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The Circle, February 1, 2001.xml


Part of The Circle: Vol. 54 No. 9 - February 1, 2001


He-Man battles
Transformers: For blow
by blow action,
see pg. 8
Donald Vale and the
Men's Basketball team
continue to rise in
MAAC, see pg. 12
Volume 54 Issue 1
Donnelly renovations: a breath of fresh air
Managing Editor
Removing health risks, creat-
ing workspace and upgrading to
meet fire codes, contractors and
Marist staff members have left
the IT department separated and
the science department in the
Physical Plant Director Tom
Daly said the Information Tech-
nology renovations that have
displaced the IT department will
cost roughly $730,000 and will
be completed sometime in April
or May.
Daly also said portions of
Donnelly haven't been reno-
vated in over ten years, and the
internal air con!litioning unit in
the IT
a potentially llazardous mold
that was removed by profes-
sional contractors.
"We had a roof problem here
years ago, where water had
seeped in," he said. "The two-
floor IT department has been
gutted, the wooden walls and
supports removed and replaced
with steel support frames."
"We updated the sprinkler and
fire alarms and did find some
mold, but worked with the
Health Department to get it taken
care of."
Martha McConaghy, manager
of the Systems/Network & Op-
erations department, also said a
special contracted crew was
dispatched for some 'environ-
mental problems,' but did not
While the renovations are be-
ing done, the IT staff has been
dispersed throughout campus,
cramping their ability to func-
tion efficiently.
"We are scattered all over cam-
pus - Programming is down-
stairs, while others are in the li-
brary. I'm currently working in
the machine room," she said.
"It's definitely different- we are
all used to talking to each other
right down the hall. Now it's a
phone call.
is a little tough being
crammed in a comer somewhere.
We are looking forward to it be-
ing finished."
Since the library opened, there
have been a few vacant areas
that have helped to accommo-
date some of the displaced com-
puter staff. Two classrooms
were divided to create a third on
the second floor, while a few sci-
ence offices and the Lenix Lab
were transformed in to space for
the computer staff.
Sciences offices upstairs, as
well as Academic Advisement
were completed recently, Daly
said, as part of a group of
Donnelly projects being run by
several contracted companies
simultaneously. The Payroll and
Purchasing departments are still
be rewired and the fire regula-
tions updated.
"The process will require a
series of inspections to make
sure we're up to code," Daly
said. "The workers will put up
the framing and then it will be
inspected. Then the wiring will
be run, and that will be in-
spected. Then the fire sprin-
klers ... " he said.
With the new G-5 computer
network system in the base-
ment, Daly said they will need a
great deal of cooling, which the
new air conditioning system will
remedy. To avoid any further
potential health issues, this
large system will be housed on
Donnelly's roof, to cut down on
problems with moisture and
... See
Craig· Middlebrooks, one of the professional contractors working to renovate Donnelly Hall, is removing
hazardous mold from the internal air conditioning system, replacing wooden walls and supports with steel
supports, and upgrading to meet fire codes.
FEBRUARY 1, 2001
New Year's Day
City Blaze Kills 5
The fire was assumed
started around 4:00 a.m. on New
News Editor
Year's Day, with the first call to
themidstofholidayfestivi- 911 reporting the blaze coming
ties and New Year's Eve revelry,
at 4:24 a.m. city Police Chief
tragedy struck in the City of Ronald Knapp said in a state-
Poughkeepsie, claiming the
lives of five.
Fire and police vehicles ar-
A horrific fire, which started rived on the scene at 4:30. Wit-
in the basement of a multi-fam- nesses reported that the fire had
ily home on 61 Taylor Avenue completely engulfed 61 Taylor
intheCityofPoughkeepsieand Ave. at this point and was
spread to neighboring houses, spreading to 59 and 63 Taylor
people with- Ave.
out homes.
Erick Butler, a resident of Hyde
According to reports, the Park, was attending a New
cause of the fire was not suspi- Year's Eve party in an adjacent
cious, although
cause has yet house on Taylor Ave.
to be determined. Fire officials
"The fire had completely con-
reported that it took hours to sumed the house by the time
quench the
because three [firefighters] had gotten the
fire hydrants on Taylor Ave., water going," Butler said.
of Washington "They tried to spray the other
Street, were non-operational. two houses to keep the flames
The city fire department had to from spreading, but as soon as
use a hydrant located on they could spray them down,
Verazzano Boulevard., more than they'd start right up again."
half a mile away. Fire fighters
Butler described frantic resi-
also relied on water brought to dents jumping from windows to
the scene of the blaze by assist- escape the black smoke and heat
ing fire companies.
as rescue workers arrived .
... SeeFIRE,3
Bush warms to Oval Office,
Congress sees first actions
Staff Writer
Less than two weeks after his
inauguration into the presi-
dency of the United States,
George W. Bush has wasted
little time in trying to implement
his campaign promises in Wash-
During this time, Bush has
been learning the roles and day-
to-day duties of being presi-
dent, in addition to working on
proposals to Congress and an-
swering questions about his
Cabinet nominees.
By the end of his first week as
president, Bush had reversed an
agreement on international fam-
ily planning funding, banning
any money that is to be given
to groups that assist or provide
abortions overseas.
He also revealed his education
plan to Congress, while Demo-
crats revealed their education
package that included many of
the same provisions.
Furthermore, using the same
bipartisan techniques that he
used when introducing his edu-
cation plan, Bush also unveiled
his plan for prescription drugs.
With his proposal, Bush hopes
to "modernize" Medicare, call-
ing for $48 billion in federal
funds to be allocated to states
to help seniors pay for neces-
sary drugs.
While he has done this, he has
... See BUSH PICKS, 3
Marist student arrested in stabbing case
Thurs., Feb. 1, 9 PM, CBS
"Ripley's Believe it or Not"
Wed., Feb. 7, 8 PM, TBS
"XFL Football"
Sat., Feb. 3, 8 PM, NBC
... for more, see "On TV
with Mike Thompson, "pg. 9
Co Editor-in-Chief
After his arrest for allegedly
stabbing a student in the but-
tocks with two steak knives,
Men's basketball player Marius
Janisius, 23, of Vilnius,
Lithuania is awaiting the deci-
sion of his grand jury hearing,
which began last Thursday.
According to the Thursday
Jan. 25 edition of The
Poughkeepsie Journal, Senior
Assistant District Attorney
Matt Weishaupt said that the
grand jury was expected to re-
convene Wednesday or Thurs-
day of this week and that the
hearing should wrap up by the
end of the week.
"I believe that that session will
conclude the presentation,"
Weishaupt said Friday, Jan. 19.
Janisius was charged with one
account of second-degree as-
sault for the incident, which oc-
curred outside the E-block of
Gartland early the morning of
He was arrested by the Town
of Poughkeepsie Police shortly
after 2 a.m. after security had
arrived on the scene said Direc-
tor of Safety and Security Joe
Janisius was released on
$25,000 bail early last Tuesday
from Dutchess County Jail and
is being held under house ar-
rest. He has also surrendered
... See STUDENT, 3
hi: 39
lo: 25
Community ..................... 2
Features ......................... 4
Opinion .......................... 6
A&E .......................... 8
Sports .......................... 10

