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The Circle, December 13, 2001.xml


Part of The Circle: Vol. 55 No. 7 - December 13, 2001


Holiday movie
review - amust
The Circle would
like to wish
Holidays to all Marist
students and faculty.
Volume 55 Issue 7
13, 2001
Water may be hazardous to your health
News Editor
Don't drink the water. Don't
swim or play in it either.
The Bush administration or-
dered five years of dredging the
40-mile stretch of the Hudson of
polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs,
on December 4 that will begin after
a three-year design phase.
According to the December 5
Poughkeepsie Journal, the aim is
to dig out about 150,000 pounds
ofPCBs buried along the river bot-
tom, thereby reducing the health
threat officials believe PCBs pose
to humans and wdlife.
PCBs are
of causing
cancer, as well a's reproductive and
developmental problems such as
low birth weights, learning prob-
lems .and a reduced ability to fight
General Electric Co. has spent
millions in lobbying and advertis-
ing to try to avoid its .responsibil-
ity for making this mess, accord-
ing to the Journal.
However, despite their pro-
claimed acts of innocence, GE did
legally dump PCBs into the river
for 30 years until it was banned in
1977. Now GE will have to pay
roughly $500 million to clean up
one million pounds of PCBs it
dumped into the river from two
north Hudson plants before the
practice was outlawed in 1977. to the Journal, the
PCBs are still pouring over the fed-
eral Troy Dam at the rate of 500
pounds a year.
According to the EPA website,
PCBs were widely used as a fire
preventive and insulator in the
manufacturing of transformers and
capacitors because of their ability
Die project would be
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PCB removal shown in detail.
Poughkeepsie Journal
Marist Alumni lost on 9/11
Editorial Assistant
tragedy of the Sept. 11th at-
tacks on the World Trade Center
struck a melancholy chord on the
Marist campus as the college com-
munity was informed that it had
suffered a loss of six alumni.
One of the families affected was
the Coffey family. Both Daniel M.
Coffey of the class of'69, and his
son, Jason Coffey, were killed in
the disaster.
Thomas Crotty '81, an active
member of the basketball team and
previous psychology major at
Marist who maintained close rela-
tions with the college, was work-
ing for Sandler, O'Neill and Part-
ners in Trade Tower Two when it
There were other unsung heroes
that also lost their lives while try-
ing to serve their country. Both
firefighter Vincent D. Kane of the
class of '86 and Lieutenant Kevin
J. Pfeifer '83, perished in the
Jacqueline K. Sayegh of the class
'89 was the sixth of the alumnus
that was also killed in the tragedy.
The Marist College community,
along with Sean Morrison, Direc-
tor of Alumni Affairs, and Maria
Gordon Shydlo, President of the
Marist College Alumni Associa-
tion, would like to offer their con-
dolences to the families and friends
of the Marist alumni that have
passed on.
The Hudson River is serene for the sunset, but PCB's lie in waiting.
to withstand exceptionally high
temperatures. PCBs were designed
not to break down.
GE is bitterly opposed to dredg-
ing, but could be forced to pay as
much as three times the cost of
cleanup ifit refuses to do the work.
Jackie Thompson, former Envi-
ronmental Science major at Marist
College, is in favor of dredging.
"PCBs are endangering the health
of animals, plants, humans, and the
entire ecosystem surrounding the
Hudson River. GE must do what is
right for the environment, not what
is right for their wallets."
However, the EPA acknowl-
edged that PCBs attached to sedi-
ment likely will be stirred up by
dredging which will cause tempo-
rary rises in pollution. However, it
will be the upper part of the
Hudson,.north of Albany, that will
feel the true effects.
The hopeful outcome is that the
removal of PCBs from the mud will
first impact the microscopic organ-
isms that ingest them. Over the
years, the benefits should move up
the food chain.
"Even after dredging, the fish
wouldn't be safe to eat for a really
long time," said Thompson.
Right now, dredging is still in the
design phase. Issues that still need
to be resolved are such things as
the locations of de-watering plants
that will filter the water, and how
the material will be transported to
landfills where dredged sediments
will be buried.
The planning stages will offi-
cially begin in January 2002.
"The environment can eventu-
ally fix what dredging will do to the
river, but it will never feasibly be
PHOTO CREDIT/ Jennifer Haggerty
able to break down the PCBs to a
safe level," said Thompson.
Dredging will cut the flow of
PCBs over the Troy dam in half,
and the EPA forecasts safe fish lev-
els 20 years earlier by dredging, as
according to Scenic Hudson, Inc.
According to GE, EPA's pro-
posal is "larger than all other envi-
ronmental dredging projects ever
tried, will delay the time when
people can consume Upper
Hudson fish by up to a decade in
70% of the river, and will remobi-
lize at least 2,200 pounds ofPCBS."
GE has also supposedly con-
cluded that more than 100 human
health studies have found no evi-
dence that PCBs cause cancer or
other serious illnesses in people.
See ...
H20, 2
Giving Tree offers hope
Taylor Rogers
The Giving Tree reminds
students of the less fortunate
and the attitude of generosity
they should exude.
Staff Writer
Introduced to Marist in 1991 by
student Matthew Thompson, the
Giving Tree is a national program
that "provides Christmas" for more
unfortunate families.
When asked about this year's
Giving Tree, Brother Frank Kelly,
leader of Campus Ministry said,
"We really appreciate tremen-
dously the outpouring of generos-
ity for this project, in light of the
fact that people have already made
many donations this semester."
The program at Marist involves
four local agencies: the Catherine .
Street Community Center,
Dutchess Outreach, Family Ser-
vices, Inc. and the Grace Smith
Campus Ministry, sponsor of the
Giving Tree, receives lists of area
· families from these organizations.
Based on individual needs and
wants, they distribute the gift re-
quests in the form of ornaments on
Christmas trees throughout cam-
pus. Anyone can take an ornament
and donate the present that is listed
on it. The ornaments range from
basic clothing needs, to "wishes,"
such as mountain bikes and VCRs.
Last year, twenty-five families
were involved, numbering 100
See ...
Tree, 2

December 13, 2001
Page 2
Recession affects holiday splurging
News Editor
'Tis the season to spend one's
paycheck on an X Box to save the
flailing economy.
This season, however, many
consumers are cutting costs,
which are causing a ripple effect in
the nation's economy.
According to the December l 0,
New York Times it was expected
that businesses near the World
Trade Center would suffer from the
terrorist attack on Sept. 11, which
displaced 100,000 potential cus-
tomers from office buildings in the
area and thousands more from their
The national economy was al-
ready slowing before Sept. 11, but
the attacks pushed the nation into
economic distress, not only New
York City.
