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The Circle, October 26, 1965.pdf


Part of The Circle: Vol.2 No. 2 - October 26, 1965


Vol. 2 No. 2
26, 1965
By Ray Stewart
According to Brother Linus Foy, President of the College, our chances
of obtaining the Spanish Pavilion are just as good as the eight schools who
have made bids for it. But, there are several things in our favor; there are
thirteen men on the Spanish Cultural Affairs Committe who will decide
which school is to receive the Pavilion, eight of them are alumni from various
Marist schools. Brother Vincente, Brother Nilus Donnelly's counterpart in

Rome, is interceeding on our behalf. Finally, the Spanish Pavilion would
not be hidden in some comer of New York City but rather on display in the
Hyde Park tourist circuit. There are no other towns comparable to Poughkeep-
sie in size between here and New York City.
After the building is demolished at the Fair site its estimated value will
be in excess of $2,000,000.00. We are asking the Spanish Government to re-
invest $3,500,000.00 into the building for is transportation here and cost of
reconstruction· in return forlthis we would assure the Spanish Government of
fifty years of free advertising; use of its halls for occasional Hispanic Society
meetings and a lifetime guarantee of maintenance.
The pavilion itself is three hundred feet by two hundred feet and could
possibly be relocated
the present site of our ski slope. Its de~ign would fit
in perfectly with the architectural motif of the campus.
this ma£?m<?uth
building there are at least eight lecture halls or classrooms, an aud1tonum
'that easily accommodates eight hundred people
a very spacious hall which
could ser~e as a library-museum, and finally two restaurants, one of which
could possibly be rented out to Nick B'eni's or sonie other.
There is no questioning that many benefits that could accompany the
acquisition of the Spanish Pavilion. No doubt it would solve many of our ex-
pansion problems and again create problems of another sort. But there is no
limit to the amount of publicity and prestige that it could bring
Marist College.
Dennis Lammens
Marist is a school of many and var-
retreat with a talk to the students a-
ied traditions, last Friday, October bou the purpose and values of the
another tradition once again retreat.
got under way; it was in the form
The Retreat Master for the upper-
of the Fourth Annual Marist College classmen was Father James
0. S. A. Father McNulty,a
Friday evening at 7:00 P.M., in reknowned speaker, was from the Mis-
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel, sion Band of the Augu~tinian Fathers,
the located
- Very little has been said thi~ year


, ;":



The Freshman Retreat Master w~s


.1 .. ·
\,.: .
the ar.tivities ..
ments of the Residents' Board; and,
nsequently, very few students, the
Freshmen being at the head of the
list, actually know what the board
has done so far.
There was a stir recently on this
subject, when the judiciary of the
Residents' Board held its first hearing.
The results of this case clearly dem-
onstrated that this "representative
body of the resident students" was
not fooling around. The off ender was
fairly punished and the respect whjch
the board expects and deserves found
its roots.
Enforcement of regulations and
punishment of offenders is not the
only job which faces the board
its purpose is also to "be the official
representative of the interests and
opiqion of the resident students to
the administration on matters directly
affecting resident students"
this year the
board has worked to
have the dress regulations changed in
the cafeteria, to have the lounges
open on Sundays from 1-5
to enforce some sort of rule about
the bulletin boards within the dorm-
The Board hopes to have the regu-
lation concerning parential permission
which is necessary to go to a friend's
·home on a weekend changed or al-
tered in order to facilitate this com-
mon practice. Another idea which
they hope to develop is the announc-
ing of club meeting and events the
night before they are scheduled to be
held. With the completion of Cham-
pagnat Hall, the Residents' Board
organize the schedulingofmeeting
by making it mandatory for all organ-
izations to contact the board vice
president and enlightening him as to
time and place. This is intended to
prevent conflicts, such as the ones
which have occurred so many times in
the past.
Mike Tobin, the Secretary of the
The Seniors
given the op-
. ,+~~i'i:il!t
tion of either attending the retreat
Residents' Board, said he could not
stress the importance of the student
understanding of and cooperation
with the board and its rules. Any
questions or suggestions about it can
he addressed to Mike, Jim Larkin,
the President, or Stan Golembeski,
the Vice-President.
K. of C. Officers
John Skehan
The Champagnet Council of the
Knights of Columbus met on Thursday
October 14. At their meeting vacant
offices were filled and matters of im-
porant business were discussed by
the members.
The newly elected officers were
Inside Guard, Mr. Edward Sulkowski;
as Outside Guard, Mr. John Kenny;
as Deputy Grand Knight, Mr. Joseph
Towers. Mr. Maurice Talbot was elec-
ted as the council delegate to the
district meeting.
The members of the council made
plans· for their up coming Halloween
party for the orphans of the area.
for uppe:classmen or going ind!vid-
" ~

