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The Circle, October 25, 1966.xml


Part of The Circle: Vol.3 No. 1 - October 25, 1966


Vol. III No. 1
~ -
An historical tour of colonial
landmarks has been ~cl~eduled
by Bro. Edward Cashin for the
three-day holiday weekend be-
ginning Saturday, October 29th.
The bus tour will be open to all
the members of
·Bro ..
course in American Colonial His-
tory as a
supplement to the
course, with the purpose of stim-
ulating interest in Colonial her-
itage and making it more mean-
Included in the tour will be
visits to Lexington, Concord,
and Boston, where a walking
tour of the old section of the
city will be conducted. Spend-
ing the night at a Boston motel,
the excursion will continue on to
Plymouth, touching at the fam-
ous "Rock" and on the Plymouth
Plantation, an early Puritan
community. Stopping at Cape
Cod, Bro. Edward will
prove his belief in Pohl' s theory
that Lief Erikson established a
community there by
the tour to different evidence
of such a possibility.
In line with
his interest in Viking landmarks,
Seven Marist Student Bro-
thers, under the direction of
theology instructor Bro. John
Bosco, have taken

a private house in Pough-
The three-story, wood frame
house .was built in
1865. It is
located on Academy St. just
few doors from the home of
philosophy professor Dr. Don-
ald Drennen.
Taking possession of the house
on September 20th, these seven
men of the Poughkeepsie Pro-
vince of the Marist Brothers
are implementing a decision of
the Provincial Council to exper-
iment with new ideas on run-
ning a scholasticate. The Council
hopes to discover the advantages
and disadvantages of running
a set-up like this one and to
apply the lessons learned when
new scholastic is set
up: The results
also influ-
ence decisions regarding th~ con-.
sruction of a Novitiate in the
Chicago area in the near future.
necessary in a large house are
not essential in a small one.
Bro. Laera made the point that transferred or failed out, and the
it was natural
to "idealize a little
business. office
was sb1ck

first; however, once things the bill. This left the business
settle down, the novelty wears office a large bill to pay and
off. He also mentioned that it
thus they elected to discontinue
would be important for all of the charge account. However
them to "listen for the other efforts are being made to see if
guy" if the project is to succeed. some new student charge can be
The house itself needs several instituted
repairs and a paint job, which
It was· also learned that as
should keep the Brothers very soon as the new I.D. cards are
busy. Help will be for~hcoming distributed, both personal and
from the student Brothers re- school checks may be issued in
maining at Marist.
the bookstore and the Rathskel-
The seven commute to school lar.
like other day-hopps. Their ext-
Mr. Kuffner, in his report to
racurricular activities wiJl prob-
the Council,
th~t Mr.
ably be cut down due to limited D'Angelo proved to him that
transportation facilities.
most of the books in the book-
ever, in the future, they do ex-
store are priced by the publisher
pect to be involved in college and not by the bookstore itself.
events and activities as much He produced several
as possible.
and the prices on the books co-
incided with that on the invoice.
Furthermore, those books which
had only the bookstore's stamped
price on them were also shown
to be accurately priced. Also,
there were some complaints that
the prices on some paperbacks
had been marked up and this
also shown to have been
done by the publisher.
the tour will then proceed on
to the controversial Newport
Stone Tower where clues of its
Viking origin
be pointed
The final day will include
trips to Old Saybrook, the earl-
iest colony in Connecticut, and
to Old Sturbridge Village, a
from original buildings of the
eighteenth century, which were
disassembled and transported
from sites all over New England.
Besides these general areas
the tour will bring in other plac-
es of colonial interest of a more
individual nature.
Questioned as to the useful-
ness of such a trip, Bro. Cashin
asserted that one can only re-
ceive the real knowledge and
worth of history when he places
himself in the true setting
time, and feels himself a part of
the experience. "Americans are
more aware of hist-
orical sites
and learning that
they are every bit as useful as
historical documents" in the
study of American heritage.
Dr. D
A. Drennen
of Philosophy at Marist, has been
named by the· Reverend Ernan
McMullin of Notre Dame, the
President of the American Cath-
olic Philosophical Association,
to serve on
national Committee
on teaching Philosophy in col-
leges. This five man committee
conduct surveys on present
curricular offerings in philos-
ophy throughout the country, in-
vestigate various programs
curricular up-dating, and exa•
mine the possibilities of spon•
soring such programs at the in•
vitation of
college or university,
The seven
Brothers Aldo
La.era, Eugene Luttrell,
Mulligan, Kenneth Hogan, Clin~
ton Cobb, John Kelly and Tho-
mas Pettite - have high hopes
for the success of the venture.
Bro. Hogan sees "a certain
mount of adventure" in it and
hopes that the experiment
help "those who come after us."
. .
],3ro. Kelly made the point
that a familly of
is much more
realistic than a family of 102.
As he put it,
you can live
with seven guys, you can live
with anybody." He expects a
more "homey atmosphere." Bro.
John also pointed out that the
Brothers do their own cooking
and housecleaning; they should
also have fewer restrictions on
them, since points of order
An investigation of the book-
store, conducted by Junior Coun-
cil Represenative Dan Kuffner,
uncovered some hitherto un-
lmown or,
many cases, unbe-
facts about its operation and its
policies. Several meetings were
held with Mr. Wade, Mr. Cam-
pili, and Mr. D'Angelo, and the
topics discussed included prices,
check cashing, and the student
charge account.
stated, "the prices are
not set
down by the Bookstore . . . but
rather by the publishers."
The charge account, it
learned, was done away with be-
cause many complaints were
received from parents that th~ir
sons were running.up large bills
on items that were unnecessary.
Also, some students
built up
large charges and then either
It was sug~ested at the Coun-
cil Meeting that costs could be
cut by reselling used books from
other colleges in our bookstore.
This suggestion will be passed
on to Mr. D'Angelo.
Mr. D'Angelo pointed out
that the bookstore is owned and
operated by Marist College and
that he, as bookstore m:-mager,
is a salaried employee of the
the Revolution ······· pg.
Letters . . . .
. . . . . . . . • . • pg.
MCTG .....•.•.•••... pg.
October 25, 1966
Mr. Petro,
Meet. Marist.
