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Marists All May 2011

Issue #104

Visit the photo album to see two new photos sent by Oke O'Connell, one of a Brothers basketball team at Marist College, the other full group of the Esopus Juniors around 1960 and four photos submitted by Joseph Foden, a Novice in Esopus in 1960.

In memoriam: Joseph Lemire (former Brother Paschal Emile) died 24 October 2010 in Union, New Jersey. He was born 22 Feb 1923 and was a member of the group of 1941.

From BOB AND GINNY GRADY('53): I would like to update the Marists All readers on this year's Marist Spirituality Weekend to be held on July 8, 9, and 10 at Marist College. - The theme for the weekend is based on the book Gathered Around the Same Table -The Vocation of Champagnat's Marist Laity.

We extend an open invitation to all those interested in joining us this summer. Those interested in participating, please send a twenty-five dollar deposit to Br. Charles Marcellin. The cost for the weekend will be $185 for an individual and $330 for a couple. If you have any questions regarding the weekend, please call us.

From RICH FOY ('46): Art Devlin ('45) sent me a copy of an article from the Florida Catholic featuring four Marist Brother jubilarians I was especially impressed because Br. Chanel Lambert ('41) was our chef in my first year in Esopus (1942-1943). I decided to transcribe the info into an essay on the Marists All web site, adding some vignettes about Chanel. I did not want to let the material hang around my files to be misplaced. Chanel hopes to get to Poughkeepsie sometime this summer. I hope that we will be able to have Gus Nolan interview him. My half hour telephone conversation with him was chock full of events in his Marist life. George Gershwin once said that there were so many melodies floating around in his head that he did not have time to jot them all down. I felt that way during the conversation with Chanel.
Wouldn't it be interesting to have a round robin of early Esopus attendees? Chanel is the only faculty member alive, but we have my brother Peter and me from 1942-1943 and Gus from 1944-1947. It might make for a great recording of memories. Add Thomas O'Connor from Gus's group. And don't forget that David worked to get the place ready for the juniors and later cooked there.
To review info on current jubilarians, check the essay section on the MaristsAll web site.

Post script: On May 2, 2011 Brother William Lavigne wrote: ... Chanel Lambert had a stroke yesterday. He came to my room at 3:00 a.m. for help and I saw the signs of a stroke - limp right arm, twisted mouth, no verbal speech and called 911...he's in Baptist Hospital here in Miami where they are running tests to diagnose the cause of the stroke, probably a clot. He has been alert and conscious the whole time but will have to undergo physical and speech therapy....Keep him in your prayers.

In addition, I have a request for our readers: I am working on an extensive project to identify previous owners of properties now or once held by Marist College. This is similar to the work I did in 2002 for the Esopus property. We have identified over 1500 deeds and documents related to this project.

Eden TerraceAs a small part of the project, I have identified parcels outside the regular campus that I have called "odd-lot parcels." Among these I include the house at 2 Eden Terrace occupied by faculty Brothers, the house at the corner of Academy and Barclay streets once used by student Brothers in the mid 1960s, and the convent on Lafayette Street opposite St. Joseph's Church also used by student Brothers.

110 Academy I am interested in making contact with any Marists All readers who may have lived in these houses. I will be grateful if you provide information such as dates, names of fellow residents, and any items of interest about the houses, At a later date I will be writing about Benoit and Gregory Houses, now demolished to make room for the Hancock Center. 

St Joseph Convent

Any snapshots related to these places are welcome. I'll scan them and return them to the owners. To refresh your memory of these places, check out the work-in-progress 

I am also interested in contacting any of the student Brothers who worked on Vista Programs in Ulster and Dutchess County. I know a group rented a house in Dover Plains, and I think another group worked in Ulster but lived on the Esopus property. Thank you for your help in this historical project.

From CHARLES SCOTT ('50): (Feb 20) Dick Branigan (Steven Aloysius, '50), my classmate and good friend, recently had surgery to remove a benign tumor from his brain. He is now recovering nicely enough, taking some physical therapy for right hand movement and also some speech therapy for some slight slurring. I'm sure he would appreciate a card to cheer him and a prayer to speed his recovery.

(Mar 19) Once again I write to report on Dick Branigan's situation. Two more tumors on the brain have been discovered, and he has still not yet recovered from his previous brain tumor surgery. His right arm and hand and his speech are somewhat affected and are continuing to be a problem for him. His wife asks for prayers. Dick is trying to be hopeful and continues to exhibit flashes of his wit and good humor. He thanks all who may remember him in their prayers.