ually or
groups to make a private
retreat off campus at one of the many
by Bill Karl
Sunday, October 17th was the date
of this year's Annual Junior Clambake.
Six-hundred hungry, thirsty college
students, entertained by "The Banned"
of Marist, gulped down everything
from clams and beer to meatball
heroes and sarsaparilla soda.
Sixty-five girls from Marymount
College, all pioneers of an innovation
here at Marist, finished up the week-
with a bang. They had come up
Friday, on an invitation from Michael
B. Feddeck and had attended all the
social events of the weekend. One of
the girls was quoted as saying that it
was one of the "campest weekends"
she had ever had.
Bill Urkiel, the President of the
Junior Class, said that he would like
to thank Stanley Golembeski, Kevin
McGee, Dick Plazza, and all the other
workers, without whose helo the event
would have been impossible.
retreat houses located around the
Poughkeepsie area.
An invitation was extended by
Father Driscoll to all non
students to attend the retreat if he.y
so desire. It is felt that the non
olic students could be given a better
understanding of Catholicism and
what it means
they attend.
equipped with four double lounges
to be used by the students for their
leisure time and to accomodate guests
on the appointed days.
The biggest
problem hampering the total use of
the lounges is that they are currently
overstuffed with furniture for the
Student Center which cannot be re-
moved until that section of the Cham-
pagnet Complex is completed.
Bro. Michael Kelly hopes that next
year when everything is completed
we will be able to afford wall-to-wall
carpeting in the lounges which will
cost in excess of $1500.00 per carpet.
The lounge furniture will consist of
tha which may be found on the
first floor lounge. Planters will even-
tuually be installed against the wall
under the typing rooms.
The present ruling for the admit-
tance of female guests to the lounges
is 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. on Sundays. This
was decided uoon by the residence
Board and approved by Bro. Michael
Kelly. Bro. Michael feels that we
should see how this system works
first before attempting to have the
visiting privileges extented to other
days of the week. Bro. Michael futher
said that when Champa~net is com-
pleted there will be an Open House

