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The Circle, May 5, 1988.pdf


Part of The Circle: Vol. 34 No. 20 - May 5, 1988


Staying healthy will cost more -
Sports special: Year in review -
Volume 34, Number
Mar/st College! Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
May 5, 1988 •
Vietnamese refugee to address. class of '88
by Ilse
Thuy Thanh Vu, the only female
Vietnam War correspondent who
received the 21st Century Woman
A ward
maceuticals and the National
Organization for Women in 1987,
will speak at Commencement on
May 21, pending approval of the
board of trustees on Saturday.
Two others, Rev. Terrence At-
tridge and Floyd Patterson, will
receive Doctor of Human Letters
honorary degrees at Commence-
ment. Attridge is the executive
director of DARE (Drugs-Alcohol-
Rehabilitation-Education) in New
York City. Patterson,
Heavyweight Champion of the
World and the youngest to ever win
that title, is the founder of Floyd
Patterson's Children Fund.
Currently an editorial assistant
for the San Diego Union, Vu fled
her country with her husband and
first two children. on a raft with 80
. others in 1979. They were captured
and tortured for three weeks by
Thai pirates until a United Nations
ship rescued them. They came
the United States in 1980.
Vu, 37, helped to break the story
of the boat people to the world and
At issue: How tough
is the comm major?
Steven Murray
.... w·annTriaj}.t§..~£!1C9Jl~jotf!98l
_to COIIlJJl~~:-.
' .,.. . t1on arts tfiis semester tiecause she real1zeosne
not"hke 6usiness•~p
and she believed communication arts would be easier. •

"Ever sinceTve been at Marist I've heard it was a blow-off major,"
sai_d the sophomore from Port Jefferson, N.Y. ''That was one of the
. big reasons 1 switched to communications.". •
Triant's perception that communication arts is an easy majoris one
shared-by much of the Marist community, especially business and ac-
counting majors. Whether the major.really is easier, however, is a ques-
tion widely debated
publicly and privately - by Marist students .
and faculty.
Those who think comm arts is an unusually easy major point to several
factors, many of them hard to document. Among those most common-
ly mentioned are the small number of required courses in communica-
tion arts, the perception that the workload is lighter and the number of
students who switch majors from 'business to communication arts.
• Defenders of the comm art major argue that while the requirements
are looser, the difficulty of the major is up to the individual:
"This area (communication arts) allows people to go as far as they
want," said Jeptha Lanning, chairperson of the Division of Arts and
Letters and a member of the communication arts faculty. "You have
to have internal motivation and discipline. It's all there, but it demands
effort. You get what you put into it."
That's a point many business majors would dispute. "I've always
thought it (communication arts) was an easy major," said Mike Fer-
ragamo, a sophomore liusiness ~nance major from Qu:;ns,
"I think
it's too general, and the reqmrements are too easy.
In business and accounting, requirements for majors are largely deter-
mined by either state mandates or the guidelines of national accrediting
associations. Requirements in communications arts are designed by the
faculty in the discipline.

In accounting, the state mandates 57 credits of the maJor. Because
Continued on page 5
in 1981 she co-authored "Pirates in
the Gulf of Siam." She and her
husband are involved in rescuing
and assisting refugees who are still
at sea, with the Boat People S.O.S.
The degree recipients were
chosen from a field of candidates
by a group of faculty, administra-
tion and students. "They are all
working hard to make the world a
better place_
and we are privileged
to have them," said Anthohy
Cernera, vice president for college
James Kullander, assistant direc-
tor of public relations, said that Vu
-Hitting the
will speak about her life in Viet-
nam, how she fled, what she went
through and her reflections on life
in America. "She is a very caring
person, very inspirational and a
very courageous woman," he said.
Kullander said that Vu was
chosen for her individuality and
because she represents the largest
single ethnic group of refugees in
tile United States-- the Southeast
is most likely that the
people who are graduating this year
and in following years will work
with someone who is a Southeast
Asian, and most likely a refugee,"
he said. "We thought we would
give them an idea of what one of
them went through."
When Marist was contacting Vu
about speaking at Commencement,
she was on a two-week rescue mis-
sion which saved 40 refugees.
"Even though she is now safe, she
has continued to rescue people
from her homeland. She has not
turned her back,'.' said'Cernera.
Vu, who is fluent in three
languages, became a United States
citizen in 1986. "She is going to
have a very moving story and I
think the students and parents will
enjoy her," said Kullander.
.Dorm power
fails. again
transformer explosion, power was
lost.for over 12 hours on the South
E_nd Sl;Jnday e\'ening and Monday
morning. This -is the second ·time
.this semester· a· power outage has
struck the South End.
Electricity was lost in Campus
Center, Champagnat, Leo and
Sheahan Halls, at 9:40 p.m. Sun-
day, when a transformer on a pole
just east of Donnelly Hall blew up.
Power was restored by Central
employees shortly before noon
Monday, according to Joseph
Waters, director of Marist security.
Central Hudson employees arriv-
ed Sunday evening, but repairs
were delayed until monday because
Marist's transformers require non-
standard fuses which are not car-
ried by crew members, Tim Massie,
director for Central Hudson,
That blackout was preceded by
a two-hour power failure Saturday
night, which is linked to the Sun-
day's explosion. According to
Massie, that blackout was a prelude
Mike Wallace
and Dan
to. the eventual explosion and Cen-
Rather, seen here talking to Vice
tral Hudson was not contacted for
President for College Advance-
ment, were two of the notables
Less than two m~>nths ago, a
at· last week's Lowell Thomas
transformer adjacent to Sheahan
award luncheon.
Hall exploded, causing a six-hour
(Photo by Mall Croke)
blackout when a squirrel found its
into it and caused damages.
A shadow of racism falls on Mari st campus
by Bill
Yvonija Taylor,
fashion design
major from Hempstead,
returned to her Leo Hall room a
few weeks ago to find the signs on
her door defaced with racial slurs.
Later, signs advocating. white
were distributed
throught the hall. Everyone doesn't
think "Black is beautiful.''
Michelle Ervin, a freshman
psychology major from Hartford,
Conn., Taylor's friend, was pelted
with snowballs as she walked across
campus one night. She was not
walking alone, she said, but she·
said she was the only target because
she was the only black.
At colleges nationwide, incidents
of racial tension have increased in
recent weeks. While evidence of
this trend is seen at Marist, blacks
on campus say racism is more
covert here than elsewhere; but it
still exists.
"I believe there is racism
·somewhere on campus,"
James Brown, assistant director of
admissions-and enrollment plann-
ing and director of minority
is like rain; if it's
not falling
According to black students in-
terviewed, overt racial .tensions are
rare, but a bigger problem is what
people do not see -
any black
faculty or any Core courses in
Afro-American studies -
prevents white students from
understanding and accepting them.
They charge the college with
negligence in addressing minority
Students and administrators
agree that the figures are not as.
favorable as they could be. Accor-
ding to Marilyn Poris, director of
institutional research, minorities
comprise 16.5 percent of the stu-
dent population this year, including .
the students
in the Special
Academic Programs, Marist's pro-
grams • taught in • correctional
facilities. Blacks, the most promi-
nent minority group, comprise 10.6
On campus, however, minorities
comprise 7 percent of the popula-
tion -
percent black.
The number of minority students
has increased since I 982, statistics
show. Minorities comprised 10.5
percent -
including 6 percent
black -
of the total student
population then, and 7 percent -
with 2.1 percent black -
on the
main campus.
Minorities represent
3 percent of
the faculty, according to Carol
Coogan, assistant director of per-
sonnel. Hispanics comprise 0.7 per-
cent, and Asian or Indian teachers
comprise 2.3 percent. There are no
black faculty members.
The administration is comprised
of 10 percent minorities, Coogan
sai,~, including 6. 7 percent black.
We have recognized the fact
that, though the trends are in a
positive direction, we are underser-
ving minority students at Marist,"
Continued on page 2
~ee you rte~t year

hlitor's \oil':
the detail, \>I
on- and ol
l-,·,1mpu, l'\ellh,
~ml rnncert,. Send mlormation to
h111ane., o The C 1rde. Bo, 8~9. or
.rJ-60~1 ,titer
Housing Notice
Science· Center in Poughkeepsie. The
Another Chapin
Residence halls wili close at
p.m. next showing begins tomorrow and runs through
Tom Chapin, brother of the late Harry
Thursday for summer vacation. All students June
For more information, call Chapin, will perform at the Towne Crier
must vacate their room on the day of their
Cafe Sunday night at 8 P:m. For more iri-
last exam. For more information, contact
Schooner Fare
formation about the show, call the Cafe at
the Housing Office.
Tomorrow night, the Towne Crier Cafe
W k h
in Millbrook is presenting the music of
Horror Shop
Schooner Fare at
p.m. For more informa-
The Downtown Players, in collaboration
Grief and Bereavement
t:on, call the Cafe at
with Community Experimental Repertory
The Mental Health Association in Ulster
Hall, Hall Rock and Roll
Theater, Inc., will perform "Little Shop of
County is sponsoring a seminar entitled
Rock 'n' Roll legend Chuck Berry will Horrors" at the Vassar Brothers Institute
"Grief and Bereavement:
What is normal?"
bring his duck-walk to Poughkeepsie for an in Poughkeepsie. The show will run from
on Monday at
p.m. at the Old Dutch
8 p.m. performance tomorrow night at the May
to May
For ticket information,
Church, Wall Street, Kingston, N.Y. For
Mid-Hudson Civic Center. For ticket infor-
call either
more information, call
the Civic Center at
Group Meetings
Out to Lunch
Alcoholics Anonymous
Images and Myths
Out to Lunch, a band whose music
A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is
Artwork by artists Richard Corozine, ranges from bluegrass to swing, will per-
open to all members of the Marist com-
Robin Larsen, Jone Miller, Robert Pucci form Saturday night at the Towne Crier munity who feel they have a problem with
and John Wolfe will be on display as part Cafe. For ticket information, call the Cafe alcohol. The meetings are held every Fri-
the showing entitled "Images and at
day at
11 :45
a.m. in Lowell Thomas room
Myths" at the Mid-Hudson
continued from page I
Paris said.
While college administrators say
they are taking steps to improve
minority status on campus, black
students maintain they are disad-
if not outright
discriminated against -
by the

•~The administration is lying to
the students when
says they're
getting a well-balanced education,"
said Bob Watson, a senior political
science major from Poughkeepsie.
The lack of black faculty and
studies is a blow to their self-
esteem, several black students said.
They said they are made to feel in-
when they are taught
primarily white subjects by white
a senior
business administration
from Elmont, N.Y., one of the
strongest to speitk~
Ag~i!,lst .
racism on campus; s1l1a
students are at
vantage because of their race.
"I feel you have to work harder
for your grades," Johnson said.
"When you walk into class as a
black or Hispanic you already have

(t-shirts; hats. mugs. etc ... different pri.i:es
20 year olds WELCOME
, -- -:21
b\fei' ·:
. Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers is offering an eight-
week program for members of the Marist
community at a cost of
To register or
for further information, call the Health Ser-
vices Office at ext.
Radio Interns
WTBQ in Orange County is seeking
communication arts or English majors as
summer interns. For more information, call
Marita Licari at
Miss New York
Miss New York pageant com-
mittee is seeking delegates to participate
in an attempt to find the Empire State's
representitive to the Miss U.S.A. pagea~t.
For those interested, contact the commit-
at Miss New York USA, Dept. "CP,"
P.O. Box
East Brunswick, N.J.
Around the country, racial ten-
sions are flaring up. The National
Institute Against Prejudice and
Violence reported
racially or
religiously-motjyated incidents at.
schools since the fall of
Andros Diner
At Marist, President Dennis
Murray refuted charges the college

.,.been· ,,•·negligent•:,".
discriminatory toward minorities.
Murray said Marist has made pro-
gress in this area, although it needs.
some improvement.
"I think that's a reasonable goal
that the minority population on
campus should be somewhat reflec-
tive of the population that goes on
to college," Murray said. "We're
going to have to do a better job of
getting underrepresented classes on
our faculty."
Responding to a request by black
students for courses in Afro-
American studies, Murray said:
there is an interest in such courses,
they will be made available next
year. It is very important for our
students to know about that part
of the world."
there were no black people
at Marist, black studies would still
be needed," said Gill Thomas, a
junior computer science major
from Poughkeepsie.
Concerning faculty, Coogan said
several positions will be filled this
summer, and she hopes black
teachers will fill some of those
Some administrators warn not to
expect too much progress too soon.
Brown said he would like to raise
the black student population on
campus to 8 percent in four or five
Likewise, attracting minority
faculty is difficult and time-
consuming, according to Executive
Vice President Mark Sullivan.
Many schools are in a similar situa-
he said, and the demand for
minority "i$h while the
, 'hltf ~. ~_,
-SUI-'!-' yl1~ 10W:

Andros Diner
119 Parker Ave.
Poughkeepsie, N.V.
Let us do the searching
For Information
Write or Call:
Dutchess Teachers Agency
P.O. Box 2986
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(914) 454-6841

May 5, 1988 - THE CIRCLE - Page 3
Special prosecutor
takes aim at . racisffi
Michael Kinane
The advisors
for Tawana
Brawley, the alleged sexual assault
victim from Wappingers Falls,
N.Y., are committing a disservice
to her'if they do not allow her to
testify, according to Charles J.
Hynes, deputy attorney general and
special state prosecutor for the New
York City criminal justice system
who spoke in Campus Center last
The evening before his lecture at
Marist, Hynes said he took part in
a forum that included C. Vernon
Mason, Brawley's attorney, and
said he told him if the crime did oc-
cur, Mason was only violating her
twice by not committing her to
don't think this case will be
solved in a just way until Tawana
Brawley is advised to tell her side,"
said Hynes, who served as special
prosecutor during the Howard
Beach murder trial last year.
"There are plenty of things to be
done to resolve the case." -
The complaint from Brawley's
advisors that Robert Abrams, the
state district attorney investigating
the case, does not have the proper
experience to try the case is incor-
rect, said Hynes.
"Bob Abrams can· successfully
carry out the case,'' said Hynes,
who also said if a district attorney
is not performing he can be remov-
ed from a case by ''the stroke of
the governor's pen."
According to Hynes, the idea of
appointing a :·special prosecutor
solely for ra¢ially biased cases is
unnecessary because the attorney
general has more than 400 lawyers
and investigators to work on cases
of all types.