Some economic forecasters are
exP.Sfting a series of business fail-
York in early 2002, due
lack of consumer frenzy this
holiday season.
The worst job cuts are in New
York City. The falling
tourism in New
York City has also affected the
"The city is very slow right
The editorial board of The
Circle would like to apologize to
any and all students who may
have been offended by the
"Question of the Week" section
of our Dec. 6 issue, in which we
asked "Is the student body toler-
ant of minorities?" Our intent in
posing this question to the stu-
dent body was not to alienate in-
dividuals, but to bring the issue
of the lack of diversity on cam-
pus to the forefront.
We chose the word 'tolerant'
in this question because we felt it
best addressed the issue of di-
versity without carrying a nega-
tive connotation; unfortunately,
now," said economic Professor Karen
Gray. "People are not traveling in,
[maybe] because they are afraid
something will happen again."
The industry to take the most se-
vere hit was the airline industry, due
to a 20% decrease of flights a day.
Brett Muney, former Project Man-
ager for British Airways, lost his job
due to the current recession. "My
company laid off over 7 ,000 employ-
ees worldwide," he said. "I believe
that the attacks just accelerated the
onset of the current economic reces-
sion; it was in place long before."
The travel and restaurant industry
is also being hit hard. This is due to
families cutting costs and canceling
vacations or opting to make dinner
instead of going out to eat.
"When people lose a job, they cut
back on spending, whether eating out
or landscaping. The people who per-
form those services then suffer," said
However, some industries are sur-
viving. "What is saving the car in-
dustry right now is that they are of-
fering 0% financing sales. This is
helping the car industry stay on top,"
said Gray.
is possible thought that
people who were planning on buy-
ing a car next year will opt to buy one
now. This could affect next year's
this was not the case. Many felt the
word implied that minorities were
merely 'endured' on this college cam-
pus, and felt the question insinuated
that minority students did not earn
their place at Marist College. This in-
terpretation of the "Question of the
Week" was the farthest from our
original intentions in publishing the
question. In reality, the question was
written to attract attention to the
cover story on the minority panel.
Students were also alarmed by our
choice of students who responded
to this question. All three were white,
and, although their opinions were
positively expressed, our selection of
students drew understandable ran-
Basically, the survival of our
economy relies on consumer
confidence, which appears to be
growing stronger. Gray explained
that this phenomenon to the fact
that military actions have been
going well in Afghanistan or that
people aren't as nervous about
attacks anymore.
"If people don't think what
happened on September 11 will
happen again, then the economy
may improve," said Gray.
The government is encourag-
ing spending so that other
people do not lose their jobs due
to the ripple effect. If this works,
it is possible that we will be out
of the recession by spring or
early summer 2002.
The mid-Hudson area is also
being affected by this recession.
IBM announced layoffs earlier
this month in its Fishkill plant.
"The mid-Hudson area is not as
dependent on tourism," said
Gray. She said that it is possible
that people from NYC and Bos-
ton are afraid to fly, that upstate
New York and Cape Cod may
benefit from an influx of tourism
this upcoming summer.
cor from the student body. For
this, The Circle sincerely apolo-
gizes. Under normal circum-
stances, the editorial board
would selectively choose a di-
verse representation of students
to respond to this question.
However, the "Question of the
Week" remained mistakenly un-
assigned, and the editors were
forced to use pictures from the
Internet of people they knew,
along with their responses to the
question. This practice is rare,
and will not occur again.
The Circle appreciates all the
feedback it has received on this
issue; however, the editorial
Jaclyn Jacobse11
Katherine Slauta
Features .Editor
Circlefeatures@yahoo ..
Jennifer Haggerty
News Editor
Ed Williams
Ben Brenkert
Opinion Editor
Peter .Palmieri
Jason Shaw
Taylor Rogers
Stacey Caswell
Photo Editor
Staff Inspiration
G •. Modele Oarke,
the student newspaper of Marist Col-
lege .. :Letters to the editors, announcementst and
ideas ru-e
butwecannot publish
signed letters.
The Circle staff can
reached at 575-
3000 .x2429 or letters
the editor can be sent to
board sincerely wishes the entire
student body had had the oppor-
tunity to consider the insightful
protests presented by the disap-
proving students. Writing a Letter
to the Editor would not only have
ensured that such a scenario would
not occur again, but would also
enlighten the entire campus to their
grievances with the newspaper.
Allowing a greater audience to be
aware of any complaints brings a
disputed, controversial issue to
center stage, and succeeds in alert-
ing every reader of the important
viewpoints surrounding it.
Again, The Circle deeply re-
grets any misunderstanding.
Toxic H20 ...
From 1
They feel that the public should
not be swayed by EPA based stud-
ies in which rats were fed very high
doses of PCBs in their diets, which
caused cancer in the animals.
The NYS Department of Health
and many independent scientists
critiqued the research and said it
does not support GE's claims.
Under the EPA's worst-case sce-
nario, dredging might stir up 20
pounds of PCBs annually. How-
ever, the cleanup will immediately
and dramatically reduce the 500
pounds moving downstream al-
Route 9's safety
questionable even
with speed
Tree ...
From 1
people. Out of 851 gift requests,
818 gifts were received. Gifts are
donated directly by administra-
tion, staff, faculty, students, fra-
ternities, sororities, as well as vari-
ous campus clubs and organiza-
tions. Numerous monetary contri-
butions are also made by members
of the Marist community. These
donations are used by campus
ministry to purchase gifts that are
left over after the program has
Editorial Assistant
Marist is once again on the prowl
for a solution to the ongoing prob-
lem of student safety while cross-
ing route 9 with the implementa-
tion of a lower speed limit.
"Our biggest fear as a college
community is that we don't want
to have a severe accident happen
and a pedestrian get seriously in-
jured or killed before a solution is
found," said Tim Massie, of the Of-
fice of Public Affairs.
Since the deactivation of the
crosswalk signal lights that stretch
across Route 9 on November 27,
2001, both the Department of
Transportation, D.O.T., and Marist
Colfege officials have struggled
over what should be done in re-
gards to assuring student safety.
Now, instead of the blinking
crosswalk lights, a sign warns of
the variable speed limit that must
be obeyed. During the hours of 7
a.m. to 7 p.m., the sign enforces a 30
mile-per-hour speed limit, while be-
tween the hours of 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.,
the sign displays a speed limit of 40
miles-per-hour. Both the Department
of Transportation and the college
hope that these measures will help
deter possible speed demons from
whizzing by the campus without re-
gard to college students' safety.
