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Reynard's Record, April 18, 1961


Part of The Circle: Vol. 1 No. 6 - April 18, 1961


ffeynards J f j l
Vol. I No. 6
April 18, 1961
J arents Day— ounday ripe ci
Sunday, April 23, will mark tjie occasion of- the first annual Parents' Day to
be held at Marist College. The main objective of this event is to acquaint the
parents with the college, faculty, and curriculum of their sons* The day will be-
gin at 10:00 A.M. with a speoial Mass in
pring weekend
Under the supervision of the Stud-,
ent Council, plans have been formulated
for a Spring weekend, whioh would take
place on the 19th, 20th, and 21st, of Mpjs
It has been planned as a salute to the
graduating Seniors. The Freshman,Sopho-
more and Junior classes will each spon-
sor a particular event during the three
The Freshman class will sponsor an
informal party to be held Friday night
at the Polish-American Club,
Saturday evening, the Juniors will
hold a semi-formal dance in the Hudson
River Room of the Poughkeepsie Inn. The
second annual Sophomore clam-bake will
take place Sunday a fternoon at the
Marist park in PlntikiH, New York.
Father details of the weekend will
be posted in weeks to come*
The&tte (Zuitd fitment*
For its"first production, the new-
ly formed Marist College Theatre Guild
will present The Wise Have Not Spoken,
by Paul Vincent Carroll. The play con-
ceros the Mac Elory family and tho
Our Lady of Wisdom Chapel. A Communion
Breakfast will be served in the main
Dining Hallo After breakfast, time will
be alloted for each student to
his parents a personal tour of the cam-
pus,, In this way, the student will be
able to stress any section of the cam-
pus of particular
interest to his
At 2:00 P.M. the Marist College
Theatre Guild will present a special
production of their latest play, The
Wise Have Not Spoken, by Paul Vincent
An informal social in the Student
Lounge will conclude the official ac-
tivities of the day. At this time,
faculty members will be present to ex-
plain and discuss the College curriculum,
Gary Smith *63> student chairman of the
tfay reports that ticket returns are
fair«It is hoped that all will partici-
pate in order to make the day
a com-
plete success and to assure the contin-
uance of this event as an annual affair.
The committee for the day con-
sists of: Bill Mc Intyre, Mass; John
Buscemi, Breakfast; James Pizzani,tour;
Dan Verrico, Playj Phil bruno, Social;
Jim Ca llahan, Programs; Gary Smith
Bill Gorman, co-chairmen of the entire
Parents' tickets will be available
untill Wednesday. Student tickets will
be on sale throughout the entire week*
, — ^ ^ t -
/ — ^ ^

A p r i l 18, 1961
Page Two
THEATER GUILD (cont. from p.l)
trouble they go to to keep from losing
their farm. The east is headed by Ann
Antoniolli as Una,Tom McAndrew as Peter
and Jerry McKenna as Francis. The rest
of the ca st, in their order of appear*
anoe are: John McLaughlin as Redfern,
Walt Bunten as Langley, Dick Kearney as
Paddy Ardee, James Coombs as Tiffney,
Tom Connolly as Mulligan, Dan Verrico
as Rafferty, Kathleen Martin as Cath-
erine, and Dave Reltter as the policeman.
The technical staff consists of
Jim Callahan,Pete Bruno, Gary Smith and
John Buscemi. The set designer is Tom
Connolly and the house manager is Pete
The play is directed by Mr, James
Britt, and his assistant is Emil
Oesterling.The producer is James Coombs
and the stage manager is Dan Verrico.
The faculty advisor for the grpup is
Bro« Joseph E. Luce Mataiese is in
charoe of make-up and Ellie MJ&od is prop
director. Other St. Francis girls par-
in this production aretEurcne
Judge, Mary, Crowe, Francis Adams, and
Linda Suttoni*
A full dress rehea rsal of the plqr
will be presented Thursday evening, and
the students of the area high schools
have been-- -ijwAted to attend. Public
performances will take place Friday and
Saturday evenings at 8jl$ P.M* Tickets
ore on sale in the College Bookstore*
A weekly newspaper publishe d by and
for the students of Marist College
on every Tuesday of the school year,
exclusive of vacation and
examination periods*
Editor: Charles Counsil
Business Manager: James Coombs
Copy Editor: James Callahan
Circulation Editor: James Piazani
t George Sommer, M.A.
Vol, 1 no. 6
April 18, 1961
by James Pizaani
The Freshmen Boarders and the
Freshmen Day-Hop I team tied for first
place in the Intramural Basketball
league* Each team boasted an eight and
one record. The Boarders were led by
the high scoring of Bob VanAernem and
John dela Rosa, and John Romeo bolstered
the boards. The Day-Hop team was spark-
ed by Joe Spada, Fred Weiss and Hughie
In closing out the season,it would!
be appropriate to praise the students
who refereed and Doctor Hooper who was
in charge of the Intramural program*
Next week, the Intramural program
turns to Softball, The Freshmen Board-
ers, the Freshmen Day-Hops, and the
Upperclassmen will each enter one team*
Each squad will play the other four
times. The playoff games are scheduled
for the last week of May*
crew at dark
This Saturday, Marist College makes
its entrance into the ranks of inter-
collegiate rowing at Worchester,, Mass««
in a dual meet with Clark University*
Coach Catanzaro's tentative first
boa t contains :#1, Phil Cullumy #2* Tom
Ertsj #3, John Bossj #U, Walt Herbstj
#5, Tony Rotoloj #6, Ed DiSantoj #7,.
Tony Campillij stroke, Ken Knappj cox-
swain, Gary Smith*
We wish the crew the best of luck
and hope that they bring home a win for
the Marist red and white.
9unio*3 Afeceii/e /?tn<si
Last Saturday* April 15, the Junior
class received their class rings at the
annual Ring Ceremony, in Seat of Wisdom
Chapel* The blessing of the rings was
performed by Fr, Casmir Zvirblis, O.P.*
a nd was followed by a short talk giwn
by Fr* Aldo J* Tos. This presentation*
the highlight of the year for the Jun-
iors, was attended by their parents and