From JAMES GARGAN ('59): When Ginny and I got home from Puerto Rico on March 15, we learned that Tom Murphy (Br. Martin Patrick, '55) had just gone into the hospital. He had a number of ailments, especially internal bleeding from diverticulosis. He did not look well. We saw him next on March 20, and he looked a lot better.

Yesterday he moved to a rehab center, Elmhurst Extended Care. You may reach him through his cell phone. 

From PAT GALLAGHER ('53): The years pile up almost -- I say almost -- unnoticed. On April 9 we celebrated my seventy-fifth birthday with my daughter coming up from Atlanta, another good friend and professional colleague driving up from southern Virginia, and Br. Dan O'Riordan ('92) coming over from Roselle. The milestone generated a lot of thought about all that has preceded this date, the quality of life at present, and the mystery that we all face in the future.
I had a chance to say something to those friends and neighbors who joined us, with my sister present, about the difficulties of those early years during World War II and just beyond before my entrance into the juniorate on September 2, 1950. I remarked how the thirty-one years with my wife, Mary, have brought a solid joy, happiness, and fulfillment to my life; granted that the seventeen years in the Marist Brothers contributed so munificently to my later life; and I spoke of the gratitude for my involvement and role in the police profession.

The latter had me appointed interim director of campus safety and police at a local college for six months last year. Then it generated a busy March with three civil trials in DC, in one of which I was on the stand for the defense for four days in federal court. People ask: "Are you retired?" I would only answer and say, "No" or "Somewhat." The caseload results from the detritus of police uses of force or pursuits or false arrests. I enjoy the mental challenge of poring over the documents, balancing the evidence, rejecting some situations; but if I can state a case, then I develop my opinions, incorporate them into a report, am deposed, and in some cases, go to court to testify. It is fulfilling and challenging, knowing that my entire record of opinions is open to review in every instance, and consistency in official statements is a sine qua non.

The time that it takes is minimal; I keep as busy as I want. What else would I do with my time? Mary and I do not lack for our entertainment, travel, or socializing. We read omnivorously. We enjoyed three weeks in Langue d'Oc last fall tracing the history of the Albigensian Crusade over southern France, visiting the Hermitage, making a delightful detour into Barcelona for a few days, and then celebrating our anniversary in Paris.

The family is doing well; the grandchildren are growing, and their parents are facing the increasingly daunting challenge of raising kids in this economic and cultural maelstrom .

The future? There will inevitably be the winding down of professional involvement for both of us, something forced on us by waning energies, minor ills, and physical limitations. But we are composed about the future, philosophical about what is inevitable, but committed to a quality of spiritual and intellectual life that is good for the soul while determined to share it for all the time that we shall be granted.

From BR. JOHN MCDONNELL ('59): "Karibu Nairobi"! Karibu is Kiswahili for Welcome to Nairobi - as "we Kenyans" like to shout! And thanks to my Master of Novices (David Kammer) for his invitation to speak with you. At the end of 2009, having completed my term as Vice-Provincial to John Klein, I enjoyed a sabbatical - compliments of the Lilly Foundation: a thirty-day directed retreat in Gloucester, MA; living with the Trappists in the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky; and then cooking and dancing lessons - just for the fun of it. By August, I was all set to depart for my new assignment at our four-year scholasticate in Nairobi, Kenya. BUT ... if you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans! In September, I 'donated' eighteen inches of my cancerous colon to the Jersey City, Medical Center. By Thanksgiving, I was truly giving God thanks as the doctors declared me cancer-free and ready for Africa.

Having arrived here in Nairobi -- appropriately enough -- last December 8, and so by now, a 'seasoned' missionary -- permit me to share with you some of my early impressions. We are a community of 120 Marist Brothers (the largest in the Institute) from seventeen African countries and the USA: 103 student Brothers in their mid-20's to mid-30's, doing their Bachelor's degree on campus here at Marist International College, and seventeen older Brothers serving as formators and teachers. We live in eight different fraternities on the compound. English is a third language for most, so college studies are a big challenge. What touches me most about our student Brothers is their contagious enthusiasm, their joy, and their simplicity. The climate in Nairobi, which is seven time .zones ahead of New York, is ideal' - 75 degrees during the day and 65 degrees at night with very little humidity and perpetually blue skies. The MIC campus is beautiful - green lawns with colorful shrubs and flowers everywhere and even our own little farm (shades of Tyngsboro and Marian College!). Food is basically vegetarian with the occasional treat (last night it was boiled goat's leg). The Catholic Church in Kenya is traditional, but Sunday liturgies are teeming with life, exploding with African drum rhythms and packed with worshippers.

