Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1920
January. The first day of the new year occasions the traditional greetings and good wishes. Gathering of the various Communities at the Juniorate, presided over as usual by dear Bro. Provincial who suggests 6 means to spend this new year in a holy way, consequently in a happy way. Happiness and holy joy appear on every face, especially the Benjamins.
On the 6th, feast of the Epiphany, two Postulants take the Holy Habit; the best wishes of the entire Community for their perseverance go with them.
On the 20th, Regents Exams are given in the Novitiate under the supervision of our dear Bro. Legontianus, Director and delegate of St. Ann's Academy in NY.
On the 24th, two of our Brothers from Mexico, returning from Europe and having served during the entire Great War, pay us a pleasant visit; the account of their exploits was most interesting.
On the 29th, 6 Juniors animated with excellents dispositions, enter the Novitiate.
February. On the 2nd, the Community is not celebrating; the flu epidemic raging in the region makes its appearance at the Hermitage: Brothers, Novices, Postulants and Juniors catch it each in turn. Two Sisters from St. Francis Hospital were kind enough to help us. Day and night they worked to save our sick. Good Sister Madeleine spent 36 hours without a break at the side of Bro. Michel-Ange. The Good Lord did not judge it proper to reward the zeal of this devoted religious in this world.
Our doctor, C.J. McCambridge, gave us on this occasion countless proofs of his affection and devotedness for our work. Neither the large amount of snow which covered the ground nor the almost constant storms nor his numerous patients in town prevented him from visiting our sick Brothers and children 2 and even 3 times a day. More than 60 members of the Community are affected at the same time. Several lives were in danger, but thanks to the devotedness of the Good Sisters, of the doctor, and of some Brothers who stayed healthy: dear Bro. Provincial, Bro. John Casimir, Bro. Paul Acyndinus, Bro. Marie Cephas, Bro. Altin, and dear Brothers Legontianus and Stylien, who came from NY to reinforce the help, we had only one loss to mourn.
Our dear and devoted Brother Michel, counting on his strong health, having delayed a bit too long before being cared for, became a victim of the epidemic; on the 10th, he received the Last Rites and on the 15th in the morning he returned his beautiful soul to God, in his 50th year. On the 17th the Requiem Mass was said in the Novitiate, where he had died, and from there his mortal remains were transported to the great Marist reliquary of the Hermitage, next to the Brothers who had already left for the big Marist province in Heaven.
On the 21st of this month, 6 Brothers from the Province of Canada returning from Europe stop by to say hello.
On the 24th, Bro. Adolph Leo returns to us after his Second Novitiate. He is named assistant to the Provincial [ undecipherable; possibly Procurator].
March. On the 3rd, dear Brother Alphonsus Mary, from the Province of New Zealand, on his way to the General Chapter, spends two days in our midst. He gives a very interesting conference on our work, the mores and the products of New Zealand and Australia.
On the 24th, BB. Gabriel Marie and Marie Beatrix from the province of Canada and delegates to the Chapter, together with BB. Classicus and Louis Joanny going on a family visit, stop in Poughkeepsie.
On the 31st, our dear Brother Provincial, accompanied by dear Brother Legontianus, Bro. Jos. Emerie, Provincial of Canada, and the two delegates from Mexico leave for the General Chapter, and also Bro. Marie Anicetus who is going to see his elderly parents. We assure them of our best wishes and prayers for a Bon Voyage. Dear Brother Ptolomeus, First Councillor, takes charge of the Province during the absence of dear Brother Provincial, and good Brother Adolph Leo, for the time being, handles the finances of the Province and the Provincial House.
April. On April 3, dear Brother Denis, Provincial of New Zealand, visits us briefly on his way to the General Chapter. He says a few words to the Community which is happy to listen to this Brother coming from such a far-away country.
On the 17th, still another pleasant visit, this time from our Brothers in Oceania: Brother Albano, Vice-Provincial of New Caledonia, also en route to the General Chapter. He is accompanied by dear Brother Felix Eugene, one of his great friends, having worked a long time together in those distant countries.
On the 24th, Brother Jos. Cesidius, econome in St. Ann's Academy, NY, installs an electric dish washing machine in the Juniorate. The Juniors will no longer burn their fingers in the boiling water.