"Right now the D.O.T. and the col-
lege both want to see if those mea-
sures are sufficient enough," Massie
said. "However, by cutting back the
speed limit by ten miles per hour will
hopefully get people to at least slow
down enough so that if they do come
across someone crossing they will
be able to stop at a slower and safer
Executive Vice President Merolli,
who has been working with the
D.O.T. and the Poughkeepsie Police
since the time that Marist first ac-
quired land across Route 9 on the
issue of student safety, realizes that
the issue is complicated due in part
to New York State laws which
merely enforce that if a pedes-
trian is in a crosswalk, then the
motorist on the side of the road
that the student is in has to stop.
However, the cars going in the
other direction are not required
to stop.
Merolli attributes this fact in
part to the reason that cars be-
came confused at the blinking
crosswalk, which is why it did
not assist in the problem they
were having with students and
the issue of their safety.
position right along has
been to slow the speed limit.
Even when the D.O.T put that
crosswalk in there with the flash-
ing lights, we had said, ok, you're
doing this, but slow the speed
lmit to 25, 30 miles per hour so
people woiudl recognize that it's
a college zone," Merolli said.
The D.O.T. was unavailable for
However, both Massie. and
Merolli agree that not only is the
cooperation of the D.O.T. essen-
tial, but also that of the
Poughkeepsie Police Department.
They have noticed that there has
been a significant increase in the
amount of police surveillance of
the area surrounding Marist Col-
lege in regards to speeding. How-
ever, they also hope that with the
institution of the new sign warn-
ing the students to be careful, that
it will help them to be mindful of
cars and exercise care when cross-
ing Route 9.
"The rest of the people travel-
ing Route 9 believe that they
should not be inconvenienced by
slowing down the speed limit or
having more lights, or anything
else we put in. They want students
to be more mindful of how to cross
the street. So there has to be an
understanding on both sides of all
the issues involved."
This year, 24 families are being
sponsored, which includes 855
requests. The program appears to
be very successful and at last
count, there were less than 100 un-
claimed requests remaining.
The trees throughout campus
will be taken down on Thursday,
Dec. 14th. Contact Campus Minis-
try at 22 7 5, to make a monetary do-
nation or to find out what gifts re-
quests need to be fulfilled.
The celebration of the Giving·
Tree will be held following the 7:00
pm mass on Sunday, Dec.
the chapel.

December 13, 2001
Page 3
Its the most wonderful time of the ear
things to look forward to after the stress o finals
Staff Writer
It used to be that the old Christ-
mas carol summed it up the best: it
is the most wonderful time of the
The sky is set aglow as thou-
sands of tiny "icicles" hang from
the ceilings of all the dorm rooms
on campus. Christmas trees and
menorahs are hanging on .doors.
But, those neighbors that you used
to love have now become a few of
your worst enemies. Do they re-
ally have to blare Christmas music
at all hours, when you need to
study for that 8 a.m. final? You
would like to rip out your hair, and
it is then that you realize that the
song lies. For a college student,
this is
stressful time of
the ye~°''t~·~·
As ofDgc. ·14, the day that brings
the first of the dreaded final exams,
sales on coffee and Mountain Dew
should sky rocket. There is sure
to be quite a few all-night study
sessions going on all around the
Marist College campus. Dark
circles will line the eyes of almost
everyone. Zombie-like students
will be heard counting down the
days until they get to return home
to peace and quiet, and, best of all,
a normal sleeping pattern.
Finals are not the only things
hanging over the heads of the
Marist College community, how-
ever. Christmas time brings with it
the stress of finding the perfect gift
for everyone on your list. Was it
this sweater or that one that mom
said she wanted? Does dad need
a new Marist hat, or does he have
enough of them? Now we know
that Galleria Mall trips are sent from
heaven. The next task, of course,
is finding time to wrap these pre-
sents so that you can get them
home without the recipient seeing
what you have bought. Sure, you
could pay someone at the mall to
do it, but that would require spend-
ing more money, which is hard to
come by when you are in college.
Packing to make the trek home is
also a big pain in the neck. When
you moved
in the fall, all the ex-
citement of going back to school
occupied your mind. You did not
think that in just three and a half
months, you would be packing up
your life again. Lack of room in
your suitcase makes you wish you
did not have such an extensive
It is now that you begin to realize
that the friends you are with every
day are not going to be around for
an entire month. You will all pack
up your things and go your sepa-
rate ways, scattering throughout
the country. With this in mind,
there is a rush to spend as much
time together as possible. Al-
though studying may be the more
important thing, somehow that
movie night with the girls or a night
of watching football with the guys
finds its way to the top of your pri
ority list. Naturally, this leaves less
time for studying, and more time
for cramming and staying up all
When exam week is finally over,
As finals week begins,there is a
light at the end of the tunnel:
winter break begins next week.
and you have made the journey
back to wherever it is that you call
home, it is important to remember
that it is a vacation. You should
use your time there as wisely as
you possibly can. It may seem like
forever away, but now, only finals
stand between you and your va-
cation. Here is a list of things to
keep in mind while you're cramming
for that next exam. Just think, if
you can tough it for just a few more
days, this is what is waiting for you
at home:
1. Sleeping .. .in your own bed.
2. Seeing your family.
3. Visiting with the friends you
haven't seen in what seems like
4. Eating real food (even Christmas
leftovers sound better than the
Marist College dining hall).
5. Christmas presents (giving away
that stuff you spent so much study
time shopping for).
6. Working (you need to get back
all the money you blew partying
during the first semester).
7. Ringing in the new year (2002
here we come!).
8. Driving! (This may not apply to
everyone, but the freshmen can
appreciate it).
9. Dishwashers, as well as wash
machines and dryers that do not
cost an arm and a leg to use!
10. Not having to worry about
Good luck to everyone on your fi-
nals, and have a great holiday sea-
Students travel overseas for Spring 2001
Despite 9-11 tragedy, more students than ever are studying abroad
Features Editor
The end of the semester is ap-
proaching quickly. Exams, papers
and final projects overflow on the
college student's calendar. Never-
theless, there is a light at the end
of the tunnel: winter break.
While the break may be a short
hiatus for most students on cam-
pus until the return for yet another
semester at Marist, there is a per-
centage that will not be returning
to Marist for the spring academic
semester. Rather, they will be ven-
turing to new lands as they begin
their experience abroad.
The Marist Abroad Program di-
rectors worked hard this semester
to review the many applications of
, _ stUdents who had applied for the
Spring 2002 semester abroad.
Carol Toµfali, director of the
Marist Abroad Program said there
were a large number of applications
for the Spring 2002 semester.
"We received over 100 applica-
tions for spring," she said.
The result of the application pro-
cess: 83 students will study abroad
next semester. Eighty of these stu-
dents are from Marist, while oth-
ers are students at Wabash Uni-
versity, Willamette University and
Rutgers ·university studying
abroad through the Marist Abroad
The volume of students ventur-
ing overseas next semester is al-
most equal to the number of stu-
dents who studied abroad in both
the Fall 2000 and Spring 2001 se-
mesters combined.