Hynes said one thing to be realiz-
ed is that defendants are the peo-
ple on trial and not the com-
munities such as, Howard Beach
and Wappingers Falls, where the
crimes occurred.
"Bias related hatred is not
limited to any one place in this
country," said Hynes. "Dutchess
or Wappingers Falls should not be
on trial any more than Howard
Beach was."
Criminals . convicted of bias-
related crimes should be given har-
sher sentences than those convicted
of some other sorts of crimes, said
"Unlike some crimes, violence
against someone based on dif-
ferences is so destructive," said
Hynes. "Mindless violence has to
"We have to do something to
bring us back together," he said.
will never be satisfied until peo-
ple are understood based on their
There are a minority of "haters"
in the world who judge people bas-
ed on their race and ethnicity, ac-
cording to Hynes, whose lecture
was part of the Cuneen-Hackett
lecture series and was presented by
the Marist Institute for Public
"There is no logic in hate -
is vile and destructive," said
we are ever to be peo-
ple of good will, we must stop call-
ing each other names."
Charles J. Hynes replies to a question at a lecture last week.
House goes
Anne Andrei
House has been
designated as the new International
Cultures House for Fall 1988.
"This is the beginning of
something positive," said Steve
Sansola, director of housing. San-
sola explained that the "special in-
terest" housing would allow for a
students from different cultures.
Gre~ory will be open to 34
students from all majors who share
common interests in the various
wo~ld cultures.
Juniors as well as Seniors have been
invited to apply for residence,
although the response has not been
overwhelming, according to Jim
Raimo, assistant director of
on this new housing
alternative was sent out in the stan-
dard _housing package given to all
returning students.
. "This is not something we are
highly publicizing," said Raimo.
is really for students who want
to broaden their education."
Gregory House was chosen for
its small residence hall living ar-
rangement which provides the high
level of interaction needed for the
program's success, said Sansola.
. In addition the house will pro-
vide programs of acade'mic and
social interest which include guest
speakers, films and International
Maureen Owens, currently a resi-
~ent a_ssistant
in Champagnat Hall,
1s designated as the International
House RA for the
increased co'sts··fo"r~~health
by Shelley'·~11dtl/'.
·, • •
cial officer at Marist, and has ask-
. As _
a r~ult::bf -the increasing ed him for an increase because the
numbers· .oF .students seeking hospital expects to treat 1600
·medical ·care. at St. Francis, the students this year, almost double
hospital has asked Marist for
in- the number treated last year, accor-
crease in the amount of money it ding to Hemrick.
.for the .health plan that
About 300 students visit Health
covers resident students, according Services weekly, of which about 25
to Francis Hemrick, vice president are sent to the hospital during
for corporate, development at the reful~r office h?urs, said Jane
hospital: _
B~ien, R:!"l·• director of health
• .
services. This number does not in-
Health Services office is closed.
Neither Campilii nor Hemrick
would reveal how much the plan
costs or the proposed increase, only
that the fee for the health plan was
included in the room charge.
"The arrangement that we have
with St. Francis, I don't feel at
liberty to discuss in terms of fee.
Very honestly, we're doing each
other a service," said Campilii.
broken bones and examinations.
The plan does not cover students
once they are admitted.
Before the plan came into ex-
istence three years ago, the hospital
was receiving payment from about
half of the students they were
treating according to Hemrick. The
plan allows the hospital to get some
compensation for all treatment
given. "The hospital, even though
we're not necessarily recouping all
of our.costs, we're not seeing the
bad debt that we had been seeing,"
said Hemrick.
Marist also benefits from the
health plan according to Campilii
because it does not have to develop
a fully equipped infirmary when
the hospital is within walking
think it's one of
the best
sions administratively that we have
ever made," said Campilii
Campilii said the health plan
remain financially feasible
the college ._in_:years
to -.come. . ,
Hemrick said he.has spoken to eluded students who go to St. Fran-
Anthony CampiJH, the chief finan- cis on their own. or when the
resident students are covered
under the plan for minor emergen-
cy treatment including X-rays,
letters: Who's to· blame for mail woes?
Helen G.a~dner
with five of each set containing

money. One set was mailed on
Sophomore • Colleen Corcoran
campus and each of the letters·
didn't think the Valentine's Day
reached their destination in from
candy she received on April 20 ex-
one to three days. The second set
pressed the sentiment her mother
.was mailed from the Poughkeepsie
meant it to have.
office and although all the letters
Corcoran, a communication arts
arrived at their proper destinations,
major from Verona, N.J., has yet
it took from one to 11 days for
to find why her coworker Nancy
them to arrive. The survey suggests
Hermann. discovered her package
that the problem is less prevalent
of peanut • butter candy buried
in on-campus mail, which relies
under-packages for the Gartland
completely on Pollack's staff, than
Commons Apartments in the post
in the off-campus system.
office almost three months after
In fact, Pollack says that in the
her mother sent it.
six years he's been employed by
don't know ifit was lost in the
Marist the service in the post office
Poughkeepsie mail system or just
has improved. This is despite that
sitting tl_lere
the whole time," said
the mail has since tripled in volume
Corcoran. "My friends would
and the post office has increased its
laugh at me when I was working in
services to include Canterbury
the mail room·because I have been
looking for this package since my
"I don't deny that there are pro-
mom sent it to me in February.,,
blems here,,, said Pollack, "but the
Student postal workers Lisa Gatti (left), Irene Siriotis and
Corcoran is yet another member
problems don't begin and end on
Brian Wenzel sort campus a
the out-going mail before the
pieces receive postage.
(Photo by Bob Davis)
of the Marist community with a
campus." Pollack said there are
horror story about the postal ser-
several variables to be considered trays of Marist mail sat at a
ters that are sent to the wrong
vice at the school. Countless com-
in the problems of the postal Poughkeepsie insurance company
plaints about lost mail, money and
for 3 days because no one at the
Security has become a major
packages circulate the campus dai-
Some of these
Poughkeepsie office came and
issue within the Marist post office
ly, leaving the brunt of the blame
originate in the Poughkeepsie Post picked it up," said Pollack.
as well as in the Poughkeepsie of-
upon Post Office Manager John
Office, where the bundles address-
flee. "Thefts are not unusual
Pollack and-his staff.
ed to Marist are picked up by a originates at the Wappingers Falls
because people insist on sending •
Pollack onthe other hand, says
driver at 8 a.m. every morning. Postal Center, which sorts all the
money and presetting their boxes so
the blame -should be placed on
Often postal workers at the mail coming into the area before it
they can open their boxes easily,"
anyone but nis staff.
Poughkeepsie office will address is shipped to towns in the area.
said Pollack.
. A survey don~-by The Circle in
entire bags for Marist that are ac-
When postal workers at Marist sort
Both offices have also experienc-
late March and early April supports
tually for Dutchess Community through the trays which contain
ed a series of thefts in r_ecent
, Pollack's claim.-The·test consisted
. first and second class letters every
months. At the Poughkeepsie of-
of mailing·two sets of ten letters
"I remember an instance that 3 .'_ morning, they find at least 100 let-
flee, three area teens were respon;,
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sible for six thefts occurring bet-
ween February
and March
resulting in the loss of approx-
imately $700, according to Captain
John Doherty of the Poughkeepsie
Police Department.

The results of the postal inspec-
tor's survey gave no leads into who
the on-campus thieves are that
broke into the boxes allotted to
Adrian Hall.
Marist's postal system received
a 100 percent in a test conducted
by postal inspectors who traced 10
letters to check if they reached their
proper destinations.
Both Carl Gerberich, vice presi-
dent of information services, and
Pollack agree that the area where
the post office is located should be
more secure. Pollack suggested
putting gates up in the hallways
where the boxes are located. "You
can't get into a regular post office
p.m., why should you be
able to get your mail here after
then," said Pollack.
Gerberich would like to see room
for a new post office built in one
of the new buildings the school is
planning on building in the new
future. "Trying to make the pre-
sent location more secure has
always been a problem with
emerge!lcy exit procedures," said
According to "Effective Mail
Service Management," a pamphlet
• prepared for
• Continue~-~nj,~geA-2

Page 4 - THE CIRCLE - May 5, 1988
can be a hairy problem at any age
by Chris Landry
Marist senior Garrett Ryan and
David Lee Roth have two things in
common. The most obvious is that
they are both lead singers in their
rock and roll bands ..
Ryan and his heavy metal band
Krusade hope to someday enjoy the
success that Roth has in the music
The second is not so evident -
male pattern baldness. Although
Roth, by way of surgery, has more
hair than he can handle now, the
front of his head was once balding
just as Ryan's is now.
plan to do
something about my hair loss,"
says Ryan, whose long frizzy blond
hair dangles below his shoulders,
you need a wild look in
a heavy metal band." Ryan says he
would still be concerned about the
thinning hair even if he did not
need rock's wild look.
While most student fears may in-
clude failure
in school
unemployment after, some males,
like Ryan, also worry about the
possibility of going bald and what
can be done to prevent it.
"I'm scared of being bald," says
a student who requests anonymity.
"I always thought I
good look-
ing and all of
sudden I'm losing
my hair."
"In some cases individuals might
feel self-conscious and restrict their
social life, especially with the op-
posite sex," said Joseph Canale, a
Marist associate professor of
Alopecia prematura
is the

medical term for the premature
thinning out of hair due to weaker
hairs replacing old ones. Hair
begins to fall out from the head's
crown and recedes forward or
begins a( the forehead's hairline
and recedes back.
About 20 percent of male
college-aged students who
Coddington's salon in Poughkeep-
sie are balding, according to owner
Carol Coddington.
Genetics is the primary reason
for male hair loss. A male loses hair
because family members, par-
ticularly the mother's father, have
passed the baldness trait to them.
Recent research done at der-
matology clinics in New York City
have shown that the specific
physiological cause is a hereditary
hormonal imbalance. Researchers
believe too much of certain male
hormones cause the loss. Secon•
dary reasons involve daily health
factors such as stress, lack of
and scalp hygiene.
Many students are proof of these
facts. Ryan's father and mother's
grandfather are both bald. But m;>t
all students have a logical answer.
One ~tudent, who also wishes to
remain anonymous, is at a loss to
explain his balding. All of his fami-
ly members have thick and healthy
At the beginning of his freshman
year, when he had thick brown
hair, his friends used to call him
"shaggy." Then after getting a
crew cut a few weeks later his fron-
hair grew back extremely
This abrupt loss has had a deep
psychological effect on him. "I
sometimes feel uneasy approaching
girls," he says. "Especially when
my hair is long and you can really
see how thin it is."
Canale points out that it is not
abnormal to be upset with any kind
of loss.
"Those who are less likely to get
upset about it (hair loss) probably
have more self-esteem," Canale
en ....
by Mark Miller
Twelve children. Twelve mouths
to feed. Twelve diapers to change.
Twelve educations to pay for.
Chrissy Lawless, 21, of Center-
port, N.Y., is the twelfth of twelve.
Fagan, 19, of Colonia,
N.J., and Jen Schiffer of Hartford,
Conn., are both the eleventh of
love it,"·~
made me more assertive. I can
stand up for myself. When you
have eleven brothers and sisters to
speak over, you get like this.'.'
According to Schiffer's room•
mates, she is gone almost every
weekend at onefamily gathering or
Eleven people to keep in touch
with. Eleven people to support.
"I get a lot of support," says
Fagan. "They all expect me to do
my best. In a large family you learn
to get by on your own but you're
never really alone."
:. ..
around;;Eleveri other egos
pete with
there is so much
happening I could get lost in the
crowd," said Lawless. "You make
time for yourself," said Fagan.
"There are so many people-
sometimes it can get on your nerves
so you read or do something on
your own."
Doing something on your own is
not always allowed. Responsibili-
ty and pitching in are said to be
keys to the survival of a large fami-
ly. "My sister Patty took care of
me," says Lawless. "She's the one
who tried to teach me how to walk.
She let me run across the concrete
and fall on my face."
"Danielle was responsible for
me," says Schiffer. "She got in
trouble when I cut my own hair and
when I drank turpentine."
"The older ones were expected
to be more responsible and set
good examples," says Fagan. "No
one was inconvenienced to take
care of the younger ones. If you
asked to help out."
"The middle kids did most of the
babysitting for me," said Lawless.
"The older kids got sick of it and
passed it on. As I mature more I
have more to talk to the oldest
Having so many children pro-
vides a huge age gap between the
oldest and the youngest.
"When I was born, the oldest
was fifteen," says Fagan; "What
do a IO-year-old and a 25-year-old
have in common? Not much.".
!'I'm getting to
now. that Jlm-,at·,their.,level/,' says
"They are-so many:age
differences and perspectives. H's
Twelve toothbrushes. Twelve
showers_ each morning. Twelve
bedtime stories each night ...
"I can appreciate my parents so
much more now," says Schiffer. "I
wish I understood then what they
must have been going through. It's
so hard to keep in touch with
everyone but no one is overlooked.
We talk to others and find out
about everyone. It's kind of the
Schiffer grapevine."
Twelve. Most families have a
fourth of this. This is two times
"The Brady Bunch.'' Two times
bigger and ten times more realistic.
it's hard for
everyone to get together," says
had been 11 years
since we had all been in one room
at Christmas. I've seen everyone in-
dividually but not all together for
II years."
"We try to get together at
Christmas every year,!~ says Fagan.
l)!Somethnesd"ne :.-or
"If had' been a couple of years
for us until this past Christmas,"
says Lawless. "We all go together
again for a wedding in February.''
Eleven different tastes to deal
with. Eleven perspectives to
disagree with.
I can, I'll have a large fami-
ly," says
"It's fun. It's
hard but it's fun."
"I used to want. eight kids until
I spent a weekend with my niece
and nephew," says Schiffer. "Now
just.wanH'our or five;''
"No more than a few for me,"
says Fagan. "It's an awful lot of
responsibility and much more
Twelve children.
"I guess we're a little in-
timidating to· outsiders," says·

Still, 11 brothers and sister to
talk to, to laugh with, sing with, cry
with. Eleven to support. Eleven to
"There's a definite bond here
than can't ever be broken," says
Jeff Nicosia, a senior from
Belmore, N.Y,, says he is not con-
cerned with his slightly receding
hairline and its possible effect on
attracting the opposite sex.
"Women who won't get to know
you because your bald aren't worth
it anyway -
they are just skin
deep," Nicosia said.
Most female Marist students
agree with Nicosia but they also
make it clear that men's fears are
not unfounded.
"When you first meet a person
it is always a physical attraction -
so balding would be a factor,"
sophomore Deana DeRosa says.
wouldn't be attracted to a
balding man at first -
its not
sexy," sophomore Susie Bosquet
adds. "I'd probably have to get to
know him."
So, what are the options for a
young male who is thinning
Some Marist students try to
cover up with their own illusion
techniques. Ryan blow-dries his
hair upside down and also shortens
his thinning front to compensate.
Others maneuver their hair from
one part of the scalp to cover the
open skin.
Marist 'readies for summer influx of kids
bl Lenny Klie
During the summer months,
Marist attracts a different
the 8- to 17-year-olds who
come for the computer or basket-
ball camps Marist offers during Ju-
ly and August.

While Marist undergraduates
learn philosophy,
history or
biology, students at the Dave
Magarity Basketball Camp or the
Marist College Computer Can)p
only learn about basketball or
For $150 any 8- to 17-year
boy can attend any of the bash:·
ballcamp sessions offered during
the day, while $230 buys a spot at
the overnight camp. The computer
camp costs $385 for any 9-17-year-
old for a two-week day session.
"The basketball camp draws
local kids for its day camps,
but the overnight camps draw kids
from all over the Northeast," said
Jeff Bower, assistant men's basket-
ball coach and co-director of the
The computer camp is only be-
ing offered·as a day camp now, but
in the past it was an overnight
camp with kids from all across the
country and Europe. according to
Pat Wood, secretary at the Marist
School of Adult Education, which
handles most of the arrangements
for the camps.
The Dave Magarity Basketball
Camp, now in its second year, is
designed as an instructional camp
to the fundamentals of the game
through both lectures
participation in the game, accor-
ding to Bower. "The boys are
divided into separate leagues accor-
ding to ability, size, age and
previous basketball experience,"he
"At the computer camps we
teach the boys and girls program-
ming, database, spreadsheets, com-
robotics," said Wood. "Campers
are divided into groups depending
on computer experience."
The basketball camp consists of
four separate five-day sessions,
with the first session starting June
27 and the last one starting August
8. The computer camp features two
day camp sessions of two weeks
each, orie starting July 18 and the
other starting August I.
Students at any of these camps
are able to use all the campus sports
facilities, including the pool, gym
and tennis courts during their free
Surgical hair transplanting and
weaving techniques are some of the
more credible options the market
offers. But these techniques, which
are offered at places like Hair
Poughkeepsie, cost as much as
$1,000 for the initial procedure and
$40 for followups every six weeks.
The many cremes on the market
merely moisturize the scalp and
cannot restore its roots, according
to Coddington.
The recently discovered hair
restoring medication, minoxidol, is
one of the more popular options.
This drug is not legal in the United
States because the Food and Drug
Administration believes that the
producers of the drug, the Upjohn
Co. of Canada, have made the
drug too promotional.
lt costs about $600 a month and
has a 15 percent success rate for
mildly balding men.
But for some, hair loss is too
much of a loss.
"As soon as I go home for sum-
mer vacation I'm going to see what
I can do," the second anonymous
student says. "I'm going to fight
it till I can't fight it anymore.''


That's a
wrap, folks
by Ken Hommel
Besides the popcorn, being
able to put your feet up on the
seats and throwing your garbage

all over the floor, you can't beat
those preview trailers that come
on after those "flick your hie"
ads. Since I haven't seen any
films to review in the past few
weeks, my last column will be
a preview column. But, don't
expect any special effects or
elaborate stunts.
It. will be up to Paramount
Pictures to regain its supremacy
with two sure-fire winners,
Dundee II" and Ed-
die Murphy. I predict that Mick
Dundee will return to New York
with 1988s biggest summer film.
Linda Koslowski will also return
and it's possible their will be a
Mrs. Dundee by the film's end.
Arsenio Hall, who recently
evacuated "The Late Show"
will star in .. Coming to
America;" directed by John
Landis. It's about an African
prince who has come to
America to find a mate. It even
sounds like "Dundee." "Com-
ing to America" could be a one-
way trip for Murphy if he
doesn't successfully shed his
Reggie Hammond/ Axel Foley
It will also be do or die for
Rambo as he heads
Afghanistan for "Rambo
It is definitely possible that
America is suffering from Ram-
bo fatigue and the movie could
fail. A~d, w,hen.
\V~ '.'R~~-<?
I"? I seem" to remember
series being called "First
Blood•i back in 1982. Stallone
may have truly lost the eye of
tiger since the days when he

wrote 1976's Best Picture
."_Rocki' in less than a week
when he was broke. Perhaps, it

is time for a drama about a
down-and-out box office sensa-
tion. I also hope that the rumors
about "Rocky V" are only
The other wunderkinds of the
box office have something to
prove this summer. George
Lucas and Ron Howard have a
film called "Willow'' and, just
Mel Brooks
"Spaceballs", the money's in
the merchandise. There will
soon be "Willow" underwear,
Steven Spielberg has pro-
bably only bankrolled Robert
Zemeckis of "Back to the
Future" fame for an ambitious
project in "Who Killed Roger
Rabbit?" It will be a mystery
combining live action and com-
edy with animation.
Paramount is also bringing
out the big guns for "The
Presidio" with Sean Connery;
Mark Harmon and Meg Ryan.

