of the 2 bungalows had been leveled by the weight of the snow that fell that evening and night, and we all go see the damage: three sides have caved in and the roof lies on the floor. ...There's a good job ahead for our Brothers Carpenters already too few.

The year ends with the Christmas celebrations.

Individual Project.

During the summer vacation a few projects are started to build a vegetable caveau [cellar] next to the Juniorate barn. Under the direction of Bro. M. Florentius, several blastings prepare the place, which is all rock. Brothers Michel-Ange and Sanctus; helped by other Brothers and some Scholastics, built the caveau later. It was finished in October.

Bro. Heribert, Provincial
Bro. M. Anicetus, Director General, local and provincial Econome
Bro. Adolph-Leo, Master of Novices
Bro. John Casimir, Master of Juniors
Bro. Ptolomeus, Master of Scholastics
18 other Brothers, teaching or doing manual work
12 Scholastics
18 Novices
54 Juniors

In 1915
16 Postulants took the Habit
6 Novices took their First Vows
7 Brothers made Perpetual Profession

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