Carol Toufali, a director of the
Marist Abroad Program said that
the number of students studying
abroad is growing.
"There are thirty nine students
studying abroad this fall, totally
that equals 122 students total this
academic year, as opposed to 84
total last year," she said.
The directors, and former abroad
students have worked hard to pre-
pare the upcoming group for their
departure. Weekly meetings as well
as luncheons help students with
passport applications, visas and
airline tickets, a few of the many
necessary details needed before
Toufali said she wants students
to be as ready as possibly before
their departure.
"My primary concern is that stu-
dents be prepared going abroad,"
she said.
During the Spring 2002 semester,
these students will travel to the
countries of: Spain, England, Ire-
land, Italy, Australia, Japan and
France. Each country has a differ-
ent culture; just as each student
going abroad will have a different
And as for advice for to the ven-
turing students, Toufali says to
dive right in.
"Just don't it," she said. "They
won't regret it."
Good luck to those traveling this
winter break and those studying
abroad next semester. Bon Voyage!

Congress shall pass no law ... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.
Threatening civil liberties with vacant rhetoric
Opinion Editor
Last Thursday, Attorney General
John Ashcroft atten.ipted to defend
the Bush Administration's use of
military tribunals to prosecute sus-
pected terrorists. However,
Ashcroft's performance suggested
little preparation for his appearance
before the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee. Members of Congress wanted
to hear from Ashcroft on a number
of issues, ranging from how the tri-
bunals, established by an executive
order of the president, would func-
tion to whether or not Bush's de-
mands actually violate the Bill of
Though some may argue that
America has never faced a foe as
treacherous as the al-Qaida net-
ignominy lies in the un-
demand to curtail lib-
erties 'in favor of trying a vast net-
work of terrorists.
As President Bush cited prece-
dents for transgressing against civil
liberties in wartime, Senator Patrick
Leahy (D-VT) was working hard to
ensure the constitutionality of the
Administration's actions. In other
declared wars, including the War of
1812 and the Civil War the nation
had to deal with enemy sympathiz-
ers and spies at home.
In the war on terrorism there are
no defined lines, and many argue
that America is a battlefield nation.
Senator Ashcroft argued that, "the
president's authority to establish
war crimes commissions arises out
of his power as commander-in-
chief. For centuries, Congress has
recognized this authority, and the
Supreme Court has never held that
any Congress may limit it."
Yet, at a time when the national
government appears inviolable to
public discord, civil rights and lib-
erties may be violated at the cost
of patriotism. What about the in-
evitable abuse of power that awaits
patiently for Congress' next move
during America's hegemony in the
According to one New York Times
columnist, George W. Bush's or-
der "is astonishing, allowing for
the indefinite detention and trial of
any non-citizen the president
deems to be amemberofal-Qaida,
or to be involved in international
terrorism of any type, or to be har-
boring terrorists."
Perhaps George W. Bush should
consult as many etymologists as
he has war hawks, because, as his-
tory tells us, a terrorist is someone
who adopts or supports a policy
of terrorism. Thus, before Presi-
dent Bush prints out his latest list
of scaremongers, he should con-
sider the extent of his power in us-
ing military tribunals to prosecute
suspected terrorists. Throughout
the Beltway there is confusion as
to whether or not the tribunals will
be held in the United States.
Moreover, Senator Leahy pointed
out the contradiction in Ashcroft's
argument by stating that, "The
Supreme Court has never upheld
the president's authority ... to uni-
laterally set up military tribunals
absent congressional authority."
What concerns most civil libertar-
ians is the way in which the tribu-
nals may be used.
If the tribunals were conducted
like a court martial, there would be
no jury or civilian judge. In fact,
most critics want the Bush Admin-
istration to explain what they have
in mind, and to hear White House
Counsel, Alberto Gonzales, explain
their use and operation.
President Bush signed the order
into effect on November 13, and
while the public overwhelmingly
Administration's methodology,
Congressional Democrats are sim-
ply concerned with the constitu-
tionality of government actions.
When the country's Attorney Gen-
eral insipidly exclaims that he does
not have any information about
how the tribunals would operate,
and that Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld is handling this
issue "it is difficult to believe the
attorney general," writes MSNBC
Contributor John W. Dean. The
ultimate question is whether or not
suspected terrorists should be
tried in civilian courts or by mili-
tary tribunals.
Ifwe assume that these terrorists
are well-trained, well-financed, self-
sufficient and well-equipped, then,
in reality, we do not have any idea
who these people are. However,
any reasonable response must be
met by the harshest of criticism by
the scathing eye of civil libertar-
ians and rightists. Moreover, this
discussion is filled with nuances
that add to the pejorative nature of
the president's action.
Not only does the wording of this
law impinge upon terrorists, but it
brings the country back to the days
ofNixon. After
Nixon dealt with
terrorism abroad in another one of
America's traditionally undeclared
wars. Yet, for some reason the Viet-
nam conflict witnessed unparal-
leled disagreements amongst
doves and hawks.
Today, America is using the lan-
guage of revenge and vindication
in a conflict that is rooted in an
unwieldy history. Supreme Court
Justice Louis D. Brandeis remarked
in the Olmstead case of 1928 that,
"In a government of laws, exist-
ence of the government will be im-
periled if it fails to observe the law
scrupulously .. .If the government
becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds
contempt for law; it invites every
man to become a law unto himself,
it invites anarchy."
Civil Libertarians hope that the
government would not commit
crimes in order to secure the con-
viction of a criminal; this in itself
would bring upon the government
terrible retribution. In the end,
America must seek action within
the scope and framework of the
Ben Brenkert is a senior double-
majoring in American Studies and
History. He also hopes to attend
NYU's School of Social Work in
the Fall.
Senate drops the ball with new drug czar: John Walters can eat a fat one
Staff Inspiration
The United States Senate, still trip-
ping over their feet after signing
away our civil liberties and the Alas-
kan refuge, approved John Walters
for the Bush administration's ap-
pointment of drug czar. Walters won
approval on Dec. 6 via a voice vote
that allowed individual Senators to
vote without the public getting an
accurate record .of what position
they voted for.
Walters has worked under former
drug czar William Bennett and has
repeatedly made comments that
prove he is an intellectual giant in
the fashion of Dan Quayle, with the
compassion of a modern day Stalin.
He has denied the real facts that
the United States, per capita, has
more people in prison than Russia
and he testified before the Senate
. Judiciary Committee in
that imprisonment for non-violent
drug offenses serves "a moral
lesson ... And I am against the part
of the conversation earlier that sug-
gests that there are too many people
in jail."