Page 2
Michael A. Goldrick, F.M.S.
Very often the editorial policy of a
collegiate weekly or bi-weekly news-
paper consists in the formulation of
mature and responsible criticism of
outstanding defects in the adminis-
trative and acedemic faculties, as well
as in areas of student involvement.
Not frequently, however, and quite
unfortunately, this criticism assumes.
a predominantly negative tone with-
out a corresponding balanced of re-
cognition and applause in these same
Thus it is fitting, I think, that some
of the outstanding additions to the
faculty of :Marist College this semest-
er be introduced to the general pub-
lic - the entire student body.
Restricting ourselves to the Human-
ities for the moment, the name and
personality of Mrs. Eva Plaut stands
out in bold relief in the newly ex-
panded department of Art. Few are
aware of the impressive background
and fund of experience which Mrs.
Plaut brings with her to the campus,
although an awareness has certainly
spread as to the fine quality of her
lectures in Twentieth Century Art.
Mrs. Plaut was born in Berlin. At
an earlv age she moved to Holland
with her family where she received
her primary education. In 1947 she
went to England and, after extensive
study at St. Martin's School of Art,
she was graduated with a N.D.D.
(National Diploma in Design) in
During these years in London, she
was deeply concerned with drawing
and the graphic arts, never ceasing to
work and study when traveling thro-
ughout England and Europe. This
background has continued to support
her ever expanding expressions in
fine arts and has contributed to her
work in advertising and fre·e lance
In 1951, Mrs. Plaut married in Is-
rael where she continued to work in
drawing and painting at the Sulkis
Studios in Tel Aviv. A great deal of
educational experience was gained
the years following her settlement in
Israel as an assistant teacher to Dr.
Herman Sulkis.
After a brief return to England in
1953 the Plauts came to the United
States where they have since resided.
At no time has there been more than
th briefest of breaks in the continuity
of Mrs. Plaut's study and work. The
broad and profound understanding of
classical painting as well as clarifving
observations in the modern art field
give ample testimony to this study
and work.
Mrs. Plaut has arrived at Marist at
a time when the fine arts are begin-
ing to take a more important place in
campus life. Exhibitions for the new
Champagnat gallaries, for example,
have been scheduled
for many
months. Artists of local and national
repute will show a wide variety of
representational as well as abstract
art throughout the year.
The gallery itself is surrounded by
two other areas of artistic interest. At
the far end of the exhibition lounge
lies the impressive entrance to the
Theater for Performing Arts which
itself flanks one of the handsomest
areas of the new complex, the sculp-
garden ( which, according to
rumor, is also expecting some interes-
ting arrivals.)
All in all, the year should be an
active one for those who possess even ·
a mild interest in the Fine Arts. And ·
for those of us who do not .... well,
that Saturday night date just might.
· ·By Joe ·Towers
·· I would like to devote this column
to ·-the Marist College Theatre Guild ..
The Studen.t Brothers, now official
Il}embers -of the Guild, will present
nights of October 28, 29, and 30. They
will· also present a matinee on Sun-
day, the 31.
The cast has been set for the pro-
duction of Maxwell Anderson's
by t4e regular Guild. The play
is set in the Hudson Valley, and is the
story of a man, Van Van Dorn ( played
by Jim Sullivan), who owns a moun-
tain. A trap-rock company is trying
to force him to sell his property, and
the two representatives of this firrri,
Art J. Biggs ( played by Alex Areno)
and Judge Skimmerhorn (played by
Joe Towers), employ legal and not so
leg.11 means of trying to force him to
sell. Van's girlfriend, Judith (played
by Jo Ann Archer) wants him to sell
so they can afford to get married:
Needless to say Van "is opposed to
Also enterin_g into the story are
three. bank robbers, played by Joe
by Albert Carlson
On September 23, 1960, Nham Dam,
the Pravda of North Vietnam, stated
in an article: "The immediate task of
the revolution in the South consists
·overthrowing the dictotorial clique
in power in South Vietnam." This
was North Vietnam's declaration of
war against South Vietnam. The state-
ment was typical of all Communist
_d~clarations against freedom, another
inqu~trial society was to surrender to
the inevitable Marxian dialectics and
the proletariat ·would rule.
Puceta, Tim Morrison, and Peter
·walsh. Shimmerhom Senior, played
by Nelson Mashour Jr.; An Indian,
played by Joe Cronin; and two state