And, what of the top gun.
himself, Tom Cruise, who will·
serve 'em up as a bartender in
"Cocktail"? More inevitable
from the small screen
be from Bruce Willis and James
Garner in "Sunset" Gust releas-
ed, although I mentioned it in
October), Daniel J. Travanti
with Faye Dunaway in
night Crossing"
and Don
Johnson with Susan Sarandon
in "Sweet Heart's Dance."
My biggest challenge will be
to see if I can watch movies
·:. ithout writing critiques about
them any more. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank
the Academy and The Circle for
letting me sit down in front this
year. So in the mortal words of
Casey Kasem, keep your feet in
the air, your finger out of your
nose and whatever else.
May 5, 1988- THE CIRCLE - Page 5
Patio now on tap for September·
by Mark Miller
The patio construction behind
Champagnat has been slowed due
to poor weather conditions, but it
will be ready for student use next
year, accor<fin8
to Anthony Taran-
tino, director of the physical plant.
Weather problems, which in-
clude a long cold spell and many
rainy days in April, have not allow-
ed the workers to continue
According to Tarantino, there is
a push to finish the construction
soon so that the actual site will be
done towards the middle of May -
when the students will be leaving.
This will allow time to plant the
seeds for grass and trees which are
to be included in the site, he said.
Some trees have been cleared away
to allow a better view of the river
and the boathouses.
Another reason the work on the
patio needs to be completed is that
the renovation of Champagnat
Hall is scheduled to begin between
May 12 and May 15 -
when the
new windows and panels for the
building will arrive -
and the
workload for the grounds crews
will shift, according to Tarantino.
"There will be a big visual
change in the Champagnat area,"
said Tarantino. "We're trying to
clean it up and utilize the wasted
According to Tarantino the road
behind Champagnat will be dredg-
ed up and resurfaced.
The reasoning for the patio, ac-
cording to Tarantino, is due to the
great use of the patio next to Fon-
taine Hall - students can often be
found studying there or just talk-
ing on a nice day.
"1 love coming here on a
beautiful day," says Dan Tarara,
20 of Boston, Mass. "There's
usually not many people here and
1 can get my studying done out in
the sun. It's great."
"I'm trying to get a barbecue
grill out there," said Tarantino.
"That way students could go out
there on a Friday or a Saturday and
have a cook-out." This would be
similar to the small patio with a
grill set up behind the Townhouses.
Waters hangs up hat as security boss
by Tim
It was World War II, and the
light aircraft carrier the
Cabot was taking part in the inva-
sion of the Phillipines when its
flight deck was struck by a
Japanese kamikaze.
An injured Marine master
sergeant walked down the ladder
from the flight deck to the hangar
deck where Joseph Waters, cur-
rently director
safety and securi-
ty at Marist, was standing.
Joseph Waters
in 1953. He worked for the state
police in a variety of positions,
ranging from working in narcotics
in New York City to investigating
organized crime in Buffalo. In
1970, he was transferred
Rhinebeck, where he still lives to-
day. He retired from the state
police in 1973.
asked if
could help him,"
said Waters, "and he said, No,
take care
my men." I later
found out he
down to sick
bay, laid down on· the table and
(Photo by Bob Davis)
After retiring from the state
police in 1973, Waters took the op-
portunity to run for town of
Rhinebeck judge, and won. Since
he first took office in 1974 he has
never been opposed in an election.
"A lot of the people I see are
middle-aged or elderly." said
Waters. "Arid-they are going-'.to
come to your court for justice and
they only come once in a lifetime.
The impression they are left with
of justice in the town of Rhinebeck
and Dutchess County will stay with
"Loyalty has always been a two-
way ladder, for loyalty to come
down the ladder, first loyalty has
to go up the ladder and those
Marines had loyalty up and down
the ladder," he said.
Waters, who is leaving his post
on June 30 after 11 years so he can
devote more time to his private in-
vestigation business, said one of the
best things at Marist was the skill
and the loyalty of the people that
worked for him.
you,' you are going to look good,"
said Waters.
you have space

you are going to look
Waters said the most important
part of his job at Marist is the safe-
ty of the students.
"Protect - that is the big job,"
said Waters. "I haven't had a rape
since I have been here. I hope,
when June 30 comes, I can say the
same thing."
Waters came to Marist on Jan.
12, 1977 after being head of securi-
ty at Pius XII Holy Cross campus
in Rhinecliff, a drug rehabilitation
center for teens, for four years.
in the Y-or-kviUe·sectioir
Manhattan on Dec. 7. 1924,
Waters moved to Newburgh, N.Y.,

when he was nine. His father was
killed in an accident while working
on the aqueduct in Carmel, N.Y.,
when Waters was just 12, He went
to work at that age delivering the
Newburgh News. He got a job as
an usher at the Ritz movie theater
in Newburgh when he was 16.
After graduating from Newburgh
Free Academy, he joined the Navy
and served on the Cabot.
After being discharged from the
Navy in 1945, Waters spent some
time working in Newburgh before
Waters was serving in his capaci-
ty as town judge in the town of
Rhinebeck when he doubled a
man's sentence from 15 days to 30
days because the man did not show
up for sentencing as he had
changed his sentence because
he broke his word of honor to
Ciiib closes with"record-"Ct'Oi:iaHOll'
Helen Gardner
In the six events that it held this
year, the 21 Club raised approx-
imately $3,300 for the Campus
Ministry trip to Americus, Ga., this
summer - more than five times the
amount the organization had rais-
ed. in its first two-and-a-half years
in existence.
Bob Palenno, a communication
arts major from Oyster Bay, N. Y ..
who is the club•s manager. at-
tributes the club's success this year
to a combined effort by the club's
officers, the volunteers who work-
ed at the events and the senior
class. "Everyone really wanted to
have a pµb night so they were will-
ing to work to make it happen,"
he said. "We have a good time at
the events and it's all for
Sister Eilleen Halloran, who
doubles as the club's advisor and
the director of Campus Ministry,
said that the proceeds from the
event will help pay for the transpor-
tation costs and supply expenses
for seven student volunteers who
are planning the trip to Georgia this
summer to help at the immigrant
camps near Americus.
"This years events were so well
organized." said Halloran. "There
was always enough food and the
entertainment was great. This
group worked very hard to make
it successful."
Two years ago, the club did not
even generate enough money to
break even.
Vice President of Student Af-
fairs Gerard Cox said that the suc-
cess of the club was a major reason
behind the decision to negotiate
with the senior class about the sanc-
tioned River Day festival, which
was held on campus on April 22.
"The example of 21 Club was a
factor which reduced the sense of
risk in planning an approved River
Day. It showed that we have
responsibleseniors that can carry
off that kind of event because they
did something similar once a
Palermo was part of the senior
that met with Cox,
Director of College Activities Bet-
ty Y eag)in and other administrators
to coordinate the event. "What we
all tried to stress was that we'd use
21 Club rules about having Securi-
ty and being legal and that we
would hope that some of the
money donated would go to the 21
Club charity because their last
event was cancelled because

River Day," said Yeaglin.
This year's officers designed a
book of guidelines for future club
officers to follow in their or~aniza-
tion of the events.
Comm uni cation arts---------------c
studen~ must ~so fill the school's Core/Liberal Studies requirements,
accountmg maJors are only allowed 15 totally free elective credits out
of the 120 total credits needed to graduate.
Business majors have no choice in 42 credits they take. After they fill
the Core/Liberal Studies requirements they have only 24 credits free for
contrast, the communication arts major requires only two introduc-
torr courses and the_
capping c~urse, a~d students are then free to design
the1r·own program m the maJor. Beginning with this year's freshmen
new requi_rements call for each student to complete a concen:
tratton m one spec1alty.
According t? J~urnalism Educ~tor magazine, there are more than 200
mass commumcattons programs m U.S. colleges and universities. There
are 595 undergraduate students enrolled in Marist's communication arts

ColJ!plaints about c?mml!nication programs extend beyond Marist,
accordmg to students interviewed at some other institutions. Students
at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Boston College both
said that communication arts is viewed by many as a "blow-off'' major.
Like at Marist, that perception arises because of the small number of
required courses, according to BC students. Those same students said
that whether the major was a "blow-off" depended on the student and
his or her effort.
While many Marist communication arts students said they were of-
fended by the criticism of their major. most agreed that it can be an easy
path through college if an individual wants it to be.
Tracey Morehead, a communication ans major minoring in special
education, said that ~use
the communication arts field is so broad,
an individual can study 1t and not learn much.
"It's like the ocean, for example: You can skim across the top and
never see the bottom," said the sophomore from Marlboro, N.Y. "In
commumcauons, if you don't want to go any deeper than you have to,
you can cruise across the top and never get anything out of it."
Lanning said that because Marist tries to give communication arts
students a freedom to sample widely in the field, it is up to the student
to be his or her own monitor.
Senior Don Reardon has seen students from both ends of the com-
munication arts field. Reardon said he knows of comm arts majors who
took the easy way out.
"I can think of several people who will come out of Marist and have
nothing to offer future employers," said the communication arts major
from Hanover, Mass. "But there are those who have worked hard and
will make significant and valuable contributions to those who hire them."
People who changed their majors to communication arts usually say
they became disillusioned with the major they originally chose.
Although Triant did admit she thought it would be easier, she said
her main reason for switching majors was because she realized she would
rather deal with "people in public relations than numbers in business
Lanning said that most of the students who come to him to change
their major have realized they do not like what they were studying and
that they have certain skills they would like to develop.
While administrators acknowledge that most students who switch ma-
jors between business and communication arts leave business and enter
comm arts; there are exceptions. Anne Gibbs, a sophomore from Queens,
switched into business finance because she felt she was not getting enough
out of communication arts.
"I thought it was mostly common sense. I didn't learn anything
astonishing," Gibbs said. "In business it's more application and think-
ing. It's more comprehensive."

Still, many feel the comparison between communication arts and other
majors is an apples-and-oranges proposition.
Ed McGarry, a sophomore communication arts major from Ansonia,
Conn., said communication arts cannot be considered easy in comparison
to other majors because it involves different skills.


Page 6 - THE CIRCLE - May 5, 1988
t_old me, "Write about
something meaningful, write about
something readers will think about
-each and every day for the rest of
their natural life, something which
a universal commentary for
our times."

that w,i}I.
ge~ ~-
- :••Exactly-;''
they told me.
This week, everyone
have met to offer some insight
into---problems: Problems with
Marist, problems with graduating,
problems with River Day,_ pro-
blems with war, problems with Al
Sharpton, problems with Don
-Reardon, problems with rice and
: problems with vinyl car seats that
stick to your rump on hot summer

On~ profes~or even said, ;;why
don't you wnte about sex?

-. -I said: "Why don't I just w~te

about flaws in the thermal cooling
system of NASA's new top secret
• space shuttle? I probably know
more about that."
He looked me over, side to side,
up and down, and ':'ith .. an efo
shattering chuckle said, You re
My 6-year-old neighbor sug-
gested I author a piece on the
storehouse of knowledge I have ac-
quired during m~ 21 rear_ l!fe. She
• then advised against 1t, citing that
my column would end up slightly
shorter than a standard paragraph.

t,fH> GOOD

Can I write (have I ever) about
something meaningful, something
readers will think about each and
every day for the rest of their
natural life?
EVERYTHING has been put in
ink by now. Nuclear war? It's
overplayed and I've !}eve~
been to
one. World-hunger?.,J.,just at,e a it;s rriorebrless irrele-
vant". Success, goals ~nd how to ~e
a millionaire? I aspire to worJc in
a toll booth, and all my personal
financial holdings are in my left
front pocket (four dollars to be
I'm an expert in nothing, and an
involuntary observer o_f
only offer a short summary
of important, practical things I've
learned here at Harvard on the
I've learned that my mother is
dumb because she continues to fold
my socks and underw~r .. '!'he
quality of my life has not d1mm1sh-
ed drastically since I started ran-
undergarments into my top drawer.
In general, folded, unwrinkled,
attractive clothing is very cliche.
I've learned that students
generally don't wash their sheets
for very long periods of tjme,: but
if someone says, "When was the
last time you wasJted your sheets?"
they always emphatically and

. •.
believe it's May already. Finals arc just around the
column is due. Before you start to brus_h
that Shop Rite

' ..
those\teai-s~·ldo'have this o~e get my last hcks m.
brand macaroni ·and cheese tastes
• •
rior,have.the chance to get to every topic I felt desei:ved
like pencil lead, and it's worth the
m~ntioil_this semester, so what follows is a series of little gripes
extra twenty cents to purchase

general heading of,. "Things that have rubbed
Kraft. Also, Shop Rite brand
. .
me th_e
wrong· way
since I came to Marist."
Scrunchy' lemonade • is, in my

' :.
<Jregory House, wh_ere
I was conf1~ed_
for. the first
estimation, lemonade from Hell.
. •
ugly semesterit was - ~f my 11;1mor
year: T~e
I've learned that all women
/sha~_ like a cheese wheel, contains a kitchen w~1ch 1s
"Hate all men," and surprisingly.
be'used.fof'pr:¢Paring "snacks" only because the room 1s not
'' Hate all.

io!~~o~odatc both floors of OCCUJ?ants.
women." If this persists, our

at least
but mos~ bkely t~o, extra
species will be ex_tinct b}'.the year-·
semesters·o1{the.clreaded meal plan. I always saw the kitchen as
2101. This means the-maintenance
bit ofa'teas,e:'and could not help but wonder who, exactly, had
of the earth will be left to. rats and

final'saf as to what was considered a snack and what was deem:
bees. That's bad.
. -
• .
ed a
I've learned that Mexican food
. .
. ;
Nexton my]isfis the proximity of the Hudson River Psychiat~IC
gives me gas.

campus;· although I imagine this would fall more easily

I've learned that potatoes ancl
info my "Things:Jhat make me jumpy," category. Th~ grounds
carrots do not.
the·psych center ~e actually nice. Perhaps I don't like 1t because
I've learned that algebra has not •


afraid that when the next teacher drags me over there for
helped me in the least while I've
a class I won't be allowed to leave.
been-at Marist and I'm
at the

When I first came to Marist, I didn't like the rock piles that w~re,
high school teachers who forced me
by then, supposed to be the 1-year-old Lowell Thomas Commm_uca-
to study

tions Center. Now I don't like the rock piles which.have been shifted
I've learned that I should never
behind the Lowell Thomas parking lot. Wow, what an eyesore.
try to give myself a hair cut._
I have never liked the smell of the Hudson River at eight o'clock
The list goes on. I can hst a
on a rainy morning.
million ways that Marist College
My Meaning of History class has had absolutely no b~mg o~.:
has improved·and/or diminished
my life to date, and I am left wondering why, exactly, 1s 1t a re-
my life. This information is neither
· d course

• •
meaningful nor earth shattering,
This column would not be complete without menllonmg
but it makes me chuckle, and in the
Sharpton's visit to campus. Clearly, the last thi~g this gu_y
end that chuckle makes Marist, and
is more publicity, yet there he was, in our cafetena. Unbelievable.
life in general, considerably more
Next week they'll announce Jim Bakker as commencement speaker·
Ann Marie Breslin
Sports Editor:
Chris Bany_
Advertising Manager :
Sophia Tucker
Genine Gilsenan
Ken Foye
Senior Editor:
Michael Kinane
Photography Editor:
Alan Tener
Business Manager:
Associate Editors:
Beth-Kathleen McCauley
News Editor:
Keli Dougherty
Circulation Manager:
Tim Besser
Will Masi