The last weeks
of 2000
A plate of cheese and eggs left
in the oven sent sulphur-smell-
ing smoke swirling around the
smoke sensor, sounding the si-
ren in West Cedar's S block
Wednesday, Dec. 13 at4:30 p.m.
None of the residents said they
put the food in the oven, and
the house door was not shut
properly. Security officers
changed the apartment's locks
to deter any more pranksters.
Five more lights were smashed
in Mid-Rise's stairwells Dec. 14,
and one more on Jan. 18. As for
suspects, security officers are
still in the dark.
A tree flattened a section of
St. Ann's barn, an out-building
North of campus, Dec. 12 dur-
ing the windstorm. The tree fell
directly on the barn, splintering
ao!4 walls, as the trunk settled
... fi1tnfy
on the barn floor. Secu-
rity found the damage during a
patrol Thursday, Dec. 14 at
10: 15a.m., but could not say
whether or not the tree made
noise upon impact, since no one
was there to hear it.
An uninvited non-resident ar-
rived to retrieve a $300 chain
necklace from his ex-girlfriend in
Gartland's E block Thursday,
Dec. 14 at 4 p.m. "John" and the
resident argued, sending him off
in a huff before security offic-
ers arrived. There is no report
of the necklace's current loca-
A Leo resident broke out in
hives and was escorted to St.
Francis for medically-trained
backscratchers to ease her pain
at 2:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 15.
Michael Bogart was arrested
and charged for trespassing Fri-
day, Dec. 15 at 10:45 a.m. after
following a swiping student into
Leo Hall. A student notified se-
curity officers and Town of
Poughkeepsie police officers
and promptly had Bogart ar-
rested for the misdemeanor
upon finishing his shower.
Bogart is homeless.
Two students found an intoxi-
cated freshman resident outside
the Bagel Company Saturday,
Dec. 16. The oblivious bagel-
lover was brought across Route
9 to Donnelly, and then driven
back across Route 9, past
McCoy's and up to St. Francis
for treatment.
A resident fell down a set of
Mid-Rise stairs and twisted her
ankle at 12:30 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 16. She was taken to St.
Francis and treated.
A West Cedar X block fire
alarm blared at 11 :54 p.m. on Sat-
urday, Dec. 16. Fairview
firefighters found a partially
used fire extinguisher and a two-
quart can of charcoal lighter
fluid. The lighter fluid was taken
away and the student was ques-
tioned about the incident. He
said he slipped on his hat and
his elbow/forearm hit the extin-
guisher and discharged it. He
then insisted he was the only
one in the house although fur-
ther information connected four
or five other students to the
scene. For his honesty, the resi-
dent was awarded a wet mop to
clean up the mess.
Roughly 20 students in West
0 block opened and in-
gested most of the alcohol Sat-
urday, Dec. 16 before 11 :58 p.m.,
when security officers arrived to
break up the party. No full cans
were left to confiscate.
Six cars were stuck in three
feet of water in the McCann
Parking Lot when a storm drain
clogged. The cars' owners were
notified of the situation at 11
a.m. on Dec. 17 and four of the
cars were quickly moved, while
the other two had a more thor-
ough bath.
Two hours earlier, Sheahan
Hall's basement flooded be-
cause of leaf-clogged pipes.
Maintenance workers cleared
the plugged pipes and Fairview
Fire Department workers
pumped the water out of the
soggy Boiler Room.
Security Briefs
of the new year
Gartland E block heaters
roused Fairview firefighters out
of bed at 2:20 a.m. January 2
when the intense heat in the
rooms set off the alarms. The
heaters also heated up
Gartland's D block enough to
have the alarms blare at 7 :30 a.m.
the following morning. Mainte-
nance workers were contacted
to cool down the situation.
Symbols identified as Phi
Kappa Sigma fraternity mark-
ings were found etched into the
arm of a polished wood chair arm
in the library on Jan. 18. The situ-
ation was turned over the Stu-
dent Affairs to properly haze the
Marist employee Louis
Rutigliano collapsed in pain Jan.
2 in Donnelly 102. Security of-
ficers responded and he was
quickly transported to Vassar
Brothers Hospital. He was later
moved to Mt. Sinaii Hospital in
serious condition.
Once upon a time, in Talmadge
Court far, far away, an unidenti-
fied burglar broke into an apart-
ment and proceeded to live
there. The four Marist students
that lived there were away on
break, and the burglar pro-
ceeded to eat their food, use
their toothbrush, and even sleep
in their beds. Some items had
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What did you think of the new Survivor?
Brian Perry -Junior
"It just doesn't have the
emotion of
been stolen, including a
Discman, the television remote,
a gold Irish ring, and a pair of
diamond earrings.
City of Poughkeepsie police
officers were contacted and an
investigation was opened to
track down this Goldilocks gone
A 3M video projector valued
at over $7,700 installed on Sat-
urday, Jan. 13, was missing and
pronounced stolen by Director
of Media and Instructional
Technology, Dr. Bill Ryan on
Tuesday, Jan. 16. Town of
Poughkeepsie police investiga-
tors opened a case and ques-
tioned Hugh's TV and
Armstrong Electronics workers
responsible for the installation.
Armstorng Electricians alleg-
edly were to contact security
officers when they were leaving
at 3:30 p.m. but never did, leav-
ing the door unlocked until the
following day.
Homeless Harry Gamble was
arrested and charged with tres-
passing Jan. 16 at 9 a.m. after
rummaging through a West Ce-
dar dumpster. He was caught
and told to leave the garbage
alone by security patrols, but he
became billigerent and left. He
was found in another dumpster
shortly after, and the police were
notified to pick him up.
A non-resident dropped a
friend off in Gartland' s G block
Tuesday,Jan.16at2:45p.m. and
sat down on the stoop. A man
and his little white strutted by.
As the dog padded past, it bit
the non-resident on the hand,
leaving several marks. "Did he
bite you?" asked the man.
"Yes!" Without another word,
the man and the dog ran away.
Twelve 10-oz. bottles of Zima
and an open vodka bottle were
. confiscated from a Mid-Rise
resident when the security
guard stopped him and his
clanking backpack at 2: 18 a.m.
on Thursday, Jan. 18. The stu-
dent denied there was anything
in the backpack until the RD and
charge of shift security officer
Michael Haigh -Junior
"There's another Rhode
Islander on the show ...
Nathan Shook -Junior
"I think Rudy should be the
Campus Corner
Comedian John Bizarre - Giv-
ing You the Stink Eye - will be in
the Cabaret at 9 p.m. Friday,
Feb. 2. Free food and refresh-
ments will be served with a full
serving of laughter.
A Garden Hoops Bus Trip to
Madison Square Garden will be
leaving the Midrise parking lot
Sunday, Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. Marist
will be playing Fairfield and
Siena will be squaring off
against Manhattan.
SPC presents a bus trip to New
York City to see "Kiss Me
Kate." The bus will leave Sun-
day, Feb. 25 from the Midrise
Parking Lot at 11 a.m. Tickets
are $25 with a valid Marist ID.
SPC will present Booker
Coleman-Truth Through Cour-
age, History Through Heritage-
on Wednesday, Feb. 7 in the
PAR. The show will begin at 7
SPC's Lecture Series will
present Yara Svora,y's "Hitler's
Shadow," Tuesday, Feb. 13 in
the Nelly Goletti Theatre. As
told on the original HBO film
'The Infiltrator," Svoray will re-
veal his infiltration in to a con-
temporary nazi group as a son
of a holocaust survivor.
For the carless on campus,
Galleria Mall Trips will be pro-
vided Saturday, Feb. 3 from 2
p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday the buses
will run from noon until 6 p.m.
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FEBRUARY 1 , 2001
Earthquake in Indial
leaves thousands dead
INDIA-In Njar, India and all
throughout western Gujarat
people are searching for their
dead relatives through piles of
bricks and concrete after an
earthquake shook the region
on January 26. According to
the New York Times, over
6,400 bodies have been recov-
ered and state and local offi-
cials estimate that nearly
14,000 more lay among the ru-
The scene across the coun-
tryside is of people walking
through the streets with
wheelbarrows containing the
bodies of their relatives, huge
fires and billows of smoke
burning the dead, and the
streets filled with homeless
survivors. The government is
struggling to provide the
with food and wa-
MOSCOW -Former Russian
President Boris Yeltsin will be
spending his 70'" birthday on
Thursday in a hospital bed.
According to Reuters, Yeltsin
was taken
the hospital on
Monday for what doctors be-
lieve is a "acute viral infec-
Yeltsin has been out of the
public eye since his resigna-
tion in January 1999, but the
birthday of the man who
steered Russia's transition
from communism to capitalism
in nine years is likely to be a
major public event.
The new ·Survivor
outlasts its competi-
AUSTRALIA-Following the
Super Bowl all eyes were on
the land down under as
Survivor:The Australian
Outback bowed on CBS. De-
buting after the Super Bowl
proved a success; 43
people tuned in for the first
episode. Last summer the first
Survivor drew in 51 million
people for its finale episode.
One of the exciting moments
on the first episode of
vor: The Australian Outback
was when a contestant bit into
a fig, only to find it filled with
bugs. Starting Feb. I, the
show will air at
p.m. on
Thursdays, facing off against
Friends on NBC.
Bush picks
see Senate
Ashcroft still a
... From
he has also faced obstacles and
troubles during his first ten
days. Senator John McCain, his
former GOP presidential nomi-
nation rival, introduced his cam-
paign finance reform bill at the
Capitol. Republican leaders had
wanted McCain to wait for a
while to do this, because
McCain and Bush differing opin-
ions on this issue, but McCain
felt it was too important to wait.
At this same time, Bush's
nominations for his Cabinet
have been appearing before the
Senate for confirmation ever
since Inauguration Day. On Sat-
urday, Jan. 20, 2001, the Senate
confirmed seven members of
Bush's Cabinet and since that
day, the rest of the nominees
have gone through the confir-
mation process rather easily.
Most notably, Colin Powell
was sworn in as Secretary-of-
State on Friday, Jan. 26, 2001 at
the White House. Also, Mel
Martinez was approved by the
Senate as Secretary of the De-
partment of Housing and Urban
Development, Anthony Principi
as Secretary of the Department
of Veterans Affairs, New Jersey
Governor Christie Whitman as
head of the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency and ex-Colo-
rado Attorney General Gale
Norton as Secretary of the Inte-
Despite these proceedings,
Bush's choice for Attorney Gen-
eral, John Ashcroft, has faced
tough opposition from some
Democratic Senators in the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee. Ac-
cording to the Jan. 22 issue of
they are primarily con-
cerned with whether or not
Ashcroft will be able to enforce
the laws that he doesn't agree
with, especially with issues re-
lating to civil rights, abortion
and gun control.
Ashcroft was asked by Sen-
ate Democrats to answer 125
questions in written form. Presi-
dent Bush commented on the
debate over Ashcroft's appoint-
"I hope in the spirit of biparti-
sanship, there will be no further
delays with the confirmation
process of John Ashcroft,"
Bush said. "There's been a lot
of discussion, a lot of debate, a
lot of questionnaires presented
and answers filled out, and it's
time for the vote, it seems to me."
According to
Ashcroft is expected to pass the
Senate when the vote comes,
tentatively on Thursday, be-
cause all 50 Senate Republicans
and one Democrat support
Ashcroft's confirmation.
Student Government Association Spotlight
Director of Public Relations
Hometown: Andover, New Jersey
Campus Housing:
Major: Communications
Age: 21
Concentration: Advertising
Year at Marist: Senior
Minor: Public Praxis
Take a walk by the SGA office on any given day and chances are good that you will see Amanda
Kelly working diligently at her desk. Whether she is planning a new activity for Student Govern-
ment to participate in or creating posters for an upcoming event, Amanda's "to do list" is never
ending. Being Director of Public Relations for Student Government is a tough job filled with many
different responsibilities. Some of Amanda's responsibilities include SGA Newsletter, SGA Spot-
light, creating posters and other advertisements for various campus activities, maintaining the
SGA bulletin board, administering surveys, and updating the SGA WebPage. Amanda also is
responsible for any crisis management that needs to be done such as press releases to The Circle,
WMCR, and MCTV regarding any crisis situation that occurs on campus. Her jobs range from
large to small. Amanda also orders supplies, such as SGA pens and tee shirts, and creating the
SGA brochure.
Amanda has encouraged SGA members as well as students to participate in community service
activities. Last semester, Amanda organized 80 Marist students from various clubs on campus to
participate in Memory
2000 and raised a total of $1200 for the Alzheimer's Association. Before
Christmas Amanda organized a small group of Marist Students to go to Vassar Hospital to bring
holiday cheer to the children's ward. Amanda's latest community service project is a Bow I-A-Thon
that she is organizing with Alex Gamma, president
of the bowling club. This will be taking place on
February 24th and all proceeds go
the Red Cross. Anyone interesting in participating can
contact Amanda in the SGA office at
When asked how she gets it all done, Amada .responded, "Being Director of Public
Relations is a very time consuming position but
would never be able to handle it without my board
members. They are a great help!"
-Michelle Slesinski, Assistant Director of Public Relations
A venue Fire Claims the lives of 5
... From 1
all lived in 61 Taylor Ave. Ac-
cording to reports from Detec-
tive Lieutenant William Siegrist
of the City of Poughkeepsie
Police Department, the first floor
of 61 Taylor Ave. did not have
smoke detectors. The second
and third floors were equipped
with the devices, as were 59 and
63 Taylor Ave., he added.
According to reports, the five
who died in the blaze were
Pascual Mejia, 28, Theresa Rob-
les-Mojica, 35, Elisa Mercado,
36, and her ten year-old daugh-
ter, Glorilou Lewis, and Howard
Colbert, 33. All but Colbert, who
was visiting from out of town,
Student arrested
From 1
his passport.
The Poughkeepsie Journal re-
ported that Janisius told police
that he was assaulted by three
men in front of the Mari st library
on the evening of the stabbing.
This assault resulted from a dis-
pute earlier at McCoy's across
Route 9. The other people in-
volved in the altercation were
not Marist students. The span
of time from when•Janisius was
at McCoy's until he was ar-
rested at Gartland was approxi-
mately 30-40 minutes according
to Leary.
The victim, a Marist student
who was treated and released
from St. Francis hospital, was
not involved in the previous al-
Leary said that this was an iso-
lated incident, and this aberra-
tion does not reflect the usually
low violence statistics on this
"We've been very fortunate
because the great majority of
lived at 61 Taylor Ave. All died
of asphyxia from smoke inhala-
Ten people were wounded in
the blaze with injuries ranging
from burns to sprains.
Several days later the smell of
smoke still hung thick in the air
and family and friends of the
victims had constructed a make-
shift shrine at the site complete
with candles and children's
stuffed animals.
The City of Poughkeepsie Fire
Department was unable to be
reached for comment.
The City of Poughkeepsie has
worked to provide as much as-
kids here are good kids," he
said. ''I've been here for 12
years, and I can't recall anything
to this serious extent."
Janisius was suspended from
the basketball team and the col-
lege upon his arrest. This is
the standard procedure for any
student, faculty or staff member
upon the arrest for a felony said
Tim Massie, chief college rela-
tions officer.
"The suspension will last for
the duration of the legal pro-
ceedings until the disposition of
the case," he said.
A Student Government Asso-
ciation press release dated Jan.
18 states, "we (SGA) approve
of the administration's swift
suspension of the student in-
volved, pending the completion
of the investigation and the
resolution of this case."
"I feel bad for everyone in-
volved," said Massie. "I feel
bad for Marius, the student he
is alleged to have injured, the
basketball team, and the college.
This is an incident that does not
portray Marist favorably."
sistance as possible to families
of the victims and those left
homeless by the fire.
The Mccann Pro Golf Shop
has donated an estimated $1000
in clothing and cans to collect
coins for charity have been dis-
tributed to area businesses, ac-
cording to local newspapers.
Those wishing to donate to
the charity fund can send a
check payable to the Fire Vic-
tims' Fund to Marcia O'Neill, 17
Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601. The
proceeds will be deposited into
an account at Riverside Bank,
located in Poughkeepsie.
Renovations of
Donnelly Hall
... From
open up more work and office
space in the
But the
department is not
the only ones being inconve-
nienced. Purchasing Director
Steve Kochis said the construc-
tion has caused some small
problems, like increased foot-
traffic through the departments
because of blocked off door-
Teaching assistant and senior
Lucas Tucker said a few science
classes using laser equipment
noticed the increased dust in
the air.
"We could actually see the
beam from the laser - that's how
dusty it was," he said. "Mainte-
nance [workers] have been do-
ing wen cleaning up, but there
was a few times they were mop-
ping up when we were sup-
posed to be having class ... "