Br. Emili Turu, Superior General, sent me here to "accompany" (spiritual direction/counseling) our young Brothers and to train some older African Brothers to do the same. I also work with the scholastics on their oral and written English - having been masterfully prepared, as a late-1950's student at St. Helena, by Gerry Cox and Br. Francis Thomas. In early May, I'll be directing retreats for our fourth-year student Brothers from the Central East African Province. And I'm doing RCIA with one of the lay students at our College. At 70,. I'm feeling great and enjoying life on our MIC compound, which, I'm told, was once a part of Karen Blixen's Out of Africa ranch.

Much of Kenya itself is heartbreaking on many levels. There are slums and more slums everywhere. One-room zinc sheds with dirt floors are home to single mothers with seven or eight children. 250/0 to 50% of the population earns less than $1 (US) per day. The percentage of people with HIV/AIDS is staggering. Right next door to us live fifty orphans with AIDS. Thousands and thousands of kids are not in school due to lack of school fees. Corruption and impunity from prosecution are rampant in government. A policeman is the last one you'd ask for help when in a jam. I can't leave our compound without being besieged by beggars. (It's hard to miss the only white guy around.)

When not studying, our Brothers are working and playing with young kids in local slums; visiting with patients in clinics and hospitals; teaching the 3 R's and catechism to school-less kids and in local schools; helping out with youth in parishes; seeking out food and clothing for the poor.... Several of these Brothers are from Rwanda where they experienced family members and friends being killed or maimed during the 1994 genocide. Marists All, we do what we can -- predominantly Christian education -- and leave the rest to God.

Thus' having said this, permit me to do something I have never done before in my fifty-two years as a Marist Brother - i.e., beg for money. If, over and above your regular charities, you can afford to help us with a donation, please send a check to:
Marist Brothers Finance Office6.  All I can promise in return is a guarantee that 100% of any donation will be used directly to help the poor of Kenya - and a mention in our community prayer as well as my personal prayer. Donation or not, please pray for us and for those less fortunate. Asante sana, Marists All - Thank you!

From MARTIN LYDEN ('61): I am writing in memory of Br. Declan Claude Murray. Declan was my American history teacher at St. Helena High School from September 1957 through the following June. He was also my sophomore religion teacher.
Around 1963, when I was a student Brother at Marist College, Declan visited me along with a few of my old high school buddies, and we dined at Nick Beni's Poughkeepsie restaurant
He was always very kind. I never observed him to behave in a nasty way, either verbally or physically. He was never sarcastic or mean-spirited. He seemed very kind, selfless, and genuine to me. Also, he always seemed to be very present to, and interested in, others. He was a model and an inspiration for me, and I'm sure for many others. Memories of his mindfulness and compassion have stayed with me. He positively influenced my interest in, and pursuit of, spirituality.

From ED JENNINGS ('65): Rosemary and I will dearly miss our friend, Br. Declan Claude Murray, who passed away on February 15. "Dec" was director of the St Helena community when I arrived at my first teaching assignment in 1968. He immediately befriended me, and from then on, included me in many of his plans and schemes. Little did I know then that he would become a life-long friend and the best man at our wedding.

It was often, an adventure to be with Dec. Once, while sleeping in the mansion, I was awakened by screams of "Fire! ... Fire! ... Fire!" I jumped ,up, pulled on pants and shoes, and fled to the hallway. There, Br. Stephen Martin and I discovered that the cries were coming from Dec's room and that he was still sound asleep.

Dec was notorious for talking in his sleep. At times, the volume and originality of his nocturnal orations were unbelievable. For a while, Dec refused to accept our vivid accounts of his dreams until he bought a voice-activated tape recorder and enjoyed a good laugh along with everyone else.

Dec was also, one might say, "thrifty." For example, Rosemary and I once presented him with a tin of sugarless cookies. After eating a few, he tucked them away in his over-stuffed bedroom-archive. The very next day, they were lost Dec searched for those cookies for about two years, long beyond the expiration date. At long last, he located the tin and declared that they still tasted great He finished them all.