The Physical Edµcation Dept.
of Marist College has increased
its staff with the arrival of Mr •
Ronald Petro. The new instruct-
or who received his
B.S. in Phys.
ical Education from Manhattan
College in 1963 resides in Yonk-
ers, New York.
studies at Manhattan, Mr. Petro
was on the Honor Roll and was
placed in
Who's Who in Ameri-
can Colleges
and Universities.
A member of the 1962 and 1963
All Star Team and
the 1963 Eastern College All
Star Team, Mr. Petro played
Basketball for three years at
Manhattan where he set
ing record for a
game season.
The new Physical Education In-
tructor, who will also coach Var-
sity Basketball and Tennis, has
the distinction of being one of
six players at Manhattan to ever
score 1,000 points.
Mr. Petro received his M.S.
in Physical Education from
Pennsylvania State University in
1964 after being awarded a. two
year assistantship upon gradu-
ation from Manhattan.
Director of Athletics, Dr.
Howard Goldman, commenting
Mr ..
stated: " .. Mr. Petro will be
very welcome addition to our
staff. He is a very conscientious
young man and as a coach of
our Varsity Basketball team
should be able to make good
use of the ground work laid by
Paul Arold over the last two
When asked if the adjustment
from high school to college
coaching would pose any prob-
lems, Mr. Petro replied that he
thought it would be easier be-
cause of the older age and mat-
urity of the players. He intends
to use a man to man defense
and a zone press.
All students are welcome
out for the
team. All players
will start on an even level and
positions will be won on the
basis of performance and spirit.
He would also like to see plenty
of student support.
Mr. Petro, married and
father of an infant daughter,
taught physical education and
coached Basketball and Baseball
at Irvington High School prior
to his appointment at Marist.
Since it would be next to
impossible for our enormous
staff to know about all the
events on this campus, it
would be appreciated if all
the organizations on campus
would please submit a calen-
dar of events
to The Circle,
Chamna~nat. This
appeal is also directed
to all
the department chairmen.
In this way and in this way
only can we give you the cov-
erage that you deserve.

The right to participate and
vote in the election of officers to
the Student
Governent was
granted to the student Brothers
special meeting of the Stu-
dent Council on the evening of
September 22.
The meeting opened with Bob
Johnson, President of the Stu-
. dent Council, asking Ed Ham-
mond to read the proposed new
article and then there followed
an "open discussion" of the new
article and its
Present at t~e meeting were five
student Brothers; three of them,
Brothers Mike Marotti, Jim
Schroeder and Ray Heslin repre-
senting the scholastics living at
Marist College and two, Brothers
John Mulligan and Jack Kelly
representing the "day-hop" Bro-
thers residing at Academy Street
in Poughkeepsie. They tried al-
though they all stressed they did
not in any way attemrit to rep-
resent the Student Brothers as a
whole but came rather as
ested spectators".
both answer
any questions which the Student
Council posed to them and also
to take part in the actual dis-
The discussion entered
two main points: the fear
of a block vote by the Brothers
and the right of participation in
the student elections by the stu-
Brothers community. From
very start of Jhe discussion, the
validity of the question of the
activity fee was deemed to be
As for the block vote theory,
it was pointed out that this ar-
gument overlooked each of the
-Brothei::-'s own individ-
uality; in actuality, the student
Brothers represente_d a very
small percentage (less than 5%)
on the campus.
The Theatre
- F. M.:s.
Guild elections were used to
further elucidate this "problem."
In those elections, two Brothers
ran for different offices; one was
elected while the other was de-
Throughout the meeting, the
"value" question permeated most
the discussion. One member
of the Student Council wanted
to know just what Marist was
to gain by allowing the student
Brothers the right to vote. It
was pointed out that there were
many Brothers activelv engaged
in various College clubs, both
as members and as officers. In
the same line, one of the Bro-
thers pointed out "that here we
are, just like you, going to the
same school, living on the same
campus, participating
in the
same club
activities and yet
somehow feeling like 'second-
class citizens.' How can this be
justified? By a petty objection
about non-payment of an activ-
ity fee, or some other obscure
reason?'It seems like we have to
the right to vote!"
By resolving these difficulties,
the Student Council took a great
step forward. Their action will
have great implications for the
men for the IDniks, explained
their greivences to the Dean,
who pointed out that they were
interfering with the operation
of the school. After·some discus-
sion, it was decided that the dis-
senters should take their issue
to the Student Government
meeting that night.
At the meeting, it was immed-
iately evident that the problem
was one of communications: the
Administration and the Student
Council were not working in
concert! The Council pointed
out that it had allocated funds
for identification
cards under the stinulation that
the cards be per~anent. Mr.
Wade, who was in attendence,
On Tuesday, October 4th, the told the Council that these I.D.'s
the Office were not to be permanent and
of the Dean of Men, Commenced that he accordingly proceeded
issuing.identification cards to all to sell the cards to the student
students at the price of
per body. Chris Kelly explained the
The student body was position of the IDniks and ad-
caught unawares on the matter ded: "I was unfortunate
of he charge, as in he past the that this had to happen but we
Student Council had alloed the have accomplished our purpose
funds from the Student Activity in that we have effected this
Fee and no notification was re-
discu~sion. I want to thank Mr
ceived that there was to be a
Wade for explaining his position
tonight and for
the under-
Around noon, a group of stu-
standing attitude he has taken."
dents, mostly upper-clessmen,
The Student Government pas-
attempted to
find out how this sed a resolution recommending
state of affairs came about. Un-
that the Administration either
able to locate Mr. Wade, the assume financial responsibility
Dean of Men, and fearful that for these I.D. cards or issue the
if too many students bought the
new 1.D.'s as
permanent, in
I.D.'s the voice of their dissent
which case the Council would
would be lost, these men button-
provide the funds out ~f the
holed the campus, encouraging
Student Activity Fee as allotted.
their fellow students to boycot
The riext morning, the Admin-
until the situation could be as-
istration adopted thii latter sug-
gestion and made arrangements
Wade attempted to pla-
for reimbursing those who had
cate the demonstrators, Chris
already paid for their identifi-
Kelly and Bob Millan, spokes-
. .
cation cards.
Parking Fine
.Mississippi (CPS) - In a pre-
cedent-setting case, the prose-
cution of a Mississippi State Uni-
versity student for refusing to
pay his campus tickets has been
Leslie C. Cohen, a Canadian
political science student at MSU,
balked when the academic insti-
tution imposed $20 in parking
fines without a hearing.