May. On the 26th, we receive a cablegram from Grugliasco announcing the nomination of dear Brother Diogene as Superior General of the Congregation.
June. 14. Dear Bro. John Casimir, Master of Juniors, having received permission to go spend some time in his native country, says good-bye. Bon Voyage and Safe Return!
On the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, Regents Exams are given, supervised by Bro. Islide from the Academy in NY.
July. On the 4th of this month BB. Chryseuil and Priscillian of the Province of Canada, on their way to France, stop at St. Ann's Hermitage for part of the day.
On the 8th, after a good trip to Europe, Bro. M. Anicetus returns.
A few Brothers from Canada returning from Europe stop to visit St. Ann's Hermitage; they spend a few hours with the Community.
On July 2, good Bro. Paul Mary undergoes a major operation with great suffering, which he bears with admirable resignation and heroic courage. Ten days later Rev. Father Byrne, S.J., gives him the Last Rites. How the dear sick Brother counts himself happy to be assisted by such a holy Priest and to have persevered in his holy vocation.
On Sunday the 14th, after having received a final blessing, the good Brother returns his soul to God towards 7 p.m. The long and very painful sufferings which he so patiently bore surely must have abridged his purgatory. The Requiem Mass took place on the 15th and his mortal remains were transported next to those of the good Brothers who had preceded him.
On the 10th, opening of the Novitiate retreat, preached by Rev. Father Corbert, S.J.
On the 20th, we have the pleasure of welcoming dear Brother Provincial returning from the General Chapter; what interesting things he had to tell us!
At the closing of the retreat, the day of the feast of Good St. Ann, presided over by Rev. Father Williams, 21 Postulants take on Mary's livery. The next day at Mass Bro. Abelus takes his Vow of Stability; BB. Emile Nestor and George Henry make their Perpetual Vows; 10 Novices take their First Vows.
August. The general retreat begins on the 20th and ends on the 27th; it is preached by Rev. Father Murphy, S.J. 81 Brothers make that retreat. At the closing Bro. Altin makes his Vow of Stability.
The last retreat takes place from August 30th to September 4th; it is preached by Rev. Father De La Chapelle, Provincial of the Marist Fathers. 39 Brothers are present. Bro. Marcellien Louis makes the Vow of Stability and Bro. Victor Aime his Perpetual Vows, delayed by reason of age.
The personnel of the [Provincial] House is as follows:
Bro. Heribert, Provincial
Bro. M. Anicetus, Director & Econome
Bro. Marcellien Louis, Infirmarian
Bro. M. Cephas; Bro. Pierre Augustin
Bro. Frederick Charles, Recruiter
Bro. Abelus; Bro. Frederick Etienne; Bro. Altin; Bro. Louis Sanctus; Bro. Onesime Gerard; Bro. Jos. Anthyme; Bro. Paul Gaspard; Bro. George Leo
The Personnel of the Novitiate:
Bro. Zepheriny, Master of Novices; Br. Paul Acyndinus, Sub-Master;
BB. Jerome Vincent, Jo. Arthur
Personnel of the Juniorate:
BB. John Casimir, Leo Anselm, Jos. Walter, Wilfrid Mary, Leo Mary
On September 27th, the Juniors are happy to wish a warm "welcome" to dear Bro. John Casimir, their Director who is returning from Europe.
From October 6th to 9th, a special retreat is held for the Juniors for the first time. It is preached by Rev. Father Corbett, S.J.
On November 10th, we learn of the death of dear Bro. Marie Sylvain. He died at St. Ann's Hermitage, France. He was getting ready to return after a family visit when he got blood poisoning. He succumbed after 4 or 5 days of sickness.
On the 29th of this same month, the improvement made to the shoe room and the cabinets [toilets?] is finished. The changes made are appreciated.
On December 18, the automobile garage started in November is completed.
On the 25th, Christmas returns with its happy chimes; religious celebrations, open cheeriness are the order of the day.
During the year 1920, especially in the Fall, the Novitiate surroundings were embellished by planting trees, improving the roads, enlarging the Novitiate playground, etc. We must note especially the splendid Calvary group of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, St. John and St. Mary Magdalen, gift of Mrs. Dowd. The cement pedestal and stairway are the work of Bro. Paul Acyndinus.
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