Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1923
The projects to improve and enlarge the Juniorate are continued.
Eight Brothers in the Province obtain the "State Life Certificate."
The February Bulletin is dedicated to dear Brother Angelicus, A.G., on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee.
In this same Bulletin the Brothers are told that only those who have completed two years of High School will be called to the Scholasticate.
On February 2 we receive the news that our Houses of Formation are recognized by the Regents of the University of New York as "High Schools" with full rights.
The second edition of the Office Book is prepared by Bro. Francis Borgia, then teacher at St. Ann's Academy.
Towards mid-March entertainment is provided by the Juniors. Shortly after that the Scholastics also entertain us.
The Juniorate lab is enlarged. Bro. Louis Viateur sends a beautiful collection of birds and some stuffed animals from Manchester.
The April Bulletin is dedicated to Rev. Brother Diogene, S.G., on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee which will be solemnly celebrated on the 241h of the same month. A superb Spiritual Bouquet is sent him, as well as 4000 lire for the chapel in San Leone Magno in Rome.
In June Bro. Charles Honore receives the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the University of Jefferson & Lincoln in Chicago, and the Brothers who are to follow courses at Fordham are told that they have to notify Brother Provincial and that their names must be sent to the Secretary before June 30.
The annual retreats take place on the following dates: the first, from July 16-26 for the Brothers preparing their Perpetual Profession, and for the Novices and Postulants; it is preached by Rev. X. McFadden, SJ.; the second, from August 17-24 by Rev. John G. Mahoney, S.J.; the third, from August 29-September 5 by Rev. D. Barillec, O.P., who preaches in French.
At the end of these retreats 11 Brothers make their First Vows, 45 Brothers renew their Temporary Vows, and 2 Brothers make their Perpetual Vows.
BB. Victor Hilaire, Frederick Charles, Alphonse Victor and Leo Hyacinth make the vow of Stability.
Bro. Adolph Leo is renamed Master of Novices.
Before winter sets in, Bro. Paul Acyndinus, helped by the Novices, finishes the cement wall along "Delafield Street."
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