Faculty Advisor:
David McCraw

Take advantage of Marist
~o;n~ to mi,~
:so ,
-r'\ \
by Ken Hommel
It seems like in the past few
years, there have been endless ar-
ticles regarding campus apathy, my
own included. These columns have
often been highlighted by personal
turmoil and intense interviews with
one's roommate or whoever else is
around during the writing. The
question seems to boil down to
"Why don't we all stop criticizing
Marist College and be happy with
what we have?" A noble and even
encouraging sentiment. But, is that
what we really want?
I suggest a scientific experiment.
At your next opportunity, sur-
round yourself with 40,000 one
dollar bills. Perhaps they will be
from hard work or a gift from a
relative. Either way, shower
yourself with the abundant green
and then tell me you will settle for
whatever it buys. Imagine it to be
a fancy
with all the accessories,
but an engine that can't really move
the car very far. Or maybe it's a
beautiful house with a yard and a
pool but no electricity. For the
more ambitious among us, picture
kegs and kegs of beer with no tap.
You see, college is a very per-
sonal experience. It should be the
best possible experience and you
should be able to get the most out
of what you put into it. Perhaps,
all of us haven't put enough into
it, but that overwhelming financial
reality should tell us something. We
shouldn't settle for less than we
deserve. That may sound selfish,
but who did we go to college for -
If being critical of others can be
an attestment of how self-critical
one can be, then I say the same of
a college. Those of us who have
been here four full years can feel
a sense of belonging to this place
that conjures up gripes when there
is chaos. This is our college and 1
believe many ofus wish it the best.
And there is always room for im-
if not incoming
Sarcasm aside, I can cite two in-
cidents in the past two weeks that
validate my opinion. We can't stop
criticizing or else there will be no
progress on our part.
The work Frank Doldo and the
College Union Board did in lining
up John Cafferty and the Beaver·
Brown Band for a concert has to
be applauded. There has been com-
plaining for years about getting a
name band on campus and being
a former CUB member, I know
how inflexible the college can be to
such requests.
Likewise, the sanctioned River
Day has to be commended. After
a week of administrative threats
and letters home to the mommies
and daddies of 21-year-olds, a
compromise was made and a suc-
cessful college event was the result.
It also shows willingness on the
part of an often unapproachable
administration to • end senseless
destruction and injury with a sen-
sible solution.
It makes little sense for a
conscious college to ignore the pro-
blems of late or belittle them. The
attempts both the administration
and students have made show
responsibility and class. All those
columns of student frustration are
also worthwhile because voices are
being heard. There is no question,
no matter what one criticizes, that •
The Circle has great influence on
this campus. It touches most every
student, faculty member and ad-
ministrator. And, it sure serves as
refuge from some of the less infor-
mative Thursday classes.
Journalistic endeavors are en-
couraged, but they are not the on-
ly means. I have -also seen the
disintegration of many clubs and
organizations in four years. Now is
the time for revitalization. My class
will soon be graduating and we
have run many of the clubs, even
since our sophomore year. It's time
for new perspectives into clubs that
have long been cliques. The two
aforementioned events show that
activity in activities can make a
• There is so much potential here
and I have seen students and facul-
ty grow weary from its abuse. The
Lowell Thomas Communications
Center is finally here and, although
it is not what we expected, the
facility needs more use outside of
being a showpiece. The tours
should be able to see the facilities
being used, shouldn't they?
Many of us have been enticed in-
to coming here because of intern-
ships and the list of impressive
companies that contribute. Don't
let these opportunities slip away.
Don't even settle for something you
don't feel comfortable doing. Even
if you line up an internship
yourself, make sure it is one you
enjoy and greatly benefit from.
This is your life, your career and
your reward.
If you are not active, you have
nothing to complain· abouL-lf you
have something to complain about,
become active.

Ken Hommel is a senior major-
ing in communication arts.
ou.t •
ou.t \/~ ..•
qou too.Bob.
is wrdn9 .
A colJege chronology
by Sara C. Perkins
College is often times referred to
as the grace period between high
school and adulthood, where you
can escape any real responsibility,
and perhaps reality, for four more
years of maturity.
Many .soon-to-be graduates of
Marist, like myself, have realized
our college times are ending. We
must now go out and attempt to
become responsible adults. We
should be ready for the real world
by now, after all it's been four
years. I ·confess -
I would give
anything to be a freshman again.
When you are a freshman, four
years seems like a lifetime. College
is the greatest thing that ever hap-
pened to you. There are no parents
ruling your life, telling you that you
have to be home at a d~ent hour
at night, or that you have to go to
school everyday. You have ab-
solute control over your own ac-
tions; a feeling you never ex-
perienced before.
Freshman year is when you build
long lasting friendships with peo-
. pie from all over the world, and
many parts of Long Island. For
some of us, it was the first time we
experienced total intoxication ac-
companied by an excruciating
hangover. It was the first time for
midterms and finals. Also the the
first time of living in dorms and
eating nothing but cafeteria food.
Life was great freshmen year.
Sophomore year was more try-
ing. 'The mystique of college' had
worn off. There was still three
years left to go and we couldn't
wait to get out. The sophomore
slump hit many of us.
During junior year, we waited
anxiously to make it to senior year.
It was a year in limbo. We didn't
consider ourselves underclassmen,
but we weren't the high and mighty
seniors either. The attitude of "I
• can't wait to get out of this hole
overlooking the Hudson River" -
grew even stronger as the year pro-
gressed. It was a year spent in an-
ticipation of the up and coming
BIG year.
Then it finally happened! Senior
year had officially begun. "I am a
SENIOR. I can do anything, I am
to venture on into phase three of
our lives -
Adulthood. It is the
time of uncertainties, .with only one
thing unanimously definite, Marist
College will be missed. Oh, we
won't miss the add/drop lines, or
the cafeteria food or even the
financial aid office, but we will
miss the friends and professors we
leave behind that made these four
years so incredible.
Sara C. Perkins is a senior major-
ing in business
It was a magical year of
abuse the language-----
What we didn't realize back in
September was that senior year
isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
by Christine J. Petrillo
Many of us had to take 18 credits
There seems to be a problem with many students
each semester to make up for the
here as well as at other colleges and universities, but
loafing around we did the other
unfortunately they don't realize it's a problem at all.
three years. The big threat of not
This problem concerns the number of people roam-
graduating in time led many of us ing our nation's campuses who lack command of the
to crack open the books for the
English language. I'm not referring to those who can
first time. Some of us were left one not read or write due to lack of education, nor those
credit short of graduation, while with a learning disability, but those who have trouble
others lacked liberal arts credits. It pronouncing big words, let alone understanding what
wasn't a fun year academically.
they mean. Unfortunately, the majority is fumbling
Senior year was not all bad.
not so much with vocabulary as with grammar and
Drunken oblivion has its good
points. We all felt threatened by
It is as disappointing as it is frustrating to read a
having only one small year left to
paper written by a college student, ranging anywhere
party, hang out and have a great .from a freshman to a senior, only to find misspelled
time while acting irresponsible and
and misused words. I have always found that when
immature, so of course, we had
in doubt, check it out, and therefore refer to a die-
to make the most of it. There were tionary when unsure of the usage of a word.
some very memorable times -
I understand that spelling is a bit more difficult.
times that will never be forgotten.
However, I do not support the argument that you can't
Relationships and friendships that
look up a word if you don't know it's spelling. It may
will last a lifetime. Through it all, be time consuming, but by starting out with a phonetic
we have grown and matured
spelling and using the process of elimination, one is, and now it is time to bound to find the correct spelling eventually.
student aide is there to assist. It's all a matter of mak-
ing the effort.
I don't know where this problem originated and I
don't see a solution in the near future. For as long
as I have been in school, I can recall this academic
deficiency among classmates. Sad to say, I have even
heard a few professors do some damage to the English
language, although not nearly as much of a hack job
as their students.
By the time someone enters college, laziness can not
suffice as the scapegoat for poor usage and spelling
any longer. That may be accepted in high school, but
it should not be accepted here or in high school.
I'm sure the professor that sees or hears words like
'anyways' and 'alls I know' or 'I'm uppose ta go to
the meeting' (or whatever) gets rather irritated. By this
level of education, a person should know these words
do not belong in the English language.
I'm not saying I've mastered the English language
but I am happy with my grammar, spelling and
vocabulary and their usage in my diction and writing.
I do occasionally slip on these things but I take the
time to recognize and correct any mistakes. All it really
takes is a little time and effort, and possibly a dic-
tionary and thesaurus on hand, just in case.
Peopl~ that use the word processor have no excuse
Marist College has been our for faulty spelling. There is a spell check command
Christine J. Petrillo is a senior majoring in com-
home for four years. Now it is time ._a_nd_i_f

Page 8 - THE CIRCLE - May 5, 1988
Quietly, sea~c_h
for missing kids continues
b W
its foundmg.m 1980.
ll\S e-acl\ . a

Parental abduction is usually
The nu~~~s
ed to have been abducted by his of the Missing Chidren's Assistance
motivated by anger for the-other
it cluld
~.rtse-nt ,a nuss-
mother, have been found.
Act, now takes a lion's share of
parent after a m~ital break.-up.
laPozte potnts out.
•. In Jhe past, law enforcement
pub!ic donati~~s, though· it also
love for the child, accordil\g to

V,po~ are
agencies have been reluctant to
receives $7 mllhon annually from
LaPorte. "Children are licil\S u~
become involved in parental abduc-
in Federal funding, according to
ed as weapons, .. she ~-s.
du...~\ lw·st
ren a •
tions,. according to Jankowski.
LaPorte. "People send their dona-
On the night of October 31,
1980, Laureen Solano, then 24,
watched her two little girls, Laurie
and Melody, leave her Dutchess
County home, dressed as a witch
and a gypsy, to go trick-a-treating
with their father. Before taking
them in his car, Laureen's ex-
husband made the girl~ run back
and kiss their mother.
Though more children "xmtinut' Walsh
l~kc Patz aud
Custodial laws which can differ
!ions to the NCMEC because it's
to be abducted
yc·ar the
t : most sen-
from state to state have created a
m Washington, D.C. They think
blem of missing childl"Cfl
no lo°'irer ~bd
.;-~ ~~\>",rte
~mltitude of problems, he says. it's the official child-find agency,"
gets the medi:uttcntion it did in the
~:s. au°''
!nt or ess than
Parental abductors often take their LaPorte said.
early l 9SO's, when the abduction of
chlld~n,. about 200
children out of state and try to get
'Founded to help victims, Child
Etan ~atz and Adam Walsh gain-
childrc~·:ar. Th.e °},aJor:?if these
!~gal custody from a different
Find itself h~ been victimized by
ed national attention. aC\.--ording
says Pat
ne~~r o~n. • ~~
people seekmg to profit from
"Kiss mommy good-bye," she
remembers him in~tructing them.
Though more than five years
passed before Laureen saw her
daughters again, she says the true
nightmare of their abduction didn't
begin until after she finally traced
them and their father to a Queens,
New York, address.
was 'roun~ is s
~ ~~mg.
a s
Child Find, a nonprofit group of tragedy, LaPorte s,ays.
children are not a hot
Child F' ~u.r er
m 1.981 • .
15 paid staff, 4 volunteers, and two
Not long after Child Find began
"They call someone else 'Mom-
my' now," she says, referring to
her husband's second wife.
topic anymore, LaPorte says. They the Office
unpaid interns, receives no federal seekin~ public money to fund its
have been replaced in the news by Wash.
uvem e. us_t,ce m
funding. The group on public education programs, Dick Gard-
more recent social issues like duct"~;! on, D.C.,fiw~ich is con-
donations to meet .560/o of its ner, a veteran charity fund-raiser
Al DS and the war on drugs.
survef to m out exact-
budget. The balance is ex-
f~om Florida, offered to help Child
"People are tired of seeing pictures iact" mG~hddren are abducted
pected to come from corporate
Fmd. After raising thousands of
of children on their milk cartons,"
The report
grants. LaPorte says trying to raise dollars from the public, Gardner
says, _refe~ng to one _method
Detecti~: ;red ;:!tn :\~ yrr;·
disinterested _public k~pt most of the contributions for
which Child Fmd uses to distribute Poughkeepsie J
t e
1s hke "trymg to sell ice to himself.
• Hundreds of thousands of
children are kidnapped by one of
their own parents each year during
custody disputes, according to Rita
LaPorte, public relations director
of Child Find of America, the New
Paltz-based agency which has
located 1830 missing children since
photographs of missing children.
he doesn•tv~ru e
"Bemg almost all housewife
In recent years, the public has ar! exaggerated ttn~ the ~tati:~~
In addition, the competion for volunte~rs at that time, we were
reacted angrily to reports child-find Marist ad
• an o~s • a
money has increased because there very naive and Gardner knew it.
gr?ups exaggerated the number of staff r:po~~!~i s1ys ~is 4-~em!'er
are now hundreds of similar child-
We knew nothing about business.
missing children, according to all crlmes co~ ~tt
tiga~mg find groups seeking private and We were happy to receive any
LaPorte. In 1985, the Denver Post children under~
Y or a~amSt
corporate donations.
mo~ey. We didn't. know that the
was the first of many to question Town of Po hk 6 ye~rs old_
The National Center for Missing N~t10nal Better Busmess Bureau re-
the alarming figures of 1 million to reports of ug_ ~epsieh;r
in quires that we demand at least half
1.8 million children reported miss- year. All ex~i~smg
/e; /as~
Washingt?n, D.C._, created by of the proceeds from fund-
one c

e tev
Congres~ m 1984 with the passage
Continued on page
at helm
Coed living gains acceptance
of mlfl'ed-
by Helen Gardner
When junior Andrew Rinn saw the message to call his room-
mate Mike Vukabratovich, he thought Mike just wanted to kid
around for awhile. The message Mike had fo·r Andrew was hardly
funny - the ship Andrew's Uncle Paul X. Rinn commands, the
[!.S.S. Samuel B. Roberts, had struck a mine and suffered exten-
sive damage.
Now that the Roberts is in drydock and Andrew's father has
spoken to Commander Rinn, a 1968 Marist graduate and four-
year member of the crew team, several times abputthe incident
can ~ihe1irlformation
he's·leained abootihe,shin-wit~· ..
···a little·less-apprehension,·, ,:

. "J:or the first half-hour after I found oui,
just hact' that feel- •
mg m my stomach that you get when you're scared about
something," said Rinn, a communication arts major from Rockville
Center, N.Y. "I kept watching the news to get the updates about
what happened but they kept on saying about the same thing. Once
I talked to my parents, I felt a lot better. You always hear about
things like this but you never think it will happen to someone you
know and love." If anything, Rinn learned about the frustration
of dealing with not being able to help or find out about a loved
one who's been in a crisis overseas.
"It really isn't the fault of the press," said Rinn's father, Greg.
"The government doesn't release all the information that the
families need to hear." The Rinns relied upon naval contacts and
received a call from the commander the Sunday after the incident.
"He called to say he fine and in port but we never really knew
the severity of the situation until he recounted exactly what hap-
pened," said Greg Rinn.
Rinn, who often dons a cap with the ship's name given to him
by his uncle, described his family as closely-knit, which made the
waiting for information about the event and watching all of the
new~ reports about it more frustrating. "We had just spent
Christmas down there with him and his family and the thought
he was in a firefight or something really scared me."
Rinn, who last spoke to his uncle on January 10 before the
Rqberts left Newport,
six-month tour, has since learned
through conversations with his father that his uncle suffered a
broken bone in his foot and minor bumps and bruises from the·
ordeal. Although press reports varied on the estimate of injuries
from five to IO sailors, Rinn's father said that all of the 200 sailors
aboard suffered minor cuts and bruises at least. Upon impact said
Rinn, the boat was picked up almost 15 feet from the ster'o;
In a phone conversation with Rinn's father Greg Rinn, he re-
counted the information that he had gathered· about the collision
with the mine, which was apparently laid within 24 hours before
the incident. "The crew has a really high morale right now because
they figured they took the best that the Iranians could give and
still came out of it alive," said Greg Rinn. The Samuel B. Roberts
is the first frigate in the United States Navy in 50 years to collide
with a mine without sinking. Rinn said that if the mine, which
struck the ship from underneath, had hit the Robbins from the
bow, the boat would have sunk in a matter of minutes.
Although the mine missed the bow, it ~id manage to destroy
its engine room and force the boat to rely on its auxiliary motors
used to propel the ship along piers to get out of the mine field so
a tug could tow them 180 miles to Dubi, a port in the United Arab
Emirates, for repairs. "They don't think the engines on the boat
are salvageable so the boat will be towed back to the states in Ju-
ly," said Greg Rinn.
Commander Rinn, who majored in political science here, has
spoken to President Reagan on April
and asked to bring the
ship home proudly with his crew which was the original crew for
the boat when it was commissioned two years ago. Greg Rinn, who
also served in the navy, said that this will be a difficult period for
the Roberts' crew because they must adjust to not being at the level
of intensity required for patrolling the gulf in war-like conditions.
"Now their only goal is to get the ship ready to come home," said
by Pamela Shewchuk
The TV sitcom "Three's Com-
pany" may have been the cause of
a trend that is sweeping across
America and can now be seen on
college campuses.
More men and women are mov-
ing in together to divide up increas-
ingly scarce living space, as well as
• household chores, bills -
everything a married couple would
share ... except the commitment of
a relationship, according to Andrea
:O~i, author of '.'Coed•.Cnhabita-
Harper's Bazaar'magazine·.