Dec was full of wisdom. His lessons could come in the form of a story, a warm act, or a simple laugh. He sometimes made outrageous, hilarious, or paradoxical comments. When the guffaws had died down, we often would do a mental "double take" and wonder whether he had just conveyed a bit of wisdom in disguise.

Dec had a special talent for making friends. He loved people, and he thoroughly enjoyed parties. In the school's crowded corridor, it was difficult to hold a conversation with him since he seemed to know everyone and to have something nice to say to every student who passed by. Whether at St. Helena or at Archbishop Molloy High School, Dec would connect with people and make it a point to stay in touch over the years. Dec was always writing, calling, or visiting someone. For me our trips, projects, and paddle ball games at Rockaway kept us close over time.

Bill Deschene ('53) wrote that Dec had the ability to make you feel comfortable in his presence. How true. Dec influenced many people and left us with a lifetime of warm memories. He was a great friend. 

From ANTHONY MISERANDINO ('66): Like many others, I enjoy reading about the community at night in a comfortable chair rather than at the desk off a computer -- way too much computer time during the day! At night reading Marists All allows for more reflection, and it seems to me qualifies as "spiritual reading" more often than not.

I just finished reading The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully by Joan Chittister, a wonderful collection of very thoughtful and insightful views on aging and the opportunities it offers for a richer spiritual life. I do take these issues seriously, and I follow the Jesuit model with a spiritual director who is wisdom .. filled and very affirming. Of course, Champagnat is never far away, and life at the Mount keeps me in touch with my roots! I even get to touch one of the texts that he used to say daily Mass from -- we have it in a reliquary in the chapel!

I stay in touch with the Marist world on a regular basis, and I have even gotten a few more Brothers to return to the Mount to work with us (Br. John Nash ('59), part-time; Br. Dominick Pujia ('75), in office; Br. Rick Carey ('82), filling in as an administrator; Br. Steve Schlitte ('77), as principal; Br. John Bantz ('59) retired but volunteers; and Br. Leo Shea ('52).

Speaking of Marist links, I just got an email from Br. John McDonnell from Africa where he is teaching in the novitiate. What a great challenge and opportunity in his "gift of years."

Again, thank you for thinking of me and granting my request to have one foot in the 20th century and one in the' 21 st century of media services.

In Memoriam
Stephen S. Sheridan ('42)

From JOE STRANG ('53): I believe that Stephen Sheridan was Br. Hugh Ephrem. If so, he was my freshman homeroom teacher at St. Ann's in 1952. As I lived in Jackson Heights, the town next to Woodside, I still recall how excited I was to see my teacher walking with his parents in my neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon. I believe he also taught me French.

I am now in California getting ready to teach my first course at Chapman University. All the good things that I learned from the Brothers, and as a Brother myself, stay with me. 

From BR. JAMES McKNIGHT ('61): As you may know, I am now the Provincial Liaison for senior Brothers- My work is to see to it that all of our, men- who are aging are helped to prepare for semi­retirement or retirement. Most of my work entails seeing to it that our men are well taken care of and that they take good care of themselves. We are an aging group, and needs keep increasing every day .

My office is on the campus of Mount Saint Michael Academy. There are some twenty retired Brothers living here at Champagnat Hall. Visitors are welcome. Any financial or material gifts would be most welcome.

Anyone interested in helping us out may contact me at the above address or by phone

From BILL BYRNE ('52): A Tale of Two "Norbies": This story begins with Marists All #103, the February 2011 issue, in which I reminisce about the Brothers who influenced my life and are buried in the Esopus cemetery, some of whom are eulogized also in the archives of the newsletter. I recall visiting that holy ground and stopping by a grave in 2006 that bore the name Norbert, but I should have paid better attention to .... Well, here's the rest of the story as continued in e-mails 

Brother BILL LAVIGNE ('50): Greetings from one Bill (Lavigne -William Francis), to another! It's always enjoyable getting MaristsAll and hearing from members of our Marists All community. So many former monks write very positively about their past experiences in formation and their work in the various apostolates.

I'm writing from Miami where we have four Marist communities: the residence for those Brothers teaching at Columbus High School and St. Brendan's and three small ones (two of retired monks and one of four connected with Columbus). There are about thirty of us here, and we gather for special celebrations throughout the year, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, January 2 Institute anniversary.. and so on.