troopers, plaved by Dave Thompson
and Bruce Magner.
addition to these characters,
Maxwell Anderson also includes a
fantasy into the play wich consists of
a Dutch Captain, ( played by Jim
Yardley), his wife Lise ( played by
Peggy Kane), De Witt, a schemeing
old salt( played by Bill Townsend),
and members of the crew ( played by
Walter Behrman, John Sceleppi, Mike
McDonald, and Ron Seussa).
Committee heads include: Tom
Connelly, lighting; 'Hank Russ, proos;
Pete Petrocelli, set design; Toe Walsh
. construction; Angela Fedricks, make,;,
up; Chet Fultz, Costume design; Ken
France Keliy, House Manager; Bruce
Soluski, .sound; Alex Areno, publicity;
Dick Furnari, Production Manager;·
and Mike McDonald, Stage Manager.
The play dates have been set · for
December 9, 10, and 11. The Direct-.
or is Mr. Jim Britt, and the moderator
of the Guild is
Stephen Lanning.
October 26, 1965
by Peter Walsh
Once upon a time in the land. of
freedom, a communist was considered
a tolerated menace or a subersive to
society. Now a new door has been
opened. Today, through the cooper-
ation of ignorant sympathisers, an ap-
athetic public and the· sh·ings of
Moscow ( not necessarily in that
order) the menace has ascended the
pinacle of his parasitic sophistication.
While our leaders deal and dole
prestige in diplomatic poker, "the
contented masses sit on their asses"
accepting the intellectual subterfuge
of the antagonist. No longer is ~he
adversary considered a mere com-
munist or a red. He now wears the
cloak of the philosophic man worthy
to engage the innocent and sometimes
the misled idealist of the "enchanted
land of liberties." And in this realm of
the blind the one-eyed lord mocked
the mass for barring sightless witness
at the murder of "Kitty":
But how could the contented bare
witness, when the "leaders demon-
strated total neglect at the rape of
Germany and many more. And with
this in mind, We watch the grasping
power of the adversary marching up
the avenues of intel1ectual thought,
brandishing their newly dignified
aliases of Marxist-Lenist, Trotskyst or
even socialized, left-leaning, Mao
sympathising, ban the bombing, Fi-
delist loving, hate-hate mongering
slaves of peace. So with the doors·
swung open, we watch them enter;
encircling, pressuring and falcifying
mass opinion. They now tell us to a-
bandon Viet Nam and not to forsake
world peace. By marching, picketing
and amassing naive support, they
threaten to change national policy.
And through no fault of their own,
our leaders listen to them. For the
content remain blind anq continue
their role as the happy mass.
On· December 15, 1961, President
Diem directly asked Pres~dent Ken-
nedy to help South Vietnamese defeat
the communist Viet Cong. President
Kenn~dy· replied, ''The United States
remains devoted to · peace and our
purpose is to help your people ( main-
tain) their independence". This is why
we are in Vietnam. The opponents of
Qur position should consider the fact
that ·our assistance was requested by
President Diem.
Ski Cluh Builds Slopes
'The fustification for our stand rests
in qur _beliefs in the rights of man and
our understanding that communism
aestroys ·the liberties that man de-
serves. Also, we must hold that co-
existance with an a~gressor is im-
possible and only defeat will stop an
agressor. Finally, we must face the
truth that the United States, as the
most powerful nattion in the free
world must accept the responsibility
of helping weaker nations retain their
By Fran Murphy
After an unsuccessful season last
year, the Ski Club under the direction
of Walt Darbin, president, has re-
deemed itself in the construction of
an on-campus ski area. The Ski area
will consist of two motorized ski tows,
two slopes, two trails and a glade or
vlooded ·slope. Hopefu1ly the area will
also have lights, for night skiing, and
a small warm-up shelter.
The Bowl is located behind Shea-
han Hall and is fast nearing com-
pletion. Members of the ski club and
few public spirited students have
been working for the last five weeks
unc1cr the handicap · of inadequate
tool•: so that the Snow Bowl might be
ready this winter. T11clving the
turnout thus far, it11 more than likely
be ready on time.
This new facilitv will enable stu-
dents to enjoy a whole new range of
activity. Plans proJ?OSed include free
use of facilities for club members,
free instruction by qualified student
instructors, ski date nights for mem-
bers, invitations to girls schools to
join us on given nights, and hopefully
an interclass race.
order to join the Ski Club, two
working days on the part of each
member are required and there will
be a five do11ar dues charge. Anyone
wishing to join is requested to sign
un with either Walt Darbin in 214
Champagnat or Fran Murphy in 216

