Annals of St. Ann's Hermitage: 1930
January 1. Customary greetings exchanged in the Juniors' recreation hall.
The community in Lawrence sends gifts in nature (300 volumes) for the Scholasticate library. $65 (Christmas gifts) are sent by some Brothers in the establishments.
Scholarships were founded the year before for the Houses of Formation.
February 2. Vermillion Jubilee [70 years] of dear Brother Cesidius in Iberville. Brothers Ptolomeus and Felix Eugene are delegated to represent the Province of the United States. Beautiful family celebration. Besides the Brothers from the area, the priests of the parish were present.
March 4. A first contract to remove the stones from the Scholasticate playground is given to Mr. Bogos from Poughkeepsie for the sum of $750, $350 to be paid when half the work has been done and $400 at completion.
March 31. Another contract is given to the same Mr. Bogos to continue grading the playground.
In March the order is given to fill out the Bulletins of Information for the Vows on a determined day, during meditation time. Requests for admission [to the Vows] must be made at the same time.
Decision of dear Brother Assistant to have two recollections longer than the others; the first on Good Friday and the other on Friday after Thanksgiving.
The Brothers in Savannah send 60 volumes for the Scholasticate library.
April 4. Dr. Heisler visits to be sure that the studies in the Scholasticate correspond to the first two years of college.
April 9. Final certification by the Regents of the University of the State of New York of the Scholasticate in Poughkeepsie as a Junior College under the name of "Marist Training School."
Also, approval of the Religion course in the High School.
In April a plot of land of about 5 acres is bought in Washington, D.C. The land is located at a short distance from the Catholic University. This purchase is made with the intention of establishing a house of studies there later.
Bishop Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore, sees our arrival with pleasure. This prelate is a former student of the Brothers in Athlone, Ireland.
May 5. The final contract, $275, is given Mr. Bogos for grading the Scholastics' playground.
A stone crusher is ordered from the New Holland Man [?] Co. Cost: $573, plus freight charges.
A secondhand tractor is bought for the sum of $100, plus $15 for delivery charges, and $150 for repairs.
On Easter Monday, visit of dear Brother Jules-Adrien, Provincial of Canada, on his way to Europe with Bro. Jos. Germain of the same Province.
June 20. Brothers Joseph Abel and Philippe Joseph go to New York to represent the community at the graduation exercises and awards at St. Ann's Academy.
July 3. Bro. Paul Acyndinus replaces Bro. Charles Ernest as local econome. Bro. Charles Ernest has been appointed to Mt. St. Michael's in the Bronx.
July 5. Eleven Brothers come to St. Ann's Hermitage to take college courses, and two others to complete their High School.
July 16. Beginning of the retreat for the Postulants and Novices. It is preached by Rev. Father Wheeler, S.J. Very high temperatures for the first days. The closing ceremony, July 26, is presided over by Rev. Joseph Crokes, Vicar General of Savannah, GA. Eleven Postulants take the Marist Habit and twelve Novices make their First Vows.
The number of Juniors at the Hermitage reaches 56.
August 14. Opening of the first retreat, preached by Rev. Father F.E. Cerrutte, S.J. 90 Brothers follow the exercises.
August 26. 82 Brothers make the last retreat from August 26-September 3. It is preached by Rev. Father Apollinar Baumgartner, Capuchin.
The personnel of the Provincial House is made up as follows:
Bro. Leo, Prov.
Bro. Ptolomeus, Dir. Gen.
Bro. M. Anicetus, Prov. Econ.
Bro. Altin, D.D. [actually S.D.]
Bro. Abelus, gardener
Bro. Pierre Augustin
Bro. Paul Acyndinus, local Econ.
Bro. Victor Hilaire, tailor
Bro. Louis Sanctus, greenhouses
Bro. Alexander Josaphat, Ass't Librarian
Bro. Tarcisius, Chef
Bro. Robert Francis, laundry
Bro. Edward Francis, farm
Bro. Louis Frederick, farm help
Bro. Jerome Eugene, ass't tailor
Bro. Climacus Leo, Ass't Chef
In the Infirmary:
Bro. Eugene Francis, Infirmarian
Bro. Edmund Jude, sick
In the Scholasticate:
Bro. Emile Nestor, Master
Bro. Adrian August, Professor
Bro. Joseph Abel, Sub-Master
Bro. Francis Louis, Librarian
21 young student Brothers
In the Novitiate:
Bro. Adolph Leo, Master
Bro. Leo Camille, Sub-Master/H. S. 3
Bro. Marie Petrus, teacher
Bro. Edward Wilfrid, H. S. 2
Bro. John Boniface, teacher
Bro. Gabriel Vincent, Prefect
Bro. Emile Michel, tailor
Bro. Austin Mary, Chef
Bro. Joannes Alexius, Ass't Chef
11 Novices & 18 Postulants
In the Juniorate:
Bro. Paul Stratonic, Master
Bro. John Philibert, Sub-Master/H.S. 2
Bro. Philibertus, H.S. 1
Bro. Owen Cuthbert, 8th grade
Bro. Joseph Albert, Prefect
[56 Juniors]
October 20. We decide to repair the organ in the chapel. A series of pipes from an organ recently dismantled in Rhinebeck was bought through Mr. Rose of Poughkeepsie. Cost: $30. This same Mr. Rose oversees the work, for the sum of $100. Finding that that sum was not high enough, he did only part of the work; Bro. Adrian August, with the help of a few Brothers, finished the job.
December 26. Bro. Leo, Provincial, goes to New York and returns on Saturday the 27th with Bro. Henry Charles, Director of St. Ann's Academy, who had been very recently named Provincial. The new superior is welcomed with the singing of the ''Magnificat" in the chapel, Brother Provincial joining the choir. That same day, Bro. Paul Stratonic, Master of Juniors, goes to take over St. Ann's Academy. Bro. John Philibert is named Master of Juniors. Bro. Leo, former Provincial, replaces him as SubMaster and teacher.
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