I live in one of those small communities with Dan Grogan, Chanel Lambert, and Norbie Justin. While officially retired, I volunteer my services in a parish where I worship (St. John Newman's, a very vibrant faith community), teaching Bible study and adult education courses; also, in St. Richard's parish and to some parents at Columbus. Having been in parish ministry since 1974, and still in good health, thank God, I find it fulfilling to help adults grow in maturing in their faith through education and spiritual sharing. We have a wonderful group of men in the parish who have been turned on to the spiritual life by participating in a weekend Emmaus retreat. We meet weekly on Wednesday mornings for an hour of sharing on the Sunday Scriptures. I'm inspired by how they are concerned about linking their faith to their lives, their relationships, their work, and their family responsibilities.

In reading your message in the recent Marists All, I felt it important to bring something to your attention. You mentioned that when you last saw "Norbie," you felt that he was in a kind of dementia. This really surprised both Danny Grogan (also in my community - he sends his best) and me. Norbie joined us here in Miami last September, coming from Brownsville where he was involved in St. Joseph's Academy, helping out especially in the library. He celebrated his 70th Jubilee last June and will be 88 on Thursday, and I can assure you that he is in very good health, is very independent, drives, plays golf, does his crossword puzzles, and volunteers twice a week at Monsignor Pace High School in Opa Locka in the library there. So you can see how your description confused us.... Danny just came in to bring to my attention that the list of monks you mentioned was in the context of the obituary, which made us think that maybe you were referring to Br. "Athanasius Norbert" rather than Norbert Justin or our Norbie! Perhaps you can clarify this for us. In any case, I'm holding off letting Norbie see this issue feeling that he could feel hurt by having his name mentioned in that manner. Brother Phil Robert, with whom I spent eight years in ministry in West Virginia, has been down here for a month, escaping the tough winter up north. Phil is in the House of Prayer community at the gatehouse in Esopus, does spiritual direction, and helps out on retreats.

Tomorrow, the Archdiocese of Miami is recognizing religious who are celebrating jubilees at a special liturgy at the cathedral followed by a dinner. Five of our own Marists will be involved (Chanel 70, Rafael 70, Vinny Jerome and Julio Vitores 70, and Mike Brady 50.) The Province Jubilee celebration is the third weekend in June at the former seminary in Douglaston, Long Island, for the past few years. We're also anticipating a celebration of the 125th anniversary of the American' Province to be held at St. John Baptist across from the old St. Ann's . in Manhattan on October 8.

Thanks for your contribution to MaristsAll. If you can clarify your Norbie I could explain the error to our Norbie here since MaristsAll reaches our communities, and they'll probably be wondering. 

BILL BYRNE: What a relief to know that I confused one Norbie with another. My respect and affection for the "Norbie" I knew and revered is unabated. Please tell him I didn't intend to inter him with the "Norbie" buried in Esopus. I'm glad he is well. Please tell him so on my behalf. And thanks for your setting the record straight. Keep· the rest of us in your prayers as you carry out the Founder's work. My best to all the monks, ex and extant.

BILL LAVIGNE : I'm still a bit confused. The "Norbie" you last saw at the monks' home in Miami was Athanasius Norbert. Right? Did you know him from Molloy? Was he director when you were in the community there? Where did you get the name "Norbert Justin" (our Norbie here)? I checked the obituary section of Marists All and couldn't find the name there either for Athanasius Norbert or the "live" Norbert Justin.

BILL BYRNE: You think you're confused? The "Norbie" I saw was the "Norbie" who was my director at Molloy, and then Roselle Catholic, for most of my community life at those two schools. I briefly saw him at the Miami residence when I stopped in one afternoon while I was on business for Volkswagen of America and thought he was not well. Of course, that he didn't recognize me should not have surprised me, since we all change so much in the intervening years. I did not speak to him and only met for a time with Br. Edwin Giles. I could be wrong - probably am - but I thought I saw a grave marker for one "Norbie" when I visited the Marist cemetery in Esopus on my group's fiftieth college reunion at Marist. I hope that clears things up. Anyway, it's been good catching up on your work. Being Marist is always in my heart and mind.

BILL LAVIGNE : Thanks, Bill. Danny and I figured that you were really referring to Br. Athanasius Norbert, but actually put Norbert Justin in your Marists All letter. I'll explain the mix-up to our Br. Norbie here with us: the real Norbert Justin!