October 26, 1965
Page 3
The guarantee of freedom of speech and freedom of the press in an
inherent factor in the Bill of Rights. However, in some colleges and univer-
sities around the country
these principles are not adhered to. The Colonist
fought a war of Independence to grant these provisions to the people, yet
today they are still infringed upon.
But here at Marist we have been extremely fortunate. The administra
tion regards liberalism on all levels as one of the aspects that separates
Marist from these other colleges. For this freedom we are greatly apprecia-
tive. It permits the students to present their views and debate them with
their peers or professors.
The college newspaper, CIRCLE, has tried in its brief history to be the
spokesman for, not only the students, but also the teachers and the adminis-
tration. When a situation arises which we feel merits our criticism or praise,
the presses roll and
new chapter is added to the history of the College. We
try to arouse the minds of everyone on campus to a realization of what is
happening on their doorstep. We try to stimulate thought and discussion.
But in the process we seem to arouse nohing more than controversy and in
some instances, utter confusion. This usually results in a steady flow of
stormy criticism, which develops to such a level, that no matter what is said
in defense or rebuttal, the opinions formulated hold steady in an individual's

mind. He cannot and will not be swayed in his thinking. In other words, andt
contrary to accepted principles, guilty until proven innocent but
without the benefit of a non-biased jury.
Irresponsible reporting can lead to the above, as can a misinterpretation
of printed material. For irresponsible reporting, I, as Editor-in
Chief, take
sole responsibility since one of my duties is to varify beforehand what has
been printed. But for misinterpretation, the burden of rcsponsibilitty falls
upon that individual, not the Editor of the CIRCLE
At any rate, no on
person or organization can be perfect. vVe are all
human and therefore subject to mi~take. But public or private criticism,
some of which highly irregular and uncalled for, is not the solution. CIRCLE
is a student newspaper, run by the students for the students. It is under no
sanctions by the administration with the exception of remaining non-libelous.
But it can say what you feel and believe or question if your material is
submitted in the form of a Letter. Then everyone will know where we stand,
just as our editorials show where we ~~and. So criticise in CIRCLE, not be-
hind closed doors or stooped over some bar.
Just as all people have their hopes and fears, we, too, of CIRCLE have
ours. The former cent
rs around a liberal or open-minded press and the
latter engulfs its removal. I for one am a strong supporter of a liberal news-
paper. Sometimes "Yellow Journalism" creeps into the material, but that's all
part of a liberal press. And occasionally it was presented that way.
If you, the students of Marist C01lege
shall have it. But if a conservative paper is desired by the majority, then the
m~ed for an open-minded Editor is no more. Therefore, until this question
is fully resolved, I am carefully considering the termination of my position.
Gerald Johannsen
i\farist College and Vassar have not alwaysbeen on the most agreeable
student terms
No matter how hard some of our students work to bring about
a friendly atmosphere between the two campuses, there always seems to be
a few jokers whq can't leave well ·enough alone, but rather try to have some
fun at the expense of Vassar. The only trouble being that they always wind
up hurting themselves more.
The Fleur-de-Lis International, as well as other clubs and organizations
on campus, sponsor discussions and socials with Vassar. Although their chief
aim is a cultural one, they are also h·ying to bring about a friendly atmosphere
between the two schools. However, all their work is undone by a few who feel
that they would like to "borrow" a bicycle or who can't control their mouths.
,ve are a growing college. A college which is gradually enlarging and
developing a reputation which will spread as far as our students venture. \,V
need this name. We need a fame that will precede us and open doors for us.
when some of our number b
gin to degrade our reputation, we are
caught with one foot natle dto the floor - unable to step forward.
· Therefore, let's really get on the right track and set Marist on a well-
founded base from which we can sl)read our name everywhere
Let's all work
together to establish Marist as a Collge in' all aspects, not only with Vassar,
but with eve1y school and person we come in contact with.
William Fullam
Dear Sir,
attend one class more than he is so
Are we Marist students totally in- "generously" allowed? And is there
capable of possessing the ability to any rational reason why we must be
think and act for ourselves? Is there held accountable for each and every
any reason why we must be contin
occasion we do not attend a class?
ually shepherded about with little or Are we so unable to choose for our
no respect for our rights as individ- selves that we must be compelled to
uals? Is our mental capacity so limited
remain on campus for a compuls01y
that our every course of action must Retreat. Are we so irresponsible that
be forcibly dictated to us?
we must be reguired to meet a 10:30
Is our reasoning ability so limited p
m. room check? What effect on the
that our attire for on-campus meals, educational capacity of a student
classes and social affairs must be does the length of his hair have?
chosen for us and reguluated by one
,vhatever happened to the right
man's personal bias? \Vhy should a of the student to select; to partake of
man who is doing better than average not as he wishes? Must we sign away
work in a given subject, be placed our personal liberty as students when
, in danger of failing because he we matriculate? Well ......
chooses, for whatever reason, not to
Patrick W. Casey
we find no mud in joyville tonight.
Having just received the most re-
cent issue of Marist's answer to the
Manchester Guardian, we have de-
cided to go wading in this mainstream
Indeed, the
monologues contained therein em-
inently justifies the Arc
s moto:
itiation thru Critism." Not wishing
to find ourselves continuallv used as
a filler next to Tom
Jerry's laundry
ad, we also have chosen to place our-
selves at the unwind end of the tor-
rential wind-tu,mel of campus acri-
mony. Avast Maties, for none dare
call us reasonable.
The social life has never been bet-
ter. Some of us remember, for ex-
ample, when a social event was
; .... ,,,. •
=urpop"' of