That's pretty funny, I thought hav-
ing over 2 million people in our pris-
ons was a lot, especially when al-
most 500,000 of them were non-vio-
lent drug offenders. Nor does
Walters recogize the racial dispari-
ties present in the nations prisons.
He was quoted by the Weekly Stan-
dard on March 5, 2001 as saying,
"neither is it true that the prison
population is disproportionately
made up of young black men ... crime,
after all, is not evenly distributed
throughout society." For Walters
and other readers that failed junior
high vocabulary lessons, dispro-
portionate would equivocate to
African Americans consisting of
13% of U.S. population, yet being
arrested for 21 % of all drug pos-
session crimes and 49% of drug
sales in
according to statis-
tics cited in "Race to Incarcerate"
by Marc Mauer.
Treatment and rehabilitation is
just another "manifestation of lib-
erals' commitment to a 'therapeu-
tic state' in which government
serves as the agent of personal re-
habilitation," according to Walters.
Even former drug czar, Barry
McCaffrey, was startled to hear
some of Walters' beliefs regarding
treatment and McCaffrey has criti-
cized Walters' over-reliance on in-
This closed-minded view of the
penal system is why the "war on
drugs" has failed so completely and
miserably. Studies have shown time
and again that education, rehabili-
tation, and treatment programs re-
duce recidivism rates among pris-
oners. Along bumbles Walters and
suddenly we're back in stone-age
wondering ifthe rain god is avoid-
ing us because we used the wrong
hand to scratch our asses.
Walters has also been an outspo-
ken proponent of mandatory mini-
mum sentences for non-violent
drug offenses. This is probably one
of the most idiotic policies ever
adopted by our criminal justice
system; in
the average fed-
eral sentence for drug offenses was
78 months, more than twice the 30 equately fit the crime.
government out of millions by
month sentence for manslaughter,
The problem goes deeper than avoiding tariffs and taxes?
according to an article published just Walters however (although he
Our society persecutes those that
in the Guardian on Sept. 8.
will significantly screw up, mark my sell drugs because they poison
Maybe I just have odd priorities words). It's time we looked at the people and ruin their lives but how
but it seems like a basic concept things we classify as crime and often have we shut down and de-
that killing someone should carry what we let slide every day.
stroyed the huge conglomerations
a heavier penalty than selling them
Our society locks up poor people that pollute our earth and water?
some pot. There has been wide- everyday for stealing little things
Even when there is undboubtable
spread opposition to mandatory that they couldn't afford because evidence of the damage a company
minimum sentencing, even within stealing takes away from society has done we let them slide; GE got
the criminal justice system as yet how often do we lock up multi- off lucky in my opinion because
judges reluctantly sentence moth-
millionaires that cheat on their taxes they should have to do a lot more
ers to jail for long periods even or companies that forge trade docu- than clean up the river. Ever get
though the sentence does not ad- ments so they can cheat the U.S. the feeling you've been cheated?
"question of the week"
Last week, I picked up a copy of and s1m1lanties.
was my hope Puerto Rican descent I sometimes
the school newspaper. As I flipped that I could better myself by ex- felt that people looked at me differ-
through the pages, I was stopped panding my knowledge.
ently because of my background.
when the words "Is the student
The article disappointed me be- I too felt different at times; from
of minorities" cause I felt that this school was many times being the only minor-
smacked me across the face. My better than that. I feel that it was a ity in a classroom to being the first
stomach turned and I made believe poor choice of words and that the name professors remembered be-
that what I had just read was all a message conveyed was not nee- cause it was only Hispanic name.
misconception. But when I looked essarily the one intended but I During my first semester here at
for a second time the words ap- know.that the many minorities that Marist I experienced a strong cul-
peared again. l stood there in dis- attend, work and are affiliated with ture shock. As time went on, the
belief not wanting to continue and the school did take the statement overwhelming sense of difference
read what the article had to say.
to offense.
lessened. However nothing has
Even now in the 21" century, I
I hope that everyone realizes how ever made me· feel as different as
didn't know that minorities had to one word can cause so much con- the day I felt when I opened up the
be "tolerated", especially in a so- troversy and that in the future they campus newspaper and read the
ciety that has supposedly come so will be more careful with what question of the week. "Is the stu-
far and during a time when our words are chosen.
dent body tolerant of minorities?"
country has been hit so hard by Sincerely
I feel that as a campus newspaper
others. I am a young Puerto Rican Jacqueline Gonzalez, sophomore it is your responsibility to repre-
woman that lives in the Bronx, a
When I first came to Marist I sent the student body as a whole.
borough that is predominantly His- soon realized that Marist was not This cannot be done if the ques-
panic, and I came to Marist in hopes as diverse as the community that I ti on alone separates us from all
ofanewculturalexperiencewhere grew up in coming from NYC. I other members of the student
I could educate others about my have always felt the presence of
culture as well as learn about other the minority community at Marist,
types of people, our differences or shall I say lack of. Being of
Jennifer Ramos

_______ THE CIRCLE ______ _
December 13. 2001
'~:RTAINM ~:N'
Ed said ... Tis' the season for .a few good laughs
catch here of course, is that the (BeverlyD'Angelo)closesthedoor ardly around the house in a not- bly done wrong starts throwing
Managing Editor
scenarios are exaggerated, and any- not realizing her "Sparky" is up so-festive mood.
a tantrum as he kicks the nearby
thing bad that can happen eventu- there. The whole family then pro-
Perhaps the funniest and most plastic Santa and reindeer. In a
ally does.
ceeds to leave on a shopping trip memorable scene that occurs is an- mini Christmas miracle moment,
With all of the hustle and bustle
1}hat goes along with probably the
most commercialized holiday of
the year, everyone should do
themselves a favor, set aside
about an hour and a half, and
watch the funniest Christmas
movie of them all: Christmas Va-
Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase)
and his family are back in their
third Vacation movie, but this time
the family isn't traveling on an
adventure. Instead, their family
and friends gather together at
Clark's house for a Griswold fam-
ily Christmas. This film is such a
good one because most of the
scenarios that take place are fa-
miliar with everyone else. The
One instance of hilarity occurs leaving Clark all by himself in the other one that most of us can re- Ellen realizes that the problem
when Clark decides that it's time to dark attic as some slapstick humor late too. Clark absolutely loves may lie in the fuse box and de-
lead his family in a search for the involving Clark and the floorboards Christmas, and he wants to share cides to go fix it. AS Clark de-
biggest and best Christmas Tree ensues. The humor ends in a touch- that love with everyone he can. So cides to give the lights on last
ever. Instead of going to a tree lot ing moment in which Clark finds he decides to spread this love by try he connects the plugs at the
like most people do, Clark finds his some old home movies and watches decorating his house. To every- same time Ellen fixes the problem
tree in a forest and has no regard them with a twinkle in his eye.