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
More bad news for S01okers: Nicotine lllaY cause
New reports warn cigarettes have longer reaching effects than suspected
Staff Writer
If you thought that cigarette
companies were messing with
your mind before, you had no
It's widely known that ciga-
rettes are harmful to the body,
but new evidence has emerged
showing that it may also be
harmful to the mind.
Recent studies on the link be-
tween smoking and depression
are churning out some shock-
ing results, leading researchers
to believe that a good smoke can
lead to some bad feelings.
Current statistics state that
10% of Americans suffer from
some form of depression, rang-
ing from the clinical depression
that often requires medication
to just having "the blues."
Nicotine addiction, one of the
most common addictions, is cur-
Editorial Assistant
Counting sheep to fall asleep
at night may not relieve those
who suffer from sleep disorders.
According to Sleep-Net
Online, about 18 percent of
Americans have suffered from
one of many sleeping disorders
in their lifetime. These disorders
can include narcolepsy, sleep
apnea, restless leg syndrome
(RLS), insomnia and even sleep-
Daniel O'Connell, father of
four, had suffered from sleep
apnea, the condition character-
ized by loud snoring and mul-
tiple periods in which the victim
stopped breathing. For two
rently being held under the mi-
croscope by researchers of the
National Institute of Mental
Health. What these research-
ers have found is that depres-
sion is both a cause and a result
of cigarette ad-
fed the evils of tobacco, igno-
rance of its effects is no longer
a plausible excuse. It's no coin-
cidence that most smokers that
begin smoking in their teenage
years, a period where low self-
create a feeling of total bliss. In-
stead, it causes what doctors
call a "psychological neutrality,"
which is ideal to most people be-
cause it allows them to remain
functional throughout the day,
diction. De- ' '
elements such
as low self-es-
Researchers have found that
depression is both a cause and
a result of cigarette addiction
teem and stress
light a cigarette.
The feeling of
' '
tine relieves the stress, while low
self-esteem makes a person more
susceptible to peer pressure and
can also lead to self-destructive
behavior. Self-destructive be-
havior is a major component in
the bridge between depression
and smoking cigarettes ..
In a world where we are force-
years he received only 40-min-
utes of sleep per night causing
exhaustion during the day and
an overall negative attitude to-
wards family and friends, he
According to his wife,
Catherine O'Connell, it started
when he gained weight, but
stress attributed as well. He
needed help because in the
worst case, his throat would
close, and his heart would stop.
"We brought him to a sleep
center to have his oxygen lev-
els monitored," Catherine said.
The sleep center prescribed an
air tank hooked up to a mask,
which was placed over his
mouth and nose at night,
Catherine said. It put pressure
in his throat to keep the airways
open. Although Daniel now
sleeps better at night, Catherine
said, he still needs to be
checked out by a doctor every
three months.
Meghann O'Connell, his 19-
year-old daughter, said that her
father can now lose weight be-
cause he is less tired during the
day and has energy to exercise
now. The air pump treatment
has helped him become a whole
new person.
"Since then he looks about 10-
years younger and is a lot more
fun to be around," she said.
Another common sleep disor-
der is insomnia. According to
Sleep-Net Online it is character-
ized as difficulty falling asleep,
staying asleep or even waking
too early.
Joyce Ferris, Nurse Practitio-
ner, said that stress, environ-
ment, noise, temperature, ciga-
rette smoking or day napping
are the most prevalent causes
of insomnia. Worrying about
not being able to sleep causes
sleeplessness as well.
"The average person needs
9 hours of sleep each night to
be able to stay awake during the
day," Ferris said.
Recognizable symptoms in-
clude sleepiness, anxiety, poor
concentration, irritability and
poor memory, according to
Sleep-Net Online. According
to this site, popular treatments
include sleep inducing pills or
depression caused by with-
drawal symptoms can lead the
smoker to other habits that fill
the nicotine void.
It's important to remember that
the study of the link between
addiction and depression is rela-
tively new and is still continu-
ing. While many of the points
that researchers have made
make sense, there are still many
questions left unanswered,
such as the role of genetics.
Susceptibility to both sub-
stance addiction and depres-
sion is believed to be an inher-
ited trait.
Whether these two genetic
traits are linked genes or in any
way related to each other on a
physiological level is the riddle
that scientists want to solve.
Hopefully, more progress will
eventually be made in the at-
tempt to cure two of America's
most common afflictions.
even relaxation therapy.
Another common disorder,
Restless Leg Syndrome, is
known as a prickly sensation in
the legs which can be alleviated
by moving them or by taking a
hot shower, according to Sleep-
Net Online. They say the dis-
comfort occurs every 20-40 sec-
onds, causing sleep disruption.
Although it is considered a
sleep disorder, symptoms can
also occur while sitting in a car,
watching television or during
any type of inactivity.
If severe enough, medication
can be prescribed for treatment,
according to Sleep-Net Online.
A game of Giant proportions: Why football is
America's pastime and unifying force
Staff Writer
By the end of Super Bowl
XX.XV, one of two possible out-
comes has happened. Either the
Ravens won, causing the New
York fans on campus (and there
are many) to submerge into a
state of shock, or New York was
once again able to pull off yet
another sports championship,
thus allowing every New York
sports fan's head to swell up
even larger than it already is.
OK, so New Yorkers are now
in a state of shock.
From the five interceptions
which Giants quarterback Kerry
Collins threw, to the record-
breaking number of turnovers
seen through the game, the Gi-
ants were no match for the Bal-
timore Ravens (formerly the
Cleveland Browns), whose de-
fense is as tight and impen-
etrable as a stone wall.
Losing ground early in the
first quarter, the Giants showed
signs of a winning team only
once, responding to the
Ravens' second touchdown of
the game with one of their own,
only to be silenced by yet an-
other Ravens touchdown - and
all in thirty seconds. The
Ravens prevailed, earning a Su-
per Bowl ring with a 34-7 vic-
tory over "Big Blue."
From my opinion and experi-
ence, New York sports fans are
the most dedicated and prob-
ably the most knowledgeable
about their teams. Believe me,
I'm an Orlando Magic fan, and
most of my friends back home
could not tell me the history of
the team, not to mention the
names of all the players. They
just root for the Magic purely
based on the fact that they're
from Orlando.
But New Yorkers are an en-
tirely different ballgame, no pun
intended. The fans that I have
met here at ¥arist College seem
to know just about everything
about their local teams. "It's a
passion," says sophomore Jim
Ramirez from North Babylon,
New York. "It borders on ob-
Jim's statement hits the nail on
the head with regard to New
Yorkers and how they relate to
their teams. When you put so
much tradition and history be-
hind the sports teams up here
in New York, then it comes as
no surprise that the fans here
are so infatuated with them.
With that being said, it must
be great to be a New York sports
fan these days. First the Sub-
way Series proved that the best
two teams in baseball belong in
the Big Apple, and now the Gi-
ants have reached the (almost)
pinnacle of achievement, earn-
ing a spot in the much-storied
Super Bowl Championship
I could care less about which
team played in this year's Super
Bowl, but that factor alone did
not keep me from watching the
sporting event on television. A
football fan does not simply
watch the Super Bowl just be-
cause they are loyal to their
team. Football in America is a
tradition. It is almost patriotic
to watch the Super Bowl and
seems to stem not just out of
rivalry between our nation's cit-
ies, but also a sense of national
Football is arguably the na-
tional sport of the United States,
as the U.S. is regarded as the
premier nation to enjoy this
sport as a past time, as well as
the fact that most of the foot-
ball players playing in world
leagues are American in origin.
It is also more socially cohesive,
as the short football season al-
lows for greater audiences to
tune in, unlike baseball, which,
though largely referred to as
"America's Pastime," has a sea-
son that encompasses spring,
summer and fall, and thus
viewership is not as concen-
Football is America's game,
and the Super Bowl is the quint-
essential American experience.

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
Court says school aid system faulty:
York City cheated out of billions each year
Features Editor
On January 10, 2001, Manhat-
tan Supreme Court Judge
Leland DeGrasse handed down
a legal ruling that shook the
walls of politicians' offices and
state taxpayers' homes from
Staten Island to Albany.
In a landmark decision,
Degrasse declared that the for-
mula that determined how much
state aid is given to New York
State school districts is unfair,
discriminatory and unconstitu-
tional. After being presented
with evidence that shows that
although New York City schools
are responsible for educating
38% of the state's students, the
area receives only 36% of state
aid - a difference of $1.5 billion
The ruling came after an ex-
tensive, nine-month trial in
which 72 witnesses and 4,300
pieces of evidence were intro-
duced to plead the city's case
ae_ainst Albany. Community
-'lenders, such as Robert Jack-
on, a long-time member of
Community Board 6 in Wash-
ington Heights, led the fight
against unfair funding and blan-
ket discrimination.
The judge, well known for his
progressive leanings and liberal
positions, provided detailed in-
structions for rectifying the in-
equalities that have existed for
years. In his 189-page report,
Degrasse outlined the allotment
of new funds for the flailing
New York City school system.
Designating $390 million for
teacher pay raises, $34 million
for teacher training programs
and a whopping $11.2 billion to
repair dilapidated schools,
Degrasse decreed that these
new funds be transferred by
September 15, 2001, and threat-
ened that "the court will not
hesitate to intervene," should
ruling, Degrasse emphatically
"The amount of melanin in a
student's skin, the home coun-
try of her antecedents, the
amount of money in the family
bank account are not the inexo-
rable determinants of academic
City officials were quick to
laud Degrasse for his break-
through ruling in challenging
state education policy. Former
New York City Schools Chan-
cellor Rudy Crew echoed
Degrasse's findings, stating,
"The resource gap absolutely
results in an achievement gap."
New York City Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani hailed the ruling, add-
ing, "By any way you analyze
it, New York City does not re-
ceive its fair share of state
school aid."
Although many city dwellers
celebrated the court decision,
others anxiously awaited any
response from Albany and the
Governor's seat. As rumors of
a possible appeal flew around
the state capital, politicians
urged Governor Pataki to accept
the ruling, fearing an appeal
would incite an uproar through-
out the Big Apple, which would
undeniably hurt his upcoming
campaign for reelection.
Pataki defied all political coun-
sel, however, and openly criti-
cized the ruling, arguing, "You
can't have a judge running the
entire educational system."
Pataki also accused the city of
reducing the amount of aid it
gives to city schools and fail-
ing to assist the state in creat-
ing a better learning environ-
ment for its students.
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer,
whose office argued the case in
front of Manhattan Supreme
Court Justice Degrasse, had
equally strong words for city
New York City can-
not offer children the opportu-
. f
Gov. Pataki walks away from NYC schools, giving more aid to North.
the state resist these changes.
Perhaps Degrasse's strongest
statement came in response to
the claims that state lawyers re-
peatedly argued during the
course of the trial. According
to them, money has little to do
with the poor performance of
city schools. Instead, poor per-
formance on standardized tests
is an unfortunate, but unavoid-
able condition in an area in
which minorities constitute 83%
of the population. In the final
nity to learn on a $10.4 billion
annual budget, then something
is radically wrong with the
Board of Education."
Despite the influx of rhetoric
circling this volatile issue, sta-
tistics show that city students
receive much less than their
suburban counterparts. The
average amount spent on each
"upstate" student is roughly
$13,000, while in New York City,
the average child receives only
$8,000 in aid. Teacher salaries
mirror this inequality, as subur-
ban teachers earn around
$66,000 a year, in comparison to
New York City teachers who
earn only $47 ,000.
Education has been a heated
issue in New York City for sev-
eral years, as standardized test
scores have become increas-
ingly lower and more and more
school buildings have been de-
clared unfit for use.
Mayor Giuliani has seen three
School Chancellors throughout
his two terms, and a long stand-
off with the United Federation
of Teachers over contracts and
pay raises has contributed to
the continuing decline of the
city schools in the public's eyes.
The most recent blow to the
city school system came in mid-
July of last year, in which law-
yers for the state argued that
NYC schools need only provide
students with an eighth-grade
However, there are some who,
although would not refuse the
additional funds, question if
money really is the panacea for
all of New York's education
woes. In a recent study con-
ducted by the New York State
Education Department, it was
found that, while funding in
Scarsdale decreased, test
scores increased, and as the
funding for New York State
schools increased, test scores
Whether this serves as an in-
dicator of viable education re-
form, or is a loose argument
used by those who are opposed
to giving city kids more aid at
the expensive of suburban chil-
dren, is subject to debate.
The most heated opposition
to Leland Degrasse's ruling is
destined to come from the more
affluent suburban areas, as any
reform in the school funding
system would result in a loss of
funding for upstate schools.
However, some do believe that
New York State has been over-
generous with its funding of
upstate schools.
"We had so much money,"
says Ann Metz, a sophomore
hailing outside of Rochester.
"Our school was pretty good to
begin with, some rooms even
had carpeting. And then they
gave us more money to build an
Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Why did we need that?"
Sophomore Mary Doyle, from
Suffolk County, agrees. "The
ruling is fair. Everyone should
get the same amount of money
and the same amount of educa-
tion. City kids are not getting
enough funds."
Other students are concerned
about the withdrawal of fund-
ing to suburban areas. "Maybe
there could be some other solu-
tion besides taking money away
from suburban schools,"
sophomore Heather Premerlani
Susan DeCotis, a sophomore
R.A., takes a more centrist ap-
proach. "I don' t think I have a
position. It's good for some and
will probably be bad for others."
Start off with an important
meeting, Make promises to
your team. After that's done,
you '11 be ,free to take off on
an adventure. But, pay at-
A group outing could be
fascinating. You want to
stop and read all the signs.
Don't worry. You can get a
book on the topic later.
Everybody wants to order
you around. A friend is also
being bossy. Unfortunately,
this will go on at least another
day. Keep your lip zipped.
Are you thinking about get-
ting married? Truth is, you
and your sweetheart have
been talking about this for
ages. For singles, it's a good
day for new beginnings, too.
A lively discussion with a
passionate person could
lead you to a whole new un-
derstanding. What are you
trying to accomplish?
Knowing will make your life
You like to stay in control.
You do that by having all the
answers, doing the extra re-
search and squeezing time
out of your busy schedule
to study. That's what you
should do now.
Interesting conversations
are going on behind doors.
Overhearing what they're
saying should be easy.
You're not snooping. You're
just gathering information.
The people at the top of the
food chain will be even more
aggressive than usual. Why
should you be put out be-
cause somebody else didn't
manage their time properly?
The work is fast, furious and
technically demanding. Fi-
nancial wheeling and dealing
is going on. You may not
have more money, but keep
you don't speak up about
something that bothers you,
it'll get worse. It's not your
nature to complain, unless
things have built to an intol-
erable level. Don't let that
You've been doing the work,
but the money runs like wa-
ter. Need a better accounting
system? Don't hire somebody
to help; figure it out yourself.
A controversy is raging,
and you're right in the
middle. Things might be
confusing, but you can fig-
ure out one thing. You know'
what'sbest for you. Stop
worrying about them.