1..1 .....
.. _..
.. ,

providing employment for those in at-
rf:endai:ice. How foolish! Obviously, im-
matunty and naivete leads one to ig-
nore the benefits of economic exploita-
tio~. How could we have ever charged
as httle as $.50 for a mixer? Ridiculous!
W~o cares is everyone, including the
ladies ( and the gentlemen too) had
good time? We hardly mad; any
money. We didn't even have beer; No
drunks! No mess! No animal shows!
(Two vVeeks Later)
We have failed! For alas, having
circled quixotically about the ca!Ilpus,
Underclassmen of Marist, Unite!
You have nothing to lose but your
Reginald Rose
October 28, 29, 30, 1965
Curtain Time: 8:30 P.M.
The Theatre - Champagnat Hall
Student Tickets:
:rn}:@)~;;I~:::::~:~~:~m~~:'.:~: ._-_-_-_
Chief .................................. Ger~l~ Johanrrntf
:::::::Assistant Editor
......................... vV1lham Fu am::::::::
:::::=Section Editors ......
... Richard Epp, James Morrison,::::::::
Joseph Towers, Thomas Bauer,::::::::
Bro. Thomas Simmons::::::::
les Di Sorrra :•:•:•:•
:::::::: rt • 1tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
}}Photography Editor ...
................................... Al ~aY}t
::::;:;:Business ~lanager ...........
... Mano Tnola::::::::
Facultv Advisor ................
............. Dr. George Sommer;:;:::::
... ·.•.·············:·.•······:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
·.·.·.:.· •


.· .·

.:.:.: .:.:
.: .::

October 9th saw the Marist cross-
country team in Fairfield, Conn. Mar-
ist defeated Fairfield University by a
three point margin, 26-29. Marist's
first five men placed 2nd, 3rd, 5th,
7th, and 9th. The names and times of
these men are: John Forbes, 23:14;
John Goegels, 24:18; Bob Hatfield,
24:59; Brendan Burke, 25:24; and
Dan Kuffner, 25:45.
Marist literally ran over New Paltz
on October 13th at a home meet.
Tremendous performances on the part
of the entire team helped defeat New
Paltz by a 17-44 score. The first four
men to cross the finish line were
Marist runners, John Forbes
Coegels, and two freshmen, Charlie
Rhodes and Bob Hatfield. Placing
7th was Dan Kuffner, Marist's fifth
man. All of the team members turned
in fine times; most were below the 30
minute mark for Marist's 4.7 Mile
course. John Forbes broke the 27
minute mark with a time of 26:54. It
looks as if John wants a new school
ohri Goe gels, Charlie Rhodes,.
Bob Hatfield, and Dan Kuffner had
times of 27:56, 27:58, 29:00, and
29:23, respectively. Brendan Burke- al-
so broke thirty minutes, with a time
of 29
42. When he was told of his
time, he said,
looks like under
thirty for the rest of the season." Bill
Nevins, Joe Walsh, Jimmy Walsh, and
Tom Beyer sliced minutes off their
previous times, which really puts the
team in good shape.
Captain Kevin McGee has asked
for n'ior~ support from the students,
especially at the home meets. He also
said that after being defeated by the
Merchant Marine, team morale was
very low, but that the morale has
steadily risen due to the team's last
two victories.
The record for the season thus far
has been four wins and one loss.
Check the bulletin boards in the
dorms and Donnelly Hall for the
cross-country meet notices, and give
the team outstanding support at its
next meets. It's you they are running
~_"-'.• ·i".c
. .
-- ·