When the University threat-
ened him with dismissal and state
court action unless fines were
paid, Cohen went to the Lawyers
Constitutional Defense Commit-
tee of the American Civil Liber-
ties Union.
While the case was before the
U.S. District Court, the State
Attorney General, representing
the Universitv, conceded that the
regulations ~hich were prom-
ulgated by MSU and their man-
ner of enforcement were null
and void.
The University dropped its
charges a·gainst Cohen and the
Mississippi statute came under
the consideration of a three-
judge federal court.
Alvin Bronstein, LCDC chief
counsel, said he has already re-
ceived requests for particulars
on the case from legal depart-
ments of several universities.
Seventeen student brothers
from Marist spent three after-
noons a week this summer work-
ing· with the children from Hill-
crest Academy, which is part of
the State Hospital.
The brothers have partici-
pated in tutorial programs at
Hillcrest for the last two years
but this is the first year that they
contributed heavily to the hos-
pitals summer program. Their
goal was to augment the regular
recreational staff and try to de-
velop friendly personal relations
with the children. This was done
by a variecy of means: hiking,
wrestling. The fine art of listen-
ing to endless jokes was also
mastered by the brothers. The
children went on several outings
during the summer
to the Cat-
skill Game Farm, Baird
and to the brothers novitiate in
The most memor-
able outing however was a two-
day camping
trip to Eymard
Seminary ·from which the child-
ren emerged refreshed and vi-
brant and the brothers came
home haggard and near exhaus-
This should
give you some
idea of how one of the brother's
social projects is conducted. The
_nagging question that always
remains however is "do the
children genuinely
profit from
your efforts?" or "Do you profit
from this experience?" These
are difficult questions to answer
because such results cannot be
adequately measured. Perhaps
the best rational for the bro-
thers work in Hillcrest is simply
d exists and they try
to fill it. When they drive up and
the children start mobbing the
car and shouting at the too of
their lungs that "The brothers
are here," and when this enthu-
siasm never seems to die down
until the brothers leave, then
the only rational need-
ed is the basic one of trying to
creaite some happiness where
before it may not have been. .
.. A Full
Summer, a traditional period
for fun and frolic, has under-
gone a metamorphosis for many
a Marist College student. Edu-
cational fees for the coming aca-
demic years have impelled the
student to seek employment in
order to defray the impending
costs of his college career.
Marist College has been allo-
cated $40,867 for use in the work
-study program initiated un-
der the :Higher Education Act of
1965, commonly known as EOA
( Economic Opportunity Act).
During the summer months, stu-
dents majoring in Biology, Math,
Physics, Psychology and other
fields were provided work in
conjuction with projects propos-
ed by instructors of their various
Charles DiSogra found the
raw materials for his experiments
in the Biology laboratory. This
Marist Junior researched can-
cerous tumors found in the var-
ious species of fruit flies. His
studies were aimed at discover-
ing the cheipical inducing agents
and the variations of light and
darkness in relation to the fre-
quency of tumors in these flies.
Mr. DiSogra's project will at-
tempt to reveal the possible haz-
ardous effects of carbon dioxide
on flies infected with the can-
cer virus.
A five-man team of 4 Physics
majors and 1 Math major pre-
sided over the Physics labora-
tory under the able_ direction of
Bro. Brian Desilets. The basic
occupation of these students was
the creation and testing of new
experiments for the regular phy-
sics classes of this fall. Patrick
an honor physics
student, served as the team
theorist. The transformation of
theory into practice was the
work of Nes Bojarczuk and Pat
Masterson. These students, skill-
ed electricians, then proceeded
to fabricate the needed equip-
ment from Mr. Hoffman's rough
plan. Chris Tasevoli served as the
team's electrical specialist invol-
ved in making particular equip-
ment for Br. Desilets. The team's
October 25, 1966
The Junior class r~presenta-
tive, James Morrison Jr., tended
letter of resignation from the
Student. Government. The resign-
ation was prompted by the fact
that Mr. Morrison is working
part-time and has a heavy load
of studies. He feels he would not
be able to devote full time to
his duties as representative. His
resignation was accepted by the
Council effective September 28,
George McKee, Treasurer of
the Student Government, who
has accepted a position in the
campaign of Hamilton Fish Jr.,
Repuhlician party candidate for
_Congress, has also offered a let-
ter of resignation from the Coun-
cil effective October 1, 1966. Mr.
McKee states that his new posi-
tion and the burden of his cour-
ses would preclude his fullfilling
of his function as Treasurer.
Student Government Presi-
dent, Bob Johnson will appoint
an Election Commissioner and
hold elections shortly. The Con-
stitution requires vacant offices
to be mied within two weeks of
resignation of a Representative
or Officer of the Student Council.
mathmetician and x-ray theorist,
Tom Urban, a June graduate,
spearheaded the exploration of
the sub-atomic make-up of cer-
tain crystals with various impur-
ities when subjected to the bom-
bardment of the x-ray machine.
The present beautification of
the campus was accomplished
through the efforts of Bro. Nilus
Donnelly and his grounds crew
of EOA workers.
These men
landscaped the campus and con-
structed new asphalt roadways
with equipment which ranges
from heavy machinery to basic
The employment provided
this summer has had a two fold
effect - a betterment of the col-
lege community as well as on-
the-job experience for all those
Rhys Williams,
Rector of Christ Church, 20 Car-
roll Street, Poughkeepsie, has
be~n named to the Theology De-
partment of Marist College.
Rev. Williams, born in Beth-
lehem, Pennsylvania, has been
Rector of Christ Church, Pough-
keepsie since 1961 and has ser-
ved as an advisor to Episcopal
students and faculty at Vassar
College. Ordained in 1947, the
new Theology instructor was an
assistant at the Church of the
Holy Spirit, Lake Forest, Illi-
nois and Saint Mark's Church,
New Canaan, Conecticut.
also served as the rector of Saint
Jude, Northeast Harbor, Maine.
An instructor of the Old Test-
ament, Rev. Williams has taught
at the General Theological Sem-
inary and was an Associate Pro-
at Nashota House, \Vis-
consin ( a seminary of the Epis-

NOWHERE MAN ... 1966
Satre says . . Camus continues . . . Hegel hints . . . Freud
infers . . . . . Altizar attests. . . .
If the above names don't click -
i.e. subectively speaking -
you might be anti-intellectual, then again, you might be normal.