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
The politics of community apathy
an 11 year-old grrl.. ~ot only was At the December 22, 2000 hear- this is another example of the ing to appear vindictive, like an
she raped by her v1c10us attack- ing Reynolds felt he was exert- ineptness of the judicial system angry Old Testament God. In an
President Clinton's seven-
ers, but also by the legal sys- ing his jurisprudence.
but the body politic is made up interview with Safari Bukari of
minute farewell address paid tern and th~ gr~ups t~at profess
"This is juvenile court, and by the people and institutions WBAI in New York the leader of
homage to his administration's to be w~rkmg m the mterest of there will be mercy. I'm not go- that remain silent in the face of the few religious protesters, Bro.
commitmenttohumanrightsin peoplehkeher.
ing to crush any child that injustice. Notonenationalnews Rob Gray, called on Christians
war torn regions around the
Th~ 11 yea~-old grrl tra~e~ed makes a mistake," he said in his story aired about this atrocity. to remember Dr. Martin Luther
world from Israel to West Af-
to Phila?elph1a to see a Phill!es 400-word decision.
Not one national government King Jr. as his birthday ap-
rica. While it hailed these com-
game with her aunt, after wh!ch
More shocking is that this official aside from Reynolds proached.
mitments as a result of Ameri-
they .were separated. The child, judge is a Clinton appointee and spoke about the case, and one
"I just want to say that as we
can prosperity it failed to men-
lost m a huge complex, sought he is black. This is not a case of his comments was that "she go out there tomorrow, we've got
ti on the result of that prosper-
the help ?f three yo~ng me~ that ofracism because a similar case wanted the attention". In fact, to see that on this day, if Dr. King
ity at home.
worked m the stadmm. Like .a came to his bench involving hardly anyone outside of the was alive, he would be out in the
Not since the l 950's has pack of wolves they pooled th~ir three black youths and a white mainstream so much as came to streets defending this little girl.
America seemed so at ease with mental resources and led the girl girl. Reynolds' reluctance to the aid of this violated child.
He wouldn't be singing hymns
itself in its narcissistic self-in-
to a du~pster at the far e~d of crush children has played itself
Neither NOW nor Women or asking for personal forgive-
terest, consumerism, and na-
the stadmm: They quest10n.ed out before. The two youths Against Rape in Philadelphia ness," said Gray
ivete about what the middle the 4' 11, eighty-pound. child sentenced in this case, John commented on the case, neither
If this story was told on the
class faces in the modern world. about her ~exual experience. Scarizzi and Mike Ibberson, did the corporation that em- NBC evening news about Sierra
In the 21st century, this compla- When she run away, th~y were even allowed to go home ployed the youths, Rita's Water Leone or Israel, it would seem
cency is more cynical but less
their pornograp?ic for Christmas and New Year's Ice apologize. The protest by so alien, so far removed that not
proactive. The wealthy auto-
fantasies on .a defenseles~ child. before they were shipped to the church leaders was attended by many would take notice. We
~rats Bu~h
and '?h.eney, whose In twe?tY
the chil.d had - - - on! y 400 people, and local
n?t imagi?e .it
mterest m the
mdustry and beenv1olatedmeverywaylillag-
NAACP head J. Whyatt mAmenca. But1td1d,and1tdoes
corporate America were ignored inable
had .to be "sewn. up"
"Not only was she
Mendesine and the Rev. Vernal every day, to both male and fe-
by half the country, could be
raped by her vi-
E.SimmsJr.,thePresidentofthe male children. The child's rape
compared to J.P. Morgan and
On the surface, the l.ogi.stics

Black Clergy of Philadelphia, is-
was compounded by the silence
Nelson Rockefeller winning the of the case
to mdicate
cious attackers, but
sued a statement saying that bred by a complacent conserva-
presidency in the 1920's.
but also
also by the legal
"justice was served".
tism. The representatives of God
Yet conservatism did not start a c1v1I nghts vwlation that
In this case, the victim was on earth, human justice, or the
. 1ntheyear2000. Itbeganwith
system and the
servedbrutalitybythreeradi- advocates of the voiceless
Bill Clinton and his fiscal/politi-
d1stnct attorney.
groups that prof eSS
cally different ideological sys- could not even redeem that. In
cal "moves to the center", which bla~k, and her three rapists were
k .
terns. Reynolds' misogynistic this case, one has to ask, where
have put smiling faces on many white. They .were all over l?O
to e . WOr ing in
decision should have inspired a do we begin to build the bridge
stockholders but has seen the pounds .heavier than the chil.d
the interest of
volatilereaction. Themediadid to a new activism, and how do
disintegration of the centralized and their attack was premedi-
l fk h "
not touch the story because of we wake from this intoxicating
liberal viewpoint that the Demo-
peop e i e er.
its gory detail and were afraid to middle class dream?
cratic party used to provide. His
also 16 years old.
offend consumers.
federal judge appointments re-
decision handed down
treatment facility. The girl is in-
But the women's' groups and This story was supplemented
fleeted this and one need look Justic~ Frank J. Reynolds
terrupting her education in the clergy's near silence is more with quotes from the WBAI ra-
no further than the Veterans Sta-
shocking; four months for two Freeport, NY and receiving in- problematic. The victim suffered dio program 'Where We Live'
dium rape case of last August. of the
off~~ders a~
a youth treat- tensive therapy two times a a silent martyrdom, betrayed by and the Philadelphia Inquirer
This rape case is more brutal ment facility while one of the week.
the groups that could have Regional News from December
and chilling than the rapes that youths escaped ~ompletely ~ue
Many disillusioned with the helped her most. Part of the deal 23, 2000.
happen every six seconds in to a lack of
that m- political process might say that that Christian activists make with Ke 'th Shat. ·an is a senior.
America because it happened to eluded the DNA of his semen.
the external world is not want-
Fighting to remember: The real past forgotten
Asst. Opinion Editor
Americans "celebrated" Mar-
tin Luther King
Jr. Day on Janu-
ary _15. While speeches and
commercials recognized this
prophet responsible for
radicalizing America's vision of
democracy and equality, many
of us prepared to return to
Marist for the spring semester.
Even I did not stop to reflect,
during my drive up I-84, on the
progressive nature of Time's
man of the century. Remember-
ing the past, the real war!
As Black History month ap-
proaches it bothers me that more
was not done to reiterate King's
wishes, moreover; his activities
were restricted to news broad-
casts. I hardly think a 30-sec-
ond slot is appropriate for a
Nobel Prize laureate. While it
was a challenge to approve the
King holiday, Michael Eric
Dyson warns that a greater
"challenge looms in keeping
King's birthday from being
turned into a festival of forget-
ting his challenging legacy."
While I am less concerned with
the radical nature of King, I am
advancing a far more practical
want. That is to say, it is time to
reflect on King, the Cold War
and Mother Teresa in terms of
their importance to the Twenty-
First century.
Just the other day while at
work at the chapel I noticed a
picture of Mother Teresa. I real-
ized that the images of her work-
ing with the poor of Calcutta
had escaped my memory and
most of television for the last
four years. After all, Mother
Teresa only died in 1997, some
seven years after the fall of the
Berlin Wall, which effectively
ended the Cold War. Many of
us would call King and Mother
Teresa prophets or saints, but
how many of us paid homage to
them this past year?
At the dawn of a new century
the world is asked to remember
the past even amidst impending
multiculturalism and post-mod-
ernism. In an age of materialism
and globalization King, the Cold
War and Mother Teresa are sold
as commodities to the highest
bidder. However, the Marist
community must strive to pro-
tect the images of reformers by
remembering them and by dis-
cussing their impact in light of
contemporaneous issues.
Sadly enough the Cold War,
which lasted from the end of
World War II until 1990, is only
lectured on in Marist history
courses by American History
professors. What happened to
Russia since Stalin? Who de-
cided to cut the Russian pro-
gram? Does the cost of retain-
ing faculty outweigh the impor-
tance of 45 years of American
(world) history? As a history
student I disfavor the lack of
Russian courses and find it an
embarrassment that the Rus-
sian language has been cut from
the curriculum. The lack of
Russian at Marist demonstrates
my greatest fears. That in an
intensely globalized world, what
does not sell, does not get manu-
the end, we are the future citi-
zens of a global and American-
ized world. The harsh reality of
consumerism is that we forget
progress by structuring our lives
around an individual-centered
market economy. Today's mar-
ket economy, though volatile,
detracts from the appeal of the
civil rights movement, Cold War
histories and the works of pi-
ous nuns in third world coun-
tries. Some of us might bear wit-
ness to the Cold War by plac-
ing wreaths on the headstones
of deceased loved ones who
died during the Vietnam War.
Through discourse and recog-
nition we will satisfy the just
ends of remembrance. Other-
wise prophets, saints and cold
wars will be left out of history in
some brave new world.
the student newspaper of marist college
Lisa Burke & Chris Knudtsen
Joint Editors-in-Chief
·Scott Neville
Brendan McGurk
Mike Ferraro
Managing Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor
Matt Daigle
Jimbo Maritato
Peter Palmieri
Everyones Favorite#@!
Asst. Sports Editor
Jackie Jacobsen
Melanie Rago
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Features Editor
Business Editor
Most Powerful Copy Editor
Photo Editor- Mike Haigh
Editorial Assistants- Lainey Nadeau, Alexis Scarpinato, Katherine Slauta, Ed Williams
F acuity Advisor- G. Modele Clarke
The Circle is the student newspaper of Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Issues are
published every Thursday. We welcome letters to the editor, club announcements and
story ideas. We cannot publish unsigned letters to the editor. The Circle staff can be
reached at 575-3000 x2429 or by email at HZAL. You can visit us on the web at
http://www. academic.marist. edulcircle.