According to Peter J. Stein,
associate professor of sociology at
William . Paterson
College in
Wayne, N.J., about 15 years ago
coed house and apartment sharing
was on the increase. He belives
society has definitely become more
accepting of these mixed-sex
An outbreak of coed college dor-
mitories may have helped legitimize
the once scandalous concept of liv-
ing together as well. Lisa Ray-
mond, a consultant at Roommate
Finders of New York City, said
"there are a lot more people open
to living with the opposite sex then
there ever was. The average age us-
ed to be some where around 30,
now it is closer to 23."
While Marist has dorms housing
both males and females the
freshman dorms are coed by floor
only, the sophomore dorm is divid-
ed by the wing, half women and
half men. The Garden Apartments
and Townhouses are not coed.
Steve Sansola, director of hous-
ing at Marist said coed dorms help
to support the natural development
of the student. "It's more realistic
to n_ormative
living conditions," he
However, Sansola said coed
rooms will never exist at Marist.
"It leads to more disadvantages
than advantages," he said.
Vassar College in Poughkeepsie,
began allowing students to
live in coed houses five years ago
after students petitioned for it, said
Deane Landrall, assistant to the
director of residence at Vassar Col-
. lege. "Right now about 50 percent
of the upperclass houses are
coed,"she said.
Vassar, the Terrace Apart-
ments and Townhouses are set up
with single bedrooms that connect
to a livingroom. This enables the
students to live with the opposite
sex but still have their privacy, said
Debbie Sunderland, a senior at
Vassar, from. Ellenburg Depot,
N. Y.,
lives with three girls and one
guy. She said, "Moving in with a
guy I thought would add to my
learning experience at Vassar. It
would show my parents my in-
dependence and that I am able to
live with someone of the opposite
sex in a platonic manner."
Vassar senior from Santa Bar-
bara, Calif., who asked to remain
anonymous, said, "It is a less cad-
dy environment, you get a male's
outlook on everything, it really
works out well. We don't consider
him male or female he's just a
friend who lives with us."
Jack Mulligan, president of New
York's Fair Share. Women's
:;Roommate Center, Inc:; said in a·
' receri( 'article' in • Harper's Bazaar
Magazine, women perfer someone
who won't steal their boyfriend and
wear their clothes, this usually
means a man.

Adam Lewinson, from Mor-
who lives with his
girlfriend Tracey and two other
girls said: "I moved in with Tracey
mostly because it was convenient,
we spent a lot of time together and
this way we wouldn't waste time
always going to see each other. I
had a terrible time with my first
roommates so I figured why not
give this a try. The girls are very
easy going and I.don't have to com-
pete with them."
All the students spoken to agreed
that living in the coed situation isn't
exactly like the show "Three's
Company,"dn which the room-,
mates all hang out together and at
times become more involved with
each other. "We are all just a
group of friends who .like living
with each other in a totally platonic
setting," said Sunderland.

top 10
'Nuff said
by Jeff Nicosia
seemed fitting
that there I was, hung-over on
a Monday morning, suffering .
from the effects of my 22nd bir-
thday, writing my last column.
I had spent the night in a similar
fashion fo almosf any night dur-
ing my four year college tenure
I drank. Yet the night was
somehow different. There was
no tequila shots, no pitchers, no
head-butts, and thankfully, no
vomiting. At age 22 I was ready
for a wine-spritzer. God, I hate
It's a strange feeling knowing
that this column may very well
be my last published piece of
(I can hear Ms.
Finetuch, my eighth grade
English teacher rejoicing).
No, I thought it would be ap-
propriate for my last column to·
• think back on my four years at
because last night was my bir-
thday, I thought tha(it would
be remotely interesting to look
back at my four birthdays at
Marist College.
This was definitely one of my
sloppiest. At the time, 19 was
the legal drinking age so this day
had some added significance.
For once I was Jeff Nicosia, in-
stead of ."John Conahgan",
(the name on my fake ID) and
I was going to get silly. I hung
out with some friends in a room
in Leo Hall (Tracy and Barb's
on the sixth floor if I recall). We
went through that freshman
. , "ritual.of sneaking in just enough
beer for four friends and shar-
ing it with 12. I remember be-
_inf pretty drunk though, (why
else would I have voluntarily
rode in the trunk to Berties?).
This was actually a pretty
mellow year. I spent the night
out at Berties with a few friends.
I remember getting pretty drunk
and ending up chowing on some
god-awful pizza at the Patio •

birthday I dreaded .. There are
few traditions at Marist that
have remained unchanged -
making your friend vomit on
his/her 21st birthday is one of
them. Earlier in the year I had
forced a friend to drink
numerous shots in a bar at New
Paltz, resulting in him getting
very, very sick. He wanted
revenge. I just wanted to live. I·
did, although I think my
for~head still has bumps from
all the head-butts Bob Sweeny
gave me; that includes him
slamming my head into the pin-
ball machine for no particular
reason - which resulted in our
hasty exit from Renaissance.
(22): After
last year, drunken foolishness
didn't seem that necessary.
When I'm forty-seven I'll look
back on being 22 as a wild and
crazy time. Right now I feel that
way about being 18. Modera-
tion isn't really such a bad
thing, and I guess practicing it
once in a while isn't such a bad
idea. This is not to say I didn't
get buzzed -
after all, Mary
Ellen was bartending at Bee-
Bee's and the shots she was
pouring were more like pitchers.
But it was a basically mellow
I could end this column bit-
ching about my loss of youth,
but that is kind of ludicrous for
a 22-year-old. No, I'd like to
end on a positive note and
thank those students that have
taken the time to read my col-
umns -
I do appreciate it.
'Nuff said ... LATER!

by Ellen Ballou
A baseball game is on the televi-
sion in the cramped '6-by-5-foot
ticket cubicle. Two patrons come
up to the window.
"We'd like to see 'Blue Ig-
says the gentleman.
"When does it start?"
"It doesn't," says the man ten-
ding the window. "We aren't on
schedule for that tonight, because
no one showed up to see it. It's not
worth it to show if no one shows
The patrons leave, saying they
·have seen everything else. The
theater owner turns back to the
g~me, petting his dog Raisin.
Fred Cohen, 58, owner of the
Roosevelt Theater in Hyde Park,
would describe the incident as a
typical weekday night at the
Independent theater owners are
finding it tougher to compete with
the larger complexes, usually
located in malls, which are able to
get any film and show several at
one time.
They used to thrive because they
were ~ble to exclusively get
for the area, run it and make
money, according to Cohen. But
th~se days it is difficult to do,
The Roosevelt Theater is one of
the· few independently owned
movie houses left in Dutchess
County, according to Cohen.
May 5, 1988-
CIRCLE - Page 9
For years, people from the surrounding
to the Roosevelt movie thater
for cinematic entertainment.
(Photo by Bob Davis)
"Before, we could select a pic-
ture that someone might miss and
come through with a very good
grossing film, because we saw
potential in it," said Cohen. "But
there is no more ingenuity,
everybody plays everything -
from the worst to the best."
The Roosevelt expanded to try to
meet competition. In November
it expanded from one main
screen with 500 seats to four
screens and 1100 seats.
The population is on an upswing
in northern Dutchess, according to
Cohen, which is expected to have
a positive effect on business.
Ticket _ _pri~es increased from
$4.50 to
a little over a year ago,
because Cohen didn't want to
jeopardize its first-run-film theater
standing. "Everything is relative,"
he said. "The cost to make the
movie goes up, energy costs and
labor go up, the ticket price goes
up along with it."
When a picture is shown the film
company gets a percentage of the
ticket sales. A good grossing film,
according to Cohen may take 70
percent of every dollar. As the
weeks go on and the film is still
playing the percentages fall.
"On the average I pay 45-50
cents on the dollar for films shown
here," said Cohen. "The money is
made at the concession stand."
The Roosevelt is not doing bad-
ly, according to Cohen. People still
enjoy going to the Roosevelt
because of its unique styling and
the cry room, an enclosed booth
where families with children or
babies sit to watch the. movie.
• Cohen also
and Hyde Park drive-ins. They are •
also a dying breed, said Cohen;
"Owners can make more money
by selling the land to a developer
than they cail if they were open for
business all season," said Cohen.
"But they are still fun."
Maher bows out as dean at Marist
by Wayne
.Dr. Julianne Maher, dean of
.. ~4:1ult
,pa§t ~ix
years at Marist as among the most
exciting in her life.
"Marist is wonderful for en-
trepreneurs," she said in recent in-
terview. "There is an unwritten
philosophy here that new ideas
should be tested. Many colleges
don't take risks."
Maher will leave Marist at the
end·ofthis semester. On July 1, she
will become dean of City College
at Loyola University - in New
Orleans, where she will be respon-
sible for some 700 adult students
and an equal number of graduate
students. The move comes after
years of taking risks at Marist and
other schools - and making them
pay off.
Maher cites her work in
establishing Marist's first perma-
nent extension center as an exam-
ple of her entrepreneurial role at
"It was very difficult to persuade
the president's Cabinet that we
needed a permanent site and that
it should have a large parking lot,"
Maher recalls: She suggested leas-·
ing space at the Dutchess Mall in
Fishkill. The extension eventually
attracted so many students that
within a year and a half it had to
be moved to a larger building.
• Maher says the spirit of adven-
ture attracted her to projects like
the extension center. She hopes
Marist will continue to take risks,
but she predicts increasing concern
over the budget will make her suc-
cessor's job difficult.
Marist has not yet begun a search
for Maher's replacement, accor-
ding to Academic Vice President
Marc vanderHeyden. The ad-
ministration will, firs~ study. the
needs' of adult education to ·defer-

replacement needs to have, officials
Maher has helped to double the
number of adult students at Marist
since she became the college's first
dean of adult education in 1982.
For her success, she credits the
faculty's responsiveness to the
special needs of adult students. At
some colleges, adult students can
be treated like outsiders because
they're older, she says.
Maher says her major concern
has been to get adult students more
involved on campus. "Adult
students are opportunities for resi-
dent students to see beyond the
Marist bubble," she says.
At Marist, Maher has developed
training programs with IBM and
other area businesses. In the· last
three years, Maher's • programs
have increased Marist's noncredit
earnings from $25,000 to $750,000
Similar to her stay at Marist,
Maher will be the only woman dean
in Loyola's administration. To her
knowledge, she will be only the se-
cond woman dean ever to serve at
Like Marist, Loyola began as a
men's college that later turned
coed. However, Loyola has not
been as successful in luring women
students. Maher says she believes
Loyola's traditionally all-male ad-
ministration would benefit from
her recruiting abilities. Women
have a different management style,
she says.
Before coming to Marist, Maher
raisers," LaPorte says.
Though Child Find was later
cleared of any wrong doing,
LaPorte fears that such scams have
hurt the image Child Find.
Jankowski says the decline of
media attention on missing children
has not hurt efforts to find them.
Juvenile agencies like his now com-
municate effectively throughout
the United States. The early media
attention helped facilitate that
he says. The
newspapers have turned to other
issues now, he says.
According to Jankowski, 49
states have passed tougher laws
against parental abduction. In New
York state, noncustodial parents
who abduct their children across
the stateline can now be charged
with a felony.
However, the problem will pro-
bably never end completely,
Jankowski says. As long as parents
divorce, there will be parental
was director of continuing edu1::a-
Last July, Maher received a
tion at Manhattanville College. grant from the National Science
Before that, she held a similar post Foundation to go to a tiny Carib-
•at i:adycliffe;Cotle}te.
bean.isl~nd, :called
~a:t\lelemy :
with adult education spans to stu·dy
·French' creole· that had '
14 years.
never been studied. It was the most
Moving to Louisiana seems on-
exciting opportunity of her life, she
ly appropriate to Maher. Her in-
terest in French and its history
Maher expects to contu~ue ~er
formed the basis of her graduate
research for the rest of her hfe.
studies in linguistics. Her doctoral
"My ~ream is. to be 85 years old
dissertation focused in part on the and std! recordmg data on my tape
" h
French creole spoken in Louisiana. recor er, s e says.
Creoles result when people who
speak different languages adopt
words of each other's language,
creating a distinct new language.
1 Resorts
5 Shellfish
9 Tattered cloth
12 Kiln
13 Unusual
14 Lubricate
15 Not abundant
17 Coroner: abbr.
18 Poem
19 Greek letter
21 Souvenir
23 Rash
27 Exist
28 Covered with ivy
31 Condensed
34 Symbol for
35 Stitch
39 Three-toed
40 Goal
42 Crimson
44 Encounters
46 Latin
50 Railroad station
53 Beer ingredient
54 Guido"s high
55 Concerning
57 Insect
61 Ventilate
62 Spoken
64 Shore bird
65 Rodent
66 Domesticate
67 Stalk
1 Distress signal
She plans to return to St. Bar-
thelemy in another year to com-
plete her research. Beyond that, she
will write a book or a series of ar-
ticles based on her research.
2 Moccasin
3 King of Judah
4 Hits
5 Mediterranean
6 Sun god
7 Limb
8 Vegetable
9 Cheated
10 Assistant
11 Secluded valley
16 More frigid
20 Vip£:r
22 River in Siberia
23 Ceremony
24 Smooth
25 Roman 101
Place of worship
32 Oines
33 Sagacious
36 Marry
41 Leave
43 Obscure
45 Teutonic deity
47 As far as
49 Valuable fur
50 Loved one
51 Lamb's pen
52 Jog
56 Period of time
58 Make lace
59 Falsehood
60 Shade tree
63 Forenoon •
Answers on page 10----

Page 10- THE.CIRCLE_-:-May 5, 1988
Young graduates learn to live
with problem~_of real world
by Joe Madden
Working almost two straight
months without having one real
day off isn't exactly high on the list
of priorities of most Marist seniors,
but as Dan Sullivan discovered,
sometimes priorities have to be
Sullivan, a 1987 Marist graduate,
found that responsibility and
seriousness takes the place of par-
tying and college life in the fast lane
in the post-graduation life of the
Sullivan, an assistant sports in-
formation director at the Univer-
sity of Vermont, has adjusted to
working without a day off. Since
many collegiate games occur on the
weekends, Sullivan must travel
with the teams and publicize the
"It was a very big adjustment for
me. When l was at college I used
to go out and have a good time on
the weekends," said Sullivan, 23.
"My advice is to have a great time
when you're in college because
responsibility and pressure really
hit you on the head after you
graduate. You can't just blow off
working like you might do with-a
Dealing with pressure is one pro-
blem that goes hand in hand with
the workplace. According to

Robert Rosen, clinical psychologist
and senior associate
at the

Washington Business Group on
Health, stress in the workplace is
something that can't be avoided,
people must deal with it. Rosen
cited that more and more com-
panies are paying attention to job
stress, its causes, how to prevent it
and how it affects productivity.
Pat Dawson, a computer consul-
tant, has his own remedies for ad-
justing to the workplace and stress.
"I just simply do the best I can
and try not to put any additional
pressure on myself," said Dawson,
a 1986 Siena College graduate from
Yorktown Heights, N. Y. "You
just have to take things for what
they're worth."
Jim McKenna, a 1987 Marist
graduate, agreed. McKenna, upon
the start of his job
an accoun-
tant at a New York City firm, was
very anxious about what to expect
from his new job.
"Originally, I thought
were going to be more serious and
task oriented, but I found out that
they are much more personable and
helpful which helped make the ad-
justment that much easier for me."
Despite the rising cost,
abroad numbers on rise
by Cheryl Sobeski
One day last spring, Kelly Ann
a sophomore
• Oakland, N.J., sat on a park bench
near New.York' City's·FifthAve'nue
with a homeless man to her left and
a yuppie to her right.
was at this moment that·
realized how many different peo-
ple make up this world and how
much in life there is for me to ex-
perience. That's why I'm going
abroad to study next year," said
have so much to learn."
Woods, not unlike the other 32
Marist students who are planning
spend next year studying in a
foreign country, has her heart set
on the abroad experience despite
the,falling U.Si1dolla:ri.t1i

''-Tliis is the:Jargest·number,of
students we've sent overseas in
about ten years, and it's also go-
ing to be the most expensive for
them," said Dr. Jeptha Lanning,
director of the Marist Abroad
The abroad students will pay the
college a fee of about $1,200 in ad-
dition to tuition and room and
board for the colleges they select.
They will also have to cover travel
expenses and other expenses, such
as transportation overseas,

and clothing.
. .
The ab.road, experience has
students less nioney
the past than
Marist, because tuition overseas is
generally lower than U.S. colleges,
but this year students will be hurt
by the exchange rates.
For example, students choosing
Oxford University in England will
pay 6,206 British pounds for tui-
tion and room and board for the
year, which at the currentexchange
rate of 1.935 per $1 U.S. works out
to cost $12,008, excluding travel
and living expenses.
Six Marist students plan on go-
ing to Oxford and the others plan
on attending colleges in other parts
of England, Spain, Ireland, France
and Italy.
"Colleges in the larger European
Answers to
this week's
cities cost the most money," said
Lanning. "The countries of Ireland
and Spain are the least expensive to
study in."
Spain's exchange rate is .0093
pesesta per $1 U.S., and Ireland's
exchange rate is 1.653 punt per $1
In a telephone interview with a
spokeswoman for the Council of
International Education in New
York City last week, the results of
a new study • revealed
enrollments are up nationwide for
European colleges for next year,
despite the falling dollar -
ing Marist's increase in the abroad
costs in agreement with the rest of
the country.
"There was an article in the New
York Tinies''•aboutl a'monthragb
iharsaia today~s-'J1arHits'
almost anything to see their kids in
college. I think the same thing is
true for the abroad experience,"
said Lanning. "It's tough for a
parent to deny their child's

Students studying
not allowed by law to have jobs in
foreign countries,
but many
students in the past have found
jobs as waitresses, bartenders, baby
sitters and tutors for money paid
"in the hand," said Lanning.
According to Yvonne Maalouf,
a Marist junior studying in Paris,
France this year, the falling dollar
has greatly affected her lifestyle
"I can't get a job because I can't
spare the time from my studies,"
said Maalouf. "Paris is a tourist
trap and the prices are high·. I had
to learn how to shop, where· to go·
and what and when to buy things.
Paper products, beauty
stamps and fast food places are ex-
pensive. Also I can't find diet soda
Michael Anderson, a senior at
Brighton Polytechnic in England,
said his tuition and room and
board cost $10,200 for the year and
advises future abroad students to
traveler's checks when exchang-
ing money to get a better exchange
Melanie Winters, a junior at
Trinity and All Saints College in
England, suggests buying an
interail pass for
traveling and
avoiding hotels by finding youth
hostels which charge students a
third of the price. Winters
estimates she spent $7,000 in travel-
ing, general living expenses and
food, not including tuition or the
abroad fee.
"There are really no shortcuts on
saving money that we give the
students," said Lanning. "We just
recommend that they get a summer
job and start saving their money."