one except Clark, though, his house and the whole city is awakened
for its size because no tree is too
The hijinx continue even further is transformed into a Christmas by the amazing, nearly blinding,
big for his family. When the tree is when the rest of the family arrives monstrosity as you can hardly see visual display.
brought into the house and is un- including Clark's idiotic cousin any part of the actual house be-
Clark, no matter what how big
wrapped, the branches fly every- Eddie (Randy Quaid) and his family. cause it is draped in holiday decor. the problem, always seems to
where, crashing through the win- After the family cat mistake the After finally getting all of the lights come up smelling like roses in the
<lows. Clark, ever the optimist, says strings of Christmas lights for some in place, it is time to plug them in end. Even when the police be-
that maybe it needs a little trimming. twine, the cuddly pet meets its un- for the first time. As the whole fam- come involved in a classic final
Another amusing occurrence is timely demise as it becomes electro- ily gathers outside in the freezing scene, Clark and his Christmas
when Clark is hiding his Christmas cuted when gnawing through the cold in anticipation of the festive spirit reigns supreme. This is a
gifts for everyone upstairs in the festive luminaries. Then when a display, their holiday cheer is great holiday film that is sure to
attic. While bumbling around in squirrel is found living inside of the turned upside down when the put a smile on your face and al-
the cozy confines of his upstairs Christmas tree mayhem ensues as lights fail to illuminate. Clark, won- low you for a brief respite from
storage space, his wife Ellen everyone begins running haphaz- dering what he could have possi- all of your holiday stresses.
Schulz adds a timeless touch to the holiday season
Staff Writer
This year the Holiday Season
seems different to me. This year,
more than ever, I think I am
searching for a "reason for the
season." I am struggling to get
that same feeling I had as a child
around the_ holiday time. The feel-
ing I am talking about isn't just
about Christmas; it is about this
entire season. Whether you are
celebrating Hanukah, Ramadan,
Christmas or Kwanzaa, you know
there was a feeling we all had as
children when the holiday car-
toons came on television. That is
what I wanted.
So many questions about our
future are popping up everyday,
uncertainty, paranoia, sadness, all
these feelings we still have lin-
gering from the attacks of Septem-
ber 11th. These were not feelings
we had as children. I ended up
looking over to the video cabinet
to search for the feeling I had lost.
There, on the bottom, covered in
dust and in a torn box was "A
Charlie Brown Christmas".
I took it out, brushed off the
dust, sat down and watched it. I
don't know if it is because of what
has happened over the course of
this last semester, but it made me
reminded me of my child-
hood Christmas' and the time lead-
ing up to it.
reminded me of put-
ting up the outdoor decorations
when they were brand new, freshly
painted and taller than
It re-
minded me of putting up the tree
late at night when I was a child
and waking up the next morning
to see it fully decorated and lit up.
Charlie Brown and Linus
reminded me of family.
We do not have to look very far to
find the "reason for the season" this
year, we can look to home, we can
look to our families and we can, for
the first time, fully appreciate that we
have in our family. Whether your fam-
ily is a conventional one or non-con-
ventional one, whether it is made up
of those related to you or just a close
group of friends, we should give
thanks for the memories we have with
The debut of
Oceans Eleven
A&E Editor
When Frank Sinatra, Sammy
Davis Jr. and other members of
the fabled Rat Race Pack made
the original Oceans Eleven in
1960, they never knew one
movie would be such a hit.
. Oscar winning director, Steven
Sodeberbergh, who also di-
rected Erin Brockovich and Traf
fie, has made, yet another great
movie. Oceans Eleven hit the
big screen this past weekend on
December 7, with its award-win-
ning cast.
He did a great job with the cast
members, with a full deck of
fresh faces, style and class. The
cast's good time and camarade-
rie during shooting came blaz-
ing through the screen. The
movie features George Cloony,
Brad Pitt, Andy Garcia, Julia
Roberts, Don Cheadle, Matt
Damon and Casey Affleck to
name a few.
George Cloony played Dapper
Danny Ocean. He was paroled
from a New Jersey penitentiary and
less than 24 hours later, he was
alri:.ady planning out his next
schema. He takes on the most
elaborate casino heist in history.
He lost the heart of his ex- wife
Tess, played by Roberts to a
wealthy hotel/casino owner, Terry
Benedict, played by Garcia.
With this in mind, Cloony picked
and 11-man crew of casino junk-
ies including: an ace card sharp,
played by Pitt, a master pickpocket,
played by Damon and a demoli-
tion genius, played by Cheadle.
These men were on a mission to
steal over $150 million from three
of Garcia's Las Vegas casinos.
Cloony came up with three gen-
part in the heist or his reunion with
her. But, who know, he may have to!
Even though the flick has proved
to be a hit, being the top movie at the
box office this past weekend,
Soderbergh, in an interview states,
"The film is one of those glittering
pieces of Hollywood entertainment
where you leave the theatre not feel-
ing cheated."
Rated PG-13, Oceans Eleven is one
to see. The action and wittiness
alone make it worth your while. Sit
back; relax and get ready to take
place in quite a heist.
. 'I·\.?
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eral rules for the heist. They in-
eluded: don't hurt anybody, don t ·
Julia Roberts and George Cloony
steal from anyone who doesn't
in the new hit movie,
deserve it and play the game like
Eleven. The movie opened on
there is nothing else to do.
In order to get the cash, Cloony
had to risk his chances of recon-
The A&E section would like to wish ev-
ciling with Roberts. But, ifhis pl~
eryone a safe and happy holiday!!
works out properly Cloony will
not have to choose between his
our family and thanks to the many
more we hope to have. For the first
time, in a long time, I have heard so
many people here at school telling
me that they just cant wait to be
home with their family.
"A Charlie Browns Christmas·"
first aired in 1965 and is 60 minutes
long. The comic strip's creator,
Charles M. Schulz, wrote the script
for the movie, which finds Charlie
Brown complaining about Christ-
mas and how it has no meaning
except for commercialism. In the
movie, Charlie Brown searches for
the meaning of Christmas and he
finds it. While trying to produce a
school play with his friends,
Charlie Brown picks out the small-
est tree he can find. He is ridiculed
for his pick, but later finds out the
true meaning of Christmas through
Linus' speech. The animated show
New School University
earned a Peabody and Emmy
award for children's program-
So, if you own a copy of "A
Charlie Brown Christmas", I
suggest you drag it out. If you
are on campus, wait till you get
home and watch it with your fam-
ily. If you do not own it you can
check it out this Sunday on ABC
at 8pm. Afterward, Whoopi
Goldberg hosts a behind-the-
scenes look at the making of the
tale, featuring comments by
Schulz and a tribute to its com-
poser, Vince Guaraldi.