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
Sorry, Ms.Jackson
Letter to the Editor
Political Columnist
To Ms. Jackson, I would like
to apologize for the immoral be-
havior of your husband, the
Rev. Jesse Jackson, and for the
behavior of Democrats in gen-
eral. While it is repulsive that a
man who calls himself a "Rever-
end" would father a child out of
an extra-marital affair, it is not
surprising that the same man
would be a leading proponent
of the Democratic party. Would
it be fair to say that the Demo-
cratic agenda is not only devoid
of morals and places no value
on family, but also any type of
ethical behavior? The answer
seems to be yes. Let's take for
example the tomfoolery the
Clinton staff engaged in on their
way out of the White House.
There are numerous reports that
all of the W's were taken off of
the computer keyboards and
that phone extensions in the
White House were switched
The reason for taking
. .Qffthe W's on the keyboards
was probably to remind them-
selves what they would be re-
membered as: worthless.
way these actions sum up the
Clinton administration- garbage
in, garbage out. They messed
up things when they came in
and it is only fitting that they
mess things up on their way out.
Another troubling event com-
ing out of the last days of the
Clinton Administration was the
pardoning of Marc Rich. Rich,
a commodities trader has been
a fugitive for almost twenty
years. He was charged with
racketeering, violating U.S.
sanctions by trading oil with
Iran and evading the IRS out of
48 million dollars (which I sup-
pose is Mr. Clinton's idea of a
tax cut).
But wait, let's give Clinton the
benefit of the doubt. His judg-
ment has never before been
tainted. We'll just forget the
fact that Rich's ex-wife was a
major fundraiser for Mr. Clinton
and the Democratic Party, con-
tributing a sum of nearly one
million dollars, and also re-
quested his pardon. We should
also forget that it is that said
pardon was allegedly discussed
with Clinton's buddy, Ehud
Barak. (On that note, Barak
needs to keep his damn opinion
out of U.S. affairs, because in a
week his job status will be the
same as buddy Clinton's- unem-
ployed.) Leave it to the liberals
to let money and political favors
destroy the sanctity of the Con-
But fear not, America. Happy
days are here again, because
George W. Bush is President of
the United States. Who could
possibly disagree with educa-
tion reform and cutting taxes?
Only those bleeding heart liber-
als, who wish to dump the bud-
get surplus into programs that
are a waste of both time and ef-
fort (not that their opinions mat-
ter any way). During the next
four years, you can expect Presi-
dent Bush to put the country
back on the road of integrity and
respectability. Memories of the
Clinton Administration will just
be speed bumps.
Derrick Jones is for real. Catch
him every week, rain or sunny
weather, for the real political
scoop, exclusive to the Circle.
Dear Editor:
I humbly submit this commu-
nication with the hope of hav-
ing it published in the "Op-Ed"
pages of
The Circle.
Approximately five years ago,
New York State legislators and
the federal government ended
college tuition assistance for in-
carcerated students. This tre-
mendously successful college
program for prisoners lasted 15
or more years, not only for those
who were incarcerated, but for
society as a whole.
Politicians claimed that this
move was a reflection of the
"public's attitude that taxpayers
shouldn't provide prisoners
with college degrees." As a pris-
oner and a student, respectfully,
I do not subscribe to such a mis-
guided, ill-conceived, short-
sighted and uniformed notion.
According to the New York
State Department of Correc-
tional Services ("DOCS"), of the
72,000 state prisoners, a
64 percent do not possess a
high school education; that's
over forty-six thousand prison-
ers! Studies consistently show
that education is the most suc-
cessful method of reducing re-
cidivism, with higher education
achieving the best rehabilitation
is not surprising that
over 48% of all prisoners with-
out a college degree return to
prison, as compared to a mere
of those with a college de-
gree eventually becoming recidi-
Contrary to popular belief,
there are numerous prisoners

Fall 1001
March 15
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• Meet returned
• Ask auestions.
l!et answers.
desperately wishing to bring
about a dramatic and positive
change to their lives; they sim-
ply require more help. Those
whom have made a sincere com-
mitment to attend college are in
many ways just like the
hardworking counterparts in
society, having to attend college
at night, after completing a full
day of work in his (or her) re-
quired prison job assignment.
The cost to taxpayers for keep-
ing each prisoner confined has
been conservatively estimated
be $30,000 to $40,000 per year,
per prisoner. This amounts to
billions of tax dollars per year,
not to mention the devastating
social, psychological and emo-
tional effects it has upon our so-
ciety as whole. These funds
come out of the same budget
which has been slated for our
decrepit schools, neighbor-
hoods, and infrastructures.
Just as our citizenry became
dissatisfied with higher taxes to
fund welfare recipients and so-
cial services costs, so too, will
knowledgeable taxpayers come
to terms with the fact that the
ideal corrections system should
work to put itself out of busi-
ness some day, "instead of lob-
bying legislators to put more
heads in prison beds for loner
periods. Education is a simple
and feasible solution, with a
track record to prove it.
The statistics are in and the
data are compelling: higher edu-
cational programs for prisoners
that confer degrees, teach mar-
ketable skills, instill self-esteem,
confidence and a sense of re-
sponsibility reduce recidivism
better than building more pris-
ons, hiring more police, more
judges and more prosecutors.
Education for prisoners should
not only reach into the deepest
chasm of society's compassion
for humanity and the Jess fortu-
nate, but moreover, because of
its practicality, proven effective-
ness and reliability of being a
"sure-fire" way of assisting the
so-called "dregs" of society to
escape the cycle of poverty, de-
spair and crime that has plagued
their very lives and brought
them to prison n the first in-
stance, this ideal should be em-
braced, rather than shunned.
Surely, both the financial as
well as physical resources
squandered on ineffective
prison construction and the
housing of prisoners can be put
to much greater use.
is now
time that the public re-think its
draconian position on educa-
tion for those behind bars.
Markeith Boyd
It's good to be king
Opinion Editor
Somewhere along the path
ough college, students for-
ot to care. This became espe-
ially true at .Marist, and the
end continues to this day. Oh,
on'tgetmewrong. Mariststu-
ents care about the important
ings, such as cover charges
nd bar specials. But
getting involved and taking
stance on an issue, the gen-
ral attitude is apathetic .
The few people that do care
pend much of their time lament-
ng over the apathetic masses
:hat make
up a large majority of
:he student body. "Oh, how tei:-
"ble," they moan. "We do so
uch to educate and change the
orld, and all is foi: naught!"
deed, all their efforts go un-
hallenged, without anyone to
.peak out in opposition to their
oapbox stances.
if you ask
1e, there is no better situation
o be
Take my position, for example.
ese days
only write on
asion. But when
do espouse
views upon our devoted
I do so with
go forth unchallenged. Since
ace no opposition to my views,
assume that people are either
ot reading my columns, or that
'm right. And since I have on
ultiple occasions been the tar-
et of spiteful Online lambast-
know people are readin
me. So if it is not wet, it must
dry, and the views
must be correct.
The apathy here on campu
creates a void which I can the
fill with whatever rant I see fit
could write an entire col
umn contradicting mysel
should I choose to, and there
nothing an apathetic studen
body can do about
system that works in my favo
so long as only a few peopl
seize this opportunity. Becaus
of the burgeoning popularity o
the MaristOnline forums, I no
have these pages to myself
Why fight it?
know thatsome perso
objects to my attitude regard
ing this power. So what? The
aren't going to object on m
turf. They might do so
friends, co-workei:s,
not involved in The Circle. Bu
allows me to continu
doing what
do. Perhaps the:
is the intimidation factor of
ing published, or being seen b
virtually everyone on campus
But if you can't handle tha
you aren't a concern of mine
With the aid of writers
have o
staff here, the Maristpublic sen-''
be shaped by a se
lect elite who have proven them
selves to
infallible in the eye
of the Marist community. An
you are all powerless to stop us
Action over apathy-
it works.

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
80's kid flicks transform into
disasters of the universe
TV Funhouse: Depravity
names as well. Orson Welles since he is pursuing the key for