Anthony Calega, a sophomore
from Newburgh, N.Y., will have
full time job at IBM Fishkill and
another part time job this summer
to save money for his education at
the Dorset Institute of Higher
Education in Dorset, England next
year .
• ~.MI
about having
~hooth"rnoheyrb'IWit~s won't'Stop
me from going," said Calega.
just want to be able to enjoy myself
and not have to be on a tight
Mary Anne Hayes, a junior who
plans on going to London City
University next year, said she'll be
working two jobs this summer and
that her parents hope "with their
fingers crossed" that the experience
will be financially comparable to
Woods, who wants to go to
Trinity and All Saints College,
England, will have three jobs this
summer but would never pass up
the opportunity to study abroad.
the abroad program is
the best kept secret on campus,"
said Woods. "You never know
who you are going to meet over
there or what doors are going to
open for you. It's a challenge for
myself. I see it as an exciting new
learning experience."
want to go because
like the
tutorial educational system better
of one class per term that meets on-
ly once a week. The one-to-one
relationship between student and
teacher will make learning so much
more enjoyable,"
said Sean
Creighton, a sophomore who plans
on going Oxford next year.
"It's a once in a lifetime oppor-
tunity," said Denise Gourlay, a
junior who plans on attending
Dorset in England next year. "I
just can't let it pass me by."

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Migrant life opens
eyes -
and hearts
by Patty Donohue
social service agencies. They work
to familiariz.e themselves with pro-
When Marianne Policastro
blems of the migrants and goals of
,departed for Americus, Ga., with the program, Halloran said.
the Campus Ministry two summers
The volunteers provide a day
ago, she had no idea of what she care center where they teach the
would experience there.
small children religion, and basic
Today, as a result of that trip,
inath and reading skills, said
she says she sees things different-
Halloran, and during the day they
-ly. Her relationships have become bring lunch out to farmers in the
more important to her than the
materials things she may possess in
Evenings are spent bringing
life . "I value my family, friends, clothes and refreshments out to the
and my education much more. I camps, said Halloran. "We make
have come-to realize that we need these social visits to find out what
education in order to achieve sue-
their needs are, so we can tell the
cess," said Policastro.
people who work with them," she
Although students in the Cam-
May 5,
THE CIRCLE - Page 11
pus Ministry receive many learning
"They were extremely grateful
experiences on the Marist College • when we brought· out • food or
campus throughout the year, in
clot~ng to them," said Mike Ron-
May when they depart
ca, a sophomore from Garrison,
Americus to commit two weeks of
N.Y., who went on the trip last
service to migrant farmers, they
year. "They showed their apprecia-
Last week, work began to remove some of the debris, com-
often find unique life experiences tion outwardly with affection."
monly known as the "rockpile," that is located between the
Policastro; a junior from Man-
Townhouses and the Lowell Thomas Communications Center.
"The trip not only provides
chester, Conn., said: "If we gave
(Photo by Bob Davis)
students with the experience of ser-
the children clothes in the evening, , ________________________________
vice to their less fortunate brothers
they'd wear them the next day to
and sisters, but also helps them
it meant something to
learn more about themselves, and
them . .,
• what it means to be a Christian,"
According to Halloran, the
by Jennifer Fragomeni
said Sister Eileen Halloran, direc- · volunteers spent at least one even-
tor of the Campus Ministry.
ing' with a
social service
Lowell Thomas has perhaps the

1 •
d th t th
. most famous voice in the world.
oran exp a1ne
e organiz.ation, Habitat for Humani- .
migrant farmers come to Georgia ty, working on building projects, .
As a radio broadcaster, he was
each spring to plant. and harvest
which allows the volunteers· to see on the air every weeknight for the
vegetables and fruits. The migrants: a finished
for the time they longest run in the history of radio
• l H"
• f
FI n"da
broadcasting. His total radio au-
are mam y 1span1cs rom o
, spend.
Texas, California and Mexico, said
dience has been estimated at more
, Halloran.
• • •
Halloran praised the spirit of the than 100. billion.
They rely on work in the fields migrant
"They , work
Robert Norman, associate pro-
so they can provide the necessities long, hard ho1!fS
in the fields every-
fessor of communications arts,
for their fainilies, and here they live day and earn little money. Yet they reinembers listening to Thomas on
in abandoned houses trailers or
have a good sense of who they are, • the radio when he was six or seven
and are probably richer thanmost
years old.
• because of their love of family and
• "His broadcast was sandwiched
Since many of them speak-little faith."
. , , •
between Amos and Andy and
, or-no English; they find themselves
. ~?licastro sa!d, "On~ ·of ,_the • Glenn Miller. I had to always listen
isolated from, and in many ways s1gmficant expenences was to work ,_to·
Lowell Thomas to get to Glenn
. -rejected by,--the local community,
with tb~-~~;t!t*J~~
•. OP.Cl!.i.
·,Mil\e,::, P,~l:1/lf~e~:.a-,wh~\~;it;
.. Halloran· said. · v
. .
:Xhomas's broadcast::Icwanted
During this two week orientation a part of their lives." • , .
. .hear," Norman said. •
program, the volunteers work with
"As_ much as I am educ:ated in • 'Thomas • developed Cinerama,
the director:ofmigrant ministry of
my faith," said Ronca ..
do,not. _w,Uch
led to the wide screen mo-
the diocese of Savannah, Ga., with, live it•!15-
w~ as
these chi!dfe,n; ~ho
picture revolution, and made
priests and sisters from St.
formal mstruct1on .. thousands of single reel and feature
a local catholic church, and various , in the

length films.
For 20 years he was the voice of
Movietone News which was heard
by an estimated 80 million movie
goers each week. He started the
first TV news program in I
was co-founder of Capital Cities
owning a group of major TV and
radio stations.
In 1925, he participated in the
first world flight from Africa
across the entire Antartic to
He traveled into the interior of
Alaska, Arabia, the Himalayas and
Central Asia. One of his greatest
adventures occurred during World
War I with the discovery of
Lawrence of Arabia, whose
;,; ;~·t
·, rl.owell••:f~mas•,
son, said he felt that one of his
goals was to help other people
realize the potential they had for
doing all sorts of things.
"Lowell Thomas was a friend to
a lot of people. He was a
remarkable man who was willing to
risk life and limb to discover," said
Norman, who met Thomas twice.
In 1981, Thomas ,was tf,e.reci,
v\ent ~f i11 hono·r~ry.
doctorate of
law degree at Marist's Commence-
ment ceremony.
Thomas died of a heart attack
three weeks after the Commence-
ment, leaving many missing his
energy and imagination. Norman
was no exception.
"Thomas was an unbelievable
He had a great
vocabulary and command of the
English language. You couldn't
help but hang on every word," said

·For people who never met him
of knew him.,~Drman mm1dt,up
when he says that'.I;owell Tliomas
was to radio what WaltefCronkite
was to television.
'All I can say is that I wish I had
known him longer. He fouched my
life and made me feel youthful,"
Norman said.
Charismatic gf.Ol!P.
pursues spiritual renewal
by Karen Cicero
That night°;Morris~n said, "I gave
"It's great when you have a personal rela-
physically and emotionally. Spiritual-
ly, she said, "My life wasn't right even
though I went to mass."
my heart to the Lord.'' . ..
tionship with Jesus that involves sharing
Donna Morrison didn't believe in miracles •
member of Our
faith and building each other up," she said.
that is until she encountered the
"Many healings happen here."
Charismatic Renewal Group.
. .
that the service,she. pai:ticip_atedJn
was Pro-
Mike Ronca, a sophomore social work
For nearly seven years, Morrison, 26, par-
- which. conflicted with her Catholic
major, agrees. He first became interested in
ticipated in weekly prayer meetings held at
upbringing. . ... .
. .
, ,
the Charismatic Renewal groups when he
the Marist College Chapel on Thursdays.
resolution·,arr~ved on._Christmas Eve
was 16 years old and severely injured in a
Kahout made a promise to God that she
still honors today. "Make· me 'well,'' she
said. "And I will live my' life for yo·u."
Father Paul Dmoch, of St. Mary's of
when. Dan
Calabr~e, a· seminarian at her
bicycle accident.
Marlboro, celebrates the mass on the second parish, invited :he'r,
. .to.join:-~ , Charismatic
He said he asked his sister to pray in pro-
Thursday of every month for a crowd which
group that be:wru;"
o,;ganizing; Mor-
xy for him at
Charismatic Mass held in his
fills three-fourths of the chapel.
rison accepted· and;. thanked
hometown of Garrison, N.Y.
After being released from the hospital, she
attended a Charismatic Renewal session in
Hopewell Junction,
She admits her ap-
prehension to participate in the service. "I
saw 300 people from all over raising hands
and speaking different tongues. At first, I
was unsure about these people but something
compelled me to return," she said.
Morrison said her involvement with the .
called·. her., considering he. was. ·, His sister agreed and. at
p.m. that
group is one of
the most rewarding ex.: • previously unaware of. lter interest.

Sunday evening he said he was healed. Ron-
periences in her life.

, , , Morrison said Charismatic Renewal' has • ca attends the meetings at Marist every week
When Morrison was 13, doctors told her
transformed her• from_, a ,disillusioned
and encourages others to join the group.
that spine bifida, an oft~n crippling disease,· teenager' to a· b'righh vibrant y<>ung
"Students must learn the value of a spiritual
would permanently confine her to a
just happens to· be in a 'wheelchair. A
he said.
She said she credits the support from her
fellow group members and the-Holy Spirit
for her desire to do things only for God.
wheelchair. She said she lost hope. ~'There .
resident, Morrison attended
Fefa Kahout of St. Joseph's Parish can
was no purpose to my life," she s~id.
'$UNY, New
Paltz'fonwo.years but decided ·relate to Roni.:a's story. Some 17 years ago,
Three years later, a classmate invited M'or-:-•
to talce a
secretary for the New York
Kahout, who was hospitalized because of an
During the meeting, group members form
a circle and share their individual joys and
tragedies with each other and God. They
read and discuss passages from scripture and
rison to attend a Charismatic Service at her
State Park
System in :staatsburg.
undiagnosed viral infection, said she was dy- • occasionally burst into song .
Nostalgia for '88: Do you
by Joseph O Brien
"Guess what I just heard."
"I was just in 1-Eleven and
some kid told me that there are
spider eggs in Bubble Yum."
"Oh, I heard that last week.
But, did you hear
kid from Life cereal commer-
cials) died when he swallowed
Pop Rocks and Pepsi at the
same time.
These rumors, along with TV
fashions, music, fads,.news of
the world and things we put on
the sides of lunch boxes, make
up our past. At the young age
of 21 or so, graduating seniors
can begin to take stock in the
nostalgia of their generation.
Much has happened over the
past 21 years. We were born
during the turbulent '60s, but
probably wouldn't remember
any of it. Since then, there has
been scandal in the White
House, assassinations, wars,
nuclear disasters, economic tur-
moil, hostage situations and
other travesties of the times.
On the lighter side the last
two decades gave us: streaking,
packs, Cabbage Patch
Kids; Judy Blume books,
poocha beads, Pa: Man, Trivial
Pursuit, designer jeans, pet
rocks, •
rings and· Sean
Cassidy records, to name only
a few.'
.Like the "Baby Boomers"
was an integral
part of
upbringing; At $ht
"Charlie's Angels," "The Six
"M* A *S*H* ," "Three's Com-
pany," "Welcome Back, Kot-
and "The Rockford
"Tuesday night was big
• around my house because you
had 'Laverne and Shirley' and
'Happy Days' on," said Mike
Nolan, a senior from Farm-
As a result, we ate lunch from
, Vinny Barbarino lunch boxes
and told people to "sit on it,"
and no boy's bedroom was
complete without a Farah
Fawcett bathing suit poster.
, In the afternoon we would
watch. re-runs of the "Baby
Boomers" .favorite prime-time
TV shows such as "My Three
Sons," "The Andy Griffith
Show" and "The Beverly
Then there were movies.
Movies like "Animal House"
helped us to decide to go to col-
lege. "Jaws" made it scary to
go back into the water during
the summer of '75, and "Satur-
day Night Fever" makes it scary
to think of how good we
thought disco was.
"We used to disco dance in
my driveway, but please don't
print that," said Annie Breslin,
a senior Staten Island.
Perhaps the first R-rated
movie is the most memorable.
"I saw my first R-rated movie
when I was 13. My friend and
I lied and said we were 17 to get
• :·._-".:
:· ~;:

• •
into to see '10'," said John
Miller, a senior from Pine Bush,
But what has.changed m our
lifetime'? What luxury will our
children have that we weren't
born with'? To name a few:
home computers, microwave
ovens, cordless telephones, disc
cable television,
cassette tape players, home
video cameras, video games,
plastic bottles and VCRs.
As you leave Marist, feel free
take these memories of the last
20 years and add your own.
. But, when you have kids try to
keep in mind that you probably
didn't walk five miles either way
to school.

Page 12- THE CIRCLE- May 5, 198B
Now students get a different kind of credit
by Mary Stricker
Creditmania has swept the coun-
try, sweeping some Marist students
right off their feet.
Lisa Johnson owns eight credit
cards, nine if you count G. Fox
department store, which recently
closed her account, and 10 if you
count the Visa card that she is
afraid to use because of outstan-
ding bills and threats by Visa of
closing her account.
Johnson, whose name has been
changed for this article, is a full-
time Marist student with a part-
time job that pays minimum wage.
Johnson received a Citibank Visa

card after lying about her income
on the application and convincing
her employer to do the same when
Citibank called to verify the
Johnson recently borrowed $500
from her grandmother to pay some
long overdue credit bills from Visa
and various department stores. Her
The fact that some students lie phone has been disconnected
about their income to improve because of a $490 bill which she
chances of receiving a credit card, cannot pay until her credit card
however, does not always increase bills are paid, partly because not
the risk factor involved, according having a phone is the only way to
to Bob Holloway, senior staff assis-
avoid irate Citibank and collection
tant for credit policies at Sears agency callers.
Roebuck and Co.
Finding herself in the midst of

creditmania was easy for Johnson.
has a lot to do with a per-
"I got the Visa first, and once
son's personality," said Holloway .. you have that you can get
have to consider not only·if anything," said Johnson. "When
a person can pay but if a person we {she and her roommates) want
will pay, and we've never had a clothes, we use a credit card; that's
problem with college students."
how it all started."
When it began, it seemed simple,
For students like Johnson, it has but the simplicity quickly ended
been a problem.
with court summonses and a credit
rating that will haunt her for the
rest of her life.
never be able
to buy a car," said Johnson.with
nervous laughter.
Johnson is only one of many
Marist students who received her
Citibank Visa through an appeal
on the Marist campus. Credit card
such as Citibank
MasterCard and Visa card, issue
credit cards to students to gain
to Gerri
Detweiler, of the American Bank
Card Association.
"It's hard to get people to
change from one card to another,"
said Detweiler. "Companies try to
get them early."