Actually,. in this brief, concise, and "to-the-point" essay nobody
is being attacked ( maybe they won't accept this column), but
rather I am trying singlehandedly, to tear down the entire structure
of academic philosophy, theology and economics because I have
an extreme distaste for it but a liberal arts education tells me I need
a well-rounded three credits).
I feel that there is a tendency to parasite all our thoughts from
the "in" books, from the "in" names. We can ramble fluently through
intricate theories; are able to differentiate subtle overtones; realize
minute distinctions; and spot flaws in logic. Throughout our colleg-
iate days we are never caught wi~hout our ant-hologies of great
writings or our bibliographies of "great" names ( depending unon
specific course and teacher). Plus, we always manage to ever really
give a damn; don't lose your cool, 007.
I think the philosophies that we really hold as important are
more crude -
more in the muck of what we are. Our standards
don't come in nice
neat, academic packages. Neither is our spectrum
of reality sugar coated with euphemistic phrases of "ontological"
relationships. What we believe to be true is more common, almost
trite; and our truths nm the gamut from the sacred to the sick in
a sweating world of. suffering. A "here and now" of sin
humor, hate,
jadeness, integrity.
Bufferin is better than God " - it relieves tension and nervous-
ness, adds to our security, and is always available.
Bob Dylan is our monotone prophet who declares "The times
they are changing".
Marlboro Country is a pagan paradise to replace the heaven
of pearly gates and gold-lined roads we no longer accept.
WMCA hands out
Good Guy" sweatshirts in the belief that
there are good guys.
A prostitute gulps soup dished out by a ragged Catholic worker.
We throw a wino a half-buck "for a cup of coffee".
LSD - - The Beatles - - Batman -
- Kicks -
- War . . .
Linus still believes in the Great Pumpkin, and clings to his
while Lucy is the analytical modern who believes in
ing but herself.
The point is that in our search for wisdom, truth
God ( if we
even consider these worth searching for) we should start with the
society that's around us: the people, the accepted norms, the ac-
cepted. deviations, the fanatic, the lethargic, the craphead, the
We shouldn't retreat to our ivy tower of the intellect; keeping
our distance, purity, etc
but losing revelance! Academic studies be
useful in stretching our narrowmindedness, but we could also be-
come a bunch
"nowhere men".
"He's a real nowhere man,
making all his nowhere plans
for nobody."
I live with a bird.
Early in my life I was intro-
duced to the difference in birds.
Pidgeons were to feed in the
park on Sunday; sparrows ate
the bread my mother put in the
yard; my parakeet made loud
schreeching sounds ( my father
hated that bird); and canaries
sang ve:ry nicely on Saturdays
when we went to my aunt's
house, I
was fascinated by can-
aries; they were the only birds
that served a purpose:
made people happy with their
music. Canaries
were not only
pretty, but they were also, I felt
happy and their happiness was
I no longer like these birds
My roomate bought a canary
and from the beginning he was
I couldn't have a
pretty canary because they were
too expensive; my roomate has
an ugly canary. Sitting
in the
community cage at Woolworth's,
he seemed dejected, for
. what
animal wouldn't be know
ing that
ihe was for sale in Woolworth's,
in Poughkeepsie, for
He was sold, taken to a room
in the Marist College C~mpus,
placed in
six by six inch cage
and left to fend for himself in
the college community, force-
ablv held to a desk.
Exposed to college
life, the
bird grew more remorseful.
Study was attemnted around
him, many cigarettes were smok-
ed around him, all night bull
sessions were held around him
he was a freshman.
He got the swing
danced to the music
lifted his
to catch every word
As time went on, his feathers
grew more unkempt, he sung
even less, he sat on the floor
He still sits, but still moves
when someone comes near. The
best he can do now, though,
is to sit on the desk.
I wish someone would kill the
Thentral Park
Sunday afternoon in Central
Park and the fruits were ripe
for the picking.
On any day in Manhattan's
largest park, one can see
normal number of girls, alo
and escorted, old women and
old men, both dirty and clean,
almost anywhere you look.
Margaret and I decided to
spend the day at Central Park
not only because it was one of
the few beautiful autumn days
New York City is alotted, but
also because we are avid people-
watchers and gathered within
the park's boundaries is one of
the best cross sections of the
city's populace to be found. How_
ever, this particular Sunday
afternoon didn't follow the law
of averages, and there was a sur-
prise in store.
The near perfect weather had
lured many people to the park,
and as we entered from Fifth
Avenue, a sea of Humanity in-
nudated us. We managed to es-
cape and
determined to avoid
the zoo, we sought a more
secluded area. We passed the
chaos of the combined football
and soccer games, orgies
kite flying on the expanse of
meadow beyond the carousel,
walked around the lake ( an ad-
venture in itself with the con-
fusion caused by the would-be
sailer in the rowboat-like sieves),
and came upon a heavily wood-
ed glade, captivating in
umnal splendor, and crossed by
gently curving paths.
It was in this radiant fairy-
land that we found a slice of
Page 3
usually reserved for the late
night riders of the A-train in
lower Manhattan. Passing the
bocce-ball players, we encoun-
tered the last two couples we
were to sec until we met a pho-
tographer and a hard rock pret-
zel vendor near 77th street.
As we strolled into the wood,
it seemed like all the women had
suddenly disappeared from the
face of the earth. Standing in
groups of threes and fours were
Continued on page 5
LB J'S Gettsyburg Address
( As presented by Little Boy Johnson, president of the United
States and grandson of a former President whom we all know and
love. The address was delivered at the dedication of the American
military cemetery "Gettysburg East,
outside of Saigon in the year
l\fah fellow Americans:
Foah score and seven yeahs ago, my grandfather brought forth
upon this continent of Asia a new political concept, conceived in
expediency and dedicated to the proposition that we are better dead
than red.
Now we are engaged in a Great Society ( oops,
l mean a Great
Civil War), and for that matter have been engaged in that Great
Civil Vlar for four score and seven years now, testing whether that
concept so ill-conceived and so ineptly executed, can long endure
We are met on a great battlefield of that war, a .battlefield
General Ky was overthrown by General Hee, where General
Hee was overthrown by General Me, where General Me was over-·
thrown by General \Vee
where General Wee was overthrown by
Genral Gee, and so forth through the 56 different coups that finally
culminated last spring in G
neral Flea's government, whicl1 we
are now convinced is in a position
bring to this nation the political
stability that is so necessary if we are to begin to effectively roll
back the aggression from the north.