A&E Editor
does the voice for Unicron; his own maniacal uses. As it
and demoral1zat1on
Leonard Nimoy is the voice of stands, Skeletor has kidnapped
Galvatron; Judd Nelson does the sorceress and is attempting
the voice of Hot Rod and an- to gain omnipotent power. All
other character I will not name he needs is He-Man's sword
as it is crucial to plot develop- and the cosmic key to do it. Any
ment. My only real problem idiot who has seen the cartoon
with this movie is the inclusion knows that He-Man can beat the
of two human characters, Spike living crap out of Skeletor. Ap-
and Daniel. Daniel is a little boy parently, the writers of this
This winter break, I was given
an opportunity to peruse
through some of the few memo-
ries of my youth that were not
sold off at garage sales or
passed on to another genera-
tion. During my quest for eight-
ies knowledge, I stumbled upon
two films based on classic car-
The first of these, released in
1986, was
Transformers: The
Movie. For those who have for-
Transformers was the
ever-lovable cartoon series that
brought us the AutoBots and
AutoBots, led by Optimus
Prime, were our protagonists,
fighting for eventual peace and
happiness among Transformers
all over the universe. The
Decepticons were our super vil-
lains, whose main goal con-
sisted of conquering the
AutoBots and taking control of
the universe. Of course, our
are the underdogs.
Their abilities are generally lim-
ited to transforming from bipe-
dal robot form to automobiles.
The Decepticons, however, are
capable of turning into weapons
of war.
The film has a pretty twisted
plot. Within twenty minutes of
the opening credits we see our
heroic leader Optimus de-
Megatron also takes a beating
in this battle. He is thrown
"overboard" as dead weight and
is picked up by a giant moving
planet known as Unicron that
sucks all life from other planets.
Unicron can only be stopped by
one thing: The AutoBot Matrix
of Leadership, which was stored
inside Optimus Prime's chest.
Basically, whoever is the
AutoBot leader gets the Matrix,
but the Matrix will only allow a
Transformer who is worthy of
leadership to use it. Unicron
rebuilds Megatr6n into a slave
and renames him Galvatron.
There are a lot of dark themes
here for a kid's movie as a great
hero is killed off. The cast of
this movie contains some big
who hangs out with the movie missed that part.
AutoBots and transforms
After becoming lost in Etemia
thanks to something called an with two friends and a dwarf,
exo-suit. His sole purpose in the He-Man realizes the Cosmic Key
movie seems to be to give us is busted.
plays musical notes
moral lessons like, "You can do to open portals. Now, it just
it if you keep trying." I refused doesn't play. That's when he
to buy this. I watched this kid meets Courtney Cox. That's
transform, and let me tell you, right kids, Cox plays good little
the way his body contorts Earth girl Julie whose parents
would crack his spine. All in all, just died six hours ago in a fiery
I believe that
Transformers is plane crash. To top it all off,
definitely worth another run.
she's also hanging out with her
Masters of the Universe loser musician boyfriend, Kevin
(MOTU) is a completely differ- who by chance has a Casio key-
ent story. Based on the
He-Man: board that makes the exact same
Masters of the Universe cartoon tones as the Cosmic Key!
series that began in 1983, MOTU Skeletor poisons Julie, the key-
is an atrocious adaptation of board gets broken, and a cop,
what was once a legendary part Detective Lubic, played by the
of afternoon cartoons. MOTU bald guy from Top Gun, shows
keeps basic elements of the up and chases He-Man and pals
cartoon's plot, but introduces all over town. Finally, it is de-
some extremely ridiculous ele- cided that the only person who
ments including Dolph can cure Julie is the Sorceress
Lundgren as He-Man.
on Eternia. So, Kevin and
Classic characters like Battle Gwildor put their one collective
Cat and Orko did not make it brain cell together, fix the Casio,
into this film. Also, He-Man play the notes, and get out of
cannot transform between his Dodge. He-Man, however, gets
Prince Adam and He-Man iden- kidnapped.
tities. I guess the makers of this
The bottom line is this.
film felt they needed to give us Skeletor usurps the Power of
something new, so they threw a Greyskull thanks to some triple
weird dwarf named Gwildor into lunar eclipse ritual. He is struck
the mix as one of He-Man's al- by lightning and thus suddenly
lies. Skeletor also gets some has golden armor. Instead of
new allies; among them are going out to conquer Etemia, he
Saurod, a Boba Fett rip-off, decides to shoot lightning bolts
Karg, a trollish white haired at He-Man until he agrees to
thing, and Blade, a pirate-look- kneel. Apparently the writers of
ing fencing fiend. Skeletor also this movie liked that scene in
has armies of robots and some Return of the Jedi where the
sort of war tank.
Emperor blasts the Ii ving
Our heroes are magically trans- bejezus out of Luke Skywalker.
portedtoourEarthfromEtemia Needless to say, He-Man
by the Cosmic Key, a device that breaks out from his chains and
is wielded by Gwildor, and is proceeds to beat the living hell
capable of transporting people out of Skeletor, grab his sword,
throughout time and space. screams "I have the Power!" and
Somehow, Skeletor manages to
follow He-Man and company
Holidays give time to explore the box office
Ediwrial Assistant
After taking that last final
exam, it was time to pack up and
get ready to head back to Con-
necticut for winter break. When
you live in a boring place like
Connecticut, Christmas means
the best time of the year to catch
some flicks. So I decided to go
to the movie theater ... a lot. I
entered the theater each time
with the same hopes of seeing a
spectacular movie, but left with
a different taste in my mouth al-
most every time. Here's what
Ed said.
Vertical Limit
Vertical Limit, directed by
Martin Campbell, has some jaw-
dropping visual effects, but un-
fortunately the acting and dia-
logue in this film are so bad that
your jaw is already dropped.
This starts out as your typical
action film. Chris O'Donnell,
playing the role of Peter, leads a
rescue mission up K2, the sec-
ond largest peak in the world,
to save his sister, Annie, played
by Robin Tunney.
Annie is not alone, as she is
trapped inside of the mountain
with a mountain guide and a
greedy and selfish millionaire
named Elliot Vaughn, played by
Bill Paxton. Vaughn was climb-
ing the mountain as a publicity
O'Donnell doesn't seem very
convincing in this role. He has
a boyish look to him and never
seems to have a stem tone of
voice. He is constantly whin-
ing and depending on the oth-
ers to rescue his sister; these
are not exactly good qualities in
a hero.
Among the highlights of this
film is long-time climber Mont-
gomery Wick, playt(d by Scott
Glenn. Wick is the best climber
on the mission and saves Peter
on more than one occasion. The
only other highlight in this
movie is a pair of often-drunk
Australian brothers who join the
rescue crew and add the only
comedy and enjoyment this
movie has to offer.
Vertical Limit definitely ap-
pealed to the eyes, but it put the
mind to sleep.
Finding Forrester
Director Gus Van Sant puts
forth an excellent effort in
ing F arrester. This film focuses
on the friendship between an
inner city high school basket-
Co-Editor in Chief
Animal puppets riled up on
booze run amock through At-
lantic City alongside Robert
Goulet as they search for low
priced prostitutes and cheap
thrills. A solid half-hour of
laughing hysterically at this epi-
sode of Coll)edy Central's new
Funhouse prompted
me to steal Mike Thompson's
gimmick and write a review of
this riotous program created by
Robert Smigel, the creator of
Saturday Night Live cartoons
such as The Ambiguously Gay
Critics of programs such as
South Park that complain about
leud jokes and sexual innuen-
does .in the guise of children's
entertainment are going to be up
in arms when they get around
to watching
TV Funhouse. The
images of puppets, or
they're called in
the show, sniffing lines of
"Christmas Cheer" or humping
real animals is bound to gain the
attention of those who anx-
iously await the opportunity to
point yet another finger at tele-
vision corporations for degrad-
ing the moral standards of our
nation's youth. I find it hilari-
Funhouse presents me
with the rare desire to actually
watch television, an urge
haven't felt since
The Simpsons
or professional wrestling, the
latter of which was cruelly sto-
len from our grasps by TNN.
With the exception of
Park and perhaps the occa-
sional episode of
Sopranos, I
generally avoid new television
programs; I'd rather watch re-
runs of
MASH on the
nel than watch another poorly
planned reality show or horren-
dous programs like
Will and
Grace or Everybody Loves
Viewers were even given the
opportunity to laugh heartily at
the one hit wonders Hootie and
the Blowfish in the aforemen-
tioned episode where the
Anipals visit Atlantic City. Tri-
umph the Insult Comic Dog, also
a product of Smigel, makes a
ball player named Jamal Wallace,
played by Robert Brown, and a
Pulitzer Prize winning author liv-
ing in seclusion, William
Forrester, played by Sean
On a dare from his friends,
Jamal breaks into William's
house to try and find out more
about this mysterious man. In
his haste, Jamal leaves his back-
pack and journal behind. Will-
iam reads this journal and sees
guest appearance on the show,
bringing his high-brow style of
comedic flavor to the show for
a refreshing change of pace. He
sings a tragic love song about
an underage pooch that tricked
him into having sex, leaving Tri-
umph to the legal consequences
of his immoral, yet unintentional
Shortly thereafter Hojo, the
turtle Anipal, vomits in front of
Robert Goulet due to the exces-
sive amount of alcohol con-
sumed compared to Hojo's rela-
tively small frame. This brief
comedic presentation of alcohol
awareness stunned even me
was not prepared to
see the producers of the show
shoulder the responsibility of
making a statement about the
dangers of alcohol abuse.
laugh in righteousness at those
would dare say that people in
the media don't care about your
welfare or that
your children.
The popularity of shows such
South Park, and, eventually,
Funhouse, is the product
of the same people that want to
censor them.
South Park would
most likely crash in European
countries because their societ-
ies are not as uptight about
sexual behavior, thus making
the sexual subject matter rela-
tively bland. The other aspect
of these shows that makes light
of racial stereotypes can be de-
fended in a similar manner as
well. Our oppressive climate of
political correctness in Ameri-
can media creates these shows.
Jokes carry more humor when
you're not supposed to laugh
at them, it's the same childish
reaction to all things we're told
to avoid; we want what we can't
have and we really want what
we could potentially have but
are stopped from obtaining for
interests." I'm left in
a hungover state wondering
how long it will be before an-
other one of my shows is ripped
off-air as the result of some over
zealous parental, or worse, reli-
gious group's boycotts and
protests. After all, there's noth-
ing that hurts this society more
than an offensive television
show about animal puppets;
forget the community shelter for
the homeless and forget about
parental responsibility, here
comes societal moral degrada-
tion. I'm done.
Chris Knudtsen is leaving the
hallowed pages of the A&E sec-
tion. You can find him in the
OpEd section in the future.
much untapped potential in
Jamal's writings.
Jamal returns looking for his
journal and this meeting triggers
the relationship. Jamal cracks
through the rigid fa\:ade of Wil-
liam, and they form not only a
sort of teacher/student relation-
ship, but also a strong friend-
ship. Connery and Brown share
a great chemistry on the

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
Neal amazes and Astonishes sold out
Marist crowd in Nelly Goletti Theatre
then asked the volunteer to tell
"I have no idea how he con-
Staff Writer
him how much change he had. nected the rings," said Lewis,
Last Saturday, January 27, in When he told Neal that he had "I was trying to see how he did
the Nelly Goletti theatre, about seventy-five cents in his pocket, it, but I couldn't figure it out. It
300 Marist students witnessed Neal then turned the sheet of was magic."
their peers catch flying pigs, win paper towards the audience to
After a brief intenllission, Neal
a million dollars at the racetrack, reveal that he had the exact same invited anyone who was willing
and perform onstage as Bon number. Other tricks that fol-
to be hypnotized to come onto
Jovi. The sold out event, pro- lowed involved bending four the stage. I figured that I'd give
vided by SPC, featured The nails held by separate students it a shot, after some coaxing from
Astonishing Neal.
using only their minds, bending my friends. Before he started the
In the first two hours of the the keys of various members of hypnotist session, he told ev-
show, Neal demonstrated a va- the audience, and connecting, eryone on stage that it was to-
riety of tricks using ESP. The then disconnecting three rings tally possible for them to not be
first trick involved Neal asking from three male volunteers in the hypnotized. Once he had a small
a student to stand up and take audience.
group of individuals who were
some loose change out of his
Corey Lewis, a senior at Marist in a trance, he told them various
pocket. He then asked the stu- and volunteer for the ring trick things, to which they played
dent to count the change to him- agreed that The Astonishing along with no matter what he
self, as he wrote down a num- Neal's performance was fantas-
said. This section of the show
ber onto a sheet of paper. He tic.
had the audience in hysterics.
SO's Flicks
launches Skeletor into a pit. The
sorceress cures Julie, and the
Earth kids are on their way. As
Julie and Kevin wave goodbye
and step into the portal, we hear
Julie screaming for Gwildor to
"Send them back ... " The next
thing we see is Julie in her bed
the morning before her parents
are killed. She stops them from
flying in a plane, they don't die,
and it is a happy ending. Yuck.
The results of this study are
obvious. Despite the special
effects, despite the dwarf who
went on to play High Aldwin in
Willow, and despite the Russian
from Rocky IV, Masters
of the
Universe is a terrible represen-
tation of its predecessor. Key
plot elements are gone, and new
ones developed, apparently in
an attempt to further the He-
Man toy line distributed by
Mattel. Transformers: The
Movie, on the other hand, sticks
to its roots.
contains all the
classic elements of the original
series, a great story, and doesn't
require a million dollar special
effects budget to pull it off. My
advice is as follows:
never seen either the He-Man
or Transformers original series,
see them.
you find Transform-
ers: The Movie for rent, rent it.
you find a video store that
dares to carry Masters
of the
Universe, bum it to the ground.
I'm out.
Jimbo Maritato may like 80's
cartoons, but he thinks Full
House sucked.
Box Office
and makes the unlikely pairing
of the two seem greatly believ-
Perhaps the best thing about
this movie is the transformation
of William. We start the movie
seeing him as a tough and mean
old man. We soon learn that he
is quite smart, and a brilliant
writer. We also learn that the
man has compassion and even
some character flaws. Connery
does a great job in making us
feel one way about his charac-
ter, but changes our minds by
the end.
Cast Away
Cast Away, starring Tom
Hanks, was a superb film that
deserves all of the box office
success that it's been enjoying.
Robert Zemekis, who also di-
rected Forrest Gump, brought
in Hanks for another block-
Hanks plays the role of Chuck
Noland, a Federal Express
troubleshooter who is called
away on an important assign-
ment on Christmas Eve. Before
getting on his plane, Chuck ut-
ters the infamous words "I'll be
right back" to his fiancee Kelly,
and in doing so we realize he's
in for a world of trouble.
Chuck's plane goes down in
the ocean, and he is washed
ashore onto a small island.
Chuck is the only survivor, and
the first thing he decides to do
is to gather as many packages
as he can find in the ocean. This
act adds a little touch of com-
edy to an otherwise grim situa-
The first half of this film deals
with Chuck learning how to sur-
In the hour that he had them
under hypnosis, the group went
from smelling something bad-to
which they blamed the person
next to them, to petting small
animals. The final task that Neal
had his volunteers do was to
pretend that they were in a rock
band. The band consisted of
three guitarists, a drummer, a
keyboardist, a tambourine
player, and backup dancers.
Once Neal cued the music, the
crowd roared with laughter as
the lead singer passionately
sang into his imaginary micro-
phone to a Bon Jovi tune. Be-
vive on the island. We see him
trying to find shelter and trying
to build fire. One of the pack-
ages that Chuck opens was a
Wilson volleyball that he clev-
erly called Wilson.
Wilson becomes Chuck's only
friend on the island, and it gives
him someone to talk to. It's a
clever way to have the audience
know exactly what is going on
in Chuck's mind. Through his
conversations with this inani-
mate ball, we can get inside his
head. Chuck often ends up yell-
ing at Wilson, which provides
some minor comedy again.
We then are brought a couple
years into the future and we see
a thinner, more muscular, hairier
Chuck. He realizes that his only
chance for survival is to get off
the island. So, with the help of
Wilson, Chuck builds a big raft,
and sets sail.
Chuck is finally rescued and
brought back to the mainland,
where Federal Express has a big
ceremony for him. He eventu-
ally sees his old fiancee, Kelly,
who has remarried. Kelly has a
life of her own now, and Chuck
has trouble dealing with this.
Zemeckis doesn't let us off the
hook and leaves us with a some-
what open ending letting the
audience think about what re-
ally happens after the credits are
The major driving force behind
this movie is the superb acting
of Tom Hanks. Not too many
actors can pull off a role like this
one. This film just further proves
the old adage that a picture is
worth a thousand words.
fore waking them up, Neal told
them that they would have no
recollection of what they did.
Sure enough, the look of confu-
sion on their faces when they
saw that they received a stand-
ing ovation was priceless, due
to the fact that they were un-
aware of why they were onstage
in the first place.
I still can't figure out how the
Astonishing Neal did the vari-
ous tricks that were performed
that night, and I was even more
amazed when I found out that
hypnosis can be done. Who
knows? Maybe it is magic ...