Detweiler said students are not
poor credit risks because they pro-
mise higher earnings
For students like Johnson,
however, life after graduation pro-
mises only financial disaster.
A bad credit ratirig, caused by
unpaid or overdue bills, is reported
to the credit bureau and remains on
your record for seven years.
Employers are free to check a per-
son's credit history when applying
for a job and may continue to do
so indefinitely if a person's salary
exceeds $20,000, according to
the credit
nightmare is simple: pay your bills
on time. If this is impossible, there
is still another way out of credit
card hysteria, as Johnson explains,
"Don't get them!"
For some alumni, it's as
they never left
by Jennifer Scardino
Knowing the campus and feeling was a commuter student and said beingasourceofinfonnation to his graduated in 1979, Carey did an
like she "fits in" with
her involvement in school was friends at past alumni weekends, admissions internship, as well as
Graduation looms around the dings, are two advantages of being somewhat limited. Her perspective because he worked at Marist. "I
her work-study job in admissions.
corner and it's good-bye Marist
an alumnus and working at Marist,
of Marist was different, which was more aware and more in tune
Carey's job has been very rewar-
"bubble" and hello "real world"
Petrini said. "You may still feel allowed her to "bring in some fresh with new programs and new ding, she said. "I have seen all the
for the class of 1988. What exact-
like a student," she said, "but you
ideas," Tungate said. "It really is· buildings," he said.
changes and all the growth at the
ly, or better yet, where is this "real
can't act like one."
a fun job."
Powers, a 1981 graduate, had no
college, and it has all been
Petrini said that she takes her job
Schell, a financial aid counselor
reservations about coming back to
positive," she said.
Marist College became the "real
very seriously, especially her deal-
for almost three years, gained a
his alma mater to work,· he said..

remembers experiencing
world" for alumni Maria Gordon,
ings with the niedia.
work a
new perspective of Marist.
"I like the college atmosphere,"
some anxiety when she "crossed
Valerie Petrini, Marianne Tungate,
little harder because you went here Marist from a student's eyes, as Powers said.
like working with
the line from student to profes-
Corinne Schell, Ken Powers and
and saw things you didn't like, and
well as an administrator's eyes, and
students and the stimulation that a
Mari st
Marybeth Carey when they ac-
now you are in a position to better
it helps me to relate and understand college campus provides."
cepted their positions of employ-
them," she added.
better," Schell, a 1984 graduate,
One advantage of being an alum-
Her Marist diploma is displayed
ment at Marist.
Tungate, director of alumni, is said.
nus is that he can speak 'from his
on her wall in her office, and Carey
"I don't feel like I've graduated
now in a position to change or im-
Schell, 27, who is the mother of
own experiences and relationships said that her parents seem to like
yet," said Gordon, coordinator of
prove any of the 40 or more alum-
a one-year-old boy, added, "It's
at Marist, when he talks to parents,
it. In regards to recruiting students,
the annual fund, in the Advances
ni events she is in charge of plann-
pretty easy finding a baby sitter
he said. Powers, whose father was
being an alumni "gives us a little
ment Office at Marist. Gordon, 23,
ing. A 1987 Marist graduate, she with all the
a Marist Brother, has developed more credibility," she said.
graduated in May 1987 and imagin-
gets to see many alumni and likes .When Homecoming weekend is many contacts, both as a student . Carey has taken her job serious-
ed herself working in New YorkCi-
to coordinate
here for the alumnus/employee,
and administrator at Marist, he
ly through the
ty, she said.
weekend. "Running the event Schell laughed and said, "You
have such a vested interest in it,''
While admitting that the benefits
doesn't take away from enjoying don't let your hair down
For Carey, director of admis-
she said. "It's my alma mater. I
were '-'
0 ~•
, ..
she said.
Powers, associate director. of
sions, returning to Marist wasn't
an alumnus and-· I never

finat:tti~\aid;..,salf\¥·!l'~ri}empers much of
surprise. BefQ.i::~..:.~'1-e.
an eye out for otlier career oppor-
tunities. "If something comes

alongthat interests me, I might just
take a chance and leave," she said.
Working at Marist was not fore-
seen by Petrini either. Petrini,
graduated in 1986 and returned to
Marist in February, 1988, after
answering a newspaper ad for the
Continued from
director of student center and aux-
iliary services at Georgia Institute
of Technology, there are two main
security problems in a mail room.
They are the security of mail and
access to its contents and theft
prevention. In a checklist handed
out with

this pamphlet, Marist
follows every procedure suggested
except securing the access to the
boxes and the ability to supervise
all work areas and employees at all
Pollack suggests that students
can help prevent theft by following
the guidelines sent to them in the
mail at the beginning of the year,
which include not sending money
through the mail registering impor-
tant letters, and not presetting their
boxes. "After one of the thefts, a
security guard and I went around
checking boxes and opened over
100 of them," said Pollack.
Gerberich and Pollack both said
that Marist provides more and bet-
ter services than many colleges.
Vassar has only 500 more students
at their school but employs four
more full-time personnel than
Marist. Also Vassar will not deliver
office or dorm mail.
Pollack agrees that our postal
system has a lot of room for iin-
prove~ent and is reminded of it
every time someone steps forward
to complain about
letter which
arrived late or a missin~package.
"I hate it as much as they <lo," says
Pollack, "because it makes me and
my staff look bad."
.J. .••• l

. - ..

So l<EG,S.
. ~i.Uf

... fp,11~--
'. .-
/lllt,J<. '(,
- ,.
,-~ l

187 North· Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie 454-1490
(Formerly Beverage Barn)
Proprietor - John U~n Class of '82

May 5, 1988- THE CIRCLE- Page 13
The Curtain Rises
Bob Davis
Students from Gerard Cox's
theater class presented studenl•
written and produced plays last
week. Jennifer Clements and
Bill Bastian
(Clockwise from center) Dennis
Creagh (r.) and Ben Fried have
an argument over a chess game
in "To Be Remembered." Ag-
gie and Nick (Maureen Smith
and John Gerbi) discuss their
Ben Fried feels
hen-pecked by his wife, playe<!_
ed- To• Death."
and Lisa Thompson share an
anxious moment in "To Fit The
Cloth." Anna O'Brien appears
as a bag lady in "Sketches."

14 :. THE CIRCLE - May 5,
Reasoner was gi~eri the Lowell
Thomas Award
a luncbeofraf
.• ,·

(Photo by Matt Croke/

Nutrition exjJerts warn
about fad diet hazards-

by Nancy Bloom
ly promote exercise or any type of
psychological problems and add1c-

behavioral change."
tion to diet aids, specifically
Sue DeMarco began the three-
Short-term benefits of weight amphetamines.
day quick-loss diet plan with a
loss programs have little value if
"The first thing people should
warm personality, an infectious they can't be maintained once the
consider when deciding to diet is
smile and a great desire to lose program is concluded, Meacher
how active they are," Fitzgerald
weight, but it didn't work.
said. "Decreases in weight were
She was beginning a low-fat diet
According to Eileen Fitzgerald,
seen in people who had an addition
with nutritious supplements design-
a nutritionist from the National
of exercise in their diet."
ed to get rid of a lot of weight very Dairy
a problem
According to Gail Strydio, a
associated with fad diets is they at-
nutritionist at Dutchess County
"Something was wrong. I wasn't tract people by promising quick
Cooperative Exten_sion, the easiest
losing weight and I was following results.
way to lose weight is to follow a
the diet so strictly," she said. "I
Fitzgerald said new diet books
structured plan and make a com-
had friends who tried the diet and
and-guides are created all the time.
mitment to stick with it.
it worked for them."
Americans, according to Time
This is not an unfamiliar situa-
Magazine, spend
billion a year
tion among college students, accor-
on these materials and over $200
ding to Melanie Meacher, a dieti-
million on over-the-counter diet
cian at Vassar Brothers Hospital.
aids such as caffeine
"Almost all college students amphetamines.
have tried some type of fad diet,"
"The problem with fad diets is
Meacher said. "College students they push a strict regime, pro-
who live in dorms are at a par-
moting a certain food group. This
ticular risk
weight gain."
is an unbalanced type of diet," Fit-
According to a National Health
zgerald said. "But people who
In.terview Survey, taken in June
want to lose weight will follow any
1987, of the 109 males and 127 type of diet. Once these people
females surveyed between the ages become committed to the diet, they
of 19 and 21, 0.2 percent of the
rely on it and become defensive if
males and 2. 7 percent of the someone finds anything negative
females were overweight.
about it."
"People begin fad diets because
Fad diets cut down on certain
they think the diets have some type nutrients by tilting nutrition and
of magical power never found
breaking down proteins needed by
before," Meacher said. "There are the body to function. The only
many advantages fad diets have.
thing lost in these fad diets is water
That is why people fali'into them.
weight and lean body mass, which
Unfortunately people don't realize is the muscles.
the disadvantages associated with
Fitzgerald said that 15 million

men and 18 million women are 20
• •
However, Meacher said these percent over their ideal weight
claims can be false because even frame, which is considered obese.
though the person may lose weight, 26 percent of America's population
the diet lacks certain nutrients is obese, according to Time
essential to the body. The dieter Magazine.
isn't aware of that.
These fad diets have a lot of

''People cannot live on these- adverse affects, according to Fit-
diets: They are short-term diets,"
zgerald, which include sleepiness,

said. ''That don't usual-
"People have to make a decision
about what they want to do,"
Strydio said.
they truly want to
lose weight and keep it off they
have to devote themselves to eating
Strydio said the easiest plan fo
follow is the basic four food
"You will only lose up to two
pounds a week by following this,
but it is a safe diet," Strydio said.
"You can stay on this diet and see
long term, permanent results."
For a college student, the recom-
mended servings of each of the
basic food groups includes: two to
four servings of milk products, this
includes cheeses, ice-creams and
any dairy products; two servings of
meat; four servings of fruits or
vegetables; and four servings of
grain, which includes rice, cereal,
bread and pasta.
Strydio said by following this
plan and exercising regularly
weight loss will not be a problem .
"Of course there are other forms
of healthy dieting. There is the

vegetarian option but with that you
tend not to get enough protein,'~
Strydio said.
Friendship bracelets find a· loyal
by Jackie Hackett
Colorful bracelet$ made of string
can be found on the wrists of col-
lege students everywhere.
At Marist, there are many
reasons to wear them. Some
they are'eith'er friendship'symbols
or associations with the music
group, The Grateful Dead.
"I wear them because I like what
they stand for," said Mary Ellen
Cardin, a junior from Nashua;
N.H., "When somebody makes
them for you, you feel like you're
always wearing a gift."
The fact that it's a college trend
is a good enough rea,son for some
people to wear them. It separates
them from older people.
"It has something to do with be-
ing in college. All college students
and my friends in college wear
them," said. Melissa Pascal,· a
juniodrom Garden City, N.Y. "I
never see older people wearing
Being able to make the bracelets
for friends is a major part of the
wanted to know howto make
them because I like the fact
people would ask me to make them
one," said Cardin.
thought of them as dead
bracelets. I've always thought of
them as friendship bracelets and
that's why I

make them· for
She said that when she makes
them for dead heads she uses col-
orful colors. "I use prettier colors
and pastels when I make them for
people who aren't dead heads," she
Not everyone who.has the talent
for making the bracelets enjoys
wearing them.
Fragomeni, a junior
from Ballston Lake, N.Y., learn-
ed how to make the bracelets from
children at a summer camp she
worked at while in high school, but
she hardly ever wears them.
."Sometimes I wear them when
friend makes them for me,''. she
said. "I don't really know anything
about. The. bead."
The bracelets didn't originate in
this country. The bright rainbow
bracelets started in Guatemala.
"It's so poor in Guatemala. It's
said Lydia
Dougherty, a junior from Valley
Forge, Pa. "The people make them
and then dead heads sell them here.
Some people sell them and put
money back in the country."
''You $hould be aware of who is
selling them and why they are sell-
ing them,'' she said. "Especially
when they are selling a bracelet for
$5 that really should only be $2."
The bracelets are symbols of

"You used to be able to tell a
person was a dead head because the
person wore the bracelets but now
everyone wears them,'' she said.
"Everyone has their bracelet on for
their own reason."
The· trend has not affected
everyone. Some people, because

they have to dress up a lot for
work, do not feel the bracelets are
their kind of style.
"They're not for me," said San-
dy Izzo, a junior from Clinton,
Conn. "I'd never know what col-
ors to wear because I would want
them to match my outfit."
Izzo said she has to dress up and
wear fancy jewerly. She doesn't
think that the bracelets look. good
with fancy outfits.
• •

"I don't know why but I hate
when guys wear them;'' she said.
everybody can wear them."
A lot of people do not wear the
bracelets because of the jobs they
have. Student's employers have
said that the bracelets do not
belong in the work place.
"I'm not allowed to wear them
at work," said Diane Burke, a
junior from Glen Cove, N.Y.
was told that they are unprofes-
sional. They do not fulfill the
business-like image."
Like most trends, the bracelets
are more accepted in certain places
than in others. College campuses
have accepted them with much
Despite hassles,
's-find rewards in their work
by Ellen Ballou
Long hours, little pay, bac_k
from students, staff meetings and
a lot of extra responsibility - it all
adds up to being a resident
But for many, it's a rewarding
and educational college experience.
Many RAs at Marist became one
because they said they wanted to
help the students on a more per-
sonal level than administration or
mentors can.
want to be of help to
freshmen,'' said freshman Fran
Thompson, who will be a RA next
semester in a freshman area. "With
so many things going on, and piles
of letters getting thrown at you, it's
nice to have someone around your
own age to talk to and help out."
Guidance is a major reason
students decide to become RAs.
assisting them with problems is the
calling many answer.

Junior Barrie Daneker of Nar-
ragansett, RJ., said he decided to
become· an RA because of the in-
teraction with the students. He
feel~ he can provide information
about· Marist students may riot
know about
just don't use, for
counseling services or The
Leaming Center.'.


Many RAs agree, wor~ing in a
freshmen area is more challenging
than upperclass areas because they
are dealing with many who are
leaving home for. the first time.
Freshmen are more flexible and
open to suggestion. Sophomores .
idea of the system and
don't need as much guidance, ac-
cordi11g to RAs.

"Freshmen are so young at heart

and mind," said junior Mercinth
Brown, an RA in
Leo Hall.
- ....

,, .
sions, and m~y times they are bad, but they're just trying to
Some of these bad decisions,
Brown said, come in the area of
relationships. In dealing with
women she hears about a lot of
mental and verbal abuse.
There prevails, however, a sense
of family on the floors. RAs have
a sense of parental responsibility.
feel better when
go to sleep
knowing that all the guys are home
in bed,'' said Daneker, who has
been a
for two years.
Just as discipline is kept in the
family, so it is on the floors of the
dorms. Norms and policies are
maintained to keep a stable en-
vironment conducive to what
Marist wants and the students need
get the most from their college
"They know what's expected,
basically, we're peace· watchers,''
said Brown. "We tour the building·
and if it's
peaceful, then we
have to do something about it."
work 22 hours
week. They
do "rounds" -
tours of the
building - from 7 p.m. to I a.m.
on the weekdays and 7 p.m. to 3
a.m. on the weekends and must be
available in the building until 8
a.m. the next morning any day they
Those are the set hours, many
more hours are put in planning
programs and activities for the
students. Some are informative and
educational, like lectures on health
and fitness, AIDS and planned
parenthood. Still others are recrea-
tional and entertaining, like film
nights, study breaks, beauty con-
sultations and barbecues.

