Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1921
To ask Heaven's blessings on the New Year, we begin the first day with a High Mass very well sung by the Novices and Juniors. Next come the traditional good wishes.
On the evening of January 2nd, anniversary of the founding of the Institute, there is a very interesting production on the origins of the Congregation, the Venerable Father, and our first Brothers.
On the 10th of this month, two Novices who had taken the Marist Habit on January 6 of the year before pronounced their First Vows.
On the 11th, a Dodge, secondhand but very good, is put in the garage. The drivers especially appreciate this acquisition.
On the 18th, 19th, and 20th, Regents exams are given. On the 26th, 16 very happy and well disposed Juniors enter the Novitiate; may they all persevere in the excellent dispositions animating them all.
February. On Sunday 20th, a huge snow storm obliges us to sing Vespers without a priest. The next morning the ground is covered with so much snow that the little sleigh which had not been used for a long time is returned to service.
March. On the 8th, the rumbling of thunder is heard; it seems to announce the end of winter; in fact, on the 13th, the first game of "Base Ball" is played.
On the 14th, BB. Louis Humbert and Andreas, from the Province of Canada, returning from Europe, spend the day at the Hermitage, happy to see the old Brothers once again and visit the property.
During this month the Brothers Carpenters embellish the walls of the central part of the chapel, putting in panels and moldings as in the sanctuary. The back remains the same because it will shortly be changed by the addition to be made on the west of the present building.
The new part will include a large refectory, an enlargement of the chapel, a study hall for the use of the Brothers in the Provincial House, rooms for the Brothers, an infirmary, a dormitory for the Juniors, etc.
On the 29th, the first pickaxe is put to the foundations.
April. On the 18th, dear Brother Angelicus, Assistant General and delegate of the Rev. Bro. Superior General for the visits to the provinces of the United States and Canada, lands in New York. On the 22nd, he arrives by car after having covered the 75 miles which separate Poughkeepsie and New York. The welcome he received was most filial and somewhat grandiose.
After a few days spent at the Hermitage he went to New England and from there to Canada.
Rev. Brother Stratonique, former Superior General, returning from visiting the provinces of South America, and eager to see once again the work he had established in North America when he was Assistant General, took the student road after his official visit; June 24 he lands in New York. The welcome given to "Grandfather"-he loved to call himself that-at the Provincial House in Poughkeepsie was most impressive and filial. The response to the welcome speech given him by Brother Zepheriny showed how deep were his affection and attachment to his children in the United States and Canada.
Very Rev. Brother Stratonique and dear Brother Assistant presided over the various retreats. Needless to say that the Brothers were most happy to see these Venerated Superiors once again and to listen to their lively words, penetrating and wholly paternal.
On July 16th, the Novitiate retreat began, preached by Rev. Father J. McGuire, S.J. At the end of this retreat 16 Postulants took the Marist Habit, 20 Novices made their First Vows, and two Brothers made Perpetual Profession.
The general retreat which took place from August 19-26 was preached by Rev. Father H.A. Dalton, S.J. 78 Brothers followed the exercises, three Brothers made Perpetual Profession and Brothers Mary Florentius and Veterin pronounced the Vow of Stability.
From August 30 to September 5 the exercises of the last retreat took place; 44 Brothers were present. Bro. Elie-Justin made the Vow of Stability. Rev. Father Maitraux, S.M.S., was the preacher.
In order to intensify recruiting among the French Canadian population of New England, Very Rev. Bro. Stratonique and dear Brother Angelicus strongly insisted that a Juniorate be opened in the Boston area. To do this, we bought a property of some 200 acres in Tyngsboro, MA, at the end of August.
During the school year 1921-1922 the personnel of the Provincial House was as follows:
Bro. Heribert, Provincial
Bro. M. Anicetus, Director & Procurator
Bro. M. Cephas
Bro. Altin
Bro. Abelus
Bro. Jos. Anthyme
Bro. Pierre Augustin
Bro. Jerome Vincent
Bro. Louis Sanctus
Bro. Paul Gaspard
Bro. Frederic Charles
Bro. Frederic Etienne
Bro. Onesime Gerard
Bro. Ovide Francis
Bro. Andrew Bernard
Bro. Henry Omer
Bro. James Austin
On December 28 news of the nomination of dear Bro. Legontianus, Director of St. Ann's Academy in New York, as Provincial is announced by Bro. Heribert, who resigned. The next day the various communities of the Provincial House, gathered in the Novitiate as one happy family, are happy to offer their homage and best wishes to the Newly Elected, as well as their thanks to dear Bro. Heribert for the devotedness he brought to the government of the Province during the time of his administration.
During the course of the year our Brothers Carpenters: BB. Jos. Anthyme, Altin & Abelus, put up the walls and installed the roof on the Juniorate extension: 100 feet long, 28 wide, and 4 storeys high.
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