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
Del Preore loving life on and off court
Sports Editor
She is fifth on her team in scor-
ing, averaging a little over six
points a night. She is third on
the team in rebounding, pulling
in 4.7 per contest. For a fresh-
man, these are decent numbers.
But when this is done while
not even averaging 12 minutes
per game, it is impressive.
When your recent play earns
you Metro Atlantic Athletic
Conference (MAAC) Rookie of
the Week honors, it is even
more impressive.
Combine these factors with
the outlook on basketball and
life that Stephanie Del Preore
has, and newspapers want to
write stories about you.
Del Preore was named MAAC
Rookie of the Week for the week
ending Jan. 22. In a span of
three games leading up to this
award, she averaged 12.7 points
and 8.3 rebounds in only 19.0
minutes per game while shoot-
ing o,yer 50 percent from this
So how does Stephanie Del
Preore handle her success and
"I'm not going to let it affect
me in a good way or a bad way,"
she said. "It's just a title.
wasn't for my teammates and
don't come anywhere
close to it."
And that is what helps make
Del Preore unique. Whether it
is adversity or the warm glow of
success, very little on the court
appears to faze her.
Her play and her attitude have
quickly earned her praise from
head coach Kristin Lamb.
"She helps us with her
athleticism, and she's not afraid
of too many things. That's what
makes her good," Lamb said.
"She does a lot of different
things for us on both ends of
the floor."
Del Preore was all over the
floor during an outstanding
high school career at Livingston
High School in Livingston, NJ.
She would jump center, break
the press, and attack opponents
inside and outside, as she added
the three-point shot to her rep-
ertoire for her senior year. By
the time her high school career
was over, Del Preore was
Livingston's all-time leading
scorer (1809 points) and
rebounder (1454 boards). She
beat out some good company
for the scoring record, as it was
previously held by Erin Boland,
who graduated from Siena in
sixth place on the Saints' all-time
scoring list.
Naturally, there were a few
schools that were active on the
recruiting trail for Del Preore.
Fellow MAAC schools Siena
and Manhattan expressed inter-
est, in addition to Richmond,
Stony Brook, and Denver.
But there was something spe-
cial about Marist.
From seemingly the time she
stepped on campus for her offi-
cial visit, Marist and Stephanie
Del Preore were a good match.
The school's closeness to her
home, academic reputation, and
riverfront location all appealed
to her.
What appealed to her even
more was the feeling of family
generated from the players and
the coaching staff. Del Preore
also realized that Marist was a
program on the move, and she
was familiar with several of the
current or incoming players.
She had played against Kim
DiVincenzo in high school. She
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PHOTO CREDIT/Carlisle Stockton
Stephanie Del Preore was named MAAC Rookie of the Week for the week
ending Jan. 22. She has scored 109 points in 209 minutes this season.
played with Nina Vecchio in and that she has been having a
AAU, while playing against "lot of fun."
Vicki Wancel and Kerry
On the court, she has been
enjoying herself as well. In a
Vecchio, the MAAC leader in recent six-game stretch, Del
assists, spoke about the ben- Preore averaged 12.2 points and
efits of familiarity with Del 8.2 rebounds while averaging
Preore on the court.
just under 20 minutes per con-
"We' ve known each other test. During this time, she es-
since we were twelve, so it's real tablished new career highs in
easy for us to play together," points (16 vs. Siena), rebounds
she said.
(12 vs. Canisius), and minutes
Familiarity and family are quite played (30 vs. Siena).
important to Stephanie Del
Preore. Her father is her hero, here? She borrows a comment
and she draws inspiration from originally made by Vince Carter.
him. In 1996, he had a liverand
you commit to defense,
kidney transplant. He would you'll play more."
drive Stephanie to all of her
Lamb echoed similar senti-
AAU games, and he listens to ments. In high school, Del
all of her games on the internet Preore would be able to accom-
now if he cannot attend them plish so much because of her
himself. Just one week after his outstanding athleticism. At the
surgery, Stephanie had a game, college level, there are more ath-
and he was on the phone with letes of her caliber. Therefore,
her mother in the stands, want- she has to become more tech-
ing to know how his daughter nique oriented, working on as-
was doing. Her father's spirit pects of the game such as box-
and dedication serves as a re- ing out.
minder that she can accomplish
Del Preore again does not want
anything in her life.
to put herself in the limelight
Stephanie's mother has had to when discussing her role on the
support the family, and she team.
looks up to her as well.
'Tm just here to help," she
Stephanie said that her parents said. "We're here to help each
have always supported her and other, whether we start or come
given her anything she wanted. off the bench. We're one big
These are two parents who family, and everyone makes
obviously care about their some kind of an impact when
daughter very much.
they play."
With a support system es tab-
Over the remainderof this year
lished, Del Preore has been able and the next three years, expect
to enjoy her freshman year. She Stephanie Del Preore to make an
pulled a 3.0 last semester, and impact.
she said she loves college life
Del Preore's averages per 40 minutes
Points ............ 20.9 (team leader), 109 in 209 minutes
Rebounds ..... .16. l (team leader), 84 in 209 minutes
Steals ........... 1.9 (third on team), 17 in

FEBRUARY 1, 2001
Welcome to the
new mil-
lennium, and to a new age in the
NFL; an age of parity. The past
two seasons fans have watched
two teams rise from their own
ashes like the fabled Phoenix,
and destroy all in their way on
the road to becoming Super
Bowl Champions. The paths
have been decidedly different
for both teams.
Last season the St. Louis
Rams used a blistering offen-
sive attack to blow teams off the
field before they knew what hit
them. This year the Baltimore
Ravens used arguably the best
defense in history to suffocate
their opponents.
Opposing offenses scored
ONE touchdown in four
postseason games. The Ravens
didn't have a cakewalk to the
title either. On their march to
the championship, they held the
2nd ranked scoring offense in
the NFL (Denver) to 3 points,
held arguably the best team in
the NFL (Tennessee) to 10
points, stonewalled the best
... rushing attack the NFL (Oak-
lqnd), and then humiliated a Gi-
ants team that had annihilated
the Vikings 41-0 two weeks ear-
lier. That gurgle you just heard
was the Ravens' playoff victims
breathing their last.
How have teams been able to
beat out the perennial powers
of the NFL in their first tries?
used to be that teams went
through a progression of ups
and downs before being to
even contend for the champion-
ship. Time was a team first made
the playoffs as a wildcard and
just hoped to better next year.
The Rams and the Ravens have
turned the league on its ear by
skipping that progression and
going straight from losers to
champs in one year.
Acquisitions from other teams
have played large roles in the
past two Super Bowl Champi-
ons. Both the Ravens and the
Rams signed their quarterbacks
as free agents, neither of which
was highly touted. Tampa fans
were glad to see Trent Dilfer go,
and we all know Kurt Warner's
odyssey from Green Bay to the
Arena League to the World
League to the Rams. The other
big acquisition by the Rams was
the trade the Rams swung for
Marshall Faulk. Warner per-
haps has a big season last year
without Faulk, but he certainly
doesn't win the Super Bowl or
the League MVP without him.
Smart, and lucky drafting has
given the Rams and Ravens
much of their talent. Orlando
Pace, Isaac Bruce, Az-Zahir
Hakim, Tory Holt, Kevin Carter,
London Fletcher, and Todd
Lyght all came to the Rams via
the draft. Ray Lewis, Rob
Burnett, Peter Boulware, Duane
Starks, Chris McAlister,
Jonathan Ogden, and Jamal
Lewis have all come through the
Ravens' draft.
To complete these home-
grown players, it seems the
Ravens have imported as much
talent as they've fostered. Rod
Woodson, Sam Adams, Michael
McCrary, Tony Siragusa, Keith
Washington, Qadry Ismail, and
Shannon Sharpe were found
floating in the sea of free
As almost any team is mostly
composed of draft picks and free
agents, why are these two teams
different? For the most part,
these two teams vital parts were
acquired without the hype that
usually follows big draft picks
or free agents. We all know the
draft is a crapshoot. The only
players not acquired from the
draft that big things were ex-
pected from were Faulk and
Sharpe. The rest were all play-
ers who were spotted to fill
needs and exceeded expecta-
How many teams can say that
more than one or two of their
free agents exceeded expecta-
tions? Not too many. Maybe
the most important people on
the Rams and Ravens has been
their Directors of Player Person-
nel, the people responsible for
drafting and signing these play-
ers. Wouldn't it be great to see
teams scramble for new Direc-
tors of Player Personnel while
free agent coaches and players
stand by and watch? Too bad it
still won't happen, and most
teams will continue to acquire
players that don't mesh with
their new teams. When will
owners realize that coaches like
Butch Davis can't save your
franchise if they don't have
someone getting them the right
Staff Writer
Several school-record-break-
ing performances have high-
lighted the first half of the in-
door track season for the Marist
men's and women's track teams.
Freshman Eli Bisnett-Cobb
has twice broken the school
record in the 55-meter high
hurdles, with record breaking
performances at the West Point
Open (8.10 sec) in November and
the Manhattan Invitational (8.06
sec) in December, showing that
he has adjusted well to colle-
giate hurdling.
"Eli has transitioned quite well
into the collegiate high hurdle
height," said men's coach Pete
Colaizzo. "Most hurdlers need
a season or two to get accli-
mated to the higher hurdles, but
Eli's transition was smooth; so
smooth, in fact, that he broke a
school record that took Eric
Deshaies ('98) four years to es-
At the Fordham Invitational
(Jan. 19), sophomore Chris
Mccloskey broke Mike Melfi's
('99) record in the lOOOm with a
timeof2:31.59. Notfarbehind
was junior Pat Driscoll, running
2:32.10. These middle distance
mainstays also earned
Colaizzo's praise.
"What [McCloskey and
Driscoll] did at the [Fordham]
meet was excellent. These guys
love to train and race together,
and they are the cornerstone of
our middle distance crew,"
Colaizzo said.
Junior Brian Perrella is another
key member of the middle dis-
tance team. He has contributed
a 1 :59.4 800-meter split to the
3200-meter relay team that
nearly broke the school record
at the Terrier Classic in Boston.
'Tm pleased that Brian has
found his niche indoors as a
middle distance runner. He will
be key for us in relays and in
the 800 and 1000-meter dis-
tances. He adds a new dimen-
sion to the team now that he is
focusing on the shorter dis-
tances," Colaizzo said.
Since returning from an early
season knee injury, freshman
Kirk Dornton has had some out-
standing performances in the
3000-meter, running 8:45.22 at
the Terrier Classic. According to
Colaizzo, Dornton's times are
faster than those of Mike Melfi
and current senior co-captain
Greg Salamone during their
freshman campaigns.
"In my opinion, [Melfi and
Salamone] are the two best dis-
tance runners in school history,
so logically I project Kirk to have
a tremendous future here,"
Colaizzo said.
As the championship meets
approach, the Running Red
Foxes will look to versatile ath-
letes Mike Nehr (mile, 3000-
meter, 5000-meter, relays) and
co-captain Denis McManus
Gumps, hurdles) to contribute in
many events in the league meet.
The women's team has also
seen its share of record-break-
ing performances this season,
as freshman Melanie Torres
broke the 55-meter high hurdles
school record (9.14 sec) and tied
the record in the high jump (5' 1/
2"), and sophomore Susan
Golden broke the mile record
with a time of 5:07.67. In addi-
tion to those notable efforts,
junior Jen Stewart recorded a
personal best in the long jump
(16' 7 112") and broke the triple
jump record with a 34' 4" perfor-
Other noteworthy perfor-
mances this season have come
fromjunim KarenDecina(5:23.76
mile), sophomore Jen Klier
(10:57 3000-meter) and freshman
Jen Rosenblatt (10:33 3k, 18:23
With the MAAC champion-
ship meet on the horizon and the
chance of qualifying several in-
dividuals and relay teams for
the ECAC championships,
women's coach Phil Kelly ex-
pects good results from a num-
ber of athletes in various disci-
This Saturday, the team will
travel to Colgate University for
the Class of 1932 Invitational.
the game, we know she's going
to do something good. She is a
magnificent player and adds a
lot to the team."
With seven games remaining
in the regular season for Marist,
the MAAC is far from locked up.
Siena leads the conference with
a 10-1 record, followed by
Fairfield at 9-1, and St. Peter's
holds third place with a 6-3 con-
ference record. However, the
teams in the middle of the pack,
including Marist, are separated
by two games at most, with last
place Canisius three games out
of fourth place. Clearly, the field
is wide open.
Lamb is confident with the
team's position in the standings
and is optimistic about the rest
of the season.
"We are right in the middle of
the conference," said Lamb.
we can finish between fourth
and sixth in the standings, then
that will be a good season for
us. We have a good chance to
recover and make a move in the
Lamb emphasized the impor-
tance of consistency in order
for the team to make that move
in the conference.
we come out and play men-
tally consistent and focused,
we will win more games," said
Lamb. "Intensity and emotion
are an important part of our
Lamb is optimistic about the
team's chances in the final
stretch of the season and is con-
"If we can finish
between fourth and
sixth in the stand-
ings, then that will be
a good season for us.
We have a good
chance to recover and
make a move in the
conj erence."
Kristin Lamb
Women's head coach
fident that the team can put to-
gether a winning streak and
make some noise in the MAAC
tournament, starting with its
next two games against St.
Peter's today and Loyola on
"We played great defense
against Loyola in the first meet-
ing," said Lamb. "These are two
teams that we can beat if we
come ready to play with the
same intensity as we did against
St. Peter's is a very athletic
team, according to Lamb, who
added that the Peahens play
strong on both ends of the
court. While Loyola is not as
athletic as St. Peter's, according
to Lamb, it has a lot of shooters
on the team.