Excuse me folks, I just received an urgent note. ( Oh no, not
) Hrrumph. What I meant was the 57 coups which finally
culminated in General She's coup three minutes ago which we are
finally convinced is in a position to at last offer this nation ·the
political stability that is. . .
Hmmrph. Be that as it may. ·we have come to dedicate this
battlefield as a fitting memorial to the light-to-moderate losses that
our forcf's have sustained over the past 87 years so that my grand-
father and his successors could t
st the theory that the way to bring
Hanoi to the peace table was to escalate further.
It is altogether fitting and proper that w
should do this, and
anyone who thinks otherwise is a nervous nellie and probably a
traitor besides and simply helping to prolong the :war
The world will.Jong note and long remember what we did here,
probably because we will still be long doing it, but the world will
probably never understand WHY we did it.
And frankly, I'm fed up with that kind of idiotic questioning
emanating from the capitals of the world over the last nine decades!
000 MEN
And as long as I am president, mah fellow Americans, I promise
you this
we shall withdraw, I promise that this nation, under me,
shall have a new birth of conformity (boy, will we shut up those
peaceniks) and that government of concensus, by manipulation
for the sake of saving face shall not perish from the earth, although
admittedly the population might.

Page 4 ·
In this age of transition, there is considerable anxiety on the
part of the American people concerning the hurried nature of the
change and the ,apparent nature of our civilization when the inno-
vators have had their way. We are slapping together a new world
- - not Huxley's, I should hope - - in such haste that there is little
time alloted to the forethought coincident with an orderly changing
· of the guard.
in the name of progress! That alterations are _Dec-
,essary, as well as imminent, is not debated; but the anx-
iety is not unfounded. The future we build for our posterity and the
need for such chaotic impetuosity are both subject to challenge.
History not only teaches us our origins and accomplishments
but aids us in interpreting the past and present experience of man
in terms of future expectations.
we accelerate along the highway
of life, with 'progress' and 'truth' our goal, and human dignity
our fuel, let us consider the historical sign-posts as they whiz by.
Given the lessening of mora1ity, the breakdown of the family as a
. functioning social unit, the substitution of vulgarity for originality
. in the esthetic sphere, and the idolotrous trend toward economic
materialism, we discover the cowering intellectual trying to justify
the unjustifiable. The question, "quo vadis" is. valid. Whether pol-
itics, "the highest endeavor of man"?
Politics in America has evolved into a bureaucratic structure,
at once personal and impersonali, steeped
patronage, yet imper-
vious to the true need of citizenry! The vacillation of the state gov-
ernments is considered sufficient authority for the centralization of
functions of government - - a legal justification, perhaps, but not
necessarily moral. We now have 300,000 U.S. troops fighting in Viet
Nall!, yet the President has not felt it incumbent upon himself to
ask Congress to validate this action. The leadefship of the liberal
element has abused the trust of the negro vote by attempting to
legislate an integrated society while .ignoring the fact that segrega-
tion is but an after-effect of the true problem: miscegenation! The
Federal Government, by silence, has condoned and encouraged
rioting, thus failing an essential purpose of government - - to main•
tain law and order. The Federal Government, in trying to outpace
the changes, gives rise to the fear that such phenomena of the left
as fascism or communism may be generated here in this country.
the Federal Government were to devote itself to tempei;ing
the magnitude of the change, the resultant colloquy between new
and :old wouM effect a harmonious union of both to the benefit of
this country and mankind at large.
The purpose of the Circla immediately verbally slaught-
art survey was simply to deter.::. ered by Dr. Teichman ( with the
mine the general student opinion aid of a brief but audible com-
of the Art (with a capital A) ment from Dean Wade).
in the sculpture garden. As far spite of subsequent apologies,
as resident students go, the con- which flew from all three sides,
census was approximately eight Mr. Lowe spoke no more.
to one in favor of getting rid ·of
Dr. Milton Teichman vigor-
all of it. So, the survey accom- ously defended the Artist for
plished exactly what it set out to having the Artistic sense to see
accomplish. And that's that.
such beauty in materials that
The purpose of the meeting would normally have been dis-
in Leo lounge, however, is still carded. He also helped Mrs.
a bit vague, which would lead Plaut answer questions directed
us to believe that it could not to Mrs. Fischer.
accomplish much at all.
Mrs. Fischer spent most
meeting did do something, and time making private side com-
we reluctantly concede that it ments to Mrs. Plaut, nodding to
might have, the something was . . . or for . . . orat Mrs. Plaut's
somewhere in the negative _ -in contributions to the discussion,
other words, something just short and laughing
whenever Mrs.
of nothing.
Plaut saw fit to laugh.
For those of you who were for-
And so it went, the only con-
tunate enough to be otherwise clusion being that the only way
occupied at the time, we have
appreciate Marist's brand of
compiled the following outline Art is to take the Artist's Art
of the highlights of an agonizing course.
two and one half hours:
was disappointing to see
Mr. Thomas Wade, Dean of that none
the members of the
( over,and faculty who had previously been
over, and over again) that the so outspoken about the issue
"licorice sticks," the multicolored showed up at the affair. Either
ladders,, and the sewer pipe seg- the Student Government neglec-
ments were well worth display- ted to invite them, or the p:rofs
ing, simply because their pre-
simply wanted to avoid making
sence brought students and fac-
waves. Either way, it makes no
ulty members together
Leo difference. The S.G. has asked
lounge to talk about it. A valid for the removal of the· sculpture,
observation, until one realizes and probably would have done
that multicolored sewage would so even if the discussion
probably have done the same.
come to some kind of resolution.
Meekly, almost apologetically,
Well, for want of an editorial
Br. Nilus Donnelly insisted tha·t opinion. . we have decided that
the sculpture garden didn't turn Mrs. Fischer. is one of the very
out quite the way he wanted· it .few people in the world who can
to, and that the sculpture there~ be classified as a "winner," that
in should not by any means be is, in contradistinction to the
considered pE)rmanent.
rest of us, who are, quite .obvi-
Mrs. Plaut, answering most of ously, "losers." A winner, accor
the questions directed to Mrs. ding to our twentieth century
Fischer by asking her own ques. system of values, is one who can
tions ("What is Art"), invited start, jump on, or otherwise ride
the entire college to audit her the bandwagon of hula-hoops,
course and/ or join her field trips. super-balls, no neck bottles, Par-
Ed Lowe, Circle editoi,-,., ( and is fashions, folk-rock; Good-Guy
enfant terrible of the day), gave sweatshirts, bucket seats, and
a rousing exhibition of his un- contemporary art ( pop, op, slop,
. educated arrogance, and was or flop). Hail to the winner!