If you decide not to take my
suggestion, here is another. Find
a movie you watched when you
were kid, sit down, and watch it.
Let yourself really enjoy the
movie and
hope you find the
"reason for the season" as I did.
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_______ THE CIRCLE ______ _
December 13, 2001
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December 13, 2001
The New York Islanders public
relations department developed a
clever slogan this summer in an
attempt to draw fans to the ·previ-
ously deserted Nassau Coliseum:
Hockey's Back.
The statement was in reference
to the hometown Islanders, but it
might as well have been referring
to the entire New York hockey
The Islanders, as well as their
hated rivals, the New York Rang-
ers, have risen from the depths of
the abysmal to reach exhilarating
heights with the best still yet to
come this
And they have one unforgettable
off-season to thank for it.
Almost immediately after
Raymond Bourque and the Colo-
rado Avalanche defeated the New
Jersey Devils in
7 of the 2001
Stanley Cup
Glen Sather and Islabders GM Mike
Milbury went to work on perhaps
the most important off-season in
New York hockey history.
For Sather and the Rangers, it was
a matter of revival -revival of a fran-
chise that had missed out' on the
postseason for four consecutive
seasons despite having the high-
est payroll in the league.
For Milbury and the Islanders, it
was a matter of survival - survival
of a GM and a team that had been
together for seven seasons with-
out making one postseason ap-
pearance, and survival of a once-
proud franchise on the verge of
After letting Jaromir Jagr slip
away from him, Sather took one
enormous gamble, on one enor-
mous man - Eric Lindros. He was
criticized for passing up on the
game's most prolific offensive
player in favor of a 6' 4 225 lb cen-
ter known more for his string of
nearly career ending concussions
than for his winning the Hart tro-
phy as league
while reviving
a deadpan Flyers franchise and
bringing itto chmnpionship's door-
step on multiple occasions.
As Sather was busy absorbing a
mass arsenal of the New York
media's best weapons, two other
Rangers, goaltender Mike Richter
and diminutive winger Theo Fleury
were busy busting their tails be-
hind the scenes gearing up for
probable returns to stardom;
Richter's from career threatening
knee injuries and Fleury's from a
life threatening substance abuse
Meanwhile, Milbury, equipped
with a bright young coach and
backed by new deep-pocketed
ownership, was armed with finan-
cial weaponry the likes of which
he had never had access to during
· his tumultuous tenure with the Is-
landers. He began firing at wilL
On draft weekend in June,
Milbury put together a pair of pros-
pect laden packages that helped
land his staggering franchise two
superstar shots of adrenaline: Ot-.
tawa Senators center Alexei Yashin
and Buffalo Sabres center Michael
Yashin, an ultra-talented scoring
machine with superb hands and a
nrecise wrist shot, and Peca, a
Hockey team on three game skid
afte.r losing to Siena and UPenn
Staff Writer
For one period, it appeared as
though the Marist hockey team
might be on its way to one of
its biggest upsets in recent
history. However, that moment
proved to be short-lived as the
Siena Saints used five unan-
swered goals to crush the Red
Foxes 6-2 at the Civic Center
on December 7.
Siena, the #1 ranked team in
the ACHA Northeast region,
was simply too quick and tal-
ented for the struggling Foxes
to contain. The Saints outshot
Marist 51-18 and controlled
play throughout much of the
Still, the Foxes were able to
hang around with Siena. This
was a far cry from the 14-0
Saints wip. when the teams first
met on-October 13.
Marist actually took an early
1-0 lead at 7 :21 of the first pe-
riod when freshman Chris Wall-
ing scored on a loose puck in
Backed by the goaltending of
Matt Allatin, the Foxes were
able to hold on to that.
miniscule lead for much of the
first period. Bu_t, in the flash of
an eye Marist would see its
lead evaporate and then find
itself trailing.
A Foxes penalty late in the
period gave S-iena a powerplay
and the Saints would capital-
ize as Joe Spiak scored off a
shot from
to tie the game.
Siena would then take the
lead with just 51 seconds left
in the period when Greg Kamph
redirected a shot passed
Allatin. The goal seemed to take
the life out of Marist as the
team's headed to the locker
room. '
Matt Hawks and Jeff Bostic
would give Siena a 4-1 lead af-
ter two periods. Then, early in
the third period Greg Kamph
would give Siena a 5-1 lead
Marist would give its fans a
brief glimpse of hope with just
under l 0 minutes to play.
Freshman Jeff Walling sent a
shot passed Siena's Matt
Dominelli to cut the Foxes defi-
cit to three.
Nevertheless, a Brian
Mitchell tally at 18 :28 put the
game away for the Saints
The Foxes penalty-killing
unit, which has been up and
down all season, struggled
against the polished Saints
powerplay. Siena was 3/5 on the
man advantage.
Marist was also not helped
by some bad luck. Junior Chris
Murray was especially snake-
bitten. On two separte occa-
sions late in the second period,
Murray was stopped on .semi-
breakaways, and then hit the
inside of the right post.
The Foxes also failed to take
advantage of ne.arly 9Q sec-
onds of a 5-on-3 powerplay at
the end of the second period.
Matist finished the game 1/5 on
the powerplay. .
· ~ "There
are opportunities ga-
lore that the coaching staff is
seeing from a strategic stand-
point," said Marist head coach
Bob Simmons.
it weren't for the play of
goaltender Matt Allatin, the
game would have been lop-
sided. Allatin had to face over
50 shots, many of which were
quality-scoring chances. The
senior goaltender was forced to
make 18 saves in the first pe-
riod alone.
The Foxes wrapped up the
first semester with a disap-
pointing 5-1 loss to the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania on Decem-
ber 8 in Newburgh. With the
loss, Marist goes into the holi-
day break on a three game los-
ing skid and has all but seen
any hopes of going to the Na-
tional Tournament destroyed.
One of the main problems for
the Foxes all season has been
a poor on-ice attitude, accord-
ing to Simmons.
"We've been working on the
(player's) mental gam·e and it
has just been unsuccessful,"
Simmons said.
Marist now stands at 5-9-3
overall, and 3-4-2 in Super East
League Play.
Simmons added that he has
seen some progress in the
"I have seen any number of
players, especially in the fresh-
man ranks improving. We have
had some sophomores step up
The Foxes are off until Janu-
ary 25. when they host Super
East League foe Stony Brook.
born-leader and former Selke award
winner as the league's best defen-
sive forward, were both headaches
for their former temns - headaches
that Milbury was all too happy to
Then, at the wavier draft, Milbury
picked up former Red Wings
goaltender Chris Osgood and his
two Stanley Cup rings and pro-
claimed the Islanders ready.