Freshmen tend to participate
more in the recreational programs.
~•, W':)~ ~)'.-~oo,1~
grams and then no one shows up
because it doesn't have a catchy ti-
tle like pizza party or pig-out," said
To become a resident assistant,
students go through a training
First an application is submitted
to the housing department. After
interviews with ·Steve Sansola
director of housing, the field is nar:
rowed down. Then students attend
10 weeks of classes, during the free
slot, to be exposed to different
situations a RA might experience.
Once the classes are completed the
student is notified by mail wh;ther
he or she has made it to be a
would suggest residential life
to any individual that is looking for
the biggest challenge of their col-
lege experi~nce and who is willing
to do 1t with blind dedication "

·. _



Swimming and Diving
by Beth-Kathleen McCauley
If someone was going to write a
script for the women's swimming
and diving season, they couldn't
have made it much better.
finished undefeated,
placed first in their division and se-
cond overall in the Metropolitan
Conference Championships. Lisa
Burgbacher was named diver-of-
head coach
Backlund was named coach-of-the-
year and Kindra Predmore won
first place overall in the I 00- and
200-yard butterfly competitions.
The team also broke
of 22
school records.
For next year. Backlund has suc-
cessfully recruited seven new

members; including one diver
which he
he believes will help
the team be even stronger next
we had had another diver (in
the championships) - just another
body diving, even if they came in
by Joe Madden
The lacrosse squad didn't exact-
last -
we could have come much·
closer to first place," he said.
Backlund said he has such faith
in his team, he has petitioned for
the championships to be an overall
competition instead of a divisional
is not that much fun
to win by 400 points," he said. "I
would rather lose by 32 like we did
overall than win by that much divi-
by Wes Zahnke
Entering the season, Larry Van
Wagner, men's swimming coach,
set three ambitious, yet realistic.
goals for his young squad, even
though they would be facing the
team's toughest competition in ten
The first goal was to try and
duplicate the previous season's
dual-meet record of 6-4. The team
finished 7-3.
The second was to maintain last
year's Metropolitan Conference
ly come flying out of the starting
gate this season. They lost three of
their first five games. But they
finished the season on a roll, win-
ning their final six contests to finish
at 8-3 overall, and 6-2 in the
Knickerbocker Conference.
"Our three losses came against
some very good Division One
clubs," said Mike Malet, head
lac~osse coach. ''Montclair State
and Kean are teams in our con-
ference that are always tough."
Malet attributed the season's tm-
naround to the Kean game, which
Marist lost in double-overtime,
10-9. "I think it was then that we
realized what we could do and the
guys decided to set some goals for
themselves," Malet said.
by Chris Barry
The season is not yet over for the
Marist College crew. Coming off a
dominating performance in the
President's Cup Regatta, the crew
will travel to Waramug State Park
in Conneticut this weekend and
then to Philadelphia for the Dad
Vail Regatta, the equivilant of a na-
tional championship for small
Larry Davis, head crew coach,
said he has been pleased with the
performances his crews have given
so far this year. "We're getting to
the point where we don't just have

or two good crews, we're
becoming competitive in almost
every race," he said.
"I'm looking forward to it (the
Dad Vail Regatta). We have a good
freshmen crews go beyond the
qualifying round. On the varsity
level I think we have a few crews
who wiJJ be medal contenders."
by Chris Barry
The Red Fox football team
got off to a dismal 0-4 start, and
finished the season with a disap-
pointing 2-7 record.
While Chris Keenan had the
best season of his· career,
finishing with a team-leading
noseguard was passed up for
any postseason honors.
In the final game of the
season, however, the perfor-
mances of some the team's
younger players created a sense
of optimism towards next year's
three touchdowns
and three different junior defen-
sive backs recorded intercep-
tions in the 21-7 win over St.
John Fisher College.
May 5, 1988- THE CIRCLE - Page 15
Freshman Paql Barrese represented Marist at the national
championship qualifying competition.(pho/o
Dave Burrell}
Championship standing of fourth
place out of 18 teams. The team
finished in third place.
The final and primary goal, was
to break 50 percent of the team
records, which meant 10 of 20.
Twelve school records fell this year.
"On top of that, my first con-
The Marist College hockey
team finished with a 8-6-2
record, including winning its
last three games by a combined
score of 41-7.
Dave Barrell)
by Beth-Kathleen McCauley
The women's tennis team ended
the regular season with a 7-6 record
and finished third in the ECAC
Metro Conference championships.
"I was happy with the team's ef-
fort this season,"
said Terry
Jackrel, head coach. "As far as the
championships are concerned, the
teams that came in before us were
definitely stronger."
Senior Allison Block had what
Jackrel called an "unbelievable"
season and finished her college
career with a three year record of
32 wins and 8 losses.
There were six seniors on this
year's roster, but Jack rel said she
is optimistic about next year.
"My number two, four and six
(ranked) players are returning and
two incoming freshmen look very
strong," she said.
cern as a coach
the improvement
of the individual," Van Wagner
The team totalled 61 perfor-
mances at the conference cham-
pionships. Of those, 57 were
lifetime personal-best
mances, he said.
by Tim Besser
second place finish highlighted
the season for the men's cross
country team, a remarkable perfor-
mance for a team that started the
campaign without a coach.
Senior Don Reardon, hampered
• much' of the
by a knee in~
jury,'clbsedciut his·collegiate career
with a gutty performance.
Reardon, running with an in-
jured patellar
cond to Steve. Uhing of Robert
Morris in the championship meet.
The men b~gan the season
without a coach when Marist chose
not to renew the contract of former
coach Steve Lurie. Rich Stevens
was hired late in September.
The team finished I 0th in the
New York State Track and Field
cross country championships at
Schenectady, N
The team will have a good core

back next season, led by freshmen
Kevin Brennan, a former all-
Section One. runner from Mount
Kisco, N.Y.
Although the women's cross
country team only finished sixth in
the ECAC Metro
first-year coach
Pam White was not disappointed
i.n the team's performance.
The women started with a fifth-
place finish in their opening meet
at Saratoga, N. Y.
The Red Foxes picked up their
first win the next week when they
toppled Utica. In that same race,
they tied Colgate, but were routed
by Hamilton 19-39.
That was followed by a weak
performance in the King's College
Invitational where the first Red Fox
finisher came in 31st.
The team had run well in prac-
tice the week before the conference
championship, White said. But,
they had an unexpectedly poor
showing, coming in sixth.
by Pamela Shewchuk
The women's volleyball team
ended its season with an overall
record or 19-10, despite being
plagued with numerous injuries.
"We had a strong team even
though we had all the injuries,"
said Victor Van Carpels, head
coach. "I was forced. to play my
younger players, which worked out
The highlight of the season came
when Marist faced New York
state's sixth ranked team, Queens
was Queens' final
home game and they were really
pumped up," said Van Carpels.
Marist trailed 5-3 but the team
settled down and took two straight
games and went on to win the
match, he said.
By playing high ranking op-
ponents, the team was helped not
only by its
players gaining
valuable experience, but in the
recruiting process as well, Van
because the tough
schedule made Marist 's name
"If we land the recruits we're
looking at
come back with less
injuries, we'll be seeing a higher
level of competition where the play
is exceptional,"
Van Carpels.
Chris Barrl
This year brought good news
and bad news
the men's basket-
ball team.
As the season began, the good
ne,~s was~~~~e9{9xes_' -.schedule,
which gave them more national ex-
posure during the regular season
than ever before with games against
Miami, Providence and an invita-
tion to the ECAC Holiday Festival
at Madison Square Garden.
The bad news was the NCAA
penalties against the program -
two years probation and suspen-
sion from postseason play and a
ban of off-campus recruiting by
Associate Coach Bogdan Jovicic.
After an appeal of the NCAA
penalties was denied, the Red Foxes
finished with a
record and tied
with FbU as co-champions of.the
ECAC Metro conference.
Rik Smits, the ECAC Metro
Conference Player-of-the-Year,
slams home two of his career-
high 45 points against St. Fran-
cis, Pa., in his final collegiate
game. (photo
Matt Croke)
Women's Basketball

Page 16 - iHE CIRCLE· MaY. 5, 1988
Marist rows away with '88 President's Cup
by Chris Barry
The Marist
College crl!w
dominated the 1988 Marist College
Cup Regatta last
weekend, wipning seven of the
event's 11 races.
The crew will travel to Lake
Waramug State Park in Connec-
ticut Saturday to row., against
Vassar, Trinity and
"I figured on winning about five
races,>' Larry Davis, head crew
coach, said of the President's Cup
Regatta. "I was very pleased,
everyone did a good $ob - even the
ones that didn't win," he added.
"Our lowest

finish was fourth
Early-morning overcast skies left
many people wondering
regatta would be cancelled for the
third time in
four years, but the
rain held up until mid-day, and the
Red Foxes
away with vic-
tories in three women's races and
four men's races
well as the
overall point-total championship of
the day.
was sort of a ho-hum day on
the Hudson," Davis said. "We've
practiced and rowed races on worse
conditions. It (the weather) might
have effected certain races· -
maybe the water was rougher on a •
couple of races before the delay."
The regatta was delayed for one
hour after it started raining short-
ly before noon and the river began
to get choppy,
was fairly confi-
dent we wouldn't have to cancel,"
Davis said.
had_ seen tht.
tables that morning and the t1de
was going to change which calmed
things down.".
The easiest win of the day came
in the men's junior varsity
lightweight-eight:race. The Marist
crew -, from· bow to coxswain
E.isenhauer, Scott Abbatista,
John Garrity, Ken Ring, Rob
Flaherty,_ John Cronin, Sean
Kaylor, Anthony
Maio and
Marybeth Woor. - beat Mrnhat-
tan College by 57 .9 second:.. "W<·
only beat them by a half s~cond
earlier in the year," Davis said.
~They made some changes in the
crew which might have made a
The Red Foxes also had easy vic-
tories in the women's varsity light-
four winning by 13.2 seconds, the
men's novice eight winning by 15
seconds, the women's varsity open-
four winning by 10.4 seconds and
the· men's varsity light-four in
which Marist crews placed first and
The women's light-four was put
together just for the regatta, Davis
said, so it wasn't known what to
expect from them. The women's

open-four had lost to Manhattan
by 15 seconds earlier in the year,
he added
Marist crews also won the
women's novice eight and the
men's varsity eight. Marist was un-
contested in both the men's and
women's varsity light-eight con-
tests. The women's varsity eight
was cancelled.

The men's junior varsity lightweight-eight
crew- from bow to coxswain: M::srk
Scott Abbatista, John ~arrity, Ken Ring, Rob Flaherty, John Cronin, Sean Kaylor, Tony Maio
and Marybeth Wood - bead out to the starting line for their race against Manhattan College.
They won by 57 .9 seconds.
(photo by Bob Davis)
The men's varsity heavy-four
was the closest event of the day as
the Vassar crew used a strong surge
in the final 500 meters of the race
to edge the Marist crew by just 1.5
"That was a heart breaker,"
Davis said. "In the last 15 strokes
we just didn't handle the rough
water enough. We were just sort of
spinning our wheels and they rock-
ed right by us," he added. "We get
a chance to row against them this
weekend and it should be a real

WiflS trip lO
Pamela Shewchuk
The shirt said it
all. A
of the Marist College equestrian
team unvailed a Pace Univers1ty T-
shirt which had a paper sign taped
above the lettering reading "beat"
Pace. That's old news now.
The equestrian team rode past
rival P,ace University and went on
the highest point
total in Region-One' ofthe·Inter-
collegiate Horse Show Association,
qualifying for national ranking.
A team of 11, known as the Car-
tier Cup Team, will travel to North
Presbyterian College on May 7-8 to
contend for national rankings.
Competition • is based on most
overall accumulated points. Points
are awarded on the basis of equita-
tion, which includes form, control
of the horse and smoothness.

The Marist equestrian team has
only existed since 1983. "We've on-
ly been around for a short time and
for us to win, it's a great achieve-
ment," said Shelley Smith, a junior
from Schenectady, N.Y. "We ride
against teams. who ride everyday,
compared to us who only ride once
a week.
"The team last year went to have

a good time. This year we're there
to win -
and we do," Smith
Ed Calabrese, head coach, enters
the team in eight competitions
against schools throughout the
New York/New Jersey area.-Some
of the team's opponents offer a
minor in equestrian studies, in-
creasing the level of competition
the team faces.
am really psyched that we are
going (to the nationals) because we
were considered the
team, but showed everyone we
could do it," said Stacey Hain-
mond, a junior from Brentwood,
Ginger Mion, an environmental
science major and president of the
team, said she is happy"about what
the team has accomplished but still
is unable to believe it. Mion, from
Oradell, N.J., receives a lot of
credit from her teammates for the
success and enthusiasm the team
"Ginger was a big help to
everyone,'' Madeline McEnerney,
a freshman from Katonah,
said. "Basically
she is
the backbone
of the team."
Kourtney Klosen, a freshman
communication arts major, said:
"As the season started we picked
out Pace as the team to beat, they
won the region last year, they were
our goal. We were so intense at
each show, everyone was trying
their hardest. When it came time to
compete with Pace our best was
good enough to beat them. Now
we're on our way to the nationals."
Laxmen cap season with 6 wi_ns in a row
by Joe
The Marist College lacrosse team
ended its season on fire, trouncing
Southampton College, 18-5, and
edging the United States Merchant
Marine Academyat Kings Point,

N.Y., 14-10,for its sixth straight
victory to finish at 8-3 overall, and
Against the USMMA, the Red
Foxes had a tough time, trailing the
Mariners 5-2 after the first quarter.
Red Foxes rebounded by
outscoring the Mariners 3-1 in the
second quarter ~o get back. into the
"That comeback really showed
the character of this team," said
Mike Malet, head lacrosse coach.
"We could've just p~t our heads
but,we didn't."
Senior Bill Drolet, playing his
last game in a Red Fox uniform,
led the way for Marist, scoring four
goals and assisting on another in a
second half that saw the Red Foxes
outscore the Mariners 9-4 to put the
game out of reach. Drolet finished
the game with six goals and one
Drolet's six-goal output was his
second six-goal game and third by
a Marist player this season, the
other by senior Mike Daly. The
output is one goal shy of the Marist
record of seven set by Daly's
brother Tom during the 1986
Against Southampton, Jhe Red
Foxes jumped out to an early 7-0
first quarter lead. They dominated
the first half, compiling a 12-0
halftime lead. The Red Foxes had
a balanced scoring attack and were
led by Tom Donnellan's four goals
and Pete Cleary's one goal and
three assists. Drolet added two
goals and two assists.
Netters fall to· Pace, Quinnipiac
by Chris Barry
The Marist College men's tennis
team dropped two matches last
week, losing to Pace University,
5-4, and Quinnipiac College, 6-3,
putting its dual-match record at
4-5, according to George Dioguar-
do, head coach.
The Red Foxes hosted New York
University yesterday in their final
match of the season. Results were
not available by press time.
A victory yesterday would've put
the team at the .500 mark.- "I
wasn't expecting more than that,"
Dioguardo said. "I'll take .S00
with the young team we've got."
After winning three of their first
four matches, last week's losses
stretched the Red Foxes' skid to
four of the last five matches. "The
teams we've lost-to weren't better
than us, we just didn't play well,"
Dioguardo said.
Against Quinnipiac, there.was a
notable difference in the team's
performance, Dioguardo said.
"They definitely hit the ball better,
maybe it was the higher le~el of
Dioguardo said the three mat-
ches the team lost 5-4 were the big-
gest disappointments of the year to
him. "Take away those three 5-4
matches and we could've been
•:After losing matches like that,
sometimes I think I'd rather lose
9-0 or 8-1 than have it come down
to the last match," he added.

Dioguardo said the freshmen
players provided a nice surprise this
year. Four of the six singles players
were freshmen.
through when
needed them," he
said. He tapped the freshmen
doubles pair of Stan Phelps and
Chris Trieste as the most consistent
players this season.
As for next year, Dioguardo said
he is very optimistic. "The future
looks good," he said. "We're not
losing anyone this year and we'll
have Jim Hayes back next year."
Hayes, probably the best doubles
academically ineligible this season,
Dioguardo said.

signs up
area star
by Chris Barry
Another recruit has signed a
National Letter of Intent to play
at Marist for the 1988°89
season, Dave Magarity, men's
basketball head coach, an-
nounced last week.
Andy Lake, a 6-3 17S-pound
guard from John S. Burke
H_igh School in

Goshen, N.Y., became the third

recruit to commit to the Red
Foxes for next season.
Lake, who averaged-27 points
and 9 rebounds per game in
leading his team to a 21-3 record
and the Section 9 Class B cham-
pionship, is an outstanding out-
side shooter, having converted
44 percent of his three-point at-
tempts last year.
The all-time leading scorer at_
Burke, Lake was a second team
All-State selection for small
schools as well as a two-time
first team All-Tri County selec-
tion by The
An excellent all-around
athlete, Lake was the Section 9
singles tennis champion three
straight years and is currently
ranked among the top ten ten-
nis players in the state. He was
also confernce soccer player of
the year and an All-State selec-
tion in that sport as a junior and
Tom Fitzsimons,
6-9 for-
ward from Jackson Heights,
N.Y., and John Slattery, a 6-8
forward from Clearwater, Fla.,
signed with the Red Foxes two
weeks ago. The National Letter
of Intent signing period ends
'"May 15.