at Harvard
By Paul
Harvard, a team that has not only
dominated crew on the eastern sea-
board but who has also been rated as
the number one crew in the world,
play~d host
Marist College on the
Charles River in Boston lase weekend.
This gave sudden proof of our pre-
dominance over other small colleges
in the nation as a starting hearth in
this regatta was by invitation only.
Marist found itself in such company
as M.I.T
, Northeastern, Brown, Syra-
cuse, and Boston College, all of which
are listed in the top ten of the nation.
a comparison could be made this
performance would have equaled
that of a Marist, Notre Dame football
Our team made a long journey to
the Charles River last week. A journey
that saw neither a rally nor a cheer-
leader, just long hours of work on
the river.
Although support might have been
too much to ask 250 miles away, a
little acknowledgement would not
have. It seems strange that recognit-
ion should come from so far away
rather than from the heart of our own
On October 30, Marist
the Fall Regatta Championship which
it won last year and the word from
"the men who know at Harvard" is
that Marist will take it, going away
by five lengths.
On a slippery field due to a heavy rain, the Vikings put up a good show
but mec wicu uereat,
The score at half time
However, during
the second half, Seton Hall cashed in on our inexperience and. on an mter-
ception. (.;ary Hederson was the quarterback until an •·equipment problem"
forced him out. Tnen Larry Carr took O\;er. All in all, the Y 11<.mgs aio well ror
their first game; they showed signs of inexperience, but as the season progres-
ses rm sure these problems w1il be overcomed ....
' On Saturday, Uctober 9, the soccer team traveled to Fairfield, Conn.
The team really
looked impressive and displayed
lot of team spirit as they
at last the team got on the winning way. Could Dr. Goldman keep
them on the right path tor the rest oftthe season? Apparently not, because
on October 12, the team was trampled 8-2 by Kings College on their small
home field. The season is
cill young and we could do well.
The cross-country team is really doing well this season. On October 2,
we won our first meet against Brookiyn and St. Francis Colleges by one point.
On October 6, the team traveled to Van Cortlandt Park to run against U.
Merchant Marine. We were running out of our class and we lost. Then on
we beat Fairfield by 3 points; and on October 13, we ran all o~erl
New Palt~ 17-44. In that last meet we took the first four places: John Forbes
came in first, John Goegels took second, Charlie Rhodes placed thir~ and
Bob Hatfield came
in fourth. As the season goes on John Forbes contmues
to come closer to breaking the school's record.
The Vikings lost last weekend by 24-12, but let's chalk it up to
experience. Right now, that is about all the team really needs. Lack of
it was probably never more evident than in our first dozen defensive
plays when it looked like Flag Day due to our off-sides, giving Iona their
first T. D. Their second followed closely as Iona recovered their own
kickoff and scored.
The first ten minutes, however, was about all the experience the
Vikings needed as they took hold and started to play football the way
it's supposed to be played. After that first ten minutes they looked im-
pressive and out-scored Iona two touchdowns to one, but they had
fallen too far behind to save that game. If they continue their improved
play, Seton Hall is in for trouble ..
and we have a powerful in-
centive - revenge
A tremendous team effort gave
the soccer team a thrilling 2-1
victory in over-time, defeating Southhaml?ton. We scored first on a
beautiful goal headed in by Les Nagey. Southhampton tied the score
in the second period, and
remained 1-1 until Captain Richie Schiller
scored in the first of the two five minute overtimes. It was a well played
game and Marist Really played as a team ....
was made at the college last Saturday as John
broke the existing course record of
previously held by Cornelius
Whe!an. Forbes came in first in the
meet against Adelphi University and
New Haven College by posting a
time of 26:31. The rest of the team
finished well to give us a winning
score of 28-37-80. John Goegels came
in fourth, followed by Charlie Rhodes
in the fifth position. Bob Hatfield
came in 8th and Dan Kuffner 10th to
round out the scoring. The team's
record now stands at 6-1, and captain
Kevin McGee says that "we'll get
t>ven better as the season goes on .. "
The sailing team came in fourth
against some rough competition last
Sunday down at Kings Point. Kings
Point won it by compiling 160 points.
Cooper Union and Fort Schyler tied
for second place with 134 points, and
Marist was fourth, one point behind.
Our performance among the 13
schools attending, was good enough
to earn us an invitation to compete
for the War Memorial Trophy at
Navy in November.
Has Two
Lobby of Champagnat
- 2nd
231 -
to 10:30
Sunday - Thursday
6 P.M.
Friday (
Hall only)
We Do Tailoring
Repair Work
