Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1918
January. A new year starts, as usual, with the good wishes and talks of our dear Brother Provincial to all the communities of the Provincial House gathered together. This gathering shows that family spirit is still well alive in the hearts of the Marist Brothers of the United States.
On the 6th, pleasant, short entertainment of songs, talks, violin and piano pieces performed by the Juniors introduces some small break in the winter monotony.
March. On the 16th, our devoted Bro. François-Isidore, tailor and sacristan, dies in St. Francis Hospital where, a few days before, he had been operated on for varicose veins from which he had long suffered. On the 18th, after the Requiem Mass for the deceased, his mortal remains are taken to the Community cemetery.
On the 16th of this month, when the Church celebrates the feast of St. Heribert, Bro. Director General's patron, we cancelled all the preparations which had been made in honor of the Superior of the House, as sign of our mourning.
April. On April 11 we receive the official news that Bro. Heribert has been named Provincial, replacing Brother Dacianus who, to the great scandal of all his subordinates, had abandoned his vocation.
It would not be out of place here to note that on the 14th of this month there took place in our [word undecipherable] a family celebration on the occasion of Bro. MarieCephas's 60th birthday. This celebration brought joy to the Community and comforted the Brothers whom the departure of the Provincial (Bro. Dacianus) had stunned.
That same day 4 Juniors became Postulants, adding to their numbers.
June. On June 24 the first retreat, followed by 38 Brothers, is preached by Rev. Father Aubin, S.S.E., great friend of the Brothers. His talks and conferences were as had been expected, all heart and all soul. At the closing on July 1 there was a solemn consecration of the Province to the Sacred Heart by our dear Brother Provincial.
July. On July 2, under the direction of Bro. Legontianus, director of our school in Manchester, and with the help of BB. Francis Regis, Titien, Aubery and others, work on the cement basin to receive the water from the stream coming from the Winslow property is begun. Most of the cost is covered by entertainment and plays given in our schools.
On the 16th, opening of the Novitiate retreat, preached by Rev. Father Cronin, S.J. On the 26th, patronal feast of the property, the solemn closing takes place. 10 Postulants take the religious Habit and 20 Novices make their First Vows. The sermon is preached by Rev. Father Burns, S.J., minister at St. Andrew's. Once again we could appreciate how much this good Father loves us. He pointed out to these young men what they had to become to do the good which the Catholic population expected of them. Talking next to the parents, he encouraged them to complete the sacrifice which they had already done of their sons, and he made them see the great reward promised by the Divine Master.
The 31st of this same month, 5 Brothers who had prolonged till now the retreat followed with the Novices took their Final Vows.
August. The third retreat began on the l6th, preached by Rev. Father Williams, S.J., one of the first chaplains of our House in Poughkeepsie and great friend of our work.
On the 31st of this same month, 12 Juniors enter the Novitiate.
September. Opening of school on September 3: 12 Scholastics under the direction of BB. Ptolomeus and Legontianus; 12 Postulants and 10 Novices with Bro. Adolph Leo as Master of Novices, Bro. Zepheriny as Sub-Master, and BB. Paul Acyndinus and Jerome Vincent as teachers; 31 Juniors under the direction of BB. John Casimir, Jos. Severinus, Jos. Walter, Joseph Godwin, Frederick Charles.
The personnel of the Provincial House is as follows:
Rev. Bro. Heribert, Provincial
Bro. Marie Anicetus, Director General & Econome
Bro. Marcellien Louis, infirmarian
And 12 Brothers doing various manual work
October. The former barn being too small to hold all the hay harvested on the property, the Brothers Carpenters add to it on the east side and make it accessible to carriages.
During this same month the small building in mud bricks to the west of the garage is built to house the batteries, a small dynamo, and the switchboard. Nothing much of note happened this month. The beautiful feast of Christmas is celebrated with its customary solemnity. The year ends leaving the Provincial House some very useful improvements.
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