Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1929
January 9. Slight flu epidemic. It strikes especially the Scholastics.
February 2. Brother Ptolomeus's fiftieth anniversary of the taking of the Habit. High Mass. Beautiful sermon by a Jesuit Father. Reception by the assembled community.
March 3. Bro. Francis Borgia, director of St. Ann's Academy, is elected Assistant General.
After a visit to Poughkeepsie, he leaves for Canada accompanied by Bro. Paul Stratonic.
May 29. Bro. Marie Cephas is found dead in his bed. Nothing had let us foresee so sudden a death. He was 69 years old.
July 28. Blessing of the Provincial House in Iberville, Canada. The Province of the United States is represented by BB. Leo, Provincial, Ptolomeus, Heribert, Felix Eugene.
Some 40 Brothers follow summer courses in Poughkeepsie and 25 at Fordham; they stay at Mt. St. Michael's.
The cost for the work in the Scholasticate comes to $30,000 for the construction and $10,000 for the furnishings.
In August the Provincial Council decides to reopen the 8th grade in the Poughkeepsie Juniorate.
Bro. Charles Honore, principal at St. Ann's Academy, is authorized to follow summer courses at the Catholic University in Washington; he lives with the Marist Fathers.
Brothers are forbidden to leave the property in lay dress, i.e. without the Roman collar.
The High School in Lowell is closed; the Brothers' salary is raised from $450 to $550.
At St. Agnes H.S. the Brothers' salary is $900.
We decide to reprint the "Plan Book" or Class Preparation copybook.
Dear Brother Assistant recommends two monthly Recollections longer than usual. One of them will take place on Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the other on Good Friday if possible.
The Saturday fast can be modified for those Brothers who go take courses outside.
The retreat for the Novices and Postulants is preached by Rev. Atlee F.X. Devereux, S.J. Dear Brother Assistant gives a conference every day and on closing day he receives the First Vows of 6 Novices.
The big retreat is preached by Rev. James Molloy, C.P. Bro. Francis Borgia gives the 8:30 conference. Closing on August 20.
The retreat preparatory to Perpetual Profession is held in Tyngsboro from July 16-26. It is presided by dear Bro. Florentius. Dear Brother Assistant receives the Perpetual Vows of 1O Brothers. Preacher: Rev. Van ... [undecipherable].
The last retreat takes place August 26-September 2. It is preached by Rev. Venantius Buessing, O.F.M. Cap. Bro. Assistant gives the 8:30 conference.
At the end of the various retreats 11 Brothers made Perpetual Profession and 44 renewed their Temporary Vows.
Bro. Tertullian took the Vow of Stability.
During the year the Dutton Company had asked to buy 600 more feet of our river front on the Hudson.
The deal is concluded for the sum of $50,000. We still have a piece of land immediately to the north of what has been sold. It's about 180 feet long.
During this year Rev. Bruce McLean, O.M.I., comes twice a week from Newburg to teach Philosophy to the Scholastics.
Mr. Pierre Marique, Professor at Fordham, comes once a week to teach the Scholastics the History of Pedagogy. We.take him to St. Andrew's at 4 p.m. where he also teaches.
October 30. Bro. Francis Borgia, A.G., takes the DeGrasse together with dear Brother Celestin, recruiter in Canada. They're going to Le Havre.
December 7. Death of Bro. John Francis. Two days later the funeral is presided over by Rev. Francis Brennan, S.S.S.
Personnel in 1928:
Bro. Leo, Prov.
Bro. Ptolomeus, Dir.
Bro. M. Anicetus, Prov. Econ.
Bro. Altin, Sub-Director
Bro. Pierre Aug.
Bro. Louis Sanctus
Bro. Victor Hilaire, tailor
Bro. Alex. Josephat, Ass't Librarian
Bro. Charles Ernest, Econ.
Bro. Bassus, Chef
Br. Tarcisius, Ass't Chef
Bro. Rob. Francis, laundry
Bro. Louis Frederick
In the Infirmary:
Bro. Elie Justin, lnfirmarian, replaced by Bro. Eugene Francis in August
Bro. Marcellien Louis
Bro. Abelus
Bro. John Francis
In the Scholasticate:
Bro. Emile Nestor
Bro. Joseph Abel
Bro. Francis Louis, Librarian
With 21 Scholastics
In the Novitiate:
Bro. Adolph Leo, Master
Bro. Paul Acyndinus
Bro. Leo Camille
Bro. Philippe Joseph
Bro. Gabriel Vincent
Bro. Climacus Leo
Bro. Victor Edward
In the Juniorate:
Bro. Paul Stratonic
Bro. John Philibert
Bro. Anthony of Padua
Bro. Joseph Albert
Bro. Hubert Joseph
Bro. David James
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