THE CIRCLE, the official newspaper of Marist College,
Poughkeepsie Campus, is edited and published bi-weekly by and;
in the interest of the students of Marist College, Poughkeepsie,
New York 12601.
THE CIRCLE is a member of Collegiate Press
Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Lowe
Associate Editor .............. ~......... George Menendez
Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Roche·
News Editor .. Br. Dave He;iley Feature Editor .. Tim Slattery;
Sports Editor . . Charles Dunn Copy Editor .. Br. Ray Heslin,
Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marty Haggerty
CircuJ~tion Manager ...........
! . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mike Esposito
Coadjutive Consellier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. George Sommer
Incompetent Collaborators . . . . The Entire Student Government
October 25, 1966 ·
To slip back into reality (
a capital R), we seem to be hav-
ing some problems with the Stu-
dent Government and the fate
our recently raised . _activity
fee. The great majority of Mar-
ist students are in a mad frenzy
about where the money is going,
and why there and not some-
place else.
We could alwavs hide behind
the relative security of "You can
please some of the people some
of the time . . . etc.," but such
platitudes do not always suffice.
So, we must ask ourselves what
our problem really is.
"Selves, what is our problem,
It may be a distorted sense of
values. The S.G. receives some
twenty thousand dollars of the
activity and uses the money as
it sees fit. Some of it goes into
dances, bus rides for girls, I.D.
cards, movies, and lectures. The
yearbook is now on its own, or
rather, on the student ( which
makes the activity fee $37.50, ·
and·' the I.D. cards were almost
the student's burden, too ..
But whose responsibility is it?
the student body is constantly
at odds with the Student Govern-
ment, it must be because ·some-·
one made bad choices during the
last election. Electing an official ·
representative is only half· the
student's obligation.
Often enough, people, e11pecially
college people, have to be prns-
sured into doing somethin)i; for
anyone but the~selves. This is
especially true with small scale,
big-shot politicians. Perhaps
past will finally.have a profound
effect on S.G. future.
The followin~ letter was sub-
mitted to the Camvus Life. Com-
m.itte!'-, and
published in
CIRCLE with the author's per-
I would like to express my con-
. cern over an aspect of campus
life which has not received the
serious thought it deserves either
from students or faculty .
Each fall I have been distres-
sed by the practice of freshman
hazing, not only by the inanities
it produces but by the callous-
ness to human feeling it actively
exhibits. This past week fresh-
man hazing struck me as partic-
ularly disturbing and particu-
larly out of place at Marist Col-
lege. I could not help but see an
enormous and disheartening in-
congruity between the thought-
full exploration of educational
purposes and goals which were
part of the orientation week for
freshmen and the childishly
mature and, at points, cruel be-
havior of those who were carry-
ing out the hazing program.
During orientation week, fresh-
men were asked to consider the
liberal arts education as a hu-
manizing experience, as an ed~
continued on page five

October 25,
To The
continued from page four
ucation affording us opportun..:
ities for developing our faculties
- intellectual, moral and spirit-
ual - toward a richer and deep-
er humanness. One week later,
freshmen were exposed to a so-
called Marist tradition which
Jinks college fun and college
spirit to regementation, . to im-
pose conformity, to the _humili-
ation of individuals, to the exer-
cise of oppressive power, and
to the p1:inciple that "we upper-
classmen got it last year or the
year before so you freshmen will
get it now". Isn't it bitterly ironic
that the thoughtful and morally
sensitive freshmen must suffer
ostracism for refusing to submit
to indignities and humiliations?
Hazing is hardly the way to
translate into action the academ-
ic and human ideal~ so movingly
enunciated by administrators,
faculty, and students _during the
week before classes, what is
more, this practice strikes me as
totally incompatible with the
purposes of Marist as a relig-
iously affiliated college, with
the lofty spirit of the Marist .
Brotherhood, and with the dem- ,
ocratic ideals we espouse.
I sh·ongly recommend that '
the Faculty Camvus ·Life Com-
mittee study the appropriate-
ness of hazing at Marist and that :
it involve representative students
in serious discussion and anal-
ysis of this activity.
I know students will say that
Harvard, Yale, and other pres-
tigious institutions conduct haz-
ing activities, that hazing fosters
· manliness and group solidarity,
that the freshmen themselves en-
jov this introduction to college
life, and that it is all good clean
fun. To this I would reply that
Marist's future cannot lie in be-
ing imitative of other -institu-
tions; its aim must be to exoloit
oooortunities for meaningful and
principled individuality. Group
solidarity can surely be achieved
through more mature means; and
manliness is wh:it hazing in-
culcates, then we need seriously
reconsider what it means to
be a man. As for the enjoyment
and good clean fun, I can only
say that
a single freshman is
humiliated or coerced, directly
or indirectly, into behavior that
offends a man's dignity and
sense of decency, then hazing
can have no justification.
The following statement con-
cludes the section "Hazing" in
the recent student government
"Any Frosh
failing to comply with these rules
will be ostricized. . . and con-
sidered unfit for college life."
I think some confusion exists
about the qualities that equii;
one for college life.
Respectfully submitted,
Milton Teichman
Assoc. Prof. of English
Dear Editor,
It is an absurd contradiction
that a letter of this nature must
be addressed to the editor of a
college newspaper. However, a
serious situation has arisen on
this campus that must be recti-
fied immediately; namely, the
disgraceful condition of our caf-
eteria at mealtime.
There seems to be several dis-
tinct schools of thought with
regard to justifying the very sim-
ple act of getting up and leaving
one's mess on the table.
First, there is the archaic and
meaningless excuse that "\\
paying enough - why should we
clean up?" This is self-defeating
in view of the fact that we ac-
cept this very responsibility.
Too, Vassar College students,
who pay easily twice what we
do for meals, not only cooperate
one hundred percent in bussing
their tables but also, each spends
six weeks a year helping in the
dish room.