BILL BYRNE : Yes, I too resolved the issue by consulting the 1968 Roselle Catholic yearbook. It shows a picture of A. Norbert. Am I right in listing him among the saints in the Esopus cemetery? If not, what is his status? In any case my apologies to Norbert Justin for the mix-up. Is this "Norbie" the "Norbie" I spent seven summers with at Camp Marist? If this is so, his name would have surfaced from my long-term memory and hence my mixing his name with A. Norbert. If Norbert J. recalls, I received my Cross Lifeguard certification from him in my first year at the camp.

RICH FOY: You are correct to posit at least two Norbies in the US province. The Norbie you meant was Br. Athanasius Norbert Cote, brother of the former provincial, Brother Leo Sylvius Coté.  When I attended the General Chapter of 1967/1968, Leo Sylvius was at the first session but was dying of cancer. Br. Athanasius Norbert replaced him at the session of 1968. One thing for which I admired Norbie was his quitting cold turkey from a habit of heavy smoking. When I asked him about it, he told me he had taken a cigarette out of the package, held it in his hand, and asked himself: "Is this controlling me, or do I control it?" He snuffed out the cigarette and never touched one again.

BILL BYRNE : Thanks, Richard. My "Norbie" does not appear in the Marists All pantheon of deceased monks. Does anyone know why? Has no one written a remembrance of him? I didn't know he was Leo Sylvius's brother. I loved Leo, who always had a knowing smile for me about the mischief I was up to. I should write something about both! Or somebody should!

RICH FOY : We only began to track the obits for Brothers in the last decade or so. I believe your sighting of Norbert among the tombstones in Esopus is accurate. The only way to definitively track that down is to get a list of deaths. Brother Brice Byczynski, the Brothers' archivist in Esopus, may have such a list. Brice is also active with the House of Prayer, with archives as a sideline; and so, response may not be immediate.  

DAVID KAMMER: Hello, Bill. Athanasius Norbert Cote was in the group of 1930, the same as Paul Ambrose; this Norbie is indeed deceased. Our living Norbie is Br. Norbert Justin Rodrigue, group of 1940, living in a small community of four at 136th Street in Miami. Thanks much for your very interesting and fun article in this 103rd issue of MaristsAll.

From the EDITOR: I have read the above dialogue several times amidst my proofreading and editorial responsibilities, and I am just now beginning to understand the distinctions among the "Norbies"! Since religious names were not imposed on members of our groups from around 1960, this kind of problem should not arise among the younger Brothers: Thankfully!

On a more serious note, the Marists All team members wish to thank our readers who responded concerning our slowly depleting coffers. I wish to report at this time that contributions have been steadily arriving. Thanks especially to Steve Brown, Bob O'Handley ('61), Ray Blanchard ('47), Dennis ('51) and Mary Proulx, Armand Bourgeois(,49), John ('57) and Suzanne Wilcox, Harry Woods, George Biolsi, John Dunn ('55), and John ('52) and Betty Roche, and Ed Jennings ('65).

For clarification, we need to let our readers know that Rich Foy edits our website and has the luxury of adding information in a timely manner to our e-version of Marists All. Vince Poisella, who edits our print version and compiles the letters for our quarterly issues, sometimes ends up duplicating information that had already appeared on the web site. The dilemma is that even though very few would peruse both editions, I still feel I need to warn those who read a subsequent print issue after having noticed something in the previous e-version and wonder if it is deja vu all over again!

Our next issue will appear in the middle of August. Snail-mail or e-mail to Vince Poisella

Thanks much.


Postscript from Rich Foy: You may have noticed more photos in this edition of MaristsAll electronic version. The confusion between the Norbies points out that photos often are worth 1000 words. We forget what other MaristsAll look like: those written about and those writing. With the advent of phones which take and transmit photos, I encourage those who write to send us a picture of themselves which we can thumbnail next to their letters to help readers identify the writer by sight as well as by the quality of their prose. Send me a snapshot, or use a phone or digital camera to take the photo and send it to me via email. I can crop the shot and do minor touchups. If I have the photos beforehand, I can have them ready for the next issue of MaristsAll. The time differential between publication of the written version and the electronic version is short, so it will be difficult to find photos of those written about, but we will do our best .

Source: Original Marists All Site

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