They Said It
That's a Fact
Sean Kennedy was name
AAC Player of the Week af.
.er averaging 16.7 points, 6 . .
·ebounds, 5.7 assists, and 1.31
teals this past week.
FEBRUARY 1, 2001
"If we come out and play
entally consistent and fo-
used, we will win more
"-Kristin Lamb,
omen's basketball coach
Men's basketball
two crucial MAAC games
Staff Writer
With three pointers falling at
a fast and furious rate, the Marist
College men's basketball team
provided some of the excitement
on Sunday that the Super Bowl
did not.
Down by as many as eight
points in the first half, the Red
Foxes overwhelmed the visiting
Manhattan Jaspers in the sec-
ond half behind a swarming de-
fense and a bevy of long-range
bombs, winning the game by a
final score of72-66.
The win moves Marist into a
first place tie with Iona atop the
Metro Atlantic Athletic Confer-
ence (MAAC), and it sets up a
first place showdown between
theRedFoxes(l3-7, 8-2MAAC)
and the Gaels on Wednesday at
the McCann Center.
The Gaels defeated the Red
F<?;x,es on Monday, January 22
Rochelle behind a 21-
"'p<>int effort from Earl Johnson
and a 19-point, 13-rebound per-
formance from Nakiea Miller.
"The Iona game is obviously
a big one because we are cur-
rently tied for first with them, but
also because they beat us pretty
soundly the last time we
played," said Marist head coach
Dave Magarity.
is going to
be a tough one though, because
they are, in my opinion, the best
team in the conference with their
combination of talent, size and
With forward Drew Samuels
limited to only seven minutes
due to injury, the junior
backcourt tandem of Sean
Kennedy and Rick Smith, who
scored 18 and 15 points respec-
tively, led Marist's offensive at-
tack by combining to hit seven
of the team's twelve three-point-
ers. Kennedy, the MAAC leader
in assists, played all 40 minutes
and handed out six more help-
ers in addition to matching his
season-high point total.
"Kennedy has been looking to
shoot more recently, and it has
really shown with the numbers
he has been putting up lately,"
said Magarity. "And what Smith
did from outside was unex-
pected, and when he can do
that, it gives us tremendous bal-
ance on offense."
Nick Eppehimer and Donald
Vale also contributed to the at-
tack with ten points apiece.
Trailing 34-31 at halftime, the
Red Foxes used the scrappy
defense and strong rebounding
of Vale as well as forward Matt
Tullis to spark them on a 9-0 run
at the start of the second half.
"The fact that (Manhattan)
had played so well in the first
half yet we were only down
three at the break was a big lift
to us," said Magarity. "We
knew that if we just calmed
down and took our time we
would get back in the game."
A pair of three-pointers from
Eppehimer ignited the Red Fox
offense, and the three's never
stopped falling after that.
Eppehimer, Smith, Kennedy,
Vale, Blake Sonne and Sherman
Whittenburg all connected from
downtown at least once, even-
tually helping Marist build a 16
point lead with under ten min-
utes remaining.
"The three-pointer has always
been a game opening play for
our team," said Magarity. "The
ones that Eppehimer hit at the
start of the second half really
got us rolling."
Vale and Tullis each finished
the game with ten rebounds to
their credit, as the two ac-
counted for half of the team's
board total.
"Those two guys have nor-
mally been able to come in off
the bench and play without be-
ing concerned about picking up
fouls," said Magarity. "Now
that we need them to stay away
from the fouls, they have had to
make an adjustment, and I think
they have done that well."
Manhattan fought back, how-
ever, behind the relentless play
of guard Von Damien "Mugsy"
Green, who hit two three point-
ers of his own late in the sec-
ond half to bring the Jaspers to
within three with 48.5 seconds
left on the clock.
Marist's defense held up in the
final minute though, as it forced
Manhattan guard Justin
Jackette to miss an off-balanced
three pointer that could have
tied the game for the Jaspers.
Following the loss to Iona on
PHOTO CREDIT/ Carlisle Stockton
Donald Vale had plenty of reason to be all smiing after his double-double
in the Red Foxes' 72-66 victory over Manhattan on Sunday.
Jan. 22, Marist returned home
to take on Rider, who stood atop
the MAAC at the time. The Red
Foxes picked up a 61-56 victory
over the Broncs. Marist was
able to overcome 25 points from
Rider's Mario Porter by getting
a 14 point, eight rebound, eight
assist performance from
Kennedy to go along with 12 and
10 point efforts from Vale and
Smith respectively. Marist
broke the game open with a 15-
5 spurt midway through the first
Women's basketball looks to recover for stretch run
PHOTO CREDIT/Carlisle Stockton
Nina Vecchio had a career-high 17 points in Sunday's loss to Fairfield.
Assistant Sports Editor
Looks can be deceiving, and
that is the case with the
women's basketball team.
Heading into the final seven
games of the season before the
Metro Atlantic Athletic Confer-
ence (MAAC) Tournament, the
women hold a 5-15 overall
record, including a 4-7 confer-
ence record. The team has also
lost its last four games. How-
ever, the success of this team
cannot be measured solely by
wins and losses.
"This may be the most talented
team that we've had," said head
coach Kristin Lamb. "Our
record does not show the talent
of this team. We're a young
team, and young teams tend to
make mistakes. If we can come
out with the same intensity for
each game, we can tum things
In their last game, on Jan. 28,
the Red Foxes played host to
Fairfield University. Freshman
point guard Nina Vecchio tallied
a career-high 17 points to go
along with eight assists. How-
ever, powered by 19-point ef-
forts from Holli Tapley and
Allison Thome, Fairfield soared
past Marist 80-63. The victory
kept Fairfield in second place in
the MAAC, behind Siena.
Another strong effort from
Vecchio was wasted two days
prior to that, when Manhattan
defeatedMarist, 76-59. Vecchio
totaled 10 points and dished out
eight assists, but the Red Foxes
shot only 35% from the field.
The Lady Jaspers, led by a 26-
p o int effort from Rebecca
Tompkins and an additional 21
points from Rosalee Mason
used 53% shooting to secure the
Vecchio, who has played con-
sistent all season, has turned
her play up a notch as of late.
Averaging nearly six assists per
game, she has also become a
shooting threat in recent games
and now averages six points per
Lamb is happy with the play
of Vecchio and credits her with
being the type of player that the
team has been looking for.
"She is stepping up her play
more and becoming more confi-
dent in shooting," said Lamb.
"She has been a consistent
point guard and is a threat on
both sides of the court."
Marist did win three games
out of a four game stretch in the
middle of the season, starting
with a victory against Rider on
Jan. 11. After suffering a defeat
at the hands of Loyola, the Red
Foxes came storming back to
defeat Canisius for the second
time this season and Rider
again, to account for the team's
four conference victories.
Diesa Seidel notched 25
points and 14 rebounds in the
team's first victory against
Rider, while Sabrina Vallery and
Marie Fusci each scored 11
points. In the second Rider vic-
tory, Seidel added another 21
points, while freshman
Stephanie Del Preore contrib-
uted 11 points in the victory.
Del Preore followed her per-
formance by netting 13 points
and grabbing 12 rebounds to
secure an 85-66 victory over
CanisiusonJan.19. Forheref-
forts, Del Preore was honored
as the MAAC Rookie of the
Week for the week of January
15-21. In that span, she aver-
aged 12.7 points along with 8.7
rebounds. These stats were
capped with a 14 point, eight
rebound effort against Niagara
on Jan. 21, a game that the Red
Foxes lost 63-61.
Lamb is not surprised with Del
Preore's success and has much
praise for the 6-1 forward.
"Stephanie is like a machine,"
said Lamb. "When she goes into
. .. see