Secondly, we hear moans of
those unhappy
students who
claim that "The food is terrible,
so why should we aid and abet
such atrocity?" The refutation
of such childish nonsense is ob-
vious. The quality of the food is
in no way related to the kitchen
employees, who spend an hour
after every meal cleaning the
tables. This represents a cost to
us of twenty-five dollars a day,
or one hundred and seventy five
dollars a week. Furthermore, any
student with a legitimate com-
plaint has recourse through the
Council-appointed Food Com-
If one of the purposes of Mar-
ist College is, as stated, "to de-
velop a social awareness . . . .
which will guide him in the ser-
vice of his fellow-man", we are
sadly deficient. Let us develop
some semblance of responsible
behavior before we find us with
an incurable delemma on our
Yours truly,
Patrick Casey
hazing fosters manliness and grouo "solidaritv
that if a single freshman is humiliated or
coerc~ · ...
I, through some misfortune,
did not receive one of the short
and painless questionnaires a-
bout the structural display in the
courtyard of the Campus Cen-
ter. Knowing that this does not
mean that my opinions and com-
ments are not welcome, here
Page 5
The cancellation caused quite
a furor on the campus that night,
as a couple of leaflets shooting
barbs at "certain segments of
the administration" were dis-
tributed to the residen_t students.
First of all, I feel that it is not,
or rather should not be a short
and painless questionnaire. A
Bringing up the curtain at the
great deal of thougnt and time Marist College Theater this year
should be given by _anyone who will be
The Best Man
by Gore
truly wants to constructively Vidal. A drama in three acts,
criticize any display of art. And concerning a presidential nom-
then again perhaps many of us inating convention, the play will
are actually not qualified to cri-
be performed on November
ticize. There will be some who 10-13, 1966. These dates include,
wi!I say that because i:he stu-
as has been the tradition at Mar-
dents view it, they should de- . ist, three evening performances.
cide just what they will view.
However, this year there has
This may sound very democratic been added a Sunday Matinee
and ideal, but think of what for those who wish to make it
would become of this school if
a family affair.
such sentiment were allowed to
Best Man,
govern all aspects of campus
December 8-11 will be
life. Is it not true that we are
Gang's All Here
by Jerome Law-
here at Marist to learn, to a-
rence and Robert E. Lee. The
quire a Liberal Arts Education,
story of a tragic presidential
administration, this drama un-
to become aware of as many·
folds itself in three acts.
aspects of the world about-us as
we can and to integrate these
Rounding out the general
aspects into something mean-
theme of politics will be
ingful that will be part of the
Apple Cart
by George Bernard
basis of our future?
It might be Shaw, and
An Enemy of the
that too many of us do not
by Henrik Ibren, the
consider art to be a part of this
dates for which are yet to be
whole, when in actuality art
is going to be a part of our lives
The Apple Cart
the scene
for a long time to come, and it changes from America to Lon-
don for the comic situation of a
might be wise for us to try
broaden our knowledge of this
king who decides to run for
very basic subject. I fear that Prime Minister.
An Enemy of
too many of us will criticize out
the People
concerns one man and
of ignorance, feeling that since his fight against the conuption
we personally can not compre-
of municipal politics.
bend what we see, it is no good
and should not be. Perhaps this
is a basic problem with a great
deal of our feeling for education
here at Marist. Not enough of
the students car~ enou_gh to take
that one steo bevond and try to
learn for th'emselves instead of
being presented with everything.
Please give some thought to
the other side of things before
you begin the crucifixion.
Yours truly,
An Interested Student
The airplane "grand", a stunt
thought up by a grouµ of
seniors, died in Mr. Wade's·
office. The grand, to drop five
or six thousand leaflets on the
Manhattan campus at 12:00
noon, Friday, September 30, was
to have been accomplished with
the aid of a. hon-owed airplane,
the contributions of a psyched-
up Marist student
body, and
many willing volunteers. How-
ever, Mr. Wade, fearing recrim-
inations from what obviously
would have been a rather irrita-
ted Manhattan student body,
cancelled it with the warning
that any students caught "grand-
ing" the Manhattan. campus
would be "out of school by Mon-
day". The mission was therefore
scrubbed, and all contributions
turned over to the Football Club.
Thentral Park
Continued from
page 3
the boys, each with the proper
high pitched giggle, cute lisp,
and posture as they shifted their
weight ( and something else)
from leg to leg.
I noticed the oddities around
us and began to accelerate our
pace as I began to fear for our
safety; Margaret, that she might
be expelled from their midst as
a female intruder, and I, that I
might be accosted and subse-
quently defiled by the garden of
pansies which surrounded us.
Quickly turning left at the pixie
with the twitching red lips, we
breathed a sigh of relief and left
wonderland to their rears, thank-
fully bought a stone from the
pretzel man, and sat near the
weather station watching the
squirrels prepare for the winter.
As we were riding -the D-train
into Chinatown, we paused to
consider by what stroke of fate
had the whole of Cherry Grove
been removed from its pieceful
setting on Fire Island and set
down in the middle of Central
Park on the most beautiful day
of the year.
Only the Good Fairy knows ......•

October 25, 1966
Wally Abrams
For those who thought that
a winning team in club football
was just a far-off dream here
at the U.
Marist's fine 22
victory over Seton Hall was
evidence to the contrary. Spot-
ting the Pirates a first minute
touchdown, the Vikings instantly
recovered to dominate . the re-
mainder of the game and secure
its initial win of the season.
In this reporter's opinion, the
big player in the
game for Mar-
ist had to be sophomore Jim
Conroy. This big six-foot-three,
two hundred and five pound
standout, playing offensive tight
end, helped perform the unher-
alded chore of springing loose
Lou Rinaldi and Walt O~Connor
on many of the running plays.
As a receiver, big Jim rambled
'57 yards with a Gary Henderson
screen pass to set the stage for
Marist's first score. As a defen-
sive right end, Jim was brilliant
Charley Dunn
On November 12, the NAIA
Cross Country Championships
will be held at a sight yet to be
named. The Marist team does
not only expect to participate -
it expects to sweep the meet.
This optimism was expressed by
co-captain Brendan Burke in an
interview earlier this week: 'We
plan on an undefeated season for
the remainder of the year and
we are sure of
" Burke knows what he is
talking about - this is his third
year of college CC competition;
and Burke knows his team and
its potential as a sure winner.