They were. So were the Rang-
The Islander flew out the gate,
winning l 0 games before they lost
one, and, while the team has lev-
eled off, it has shown beyond the
.shadow of a doubt that they're for
Yashin has been magical with the
puck, Peca has been every bit the
leader he's capable of being, and
Osgood ·has been superb between
the pipes. And every time that pre-
viously unknown winger Mark
Parrish touches the puck, it winds
up in the back of the net.
While, the Rangers did not fly
out of the gate the way the Island-
ers did, they turned on the jets in a
major way as the season pro-
Concussions are a thing of the
past for Lindros, who is once again
an MVP candidate that looks un-
stoppable, as unstoppable as he
did when he first took the National
Hockey League by storm.
Lindros's play has pµt a charge
in the already over-energized gmne
of Fleury, as the two have com-
bined with
Mike York to form
one of the most dangerous lines in
the game.
Then there is Mike Richter, who
has looked like a healthy, well, Mike
Richter, which is to say that he has
looked like a goaltender that sim-
ply will not let his temn lose.
Even when the Rangers struggle,
Richter is stealing them points, the
way he was in 1994 when the Rang-
ers took home the Stanley Cup.
And even when the Islanders are
not on top of their gmne, Yashin is
carrying them to victories, the way
Pierre Turgeon did in 1993, the last
time the Islanders shocked the
hockey world, and incidentally, the
last time they won a postseason
For all the good so far this sea-
son, the best is still to come.
and when the New Jersey Dev-
ils, the two-time defending Eastern
Conference champions,
around, all three area temns will be
fiercely battling in the midst of a
playoff race, and maybe down the
line, in the playoffs themselves.
After years ofhockey futility, New
York fans have reason to be excited.
They have reason because the
Rangers were right about Lindros, .
Fleury and Richter. They have rea-
son because the Islanders were
right about Yashin, Peca and
They have reason because the
Islanders were right about some-
thing else too.
Hockey's Back.
-~· !~' ~._.,-.

Athletes of the Week
Nick Eppehimer for scoring a career-high 18
points against Siena on December 6
Tim Cullen for being named to the I-AA
Mid-Major All-America Team
They Said
"We got into that same old cycle. We get a
lead, relax and go into cruise control ... My
big concern is we
have a killer
instinct at times. "
December 13,
-Men's basketball head
coach Dave Magarity to the
Journal after Thursday's win over Siena
Page 8
-Men's basketball opens up MAAC
with two wins
Sports Editor
·with victories over Rider on
Sunday and Siena on Thursday,
the Marist men's basketball
team improved its Metro Atlan-
tic Athletic Conference
(MAAC) record to 2-0.
On Sunday, the team traveled
to Lawrenceville, NJ, to take on
Rider. Despite a sluggish first
half, which found the team down
by as much as twelve, the Red
Foxes regrouped and put to-
gether an impressive second
half to earn an 80-69 victory.
Marist had four players score
in double figures. Sean
Kennedy led the way with 20
points, followed by 16 from
David Bennett and
for Rick
and Dennis Young.
'" •":'M""ario Porter, who recorded a
double-double with 20 points
and 17 rebounds, paced Rider.
Rider contributed to Marist's
second-half comeback, turning
the ball over 23 times to Marist's
nine giveaways. The Broncs
also sent Marist to the free
throw line 21 times, with Marist
capitalizing on 16 of the free
Down by two at the start of
the second half, Marist began
the second quarter with a 9-3
run and never gave up the lead.
The victory improved the Red
Foxes to 2-0 in the MAAC and
6-2 overall. The loss dropped
Rider to 0-1 in the MAAC and
2-5 overall.
On Thursday, Marist played
host to Siena in both team's first
MAAC contests of the season.
Marist looked to be in control
early on, taking an 11-point lead
with four minutes left to play in
the first half. However, Siena
went on a 10-0 run to cut the
halftime deficit to 1 point. How-
ever, Marist used a balance at-
tack in the second half to fight
off a pesky Siena team and earn
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the 77-69 victory.
Nick Eppehimer recorded a ca-
reer-high 18 points and a team-
high eight rebounds for Marist.
Matt Tullis added 17 points, fol-
lowed by Bennett with 12 and
Smith with 11.
Marist had an opportunity to
open the game up when Siena
forward Dwayne Archbold re-
corded a technical foul and his
fourth personal foul with 18 min-
utes to play in the game.
Archbold did not return to ac-
tion until there were five min-
utes left in the game, but the
Saints were within striking dis-
tance when Archbold finally re-
turned. Marist shot 75% from
the free throw line in the sec-
ond half, keeping Siena in the
game. Turnovers proved to be
the difference in the game, with
Siena giving the ball away 1"5
times compared to only seven
by Marist.
With :45 left to play, Marist
iced the game when Tullis found
Brandon Ellerbee underneath,
who then threw a behind-the-
back pass to Smith who finished
the play with a one-handed slam
as the nearly 2,500 on atten-
dance at the McCann Center
The loss dropped Siena to 2-7
overall and 0-1 in the MAAC.
Marist will be idle for 12 days
before hosting Central Florida
on December 22.
Women's hoops
1-1 in MAAC
Sports Editor
After suffering a 27-point de-
feat to St. Peter's, the Marist
women's basketball team
dropped to 1-1 in the Metro At-
lantic Athletic Conference
The team could only manage
to put 40 points on the board,
shooting less than 33% on the
afternoon. However, Marist ac-
tually outshot St. Peter's, who
shot 31. 7% from the floor.
Diesa Seidel was the only Red
Fox to score in double-digits,
netting 11 points and grabbing
7 rebounds. Peahen Felicia Har-
ris totaled 24 points and pulled
down eight rebounds in the vic-
Marist committed 20 turn-
overs to St. Peter's six and gave
the Peahens 19 free throw at-
tempts, with the team con-
nected on 17 of them.
On December 7, the team
hosted Manhattan in the teams
MAAC opener. Three Red
Foxes scored in double-figures
and the team hit 43% from the
field. Seidel recorded a
double with 11 points and
bounds. Sarah Tift totaled a
game-high 16 points. Marie
Fusci added 13 points in the vic-
The victory marked the first
time that the women's team won
its first MAAC game of the sea-
son since its entrance into the
league four years ago. The loss
also snapped a 12-game losing
streak to the Jaspers.
After a 12-day break, the team
will return to action on Decem-
ber 22 to host Delaware.
MAAC Women's Basketball Standings
(As of 12112101)
St. Peter's