Marist opened the season a-
State University on September
24. In that meet, the big M fin-
ished 1,
2, 4, and 5 and scored
a 21-34 victorv. The next week,
·under the m~st miserable w~a-
ther conditions seen thus far, the
team traveled to Van Cortlandt
Park to participate in a com-
bined meet. The results: Marist,
34; Brooklyn, 40;
Stoney brook,
64 and St. Francis, 85. An over-
whelming victory followed on
October 5 when Marist, finish-
ing in the first seven places,
literally walked all over Sacred
Heart College with an unbelie-
vable 15-50 romp. The taste of
victory was short lived, however,
when Marist tried to make i~
as he kept the Hall from sweep-
ing to his side (
play which,
by the way, helped the Pirates
in their two victories over the
Vikings last year).
Not to be outdone bv the other
two-way men on the squad,
Conroy also handled the punting
for Marist. His booming kick
late in the fourth period, from
deep in Viking territory, was
one of the clutch plays in the
It was a great ballgame,
and a lot of credit goes to this
fine ballplayer.
Intramural football has begun
under the guiding hand of Com-
missioner Tim Nagle. Again The
Spectre, last year's champs, ap-
to be a tough te:im along
with Desolation Row and The
Touchdown Club.Tom Murray's
hapless All-Stars are on their
way to an intramural record,
having yielded 81 points in two
and scoring only6. Hang
in there, All-Stars!
four in a row against Seton Hall,
Kings Point and Bloomfield in
a dual meet, again at Van Cort-
landt. Unable to find its footing,
had to settle for second
best, beating Blooomfield 15
but losing to the Hall 16-42 and
to the Point 20-36.
Junior co-cal_)tain John Forbes
is of course, the big gun on this
year's squad. Averaging 27 min.,
sec. in the first four meets,
John was number one in the first
three. But sophomore Bob An-
drews and junior John Goegel
have set their
sights on Forbes'
time and, in so doing, have aided
Marist's chances for the crown
Burke noted that injuries have
plagued the team almost from
the start: Phil Caopio missed
the second and thi;d meets be-
cause of an injured hip and sore
George Thompkins has
been bothered by pu11ed ankle
ligaments; and Sabino Shripooli
suffered a leg injury in the dual
meet on October 8.
The spirit embodied in this
year's cross country is far super-
ior to the soirit in vears past
and this is mainly the work of
coach, Mr. Robert Lewis. As was
expressed bv Burke, Mr. Lewis
has stressed "and blended
speed and distance" in the per-
formance of his runners. The
coach has put many hours into
this team-'he has, in this writer's
opinion, produced a champion-
ship bound squad.
Y .W.C.A.
56 Cannon St.
Beginners Welcome
50c per person
On Saturday night, October
8th, the M:irist Vikings avenged
last year's two defeats at the
hands of the Seton Hall Pirates,
dominating both offensive and
defensive olay enroute to hand-
ing the Pirates a 22-15 defeat.
The Viking defense was stun-
ned by a 56 yard touchdown
burst on the first plav from
scrimmage and a
16 yard scor-
ing toss later in the first period,
but for· the remainder of the
game completely ov.erpowered
the Pirate offense. As a result,
the Marist offensive unit main-
tained control of the ball for
most of the second quarter and
the better part of the second
half, running
70 plays to Seton
Hall's 44.
With the crowd still filling
in Seton Hall took the opening
ki~k off to their own 44 yard
line. Seconds later the Pirates
posted their first score as half-
back Jim Rusignerolo took a
handoff and raced 52 yards to
the Viking end zone. 'I:he con-
version was
good and with less
than a minute gone, Marist was
forced to play catch-up football.
Marist's John Murphy returned
the ensuing kickoff to the Marist
31 yard line. A swing pass from
Gary Henderson to halfback
Moose O'Connor moved the ball
to the Pirate's 40 yard line; how-
ever, the drive stalled there
when an errant pitchout by
Henderson was recovered
alert Pirate lineman. The Viking
defense took the field and forc-
ed the Pirates to punt, giving
the offense their second chance
for a score.
It came quickly as
Henderson and Jim Conroy
teamed up for 41 yards on a
beautifully executed screen pass,
taking Marist to the Pirate's 17
yard line. Three plays later Lou
Rinoldi bulled over the nine, and
Freshman Bill Dourdis' conver-
sion evened the score
Seton Hall in the hands of the defense. The
took the kick-off and marched final period was a stalemate,
65 yards for their second score neither club scoring, but it was
as the period ended.
not without its ·highlights. Seton ·
At this point, Marist began to Hall mounted its first sustained
dominate the action. Jim Con- drive since the opening period,
roy then took matters into his marching to the Marist 20, but
own hands as he punted for 41 was stalled there by an alert
yards to the Pirate
yard line Viking secondary as three aer~
and two plays later buried a ials fell
Pirate half-back in his own end Marist being forced into a punt-
zone for a safety
Bill Holmes ing situation, Jim Conroy put
took the free kick and raced up his foot into a booming 52 yard
the middle to the Seton Hall
7 punt carrying from his own 19
before being stopped by a des-
yard line all the
to the
peration tackle. The Viking Pirate 29. Once again the Vik-
drive stalled at the Pirate 14, ing defense forced the Pirates
but 5 plays after the Pirate of-_ to give up the ball and the Vik-
fense re-entered the game, the · ings then ran out the final five
Viking's Kevin Peters intercept-
minutes as Lou Rinaldi and
ed a pass and returned the ball Moose O'Connor ran over the
to the Pirate 38. From there the middle of the Pirate line for four
Vikings moved in for the score, first downs. The game ended
yard pass from Henderson with the Vikings on the Seton
to O'Connor providing the scar-
Hall 14 and still driving.
ing punch. Once again Dourdis'
Such an impressive showing
conversion was perfect and cannot be overlooked in predict-
Marist held a 16-15 advantage ing the outcome of future games.
as the half ended.
An opening game defeat to Man-
Late in the third quarter the hattan has cancelled the thought
Vikings cemented their victory of Marist's first undefeated sea-
when a 39 yard drive following son, but the team's brilliant play
a poor Pirate punt ended in pay-
in its second outing seems to
dirt as Lou Rinaldi crashed over speak well for things to come.
from the five. The conversion
Wally Abrams and
attempt was wide, but the sev-
Raymond Armstrong, F.M.S.
en point margin appeared safe
Give them
to live
